Ring Of Honor – February 27, 2025: The Guest Stars Do It Again
Ring Of Honor
Date: February 27, 2025
Location: H-E-B Center At Cedar Park, Cedar Park, Texas
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman
Last week’s show featured one match from the CMLL stars and now we are going to be seeing a bunch more of them. That’s at least something different from what we usually get around here, which has been the case in the last few weeks. Other than that, Chris Jericho is going to need a new challenger, though I’m not sure if we’ll be seeing that established here. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
We run down the card.
Atlantis/Esfinge/Fuego vs. Euforia/Gran Guerrero/Rocky Romero
Gran kicks Atlantis (62 years old) to start but walks into some armdrags. Atlantis gets knocked outside so it’s off to Fuego vs. Romero. Fuego dances a bit, then sends Romero and company to the floor for some more dancing. Esfinge comes in for some superkicks and a heck of a monkey flip to Romero. A springboard splash misses Euforia though and Romero decks Esfinge to take over again.
Euforia hits his own springboard splash so Fuego comes in and gets caught with a package tiger driver for two. Romero and company triple team Atlantis and Romero goes for the mask, which seems rather evil for him. Atlantis manages a quick high crossbody and Romero hits Guerrero by mistake. Euforia gets knocked down as well but he comes back up to kick Guerrero by mistake as well. Fuego comes in to clean house as everything breaks down. Back in and Esfinge grabs a wacky leg tying rollup to pin Romero at 7:44.
Rating: B-. The match was the usual fun stuff, though a good number of these people have an AEW/ROH background of commentary telling us that they’re awesome. That’s the issue with guest stars like this, as they’re very talented, but I have little to no idea who some of them are as they’re barely around here. It’s a nice enough treat though, and it was a good choice for an opener.
La Catalina vs. Lady Frost
Catalina takes her to the mat to start, which goes to a standoff. An exchange of quick near falls gives us another standoff before Catalina scores with a dropkick. The running hip attack against the ropes gets two but Frost is back up with a running clothesline. Frost’s front flip into a Cannonball connects for two and they’re back up for an exchange of forearms.
A German suplex drops Catalina and Frost adds a spinning slam for two more. Catalina is rocked and a corkscrew dive from the top gets another near fall. Back up and Catalina sends her into the corner and comes out with an electric chair drop, setting up a top rope splash to end Frost at 7:43.
Rating: C+. Frost had a good showing here, though Catalina seemed to be a bit more smooth out there. If the CMLL stars are staying around, Catalina getting a one off shot at Athena would be a fine way to go. It isn’t like there is anyone else to come after the title at the moment, so see what they have here.
We look back at Chris Jericho retaining the ROH World Title over Bandido on Collision.
The Beast Mortos vs. Adam Priest
Priest chops away to start but his sunset flip attempt is easily blocked. A knee to the leg actually cuts Mortos off and a middle rope dropkick to the back gives Priest two. Mortos shrugs it off and hits his big backbreaker into the spinning piledriver for the pin at 3:17.
Rating: C. It was nice to see Priest get in a bit of offense but Mortos has a tendency to let everyone get in their stuff. Mortos is someone who can do quite a few things against anyone, which is why he’s here winning not quite squash matches on Ring Of Honor. Find something better for him to do already. If nothing else, it might help fill in some of the empty seats which were very visible during this match (which was taped in Tennessee rather than Texas).
Infantry vs. Jimmy Wild/Rosario Grillo
Shane Taylor is here with the Infantry. Dean powers Grillo into the corner to start but Wild comes in for a double suplex. The Infantry shrugs that off and takes over, allowing Taylor to talk to the camera. A backbreaker puts Wild down and a spinning slam drops him again. Wild manages a double DDT but Bravo cuts off the tag and sends Grillo into the barricade. A running double stomp finishes Wild at 4:44.
Rating: C. Of all the perfectly watchable Infantry matches I’ve seen, this was the latest. We’ve seen them do their thing for months, if not years now, and it’s only so good. As is the case with so many people in Ring Of Honor, it would be nice to see them actually do something new or different for a change but here we are, seeing the same kind of match that we’ve seen them have for so long.
Blake Christian vs. Fuego del Sol
Christian jumps him during the entrance and takes him outside for some standing on the head on the barricade. Back in and Fuego’s rope walk is cut off, allowing Christian to rake his boot over Fuego’s mask. Christian sends him outside again for a dive but Fuego is back with a kick to the head. A springboard moonsault gives Fuego two and a rope walk moonsault DDT gets the same. Christian crotches him on top though and a super Spanish Fly sets up the Last Chancery for the win at 5:23.
Rating: C+. I’m not sure what to make of Christian as the most boring wrestler alive but they’re leaning into it, which helps quite a bit. As has been the case before though, he actually needs to do something and move up the ladder but that’s not how it works around here most of the time. Fuego was almost squashed here, which is pretty normal for him.
Athena is impressed by Catalina but is sick of people trying to show up here and take over her show. Next time, Athena won’t be so nice. They’re set for a title match next week. I mean, it’s not like Athena has fought a bunch of random challengers over and over and could be moved up to AEW already and put near the top of the women’s division. Because of course.
Dark Panther vs. Gravity
Panther flips over him to start and grabs an ankle lock as we look at Komander in the crowd. Back up and Gravity sends him to the floor for the running flip dive. They get back inside with Panther hitting a 619, then swinging his feet into Gravity a second time. Back up and they slug it out until Panther misses a charge in the corner.
A bridging German suplex gives Gravity two but he has to get to the ropes to escape a Fujiwara armbar. Gravity is sent to the floor for a suicide dive, followed by another to drop him again. A middle rope elbow misses for Panther, just like Gravity’s top rope splash. Panther hits a middle rope basement dropkick for the pin at 6:47.
Rating: B-. Another entertaining match here with someone who has been here a few times and you might remember, plus Gravity, who hasn’t been around for a year. It’s another match where there is only so much to get interested in here, which is a problem with shows like this. And Ring Of Honor in general.
Atlantis Jr./Mascara Dorada/Templario vs. Magnus/Soberano Jr./Volador Jr.
Soberano and company aren’t interested in handshakes so Templario spins over Magnus and armdrags him down. Some headscissors let Templario clear the ring, meaning it’s time for some dancing. Dives take the villains out on the floor and it’s Dorada coming in with a high crossbody. Dorada clears the ring and hits a middle rope hurricanrana on Magnus.
Back in and Dorada gets tied in the Tree Of Woe, leaving Soberano to mock the fans. Atlantis comes in and won’t get in a cheap shot, earning himself a beating. Soberano makes Atlantis flip his partners off and a triple boot knocks Atlantis outside. It’s off to Templario, who gets caught in a rocking horse/Fameasser combination.
Dorada gets beaten up as well and it’s back to Atlantis, who manages to start the comeback. A monkey flip sends Magnus flying but Volador hurricanranas Templario out of the corner. Soberano comes back in to pick up the pace but Templario grabs a wheelbarrow suplex. Templario spins up, only to get caught with a 619 from Magnus. Back up and Atlantis powerslams Magnus, setting up the top rope splash for the pin at 12:55.
Rating: B. Issues aside with how this doesn’t mean much of anything around here, this is the kind of entertaining showcase of talent that you do not get to see around here very often. These are incredibly talented people and they know how to do this style rather well. If this is the focus of the show, they could have done far worse for a main event.
Overall Rating: B. I have no idea what to make of this show anymore. They tried adding in the classic matches and they added nothing, so now we’re seeing things like the Jericho Cruise and the CMLL guest stars. There is still nothing to suggest that TV is coming anytime soon and I can’t say I’m surprised. The show is just not that interesting and that shows more and more every time. The guest stars here were fun, but they’re going to be gone in a week or two and then it’s back to the same stuff that hasn’t worked for months around here.
Atlantis/Esfinge/Fuego b. Euforia/Gran Guerrero/Rocky Romero – Leg trap rollup to Romero
Catalina b. Lady Frost – Top rope splash
The Beast Mortos b. Adam Priest – Spinning piledriver
Infantry b. Jimmy Wild/Rosario Grillo – Running double stomp to Wild
Blake Christian b. Fuego del Sol – Last Chancery
Dark Panther b. Gravity – Middle rope basement dropkick
Atlantis Jr./Mascara Dorada/Templario b. Magnus/Soberano Jr./Volador Jr. – Top rope splash to Magnus
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