Smackdown – February 28, 2025: They Like Talking A Lot

Date: February 28, 2025
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

It’s the night before Elimination Chamber and that means we need one last push towards the show. Odds are that is going to include more of Cody Rhodes being unsure about whether or not he should accept the Rock’s offer, plus some final pushes towards the Elimination Chamber matches. That could make for an interesting enough show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of Rock telling Cody Rhodes that he wants Cody’s soul.

Cody Rhodes arrives and is told he has a private locker room, courtesy of the Final Boss.

Here is Trish Stratus in a Maple Leafs jersey to get things going, just in case the fans didn’t love her enough. She gets rather emotional at the THANK YOU TRISH chants and then says “it’s the jersey isn’t it”. Trish asks what year it is when we have Lilian Garcia introducing her, the Rock is back and she’s wrestling in her hometown.

Stratus talks about how it’s a generational thing because the dad of a young girl in the front row probably had her poster on the wall. Tomorrow will be the first time her kids will see her wrestle live and here is her partner, Tiffany Stratton (also in a Leafs jersey). They declare it Trishy Time and then take the jerseys off and throw them into the crowd.

Cue Chelsea Green and Piper Niven (yes, she is dressed as the Mountie) to interrupt, with Green talking about how honored she is to represent the better country of America. Stratton makes the challenge and Stratus thinks it’s a good idea so get a referee out here right now. This was Stratton going for more of a pure hero and it could have gone far worse. Have her adjust her talking style and focus more on her athleticism and it could work.

Chelsea Green vs. Tiffany Stratton

Non-title. We’re joined in progress with Green getting two off an enziguri and grabbing a chinlock. Stratton gets out and hits some clotheslines, followed by the spinebuster for two. Green’s Rough Ryder gets two but Stratton hits a quick dropkick. Niven breaks up the Prettiest Moonsault Ever so Stratton hits a dive, only for Candice LeRae and Nia Jax to jump Stratus. Jax pulls Stratton to the floor for the DQ at 3:13 shown.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do much here but thankfully it was a DQ rather than having one of the champions lose. At the same time, this was Stratton’s debut as a more clean cut hero and that might have warranted a pinfall, albeit not over Green. Odds are she can get that at Elimination Chamber, but this is a match that could have probably been a big segment instead.

Post match the beatdown is on but Stratus makes the save and the villains skedaddle.

Nick Aldis announces a one night tournament for the #1 contendership to the US Title. This feels rather unnecessary and like little more than a way to fill in time.

Jacob Fatu isn’t happy with Solo Sikoa, who thinks Fatu should bring the US Title home to the family. Fatu seems pleased.

Cody Rhodes’ dressing room has a bunch of alcohol and what I assume is sushi. R-Truth is here and thinks it might be worth selling out for, with Rhodes telling him to help himself. R-Truth is glad Rhodes isn’t being shellfish.

US Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Jacob Fatu vs. Andrade

Fatu runs him over with a shoulder to start but Andrade gets in a low bridge. A hurricanrana sets up a big moonsault to the floor and we take a break. Back with Andrade hitting a poisonrana and they’re both down. Fatu is back up to run Andrade over, only for Andrade to hit a boot to the head in the corner. The double jump moonsault gets two on Fatu as the fans declare this awesome. Back up and a sunset flip is blocked as Fatu sits on his chest, setting up an implant DDT. The triple jump moonsault gives Fatu the pin at 8:22.

Rating: B. This is where you can have fun with some people you might not have expected to see together and it wound up going well. They had good chemistry together and that made for a nice match here. Fatu gets to beat someone else but he certainly didn’t smash Andrade, which he shouldn’t be doing given what Andrade has done before.

We recap the Street Profits being all violent and aggressive as of late.

Earlier today, the Profits refused to apologize to Legado del Fantasma and Nick Aldis had to break it up.

Los Garza vs. Street Profits

Or not as DIY and the Motor City Machine Guns run in for the big brawl. No match.

Drew McIntyre comes up to Cody Rhodes and talks about how they would do anything to get to the top. Rhodes has a chance to jump up there and McIntyre looks forward to finding out that Rhodes sold out a long time ago.

Video on John Cena going to the Elimination Chamber…and Drew McIntyre comes into the arena, saying cut it off. McIntyre says Cena is going to become a hypocrite, just like he did when he decided he was in the Elimination Chamber. He sits on the announcers’ table and says it would be interested in seeing what 2010 Cena would think of modern Cena.

First up, Cena would make a bad joke about the bald spot that needs its own zip code but here is Damian Priest to interrupt. Priest: “R-Truth makes more sense than you do!” McIntyre says he was screwed over last year, including at Wrestlemania. The reality is that McIntyre won the World Title but was so obsessed with CM Punk that Priest was able to cash in Money In The Bank. McIntyre (sat in Punk’s signature style): “I am not obsessed with CM Punk.”

Priest is ready to beat McIntyre at Elimination Chamber and reminds McIntyre that be dropped him the last time they were here. McIntyre is ready to let Priest try to do it again but here is Seth Rollins to interrupt. Rollins talks about how this place was looking fun so he had to come in and join the party. He blames McIntyre’s terrible Money In The Bank cash in for not winning the World Heavyweight Title last year and gets in Priest’s face.

Cue CM Punk to interrupt, saying that Rollins looks like an oven mitt (close enough) and he’ll Rollins tomorrow night. He doesn’t have any issue with Priest, but he’s ready to take him out in the Elimination Chamber. That leaves the other guy who is obsessed with him, but Punk is obsessed with going to Wrestlemania. Someone asked him if he would be willing to sell his soul to get to the top and they’re all dealing with serious Punk tomorrow.

Punk calls out John Cena for having his retirement tour and not showing up but the other three say they’re ready to take him out. McIntyre will just complain on the internet if he loses…and here is Cena….’s music, with Logan Paul coming out instead. Paul makes it clear that Cena doesn’t care about Canada before mocking Rollins, who is dressed like he lost a bet. There is a Priest standing in the ring but he is still the answer to WWE’s prayers. Paul calls out Punk, who chases him away. This was the “a bunch of people talk to each other” and it worked well.

We go to the Kickoff Show, where a bunch of women got in a brawl.

US Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match: LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar

Knight drives him into the corner to start before Escobar bounces out of a headscissors. A Side Effect looks to set up Knight’s jumping top rope elbow but Escobar gets up instead. Knight sends him outside, where Escobar gets in a whip to the steps as we take a break. Back with the two of them striking away until Knight plants him down with a neckbreaker.

Escobar’s armbar doesn’t get him very far as Knight is back with some clotheslines into a jumping elbow drop. A missed charge sends Knight into the corner, setting up a top rope hurricanrana. Escobar goes up top, only to dive into the BFT (and a nice one at that) to give Knight the pin at 11:16.

Rating: B-. Another nice back and forth match here with Knight getting the win, as he should have given his recent issues with Shinsuke Nakamura. Escobar is another example of someone who can work well with almost anyone in the ring and that’s a good way to make Knight look better. I’m not sure if Knight is getting the title shot, but he would make the most sense of all of the options.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. He knows there is a long history between himself and Kevin Owens, so he wants Owens out here right now. They can say their final piece to each other and that’s it before tomorrow. We cut to Owens in an empty stadium (the location for tomorrow’s show) where he can talk about how they have never had a bigger match.

Owens promises to watch Zayn’s family suffer after tomorrow because this is all Zayn’s fault. Zayn says he is nervous, but it’s because of what he will do to Owens. He brings up the names of Owens’ parents (that gets Owens serious) and says it’s on tomorrow. Owens says he’ll see Zayn tomorrow to wrap it up. As usual, these two feel important together and that will be the case again tomorrow.

Carmelo Hayes says he won’t need the Miz tonight. With Hayes gone, Cody Rhodes comes in and Miz asks him what he’s going to do. Rhodes isn’t sure, but Miz talks about how Rhodes could be so much more in Hollywood if he takes the deal.

US Title #1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Braun Strowman

Strowman throws him around to start and they go outside, but here is Tama Tonga for a distraction. Cue Solo Sikoa with a chair to Strowman’s back for no effect so Strowman takes the chair. Hayes drops to the mat though and the referee sees Strowman holding the chair, which is enough for the DQ at 1:27. Well that was quick.

Post match Strowman powerbombs Tonga.

Naomi, Bayley and Bianca Belair are ready to fight in their six woman tag tonight.

Bayley/Naomi/Bianca Belair vs. Roxanne Perez/Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez

Naomi and Morgan slug it out to start with Naomi kicking her into the corner without much trouble. All six get in for the slugout until Bayley drops Morgan with a suicide dive. Another dive lets her point at the sign and we take a break. Back with Bayley bulldogging Rodriguez out of the corner, allowing Belair to come back in. Belair muscles Rodriguez up for a suplex and the standing moonsault gets two.

Everything breaks down and Naomi gives Rodriguez a hanging Pedigree on the apron, followed by a swinging kick to Perez. Bayley hits the top rope elbow on Perez before Naomi and Raquel crash out to the floor. The Bayley To Belly is broken up and Perez goes after Bayley’s knee, setting up the Pop Rox for the pin at 8:52.

Rating: C+. Perez gets another win and that is a good sign for her future. I could go for seeing more of what she is going to get to do, as she is more than ready for the main roster. While she isn’t likely going to win the Chamber, WWE is giving her a strong push to start and that could go a long way.

Post match Alexa Bliss runs in to lay Perez out. The Wyatt Sicks logo pops up because we just have to do that for some reason.

Charlotte is ready for Tiffany Stratton at Wrestlemania.

Travis Scott will be at Elimination Chamber.

Elimination Chamber rundown.

Shinsuke Nakamura promises to make an example out of whomever challenges him next.

Jacob Fatu is ready to smash the other two.

Jacob Fatu vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. LA Knight

For a future US Title shot. Fatu stomps on Knight in the corner and glares at Hayes for daring to stop him. Knight gets back up to knock Fatu outside and hits an elbow on Hayes, only to get pulled outside by Fatu. Hayes joins them and Fatu misses a big charge into the timekeeper’s area as we take a break.

Back with Fatu in control again and taking turns knocking both of them down. Hayes manages a springboard DDT to Fatu, who just screams at him before hitting the pop up Samoan drop. A BFT hits Fatu but Hayes is back up with the First 48 for two on Knight. Back up and Hayes is thrown outside onto Fatu, who sends him into the steps. Knight hits a nice spinning dive to send Fatu into the steps but Hayes is back with Nothing But Net. Fatu pops up for a Swanton to break up the cover and hits the triple jump moonsault, only for Knight to steal the pin at 12:18.

Rating: B. They were working here with Hayes being there as a way to give Knight the pin without beating Fatu. What matters the most here is that Knight is getting his title match at some point, though I’m not sure we needed to have a tournament to set that up. Either way, Knight winning the title back isn’t out of the question, and he looked good on the way there.

CM Punk asks Cody Rhodes what the Rock could possibly offer him, though Punk says he’s glad he never got that offer.

Here is Michael Cole for an in-ring chat with Rhodes. Cole gets right to the point, saying that Rhodes has the chance to sell out tomorrow night. The Rhodes that Cole has known for twenty years wouldn’t do it but this is a different Rock. Cole goes over what Rhodes could get out of this, including a limited schedule, a bunch of money, and a big red truck, with Rhodes’ name and logo on it, which rolls into the arena.

Rock pops up on screen with his own version of the truck, saying he knows Rhodes is going to do the right thing. He brings up talking to Dusty Rhodes in the hope that Cody will do the right thing and let the Rock have what he wants. Rock busts out a weightlifting belt labeled “Cody’s Soul” with the date of June 11, 2015, the date Dusty died. He’ll see Cody tomorrow for the decision.

Cody is unsure to end the show. It helped to have this laid out a bit more as that helps explain why Cody might want to take the deal, but it’s still hard to believe he’ll do it. That being said, it very well may be the point, as Rock might have someone else ready to take him up on the offer.

Overall Rating: C+. This third hour is dragging the show down and that was on clear display here. It felt like there was a lot on here for the sake of filling in time, with the whole tournament thing feeling like it was just added in. On the positive side, the wrestling itself was good and they fleshed out the Cody deal a lot more. That being said, it’s really hard to get interested in whatever the Rock is talking about as this version of him isn’t making good TV. Get him mad and things are better, but for now it’s a lot of waiting to get to the better stuff. Not a bad show, but dang getting back to two hours sounds great.

Tiffany Stratton b. Chelsea Green via DQ when Nia Jax interfered
Jacob Fatu b. Andrade – Triple jump moonsault
LA Knight b. Santos Escobar – BFT
Carmelo Hayes b. Braun Strowman via DQ when Strowman was accused of using a chair
Roxanne Perez/Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez b. Bayley/Naomi/Bianca Belair – Pop Rox to Bayley
LA Knight b. Jacob Fatu and Carmelo Hayes – Triple jump moonsault to Hayes



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