Hungarian Championship Wrestling Wild – March 19, 2023: I Understood That

HCW Wild #5
Date: March 19, 2023
Location: Analog Music Hall, Budapest, Hungary

So what we have here is Hungarian Championship Wrestling and yes that is all I know about it. I saw the name on a random Youtube video and that’s good enough for me to put it on the list. I have absolutely no idea what to expect here and it seems that this is a regular show from the promotion. Let’s get to it.

In case you didn’t realize this, I do not speak Hungarian so I have no idea what is going on and promos will be useless for me. I also don’t follow the promotion so I have no idea who anyone is or what they are doing.

We open with a recap of a show called Vendetta, which seems to be a pretty important event.

We go to the arena, with a man and woman, who I believe are named Kassai Csaba and Turger David (at least that’s what the graphics say). They both seem excited to be here but are interrupted by a group of four men, apparently named Amboss, two of which are holding titles. One of them, whose name is apparently Robert Dreissker (that name rings a bell as I might have seen him on another show), speaks English and says they promised the team would reshape continental European wrestling.

That is what they did at Vendetta but they do NOT want to hear from the fans. Icarus (not the one from Chikara) and Dover say something I can’t understand, but Dover does get some polite applause. The fans approve of whatever he says about the Tag Team Titles and that’s it. I did like their pose of holding up their fists and they seem like the monster heel stable.  If nothing else, it’s weird being on the other side of one of those “heels speaks in a foreign language to annoy the fans” promos.

Maokai vs. Nick Schrier

Maokai is Hungarian and Schrier is German so I’ll assume Schrier, the foreigner, is the heel. They’re both smaller guys so this should have some high flying. Maokai backs him into the corner to start but Schrier rips at his face to grab a headlock. Some armdrags into a headscissors drop Schrier as the camera angle keeps changing. A wristdrag sends Schrier outside so Maokai follows…and then they get right back in. This time Schrier grabs a Stunner over the ropes and hits a suplex for two as he’s definitely the heel here.

Schrier catches him on top and hits a clothesline but the kickout has his frustrated. That means it’s time to go to the corner, where he pulls out a rope for some choking. The cross arm choke brings Maokai back up and he snaps Schrier’s throat across the top rope. A high crossbody (with Schrier going down while Maokai was still in the air) gets two but Schrier is back with something like a reverse Sling Blade for the same. Maokai slams him off the top and “hits” a top rope double stomp for the pin at 8:33.

Rating: C. The match was perfectly acceptable for the most part and even the parts that didn’t quite click were fine. The sign of a good match is that they can tell a story that can be understood by someone who has no idea what is going on. They managed to make it work here and the match went well enough.

Overall Rating: C. Ok so this might not have been the most interesting experiment as I have no idea who anyone was or what was going on. It was fun to see how wrestling works in a country you don’t see that often though and while the show was short (about twenty two minutes), they got in an interview and a match, plus a highlight package. I’ve seen worse, even if there wasn’t much here.



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