Monday Night Raw – March 3, 2025: Dang They Got Me Again
Monday Night Raw
Date: March 3, 2025
Location: KeyBank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee
It’s the show after Elimination Chamber and that means there are no more major roadblocks on the Road To Wrestlemania. Tonight we have a Women’s Title match as Rhea Ripley defends against Iyo Sky, with the winner to defend against Bianca Belair at Wrestlemania. Oh and John Cena is now a villain. Let’s get to it.
Here is Elimination Chamber if you need a recap.
We open with a long recap of Elimination Chamber, which really was an eventful show. Naturally the Cena moment gets the most attention.
Commentary makes it simple: Cena sold his soul to get one more World Title.
We run down the card.
A ticked off CM Punk arrives and storms the arena, even knocking down the Prime station. He stands on the announcers’ table and rants about how he might get us kicked off of Netflix. Allow him to address his enemies and since his name is CM Punk, that means everyone. Who is the first target tonight? Punk asks the fans to give him a name and Punk picks the Rock, getting right in the camera to call him a bald fraud. If Rock thinks he’s immune from criticism because he’s on the Board Of Directors, he has no idea who he’s dealing with here.
Mr. Midlife Crisis decides to come in whenever he feels like it but he hasn’t graced us with his presence tonight to do his bulls*** about having goosebumps. Punk has never been so desperate to wear a fake title and declare himself the people’s champion because he earns that right. He has never been so desperate to sell his soul, and that brings him to John Cena (the fans are interested). Now everyone can see right through Cena and Punk gave him the benefit of the doubt when Cena didn’t have to quality.
Twenty plus years of hustle, loyalty and respect and now Punk has been proven fight about everything Cena has been saying. Punk didn’t quit in the Elimination Chamber because Cena gave us on all of those kids. He’ll get his hands on Cena down the road and Cena will make a wish that it never happened. As for the person who has all of Punk’s attention, let’s talk about Seth Rollins. Becky Lynch better come get her man before Punk puts him in a wheelchair…and here is Rollins to interrupt.
They don’t waste time talking as Punk charges up the aisle and the brawl is on with agents and referees breaking it up. That doesn’t last long as they get at each other a few more times, including in the ring with about twenty people trying to hold them apart. It still doesn’t work as Rollins dives over the announcers’ table to stay on him. They’re FINALLY separated and we take a break after a red hot opening. Punk was bringing the fire with that promo and it felt like he was genuinely angry with everything he was saying, which is a great sign.
During the break, Punk and Rollins got into it again in the crowd. This was broken up quickly, but well done on making things feel more real.
We look back at Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles last week.
Judgment Day is happy with the title win, with Raquel Rodriguez teasing going after the Women’s Intercontinental Title. Finn Balor isn’t thrilled and brings up Liv Morgan losing in the Elimination Chamber, plus the team’s other losses. Dominik Mysterio again brings up adding another member, but Balor thinks the solution is he (as in Balor) beats up Bron Breakker tonight. With Balor gone, Morgan and Rodriguez say they still don’t know what happened with Jade Cargill in the Chamber.
Otis vs. Gunther
Non-title and the rest of the Alpha Academy is here too. Before the match, Gunther says he knows Otis is as strong as an ox but to Gunther, he’s just a freak. Otis is in the same category as Jey Uso, meaning he does not belong in Gunther’s ring. The reality is Gunther wears the World Heavyweight Title as a prize while Otis can’t find a belt that fits. Therefore, it’s time to teach him a lesson, just like he’ll do to Uso at Wrestlemania.
Gunther hits him before the bell and we start fast. Otis fights up and hammers away in the corner, only to get kicked in the leg. Some boots to the face put Otis on the floor but some slaps to the head wake him up. A fall away slam on the floor sends Gunther flying as commentary is impressed.
We take a break and come back with Gunther holding a crossface. Another boot to the face cuts off another Otis comeback attempt but Otis grabs a belly to back suplex for a needed breather. Back up and the chops wake Otis up so he chops right back until Otis drops him with a clothesline. Gunther charges into a slam and the Caterpillar gets two. Gunther’s dropkick puts Otis down but he’s right back up with another suplex. Some hard clotheslines put Otis down for two and Gunther is looking frustrated. The powerbomb puts Otis away at 9:41.
Rating: B. These guys had a hoss fight and that’s what it needed to be. Gunther was never going to be in serious damage against Otis, but Otis gave him a heck of a fight and struck away with everything he had. It was an entertaining fight and the two of them did about as well as could be expected here. Sometimes you need the champion to break a sweat in a match where he isn’t in much danger and Otis did just that.
Post match Gunther grabs a sleeper so Akira Tozawa comes in for a failed save attempt. Jey Uso (ROAR) makes the real save. With Gunther gone, A-Town Down Under runs in to jump Uso, who fights them off without much trouble. Then Gunther comes back in to choke Uso out. That was a lot and it made sense.
Video on Rhea Ripley vs. Iyo Sky before their title match tonight.
There is a new Raw Recap show starting on Youtube tomorrow.
We see more reactions to Cena’s turn at Elimination Chamber, with promises of another look to come. We’ve already looked at it about four times.
AJ Styles is asked about what Cena did and says “wow”. He didn’t see it coming and here is Karrion Kross to put his arms around Cena and saying it makes sense. Styles cuts him off and says he isn’t Cena. Maybe the WWE Universe needs a reminder of who Styles is, so next week, he’ll call out Logan Paul in Madison Square Garden. He’s not interested in Kross’ help either, but after Styles leaves, Kross says “that was easy”.
Women’s Intercontinental Title: Lyra Valkyria vs. Ivy Nile
Valkyria is defending and drives her into the corner to start. A hiptoss gives Valkyria one so Nile drops her with a clothesline. Valkyria dropkicks her to the floor but Nile is right back with a dragon screw legwhip out of the corner as we take a break. Back with Nile still working on the leg before she pulls a high crossbody out of the air.
A gutwrench powerbomb puts Nile down but Valkyria’s leg gives out. Nile gets caught with an enziguri but is fine enough to counter a tornado DDT into a suplex. Valkyria gets in a quick swinging neckbreaker, only for the leg to give out again. Nile’s sitout powerbomb gets two and she grabs the ankle lock. Valkyria avoids a boot in the corner and hits a backbreaker, setting up Nightwing to retain at 9:32.
Rating: B-. This was a good example of a match where they did everything right and told a nice story but the match just wasn’t very interesting. There wasn’t much of a spark here as they were just doing stuff until Valkyria retained. The title is still new, but it needs a hotter feud than this to get the interest going.
We look back at the Seth Rollins/CM Punk brawl earlier tonight.
Rollins tries to leave the building and gets into it with Punk again. Adam Pearce runs in as Punk says he’ll kill Rollins.
Post break Rollins and Pearce yell at each other, with Rollins promising to take Punk out if Pearce doesn’t do something about this. Pearce is fine with that and makes a cage match for next week at Madison Square Garden. Works for Rollins, who is told to get on his bus, with security tasked with keeping him on it.
Here is Ludwig Kaiser for a chat. After demanding the fans’ appreciation, Kaiser talks about taking back the attention from Penta last week. The reality is he is a future World Champion and he is ready to take out Penta. While Penta may say he doesn’t know fear, Kaiser will teach him what it means. Cue Penta to interrupt for the brawl and Kaiser is knocked out to the floor for the running flip dive.
Bianca Belair is asked about Jade Cargill’s return to attack Naomi at Elimination Chamber. Out of respect to both of them, she won’t talk about it but she’s just as proud to go to Wrestlemania. Tonight, she finds out who she is going to be face. Natalya and Maxxine Dupri could be seen talking in the background in something that might not matter much.
We look at Cena’s heel turn again, with the commentary from different languages for an international flavor.
Chad Gable appears to be in Mexico and is asking people if they know someone whose picture he is carrying. Eventually he goes to a mystery man with a beard, who is apparently going to help him beat the luchadors. The man says Gable has to become lucha and gives him a box (in exchange for a good deal of money). Whatever is in the box (which we can’t see) will give him power beyond understanding. This is either going to be amazing or really stupid.
Raw Tag Team Titles: War Raiders vs. Creed Brothers
The Raiders are defending. Erik powers Julius back into the corner to start before Julius does it the same, with Brutus hammering away. Ivar comes in for the clotheslines, setting up a handspring double elbow. Erik slams Ivar onto Brutus, only for Julius to dropkick Ivar off the top and outside. A ram into the steps has Ivar in more trouble as we take a break.
Back with a double suplex getting two on Ivar but he gets in a sitdown splash out of the corner. It’s back to Erik who gets two clean house as the fans demand WAR. The pop up powerslam plants Julius but he gets in a knee to Erik. Ivar is sent into the post and Brutus adds a not so smooth 450 for two on Erik. Ivar tags himself back in and Erik gets superplexed down, only to avoid a moonsault. Brutus avoids Ivar’s moonsault and Julius hits a shooting star press for two of his own. The Brutus Ball misses Erik and the War Machine to Brutus retains the titles at 11:42.
Rating: B-. It was nice to see the Creeds getting to show what they could do for a change, but like the women’s match earlier, there was only so much fire in what they were doing. The Raiders were better, but I was only getting into this one so far. It’s nice to have the titles being defended though, as the Raiders are getting established as more of a dominant team for the time being.
We look at Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn wrecking each other at Elimination Chamber with Owens ending him with quite the beating. Then Randy Orton returned to go after Owens, which should be setting up a Wrestlemania fight.
The LWO isn’t happy with the New Day for beating them last week but you can never take their heart. Rey Mysterio returns and says New Day should have finished what they started. Next week, it’s a tornado tag match. You don’t get Mysterio being this serious very often and it worked fairly well.
We come back from a break with Finn Balor in the ring and arguing with Bron Breakker, who is in the crowd with Jackie Redmond. Breakker says he embarrassed the entire Judgment Day last week but Balor is ready to take the Intercontinental Title from him at anytime. That’s enough for Breakker, who comes to the ring, but has to take out Carlito and Dominik Mysterio. Balor gets in a Sling Blade, only for Breakker to take him down again. The super spear is loaded up but Judgment Day pulls Balor outside in time. Carlito gets speared down instead.
We get the long look at John Cena’s turn at Elimination Chamber.
Here’s what’s coming next week.
The Alpha Academy thanks Jey Uso for helping them earlier. With the team gone, Uso says he’s a bit thrown off by getting taken out by Gunther earlier. This is the wrong time to be shaken up though because every week he is told HE CAN’T DO IT. He feels like his back is against the wall and he can’t breathe but when Gunther put him to sleep, he woke up a sleeping beast. Uso is feeling these promos lately and I’m getting a lot more interested in the match.
Raw Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley vs. Iyo Sky
Ripley is defending and Bianca Belair is at ringside. We do the Big Match Intros and Ripley gets one heck of a response. Ripley powers her around to start before hitting a running dropkick for one. A rollup gives Sky one and Ripley hits her in the face as a result. Sky gets smarter by kicking Ripley in the head but she misses the 619. They go outside for some swings into the apron before Ripley muscles her up for a nice suplex.
We take a break and come back with Ripley getting two off a missile dropkick but Sky grabs a Backstabber (not a Codebreaker Cole). Sky hits a running basement dropkick and then a missile dropkick to send Ripley into the corner. Back up and Ripley fires off some clotheslines but gets rolled into a double stomp (Belair approves) for two. They forearm it out until Ripley has to block a rollup, with a faceplant giving Ripley two more.
The Prism Trap is blocked and Sky snaps the arm down onto the apron, only to get booted in the face (with a good sell from Sky) for another near fall. Riptide is countered into a DDT though and Sky hits a running boot in the corner. The top rope elbow connects for two (with back to back Damage CTRL moves from Sky in a nice touch) and the Asuka Lock goes on to complete the team menu. Sky hits some running knees in the corner, only to get caught on top. A belly to back superplex gives Ripley two and it’s time to looked stunned.
Now the Prism Trap goes on, with Sky managing to send her into the post. Ripley gets back up and gets sunset bombed into the barricade to keep her in trouble. Over The Moonsault to the back gives Sky two, with Ripley getting a boot on the ropes. Ripley bails to the floor and gets taken out by a suicide dive but she cuts off what looked like a Lionsault.
Sky gets dropped face first onto various things, with Belair cheering both of them on as they get back inside. Ripley goes outside to yell at Belair (who has been completely neutral) and shoves her down. Belair shoves her back so the referee has to break it up. Back in and Ripley takes her up top, but stops to yell at Belair. That’s enough for Sky to grab a super hurricanrana and Over The Moonsault finishes Ripley for the title at 18:39.
Rating: B+. I was scared that they were going to have a lame DQ ending but instead they went with something interesting as Ripley’s own ego got in the way and cost her the title. Sky was bringing it to Ripley throughout here and it made for a heck of a fight, with the two of them feeling equal throughout. At some point you have to bring someone up to that main event level in the women’s division and this might have been Sky’s ticket there. Great match with an excellent story throughout.
Sky is shocked at the win while Belair’s face says “well ok then”. Ripley is furious to end the show.
Overall Rating: B. The opening segment brought the emotion and the main event was one of the better Raw matches in a good while. The rest of the show set up some things going forward and next week’s Raw is looking like a big one. Finally you have the focus on the Cena situation, which is going to lead to some of the biggest reactions you’ll see in a long time. Good show here, with the main event being more than worth a look.
Gunther b. Otis – Powerbomb
Lyra Valkyria b. Ivy Nile – Nightwing
War Raiders b. Creed Brothers – War Machine to Brutus
Iyo Sky b. Rhea Ripley – Over The Moonsault
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Love the direction the company is going. CM Punk’s promo kind of reminded me of Sting’s promo he cut on Hogan the night after Bash at the Becah on Nitro. The whole “its a good thing you told them to believe in themselves cause they sure as heck can’t believe in you!” Loved the make a wish reference too. I haven’t been this excited about WWE in a long time. They are knocking it out of the park. There is a video someone made on youtube that foreshawdowed Cena’s heel turn. One thing that caught my eye was him in the ring celebrating Cody’s win at Wrestlemania last year. There are shots of Cena going stone faced just eyeing Cody and the title, then he goes back to his over the top celebration. Go watch it again and just focus on Cena. Not sure if they planned this that far ahead but if not that could be some solid ret-conning if they want to bring it up.
Oh dang that’s a nice catch if they really had it going that far back.
Something commentary mentioned that you forgot to bring up in your play by play Ripley has never beaten Iyo Sky in a one-on-one match it’s amazing that Ripley is effectively the female face of WWE yet there is still one person she just can’t beat. Similar to Daniel Bryan against Bray Wyatt.