Ring Of Honor – March 6, 2025: They’re Taking Over

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 6, 2025
Location: Frontwave Arena, Oceanside, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Last week’s show featured a bunch of guest stars from CMLL and it made things a good bit more interesting than we’ve seen around here lately. That isn’t something that should be happening every week, but it was nice for a once off. Now we get to see what else ROH has, which is likely going to be something pretty familiar. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We start with a clip from backstage at Dynamite, with Chris Jericho getting on the Learning Tree for their recent issues. Jericho isn’t sure what he can do to get through to them because they might not get too many more chances.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Women’s Title: Athena vs. La Catalina

Athena is defending. They take turns striking a pose to start until Catalina hits a dropkick into the corner. Another dropkick puts Athena on the floor, where she cuts off a dive with a kick to the head. Catalina gets knocked to the floor but comes back in, where Athena gets to stand on her face. A superkick into the Death Valley Driver sets up a knee to the face for two on Catalina and Athena hits the bow and arrow.

That’s broken up and Catalina hits a quick running knee, followed by a missile dropkick (she likes those) for two. A leglock sends Athena over to the ropes and she’s back with a quick sitout powerbomb for two of her own. Athena’s crossface is broken up and Catalina is back with a spear into a Pedigree for another near fall. A quick hurricanrana takes Catalina down and the O Face retains the title at 9:08.

Rating: B-. This was the same thing we have seen for a long stretch of Athena’s title reign, as someone was built up out of nowhere and then loses to the champ. That’s a good way to go for a bit but Athena has cleaned out the division for such a long time that there is no one available to come after her at the moment. Hopefully it isn’t Billie Starkz again next, but who else is it supposed to be right now?

Post match Athena teases respect before knocking her down.

The MxM Collection mocks the Sons Of Texas for having one of the Tag Team Title belts. Their loss in Australia doesn’t matter because that isn’t a real country. Therefore, tonight, they’ll crash the Sons’ title match. It’s a bad sign when just talking about the champions is so deflating.

Jay Lethal/Satnam Singh vs. McCallion/Slade

Lethal headlocks McCallion to start and hiptosses him into a basement dropkick. Slade comes in off a blind tag but a double belly to back suplex doesn’t work. Instead it’s off to Singh so house is quickly cleaned. Slade is chokeslammed over and over (with Singh on one knee to make it less painful), followed by a double chokeslam for a double pin at 3:37.

Rating: C. I mean, why not? Lethal is a Ring Of Honor legend and Singh is an attraction and I’ll take that over the same people week in and week out around here. The match was a total squash and that’s all it needed to be, but at least it was something different. That’s what ROH has been needing and while this isn’t the big solution, it’s better than nothing.

Billie Starkz vs. Mylo

Starkz backs her into the corner to start and hits a kick to the face. Mylo tries to fight back but gets sent outside in a heap. A whip into the barricade has Mylo in more trouble, setting up the Swanton to give Starkz the pin at 3:15.

Rating: C-. Pretty much total destruction here with Starkz running through Mylo without much trouble. That’s all it needed to be, though it continues to make me wonder if Starkz is going to get a third shot at Athena and the Women’s Title. That isn’t a thrilling way to go, though again I’m not sure who else it is supposed to be.

Jon Cruz/Olumide vs. Sons Of Texas

Non-title and this is Olumide’s (who is rather tall) debut. Guevara and Olumide start things off with Guevara flipping over him and hitting a dropkick. Rhodes comes in for a few shots of his own but Cruz slips out of Guevara’s suplex attempt. The double teaming doesn’t get very far on Guevara as he flips away and brings in Guevara to clean house. The Swanton gives Guevara the pin on Olumide at 3:50.

Rating: C. This has been the latest Sons Of Texas match and it’s still about the same that the previous ones have been. There is nothing about them that stands out and for some reason we are coming up on seven months as champions. That reason is likely All In, as we need the champions to be on the Kickoff Show. It’s not like they’re bad, but they’re dull, which is often worse.

Post match the MxM Collection come in for a beatdown but the Sons fight them off and get their belt back. So that’s it? I mean it isn’t like the Von Erichs, who came back two weeks ago and haven’t even been seen with Rhodes, their championship partner despite not defending the titles since AUGUST, were going to do anything here so I guess the champions beating up the challengers they have already beaten was the way to go.

The Beast Mortos vs. Sonico

Sonico strikes away to start and hits a superkick before Mortos runs him over without much trouble. A snap powerslam gives Mortos two and we hit the chinlock. Thankfully that doesn’t last long as Mortos hits a pop up Samoan drop into the spinning piledriver for the pin at 2:26.

Thunder Rosa vs. Brittnie Brooks

They trade rollups to start before Brooks grabs an armdrag. Rosa is right back up with a clothesline but Brooks counters a suplex attempt. Brooks scores with some kicks but Rosa blocks a bulldog. The running dropkick puts Brooks down and Rosa hits the running dropkick against the ropes. Brooks comes back with some forearms and a running bulldog gets two. That’s not working for Rosa, who is right back with the Tijuana Bomb for the pin at 5:09.

Rating: C+. Brooks got in a lot of offense here and it was a more competitive match than I was expecting. At the same time, this felt like Rosa’s win to get her momentum back after taking the fall on Dynamite. That’s something AEW and ROH really like to do and it’s not the worst idea, but this is only going to get Rosa so far.

Bandido/Gravity vs. The Infantry

Gravity and Dean get things going with Gravity armdragging him down to create some early frustration. Gravity does his moon walk so Bandido can come in to run Bravo over. It’s already back to Gravity, who gets taken down into the corner so his leg can be wrapped around the post.

Back in and Dean starts working on that leg, including a rather logical half crab. That’s broken up and a rolling tag brings in Bandido to clean house. Everything breaks down and the Infantry is sent outside for stereo dives. A double faceplant drops Bravo back inside but Dean is back in for a middle rope clothesline to Bandido. That doesn’t get them very far though as it’s the X Knee to Bravo, followed by Gravity hitting a 21 Plex to pin Dean at 8:43.

Rating: B-. Probably the best match of the show here, as we needed the latest match where the Infantry loses against anyone with some status. Bandido and Gravity are fine as a team if Bandido isn’t going to be in the World Title scene anymore, though I’m not sure how far they’re going to go. Another perfectly fine match here, and somehow perhaps the most interesting part of the show.

Post match the Learning Tree runs in and lays out Bandido and Gravity.

Diamante interrupts Athena and…says she’s the new #1 minion.

TMDK vs. Gates Of Agony

TMDK jumps the Gates before the bell and get in some chair shots, which of course is fine with the referee, who calls for the bell. Kaun gets run over with a shoulder for two and a double faceplant puts him down again. Cabrera charges into Kaun’s boot in the corner but slams him down without much effort. Tito’s suplex gets two and a double chokeslam gets the same but Kaun escapes a Doomsday Device. A top rope superplex drops Tito as Toa is finally back on the apron. Toa gets the tag to clean house, including a string of clotheslines in the corner. Everything breaks down and Open The Gates finishes Cabrera at 6:46.

Rating: C+. This was a nice come from behind win for the Gates and unfortunately that’s about the extent of the positives. Much like the Infantry, the Gates feel like they have been in about the same spot for the better part of ever. There is no reason to believe that anything is going to change for them anytime soon and it isn’t like their matches are anything overly interesting.

Blue Panther/Blue Panther Jr./Dark Panther vs. Valiente/Gran Guerrero/Euforia

Dark and Blue Jr. are the sons of Blue. Valiente and Jr. start things off and they go to the mat for an early standoff. Back up and they chop it out to no avail as Gran comes in to trade takedowns with Dark. Euforia misses a charge into the post and it’s off to Blue for a double running headbutt. The Panthers clean house as everything breaks down, with commentary pointing out the “relaxed rules”.

Jr. is sent hard out to the floor off a baseball slide and it’s Blue getting caught in the wrong corner. Dark comes back in and is sent into the corner for a series of running shots before Blue gets beaten up again. Jr. finally comes in again as everything breaks down, with the Panthers cleaning house. Blue gets in a spinning crossbody out of the corner and a hurricanrana, followed by another one from the apron. Jr. hits a big dive over the top, leaving Dark to powerbomb Valiente for two. Dark hits a suicide dive and stops to point at Komander (in the crowd), leaving Blue to roll Euforia up for the pin at 9:47.

Rating: B-. Ring Of Honor is rapidly turning into the CMLL Hour Featuring The Ring Of Honor Players. That’s similar to what they did with New Japan back in the day and it’s not the best idea. Yeah the matches are fun, but as has been the case with any promotion guest starring over and over: if I wanted to watch them, I’d watch their own show. The match itself was the usual CMLL fun, but it’s becoming a regular part of the show rather than a special attraction and that isn’t a great move.

Overall Rating: C+. Yeah it was fine. That’s about the extent of interest I can bring myself to have in Ring Of Honor anymore as it is the definition of a show that is just kind of there. So many people have matches that don’t feel like they lead anywhere and the show keeps going without showing much forward progress. In short, I’d like to feel like some of these matches mean something, because they aren’t good enough on their own to matter all that much.

Athena b. La Catalina – O Face
Jay Lethal/Satnam Singh b. McCallion/Slade – Double pin
Billie Starkz b. Mylo – Swanton
Sons Of Texas b. Jon Cruz/Olumide – Swanton to Olumide
The Beast Mortos b. Sonico – Spinning piledriver
Thunder Rosa b. Brittnie Brooks – Tijuana Bomb
Bandido/Gravity b. The Infantry – 21 Plex to Dean
Gates Of Agony b. TMDK – Open The Gates to Cabrera
Blue Panther/Blue Panther Jr./Dark Panther b. Valiente/Gran Guerrero/Euforia – Rollup to Euforia



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