NXT – March 11, 2025 (Roadblock): This Was Excellent
Date: March 11, 2025
Location: Theater At Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Corey Graves, Booker T.
It’s another special show with Roadblock, which seems to be the last major event before Stand & Deliver. In this case we have a bunch of champion vs. champion matches, including some involving guest stars from TNA. That should make for a major night and we are on the way to the biggest show of the year. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
TNA Tag Team Titles: Hardys vs. Fraxiom
Only the Hardys are defending. Matt sends Axiom into the corner to start and pulls him back into a sitout powerbomb for an early two. A jawbreaker into a clothesline gives Matt two and the headlock goes on. Everything breaks down and Fraser hits a dive, followed by another from Axiom as we take an early break.
Back with Jeff coming in to clean house but having to counter a cross armbreaker. The Side Effect plants Fraser on the floor and the Plot Twist gets two on Fraser. The Twist Of Fate is broken up though so it’s the super Spanish Fly into the Phoenix splash. Matt breaks it up and the Whisper In The Wind hits Fraxiom. A Twist Of Fate gets two on Fraser and Axiom’s top rope knee accidentally takes him out. The Swanton retains the titles at 12:12.
Rating: B. The fans were into this one, though it was a bit of a weird thing to see the rather red hot NXT champions lose to the Hardys. Yes they’re legends, but does that mean they should be going over the current big team? The action was rather good though, as the Hardys can still work well when they are in there with the right opponents, just like here.
Mickie James gives Jaida Parker a pep talk before her eventual title match, hinting that it might take place at Stand & Deliver.
Stacks apologizes to Tony D’Angelo for costing him the North American Title last week but D’Angelo says it wasn’t his fault. On top of that, Stacks has set up a six person tag next week, with D’Angelo eventually giving it his blessing.
Roxanne Perez vs. Jordynne Grace
A chase doesn’t go well for Perez to start as Grace is right there to hammer away. Back up and Perez gets in a cheap shot, setting up a Russian legsweep for two. It’s time to work on the leg but Grace pulls her into a rear naked choke. Perez goes after the leg to escape and wraps it around a post in the corner as we take a break.
Back with Grace sending her flying but the knee gives out again. Grace slams her down a few times but Perez goes right back to the leg in a smart move. A rollup is reversed into a sitout powerbomb for two on Perez but she flips out of a Death Valley Driver and hits a superkick. The frog splash gets two and Perez grabs a crossface while cranking on the leg at the same time. Pop Rox is countered and Grace Death Valley Drivers her into the Juggernaut Driver for the pin at 11:27.
Rating: B-. It feels like we’re seeing Perez getting cleared out of NXT as she is moving up to the main roster. That would be a good way to go as there is nothing left for Perez to do here, but what matters seems to be Grace’s push, as she appears to be the future. That’s hardly a bad idea as Grace has hit the ground running, and Perez is helping to make her into a star.
Oba Femi runs into the Undertaker, who says he has been watching him for awhile (hopefully he means Femi in the ring and not like, as he was getting dressed). Undertaker has been impressed and this match is important, so go out there and defend your yard.
Trick Williams is training for NXT Underground because it’s time for him to be back on top where he belongs.
NXT Title: Moose vs. Oba Femi
Femi is defending and Moose’s TNA X-Division Title isn’t on the line. They take their time to start and lock up against the ropes until Femi chops away. Femi runs him over but Moose is waiting on him with a clothesline to the floor. One heck of a chokeslam sends Moose onto the apron and we take a break.
Back with Femi fighting out of a chinlock and sending Moose outside again. Moose gets in a whip into the steps and a pump kick connects back inside. Moose’s top rope spinning shot is uppercut out of the air for two and Femi gets the same off an AA. Femi goes up but gets superplexed down, only to pop back up with a regular suplex.
A powerbomb gives Moose two so Femi gives him a gorilla press over the top to the floor. Back in and they slug it out before a Cactus Clothesline takes them outside again. This time Moose posts him and hits a Rock Bottom through the announcers’ table as the fans have to be muted. Moose’s spear gets two so he tries it again, only to get countered into the Fall From Grace to retain the title at 13:36.
Rating: B+. This was two big guys beating the fire out of each other until one of them couldn’t get up. That’s what this needed to be and it was a heck of a hoss fight and that’s what it needed to be. The match was billed as something close to King Kong vs. Godzilla and dang they got close. I had a great time with this and they beat each other up really well, with Femi looking like a star again.
Zaria takes Sol Ruca to a rage room to burn off some steam.
Fatal Influence still wants Fallon Henley to get a rematch for the Women’s North American Title. Ricky Starks interrupts again and asks Ava for a match with Ridge Holland. It’s on for next week but Ethan Page comes in to say NXT doesn’t like outsiders.
Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans
Street fight and Page kicks him in the face at the bell. They fight to the floor where Evans hits a dive and punches Page in the face a few times. A chair shot misses for Evans but a second connects back inside. A table is set up on the floor and the fans approve. Evans slams him onto the chair for two but gets planted onto the chair as well as we take a break.
Back with Page punching a springboard dive out of the way, setting up the Ego’s Edge for two. Evans fights up and slugs away before sending him knees first into the steps. Back in and Evans kicks a chair into his face, setting up the running cutter over the top and through the table. One heck of a no hands dive sends Page onto the announcers’ table, followed by the twisting top rope splash for two. A Pillmanizing on the neck is blocked so Evans hits an RKO onto the chair. The springboard cutter onto the chair finishes Page at 14:45.
Rating: B. That was the best Evans has ever looked and that’s because he came off like he wanted to beat the fire out of Page and get his revenge. Page was right there with him with the violence and that made for a good brawl. What matters the most is Evans getting the biggest win of his career and looking serious in the process, which is what they pulled off.
Post match the lights go out and the four men are back for a toss powerbomb to Evans.
Shawn Spears’ group, now called the Culling, talks about how they are here to purge the weak. Shawn Spears says next week, they take the D’Angelo Family’s heart.
Eddy Thorpe is in the crowd and promises to take out Trick Williams next week. Cue Williams for the brawl, with the fans rather approving.
Here’s what’s coming next week.
Women’s Title/Women’s North American Title: Giulia vs. Stephanie Vaquer
Title for title. They trade early counters and wind up looking over their shoulders for a unique standoff. Giulia bounces off the ropes into a rollup before they fight over leglocks. Neither can get very far so they roll outside for a slugout before Giulia comes back in with a missile dropkick. Vaquer knocks her to the floor though and that means a springboard dive as we take a break.
Back with Vaquer hitting Eat Defeat, setting up the running knees in the corner. The figure four faceplants keep Giulia in trouble but she catches Vaquer on top with a butterfly superplex. Giulia’s spinning sitout powerslam gets two but Vaquer gets in a dragon screw legwhip out of the corner. The SVB gets two so Vaquer goes up, only for her twisting moonsault to land in the Rings Of Saturn. Giulia’s running knee gets two but Vaquer hits a superkick. Back to back SVB’s make Vaquer a double champion at 11:23.
Rating: B. Somehow that might be a bit of a disappointment, as it could have been an epic fight and instead it was just a good, back and forth match. The best part is it could have gone either way and that left some interesting chances for drama in the end. Vaquer has impressed me more since the two of them debuted so this is a nice thing to see. There is a good chance that we’ll see the North American Title vacated but we’ll get to that when we get there. Good win for Vaquer here though, as she gets her even bigger push.
Confetti falls as Vaquer celebrates to end the show.
Overall Rating: A. Well that worked. This was an absolutely awesome show with the worst match being more than good enough to get by. You do not get this kind of content on most pay per views and they made it work this well as a free special. It’s definitely worth a look with some nice variety and a bunch of strong action. Awesome show here with Stand & Deliver still to come.
Hardys b. Fraxiom – Swanton Bomb to Fraser
Jordynne Grace b. Roxanne Perez – Juggernaut Driver
Oba Femi b. Moose – Fall From Grace
Stephanie Vaquer b. Giulia – SVB
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