Dynamite – March 12, 2025: After The Revolution
Date: March 12, 2025
Location: Save Mart Center, Fresno, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
We’re done with Revolution and Jon Moxley is still the World Champion, having defeated both Cope and Christian Cage, the latter of whom cashed in his contract for a title shot. Other than that, Kenny Omega is the new International Champion, having finally defeated Konosuke Takeshita. Let’s get to it.
Here is Revolution if you need a recap.
Here is Kenny Omega, fresh off winning the International Title. Omega can’t believe he’s back here after the health issues he was having, and now he has a singles title again. He thanks Konosuke Takeshita for the match and is looking forward to the start of the tournament to crown a new #1 contender to his title. Omega hits the catchphrase and is out in a hurry. As Omega is leaving, the Opps come out for their match and have a bit of a staredown with Omega (as Katsuyori Shibata is in the tournament), but everything is ok.
Opps vs. Vinny Pacifico/Eli Theseus/Gabriel Aeros
Joe hammers on Pacifico to start and it’s to Theseus, who gets clotheslined in the corner by Hook. Shibata comes in to strike away at Aeros in the corner, setting up the sleeper. The PK finishes at 2:16. Another squash.
Ricochet is ready to win the tournament and offers Shibata the chance to quit before their match at Collision.
Long recap of Revolution.
Swerve Strickland is ready to challenge for the World Title at Dynasty. Cope comes in to say that either he’s going to win the title before Dynasty, or if Swerve wins at Dynasty, Cope is coming for it. Works for Swerve.
Jon Moxley is annoyed at himself for not putting Cope away earlier and he admires the toughness. Next week, they’ll have a street fight for the title, which is fine with Moxley because he won’t make the same mistake twice.
Hologram/Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Brian Cage/Dralistico
Harleygram is here with the good guys while the other team has the Beast Mortos. Cage and Hobbs brawl on the floor to start before Dralistco and Hologram trade armdrags. Dralistico teases taking off the mask but hands it off to Cage instead. Hologram slips out of a press slam but Cage pulls a dive out of the air for a suplex (that was impressive). We take a break and come back with Mortos stomping away on Hologram.
Cue Harleygram to swivel a bit, which gets Mortos’ attention. Back in and Hologram takes Dralistico down, allowing Hobbs to come in and clean house. Cage gets to trade the clotheslines with Hobbs before the apron superplex connects. Dralistico hits…something from the top for two but Hobbs is back up with a spinebuster to Cage on the apron. Hologram uses Hobbs’ chest as a launch pad before Hobbs spinebusters Dralistico out of the air for the pin at 10:38.
Rating: B-. This was good enough with a nice mixture of some people you don’t often see together. Hologram is more than ready to do something else, as he has won everything he’s done and needs to have some kind of a bigger story. Hobbs getting a pin is good as well, as he still feels like someone who is ready to become one of the breakout stars in AEW very soon.
Post match Mark Davis and Lance Archer come out to yell at Cage.
The Hurt Syndicate is happy with their win and MVP wants them to have some fun in southern California. They’ll be at the gym instead.
We look at Toni Storm defeating Mariah May in the Hollywood Ending match. It was bloody and violent and I can get why it was a bit too much in some eyes, but I had fun with the whole wacky thing.
Here is Toni Storm, saying she has staples in her head and glass in her a**, this tramp is still the champ. The title makes it all worth it though and now it is time to find new challengers. Fighting with her is like going to the zoo, because she will bleed like a pig, lick you like a giraffe and eat you like a lion. No one swings like her so it’s time to get messy and sweaty. Cue Megan Bayne to jump Storm from behind and pose.
International Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: The Beast Mortos vs. ???
The surprise opponent is….the debuting Speedball Mike Bailey. Ever the high flier and striker, Bailey flips away to start and kicks Mortos down, with Mortos bailing out to the floor. A running shoulder takes Bailey down but he’s back with some chops. The big running flip dive drops Mortos again and we take a break.
Back with Bailey hitting a running shooting star press for two but the tornado kick misses. Bailey kicks him to the floor and hits a triangle moonsault, followed by a powerbomb out of the corner for two back inside. Mortos’ pop up Samoan drop gets two and the super gorilla press gets the same. Bailey grabs a hurricanrana for two and some moonsault knees set up a spinning kick to the face to pin Mortos at 10:55.
Rating: B-. I’m not a big Bailey fan but he’s tailor made for AEW. Between the flying and the strikes and the kind of awkward charisma, he is someone who will fit in perfectly well around here. As usual, Mortos is the perfect choice to make someone look good and that is exactly what he did here.
Christian Cage is annoyed at Renee Paquette asking about what happened at Revolution because he is NOT talking to anyone related to Jon Moxley. Cage declares himself still the undisputed next World Champion and he was just relegating his breathing before reversing the hold. Nick Wayne says Cage is lying to himself and the team and owes them an apology. Cage goes for Nick but Mother Wayne gets in the way. Cage threatens to have her back at Waffle House before yelling at Nick, telling him to keep riding his coattails or the next time they have this conversation will be the last.
MJF did not want to talk after Revolution.
Here is MJF for a chat. He’s sore from Revolution and the truth is he had that match won until Hangman Page gave him a cheap shot (commentary remembers it differently). MJF isn’t upset anymore, because he is 10x smarter than Page and all of the fans. This thing with Page isn’t over…and here is MVP to interrupt. They stare each other down and then have a big hug.
MVP met him eight years ago and was impressed because MJF once volunteered to take him on a long drive for the price of getting to pick his brain in the car. MVP is proud of him for all of MJF’s accomplishments, but he isn’t impressed with what happened to MJF on Sunday. Why isn’t MJF out here hurting people? He has lost his edge and people in the back don’t fear them.
They do fear the Hurt Syndicate so maybe MVP can help him again. MVP offers him the business card but MJF declines it, saying he’s not the young kid that he was eight years ago. MJF doesn’t want or need MVP’s help, but MVP brings up that MJF WAS the World Champion. Now MJF takes the card and seems to be thinking about something.
Here is Max Caster for another open challenge.
Max Caster vs. Konosuke Takeshita
Caster thinks Takeshita is here to invite him into the Don Callis Family. Takeshita knocks him silly, picks him up, and hits Raging Fire for the pin at 1:29.
We look back at Chris Jericho attacking and unmasking Gravity at Revolution.
Jericho holds up Gravity’s mask and says gravity has been added to his feud with Bandido. Their family was terrified at Revolution and now it is time that people stop taking advantage of Jericho. This was serious Jericho again and it’s a nice relief after the goofiness has been going on for so long.
Penelope Ford vs. Willow Nightingale
Nightingale slams her down to start and they take turns sending the other into the corner. A suplex gets two on Ford but she sends Nightingale throat first into the ropes. We take a break and come back with Nightingale making the clothesline comeback. A spinebuster gives Nightingale two and the Gory Special goes on, with Ford biting her way out. They trade kicks to the face and Ford hits a Stunner, only to get Pounced for the pin at 8:39.
Rating: C+. I want to be able to buy into Ford but it isn’t going to matter if she never wins anything important. That has been the case for a long time and this is the latest loss in a long series of them. That being said, it is nice to see Nightingale get a win, which doesn’t happen often enough either. She needs something to do, and I’m not sure what that is going to be at the moment.
Post match Ford chairs Nightingale down so here is Kris Statlander for the save. Then Megan Bayne takes both of them down.
Mercedes Mone’s throat is messed up so Renee Paquette has to do Mone’s catchphrase. Billie Starkz comes in to say she wants a TBS Title shot. Mone laughs it off but gives her the match for next week.
Here is Will Ospreay for a chat. He’s banged up but happy to have gotten out of the cage match with Kyle Fletcher alive. Ospreay is in a bit of trouble with his wife because he lied to her, saying he wouldn’t do anything stupid off the cage. Then he forgot there was a guy in a green shirt filming him and after the match there were fifteen missed calls from the wife.
They finally talked and she was livid…but she made him a nice dinner anyway. Now Ospreay wants some gold around his waist in the form of the World Title. Ospreay looks at the All In Texas banner, so he’s in the Owen Hart Tournament. He’s ready to face Cope, Swerve or Moxley, whomever is waiting for him at All In. Simple and to the point here and the story about his wife was funny.
Jay White would love to face Will Ospreay again but he gets asked about hitting Cope with the briefcase. White to Renee Paquette: “Are you asking or accusing?” White goes on a rant about the Death Riders and says he wants to be the #1 contender.
Hangman Page runs into MJF and says he doesn’t believe MJF was going to light him on fire. MJF says they’re now 1-1 and MJF is going to go on to become a two time World Champion, while Page will fall on his face as he always does. The people will get tired of Page failing to win the big one (ignoring the one he’s already won I guess) while MJF will be World Champion over and over. So he’s admitting he’ll lose a lot?
International Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Hechicero vs. Orange Cassidy
Hechicero blocks the hands from going into the pockets but Cassidy walks the rope and gets his hand into his pocket. Then Hechicero just pulls him down, showing it was quite the waste of time. Cassidy slowly runs the ropes and falls to the mat before nipping up as we take a break.
Back with Hechicero choking over the ropes and then tying the leg up in the same ropes. Cassidy’s leg is fine enough to come back with a high crossbody but gets caught in a swinging hammerlock backbreaker for two. The Stundog Millionaire and the spinning DDT get Cassidy out of trouble but his knee is banged up. Cassidy’s lazy top rope elbow is almost countered into a cross armbreaker before Hechicero grabs the Rings Of Saturn. Cassidy makes the ropes and grabs the Mousetrap for the pin at 10:07.
Rating: B-. This felt like Hechicero was far in advance but got caught at the end for the sake of putting Cassidy in the four way final. Hechicero continues to be someone who can do some rather awesome things in the ring, but at the same time it doesn’t matter as much if he keeps losing in bigger matches. Either way, nice main event here, even if it only has so much in the way of stakes.
Mike Bailey comes out for the staredown with Cassidy to end the show.
Overall Rating: B-. They definitely took their foot off the gas a bit here and that’s not a bad thing. Revolution was such a big show that it is time to let things breathe a bit here. They did set some things up for Dynasty, which is coming up rather quickly. It wasn’t a bad show, but it did feel less important than some of what they have been doing lately. That has to be the case at some point though and this was still a good show.
Opps b. Vinny Pacifico/Eli Theseus/Gabriel Aeros – PK to Aeros
Hologram/Powerhouse Hobbs b. Brian Cage/Dralistico – Spinebuster to Dralistico
Mike Bailey b. The Beast Mortos – Crescent Kick
Konosuke Takeshita b. Max Caster – Raging Fire
Willow Nightingale b. Penelope Ford – Pounce
Orange Cassidy b. Hechicero – Mousetrap
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