Evolve – March 12, 2025: Settling In
Date: March 12, 2025
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Peter Rosenberg, Robert Stone
We’re back with the second episode after last week’s premiere and that could make for something interesting. Last week’s show was more about getting to know some people and the concept of the show so maybe that is what we will be seeing more of here. The point is getting these people in the ring in front of a camera so there can only be so many expectations. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
Stevie Turner hypes up the main event of Oro Mensah vs. Riley Osborne, both of whom are now part of the Evolve roster. We get a tease of some surprises as well.
It’s Gal, Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright are in the VIP section.
We meet Harlem Lewis, who grew up fighting and played football. He can’t stand soft and lazy people.
Braxton Cole went to Brown University and played football, then he tried out for WWE. His mind sets him apart from the rest.
Harlem Lewis vs. Braxton Cole
Lewis hits a clothesline to start and gorilla presses Cole before shouting about getting paid to beat Cole up. A powerslam finishes Cole at 1:15. Total destruction.
Post match Lewis says no one can beat him. Cue Keanu Carver for a showdown but It’s Gal (pronounced Gaul) to say he is the human action figure and he’ll be facing Carver next week. Carver wants to do it now so ring the bell.
It’s Gal vs. Keanu Carver
Carver drives him into the corner to start, setting up a heck of a fall away slam. A pop up faceplant and the Sky High finish Gal at 1:25.
Kylie Rae is all about positive energy and has watched wrestling for a long time. She’s really, really, really excited to be here.
Carlee Bright wants to see the competition. Kendal Grey says there is no competition for her around here. Bright: “You mean how good we are right?” Cue Zayda Steel to ask why she doesn’t have a match.
Zara Zakher is the petite powerhouse but she has overcome the odds her entire life. She has a background as a gymnast and did some things on TV, which is where she got her nickname.
Kylie Rae vs. Zara Zakher
We get a tentative handshake to start before Zara pulls her into a quickly broken headscissors. Some rollups give Rae two and she grabs a crossface, sending Zara straight to the ropes. Back up and Zara backs her into the ropes before hitting a clothesline in the corner. Rae is back with a running shot in the corner, setting up a cannonball for two.
The chinlock goes on as Zayda Steel is yelling about she should be in the ring right now. Zara fights up and hits a spinebuster for two, followed by a jumping knee. One fan: “BOO THIS WOMAN!” And the fans do so, though I’m not sure who they’re talking about. Rae still can’t keep the crossface on so she superkicks Zara for two, only to get rolled up for the pin at 5:15.
Rating: C+. Rae is someone who feels like she should have been a star a long time ago but there have been some issues holding her back. It’s nice to see her getting a chance in WWE, even at the bottom level, but she’s got a long way to go. Zara was fine enough out there but you can only get so much out of someone in a five minute debut.
Post match Zara says that was an upset but it won’t be next time. She shakes Rae’s hand and Rae seems touched but Zayda Steel isn’t happy. Cue Wendy Choo to hand Rae a bear with a note, which we can’t read.
Aria Bennett is a mother who has overcome a lot of obstacles with a gymnastics background.
Wendy Choo vs. Aria Bennett
Choo takes her to the match to start as the fans chant DON’T DIE. Bennett backflips over Choo out of the corner and walks on her hands, only for Choo to hit a spear to the back. Fans: “YOU DIED!” A neck crank sets up a handspring elbow in the corner to Choo, who hits a boot to the face. Bennett’s forearms and enziguri don’t do much as Choo gives her a full nelson slam. Choo chokes her out for the win at 2:07. Bennett is very athletic and did some cool stuff but it wasn’t going to get her very far here.
Post match Choo puts a blanket over her.
Brinley Reece congratulates Carlee Bright and Kendal Grey about their win last week but Grey is only so impressed.
We get a sitdown interview with Javier Bernal and Luca Crusifino, who got into it last week. Bernal has no problem with the D’Angelo Family and just wants a new start around here. Crusifino wasn’t impressed but how can Bernal get a chance when he’s already been written off? Crusifino wasn’t talking about him last week though because he doesn’t think about Bernal.
The reality is Bernal takes himself out so Crusifino doesn’t need to do it. Bernal needs to back up his words so he challenges Crusifino for next week. That’s fine with Crusifino, but remember that Bernal asked for this. Nice segment here, as it explained who these people are and gave them a reason to fight.
Video on WWE ID.
Jack Cartwheel, Sean Legacy and Cappuccino Jones are in the VIP section. Kali Armstrong comes in to ask what they’re doing here and then leaves.
Oro Mensah vs. Riley Osborne
Mensah gets in a hiptoss to start and yells a lot as they’re starting slowly. They go with the grappling on the mat before Mensah avoids an armdrag and gets two off a rollup. Osborne rolls him up for two more and Mensah is a bit surprised. They trade shoves until Mensah snaps off an anklescissors but Osborne hits a nice dropkick. Mensah kicks him to the floor and we take a break, coming back with Mensah dropping him for two more.
Osborne jawbreaks his way out of a chinlock but Mensah suplexes him right back down. A rolling hurricanrana gives Osborne two but Mensah dragon suplexes him for the same. Mensah gets sent outside for a big dive, with Stone saying he could do all of that stuff. Back in and Osborne gets two off a Michinoku Driver so Mensah takes his leg out. Osborne gets planted for two more before coming back to win a strike off. Mensah catches him on top with a flipping kick to the face before a rolling kick to the head finishes Osborne at 8:49.
Rating: C+. This got some time and you can definitely tell that the two of them are more experienced than most of the people on the show. They are capable of going out there and having a much more complete, thought out match and that’s what they did here. Either of these two could be put on NXT and do just fine, which makes them a good choice to be in this spot on the show.
Post match Mensah poses but Swipe Right runs through the curtain. The camera goes backstage to see Gallus breaking a bunch of stuff to end the show.
Overall Rating: B-. Odds are this is going to be more what the show is like week to week and that’s not a bad thing. This show featured a bunch of people and let us know something about them before putting them in the ring. Throw in setting up some things for the upcoming weeks and this was a fine show, even with the talent being as low level as you can get while still being in WWE.
Harlem Lewis b. Braxton Cole – Powerslam
Keanu Carver b. It’s Gal – Sky High
Zara Zakher b. Kylie Rae – Rollup
Wendy Choo b. Aria Bennett – Choke
Oro Mensah b. Riley Osborne – Rolling kick to the head
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