Ring Of Honor – March 13. 2025: Do Something Already
Ring Of Honor
Date: March 13, 2025
Location: Oakland Arena, Oakland, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman
We’re still on the way to nothing announced at the moment as there is no major show set for Wrestlemania Weekend thus far. In theory a major showdown could take place on Collision, but I’m not sure what that is going to be. Right now it seems like Chris Jericho against Bandido, but we’ve already done that recently. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
We run down the card.
Spanish Announce Project vs. Alpha Zo/CSJ
Zo works on Angelico’s arm to start as commentary makes some jokes about the non-stars’ names. Angelico ties up Zo’s arms with his feet before it’s off to Serpentico to stay on the arm. CSJ comes in and gets double superkicked until Serpentico gets to hammer away on Zo against the ropes. It’s back to CSJ for a running back elbow to the back and we hit the chinlock as we hear about JTG training CSJ (dang I feel old).
Serpentico comes back with a double Downward Spiral and it’s Angelico coming in again to strike away. CSJ gets in a shot though and is smart enough to drag Zo over to the right corner (a move that should be done more often). It’s back to CSJ, who is immediately tied up in a reverse figure four to give Angelico the tap at 6:43.
Rating: C+. Zo and CSJ got in a bit more than you might have expected here and they looked smarter than your run of the mill jobbers. Maybe they can turn into something down the road, but that is likely going to be a long way off. The Project being back is nice, but spare me from buying what commentary was saying about them getting back into the title picture.
We look at Chris Jericho unmasking Gravity and attacking him in front of his family.
We get Jericho’s promo from Dynamite, as he holds Gravity’s mask and mocks Bandido for scaring his family and unmasking his brother.
Blake Christian vs. Titus Alexander
Christian won’t shake hands so Alexander (hometown boy) says ring the bell, earning himself a slap in the face to start. The ensuing chase lets Christian stomp away on the way back in as commentary isn’t sure what to make of him. Alexander gets in a slap to the face and knocks Christian outside, where Christian whips him into the barricade a few times.
Christian kicks away back inside but yells at the referee, allowing Alexander to get a boot up in the corner. A Lethal Injection sends Christian outside and there’s the big flip dive. Back in and Christian avoids a charge into the corner, only to get caught with a running knee for two. Christian slips out of a rolling Chaos Theory though and hits a stomp, setting up Vanilla Choke Zero (that’s a great name) for the tap at 6:50.
Rating: B-. I was expecting nothing here and Alexander worked as hard as he could to get over here. It wouldn’t stun me to see him getting another shot around here, possibly even something a bit more regularly. Christian has become a little something around here too and that is something of a surprise. I’ll take what I can get, but it isn’t going to matter unless Christian gets somewhere.
Leila Grey is ready to step up.
Leila Grey vs. Lady Frost
Frost armdrags her down to start as commentary talks about which woman should get the first action figure from Ring Of Honor. Thankfully Ian realizes it should be Athena as Grey sends her into the corner, only to get chopped for her efforts. More chops set up some running shoulders in the corner but Grey is right back with a dragon sleeper of all things. That’s broken up and they fight over a small package for two each. Frost kicks her down in the corner and hits a handspring cannonball. A spinning kick to the head misses though and Grey grabs a fluke rollup for the pin at 4:31.
Rating: C. Grey is someone who could get a chance somewhere if she is given the chance and while we’re a good way off from that, a clean pin is only going to help things. She has come a long way in a short amount of time and it would be nice to see her do something else. The same is true for Frost, but she seems a lot less likely to get the shot.
Premiere Athletes/Frat House vs. Top Flight/Gates Of Agony
The brawl starts on the floor with the good guys taking over and we settle down to Dante and Daivari inside. Nese comes in and takes Dante into the wrong corner before a legsweep gets two. Dante armdrags Karter into the wrong corner though and a string of slingshot hilos get two. Vance gets in a cheap shot on the floor though and Darius is in trouble for a change.
The villains and their seconds get in some group stomping before Daivari grabs a chinlock. That’s broken up and everything breaks down with Kaun Cactus Clotheslining Karter outside. Toa throws Dante onto the pile before going to the floor to clean house. Even Mark Sterling gets taken down (Ian: “I don’t need my birthday and I don’t need Christmas. That was awesome!”). Back in and Open The Gates finishes Vance at 8:25.
Rating: C+. Apparently Toa is from this area so this was a great homecoming for him as he was looking great out there. At the same time, commentary hyped up the Gates and Top Flight as potential title contenders. Say it with me: THEN DO SOMETHING WITH THEM AND THE CHAMPIONS! That’s one of the biggest issues with ROH: we keep hearing about how people are moving into title contention and then they never actually do it. If you want the Gates or Top Flight to be champions then cool, but actually GO THERE ALREADY.
Last week, Dark Panther wouldn’t shake Komander’s hand before their title match next week.
Aaron Solo vs. Dark Panthers
Komander is in the audience again. They forearm it out to start before heading outside, where Panther drops him face first onto the apron. Solo gets in a shot of his own though and hits a top rope double stomp for two. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gives Panther two of his own before going for the arm, which sends Solo to the ropes. Panther hurricanranas him to the floor and hits a pair of dives. Solo gets sent into the barricade right in front of Panther but Solo uses the distraction to hit a spinning kick to the head. Panther kicks him down though and hits a middle rope basement dropkick for the pin at 5:40.
Rating: C+. This was designed to get Panther built up for the TV Title match next week. That’s been the case for the last few weeks and that has made it work just a bit better. They’re actually putting together a story here and even if Panther winning feels like a long shot, the story has gone pretty well. If feels like they’re actually doing something and that helps so much.
Post match Komander and Panther have a rather aggressive staredown.
Lee Johnson vs. Katsuyori Shibata
Johnson won’t shake hands to start so Shibata starts in on the arm. A stomp to the arm lets Shibata start working on the leg, including a Figure Four. Johnson makes the ropes so Shibata of course breaks it up, allowing Shibata to come back with a headlock. That’s broken up as well and Shibata chops him to the floor, meaning the chase is on.
Shibata changes directions in a smart move but gets kicked in the ribs to slow him down in an even smarter move. Back in and Johnson stomps away before going to the eyes to keep Shibata in trouble. Shibata isn’t having any of Johnson’s chops though and chops right back, followed by a running dropkick in the corner. Johnson brainbusters him down but Shibata grabs an STO into a cross armbreaker, sending Johnson over to the ropes. The PK finishes for Shibata at 8:18.
Rating: B-. Shibata is one of those guys who is going to put in a good performance against anyone and that was the case here too. He’s incredibly smooth in the ring and made Johnson look better. Again though, it would be nice if he actually did something of note rather than just having one off matches like this.
The Frat House doesn’t mind the loss because it’s time to drink. The Dark Order comes in and tells Vance to grow up. Vance points out that they haven’t won anything and leaves. Fair point.
Mistico/Esfinge/Atlantis vs. Rocky Romero/Valiente/Euforia
It’s a series of strikes to start until Mistico gets caught in the corner for some running clotheslines. Esfinge gets beaten up as well with a top rope splash getting two. Atlantis gets beaten down for a bit but makes it over to Mistico, who is triple teamed again. Mistico handspring elbows his way out of trouble and hits a springboard hurricanrana to take out Euforia on the floor.
Back in and Esfinge gets to clean some house but Euforia takes Atlantis down without much trouble. Euforia chops his partners by mistake and Atlantis gets to snap off some tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. We settle down to Mistico vs. Valiente, with the fans being rather behind the former. Mistico ties him in the ropes for a kick to the chest before sending Romero outside. A big dive to the floor takes Euforia out again so Esfinge comes in to avoid some double teaming. Everything breaks down and La Mistica makes Euforia tap at 9:45.
Rating: B-. As usual, the CMLL stars do rather well, but also as usual, it feels like something that is just tacked on because it can be there. I’m not sure why they are on every show and while I’m enjoying the matches, I could go for them mixing it up a bit. Also, as has been the case before, the idea of having Mistico available and using him in this spot, basically unannounced, is slightly insane.
Overall Rating: B-. The wrestling here was good this week, if not better than usual, but egads this show had so many frustrations piled together. It feels like the same people are getting the same spots but there is almost nothing for them to be fighting about. Other than the Jericho video that we saw earlier in the week, titles and champions weren’t factors on this show. If there’s nothing for these people to be fighting over, why are they fighting? Ring Of Honor might want to figure that out. I mean they won’t, but they might want to.
Spanish Announce Project b. CSJ/Alpha Zo – Reverse figure four to CSJ
Blake Christian b. Titus Alexander – Vanilla Coke Zero
Leila Grey b. Lady Frost – Rollup
Gates Of Agony/Top Flight b. Premiere Athletes/Frat House – Open The Gates to Vance
Dark Panther b. Aaron Solo – Middle rope basement dropkick
Mistico/Esfinge/Atlantis b. Rocky Romero/Valiente/Euforia – La Mistica to Euforia
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