Smackdown – March 14, 2025: Viva
Date: March 14, 2025
Location: Olimpic Arena Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett
We’re taped from Europe this week, which is going to be the case for a little while now. That should make for some interesting situations and we are just over a month away from Wrestlemania. Cody Rhodes is here to talk about John Cena on MizTV, which feels like it is a way to set up a match tonight. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
A bunch of people came to work, but in Spain.
Here is the new US Champion LA Knight for a chat. The fans are VERY happy to see him and give him one of those cool singing welcomes. Knight: “YEAH!” This is the first Smackdown in Barcelona (the fans sing again, with Knight quipping that it’s a tough crowd tonight) and he is worldwide.
Cue Jimmy Uso to interrupt, saying he needs a rope to Wrestlemania so he wants to challenge for the title right now. Cue Solo Sikoa to say Jacob Fatu deserves a title shot. Sikoa calls Jimmy the failure of the family but Jimmy says the failure was trusting Sikoa as his little brother. The brawl is on with the bad guys in control but Braun Strowman runs in for the save. Nick Aldis comes out to announce a six man tag (with some Spanish thrown in).
Jimmy Uso/Braun Strowman/LA Knight vs. Solo Sikoa/Jacob Fatu/Tama Tonga
We’re joined in progress with Uso coming in to jump over Sikoa in the corner and slug away. The ten punches in the corner rock Sikoa but a distraction lets him come back with Spinning Solo. Fatu’s backsplash sets up Tonga’s slingshot hilo and Sikoa adds a running Umaga Attack in the corner. Uso gets in a shot of his own though and hands it off to Knight to pick up the pace.
The jumping neckbreaker and DDT get one on Fatu, who is back up to knock Knight silly. Knight knocks him right back down though and hits the top rope elbow. Fatu drops him again and we take a break. Back with Tonga taking Knight into the corner for a running splash. Fatu hits his own Umaga Attack but Knight manages to suplex Sikoa. Strowman comes in to clean house, including the running shots on the floor. Knight and Uso take out the others, leaving Strowman to powerslam Tonga for the pin at 10:09.
Rating: C+. This was a house show style match and Strowman gets to win for the popular guys. Tonga is more or less there for the sake of taking the falls for the team as we are getting closer to the split at the top of….whatever Sikoa and company are calling themselves. The match was nothing great, but it did what it needed to do in getting the show started off well.
Post match Sikoa takes Strowman down and Fatu goes after him as well, including the triple jump moonsault. It works so well that Fatu does it again.
We get a look at HHH before his Hall Of Fame induction.
We look back at Naomi admitting she attacked Jade Cargill, leaving Bianca Belair in tears and earning Naomi another beating from Cargill.
Cargill has a sitdown interview in an empty arena earlier today, saying she is physically ready to go. Naomi suggesting that she was the victim made Cargill sick because she remembers being attacked and seeing Naomi run away. She couldn’t believe that Naomi would team with Belair like nothing happened so she had to take matters into her own hands. Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez come in to mock her, with Cargill issuing the challenge for next week.
B-Fab, in English and Spanish, is ready to start her legacy by beating Charlotte.
B-Fab vs. Charlotte
They take their time staring each other down to start before Charlotte powers her into the corner. B-Fab comes back with a half nelson slam for two and Charlotte rolls outside as we take a break. Back with Charlotte stomping away before taking her down with a neckbreaker. The chinlock goes on and Charlotte even manages to mock the crowd at the same time.
We take another break and come back with Charlotte hitting the figure four necklock faceplants to keep B-Fab in trouble. It’s too early for the Figure Eight though and B-Fab fires off some right hands. A pump kick gives B-Fab two but Charlotte is back with a superkick. Natural Selection into the Figure Eight finishes B-Fab at 8:22.
Rating: C+. B-Fab was trying here but this was all about getting Charlotte her first singles win in a very long time. That’s not a bad thing and B-Fab held her own in a longer match than you usually see from her. Charlotte is on her way back to the title picture at Wrestlemania though and this was more about letting the fans know how good she can be, again.
Post match Charlotte won’t let go and it’s Tiffany Stratton in for the save. Security can’t break it up and the fight stays on, with Charlotte diving off the announcers’ table to take Stratton down. Stratton hits her own dive and they’re FINALLY split up. I would hope that they’re wearing different colors at Wrestlemania because they were both in pink here and I was having trouble telling them apart.
Drew McIntyre blames Damian Priest for all of his problems in the last year.
Here’s the Miz for MizTV but Charlotte and Stratton are still fighting at the entrance. Security breaks it up again, only for Stratton to get up on the video screen for a big flip dive. Stratton shouts that there is a new queen in town to finally wrap it up.
And now, MizTV, with Miz doing the introduction in Spanish to continue a trend tonight. Miz talks about how his guest should have taken the Rock up on his offer but then got beaten down by two great rappers instead. Here is Cody Rhodes, with the fans singing his theme song in one of those shows of respect that never gets old. Miz goes even heelier than usual by saying he doesn’t have time for the singalong, which earns him a quick Cross Rhodes. Cody takes off his jacket to reveal a BARCELONA NIGHTMARE shirt (the fans approve) before saying he only wants to talk to John Cena, so he’ll see him Monday.
Earlier today, Shinsuke Nakamura told Nick Aldis he wanted a rematch when Damian Priest came in to say he wanted Drew McIntyre. Priest doesn’t like what he thinks Nakamura is saying so Aldis makes the match for later. As usual, Priest comes off like he is always ready to fight and that makes him feel more important.
We get a teaser for someone who looks a lot like Rey Fenix. Interesting that he might not be on the same show as Penta.
Damian Priest vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
They trade arm cranking to start until Nakamura takes him into the corner for Good Vibrations. A running clothesline puts Nakamura on the floor though and we take an early break. Back with Priest dropping him face first onto the barricade, only to miss a charge back inside. Nakamura hits the middle rope knee for two and it’s time to choke on the ropes.
We take a break and come back with Nakamura grabbing a chinlock. An enziguri takes Priest down again but he catches Nakamura with the lifting Downward Spiral. They go outside with Priest sending him over the announcer’s table, setting up the Old School high crossbody back inside. Back up and they trade strikes to the face but here is Drew McIntyre to sit on the announcers’ table. The distraction lets Nakamura load up Kinshasa, which is reversed into South Of Heaven. That’s enough for McIntyre to come in and jump Priest for the DQ at 8:42.
Rating: B-. This was about two guys getting to go after each other and hit the other rather hard until they got to the finish. In this case that’s how it should have gone as you don’t want Priest to lose, but Nakamura getting pinned twice in a row would be a bit much. The match itself was a good back and forth fight though, which shouldn’t be a surprise given whom was in there.
Post match McIntyre goes for Priest’s eyes, allowing Nakamura to hit Kinshasa. Nakamura leaves and McIntyre wrecks Priest. McIntyre goes to leave but sees Priest getting back up, earning himself a Claymore and some yelling.
DIY says they make the tag team division the best in the world and they’ll prove it again tonight. The Motor City Machine Guns come in to say they’ll be waiting.
Chelsea Green is glad that her administration is at full force despite everything she has had to go through. Zelina Vega comes in to say she wants a title shot but gets a match with Piper Niven next week instead. Works for Vega, who is still coming for the title.
Randy Orton vs. Carmelo Hayes
Hayes offers him a handshake but the fans want the RKO. Orton tries for the handshake but Hayes pulls it away, earning himself quite the beating. The belly to back drop onto the announcers’ table has Hayes in trouble and we take an early break. Back with Orton dropping him on the table again but Hayes gets in a cheap shot to take over. The fans do not like Hayes and rhythmically chant about it as we take another break.
We come back again with Orton fighting out of a chinlock but getting put right back into it. Orton fights up and hits the powerslam before pulling Hayes out of the air for another powerslam. The hanging DDT sends Hayes outside and he grabs a Stunner over the top rope. Nothing But Net misses so Hayes settles for the springboard DDT for two instead. Hayes goes up top again and gets superplexed back down but the RKO is countered into the First 48. Then the RKO connects to give Orton the pin at 10:22.
Rating: B-. While Hayes is losing a lot of these big matches, he is staying in these matches and looking good against bigger stars. What matters is that he could be moved up to the next level with just a win or two. Other than that, there is something to be said about having a younger star like Hayes who can go out there and hang with these names, though a win here or there would be nice.
Post match Orton gives him another RKO to even the score a bit. The Punt is loaded up but Kevin Owens runs in for the save. Owens bails before violence can ensue.
Jacob Fatu wants one more match with Braun Strowman next week.
We get a mysterious smoky vignette with the number 4. Or is that a slightly slanted A?
Here is Gunther for a chat. Gunther says that the Road To Wrestlemania Europe starts here and as the greatest European wrestler of all time….he wishes they could be in Madrid instead. Gunther mocks Jey Uso as having no substance and asks for “a kid” to come face him, meaning Axiom gets a rare main roster appearance.
Gunther vs. Axiom
Non-title and Axiom, a masked high flier from Spain, is one half of the NXT Tag Team Champions. Axiom is a bit tentative to start before going to the mat and getting in a quick kick. Gunther misses the chop in the corner and Axiom strikes away as the fans are losing their minds over this stuff. A chop cuts Axiom off again but the fans are right there as he fires off forearms.
The Boston crab has Axiom in trouble and Gunther flips it into an STF. Gunther goes after the mask, which wakes Axiom up enough for a missile dropkick. A running knee connects but Gunther dropkicks him down. The dropkick gets two but Axiom catches Gunther on top, with a super hurricanrana connecting. The Golden Ratio (superkick) gives Axiom two so he cranks on the arms. That’s enough for Gunther, who hits a powerbomb, the clothesline, and another powerbomb for the pin at 9:24.
Rating: B. The fans were crazy into this and they were carrying this even higher than the two of them were getting in the first place. At the same time, Axiom was more than holding his own out there to make for a heck of a match. Gunther can work well with anyone and having him shut down a smaller high flier like this makes sense. Good match, with awesome crowd reactions.
Post match Gunther sleepers axiom for the knockout.
We look back at Roman Reigns accidentally helping Seth Rollins beat Cm punk in a cage match on Raw. Then Paul Heyman helped Punk up, earning Punk one heck of a beating from Reigns.
Here is Heyman for a chat, declaring that today is Roman Reigns Day, because it is the release day for WWE2K25. He knows everyone is going to go home and play the game, but please wait until the show is over because he likes to keep the ratings high during his segments. Heyman moves on to CM Punk, who is his friend, but it isn’t CM Punk Day, nor will it ever be Seth Rollins Day. If you have a problem with that, you can say it to his face next week in Italy.
Here’s what’s coming next week.
Legado del Fantasma wishes the Street Profits luck. The Profits are ready to get the Tag Team Titles.
Gunther tells Jimmy Uso to get Jey Uso to not challenge him at Wrestlemania or bad things will happen.
Tag Team Titles: DIY vs. Street Profits
The Profits are challenging. Dawkins and Ciampa start things off with Dawkins unloading in the corner to start fast. The assisted moonsault gives Ford two and it’s back to Dawkins, who chases Gargano on the floor. That’s enough for Ciampa to hammer away back inside as Pretty Deadly is shown watching. Ford comes back in but gets nailed by Gargano before Ciampa drops him ribs first across the top rope.
The Fairy Tale Ending is blocked though and Ford kicks Ciampa away, allowing the tag off to Dawkins. House is quickly cleaned but Ford’s 450 only hits raised knees. Back up and a Doomsday Blockbuster gives Ford two with Ciampa making the save. The Fairy Tale Ending/superkick combination gets two on Dawkins but Meet In The Middle misses. Ford’s frog splash connects for the pin and the titles at 11:52.
Rating: B-. This had to happen at some point as the Profits had been so close to the titles so many times, only to come up short. It’s nice to see them getting the gold, as it spices things up in the division. Odds are we wind up with some kind of a big five team ladder match at Wrestlemania, but for now, this is the right move as it is long overdue.
Overall Rating: B. Here you had a show where the crowd boosted things up that far, as the fans were going nuts all night long. The title change at the end made things feel that much more important and it was a big way to get things going with the six shows in Europe. It’s not a great show, but the fans were hot and you can see where a lot of this stuff is going, which is nice to see.
Jimmy Uso/Braun Strowman/LA Knight b. Solo Sikoa/Jacob Fatu/Tama Tonga – Running powerslam to Tonga
Charlotte b. B-Fab – Figure Eight
Damian Priest b. Shinsuke Nakamura via DQ when Drew McIntyre interfered
Randy Orton b. Carmelo Hayes – RKO
Gunther b. Axiom – Powerbomb
Street Profits b. DIY – Frog splash to Gargano
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The European Crowd are killing it right now, it would be a wise move if they do a wrestlemania in eroupe in the coming years.