Collision – March 15, 2025: They Needed That One

Date: March 15, 2025
Location: The Theater At Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

We are on the way to Dynasty and believe it or not, there is a tournament going on. This one is to crown a new #1 contender to the International Title and after the first match on Wednesday, it’s time for two more matches this week. Those should be good enough to carry a lot of the show, with FTR vs. the Undisputed Kingdom doing more of the lifting. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Ricochet, Katsuyori Shibata, Mark Davis, Mark Briscoe, Undisputed Era and FTR are ready to fight.

Opening sequence.

Commentary runs down the card.

International Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Ricochet

Feeling out process to start with Shibata getting a kick to the leg, which just annoys Ricochet. An exchange of chops goes to Shibata but Ricochet seemingly crotches him on the ropes to take over. Shibata gets sent into the barricade, followed by a standing shooting star press for two back inside.

We take a break and come back with Shibata getting annoyed at the chops but getting dropped with a dropkick. They both sit down for the chops (because of course) until Shibata grabs a claw. A running slap to the head annoys Ricochet and a German suplex sets up the STF to send him into the ropes. Ricochet is back with the fireman’s carry kick to the head into a Lionsault for two. Vertigo is countered into the sleeper but the PK misses. Instead Ricochet rolls him up and puts his feet on the ropes for the pin at 12:32.

Rating: B-. Ricochet moving on makes perfect sense and it wouldn’t surprise me to see him getting the title shot at Dynasty. At the same time you have Shibata, who is in a bunch of places at once. He’s in the new monster trio with the Opps, he’s putting people over in matches like this and he’s having random matches in ROH. That’s a lot for anyone and while it’s still good, maybe dropping one of those things could help.

We look at Mike Bailey and Orange Cassidy advancing in the tournament on Dynamite.

The Don Callis Family beat up some guys in the back.

Toni Storm is done with making Wayne Newton and is ready to fight Megan Bayne. If Bayne wants to attack the guppies of AEW, Storm is happy with making shark fin soup.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Griff Garrison

The rest of the Frat House (it’s an ROH thing) is here with Garrison. A boot to the face just annoys Hobbs, who runs him over and takes out the Frat House. The spinebuster finishes Garrison at 1:19.

Post match the Frat House jumps Hobbs but the Outrunners make the save. Hobbs really didn’t need anyone to help with these goofs.

Thunder Rosa doesn’t like the lack of respect from Megan Bayne and says her ovaries are bigger than Bayne’s brain cells. Bayne comes in and lays her out without much trouble.

International Title #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Mark Davis vs. Mark Briscoe

Briscoe strikes away but Davis is back with a belly to back suplex. Back up and Briscoe sends him to the floor for the running flip dive, only to be sent into the barricade. Briscoe shrugs that up and puts a chair on the apron for the step up flip dive as we take a break. Back with Briscoe hitting a missile dropkick and striking away in the corner.

Davis grabs a dragon suplex for a needed breather and they go outside again. That just earns him an apron Blockbuster into a running elbow from the barricade. A fisherman’s buster gets two on Davis but cue the Murder Machines for a distraction. Davis hits the Coriolis Force for the fluke pin at 12:15.

Rating: C+. This was pretty much a long squash until the Machines came in, because Davis just isn’t that interesting or good. He’s perfectly fine for a middle of the road spot, but there was nothing else that could be done here other than having him beat Briscoe? I’m assuming Davis is in the match for the sake of taking the fall, but it’s still annoying to see Briscoe taking another loss.

Murder Machines vs. ???/???/???/???

Even commentary points out that the Machines have been all over the show. The Machines carry the beaten up losers (I’m guessing the people we saw backstage earlier) to the ring and finish with the powerbomb/chokeslam combination at 27 seconds.

Post match, further destruction ensues. Mark Briscoe tries to come in for the save but needs Powerhouse Hobbs to save him. All four of them brawl around the arena.

We look at the end of the Revolution main event. If Schiavone can call him “Cope, Adam Copeland”, why do we need the COPE name at all? Anyway Swerve Strickland is up next for Jon Moxley and the World Title.

Here is Swerve for a chat. He did what he said he would do at Revolution when he became #1 contender. Ricochet is a tough man but Swerve put him down and would be glad to do it again. It’s time for Swerve to focus on the title, which he won last year at Dynasty. Now he has to do it again and he has the chance. The question is who that will be, as Cope is getting a title shot next week on Dynamite.

Cope is a legend, but right now he’s standing in the way and Swerve will run him down. Then we have Jon Moxley, a four time World Champion, and Swerve is making the people listen to his drivel every week. In three weeks, Swerve is taking the title from one of them…and here is Moxley with a crowbar to Swerve’s leg. Swerve’s injured ear is rammed into the mat. Moxley bails outside and promises to take out Cope on Dynamite. Schiavone: “Jon Moxley is obviously one step ahead.” Remember that: Moxley is smarter and tougher than everyone.

Thunder Rosa rants about Megan Bayne but the mic messes up.

Top Flight/Hologram vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

Cru (Remember them?) comes out to watch as Moriarty works on Hologram’s arm to start. Hologram gets two off a rollup as Harleygram is watching in the back. Dante and Dean come in with Dante scoring off a dropkick. Bravo comes in off a blind tag for a boot to the face and we take a break.

Back with Bravo planting Dante for two as The Beast Mortos is in the back, seemingly perplexed by Harleygram. Dante gets over for the tag to Darius, who hits a springboard Downward Spiral for two. An assisted swinging Rock Bottom plants Darius for two with Hologram making the save. Hologram gets to clean house and a dropkick/German suplex combination finishes Bravo at 9:06.

Rating: C+. There was a lot going on here, but Mortos having a thing for Harleygram has some potential. I’d hope that he isn’t going to be confused as to who he is, but that’s the kind of thing that would fit in around here. Other than that, it was the usual match from the people involved, though Cru continues to be….I guess the right word is “there”.

Hologram and Komander want to fight La Faccion Ingobernable.

Megan Bayne vs. Thunder Rosa

Rosa is banged up but strikes away to start. A running dropkick doesn’t do much to Bayne, who knocks her down without much trouble. An overhead belly to belly sends Rosa flying and she gets tossed outside as we take a break. Back with Rosa hammering away again to some better avail, including a missile dropkick to put Bayne down. Another dropkick sends her outside, where a posting makes it even worse. They slug it out on the ramp, where Rosa charges into Fate’s Descent (she landed on all fours (fair) so it wasn’t the worst result,) for a nine count. Another Fate’s Descent (much better) finishes for Bayne at 9:00.

Rating: B-. They didn’t have a ton of time with so much of the match taking place in the break but this was about getting Bayne probably her biggest win in AEW to date. Beating Rosa and having Toni Storm in her cross hairs is a good sign for Bayne, as she is certainly hitting the ground running. This was a good example of how to move someone forward and Bayne is getting a strong push to start.

Post match Bayne goes after Rosa again but Toni Storm runs in for the save/brawl. Fate’s Descent leaves Storm laying so Kris Statlander comes in for the real save.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite.

We recap FTR vs. the Undisputed Kingdom, who promise that it’s Top Guys Down.

FTR vs. Undisputed Kingdom

Daniel Garcia and Adam Cole are on commentary. Harwood and O’Reilly go with the grappling to start, with Harwood having to bail to the floor. Wheeler comes in and gets caught with a gutbuster/middle rope knee combination. O’Reilly gets to hammer away on the mat but it’s back to Harwood to take over. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Strong avoids a charge in the corner.

The piledriver is blocked and the tag brings in O’Reilly…for all of three seconds as the referee didn’t see the tag. Harwood plants Strong down for two more and we take a break. Back with Strong Angle Slamming Harwood, allowing the tag back to O’Reilly to clean house. Wheeler comes back in and gets his ankle locked, which is reversed into Wheeler’s ankle lock for a change.

Harwood adds a top rope headbutt to O’Reilly and everyone is down. What looked like a Doomsday Device is broken up so FTR settles for a Steiner Bulldog for two. Strong breaks up the Shatter Machine and a series of strikes gets two on Harwood. Chasing The Dragon is broken up so it’s a High/Low for two on Harwood instead. We get the four way slugout until the Shatter Machine hits Strong. O’Reilly breaks up the cover at two as Harwood seems to be bleeding from the chest. Harwood punches Strong down but the PowerPlex is broken up. Instead it’s another Shatter Machine to pin Strong at 16:41.

Rating: B+. Yeah this worked rather well, with both teams nailing it the whole way at the end. That’s the kind of thing that makes AEW stand out a lot of the time, as they know how to let talented wrestlers do their thing for a good while. FTR can still hang with anyone and it’s nice to see them have their kind of match and even get a win for a change. Pretty awesome main event here.

Post match Garcia and Cole have a tense handshake but FTR won’t shake the Kingdom’s hands to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The main event was rather good and the focus on Megan Bayne worked very well as she looks like that much more of a star. Overall, this was a strong enough episode of the show, though I could have gone for less of the Murder Machines in the first hour. It set things up for Dynamite as well, making it not only entertaining but efficient. Not a bad use of two hours whatsoever.

Ricochet b. Katsuyori Shibata – Rollup with feet on the ropes
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Griff Garrison – Spinebuster
Mark Davis b. Mark Briscoe – Coriolis Force
Murder Machines b. ???/???/???/??? – Powerbomb/chokeslam combination
Top Flight/Hologram b. Shane Taylor Promotions – Dropkick/German suplex combination to Bravo
Megan Bayne b. Thunder Rosa – Fate’s Descent
FTR b. Undisputed Kingdom – Shatter Machine to Strong



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