Monday Night Raw – March 17, 2025: The John Cena Explanation
Monday Night Raw
Date: March 17, 2025
Location: Forest National, Brussels, Belgium
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves
We’re still in Europe and that means the show is airing live around the world on Netflix. That makes for an interesting setup but there is something a bit more interesting than that on top. The big story this week is John Cena returning and hopefully explaining his attack on Cody Rhodes. The fact that Rhodes is here too should help so let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Commentary hypes up the card and says we should give John Cena the chance to explain himself.
We look back at Cena’s heel turn with Cody Rhodes’ promo from last week narrating.
Here is Cena to get things going and the fans are not pleased with him. Cena has the regular gear on and holds up the Last Time Is Now towel but is much more stoic than usual with far less energy. The dueling chants begin and Cena takes the microphone, which he drops and teases leaving but stops. Cena finally gives a quote about how you shouldn’t have to look outside yourself for approval.
The fans keep booing and Cena says this is making it so easy for him. Cena says that for twenty five years, he has been in an abusive relationship. The people have spent all these years bullying him into being his puppet and expecting him to do it with a smile on his face. The fans are not pleased with this and let him know (the censoring takes a second to catch up), which Cena calls “so very classy”. Cena: “I am not a babyface. I am not a heel. I’m a human being.”
Everyone has been awful to him and it has been the same noise for twenty five years (eh more like twenty but close enough). The fans have let him know that he wasn’t worthy of his attention so he changed himself, but it wasn’t enough. Then he worked hard like he always did and he did nothing but win and they still didn’t like him. Cena says the only thing he can do is leave, which is something that has never been done before, which gets some cheers.
One last time, Cena tries to do something nice for them and YOU RUIN IT JUST LIKE YOU RUIN EVERYTHING. Just like tonight, it’s two seconds of being great but that’s never enough! The fans sing the Goodbye Song and Cena goes into a rant about how everything has always been about what the fans get. No one ever asked how he was feeling so they get what they deserve, which is NOTHING. The fans don’t get a new look or new music because the look is his, just like the voice on his theme song.
The only thing you get is a long look in the mirror to see how bad people have been to him for twenty five years. Cena mocks the WE WANT CODY chant before pointing out some LET’S GO CENA chanters. Those people are the worst of them all because they have done nothing but steal from him. You steal his moments and times and made him the punchline of a stupid invisible joke for FIFTEEN YEARS AND IT IS NOT FUNNY!
These people wear words like hustle, loyalty and respect but he lives them every day. You think you can buy the idea of “never give up”? He is the embodiment of the idea and these people use him as an excuse for their pathetic failures of a life. Each of them, including the kid in Cena gear in the front row, is part of a TOXIC RELATIONSHIP. Cena: “I’m breaking up with you. I’m done. I’m breaking up with every single person. You’re dumped. I don’t care about you and you don’t matter to me.”
Cue Cody Rhodes to an absolute roar, leaving Cena just shaking his head. Rhodes says everyone, including himself, was willing to hear Cena out. Cena said everyone gave him their worst but they have also given him their best for twenty five years. They did that because Cena could do that and carry it. Cena: “Listen kid…” Rhodes: “ENOUGH! It certainly isn’t kid. It’s WWE Champion.”
Rhodes was looking forward to going toe to toe to Cena week to week but this version better not show up at Wrestlemania. He already took Cena’s best shot so he’ll send Cena to retirement early. At Wrestlemania, he wants the real Cena, not this whiny b****. Rhodes leaves (no music) and poses on the stage with the title before leaving. Cena drops the mic and goes to leave, earning a reprise of the Goodbye Song. He goes up the aisle, teases a pose, and then walks away.
This went on for the better part of half an hour and it didn’t feel real. After so many years of the same kind of stuff from Cena, it was so strange to see him just unleashing all of this venom. It worked very well and told Cena’s story, with Cena intentionally talking down to everyone watching. That’s what it should have been and while it’s going to take some time to process, my goodness did it work well, with the fans being furious with him the whole time. Rhodes’ stuff was fine, but this was ALL about Cena, as fans have been waiting a very long time for this.
Michael Cole goes on a rant about what Cena just said and credits the fans for everything that Cena has. Cole: “Cena is an irrational p***k.” Corey Graves says we don’t have to like it but there’s going to be a fight at Wrestlemania.
The main event is for the Intercontinental Title so we look at some classic Wrestlemania matches, including Savage vs. Steamboat. Yeah that still holds up.
Penta vs. Ludwig Kaiser
No DQ and they slug it out to start until Penta knocks him to the floor. A missed charge sends Penta into the timekeeper’s area but Penta walks the barricade for a hurricanrana into the apron (thankfully Kaiser stood there while Penta was coming at him). Penta hits a big running flip dive over the top and they strike it out on the announcers’ table. Kaiser goes to the eyes and hits a Death Valley Driver onto the table as we take a break.
Back with Penta hitting a high crossbody and a Backstabber to put Kaiser down. Kaiser gets in another Death Valley Driver and they go outside, where Penta backdrops him onto the announcers’ table. Back in and they strike it out until Kaiser gets two off a neckbreaker. Kaiser demands that Penta fear him and hits a loud chair shot to the back. He demands that Penta say he’s scared but Penta reverses into the Sacrifice.
Penta grabs a chair so Kaiser backs off and says Penta wins. Then Kaiser rakes the eyes and takes the chair, only to get it superkicked into his face. Penta does it again and hits a middle rope Canadian Destroyer onto the chair (ignore that Penta landed on it instead of him), setting up the Penta Driver for the pin at 13:53.
Rating: B. The thing that catches my attention here is how few weapons they used here. Other than the announcers’ table, the chair was the only thing involved. Rather than using a bunch of weapons, they told a story with Kaiser becoming obsessed with breaking Penta but not being able to do it. Penta gets a big win and can move on, possibly into a title feud.
Post match Penta thanks the fans and says he’s coming for the Intercontinental Title. There you go.
Dakota Kai comes to the ring. Of note: Karrion Kross could be seen talking to Dominik Mysterio.
We go to the Judgment Day clubhouse where the team wishes each other luck when Dominik comes in. Balor thanks him for getting an Intercontinental Title shot tonight. Dominik has an idea of adding someone new to the team (Liv Morgan doesn’t think this is the right time) like say, Penta. Balor is NOT pleased and calls Dominik a snake. With Balor gone, Dominik says he didn’t know Penta wanted the Intercontinental Title. Carlito: “You don’t watch the show do you?” Points for a funny line.
Dakota Kai vs. Ivy Nile
Chad Gable and the rest of American Made are here too. Kai knocks her into the corner to start but what looks like an RKO is shoved away. Nile hammers away but charges into some shots to the face. Kai fights back with a boot in the corner and another out to the floor, only for Gable to offer a distraction. Back up and Nile hits something like a swinging Rock Bottom for two but here is the LWO to go after the Creeds. Gable is chased out of the arena and the running boot in the corner into the GTK finishes for Kai at 2:49.
Adam Pearce is here to emcee the contract signing between Iyo Sky and Bianca Belair. Sky says she won’t be disrespected again because she is the Women’s World Champion. She signs to get us halfway done. Belair says if Sky thought that was disrespectful, Sky doesn’t know her at all. Belair signs as well…and here is Rhea Ripley to interrupt.
Ripley gets in Belair’s face but says she’s just here to watch. Ripley isn’t pleased and gets shoved by Bianca, only for Ripley to put Belair on the table. A powerbomb sends Sky onto Belair….and Ripley signs the contract as well before taking it with her. This continues the wrestling tradition of THIS ISN’T HOW CONTRACTS WORK.
Jey Uso is ready to face Gunther….and then he runs into Gunther. Arguing and shoving ensues but security breaks it up.
Jey Uso vs. Austin Theory
Grayson Waller is here with Theory, who gets speared for the pin at 30 seconds.
Post match Uso tries a dive onto the villains but doesn’t quite clear the rope, thankfully being ok as he lands on the apron. Gunther comes in for the sleeper but Uso fights out and the brawl is on. Uso takes the title off of Gunther, who gets it back and bails. Yeeting ensues. Gunther continues to feel secondary to a lot of things around here and that’s not a great sign.
Video on Bron Breakker vs. Finn Balor.
Adam Pearce yells at Rhea Ripley about the contract, saying it’s like talking to a child. Ripley gives the contract back and wants in the match but here is Bianca Belair to jump her. Iyo Sky joins in and all three of them fight each other. Pearce and a single referee come in to break it up, which seems inefficient.
Creed Brothers vs. LWO
Brutus is knocked to the floor to start as Graves suggests that last week’s masked luchador could have been Del Wilkes or Tom Brandi. Julius comes in with a hard clothesline and we take a break. Back with Mysterio coming in to clean house but Julius gets in a backbreaker. Mysterio hits a DDT and Lee takes out Brutus, leaving Mysterio to hit a 619 into the springboard splash for the pin at 5:47. Not enough shown to rate but it was about getting Mysterio in the ring, which is fine.
Post match the masked luchador comes in to jump the LWO, including some German suplexes. Security chases him off.
We look back at last week’s main event with Roman Reigns attacking Seth Rollins, costing CM Punk a match. Reigns then took Punk out as well, mainly due to Paul Heyman checking on Punk.
Here is Rollins (in far more normal attire) for a chat. We get a VERY extended WHOA period from the crowd, Rollins hits his catchphrase and praises the people. The fans chant for CM Punk and then Roman Reigns but Rollins finds it impressive that Reigns still can’t come up with a plan without his Wise Man. Reigns had everything figured out but he forgot one more detail, with the fans against chanting for Punk.
Rollins says this is like the good old days, as he has to clean up Reigns’ mess. This Friday, they’ll be in the same place on Smackdown and he’ll get in between the two of them. That’s for a few days from now though, so how about the fans sing his song one more time before the main event? And they do. Rollins didn’t say much here but it was mainly about saying “we’ll do something that actually matters on Friday”.
Here’s what’s coming next week.
AJ Styles doesn’t think Logan Paul belongs around here but here are Karrion Kross and Scarlett to interrupt. Kross thinks Styles might be mad at himself so Styles goes to leave. Kross gets him to stay and asks how long Styles took to get to WWE. It didn’t take Paul 17 years to get to WWE, but Styles says this isn’t working. Kross, after Styles leaves: “I think it’s working.”
Bron Breakker stares down Penta in the back but nothing is said/done.
HHH Hall Of Fame video.
Intercontinental Title: Finn Balor vs. Bron Breakker
Breakker is defending. Balor’s headlock doesn’t get him very far to start as Breakker powers things into the corner without much trouble. They go to the floor with Breakker doing his big run around the ropes, only to get caught with the Sling Blade. We take a break and come back with Balor spinning into a Russian legsweep for two. Some trash talk gets Breakker mad and he snaps off a suplex. The suplex powerslam connects but here is the Judgment Day for a distraction.
Balor plants him for two but Breakker is right back up to knock him outside. The clothesline from the apron onto the announcers’ table crushes Balor, with Breakker staying down too. Back in and a Sling Blade drops Breakker again, with a dropkick into the corner, only to miss the Coup de Grace. The Super Spear hits the buckle but Breakker hits the gorilla press powerslam for two. Balor goes up top but gets crotched, only for the Judgment Day to offer a distraction. That’s broken up and it’s the super Frankensteiner into the Super Spear to retain the title at 12:32.
Rating: B. Balor not winning isn’t the biggest surprise as he just doesn’t do that in big matches. What matters the most here is that Breakker gets a nice win on his way to a potential Wrestlemania showdown with Penta. The Judgment Day’s woes continue and now we get to see where this goes as things keep falling apart. For now though, we have a Breakker vs. Penta match coming and that has me interested.
Post match Judgment Day goes after Breakker but Penta runs in for the save. Penta holds up the title but hands it to Breakker for the staredown to end the show.
Overall Rating: B. This was a rather unique show, with the one big thing dominating the rest, though most of the rest was good enough. That being said, this was ALL about the Cena segment, which fans have been waiting on and it certainly delivered (albeit going a bit long). The fans were invested though and that should make for a great Road To Wrestlemania on the way to the huge showdown. Cena sounded like a star and I want to see where it goes, which suggests that they’re doing something right.
Other than that, you have the rest of the show, with Penta of all people feeling like the biggest story. That’s a good sign, as Penta has not even been around for three months and is already in a prominent role. There is a good chance that he’ll get a title match either at or just before Wrestlemania, which opens up some interesting possibilities. The Women’s Title match is likely all but set as well, along with Jey Uso doing his thing. Naturally Cena was the big story here, but the rest held up well enough. Couple that with another red hot crowd and this was a rather nice show.
Penta b. Ludwig Kaiser – Penta Driver
Dakota Kai b. Ivy Nile – GTK
Jey Uso b. Austin Theory – Spear
LWO b. Creed Brothers – Springboard splash to Julius
Bron Breakker b. Finn Balor – Super Spear
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I know jey is loved by a lot, and is not that bad as a wrestler, but good god the build up has been the weakest in any wrestlemania match so far, the match he had here is only one minute, yet he managed to botch the finishing move, and yes the less said abut the dive the better, it really makes me worried of what the wrestlemania match is gonna look like, so far this feud between gunther and jey does both no favors, and in my opinion, should not main event any nights at wrestlemania.