Collision – March 23, 2025 (Slam Dunk Sunday): It’s Close Enough
Date: March 23, 2025
Location: Liberty First Credit Union Arena, Omaha, Nebraska
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone
It’s the second half of the two night Collision and hopefully it’s able to live up to the first night. The first half of the show was rather good, though as usual, it depends on what we have for an encore. We’re just a few weeks away from Dynasty so we might get something else added to the show here. Let’s get to it.
Here is Saturday night if you need a recap.
Trios Titles: AR Fox/Top Flight vs. Death Riders
The Death Riders are defending. You might be wondering why Fox and Top Flight are getting this shot when they haven’t actually teamed together in over two years (their one win as a trio came in January 2023). Well the idea seems to be they won a Trios Battle Royal in 2022, last eliminating the Blackpool Combat Club, which evolved into the Death Riders. Granted it wasn’t the same three members they’re facing here but what difference do two years and one member really make?
Darius and Yuta go to the mat to start as Nigel quotes Star Wars to mock Bryan Danielson and his teachings. Dante comes in but can’t sunset flip Castagnoli. A big forearm drops Dante again but he manages a middle rope hurricanrana to the floor. Yuta is sent to the floor for a running flip dive (with a stomp to Pac at the same time) but Pac hammers Yuta into the wrong corner. That’s broken up and it’s back to Darius to clean house. Yuta cuts that off with a rake to the face and an Angle Slam sends us to a break.
Back with Darius still in control with Pac getting to choke in the ropes. Darius gets in a pop up dropkick on Castagnoli and the diving tag brings in Dante to pick up the pace. Dante’s triple jump flip dive takes out the champs on the floor and Darius’ Swanton gets two on Yuta. Pac low blows Top Flight on the floor and Fox is surrounded. Fox tries to fight out but is quickly cut down, with a Tombstone into the Fastball Special retaining the titles at 12:11.
Rating: B-. This was good enough, despite the lack of any realistic reason for the challengers to get a shot. The Riders have held the titles almost as long as any team in history and there is no reason to believe they’ll be dropping the belts anytime soon. The issue continues to be that they barely do anything with the titles and I tend to forget they’re even champions. It doesn’t help that there are barely any teams to come after the titles in the first place, hence a team who hasn’t been together in over two years getting a shot.
Post match Cru comes in to jump Top Flight because this feud is still a thing.
We look at Daniel Garcia vs. Adam Cole going to a time limit draw last night.
Cole knows he had Garcia beaten and he knows he can do it again. The rest of the Undisputed Kingdom isn’t happy with FTR’s lack of respect.
Kazuchika Okada brags about his success this year, saying he put the b****** of the Hounds Of Hell to sleep.
Bandido vs. Johnny TV
Bandido tries to start fast but gets taken down for a kick to the face. Back up and Bandido hits some running forearms, setting up the gorilla press to take us to a break. We come back with Bandido cutting off a charge in the corner for a quick two. The X Knee into the 21 Plex finishes TV at 9:21.
Rating: C+. Thankfully we have a Supercard Of Honor coming up as that should be the end of the whole Jericho vs. Bandido stuff. In theory, Bandido takes the title there and gets to move on from everything else. There isn’t much of a reason to keep the story going, but at least Bandido is getting some wins like this one to help build him up.
Post match Bandido calls out Chris Jericho, who comes out with the Learning Tree. Jericho says Bandido should know that you can only take him for granted so long. You can ask Bandido’s family how dangerous Jericho can be and he’s sorry for making Bandido’s mother cry. That’s what you get for messing with Jericho, which is why he took Gravity’s mask. Jericho puts the mask on, triggering a brawl. Bandido is smart enough to get away from the team but steals the mask back from Jericho.
Video on Megan Bayne, who is chosen by the heavens.
Toni Storm isn’t impressed, because Hercules doesn’t have her thighs and she made love with her reflection until the sun came up. See you at Dynasty.
Harley Cameron vs. Aminah Belmont
Cameron knees her down to start and grabs a Russian legsweep. A belly to back suplex lets Cameron shout her catchphrase before Her Finishing Move finishes Belmont at 1:40.
Don Callis isn’t worried about Kyle Fletcher because they have plans for when he gets back. Fletcher comes in and says he’s going to be on Dynamite to show what is next for him. I’m thinking it’s the Owen Hart Cup so he can face Will Ospreay again?
Los Titantes del Aire vs. La Faccion Ingobernable
Harley Cameron is on commentary and has no idea who Harleygram could be. Nigel: “Right up there with Mr. JL.” Hologram rolls Mortos up to start but gets headbutted down without much trouble. Komander comes in to block Dralistico’s hurricanrana attempt and grabs a rather springboardy armdrag. Cameron gets up because she has to make a phone call as Mortos gets to clean house.
We take a break and come back with Dralistico hitting a running boot in the corner as Harleygram is here. Komander gets over to the corner for the tag to Hologram and the pace picks way up. A Canadian Destroyer plants Mortos and Hologram takes him down with a big dive to the floor. Cielito Lindo hits Mortos but Dralistico breaks up the cover. The double tag brings in Komander and Dralistico, with Komander hitting a super poisonrana.
A pop up poisonrana takes out Mortos and everyone is down. Dralistico is back with a springboard spinning poisonrana but Hologram sends him outside for a running dive. Mortos stops to look at Harleygram though, allowing Komander to do his rope walk flip dive. Back in and Hologram hits the spinning torture rack bomb on Dralistico, setting up Cielito Lindo to give Komander the pin at 12:19.
Rating: B. As usual, the match was the great collection of high spots with some drama added in. The Harleygram stuff is completely harmless fun and at least Mortos didn’t take the fall here. It’s nothing that we haven’t seen before, but at least they did their thing here and gave the fans something to like to wrap up the show.
Overall Rating: C+. Much like last night, this was basically Rampage with a few more storyline advancements than usual. It’s not a show you need to see but you won’t be annoyed if you did watch. Things should be back to normal next week and that’s a good thing to see, as there is a lot to cover before we get to the pay per view.
Death Riders b. Top Flight/AR Fox – Fastball Special to Fox
Bandido b. Johnny TV – 21 Plex
Harley Cameron b. Aminah Belmont – Her Finishing Move
Los Titantes del Aire b. La Faccion Ingobernable – Cielito Lindo to Dralistico
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