Author: Thomas Hall



Apparently I’ll be getting their new show in my area so I’ll be reviewing it when it debuts.  I’ve only seen a handful of their shows and I’ve liked most of them so maybe...

A Couple of Announcements 2

A Couple of Announcements

First of all, the regular reviews are going to be delayed next week.  I have someone coming to visit me and I’ll be spending as much time with them as I can so I...

Summerslam 2011 – That Was……I Need A Cigarette 14

Summerslam 2011 – That Was……I Need A Cigarette

Summerslam 2011 Date: August 14, 2011 Location: Staples Center, Los Angeles, California Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, Booker T It’s the biggest party of the summer. Wait that was another ad campaign. It’s Summerfest!...