IMG Credit: WWE
Monday Night Raw
Date: October 19, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Samoa Joe
It’s time for the first look at the new Raw roster as well as the go home show for Hell In A Cell. I like that a lot more than leaving the Cell as a lame duck show, but they are going to need to add some stuff to the card. We currently have one Raw match for the pay per view and that’s not going to be enough. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Opening sequence, with a new theme song.
The announcers give an extended rundown of the card.
Here’s Alexa Bliss to say let him in. Cue the Fiend…and here’s Retribution as well. They surround Fiend and Bliss but the lights go off again and the two are gone. Cue the Hurt Business to clear the ring, with Cedric Alexander hitting the big flip dive to take it to a break.
Hurt Business vs. Retribution
Lashley takes T-Bar into the corner to start and hits a quick Downward Spiral. Slapjack comes in and gets taken down in a delayed vertical suplex so it’s off to Alexander. The beating takes Slapjack into the corner so MVP can stomp away. Slapjack is sent into the corner corner for some cheering from Mace and T-Bar, allowing Slapjack to wristdrag Alexander out of the corner.
Ali dropkicks Alexander in the arm and hits a running kick to the back of the head for one. Alexander gets sent face first into the top turnbuckle and Ali gets to taunt the rest of the team. They all head outside for the big staredown….and it’s the Fiend on the screen. Back from a break with Mace and Shelton Benjamin slugging it out until Shelton knocks him down hard. It’s back to Lashley to spear T-Bar but Ali makes the save. The Hurt Lock goes on and T-Bar taps at 10:58.
Rating: C. Do they really just hate this team? Who has the stable lose both of their first major matches, including one by clean tap out? This was another situation where you have to scratch your head, but at least….yeah I’m not sure what at least. I know it wasn’t a good idea, but if this is the best they can do, why are we wasting our time?
Post match the Fiend pops up again and lays out Retribution on his own. The Hurt Business stares at him and here’s Alexa on the screen to say LET ME IN in Fiend’s voice.
Here’s AJ Styles, with Jordan Omogbehin (the former Giant Ninja and Raw Underground bouncer) for a chat before his match. Before the match, AJ talks about how Raw finally drafted a true leader. Seth Rollins had his Messiah complex and Jeff Hardy was out here screwing something else up, so AJ knew it was time to reclaim the promised land. Last week AJ beat both of them at once and now it’s time to shepherd Raw into the future. Now it’s a new era and it belongs to the face that runs the place.
AJ Styles vs. Matt Riddle
The bell rings and Jordan won’t leave, so the referee starts counting. Jordan grabs his hand and eventually leaves on his own, meaning we can get going. AJ hammers away to start but gets knocked down by a single chop to the chest. That’s enough to knock AJ outside but Jordan trips Riddle down as we take a break. Back with Riddle in trouble but managing a kick to the face for a double knockdown.
The Broton hits raised feet but Riddle scores with the Final Flash. AJ is back with the Pele, which Riddle shrugs off and hits a German suplex. AJ’s fireman’s carry backbreaker gets two and they’re both down again. Riddle grabs a fisherman’s suplex into a small package for two but the Floating Bro is broken up. AJ shoves him out to the floor, where Omogbehin is waiting to stare Riddle down. That scares Riddle back inside for an enziguri and the Styles Clash for the pin on Riddle at 11:25.
Rating: C+. They beat each other up rather well here and I can go for Omogbehin and Styles as the new monster and wrestler. That’s the kind of thing that has worked for years and it will work well here too. Riddle losing is a little surprising but I could imagine a rematch next week, as there probably should be.
Video on Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre, at least since Clash Of Champions.
Drew McIntyre talks about how intelligent Randy Orton really is. McIntyre should have been done with him at Clash Of Champions but then Orton took out all of the legends. It was a smart move because Drew has a temper issue. Yeah Randy has more experience in the Cell, but Drew has more life experience than Orton could ever have. Orton has an interview later, and Drew might show up.
Women’s Title: Lana vs. Asuka
Lana is challenging and gets headlocked to start. Asuka runs her over and dances, setting up the Asuka Lock but Lana is in the rope in a hurry. A rollup gives Lana two and she kicks Asuka down for the same. Lana kicks her down again but the Asuka Lock retains the title at 2:16.
Post match here are Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler to jump Asuka and put Lana through the announcers’ table for the fifth time. Back in and Asuka gets to her feet to kick Shayna to the floor and escape.
Post break Nia Jax says that was teamwork even though she and Shayna Baszler don’t like each other. Shayna says she would have used a better word and more bickering ensues. Either way, they dominate and own the Women’s Tag Team Titles, so they own both women’s divisions. Cue Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke, with Shayna rolling her eyes. Hold on though as here are Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce as well. Peyton and Lacey get on the apron and bump into each other but we have a triple threat anyway. Actually hang on because let’s make it a four way.
Riott Squad vs. Mandy Rose/Dana Brooke vs. Peyton Royce/Lacey Evans vs. Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler
I believe this is non-title and everyone gets in the ring to go after the champions to start. Commentary isn’t sure if the titles are on the line either but eventually come to the conclusion that they aren’t. Everything heads to the floor and Royce dives off the apron, followed by Evans moonsaulting from the apron onto everyone. The Squad hit dives off the top of their own and the other six are down on the floor as we take a break.
Back with Peyton having to get Lacey’s attention for a tag but Liv knocks Lacey into the corner anyway. Ruby comes in but gets taken down for a right hand to the ribs. Mandy comes in but has to slip out of a slam from Nia. Dana comes in but she and Mandy are suplexed by Jax at the same time.
Mandy’s jumping knee drops Nia and Dana adds the Swanton for two with Shayna making the save. Everything breaks down and it’s Liv unloading in Nia. A running dropkick puts Nia in the ropes so it a Codebreaker into the Riott Kick for two on Lacey with Shayna making the save. Shayna Kirifuda Clutches Riott on the floor and it’s Nia tagging herself back in. The Samoan drop finishes Evans at 8:26.
Rating: D+. So you know the unstoppable monsters who can’t get along and have no competition? Well they just ran through the only other teams on the show and a makeshift team, all after wrecking Lana again. At least they don’t have Nia vs. Asuka again yet, but you can probably guarantee that it’s coming.
We look back at Jeff Hardy allegedly injuring Elias to put him on the shelf for five months. Then Elias returned last week with a big guitar shot to Hardy to cost him a triple threat.
Here’s Elias with a band for a concert. He talks about his album coming out next week and starts with a song called Amen. After the fairly catchy song, Elias says thank you and he loves none of us. Elias comes back out to do another song but gets cut off by a rogue guitar player. Of course it’s Jeff, who break the guitar and says he didn’t hit Elias with the car.
Miz and John Morrison are glad about what they have done to Otis because Mandy Rose is arm candy and you know what Otis is like around candy. Tucker comes in to say they’re not nice and a tag match is made for later.
Elias rants about his music being disrespected and wants Hardy on Sunday.
Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston
Before the match, Xavier Woods rants about everything going wrong but Kofi tells him to breathe. Sheamus comes out to interrupt and of course he has something to say too. This is two thirds of the New Day and they’re both getting Brogue Kicked. New Day says the team isn’t broken up and promises to continue spreading their seed (Woods: “OF POSITIVITY!”) around WWE. They also mention that Big E. dropped Sheamus on a car while he was looking ashy on television.
We finally get going with an exchange of strikes until Sheamus gets knocked outside. Kofi’s dive is caught and he’s dropped face first onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Sheamus working on a chinlock and shouting a lot. The running ax handle sets up the ten forearms to Kofi’s chest. An Irish Curse connects as we see Big E. watching from the video crowd, which is apparently enough to spark Kofi’s comeback. Kofi fights back with the jumping clothesline into the Boom Drop, followed by the spinning high crossbody for two.
Kingston goes up again but dives into a spinning release Rock Bottom. The Cloverleaf goes on but Kofi reverses into a cradle for two. Sheamus gets his own two off an Alabama Slam and goes up, only to get pulled down with a super Russian legsweep for two more. The SOS is countered into a rollup but Kofi is right back with a crucifix for the same. Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere connects to give Kofi the pin at 13:05.
Rating: C. Decent match here, though it felt like they were told to go out there and fill in time. It also doesn’t help that you had Woods talking throughout the whole thing and getting more and more annoying throughout. These two can have a good enough match no matter what they’re doing and there were worse ways to use the time, but it was nothing that they haven’t done before.
We recap the opening, with both the Hurt Business and the Fiend beating up the Hurt Business.
Mustafa Ali says that the Fiend and the Hurt Business made a mistake. Ali’s power isn’t strength in numbers but rather in chaos. All he needs is a laptop, a cell phone or a secret and with one click, he can make anyone’s world come crumbling down. Over the summer while WWE couldn’t find a way to make a buck off someone like Mustafa Ali, he was watching everyone stab each other in the back to get ahead.
He was the Smackdown hacker and this sick place is infecting everyone with greed and corruption. Talented people are being left to die but Ali has united them and he promised that their truth will be heard. If you try to get in their way, they will shut you down. Good promo and reveal, so WHY DID YOU HAVE THEM LOSE EARLIER TONIGHT???
Titus O’Neil tries to join the Hurt Business and gets beaten down.
Miz/John Morrison vs. Tucker/???
Hold on because OF COURSE MIZ AND MORRISON HAVE TO TALK FIRST BECAUSE THIS IS A TALK SHOW THIS WEEK. Tucker comes out and….his partner is Otis in a mask as El Gran Gordo. Miz calls him out for the nonsense and Otis says Si Tucky. Miz says it looks like Otis ate Lucha House Party and rips on Otis for not being Money in the Bank material. He split up Heavy Machinery and Otis and Mandy because you can put a mask on a pig but it’s still a pig. The fight is on and we go to the back before the bell, because THIS NEEDS A COMMERCIAL BREAK.
Morrison takes Tucker down to start but he throws Morrison away, allowing the hot tag to Otis. A running clothesline puts Morrison on the floor and Miz charges into a boot to the face. Otis hits a bottom rope armdrag….and here’s R-Truth with the 24/7 Title to walk through the ring as Drew Gulak and Akira Tozawa follow him around. Lucha House Party follows as Otis hits a splash in the corner into the Caterpillar. The Vader Bomb pins Miz at 4:36.
Rating: D. I’m not going to go into some rant about how this was the dumbest thing ever because honestly, it wasn’t even that bad. This came at the wrong time after a show that has already done nothing to earn any kind of praise whatsoever and that’s not on the wrestlers. The Heavy Machinery vs. Miz/Morrison feud has been bad since the beginning, but this was far from some bottom of the barrel, worst thing I’ve ever seen deal. Just….stop talking so much already. Please.
Post break, New Day and Heavy Machinery celebrate as Mandy brings Otis a ham.
Here’s the Firefly Fun House with Bray Wyatt talking about how he’s sad to leave his friends on Smackdown. At least they have started on the fight foot, which includes clips of the attacks on Retribution. Ramblin Rabbit reveals that he is both a husband and a father so Bray promises to be a better friend. We get a montage of Ramblin Rabbit being murdered in various ways and Bray says the future is in their hands. Then Mercy the Muzzard eats Ramblin again. Someone knocks at the door though and it’s….Alexa Bliss, because the fun is just getting started. BYE!
Braun Strowman vs. Keith Lee
They go straight to the floor with Strowman running him over, only to have Lee come right back with shots to the ribs. Back in and Lee drives shoulders in the corner before running Strowman over again. Strowman comes back with a pretty low headbutt and a big boot for the pin at 3:16.
Rating: F. Strowman is big and strong and that’s the extent of his descriptions. Lee is someone who could be a star, so let’s job him out in three minutes because this show really is that stupid at times. I would say I’m sure Lee will be fine, but why should I keep kidding myself at this point?
Post match Lee kicks him low and says dont’ mess with him.
The Cell is lowered and here’s Randy Orton for a chat, because there was no way this show was ending with anything but talking. Orton sits in a chair in the middle of the ring and talks about all of his memories in the Cell. He remembers hurting Jeff Hardy and others, but all of his opponents were legends. That word interests him because there are legends and then there are legendary moments, like when McIntyre beat Brock Lesnar….and here’s Drew to interrupt. Orton says McIntyre can come on in so Drew grabs some bolt cutters and opens the door. Drew comes in and slams the Cell shut and the show goes off the air.
Overall Rating: D-. I hated this. Hated it hated it hated it hated it. I just spent three hours watching WWE saying Retribution means nothing because they’ve lost their first two matches (yes I’m sure they’ll be around and they’ll start winning), that Keith Lee isn’t as important as Braun freaking Strowman and TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK. We came into tonight with three matches for Sunday and we left tonight with three matches for Sunday. Oh wait: Elias vs. Jeff Hardy will probably be added too because that’s all they had time for.
This show felt like they had nothing planned and no idea what they were going to do for three hours (other than have Lana get beaten up again because HAHA HER HUSBAND WORKS FOR THEM NOW) so they just threw out whatever they could think of and hoped for average. We sat through five hours of the Draft and Smackdown came out with a pretty nice show. WWE knows how to do this kind of thing with little time to set it up and yet here we are, with one of the most annoying and worst shows I can remember in years. Bring on Sunday, because it can always get worse (and WWE will figure out how).
Hurt Business b. Retribution – Hurt Lock to T-Bar
AJ Styles b. Matt Riddle – Styles Clash
Asuka b. Lana – Asuka Lock
Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler b. Riott Squad, Peyton Royce/Lacey Evans and Mandy Rose/Dana Brooke – Samoan drop to Evans
Kofi Kingston b. Sheamus – Trouble in Paradise
Tucker/El Gran Gordo b. Miz/John Morrison – Vader Bomb to Miz
Braun Strowman b. Keith Lee – Big boot
Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:
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