IMG Credit: AEW
Date: June 16, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz
We are coming up on Fyter Fest and that is going to have very little to do with this show. As usual, this show is probably going to be rather lengthy and feature several not so competitive matches between mid and lower card names. Somehow this show keeps getting longer and I’m not sure why. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
This week’s run time: an hour and thirty six minutes. Egads man.
Taz and Excalibur offer a very quick preview.
Capital Vices/Jon Cruz vs. Jurassic Express
The Vices (Sin and Money) are dressed as Freddie Kruger, but one of their students is a colleague of mine so I’ll be nice. Money takes Boy into the corner to start but gets taken to the mat amateur style. It’s off to Stunt vs. Cruz with Stunt dropkicking him into the corner. Money comes back in and gets beaten up in a hurry.
Luchasaurus wrecks everyone in front of him and it’s Stunt’s splash into Boy’s Swanton for two. Sin gets in a Flatliner on Boy though and Money adds a springboard legdrop for one. The comeback doesn’t take long though and it’s Luchasaurus coming in to clean house again. The Tail Whip to Cruz sets up a tiger suplex to give Boy two and Stunt dives onto the Vices. Extinction Level Event finishes Cruz at 6:21.
Rating: D+. Acceptable enough six man tag here and that’s even including Stunt getting to beat people up. Boy and Luchasaurus are a rather nice team on their own, but why do what works when you can add something else to it for the sake of adding him? I keep waiting on that Luchasaurus push and it never seems to come. Kind of a shame, but it’s not like they’re in a big rush with him.
SCU vs. Peter Avalon/Brandon Cutler
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian for SCU here and Leva Bates is with Avalon/Cutler. Avalon and Kazarian start things off with the latter shoving Avalon down for an armbar. Back up and Kazarian avoids an armdrag attempt, setting up another armbar. Taz on Avalon and Cutler’s losses: “They’re basically sucking thus far.”
Daniels comes in for a wristlock on Cutler, who gets away and hits a springboard forearm (probably giving Daniels some flashbacks). It’s back to Kazarian for a gutwrench suplex but Avalon gets in a cheap shot on Daniels from the apron to take over for the first time. Cutler mixes things up with a bottom rope springboard to knock Daniels outside where Avalon runs him over again.
Back in and Daniels gets over for the tag without much trouble so Kazarian comes in to clean house. Avalon cuts him off with a flapjack and Cutler adds a springboard elbow for two. Kazarian kicks Cutler down though and Daniels comes in with a middle rope stomp to the chest. The slingshot into a cutter only gets two with Cutler making the save. Cutler is knocked to the floor and Celebrity Rehab finishes Avalon at 8:04.
Rating: C-. This was a good example of a match that shows the appeal and problem with Dark. Avalon and Cutler have yet to win a match together and they aren’t beating SCU to get their first one. The match was longer and more competitive, but there are long stretches of time where I find myself just waiting for SCU to get the win. It’s the problem with matches like this getting time, especially when they’re not that thrilling in the first place. Not a bad match or anything, but not something that keeps the interest up.
Dani Jordan vs. Big Swole
Swole is rather fired up here and plays to the crowd well. Before the match, Swole grabs Jordan’s Burn Book and doesn’t like what she sees inside. That’s enough to start a fight so Swole dropkicks her down. Jordan kicks at the knee though and pounds away on the floor. We hit the chinlock but Swole is up in a hurry with a headbutt. A cutter into a fireman’s carry knee to the face sets up Dirty Dancing to finish Jordan at 2:24. Decent for that amount of time.
Leva Bates has a plan for Cutler and Avalon but they come in to argue about who is worse. The team splits and Bates is stressed.
David Ali vs. Lance Archer
Ali is making his debut and seems to like seeing his name on the video screen (you can’t blame him). Archer runs over the video production guy to continue his trend. Jake Roberts looks annoyed as he goes to ringside and Archer runs Ali over to start. The rapid fire forearms to the chest keep Ali down and there’s a hard shot in the corner.
The running elbow drops Ali again and he is trying to pull himself up on the ropes. Something like a Rock Bottom out of the corner puts Ali down yet again and some kicks to the ribs knock him to the middle. The Blackout connects but Archer pulls him up at two. Instead the EBD Claw finishes Ali at 4:24.
Rating: D+. That’s the kind of match Archer should be having and while it was a little longer, it wasn’t a bad use of either of them. Archer beat the heck out of Ali, who sold rather well at times. Sometimes you need someone who can just wreck people though and that is what they have with Archer.
Musa/Shawn Dean vs. Sonny Kiss/Joey Janela
Joey and Sonny hug before the match and it’s Sonny knocking Musa around to start. A handspring kick to the head sets up a Boston crab with Janela adding a legdrop to the back of the head. There’s a running spinwheel kick in the corner and stereo missile dropkicks drop Dean again.
Dean comes in and here is Archer, with Roberts having to hold him back. The distraction lets Dean get two off a dropkick to take over on Sonny. A dive through the legs allows the hot tag to Joey though and house is cleaned. Another handspring kick to the ribs in the corner has Musa in more trouble and Sonny dives onto Dean. Joey’s super hurricanrana sets up Sonny’s splits splash to finish Musa at 4:49.
Rating: C-. Another perfectly watchable match though there isn’t much to be seen from Dean and Musa. They come and go every week with loss after loss and it’s not like they do much while they’re out there. It’s cool to see AEW doing something with people, but if the wins/losses matter, why are people with 0-whatever records still appearing? Same with Avalon and Cutler for that matter actually.
Red Velvet/Kenzie Page vs. Brandi Rhodes/Allie
The Natural Nightmares are here with Brandi and Allie. Velvet is “straight out of your mama’s kitchen”. Isn’t Brandi the one with a cooking show? Allie jumps Page before the bell and since the referee doesn’t pay attention, we start in a hurry. A running knee drops Page again but she forearms Allie into the corner. It’s off to Velvet, who gets caught in a swinging neckbreaker from Allie for two.
Brandi comes in for a low superkick for two of her own and adds in Dustin Rhodes’ kneeling uppercut. Allie gets knocked to the floor though and it’s QT Marshall rushing over to check on her in a hurry. Page gets in a cheap shot but her chinlock is broken up in a hurry. Brandi starts the comeback with a Sling Blade but Allie tags herself in after Brandi hits a spear. That lets Allie, who seems fine, get the easy pin at 5:08.
Rating: D+. That’s quite the bit of storytelling for this show and I’ll take what I can get. Allie as the evil woman wrapping Marshall around her finger is a good way to go for her, though I’m not sure what her goal is. I’m hoping it isn’t some big Butcher and the Blade plan, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where they’re going.
Lee Johnson vs. Shawn Spears
Tully Blanchard is here with Spears. Johnson goes for a hammerlock but gets driven into the corner for an elbow to the face. The running knee in the corner lets Spears throw him outside but Johnson switches places. A suicide dive is blocked with a shot to the face though and Spears drives him back first into the apron. Back in and Johnson strikes away, including a running basement dropkick. The C4 doesn’t work for Spears but he grabs a Sharpshooter to make Johnson tap at 4:21.
Rating: C-. It must be time to reheat Spears again, though the big glove deal didn’t seem to offer much here. Having Blanchard try to do something with Spears is one thing, but if this is the best that he can do with Blanchard behind him, it might be time to give up on him already. That won’t happen, but maybe it should.
Brady Pierce/John Skyler vs. Dark Order
That would be Evil Uno and Stu Grayson, who are back in the country. The rest of the Dark Order, minus Brodie Lee, watches from the stage as Grayson drives Skyler into the corner. Uno stomps him down and a running shoulder to the ribs makes it even worse. Skyler fights back so Uno pokes him in the eye to cut that off in a hurry.
More stomping in the corner has Skyler down but he fights out and rolls over for the hot tag to Pierce. A few shots to Uno set up a neckbreaker/middle rope stomp combination for two but Grayson is back in. That means a powerslam into a Swanton for two with Pierce making the save. With Skyler down, the Fatality finishes Pierce at 4:02.
Rating: C. The story here was Skyler, who did most of the work for his team. While he was the story, it doesn’t have a happy ending though as he wrecked his knee near the end, with a torn ACL, MCL and PCL. I’m not sure how it happened either as he was running the ropes and then was holding his knee after the Swanton. Either you couldn’t see the injury or he fought through a crazy amount of pain.
Post match, Brodie Lee comes out to approve of the win.
Jimmy Havoc vs. Griff Garrison
Garrison has wrestled in Ring of Honor as part of the Master and the Machine. Havoc headlocks him to start and then takes him down by the wrist for a stomp to the arm. Garrison grabs one of his own but charges into a boot in the corner. They head outside where Havoc chops the post by mistake (though he is the kind of guy who would chop one on purpose). It doesn’t seem to matter much as Havoc Japanese armdrags him into the corner and chops away for a bonus. The Acid Rainmaker is blocked so Havoc kicks him in the head and connects on the second attempt. The fisherman’s DDT finishes Garrison at 5:58.
Rating: D+. Garrison is someone who works better as part of a tag team but he certainly has some talents in there somewhere. Havoc can still do some nice stuff without the hardcore aspect so this could have been a lot worse. At least he is doing something different and that could help keep him around a little longer. I’m assuming that’s a good thing in this case.
Penelope Ford vs. Skyler Moore
Kip Sabian (and his dog Oscar) is here with Ford. Moore drives her out of the corner to start and Ford shakes her shoulder a bit. Back up and Ford sends Moore face first into the buckle before choking on the rope (including a kiss to Sabian). Ford’s handspring shoulder in the corner is countered into a sunset flip for two and a gutwrench suplex is good for the same. That just earns Skyler a Lethal Injection and the fisherman’s suplex gives Ford the pin at 4:12.
Rating: D+. Ford seems to be the next challenger to Hikaru Shida so giving her a win here makes sense. The stuff with Sabian is a good way to get heat on Ford, who is going to get her own heat because of how she carries herself. Moore is someone whose look will get some quick attention, but she hasn’t had much of a chance to show much beyond that.
Robert Anthony vs. Scorpio Sky
Sky goes for the arm to start so Anthony wrestles him down. The chinlock is reversed into a quickly broken armbar into a standoff. Anthony pulls him into a hammerlock and Sky can’t get out so fast this time. Back up and Sky shoulders him down, setting up an armbar as the arms race continues. Sky’s jumping elbow to the face gets two but Anthony is right back with a tilt-a-whirl faceplant.
An elbow to the face sets up a chinlock, then a boot rake to the face, then another chinlock. Sky fights up and hits some clotheslines, plus the jumping double stomp to the back. Anthony’s TKO is blocked so he grabs a Death Valley Driver for two instead. Sky doesn’t like the near gimmick infringement and kicks him in the face, setting up the TKO for the pin at 9:37.
Rating: C. Match of the night here with the extra time making a fairly competitive match better. It was also a good example of a match where they didn’t do much but still made it work well. It’s ok to tone it down and let your storytelling work, though I don’t think the top level of this company quite grasps that.
Dynamite preview wraps us up.
Overall Rating: D+. Remember all those times where I’ve said the same things about Dark being too long? It’s exactly the same here, though even longer than usual. There are multiple matches that you could cut out and have the same result but they’re all here to stretch the show out even further. If you like the show with ten or eleven matches, you’re going to like it with six or seven.
Having the show offer more content than Dynamite is a weird way to go and I’m almost scared to know how much more they are willing to put on here. The wrestling isn’t even that good (though it could be worse) and that makes for a long, long night every single week. The good thing is that it isn’t required viewing, which keeps it from being anything resembling a problem for the company. Just tweak things a bit and maybe it can boost things a bit instead of being a long show that makes you feel every minute.
Jurassic Express b. Capital Vices/Jon Cruz – Extinction Level Event to Cruz
SCU b. Peter Avalon/Brandon Cutler – Celebrity Rehab to Avalon
Big Swole b. Dani Jordan – Dirty Dancing
Lance Archer b. David Ali – EBD Claw
Sonny Kiss/Joey Janela b. Musa/Shawn Dean – Top rope splits splash to Musa
Allie/Brandi b. Red Velvet/Kenzie Page – Spear to Page
Shawn Spears b. Lee Johnson – Sharpshooter
Dark Order b. Brady Pierce/John Skyler – Fatality to Pierce
Jimmy Havoc b. Griff Garrison – Fisherman’s DDT
Penelope Ford b. Skyler Moore – Fisherman’s suplex
Scorpio Sky b. Robert Anthony – TKO
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