Dark – April 21, 2020: It’s Hard To Screw It Up

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: April 21, 2020
Location: Undisclosed Location
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

This show continues, though it isn’t like it’s something that you can really get annoyed about. Given that the show barely breaks twenty minutes anymore, it’s really just a blip that comes and goes with no consequences. That’s not the worst thing in the world, but it also makes it less important than Main Event. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford

Kip Sabian is here with Ford. Jay’s tights say Jayy but everything else says Jay so we’ll go with the majority. Something seems to be amiss here as this is announced as Jay’s AEW debut, and that isn’t exactly accurate as you can see another match of hers on this same YouTube channel. Cody even references Jay’s first match so I’m not sure what’s going on.

Feeling out process to start with Jay taking her down into a headscissors and a headlock. Back up and Ford runs her over with some shoulders but a hiptoss sends Ford into the corner. Sabian offers a distraction though and Ford hits the handspring elbow for two. Choking with a kiss ensues but another handspring elbow misses. Jay hits a dropkick and a running seated Blockbuster for two but Ford is back with a Stunner. A fisherman’s suplex finishes Jay at 5:17.

Rating: D+. I don’t think there is any secret to the fact that part of the point of this match was the positive visuals, but at the same time, neither of the two of them embarrassed themselves. Ford is getting better and Jay was quite good given that she hasn’t even had ten matches (though it might be a lot higher given AEW’s questionable counting), the match was acceptable enough. The women’s division still needs work, but it is getting better as time goes on.

Joe Alonzo vs. Cody

Brandi is here with Cody. Alonzo does everything for the views and Tony is handling commentary alone here. Cody’s takedown attempt is cut off so he works on a wristlock into a hammerlock instead. A release gordbuster lets Cody do some pushups so Alonzo goes outside to hit on Brandi. Back in and Cody no sells a cutter and kicks Alonzo in the face. The Gale Lock (another finisher) makes Alonzo tap at 4:13.

Rating: C-. Not bad here as Alonzo got to show off a little bit. It was little more than a squash but when you’re getting to face one of the bigger stars in the company, you have to make the most of it. Alonzo didn’t look like a star or anything, but he had a fine enough match and that’s all you can ask for. Well that and Cody to have a few less finishers, though that’s false hope at this point.

Overall Rating: C-. I know I say this every week but I’m not sure what the point is in having this show. It’s not like there is anything to gain from it as fans who are going to be watching this are probably watching Dynamite. At sixteen minutes, how much can you get out of it, even as a big fan? The show is too short to be offensive but not long enough to mean much. It’s a strange show, but I can’t get mad at it with what we were given here.


Penelope Ford b. Anna Jay – Fisherman’s suplex

Cody b. Joe Alonzo – Gale Lock

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Monday Night Raw – April 20, 2020: It’s That Time Again

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 20, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler

We’re firmly in Money in the Bank mode as we continue the long process of finding people to climb to the roof of a really tall building. You can’t say it’s the same thing we’ve seen over and over again so maybe we can have something unique here as well. I wouldn’t bet on it but it’s possible. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Drew McIntyre vs. Zelina Vega and company plus Seth Rollins last week.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Drew McIntyre for a chat. Drew talks about how everything went last week. The title means a lot of things to everyone and those things are cool. To him, it means a target on his back because it makes him the best of the best. McIntyre understands that it’s lonely at the top and that’s why Rollins attacked him last week. Now, Drew could make Seth jump through hoops, or he could challenge Seth for Money in the Bank.

Cue Vega and company to say they’re tired of his speeches. Drew is looking forward to Money in the Bank so he isn’t paying attention. Andrade jumps Drew from behind but gets Claymored. Angel Garza and Austin Theory won’t go in for the save so it’s another Claymore to put Andrade on the floor.

We get an explanation for the Money in the Bank ladder matches at Titan Towers (with NXT Women’s Champion Charlotte on the graphic rather than Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch).

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Austin Theory vs. Aleister Black

Zelina Vega is on commentary. Black spins out of a wristlock as Vega does not like the accusations of being overconfident. Theory gets thrown down but pops back up with a running shoulder. The threat of Black Mass sends Theory to the floor and Black dropkicks him through the ropes to make it even worse. Vega gets up and yells at Black for not letting Theory play fair.

The distraction lets Theory throw him into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Theory hitting a rolling dropkick and hammering away with left hands. Black fights out of a torture rack and runs Theory over for two. The ATL is countered as well and Black pulls him into a cross armbreaker.

That’s reversed with a powerbomb but Black strikes away. The moonsault press gets two but Theory’s superkick into a cradle brainbuster gets the same. Another ATL is countered so Black knees him in the face, setting up a German suplex for two more. Black Mass misses but the second attempt connects for the pin (and a great shocked face from Vega) at 11:45.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t a great match but it was better than usual from Theory. You can see all of the potential in him but it might take a little while to click. If nothing else, Vega is awesome on commentary and can hype people up with the best of them. Black winning isn’t a surprise here though and it was a fun match on the way.

Post match, Black promises to win the ladder match.

Shayna Baszler vs. Indi Hartwell

Shayna suplexes her down and goes for the arm but gets rolled up for two. That just ticks Shayna off so she hits another slam and stomps the arm for the stoppage at 1:00. Can you blame her for being mad? She spends years in NXT, gets called up, doesn’t win the Royal Rumble because Charlotte, doesn’t win the title at Wrestlemania because Becky, then gets to be on Raw, where the only change is she’s beating up NXT women at the Performance Center instead of Full Sail.

Post match Shayna grabs the ladder and crushes the arm against the steps.

Shane Thorne/Brendan Vink vs. Cedric Alexander/Ricochet

Ricochet gets thrown into the corner to start but rolls out with a dropkick to Vink. Some double teaming puts Vink down but Thorne breaks up a springboard. A clothesline drops Ricochet on the floor but it’s back to Cedric for a tornado DDT. Ricochet’s running shooting star gets two on Thorne and there’s another DDT to Vink. The Recoil into the Lumbar Check finishes Thorne at 3:14.

Rating: C-. Just a step above a squash here and that’s fine enough. Ricochet and Alexander continue to seem like little more than two people being thrown together and that’s not the best sign for their future. How that’s the best use WWE could find for Ricochet is beyond me, but at least it’s better than nothing.

The Kabuki Warriors shout a lot and insist that Kairi Sane is ready for a rematch.

Lana talks about how great Bobby Lashley is. Lashley is going to flip a tractor tire.

Nia Jax vs. Kairi Sane

Sane tries to dodge to start but gets knocked down for her efforts. The knee gives out on a powerbomb attempt so Sane hammers away to some avail. The Insane Elbow misses though and it’s a Samoan drop to give Jax the pin at 4:13.

Rating: D+. And so much for Sane again, as Jax shrugged off everything Sane through at her before winning. Jax is a good choice for a monster as there is only so much that can be done otherwise with her. I’ve liked her since she’s been back, though it hasn’t exactly been a long return so far.

Seth Rollins talks about how he knows what it’s like to be where Drew McIntyre is. We see various clips of the two of them doing the same things over their careers. Rollins will face McIntyre for the title at Money in the Bank because he has to.

The Viking Raiders do their version of Carpool Karaoke, which involves Ivar eating a drumstick, shouting VIKING RAIDERS over and over, and the line of “We worship Thor and we’ll knock him to the floor.” This was one of those so bizarre that it was half amazing and half terrible.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: MVP vs. Apollo Crews

Before the match, MVP talks about how he has to climb a ladder but first it’s a match with the extremely talented Apollo Crews. Black finally cuts him off and we’re ready to go. Crews doesn’t waste time in kicking MVP to the floor but a dive from the apron is broken up. Back from a break with MVP hitting a clothesline but getting suplexed into the corner.

Crews hammers away and hits a kick to the face, followed by a hard clothesline of his own. The frog splash hits knees and MVP’s Playmaker gets two. Crews is right back with an enziguri into a gorilla press. The standing moonsault into the standing shooting star sets up the toss powerbomb to finish MVP at 8:09.

Rating: C-. This was never in any serious doubt, though it was cool to see Crews turn on the jets to win in the end. MVP is fine for someone to put other people over and that’s fine, though it’s not like he was ever the biggest star in the world. Either way, they got the important part right so there isn’t much to complain about here.

Ruby Riott says there was never a Riott Squad because it was always her carrying the other two. Now Liv Morgan thinks she’s grown up and Ruby has to show her otherwise.

Liv Morgan vs. Ruby Riott

Ruby goes after her to start but Liv gets in some forearms and a dropkick for two. Liv gets draped over the top and kicked in the face, followed by another kick to the face to cut off a comeback bid. Ruby demands that Liv beg but it’s the springboard Flatliner out of nowhere to give Liv the pin at 3:19.

Rating: D. Well that was nothing. Riott hasn’t gotten to do anything since she has been back but at least they are trying something with Morgan. She’s gotten a lot better in recent months, though it’s not like she had anywhere else to go but up. The Riott Squad was never the most important team in the world, but at least they’re trying something with someone new.

Lashley flips a tire and then looks at a bigger one.

In Memory of Howard Finkel. An hour and forty five minutes into the show.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Rey Mysterio vs. Murphy

Rey headlocks him down to start and it’s an early standoff. Murphy takes over with an armbar but has to duck an early 619 attempt. Some forearms put Rey on the floor and Murphy drives him into the barricade. Back in and Murphy stays on the arm until Rey armdrags him to the floor.

That works fine for Murphy, who catches a dive and stomps on the arm on the ramp. Back from a break with Murphy still on the arm but Rey snaps off a hurricanrana on the floor. They get back in with Rey hitting a tornado DDT and heading to the apron again. A dropkick sends Murphy into the barricade but he’s right back with a spinning facebuster onto the knee. Murphy’s brainbuster gets two so he goes up top, only to get caught with a super Destroyer. The 619 into the frog splash finishes Murphy at 15:09.

Rating: C+. That was certainly a Money in the Bank qualifying match. They did moves to each other and Mysterio made the comeback win. During those fifteen minutes, we heard references to climbing the corporate ladder roughly 284 times because someone came up with that line and WWE has decided it’s the cleverest line in history.

Vega doesn’t know if McIntyre will make it to Money in the Bank. Garza hits on Charly Caruso, who seems impressed.

Charlotte vs. Kayden Carter

Non-title. Charlotte boots her in the face to start but Carter grabs a rollup for two. A crucifix into something like the Rings of Saturn keeps Charlotte down and Carter switches into the Octopus. That’s enough for Charlotte, who powers out and hits the spear, setting up the Figure Eight for the win at 2:42.

Lashley can’t flip the big tire so he kicks it and then flips it over. Lana comes back in to celebrate with him.

We recap the opening segment.

Andrade vs. Akira Tozawa

Zelina Vega is here with Andrade. Tozawa starts fast with a spinning kick to the head and a knee to the face gets two. A running kick to the face sends Andrade to the floor and Tozawa hits the big running flip dive off the apron. Back in and a missile dropkick gives Tozawa two but Vega offers a distraction so Andrade can run him over. Not that it matters as Tozawa slaps on the Octopus, sending Andrade to the ropes again. A heck of a back elbow to the face drops Tozawa but he grabs some rollups for two each. Tozawa heads up top but gets crotched down, setting up the hanging hammerlock DDT to give Andrade the pin at 4:52.

Rating: C+. This one came a bit out of nowhere and I was actually wondering if they were going to go with the upset. Tozawa is someone who can work with anyone and he was working hard here. I liked this one a good bit and even though Andrade never defends the title, it’s nice to see him sweat a bit here.

Post match Andrade and Vega celebrate but the Street Profits come out to interrupt.

Bianca Belair vs. Santana Garrett

The Profits, still dancing on the announcers’ table, introduce Belair for her in-ring Raw debut, and then sit in on commentary. Belair throws her down to start and then uses straight power to grab an over the shoulder backbreaker. Garrett gets in a shove to the face and is knocked down in a hurry.

Rating: C-. This was ALL about the Street Profits as they did not stop shouting, screaming and hyping up Belair the whole time. It was rather annoying but at the same time it’s as effective of an idea as I’ve seen in a good while as the Profits have so much energy and charisma that they’re awesome in this role. Belair won in little more than a squash, but it was all about the Profits.

Angel Garza vs. Drew McIntyre

Non-title and Vega and company are at ringside again. McIntyre goes straight for the knee to start and there’s the overhead belly to belly to send Garza rolling to the floor. Some chops against the barricade have Garza in trouble and Andrade’s posting fails. So does Garza’s suicide dive and McIntyre headbutts him, only to have to deal with Theory.

That allows Garza to hit a posting, followed by a missile dropkick for two back inside. McIntyre fights out of a half crab and kicks Garza in the face. Garza tries to escape so McIntyre PULLS OFF GARZA’S PANTS as Garza gets to the floor. The big flip dive connects and McIntyre takes out Andrade and Theory. Back in and the Claymore finishes Garza at 5:02.

Rating: C. This was an entertaining squash as McIntyre swatted Garza away like a fly. Even the rest of the team couldn’t do anything to slow him down and that’s what you should be doing with the champ. McIntyre looked awesome here and it showed how far ahead he is of Vega and company. It was a great showcase and that’s what it needed to be.

Post match McIntyre gives Garza another Claymore. Theory comes in and gets one of his own for good measure. McIntyre chases Andrade up the ramp and strikes the Tranquilo pose to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. I had forgotten how mind numbingly annoying Money in the Bank season is. They managed to get in “climb the corporate ladder” in about a million times and given that the show will feature the sixth ladder matches since the middle of December (seven if you count Reigns vs. Corbin’s street fight which they called a TLC match), it isn’t exactly something I’m going to get invested in over the next few weeks.

As for the rest of the show, it was a very wrestling heavy week, but nothing on here stood out. Maybe it was all of the ladder match hype but it was hard to get interested in a good chunk of it. They did a nice job of making McIntyre look like a star and that’s a great thing, though so much of the show felt like it came and go so they could add people to the ladder matches. It could have been a lot worse, but not much less exciting.


Aleister Black b. Austin Theory – Black Mass

Shayna Baszler b. Indi Hartwell via referee stoppage

Cedric Alexander/Ricochet b. Shane Thorne/Brendan Vink – Lumbar Check to Thorne

Nia Jax b. Kairi Sane – Samoan drop

Apollo Crews b. MVP – Toss powerbomb

Rey Mysterio b. Murphy – Frog splash

Charlotte b. Kayden Carter – Figure Eight

Andrade b. Akira Tozawa – Hanging hammerlock DDT

Bianca Belair b. Santana Garrett – KOD

Drew McIntyre b. Angel Garza – Claymore

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Major League Wrestling Fusion – April 18, 2020: Eat It Too

IMG Credit: Major League Wrestling

Fusion #106
Date: April 18, 2020
Location: Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Mexico
Commentators: Rich Bocchini, AJ Kirsch

We’re still in Mexico and that means both that the Super Series continues and that MLW is rapidly running out of canned television. They can’t have more than one or two shows left after this and after that, it could be a long time before we see them again. Last week was a good show though so maybe we can go out on a roll. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Alexander Hammerstone costing Mance Warner and Savio Vega a tag match last week.

Warner went through fire last week and broke a bunch of other things too. Now he wants Hammerstone and the National Openweight Title in the parking lot.

Opening sequence.

Douglas James is ready to show Averno what he is because he loves contact and will never say die.

Douglas James vs. Averno

They take their time to start before going to the grappling for an early standoff. James pulls him into a choke but Averno is straight over to the rope. A dropkick puts Averno on the floor but he trips James down and onto the apron. James gets sent hard into the barricade and then face first into the apron to make it worse.

Back in and a buckle bomb rocks James for two but he wins a chop off. A hurricanrana sends Averno to the floor for a suicide dive, followed by a Meteora back inside. That’s good for one of the slowest counts I’ve seen in a long time so Averno BLASTS James with a forearm…..and that’s a knockout win for Averno at 6:20.

Rating: C. They were hitting each other pretty hard here until the end, which involved hitting someone even harder than usual. Averno seems like a pretty big star and winning via knockout is always something that can make someone look good. Nice back and forth brawl here with a surprising finish.

AAA – 2

MLW – 1

We look at Injustice attacking Brian Pillman Jr. three weeks ago.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. wishes Alicia Atout a happy birthday and is ready to face Team Filthy. As for Brian Pillman Jr., he’s banged up but cleared for Tijuana.

Injustice can’t wait to become the new AAA Trios Champions. They’re not worried about Pillman being healthy either, because he has to be paying off the doctors to clear him. Jordan Oliver continues to grow on me week after week.

Video on Vikingo, a crazy talented high flier.

The Dynasty snuck across the border and hid from locals. Richard Holliday will be defending the Caribbean Title against some yokel named Chessman. And no, Hammerstone does NOT know anything about going to a pharmacy.

Dan Lambert and Low Ki got in an argument on Busted Open Radio.

Here’s the Top Ten:

10. Dominic Garrini

9. Low Ki

8. Richard Holliday

7. Mance Warner

6. King Mo

5. Tom Lawlor

4. Brian Pillman Jr.

3. Myron Reed

2. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

1. Alexander Hammerstone

Pagano wants Jacob Fatu and the World Title.

Alexander Hammerstone hits on Alicia Atout, offering her a couples tanning session. Mance Warner runs in and jumps him.

Post break the brawl continues but we lose the camera feed in a hurry.

Here’s who else will be involved in the Super Series.

Video on Team Filthy.

Team Filthy wants the Tag Team Titles and start on the road tonight. They don’t like the Von Erichs chilling in Hawaii while the two of them are here working.

Update on Warner and Hammerstone: there is no update. As luck would have it though, they brawl out of a room as the update (there is no update) is announced.

Team Filthy vs. Puma King/Xtreme Tiger

It’s Dominic Garrini/Tom Lawler and yes the Tiger King jokes abound. We get a glitch in the video as Tiger is shown in the ring, followed by his entrance. Lawlor strikes away at Tiger to start but gets taken down. That’s fine with Lawlor, who tells him to bring it on. Another takedown lets Tiger talk trash and a kick to the face drops Lawlor again. Lawlor isn’t happy with the fans yelling at him so it’s off to Garrini instead. Puma comes in as well to work on a wristlock but Garrini runs him over.

That just earns him a powerslam and a backsplash from King as the fans start making a lot more noise. Lawlor gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and it’s a suplex to put King down. The villains take turns beating on King in the corner but a quick roll allows the hot tag to Tiger so house can be cleaned. A top rope legdrop between the legs (that’s a new one) hits Lawlor and King grabs the Rings of Saturn on Garrini.

Lawlor is in with a cross armbreaker on Puma at the same time but Tiger keylocks Lawlor at the same time too. That’s all broken up so Garrini chokes King until Tiger makes the save. Tiger is fine enough to escape a beatdown and hurricanrana Garrini to the floor. Something like a reverse Koji Clutch has Lawlor in trouble until Garrini makes a save of his own. Lawlor is back up with a Superman Punch into another choke from Garrini.

King makes another save (get the complete set) and superkicks Lawlor, followed by the springboard dive onto Garrini. La Majistral gets two on Garrini but Lawlor is back in for a forearm to King’s head. Something close to Chasing the Dragon plants King with Tiger making yet another save. Lawlor has finally had enough and chokes Tiger out at 11:14, with the referee taking FOREVER to call for the bell, despite Tiger tapping.

Rating: B-. They might have had one too many saves here but it was the right way to go with Team Filthy starting their paths to the Tag Team Title match. Lawlor is one of the most successful stars the company has ever had so him going after any title is a good idea. Not a bad match either, with King and Tiger both looking good.

AAA – 2

MLW – 2

We go to the back for Alicia’s birthday party but Warner and Hammerstone fight in. Hammerstone goes into the cake to end the show, because classics never die.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling was good enough and they advanced the main feud at the moment, though the promotion vs. promotion stuff can only go so far. They’re coming up on the bigger names though and at least we got some solid action on the way to those matches. Good enough show here and hopefully that can continue.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Smackdown – November 18, 2005 (Eddie Guerrero Tribute Show): The Happier Version (2020 Redo)

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 18, 2005
Location: Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Attendance: 6,000
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

It’s the second of two Eddie Guerrero tribute shows, both of which were filmed back to back on the previous Sunday, as the roster was off to Europe later this week. That has to be one of the roughest days the company has ever seen and I’m not sure what to expect after the great tribute on Monday. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory of Eddie Guerrero.

Here’s Batista in Eddie’s low rider for the opening chat. He’s fighting back tears as he talks about how much Eddie meant to him. Eddie’s family meant the world to him and while he had demons, Eddie fought back and regained his family. Eddie also loved this business and he gave everything he could every single night. We pause for an Eddie chant and Batista smiles very hard. You can call Batista selfish but he’d give anything to have him back right here. Eddie’s music plays Batista out and he leaves the title on the low rider.

We get an Eddie tribute video, set to 3 Doors Down’s Here Without You, which is as emotional as you imagine it being.

Tonight is going to feature some segments from Eddie’s Cheating Death, Stealing Life DVD, starting with Eddie driving around his hometown. Eddie’s mom talks about how his father taught everyone to wrestle and Eddie explains how the family got into wrestling.

Matt Hardy vs. Carlito

Smackdown vs. Raw continues tonight and the low rider stays in the aisle. Matt starts fast by sending him into the turnbuckle over and over. A missed charge puts Hardy on the floor though and Carlito rams him into the apron. Back in and stomping ensues, setting up the double arm crank. Carlito goes to the middle rope for the mocking of Matt’s pose, plus a dive into a raised boot because of course. The Side Effect gives Matt two but he gets caught in the yet to be named Backstabber for the same. Matt knocks him off the ropes though and the middle rope legdrop connects. The Twist of Fate is enough to finish Carlito.

Rating: C. Just a match here as the popular guy beats the annoying pest. Matt continues to be someone who needs a story to be overly interesting, but the fans still buy into him so he’ll be fine for the time being. Carlito on the other hand is almost never interesting and would be much better off as a manager/talker for someone else.

Vince McMahon talks about what a craftsman Eddie was and how happy it made him. He actually gets choked up a bit when he talks about what Eddie’s family meant to him. You don’t see Vince like that very often and it’s strange to see in a good way.

More from the DVD, with Eddie talking about losing Vickie, having a daughter while they were separated, and then getting back together two years later.

Heidenreich/Animal vs. Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch

Cade and Heidenreich start things off with Cade hitting the shoulders in the corner to start. A clothesline takes him down but Murdoch gets in a kick to the back from from the apron. The cowboys stomp Heidenreich down in the corner and Murdoch slaps on an abdominal stretch. That goes nowhere so it’s back to Cade to keep up the beating in the corner. Heidenreich shrugs that off without too much trouble and brings Animal back in to clean house. The Doomsday Device finishes Cade in a hurry.

Rating: D. Another short one here as the matches continue to not matter in the slightest tonight. These teams didn’t exactly mesh well together but at least they gave the good guys the win. Cade and Murdoch have more of a future as a team, but it’s not like this is going to mean anything to either team.

Booker T., with Sharmell, talks about how much Eddie meant to him. They had their battles in WCW and even got in a fist fight backstage. Booker can’t imagine what it’s like for his family but if they ever need to talk, he and Sharmell are there anytime. Eddie would want the fans to go out and have a great show and that’s all anyone can do.

From the DVD, we look at the Lie, Cheat and Steal vignettes, plus Eddie doing all three things in the ring as well. It’s a great case where the fans knew exactly what was going to happen and wanted nothing else.

Big Show talks about how hard it is to lose a friend but Eddie is safe now.

From the DVD, Eddie talks about growing up in a wrestling family and how his dad had his family wrestling when they were kids.

Chavo Guerrero vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Jillian Hall is here with JBL and yes it’s Chavo rather than Kerwin White (one of the few silver linings out of this whole situation). Chavo grabs a headlock to start and sends JBL outside in a hurry. A dive to the floor takes him down again and it’s a missile dropkick for two back inside. JBL hits the fall away slam though and throws in an Eddie dance.

The beating continues in the corner and we hit the sleeper on Chavo. That’s broken up in a hurry and the comeback is on, naturally featuring a bunch of Eddie offense. A DDT gives Chavo two and it’s time for a chair, with Chavo throwing it at JBL and dropping down. Like it could have (or should have) been anything else. Chavo uses the distraction to hit Three Amigos and the frog splash finishes JBL.

Rating: B. This is one of those matches that just makes you smile as there was nothing wrong with the whole thing. The match was designed to let Eddie’s nephew get a victory over one of Eddie’s biggest rivals and they did that to perfection. The look on Chavo’s face before the frog splash was perfect and you know JBL didn’t mind doing this one bit.

From the DVD, Eddie talks about spending time with his mom.

From the DVD, Eddie talks about how important it was to defend the WWE Title at Wrestlemania. Given that he wasn’t even in the company two years before, that’s quite the accomplishment. We see some clips of the match, which really was great. Eddie’s mom calls it a beautiful match. For a bonus, we see the end of the show with Eddie coming out to celebrate with Chris Benoit in one of those things that should have been legendary for much better reasons.

JBL talks about his feud with Eddie and all the riots that nearly broke out. They were enemies on scree but friends in real life. Eddie went to bat with him and said JBL could be a main eventer. Eddie was there for JBL during JBL’s divorce and as selfish as it was, JBL would love to see Eddie come out in that low rider one more time.

We look at Eddie beating Brock Lesnar from the title.

Battle Royal

Kid Kash, Tajiri, Gregory Helms, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Scotty 2 Hotty, Nunzio, Juventud Guerrera, Funaki, Super Crazy, Psicosis

Non-title. The nine Smackdown guys jump the two Raw guys (Helms and Tajiri) but Tajiri kicks his way to freedom in a hurry. Juvy tosses Kendrick and Crazy gets crotched on top for a quick elimination. Funaki and Tajiri joining forces for about a second before Funaki dumps him out. Helms eliminates Funaki though and Scotty does the same to Kash.

Nunzio gets rid of Scotty and Psicosis at the same time, leaving us with Nunzio, Juvy and London. Juvy and London take turns chopping Nunzio but he gets them both to the apron. Neither are eliminated though and they backdrop him out without much trouble. Juvy headscissors London out for the win a few seconds later.

Rating: D+. What else were you expecting from this one? It wasn’t a good match of any kind but having one of Eddie’s friends win is a good idea. They went through things in a hurry and the champ won so it’s hard to complain about anything here. Eddie was a cruiserweight for a long time so having a match like this is fine.

From the DVD, we look at Latino Heat. You can almost see Eddie’s mom’s cheeks go red over the Chyna stuff.

We look at Eddie cheating to win his last match, as only he could.

Shane McMahon, also fighting back tears, talks about what it’s like to be in a legendary wrestling family. As we’ve heard from everyone else, Eddie loved his family. Yes it’s repetitive, but if it’s one of the first things that everyone says about him, it must have been something that mattered to him more than anything else.

We look at the end of Wrestlemania XX. Lawler: “What a sight!” Indeed it was.

HHH vs. Chris Benoit

A very early Crossface attempt sends HHH bailing to the floor. Back in and the same thing happens again as the frustration is on early. Back in again and this time HHH has to roll outside from the threat of a Sharpshooter so Benoit throws him back inside. This time he hammers away with right hands in the corner but HHH sends him outside in a backdrop.

Back with Benoit being whipped hard into the corner twice in a row for two. Benoit gets in a running elbow to the face though and they’re both down. HHH is back up first and hits a spinebuster for two, followed by an abdominal stretch to stay on the ribs. The referee catches him cheating though and we hit the sleeper to slow Benoit down even more.

Benoit fights out and rolls the German suplexes, setting up the Swanton for two. A quick Pedigree attempt is countered into a Crossface but HHH almost gets out. That’s fine with Benoit, who rolls him to the middle of the ring ala Wrestlemania XX and then into a crucifix for the pin.

Rating: B. Another fine match here between two people who have worked together dozens of times. As has been the case with everything else on both shows, the wrestling wasn’t the point here. They had a pretty good match here and while there was no doubt about who was winning, the match was still entertaining because of the immense talent involved.

Post match Benoit and HHH hug and here’s Dean Malenko for the big hug with Benoit in Eddie’s place.

Overall Rating: A. This is a different yet equally good show from the previous version, as this was more about celebrating Eddie’s life than mourning his passing. You can consider it a two volume set and while you can watch one or the other, doing both of them gives you more of a complete picture. The more you hear about Eddie, the more impressive his reputation becomes. He had countless amazing matches and moments and this one made me smile more than Monday, as it felt more like a celebration. Check this out if you haven’t seen it in a bit, as it’s the happier of the two shows.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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205 Live – April 17, 2020: The Writing Is On The Wall

IMG Credit: WWE

205 Live
Date: April 17, 2020
Host: Tom Phillips

So now things have really changed around here and I’m not entirely sure why. Some of it might have to do with both regular commentators being released on Wednesday but it’s not like you need to be the best commentator around to call a show like this. Instead, we have a show about the wrestlers themselves, but not in the way you might expect. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tom Phillips says that while the Interim Cruiserweight Title tournament is going on, we’ll be looking at the matches that inspired some of the best cruiserweights. Tonight, we start with Brian Kendrick, with a match that inspired him and a match that he was in.

Kendrick talks about going over to a friend’s house but seeing them watching the end of a wrestling tape. This is what he saw and it made him want to be a wrestler.

From Wrestlemania VI:

WWF World Title/Intercontinental Title: Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior

Hogan is stunned and dejected at his first ever clean loss in the company. The referee brings Warrior both titles and the camera focuses on just Warrior so the WWF World Title can be returned to ringside, allowing Hogan to go get it. He hands it to Warrior and endorses the new champion before riding away in the card, leaving Warrior to celebrate to end the show.

Kendrick talks about being proud of his title reigns, but there is a match that made him think he might be done after it was over.

From the Cruiserweight Classic on August 31, 2016.

Quarterfinals: Brian Kendrick vs. Kota Ibushi

More kicks have Kendrick in trouble so he grabs a neckbreaker across the turnbuckle rod for a unique counter. Brian grabs a cravate to stay on the bad (and surgically repaired) neck, only to eat a dropkick to put both guys down. A middle rope moonsault gets two for Ibushi but Kendrick superkicks his head off to get them back to even. Sliced Bread #2 gets another near fall for Kendrick so Ibushi gives him a release German superplex from just off the corner to knock Brian silly.

Rating: B. I thought the first match was more entertaining but this one told a better story. This was all about Kendrick throwing everything he had at Ibushi but not being able to put him away and eventually falling to the better man. The neck injury was a good bonus to the story and gave Brian enough of an opening to make this interesting. The storytelling was carrying this and it was very entertaining as a result. Good stuff here and Kendrick continues to surprise me in this thing.

Tom wraps it up.

Overall Rating: A. It’s not often that you throw on 205 Live and see a Hulk Hogan match. If the last three and a half years of this show haven’t yet taught you how little it means to WWE, this one probably won’t get it through your head either. We are currently holding a Cruiserweight Title tournament and the cruiserweight show was a Best Of edition that probably took fifteen minutes to assemble. It’s good because of what was included, but why I’m supposed to care about the division when WWE clearly doesn’t is beyond me.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Main Event – April 16, 2020: It’s Sad

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: April 16, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

Things continue to go in the same fashion as always around here: very little actually matters on this show but it gives you a way to remember what took place earlier this week. That being said, the fact that Main Event is taking place in the same setup and venue as all three of the big shows continues to mess with me for some reason, just as it did when it was the before Raw show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Liv Morgan vs. Santana Garrett

Garrett gets thrown into the corner to start and a headlock takeover puts her on the mat. There’s a whip into the corner as Garrett seems to have lost some hair. A handspring

elbow hits Liv in the corner but she drops Garrett again and grabs the chinlock. That’s broken up so Liv snaps off a running hurricanrana, only to get nailed with a left hand. Back up and Morgan slugs away, setting up a running enziguri. The springboard Flatliner finishes Garrett at 4:38.

Rating: C-. You can tell that Morgan has grown up a bit as of late as she looked more in control this time around. That’s a good thing, but she has a very long way to go. On the other hand there’s Garrett, who seems to check all of the boxes for being a star but she has never come close to meaning anything even in NXT. Granted she has never had a chance, though I’m not sure I’d bet on her at this point.

From Smackdown.

Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Non-title and Cesaro is here with Nakamura. Strowman dodges some kicks to start and kicks him down into the corner without much effort. There’s a big toss across the ring and the beating is on. Strowman takes him outside and even manages to yell at Cesaro before hitting Nakamura again. A charging Nakamura is dropped onto the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Strowman throwing him around even more and hitting the running splash in the corner. The powerslam is broken up so Nakamura hits the running kick to the face. Strowman isn’t having that and he blasts Nakamura with a clothesline. The running shoulders on the floor hit Nakamura and Cesaro but Nakamura hits the running kick to the chest for two. Kinshasa is loaded up but Strowman reverses into the running powerslam for the pin at 7:48.

Rating: C. This was a good and mostly dominant first match for Braun as champion and that’s how it should have been. Nakamura is long past the point of being a threat to the title but he still means a bit. He certainly means more than Cesaro at this point so they made the right choice.

Post match it’s time for the Firefly Fun House, with Bray standing next to a sign saying The History of John Cena and bray Wyatt. We see clips of the firefly Fun House match and Bray says Cena was right: we really can’t see him. That brings Bray to Braun and we see some of their history as well.

Bray talks about giving Braun a home but Braun turned his back on him. He can forgive Braun, but only Ramblin Rabbit agrees. Braun isn’t playing though and wants to fight. That’s cool with Bray, because he wants the title back. Bray brought him into the world and will take Strowman out. Bye! Braun says hang on because he’s ready to let Bray in anytime. Braun: “Bye! See you later!”

From Raw.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Kairi Sane vs. Nia Jax

Sane gets thrown around to start as Asuka is VERY excited in the back. Back to full screen and it’s a clothesline into a toss around by the hair. A gorilla press into a Samoan drop (the Annihilator) finishes Sane at 2:36. Total squash.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Humberto Carrillo

They flip around to avoid each other to start until Humberto hits some dropkicks. Some more dropkicks set up an enziguri for two but Shelton hits a knee in the corner. We take a quick break and come back with Humberto caught in a chinlock. Carrillo fights up and kicks him in the ribs, followed by the missile dropkick. A standing moonsault hits Shelton’s knees but Carrillo is fine enough to kick him down again. Carrillo goes up top, knocks Shelton down, and hits the moonsault for the pin at 9:13.

Rating: C-. This was fine enough but Carrillo continues to be a hole of charisma. He can do the flips and dives well enough, but he’s just a guy in tights who jumps around a lot and can’t talk very well. There have been tons of those over the years and it’s not like Carrillo is doing anything better than anyone in particular. Not bad, but I’m not seeing the star power WWE seems to think he has.

Video on Otis vs. Dolph Ziggler at Wrestlemania.

Video on Drew McIntyre winning the WWE Title at Wrestlemania.

From Raw.

Drew McIntyre vs. Andrade

Non-title and Andrade has everyone with him. McIntyre starts stomping away in the corner early on and even catches Andrade with a kick to the chest for trying to jump over him. They head outside with Andrade bouncing on top of the barricade. A Garza distraction lets Andrade pull him into the post though and the chops are on. McIntyre’s arm is sent into the steps and it’s an armbar back inside.

The armbar over the rope keeps McIntyre in trouble and a shot to the arm breaks up a suplex attempt. McIntyre boots him in the face though and hits a top rope shot to the head into a nip up. A spinning back elbow rocks McIntyre but he’s fine enough to backdrop Andrade onto Theory and Garza. Back in and Vega’s distraction lets Andrade crotch him on top but McIntyre escapes the hanging DDT. There’s the reverse Alabama Slam into the Claymore for the pin on Andrade at 5:31.

Rating: C. Not too bad here though I kept waiting on Rollins to interfere and cost McIntyre the match. I wouldn’t have had the US Champion get pinned when he had a big numbers advantage but that title being protected is a long forgotten hope. McIntyre picking up another win is a good thing though as he can mow people down to become the new dominant force around here.

Post match Garza chop blocks McIntyre and here’s Seth Rollins to superkick the champ. A pair of Stomps to McIntyre ends the show.

Overall Rating: D+. As usual, having these shows in the same empty arena just makes you realize how much Raw and Smackdown have lost by being in the same situation. The original stuff was nothing here and it’s not like they had much to look at from the regular shows. Not a terrible show, but these empty arena shows have taken the soul out of a soulless product.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Impact Wrestling – April 14, 2020: When Old Guys Still Have It

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: April 14, 2020
Location: Coca Cola Roxy, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

It’s the (original) go home show for Rebellion, which has been rescheduled but at least is still airing in some form. I’m not sure what the card is going to consist of but some pay per view material is better than none. Hopefully they don’t set up a bunch of stuff they can’t deliver (not their fault if they can’t) but the show has been pretty good lately so maybe it can continue here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Johnny Swinger vs. Mike Jackson

Yeah this was the obvious payoff to the Young Buck M. Jackson reference from last week. Jackson is 70 and hasn’t wrestled on national television since 1991. Before the match, Jackson says he likes this place, but not what Swinger does to the young guys. He’s an old buck and it’s time to give Swinger a beating. An early Swinger Neckbreaker attempt is blocked and Jackson gets two off a rollup. A headscissors puts Swinger on the floor and there’s a suicide dive because of course Jackson can do that.

Back in and Jackson works on the arm, setting up Old School, with Jackson walking all the way around all four ropes. Commentary has finally caught up and announces Rebellion as a two night event over the next two weeks so at least things should be better in that regard. Swinger elbows him down for two but Jackson gets in a neckbreaker. The straps come down and Jackson hammers away in the corner, only to get rolled up with feet on the ropes for the pin at 5:20.

Rating: C+. Normally I would make fun of something like this with Jackson showing up the people on the roster, but there are a few differences here. First of all, it’s Johnny Swinger, who is a comedy guy in his forties. Second, a 70 year old man just did a suicide dive and walked around the top ropes for Old School. I don’t think I’m allowed to complain about this.

Ace Austin doesn’t like Willie Mack’s odds in their X-Division Title match. He doesn’t like being called a scumbag either because Mack isn’t worried about his best friend, but Mack isn’t a scumbag? Cue Trey to say Austin is indeed a scumbag. Ace: “How’s your mom?” The brawl is on in a hurry.

Post break, Jackson got a bunch of praise from the locker room. Fair enough.

Ken Shamrock is told to not get physical during the contract signing.

We run down the rest of the card.

TJP/Fallah Bahh vs. Rascalz vs. XXXL vs. Reno Scum

One fall to a finish. Acey clotheslines Thornstowe down to start and brings in Larry for a running knee in the corner. It’s off to Wentz, who gets thrown into the Scum corner and suplexed to send us to a break. Back with Wentz kicking Legend in the head but getting cut off by Thornstowe. The Pit Stop has Wentz in more trouble and a knee to the face gets two.

Wentz dives over for the hot tag to Dez though and the pace picks up, including a catapult to send Thornstowe into a superkick. Wentz comes back in with a springboard cutter to Thornstowe as everything breaks down. XXXL crushes Legend before hitting stereo suicide dives for the big crashes. Back in and a Samoan drop into a Swanton gives TJP the pin on Thornstowe at 11:14.

Rating: C. You can only get so much out of these things and they did as well as they could have. It wasn’t anything that hasn’t been done better before but at least they had a surprise winner and should set up another Tag Team Title match with the North. TJP and Bahh work well as an oddball team and that’s all they need to do.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Tessa Blanchard beats Gail Kim at Rebellion 2019.

Rohit Raju begs Gama Singh to let him out of a match and gets slapped in the face for his efforts.

Video on Cody Deaner beating Joey Ryan last week.

Ryan doesn’t like that video airing. He demands the production team to play the tape he aired.

The video shows Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes in a hot tub. They’re sorry about not being there but Katie doesn’t want to be around the Deaners or the fans. You can imagine what comes next.

Rohit Raju vs. Hernandez

Rayne gets annoyed at Josh and leaves commentary as Hernandez pulls Raju out of the air. The Pounce into the Boarder Toss is good for the pin on Raju at 1:20. Note that commentary made it clear that Raju has a big match coming up at Rebellion, right before he got squashed.

Madison Rayne and Johnny Swinger are in the back for Locker Room Talk. Their guest this week is Kylie Rae, who is still happy to be here. Swinger shows off his biceps to hit on her but Kylie is too excited to be ready to face Kiera Hogan at Rebellion. Madison tries to get Rae to be mean about Hogan but it’s not coming. Kiera comes in and says she’s going to humiliate Kylie at Rebellion. Kylie doesn’t want to be pushed this far, but Kiera isn’t that nice!

We get clips of Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin in a match in Qatar. Brian Cage interfered to cost Eddie the match and the title.

Ace Austin vs. Trey

Non-title. They take turns missing flips and dives to start until Trey hits a running basement dropkick to put Ace on the floor. Trey hits a dive to take Austin down again but Ace drops him face first onto the apron. Back in and Ace forearms away as Josh and Madison continue their married bickering on commentary (and actually making it somewhat adorable).

A seated abdominal stretch keeps Trey in trouble but he fights up with a 619 out of the corner. The missile dropkick puts Ace down again but he’s right back up with a springboard kick to the face. Trey is back up, only to miss something off the top and get rolled up with tights to give Ace the pin at 6:18.

Rating: C+. They packed a lot into this one and that’s one of the best things that you can have in a match like this. They didn’t have time to do much here but they have a lot of chemistry, even if Trey never actually beats him. I could go for Ace being champion for a good while to come as he’s held the title for a long time already, even though it doesn’t feel like it. That’s a good sign, as Austin could have a heck of a future at this rate. Side note: Trey makes the second person in the four way at Rebellion to lose in back to back matches. At least try to make it seem important.

Willie Mack is to do some magic of his own and make the title disappear from Austin’s shoulder.

Taya vs. Tenille Dashwood

John E. Bravo is here with Taya. Tenille wastes no time to start with a quick Russian legsweep sending Taya outside. A Bravo distraction lets Taya hammer away and get two off a superplex. We take a break and come back with Taya choking away using various objects. Taya’s running hip attack in the corner, plus some double knees, get two and we hit the half crab.

That doesn’t last long so Taya knees her in the chest and poses on the ropes while choking away. Taya charges into an elbow in the corner though and a running knee to the face sends Taya into another corner. The Taste of Tenille gets two but Taya spears her down for the same. Back from another break with the Road to Valhalla getting two as Tenille grabs the rope. Taya is stunned so she grabs a chair, allowing Tenille to sunset flip her for the pin at 16:18.

Rating: C+. Dashwood is an interesting case as she seems like she should be a huge star but it never comes together. It’s not like this is some huge upset, but it does feel a little strange that Taya would lose. She is coming up on a title match at Rebellion and loses here? I guess it fits in with the theme of the night.

Post match Taya destroys her with a trashcan and a pile of chairs, with even Madison saying this is too much to watch. Jordynne Grace runs in for the save but Tenille is banged up pretty badly.

Tommy Dreamer and Rhino are ready to beat up OVE with the help of their mystery partner.

Rebellion rundown.

Video on Sami Callihan being revealed as the ICU hacker and attacking Ken Shamrock with a fireball.

It’s time for the contract signing between Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock. Sami tells Josh Matthews to get out and throws his feet on the table. He laughs at the idea of Shamrock not being able to do anything at the moment because he knows how much Shamrock wants to jump the table right now. Sami knows what this match is going to mean for Shamrock, who angrily signs the contract. That doesn’t please Sami, who talks about how smashing Eddie Edwards with the baseball bat was the best thing that ever happened to Sami.

Now it’s time to get serious as brings up Shamrock’s family. That’s too far so Shamrock goes for him, only to have Sami press a button to escape. A bunch of people with ICU masks appear but leave, with Shamrock giving chase. He goes to the parking lot and gets in a car, which is being driven by an ICU guy. Chaos ensues as there are even more of them around the car to end the show. I actually want to see the match so they’re doing something right.

Overall Rating: B-. This place is on a roll as they head into the pay per view but I’m a little bit scared at what is going to happen when they shift more towards a big wrestling focused show. Usually that is where they shine, but lately their television has been better so there is no guarantee that they can pull off both. Either way, I liked this show well enough, even if everything is about to change in a big way. Good show to go out of the norm on at least.


Johnny Swinger b. Mike Jackson – Rollup with feet on the ropes

TJP/Fallah Bahh b. Reno Scum, the Rascalz and XXXL – Swanton Bomb to Thornstowe

Hernandez b. Rohit Raju – Boarder Toss

Ace Austin b. Trey – Rollup with a handful of trunks

Tenille Dashwood b. Taya – Sunset flip

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Smackdown – April 17, 2020: That’s The Best Part?

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: April 17, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s time to move forwards towards Money in the Bank and this time around we are finding out who else is going to be involved in the women’s match, plus the first man involved. I’m not sure how much steam these empty arena shows have left but they’re all we’re getting at the moment. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Cole runs down the card.

It’s time for A Moment Of Bliss to start things off. After bragging about being two time Women’s Tag Team Champions (I completely forgot their first reign, which isn’t a good sign for titles that are fourteen months old), Nikki Cross brings out Braun Strowman. They congratulate Braun on being the new Universal Champion but bring up the fact that he is officially defending against Bray Wyatt (not the Fiend) at Money in the Bank.

Strowman knows Bray and the games he plays so Bray is going to get these hands. There’s a present on the mat though and it seems to be for Braun. Inside is….the old mask he wore as part of the Wyatt Family. Braun looks upset and we hear Bray’s laughter as a picture of Braun in the mask comes on the screen.

Post break, Cole and Graves explain what we just saw.

Sasha Banks vs. Tamina

If Tamina wins, she gets a Women’s Title match at Money in the Bank and Bayley is on commentary. Sasha throws her a shirt to start but Tamina says it’s not the right size. The shirt is thrown at Bayley and Banks’ rollup completely fails. A headbutt sends Banks to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Sasha hammering away and bending the back of Tamina’s neck around the rope. The chinlock goes on but Tamina fights up with something like a Rock Bottom to send Sasha outside. Bayley offers a distraction so Sasha can get in a posting, a 619 on the apron and a ram into the steps. Bayley loads up a cheap shot but here’s Lacey Evans to cut her off. Tamina hits a superkick and hits a second inside for the pin and the title shot at 8:34.

Rating: D+. So yeah we have the next Jinder Mahal here, as Tamina has never done anything of note (until she won a triple threat match a few weeks ago, she hadn’t won a match in over a year) but now she wins a match or two and we’re supposed to forget about how unimportant and nothing she has been for years. It’s bad storytelling, it’s illogical, it’s annoying to the fans who watch every week and WWE is going to keep doing it over and over because they don’t know how long term storytelling and character building works anymore.

Jey Usos is ready for the triple threat and shouts a lot.

Post break Lacey says wherever Sasha goes, she goes. She’s a Marine, and isn’t stopping until the mission is accomplished. That would be no more Sasha, which is written on the back of her hand.

Sheamus vs. Denzel DeJournette

Sheamus shrugs off a takedown attempt and elbows/knees away at the head. The Brogue kick finishes at 1:03.

Post match Cole starts introducing a video on Jeff Hardy but Sheamus interrupts and asks what is Cole’s malfunction. That’s too much disrespect to Sheamus, fella.

We get the second part of the Jeff Hardy video, which features a bunch of dives that banged Hardy up. It resulted in his addiction issues and caused his career to start spiraling down. Then he left in 2009 (the World Title reigns aren’t mentioned) and we see some videos of him high and drunk, which are still hard to watch. This led to a lot of his legal problems and Jeff knows that he has a lot to make up for. Part three next week.

Carmella comes up to Dana Brooke and isn’t happy that Dana isn’t focused on their Tag Team Title match next week. Dana explains the Money in the Bank idea and says she can do both. Carmella isn’t convinced, just like I’m not convinced that any WWE writer has ever had a conversation with a human if this is supposed to sound authentic.

Commentary talks about the Money in the Bank ladder matches….which will take place at WWE Corporate headquarters with the briefcases ON THE ROOF OF TITAN TOWERS! Well that’s a new one!

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Naomi vs. Dana Brooke

Naomi’s helmet is back and at least it covers up that ridiculous looking hair. Naomi kicks her down for two to start but gets thrown outside. Back in and Dana grabs a bodyscissors, allowing her to talk a lot of extra audible trash. That’s broken up so Naomi kicks her in the head a few times, followed by a springboard kick to the face for two. A powerbomb gives Dana the same but the Rear View connects for two more. Naomi is SHOCKED that it didn’t work, making me roll my eyes a good bit. The split legged moonsault misses though and Brooke gets a rollup pin at 4:10.

Rating: D+. I still like Brooke more than most but it’s in the same vein as Tamina: she has barely won anything and yet we’re supposed to take her as a threat. Even if there’s a huge upset and she wins the ladder match and title, it’s still way too much to buy her as a top star. Wins and losses matter if you watch regularly and while this isn’t as bad as Tamina getting a title shot, I’m still not buying it.

During the post match replays, Corey says Dana is the first person to kick out of the Rear View. Normally I’d have to look it up but I’m just refusing to believe that’s true.

Long recap of Otis/Mandy Rose and the Sonya Deville/Dolph Ziggler plan to stop them.

Here’s a very upset Sonya Deville to beg Mandy’s forgiveness. They’ve been friends forever and for the first time in forever, Mandy isn’t here. Sonya has wanted to tell her something but here’s Mandy in person to cut her off. Fighting back tears, Sonya says….that Mandy is the most selfish human being she has ever met. As soon as Mandy became interested in Otis, she was ready to kick Sonya to the curb.

Now all Sonya wants to do is see Mandy hurt. Mandy might be pretty but she’s a dime a dozen blonde who was built in a lab. Sonya worked forever to be second to a talentless piece of eye candy. Now Sonya is going to ruin her life because she isn’t going to deal with some centerfold Barbie b****. Cue Ziggler to say he’s made a mistake but they had a great Valentines Day. Mandy slaps his hand away and Sonya jumps her, freaking Dolph out. Otis runs in for the save and house is cleaned, likely setting up a mixed tag. Well done on throwing in a bit of a surprise instead of Sonya declaring her love for Mandy.

We get the tribute video to Howard Finkel. That voice is never going to be topped and it’s very rare to see someone who clearly loved wrestling like he did. We get a lot NEEEEWWWW’s and a look at his comedy stuff, which really did work for him.

Miz thinks it is an injustice that he has to defend the Tag Team Titles in another three person triple threat match after John Morrison already did it at Wrestlemania. I’d call it more of a bad idea than an injustice.

Video on the Forgotten Sons.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan

Shinsuke Nakamura and Drew Gulak are the seconds. Cesaro shows off a bit by jumping up to touch the briefcase above the ring. Bryan wastes no time in knocking Cesaro to the floor for a suicide dive….and here’s the masked guy on the screen to show us more hidden video. He says some keep their friends close and others keep their enemies closer. There is no video shown though and we take a break.

Back with Bryan working on an armbar and then grabbing a cross armbreaker. Cesaro muscles him up with a powerbomb to escape and a slam gets two on Bryan. He heads to the apron but manages to snap Cesaro’s arm across the top rope. A dive off the top is countered into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker though and Cesaro grabs the Sharpshooter. Bryan gets to the rope and goes outside, setting up the running uppercut against the barricade.

Back from another break with Bryan hitting the YES Kicks for two but Cesaro hits a gorilla press knee to the face. The Crossface goes on, only to be reversed into most of the YES Lock. Cesaro clotheslines the heck out of him and unloads with uppercuts in the corner. Bryan’s moonsault out of the corner is caught but Bryan pulls him down into the YES Lock. Nakamura’s interference is cut off by Gulak and Cesaro taps at 14:24.

Rating: B. This is a lot closer to the match that you would have wanted to see from these two as they were given time and allowed to work to their strengths. It helps when you spend a good chunk of your careers wrestling in front of very few people. They know how to do something else and that makes for a better performance like this. Well that and the two of them being Cesaro and Bryan.

Big E. is ready to win the Tag Team Titles on his own. This morning, he slid out of the triple bunk bed and told Kofi and Woods to eat popcorn in the La-Z-Boys because it’s time to become eight time champions.

King Corbin jumps Elias in the back and crushes his hand between two anvil cases. Corbin drags him away. Post break, Corbin steps on Elias’ hand and tells him to sing before hitting him in the throat with a baton. That looks to be it but Corbin breaks the guitar over his back for a bonus. Now this is more like it for Corbin, FAR away from the main event scene and beating up midcarders. I can go for this far more.

Tag Team Titles: Big E. vs. Jey Uso vs. The Miz

Miz is defending the titles on his own. The challengers waste no time in sending Miz outside before Big E. runs Jey over. Big E. talks about having a plan but the other two are back up to suplex him through the announcers’ table. We take a break and come back with Jey hitting back to back suicide dives.

The running Umaga Attacks in the corner make it worse but Big E. catches Jey with the Rock Bottom out of the corner. Miz even goes aerial with a springboard ax handle, allowing him to start the HEY HEY HO HO. Miz can’t Figure Four Jey, who kicks him into Big E. for two instead. The Skull Crushing Final gets two on Jey and now the Figure Four goes on. Big E. breaks that up with the Big Ending to Miz for the pin and the titles at 9:45.

Rating: C-. Kind of a surprising ending as we continue to have New Day as placeholder champions, though they’ve been placeholder champions for what feels like years now. Normally I would say that I hope this doesn’t lead to the Forgotten Sons winning the titles because that would almost guarantee that it does, so yeah I’ve just screwed it up all over again.

We cut to Kofi at his house for an AND NEEEEEEWWWWW for a nice smile inducing moments.

Xavier Woods throws in a bunch of plugs.

Big E. rolls around on the floor shouting EIGHT TIMES to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This was ok enough as they’ve managed to make these shows feel like any regular Smackdown. That sounds good in theory, but then you remember that a regular Smackdown isn’t much of a show, much like this one wasn’t. It was a decent enough watch with angle advancement and some good wrestling, but it’s nothing overly memorable. I actually liked that mixed tag angle in the middle as much as anything else, as it was well delivered and the motivations make sense. The match will probably be junk, but points for the setup. Not a great show by any means, but watchable enough for Smackdown.


Tamina b. Sasha Banks – Superkick

Sheamus b. Denzel DeJournette – Brogue Kick

Dana Brooke b. Naomi – Sunset flip

Daniel Bryan b. Cesaro – YES Lock

Big E. b. Jey Uso and Miz – Big Ending to Miz

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Sacrifice 2020: El Generico Would Be Proud

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Date: February 22, 2020
Location: Davis Arena, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D’Lo Brown

It’s a special event as we are in one of the most famous arenas in all of wrestling. This is the home of Ohio Valley Wrestling and this time around we are going to be seeing a co-promoted show between OVW and Impact Wrestling. The main event is X-Division Champion Ace Austin vs. World Champion Tessa Blanchard in a non-title match, which is kind of a weird way to go. Let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: AJ Daniels vs. D’Mone Solavino

Solavino has big black wings and AJ, who has no music, is from the Outer Space District. Some shoulders put Daniels down to start but he’s back up with leapfrogs and a dropkick. Solavino’s suplex is countered into a small package for two but he’s back with a backbreaker. A belly to back suplex gets two but Daniels kicks him in the face and hits a slingshot corkscrew splash for two. An Angle Slam gets two on Daniels but he knocks Solavino off the top, setting up a 450 for the pin at 5:23.

Rating: C-. This was a good example of two young guys getting to go out there and fly around the ring for a little bit. It wasn’t exactly high quality but the 450 looked good and it’s nice to see two younger guys getting a chance like this. They were probably both on the biggest show of their career to this point so it was completely acceptable for what it was.

Pre-Show: Max The Impaler vs. Cali Young

Cali is a rather ditsy blonde who is running for President (along with her campaign manager DL3) and LOVES AMERICA. On the other hand, Max seems inspired by her Mad namesake. Cali ducks some clotheslines to start and then bounces off of Max. A running shoulder in the corner crushes Cali again, meaning it’s time for a DL3 distraction.

This goes as badly as you would expect as Cali’s jumping choke is flipped over without much effort. Another distraction lets Cali get in a chop block but the good leg kicks her away. DL3 chokes from the floor but Max easily suplexes Cali down. Max beats up DL3 again and hits a spear for the pin at 4:14.

Rating: D+. Just a squash here as Cali didn’t get to go into her full shtick with the patriotism. She got to do it last night though and that got her some extra attention as well. Max felt your local monster, which is fine enough but it’s not something that is exactly breaking the mold.

The opening video is a pretty standard series of shots of people involved.

Rohit Raju vs. Corey Storm

Storm is an OVW regular. Raju takes him into the corner to start but runs into an atomic drop. There’s a dropkick to put Raju in the corner and a springboard kick to the face gets two. Back up and Raju slugs away, setting up a quick fisherman’s buster for two of his own. We hit the chinlock but Storm jawbreaks his way to freedom and kicks him down for two. Something like a springboard Codebreaker, followed by a basement superkick. Raju knees him in the face though and nails a Cannonball in the corner. A top rope double stomp to the back finishes Storm at 6:29.

Rating: C. Completely competent match here and a fine enough way to set things up for the rest of the night. Storm is someone with some potential and while I’m not big on Raju in the slightest, he is a lot better when he’s not doing the Desi Hit Squad stuff. Just have him out there as a wrestler in trunks and let him do his thing. It works a lot better that way, as it did here.

Impact Tag Team Titles: Rascalz vs. The North

The Rascalz (Trey and Wentz) are challenging here. Alexander sends Trey into the corner to start so it’s off to Wentz, who takes Alexander down. That doesn’t go anywhere for him as Alexander hits a quick toss as the Rascalz can’t get anything going. Some chops in the corner work a bit better for Wentz and a running dropkick gets two. Page gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and it’s Wentz in trouble again.

Trey grabs a neckbreaker and the hot tag brings in Wentz to clean house. Wentz’s slingshot Codebreaker gets two on Page as everything breaks down. Alexander throws Trey into Wentz for two and Page is stunned by the kickout. Wentz fights back but gets caught in a tilt-a-whirl faceplant. He’s back up with a Canadian Destroyer for two on Alexander.

The champs are sent into each other and it’s back to Trey, who gets caught with a double crucifix bomb for two. A Backstabber into a Swanton hits Page but Alexander is up to cut Wentz off. The referee is bumped and it’s a 619 in the corner to Alexander. Cue Rohit Raju to shove Trey off the top though, setting up the Northern Assault for the pin to retain at 20:20.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going but they were rolling by the end. The teams have some great chemistry together but the Rascalz have lost to the champs so many times now that it’s becoming hard to believe that they are a real threat. It might be time for them to move on, but at least the matches are still good.

Ace Austin has an interview in the back where he interviews the Steiner Math promo. Well at least in theory he does, as the audio keeps cutting in and out.

Rae Lyn vs. Kiera Hogan

Hogan takes her into the corner to start but Lyn switches places and slaps Hogan on the chest. They fight over wrist control until an exchange of shoulders has no effect. Dropkicks have the same result and it’s time for a pose/dance off. Lyn armdrags her down a few times so Hogan hits an elbow to the face. Choking in the ropes ensues and we hit the chinlock to slow things down again.

Back up and they trade kicks to the head for a double knockdown. Lyn’s legsweep gets two and a missile dropkick is good for the same. A spinning kick to the face gets two more, followed by the fisherman’s suplex for the fourth two in a row. They slug it out until Hogan kicks her in the face and finishes with a fisherman’s neckbreaker at 11:05.

Rating: C-. Just a match here and there is nothing wrong with an Impact wrestler defeating someone who hasn’t been around OVW very long. It wasn’t anything great and they went with a little too much silliness, but at least they had a passable match with both women getting in some time. Lyn has potential but needs some more ring time and something to get people to pay attention.

Johnny Swinger still tries to get Willie Mack on his side and is shut down again. Swinger can’t even give him a VHS.

Jay Bradley vs. Willie Mack

Bradley jumps him before the bell but Mack is up and slugging away. That earns him a beatdown into the corner but a Vader Bomb elbow misses. A dropkick puts Bradley on the floor and that means a big dive to take him down again. Back in and Bradley hits a running boot in the corner for two while shouting about this being his house. Forearms to the chest put Mack down again and we hit the chinlock. Mack fights up again and strikes away, setting up the standing moonsault for two. Back to back Stunners set up the Six Star for the pin at 6:33.

Rating: C. Totally acceptable wrestling here with Mack getting to survive a monster like Bradley and come out with a win. Mack is someone they’re ready to push to the moon as soon as they get a chance. On the other hand you have Bradley, who was in Impact for a little while and then wound up back here. I can understand that as while he is good, he’s not exactly doing anything that hasn’t been done better before.

OVE is ready to destroy Acey Romeo and Larry D.

OVE vs. Larry D./Acey Romero

It’s Mad Man Fulton/Dave Crist with Jake Crist in their corner here. Hold on though as Dave gets caught with some brass knuckles so we need a delay before we get started. Fulton headlocks Larry to start and gets clotheslined to the floor in a hurry. Dave comes in and gets headbutted into the corner, setting up a big running dropkick to make it worse. It’s off to Acey to sit on Dave’s chest but Fulton sweeps the leg to take over.

A hard clothesline drops Acey again and the stomping begins. Dave adds a running shot to the knee in the corner to put Acey in even more trouble. Acey tries to fight out of the corner and gets forearmed down in a hurry. An exchange of clotheslines doesn’t get Acey or Fulton very far until Acey hits him in the back of the head and dives over for the tag to Larry. Everything breaks down as Larry beats up Dave, including a sitout powerbomb for two.

Fulton gets crushed in the middle and a Rock Bottom puts him down as well. Acey’s big elbow gets two more and Fulton is knocked to the floor. That means the huge dive from Acey, who then goes up for a moonsault. Thankfully Dave breaks that up so Fulton tries a Samoan drop, which is broken up by Larry. The big right hand from Larry sets up the Pounce from Acey to finish Dave at 13:45.

Rating: D+. I get the idea of Acey and Larry but they’re not exactly thrilling so far. It’s one of those things where they lose a lot of steam after you watch it once, meaning there isn’t much else to see. OVE losing again isn’t going to make that much of a difference for them, but if Acey and Larry are going to mean anything they have to win something like this every now and then.

Post match OVE jumps the two of them but Daga runs in for the save. As luck would have it, this is next.

Daga vs. Jake Crist

They strike it out in a hurry until Jake is sent into the corner. A crossbody puts Jake on the floor and Daga drops him with a suicide dive for a bonus. The cannonball off the apron takes Jake down again but he superkicks Daga out of the air for two. What looked like a keylock has Daga in trouble and Jake bends the arm around the shoulder for a bonus.

A chop puts Daga down but he nips up and kicks Jake in the face. That just earns Daga another armbar, followed by a flipped over hammerlock (I can always appreciate mixing up the holds). Jake rakes the eyes and bends the arm around the rope before taking it outside. Daga grabs a DDT on the floor and it’s a high crossbody for two back inside. A gutwrench powerbomb gives Daga two more but Jake is right back with a super sunset bomb for the same.

They slug it out from their knees until Daga grabs a German suplex for two more. A belly to belly suplex sends Daga into the corner, followed by an exchange of kicks to the head, headbutts and clotheslines to knock them both down. Daga is up first and heads to the top, only to dive into a cutter for two. Crist is frustrated and pie faces him, earning himself a hurricanrana into the Tiger Driver 98 for the pin at 16:42.

Rating: B. This was a battle of two guys trading moves for sixteen moves and that was an entertaining use of time. It was a fun match and exactly what it should have been as both guys got to show off. The Crists continue to be one of the most talented teams in the company and Daga can have a good match against anyone. Good showcase for both guys here, as it should have been.

Moose is ready to destroy Rhino.

Johnny Swinger vs. Joey Ryan

Hold on though as we need to do the lollipop and oil deals before we’re ready to go. Swinger grabs the mic and says they’ve done this before and he’s not facing the love child of Freddie Mercury and Animal Steele. He has that videotape from earlier and is willing to give it to Ryan (including the match against Ray Stevens with a 23 minute and 17 second airplane spin) if Joey will lay down. Joey puts the tape in his trunks and lays down, allowing the bell to ring so he can small package Swinger for two.

The staredown is on and they shake hands, with Joey trying to make him touch it. That doesn’t work so Swinger tries an atomic drop, giving him the required knee pain. Ryan’s atomic drop works just fine and it’s Swinger getting caught in the ropes for some right hands. A cheap shot lets Swinger hit a middle rope ax handle for two and we hit a headscissor choke (Swinger: “YEAH DADDY!”).

Swinger grabs the sleeper for two arm drops but Ryan fights up for a collision. With Ryan down, Swinger falls head first onto it, allowing Ryan to hit a spinebuster for two. Ryan pulls out the lollipop but it goes into the referee’s mouth. That lets Swinger hit him with the tape for two but the Swinger Neckbreaker is countered, allowing Ryan to make him touch It. Sweet Tooth Music finishes Swinger at 7:29.

Rating: D+. This could have been worse as Swinger has gone from someone who made my eyes roll to one of the more entertaining people around here. Above all else, they’ve kept him firmly at the comedy level and that makes him a lot more tolerable. Not a good match or anything, but it served its purpose.

We look at Jordynne Grace winning the Knockouts Title.

Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace is defending and gets driven straight into the corner to start. Some corner splashes make it worse and Havok screams a lot. Grace fights back with a quickly broken sleeper but she fights out of a suplex out of the corner. A Vader Bomb gives Grace two and there’s a hanging DDT to plant Havok again. The champ is back with another sleeper, which has about as much success as the first. A chokeslam gives Havok two but she has to break a third sleeper by falling back. Graces grabs it again and wraps the legs, which is enough to knock Havok out to retain at 5:37.

Rating: C. It was short but I liked the story here as it wasn’t something you would expect from a powerhouse like Grace. They had a little something with Grace going after the sleeper over and over and FINALLY winning with it, which isn’t what you usually see. Not a great match or anything but good storytelling.

Tessa Blanchard says she’ll win tonight and then she’s taking the X-Division Title.

Chris Harris is here.

Moose vs. Rhino

They slug it out to start until Rhino plants him down with a spinebuster. Moose bails to the floor and is ready to walk out but Rhino drags him back through the entrance. Back in and Moose hits him low for the DQ at 2:33. I’m thinking we’re not done here.

Indeed Rhino wants it to be No DQ.

Moose vs. Rhino

No DQ and Moose slowly stomps him down before grabbing the chair. That winds up bouncing off of the top rope and onto Moose’s head so they go outside. Moose yells at Chris Harris but goes for a lap around the ring, earning himself a trashcan lid to the head. Back in and Moose hits another low blow so it’s staple gun time. That earns him a staple to the crotch but Moose is fine enough to hit a running dropkick in the corner.

With the staple not working, it’s time for a hammer, but Rhino spinebusters him to avoid a bad case of death. A hammer shot to the foot puts Rhino down again so Moose throws in a bunch of chairs to unload. He takes too long going up though and gets superplexed down onto the chairs. The fans request and receive their table but a discus lariat blocks the Gore attempt. Moose charges into a chair in the corner but it’s No Jackhammer Needed through the table to finish Rhino at 11:48.

Rating: D. I’m so tired of seeing this same match over and over again. How many times can you see the same hardcore brawl? The hammer to the foot was the only fresh spot in there and it’s not like it was some game changer. Just something they’ve done far too many times lately (or not lately for that matter) and I don’t need to see it ever again.

ICU graphic.

Ace Austin vs. Tessa Blanchard

Non-title. Ace stalls a bit by adjusting his gear for a good bit both before and after the bell. They stare each other down for over a minute to start until Austin dances a bit. That earns him a heck of a slap to the face but Tessa charges into a hiptoss into the corner. A dragon sleeper slows Tessa down and Ace puts a knee on the back of her neck for a bonus. Some stomps to the back set up a half crab but the rope is reached.

Tessa gets in a running knee but a kick to the head puts her outside in a hurry. Ace follows her outside and shrugs off the forearms to the head so he can kick Tessa in the face. The dive off the apron is blocked but so is Tessa’s suicide dive as she just can’t get anything going so far. A hanging swinging neckbreaker gives Ace two and we hit a seated armbar. That lets Ace slice the fingers with the playing card for two which is quite the painful way to go.

Ace goes up but gets pulled down with Magnum from the middle rope so Tessa can snap off a hurricanrana with a bunch of screaming included. A cutter sends Ace outside and the triple suicide dives connect. Back in and the Buzzsaw DDT is countered into a northern lights suplex. Tessa snaps off a standing Sliced Bread #2 but still can’t hit the DDT. Instead she goes up, only to dive into a spinning kick to the face for two.

A springboard spinning Fameasser gets two more, meaning Tessa can scream again. Tessa snaps off a tornado DDT and a Code Red for her own two but Magnum is blocked. Ace can’t superplex her but Tessa can’t super DDT him. Instead she hits the Buzzsaw onto the turnbuckle (El Generico would be proud) for the pin at 18:31.

Rating: B. They built this up as a big match and it felt like one, so they hit the important idea. Tessa’s screams were a bit much but it was a nice story with Tessa never giving up and trying to hit one of her big moves to get the win. Ace isn’t going to be hurt by losing to the World Champion and Tessa gets an important win. Good stuff here, and it felt like an important main event.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a back and forth show with the good matches being very good but the bad matches bringing them back down. What brings the show up though is how much longer the good stuff was than the bad, and that made this a solid show. For an online special, it was an awesome night and worth checking out, though you might want to fast forward a few things.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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