Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2016 (Original): Time To Play The Rumble

IMG Credit: WWE

Royal Rumble 2016
Date: January 24, 2016
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton

Pre-Show: Darren Young/Damien Sandow vs. Ascension vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Mark Henry/Jack Swagger

The opening video focuses on the statues before going into a regular video all about Reigns being up against the entire roster tonight.

Intercontinental Title: Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens

The Pop Up Powerbomb is countered with a hurricanrana and Dean grabs Dirty Deeds for eight. Dirty Deeds onto the chair has Owens in trouble but he rolls outside and onto his feet to break the count before collapsing. Dean loads up another table at ringside (“HEY! WE WANT SOME TABLES!”) and drops the top rope elbow for a double eight count. We get yet another table in the ring and they trade shouts of I HATE YOU.

Rating: B. Good but certainly not great last man standing match. The double tables were clearly going to be the ending and it was just a matter of time instead of a big surprise at the end. It was good enough though and all it needed to be, though I was hoping Owens would get the title back. However, it leaves the door open for a big match at Wrestlemania which is the important thing.

Tag Team Titles: New Day vs. Usos

New Day (Kofi/Big E.) is defending and Kofi asks for a moment of silence, allowing Woods to debut Francesca II. Yes Xavier will miss Francesca but he has, ahem, needs. As for tonight, one of them will also win the Rumble because 2016 will be the year of all gold everything. Thankfully the Usos have the different color boots on again.

Both guys try superkicks (shocking I know) but Kofi pulls Jey down by the leg so Big E. can get in a splash. A slingshot stomp crushes Jey again but he enziguris Kofi off the apron and out to the floor for a nice crash. Jimmy gets the tag and starts cleaning house with a Samoan Drop and Whisper in the Wind getting two on Big E. Everything breaks down and Big E. knocks Jimmy off the top, setting up a belly to belly for two of his own.

Jey dives off the apron (out of the WWE Universe according to Cole) to take Kofi out, followed by Big E. spearing Jimmy through the apron in an always cool looking spot. Back in and the Midnight Hour is broken up, allowing Jimmy to superkick Kofi into a very quiet Superfly Splash. Woods makes the save though, earning himself a suicide dive from Jey. Back in and Jey superkicks Kofi down but misses a blind tag to Big E., allowing the Big Ending to pull Jey out of the air for the Big Ending to retain the titles at 10:54.

We recap the Highlight Reel from Monday and the ensuing chaos.

The Wyatts talk about slaughtering the Beast and the Chosen One. Tonight they slaughter them all on their way to the title. Then he really will have the whole world in his hands. Run.

US Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. Kalisto

They botch a sunset bomb but Kalisto turns into a quick rollup for two more anyway in a close enough save. The top rope double stomp misses and a springboard Salida Del Sol gets two more with Alberto grabbing the bottom rope. Kalisto tries a springboard but lands on two knees for a unique counter. Del Rio would rather take the turnbuckle pad off though, only to be sent face first into the steel. A quick Salida Del Sol gives Kalisto the title back at 11:30.

Kickoff recap.

Fastlane ad.

We recap Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch. They were friends but Charlotte freaked out after losing to Becky, triggering a heel turn as Charlotte wanted to be more like her dad. Becky tricked Ric Flair into setting this up by implying that Charlotte was a coward.

Divas Title: Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte

Back in and a suplex gets two for the champ and we hit the figure four neck lock with Charlotte slamming her face first into the mat. The hold stays on for a long time until Becky fights up with some running clotheslines. Becky forearms out of the Figure Eight and grabs a t-bone suplex for two. The running legdrops set up another t-bone but Charlotte hits a quick spear to take over again.

Rating: C-. As usual, the Divas are hurt by too many rest holds and WAY too much Ric Flair. This is getting into the Evolution format from thirteen years ago when it was already old. Not a great match here, which is a shame considering what these two are capable of doing. Just stop with the rest holds and the Ric and things will get better overnight.

Some fans won a tour of the Performance Center from Chex Mix.

WWE World Title: Royal Rumble

Kane kicks AJ in the face before going after the other two as things settle down. Goldust is in at #8 and Kane is the only person on his feet. Everyone gets into the same corner as the fans are still chanting for AJ. Ryback is in at #9 and WOW the fans are not happy. Kane and Jericho form an unlikely team (time heals all hot coffee wounds) to put Ryback on the apron but not to the floor. Kofi Kingston is in at #10 and goes after Jericho. AJ hits the springboard forearm on Jericho but gets dropped to the mat for his efforts.


Dean Ambrose b. Kevin Owens – Ambrose shoved Owens through two tables

New Day b. Usos – Big Ending to Jey

Kalisto b. Alberto Del Rio – Salida Del Sol

Charlotte b. Becky Lynch – Spear

HHH won the Royal Rumble last eliminating Dean Ambrose

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Best Of 2010s: Worst Wrestler of the Decade

IMG Credit: WWE

This is one of the trickiest of them all as it’s kind of hard to come up with a criteria of worst there is. A lot of the time the worst is someone who is overpushed and people get sick of them, while other times it’s because of a horrible gimmick. I’m trying to keep that in perspective there, but it isn’t exactly a guarantee to work. Also note that this about mainstream wrestlers, as I’m sure you could find someone in some nothing company that has no business watching wrestling let alone participating.

Great Khali

I know he’s a giant and I know that he had a lot of marketability in India, but at the same time, there comes a point where you have to be able to do something other than chop people in the head and chokeslam them. Khali very rarely got beyond anything resembling that (oh wait he also had the vice grip, as squeezing someone’s head was his third move) and it was hard to watch.

The biggest problem was his lack of mobility, which became a major issue later in his WWE career. It’s the case of putting a turtle on his back. Once you knock him down, there isn’t much else that he can do to hurt you because he wasn’t getting up. The Punjabi Playboy stuff was good for a chuckle, but that’s the extent of his usefulness to most fans.

Joey Ryan

Here’s your controversial pick of the list as some people say Ryan is killing wrestling or that he is doing so many terrible things that he doesn’t belong anywhere near a wrestling ring. I’ll spare you a long rant about how much I can’t stand most of his shtick and don’t want him anywhere near a mainstream promotion, but he has found a way to stay relevant in the business despite a lack of anything making him stand out otherwise.

That’s a big part of where Ryan loses me: he’s the most average in-ring performer ever and his big deal is all of his shtick. It’s not like he can do anything of note in the ring and he keeps getting where he is because of one joke that got tired a long time ago. There are worse wrestlers out there, but few who got on my nerves as much. I know you might see it differently and that’s fine, but I could go for never seeing Ryan doing his thing again.


This list keeps including people who had something to offer, which is a big part of why this is a harder one to do. Lana can talk with some of the best of them, but that’s about it as far as her talents go from a performance standpoint. She’s a great example of someone who doesn’t need to do anything more than stand around smiling/scowling between promos, which has been the case for a lot of people. Lana has all kinds of talent, but it’s not in the ring.

Again, I’m leaving her away from the top of the list because she hasn’t wrestled all that often, but it’s rather sad to see when she does get in the ring. If they want her to do something regularly in the ring, she should be down in NXT on their house show circuit. It isn’t fair to her to have her thrown out in the middle like that, but that doesn’t make her any less painful to watch.

Jinder Mahal

This is another case where it is more about how Mahal was presented than anything he did, but the other problem is everything he didn’t do. Mahal wasn’t interesting, wasn’t a great talker as he said the same things time after time, and then had the same matches time after time. Yes he was in incredible shape but that’s about the extent of the positives. Other than the match where he lost the title to AJ Styles, I don’t remember a single match where he was entertaining in the ring.

Mahal is a great example of someone with everything needed on the outside and nothing on the inside, as he was not interesting either on the microphone or in the ring. I can completely accept that he was giving it all he had and that’s very commendable, but the idea that he should have been at the top of the company for five months was just a nightmare, with the same match structure every single time. Maybe he’ll be better when he gets back, but for now, it was a lot to take.


Now we’re getting to the point where some of people with one marketable skill aren’t having the same impact as others. That’s the case here, as Cameron was the annoying one on Total Divas who could dance with Naomi as the Funkadactyls. That’s the extent of anything positive about her though and it only got worse when we had to watch her in the ring, because it was a nightmare.

Then there’s the one moment that I’m sure you remember, with Cameron not knowing that you have to have someone’s shoulders on the mat to pin them. I know there’s an argument to be made that it’s part of her character, but if the best character that you can have is “she’s stupid”, you might want to try something else for a career.

And now for the one that is going to get more people yelling at me than any other.

Enzo Amore

Now first and foremost, let’s get this out of the way: Enzo can talk with some of the best of them. His promos are very good and some of the lines he has were outstanding. That’s the extent of anything good he could do though, as everything after that involved him either looking terrible in the ring or being out there for no reason other than he spoke well and sold merchandise.

Then there’s EVERYTHING else from when he was out of the ring. Everything after he left was all about getting attention on himself and there’s a reason for that: he can’t do anything else in wrestling other than cause problems so this is what we have to put up with. Either him challenging people or getting in fights with Joey Janela at a concert or whatever, it’s all about Enzo trying to be noticed and bragging about how awesome he is when really, he was a loudmouth who couldn’t have a good match if his life depended on it. I could not stand his time on 205 Live as he killed that show for months, but at least he rhymed while doing it right?


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Worlds Collide Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

Leave it to NXT to make it work. A few months back, it was announced that we would not be having a Takeover during Royal Rumble weekend. Instead we were getting a Worlds Collide special, which didn’t exactly have people excited. The previous editions hadn’t been anything interesting, but this one was different. This time we’re getting NXT vs. NXT UK, which hasn’t been done before. As luck would have it, NXT UK is on a roll at this point and it should be a blast as a result. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Kay Lee Ray vs. Mia Yim

This is non-title and that’s a good thing as I don’t have to worry about Yim winning a title. I’m not sure what it is about her but something has fallen way down with her and it’s almost impossible to make myself care about what she does. Ray hasn’t blown me away as champion yet either, but she can do more interesting things than Yim so far.

As for the match, I’ll go with Ray as well, since I just can’t imagine them having a champion lose in a non-title match without some surprise plan to make a surprise turn into Yim in NXT UK. The match should be a fine way to warm up the crowd (note to WWE: ONE Kickoff Show match can do that very well) but it isn’t something that I’m exactly excited to see in the first place.

DIY vs. Moustache Mountain

And we have a dream match that you never knew you needed to see. DIY is one of the best tag teams that NXT has ever seen and Moustache Mountain is the biggest tag team that NXT UK has ever seen. We could be in for a match of the year candidate here and that’s only if they’re having an off night. I know DIY might not be at their peaks but sweet goodness we could be in for an awesome one here.

I’ll take DIY, who have said that this is just a one off reunion, but I think you know where they’re heading at Takeover, likely over Wrestlemania weekend. Moustache Mountain is going to be tearing the house down too though and I’m drooling over the idea of the false finishes that Gargano and Bate could have. Throw in Ciampa and my goodness this could be something incredible. But yeah DIY wins here.

Finn Balor vs. Ilja Dragunov

The more I think about this one, the more interested I am in seeing these guys beat the fire out of each other. Balor is a star and Dragunov has more raw intensity than anyone I’ve seen in a long time (never look into his eyes). This one doesn’t need to be that long as they’re going to beat the fire out of each other, though I’m not entirely sure which way they’re going to go.

As much as I want to say Dragunov wins in an upset here, I can’t go against Balor, not when he’s primed for a match against Gargano at Takeover. Dragunov is the kind of guy who can come back from a loss in the blink of an eye but he’s not ready to beat someone the caliber of Balor. The upset wouldn’t shock me here, but I just can’t go with Dragunov in this spot.

Cruiserweight Title: Angel Garza(c) vs. Jordan Devlin vs. Isaiah Scott vs. Travis Banks

This is one of those matches where you could see several possible outcomes. Garza is such a ball of charisma who can do all kinds of things in the ring (though I’m still not wild on his finisher) but the other three are all serious threats. That’s how you can tell there’s a good match to be had here: you really could see any of the four walking out as champion, which isn’t something that happens very often.

I’ll go with Garza to retain here, though much like so many other matches on this show, I could see it going multiple ways. Someone taking the title over to the UK wouldn’t be a bad idea as it isn’t doing anything in NXT at the moment, but odds are it stays down in Florida, where there are several challengers ready to come after it. Then again that’s the same in the UK so I’ll move on before I change my mind again.

NXT Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley vs. Toni Storm

These two are turning into a thing and that’s great for everyone involved. The two of them work well together and while Ripley has turned into the big star on the bigger stage, Storm has had her number more often than not, which gives the match a good story. We already know they can make the action work, so going with the story that makes sense is what matters in the end.

While I expect Storm to come over to NXT full time (assuming she wants to), this is Ripley’s to win. There’s no need to give Storm another win over her and Ripley has become a major star in a hurry down in NXT. Given that she already has a title defense set up for next month in Portland, it would be very out of the NXT nature to have her lose here. Ripley wins to even the feud.

Imperium vs. Undisputed Era

Back on the August 21, 2019 episode of NXT, the Undisputed Era stood on the stage where Adam Cole mentioned NXT UK. There was nothing I wanted to see more than Imperium come out, just for the sake of seeing Cole’s head explode at the thought of what he had gotten himself into. Well, since NXT is awesome, that’s what we’re getting now and it’s going to be great.

I’m going with Imperium getting the win here, as they get to make up for part of losing the overall competition to NXT. Imperium is one of the coolest things going in WWE today and giving them the big win like this should be a great step up for them. You can even have Roderick Strong take the fall without a champion getting pinned. What more could you ask for than that in a situation like this? These guys are going to tear the house down and it’s going to be outstanding in a modern dream match that I’ve known I’ve wanted to see for a long time now.

Overall Thoughts

When did this turn into such a great looking card? This thing is absolutely stacked and blows away a lot of recent WWE shows. I’m actually looking forward to this one and have every confidence that they’re going to blow us away. You have multiple matches on here that could show up on a lot of lists near the end of the year and that doesn’t happen every day. This is going to rock and I’m really excited for it.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Best Of 2010s: Angle Of The Decade

IMG Credit: WWE

Any two wrestlers can go out and have a great match on the right night. Kane and Albert of all people had a heck of a match on a Smackdown in 2001. That being said, it takes something special to string together a bunch of matches in a story and have people coming back. That’s called an angle and it’s not the easiest thing to pull off. There have been a lot of great ones over the last ten years and we’re looking at them today.

Honorable Mention

Zack Ryder’s Rise – I know it didn’t go very far and Ryder was destroyed harder than anyone else in recent memory, but egads this was an awesome time as the fans rallied behind Ryder and got him a title he never would have gotten otherwise.

Women’s Revolution – This is a tricky one but for the sake of simplicity, I’m only going with the night Becky, Charlotte and Sasha debuted on Raw. That was a game changer for Raw and while it went downhill for a bit with the faction warfare, this wound up being the big move that showed things were changing and changing forever. The overall movement is much bigger, but this one night angle was big enough.

KofiMania – I only put this as an honorable mention because really, there were only two great parts to this: the Elimination Chamber and the title change. Everything else in there was rather frustrating at times as they wouldn’t just announce the match, but those two moments are as good as anything WWE has does in years.

Becky Lynch Is The Man

Much like Ryder, there is something so special about the fans rallying behind someone and turning them into a main event star. That’s what happened with Becky, who went out there as herself and talked/fought herself all the way to the main event of Wrestlemania. The fans loved her and wanted her there, which is what took her higher than a female wrestler could ever dream of doing.

Then there was the moment that changed everything. You know the one I’m talking about and it will be the kind of angle that works forever. The image of Becky, with the busted nose, standing at the top of the arena and posing as the queen of the show made her look like the biggest star in years and turned her into a legend in her own time. That’s not being topped for a long time.

US Open Challenge

There is very little that turns Raw, which has been on the air for almost thirty years now, into must see TV. John Cena managed to make it work in the summer of 2015 as he would put his United States Title on the line every single week against a mystery opponent. What followed was one of the best matches the other person ever had almost every time and some of the best rubs you’ll ever see on Raw.

Finding out who was coming through that curtain after Cena said “you want some, come get some” was the most exciting thing to happen on Monday Night Raw in forever. I don’t remember the last time I had so much fun watching to see who might be next to face Cena, as there were some actual surprises and it even set up Kevin Owens beating him clean in an awesome match that made him a star. As usual, Cena can do it all and often does.

John Cena vs. CM Punk

Back in the 60s, there was a simple formula: build up a monster, have them beat up everyone in sight, put them on a poster against Bruno, make money. Repeat in the 1980s with Hulk Hogan. That is a little hard to pull off in modern times, but the principle was the same. John Cena was the modern hero and CM Punk threatened to ruin everything WWE held dear. Cena demanded to fight him and Vince McMahon said the magic words: “What if you can’t beat him?”

Those six words planted seeds of doubt into fans minds and made things interesting. The fact that the match was an instant classic and the rematch was almost as good made it even better. What mattered here was you didn’t know what was coming and the match was going to be incredible. That’s what we got, but it was the angle that made us want to see the match.

YES Movement

What else is there to say? You can have your Zack Ryder and your Becky Lynch and they’re great, but nothing captured the fans like Daniel Bryan and his rise against the Authority. HHH and Stephanie McMahon made one of the best heel moves possible: they told you that you didn’t know what was good for you and that they were going to tell you what you really wanted. That meant no Bryan, even though he had beaten John Cena clean in an instant classic at Summerslam 2013.

That set up seven months of near war between Bryan and the Authority, capped off by Bryan defeating HHH, Randy Orton and Batista in one night to FINALLY become the WWE Champion, which he should have been all the way back in August. That’s one of those moments that will be on Wrestlemania highlight reels forever and much like Bryan, it earned every bit of it.

But there was one (ok two) that I liked better. And yes I know I’m in the minority on this.

Sami Zayn/Bayley’s Road To Redemption

I’ve made no secret of how much I love NXT, and there’s a reason for that: they know how to take you on a journey. NXT has mastered the art of setting a goal and building up to it as perfectly as can be done and they did it as well as they ever had with these two stories, which just happen to be nearly identical.

It’s something that has been done before but that doesn’t make it any worse. Both Sami and Bayley fought to become the champion and went through everyone they never could beat before to get there. For Sami it was Tyler Breeze and Neville and for Bayley it was Charlotte and Sasha Banks. That Bayley vs. Sasha match is one of my all time favorites and I got so into both of these stories that they’re on the top of my list.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Smackdown – January 24, 2020: It’s Not That Important

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: January 24, 2020
Location: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the go home show for the Royal Rumble and that means we need the final push towards Houston. The men’s Royal Rumble is probably as set as we are going to get in advance but there are only give names announced for the women’s match. It’s hard to imagine not getting some names announced tonight and that is long overdue. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Usos/Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin/Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

At least they’re getting it out of the way early. The Usos elbow Ziggler down and drop more elbows for a bonus, meaning it’s already off to Roode. Everything breaks down with Roode backdropping Jimmy to the floor and Ziggler sending him hard into the steps. It’s a knee injury and that means we’re going to be having a handicap match. Back with Jey coming in and being dragged into the wrong corner.

Jey slugs away on Corbin but walks into a heck of a Deep Six for two. Roode’s neckbreaker is good for the same and Ziggler gets in his big jumping elbow. The spinning enziguri drops Roode but Corbin pulls Reigns to the floor to break up the hot tag attempt. To make it even worse, Reigns is sent into the barricade a few times and we take a second break. Back with Jey still in trouble until he sends Corbin hard into the post.

The hot tag brings in Reigns to beat up Ziggler with the raw power as everyone else is knocked to the floor. Roode offers a distraction though and Corbin breaks up the spear, allowing Ziggler to hit a superkick for two. Reigns gets sent outside for the stomping and Ziggler drops another elbow for two more. Corbin comes back in and hammers away with right hands but the Glorious DDT (you knew that’s what it was going for as Roode shouted GLORIOUS and tried a DDT) is countered with a slam.

Ziggler pulls Jey off the apron though and sends him into the barricade, just like they did to Reigns earlier. The superkick is broken up with a Superman punch and here’s Jimmy back to ringside to get the hot tag. The knee is fine enough for the fired up comeback, including a high crossbody for two on Roode with Corbin making the save. Corbin gets Superman punched and Reigns throws him into the crowd. Jey dives onto Ziggler and Jimmy hits the Superfly Splash for the pin at 25:01.

Rating: C. I’d love for WWE to explain what they see in this feud to give it twenty five minutes to open the show, especially when Corbin vs. Reigns is likely to get nearly that much time on Sunday. The feud isn’t that interesting and odds are we’ll be seeing Roode/Ziggler vs. Usos added to Sunday as well. WAY too long here and they really could have cut ten minutes out and had a better match.

Video on Bayley vs. Lacey Evans.

Here’s Lacey for a chat. She has fought back against Bayley and Sasha Banks because she doesn’t put up with bullies. Her upbringing wasn’t all that great and her father lost his battle with addiction. Lacey wants to use her platform to show that you play the hand you’re dealt and you can make it. She’s worked hard to be a mom and a Marine and we see a clip of Banks mocking Lacey’s family. It’s hard to be a mother when your daughter is scared by two bullies….and here’s Bayley to jump her from behind. Bayley: “WHERE’S YOUR DAUGHTER NOW???”

Carmella and Dana Brooke are ready to win the Royal Rumble. We pan over to Lacey throwing Bayley into things so Dana and Carmella run over in a failed attempt to break it up.

Sonya and Mandy are in the Rumble too. They seemed to make up earlier in the day. Lacey Evans and Bayley brawl to the ring and it’s a double DQ at 21 seconds.

Elias is strumming his guitar when Braun Strowman comes in to say they need to go to work.

Here’s Elias to sing his new song, Texas Dream, which is a short one about the Rumble and a way to introduce Strowman. Before we get to the match, Elias asks the fans if they want to see Strowman sing with him. They start things up but here’s the interruption for, you know, some wrestling.

Elias/Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura/Cesaro

Sami Zayn is out with Nakamura and Cesaro. Elias gets uppercutted to start but he sends Cesaro face first into the turnbuckle to get out of trouble. A Nakamura distraction gets Elias in trouble but Strowman runs people over as we take a break. Back with Elias in trouble but Kinshasa is broken up with a jumping knee to the face.

That’s enough for the hot tag to Strowman so house can be cleaned, including the big forearm to Nakamura’s chest. Nakamura comes back with the middle rope knee to the chest and Strowman is sent shoulder first into the post. Cesaro comes in but Sami’s distraction doesn’t work. The running powerslam plants Cesaro and Elias’ top rope elbow gets the pin at 8:31.

Rating: D+. Just a quick match here, almost in the vein of a house show actually. I’m a little surprised, as well as a bit relieved, that Strowman didn’t pin Nakamura again. They still haven’t announced the title match for Sunday so maybe they’ll wait a little longer before setting that up. Nakamura has held the title for a long time now and I’m curious to see how long he can keep going as champion.

We look back at Daniel Bryan challenging the Fiend to a strap match at the Rumble.

Big E. is VERY oiled up, which is his strategy to avoid being eliminated from the Royal Rumble. Kofi Kingston comes in and is ready for John Morrison tonight. They’re ready to go on to Houston for the Royal Rumble and this year it’s for Xavier Woods.

We look back at the opening match.

Corbin doesn’t like being asked questions.

Rumble By The Numbers time!

1070 total competitors

6,596 feet in height

1:16:06 Bryan lasted in 2018

56:01 Natalya lasted in 2019

1 second for Santino Marella

2003 Royal Rumble won by Brock Lesnar

7 people have won two Royal Rumbles

3 Royal Rumbles won by Steve Austin

2 others have won from #1

64,000,000 views of Royal Rumble videos since the Network launched

3 brands

2 Royal Rumbles

1 night

Note that they mentioned this being the 33rd Royal Rumble, though they now included the Greatest Royal Rumble in the record books.

Sheamus is ready for Shorty G.

Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison

Before the match, Miz talks about how he’s the same person who lets you into his home every week on Miz and Mrs. Oh and he and Morrison are now in the Royal Rumble. They’re not exactly leaving many spots left. Morrison dodges away from Kofi to start so Kofi lands on his feet out of a monkey flip. Kofi’s monkey flip sends Morrison face first onto the mat and Morrison misses a dive over the top to crash on the floor. Kofi adds a flip dive so Miz is right over there for some applause.

Back from a break with Kofi kicking Morrison in the face and sliding through the legs, only to get kneed hard. Kofi is right back with a faceplant for two but Trouble In Paradise is kicked out of the air. The referee gets distracted for a bit so it’s a poke to the eye, setting up a middle rope Spanish Fly for a close two on Kofi. The SOS gives Kofi his own two but Big E. and Miz get into it on the floor. Kofi kicks Miz off the apron but gets knocked down, setting up Starship Pain (best one Morrison has hit in forever, and this time he jumped up instead of pulling himself up) for the pin on Kofi at 9:55.

Rating: C+. There was some good action in here and the ending should set up a Tag Team Title shot, in case they hadn’t done enough to get that ready yet. I’m not sure when they’ll do that match as the Rumble card is already loaded, but that has never stopped them before. Miz and Morrison still work well together though and that’s what matters.

It’s time for the contract signing for the strap match. Bray’s music hits but he comes up on screen instead, trying to fax in the contract from the Firefly Fun House. That might be better for everyone though because there is no reason to tie yourself to the Fiend. Bray tries to call customer service (Bray: “Yes. English or ancient Sumerian please.”) but Bryan wants him out here right now.

That isn’t happening due to Bray’s lawyer (Mercy the Buzzard) advising against it, so Bryan says he’s seeing through Bray. Bray hears Bryan mention a mistake and that is the Word of the Day. This is all about Bryan’s big mistake when he betrayed Wyatt and now it is time to pay. Since Bryan isn’t competing against Bray on Sunday, it’s only fitting that He sign the contract.

Cole bails as the lights go out and the Fiend is in the ring, holding the strap. Bryan goes after him and is Mandible Clawed in a hurry. Sister Abigail plants Bryan and Fiend rips off Bryan’s shirt for a whipping with the strap. Fiend sits down at the table and grabs the pen, which he stabs into his own hand. He rubs the blood over the contract and throws it at Bryan, which counts as signing (I don’t think evil monsters are that well versed in law). The lights go out and Fiend disappears to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Pretty meh show overall but it did a decent enough job of setting up Sunday. If nothing else it was nice to nearly double the amount of names in the women’s Royal Rumble. The wrestling was pretty lacking but that’s not usually the point on a show like this. Sunday is all that matters anyway and no one is going to remember this one after that anyway. Not much to see this week, but it’s one of the least important shows of the year anyway.


Usos/Roman Reigns b. King Corbin/Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode – Superfly Splash to Roode

Braun Strowman/Elias b. Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura – Top rope elbow

John Morrison b. Kofi Kingston – Starship Pain

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

NWA Hard Times Preview

IMG Credit: Fite.TV

Somehow the NWA is back with another pay per view and it looks pretty good. I only say somehow because I still can’t fathom that this company is alive in 2020, with the fact that they have been entertaining going another step beyond. This time it’s about the TV Title, with a tournament to crown a new champion. There’s some other stuff too of course so let’s get to it.

TV Title Tournament First Round: Tim Storm vs. Ken Anderson

This is going to be a tricky show to preview because there are a lot of matches where we won’t find out the participants until later in the show. We’ll start here though and it’s an interesting one to pick first, as it really could go either way. Anderson barely qualified for the tournament, only getting in via a gauntlet match. Storm has been treated as a major focal point over the last few weeks though, meaning this could go either way.

I’ll go with Anderson winning here though, likely due to Strictly Business interfering to cost Storm the match. That’s the story that makes sense, though it wouldn’t shock me to see it happen later in the tournament. Or not at all as Storm winning the title would be a nice feel good story as Storm has been turned into quite the fan favorite. It’s nice to start off with a match which could go either way and hopefully that continues.

TV Title Tournament First Round: Zicky Dice vs. Dan Maff

This is another one where it depends on how you see the other first round match going. Maff is one of the people over from Ring of Honor and quite the monster, which Dice is someone they seem interested in push. It helps that Maff is also a huge guy and rather tough, which would seem to be a near guaranteed win over Dice.

That’s why I’m taking Dice, who is someone with a good attitude and character that makes you want to see more of him. The NWA seems interested in pushing him and it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to have him lose here. Ring of Honor will be back later on in the night, but for nice it should be Dice moving forward.

TV Title Tournament First Round: Ricky Starks vs. Matt Cross

Now we might have the first easy choice. Cross is the outsider getting his chance in the tournament and Starks is the one who seems to have been pushed rather well throughout the show’s entire run so far. I’m not sure what to expect from the match from a quality standpoint but it isn’t hard to guess where this is going.

Starks wins here, as it might be his entire tournament to win. Cross has shown the abilities to have a good match against anyone so hopefully he can give Starks a nice rub. Starks has shown himself to be rather talented so far and hopefully that continues as he could go quite far in this thing. I mean, there are only three matches for the winner so it isn’t hard to go far but you know what I’m getting at.

TV Title Tournament First Round: Question Mark vs. Trevor Murdoch

Every now and then a wrestler catches on to something that is so goofy that you can’t help but get behind it. That’s the case with Question Mark, who has turned into a cult favorite in the NWA despite being quite the goofy heel. Murdoch on the other hand is as classic of a gimmick as you can get with the grizzled cowboy trying to show he can still fight.

Ignoring the gimmicks though, this is pretty clearly Mark’s to lose. Murdoch has been little more than a jobber to the stars so having Mark lose makes no sense. If nothing else, having Mark around with more of the karate stuff would make all the sense in the world. He’s just great with that whole gimmick and I’m curious to see how far it can go. For now though, it goes on to the second round.

Women’s Title: Allysin Kay(c) vs. Thunder Rosa

This is a weird situation as Kay is the long running champion but she isn’t the most popular star in the division or even the biggest name. That being said, she’s incredibly talented and feels like a big star, though I’m not sure how long she is going to hold the title. Melina and Thunder Rosa come off as the most important people in the entire division and that isn’t a good sign for Kay’s future.

I think I’ll play it safe here and go with Rosa as the next champ. This is a case where it would be fine to go either way, but Rosa has been turned into the most popular member of the division. I know Melina is still lurking, but they could make something out of Rosa and that would start with a title win here. I’m not convinced in the slightest, but I’ll take Rosa to win the title.

Tag Team Titles: Rock N Roll Express(c) vs. Wild Cards vs. James Storm/Eli Drake

The Express got their big moment a few months ago on Powerrr and I’m not sure how much longer they can hold the things. It’s hard to believe that a pair of guys who could be the fathers of a lot of the wrestlers are the best tag team in the world, but that presents the other problem: who else is there to take the titles from them? It’s not like the division, if there is one, is all that deep.

I’ll take the Wild Cards to get the titles back though, which is about all you can go with here. They’re in a big story at the moment with Strictly Business and it would be a good idea to give the team some more gold. I could see Storm and Drake winning as well, but at some point you need to get the titles off of the Express and this seems to be a perfect place to do just that.

TV Title Tournament Semifinals: Ken Anderson vs. Ricky Starks

This is more of the right kind of match for Starks. Cross is a name, but Anderson is a former World Champion and someone who can give Starks a real rub. At the same time, it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that Anderson could move on and win the whole thing, which makes for a more interesting match here. You really could go either way and that’s a nice feeling.

That being said, Starks makes more sense here as the NWA needs stars and reheating the same Anderson that we’ve seen for years now doesn’t seem like the best solution. Just let Starks go forward and make the finals as Anderson is someone who can lose and not really be hurt by it. Starks moves on and Anderson goes to talk about something else.

TV Title Tournament Semifinals: Zicky Dice vs. Question Mark

It’s always weird to have a heel vs. heel match but it’s also weird to have a heel get some of the biggest reactions on the show. Dice is someone who could go somewhere but he hasn’t shown me much more than potential yet. On the other hand, Mark is someone who is riding an awesome wave of popularity so I’m not sure how long it is going to last. Both of those have positives but one makes more sense.

I’ll take Mark here, as Starks vs. Dice isn’t that thrilling of a final. Mark has been one of the most entertaining things about Powerrr so far and giving him the spot in the finals will get a much bigger reaction. Dice is going to be fine and can find something else to do, but for now it’s Mark moving forward, just to hear more about hie ka-ra-te skills from Stevens.

National Title: Aron Stevens(c) vs. Scott Steiner

Speaking of Stevens, here’s what might be the most amazing match of the Powerrr era as it could be anywhere from entertaining to one of the biggest disasters in recent memory. Hopefully it’s more towards the former and given how Stevens has been going as of late, I’d lean in that direction.

I’m going with Stevens to retain here, likely by DQ when Steiner goes nuts. They’ve done a nice job of keep Stevens as the cowardly champion who talks a big game, which is something that is always going to work. Just let Steiner be insane for a little while and have Stevens be entertaining and everything should be fine. Or it could be great. Or a nightmare. Either way, we could be in for something special here.

TV Title: Ricky Starks vs. Question Mark

So now we get down to what matters and I really could see it going either way. Like I’ve said before, it’s interesting to see where this goes because there are different realistic options. Mark is someone who is already over but I don’t know how far his run can go from here. A lot of that energy is likely to be gone with a single loss, but the same thing would be true of Starks at this point.

Give me Starks to win the title though, as Mark is over enough without it while Starks is someone without much of a gimmick or any credibility. The TV Title would help that a lot and he can defend it for a few weeks to come. Mark and Stevens are going to be fine doing their shtick while Starks needs something a bit more traditional. They’ll both be fine, but Starks wins here.

Nick Aldis vs. Flip Gordon

I doubt this goes on last but I can’t help putting the World Champion in the final spot. This is part of the NWA vs. Ring of Honor story and that could go well for both sides. The NWA is still finding its footing and Ring of Honor is trying to find a way to stop things from somehow getting worse. Maybe this partnership can help, but it has to start somewhere.

I’m actually going with Gordon on this one, probably in the form of Marty Scurll interfering to cost Aldis the match. Aldis vs. Scurll is where it’s at in the near future and they need something to help advance that. I could go for Scurll winning the title, but if Gordon wins here, he’ll be getting the shot. Aldis winning doesn’t leave as many doors open though, so go with Gordon winning.

Overall Thoughts

I’m not usually big on a one night tournament but the NWA is still brand new at this being around thing and need to do something to get some attention. There are enough names in the field to make it interesting and there is a good chance I’ve gotten most of these predictions wrong. There are a lot of good choices though and that’s a nice situation to have, much like having this show around in general.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT UK – January 23, 2020: Build Up Wrestling, Deliver Wrestling

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: January 23, 2020
Location: York Barbican, York, England
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Aiden English

We’re back to normal after Takeover: Blackpool II and last week’s recap show. There isn’t much time to rest though as it’s also the go home show for Worlds Collide. Hopefully things can get going as well as wrapping up the build towards Saturday. That’s a hard balance to find but maybe they can make it work. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Sid Scala and Johnny Saint are in the ring with something underneath a blanket. Cue Imperium before anything can happen and it’s a presentation to them. Walter is presented with the new NXT United Kingdom Title, which the fans think he deserves. He approves of finally being honored as he should have been. This is now the top prize in European wrestling and he is glad to have destroyed Gallus. On Saturday, the Undisputed Era will get the same treatment.

Cruiserweight Title Match Qualifying Match: Ligero vs. Jordan Devlin

Devlin messes with the mask to start so Ligero hits him in the face. Ligero hammers away in the corner and grabs a rollup for two, followed by a kick to the jaw. A release Rock Bottom into a standing moonsault puts Ligero down and Devlin can take the jacket off. Back up and Ligero hits a running clothesline to put Devlin on the floor, only to get superkicked for trying a headstand on the apron.

Back in and Ligero gets sent into the corner and a backbreaker makes it worse. A seated abdominal stretch with some shots to the ribs have Ligero in even more trouble but he fights up for the escape. Ligero dodges the slingshot corner and hits a bottom rope springboard Stunner for two.

Devlin hits a standing Spanish Fly for the same and a half nelson suplex plants Ligero again. The moonsault misses so Devlin grabs a rollup with feet on the ropes for two. The Devil Inside is countered into a DDT, setting up Ligero’s top rope splash for two of his own. They slug it out from their knees until Devlin is sent to the apron. The slingshot cutter plants Ligero and the Devil Inside is enough to finish him off at 11:08.

Rating: B-. Devlin continues to grow but he probably isn’t going to be involved in the decision on Saturday. I can’t imagine him winning the title but at the same time he isn’t going to be taking the fall. Ligero continues to be the kind of guy who can go out there and lose in style, which is a valuable thing to have around.

Kay Lee Ray isn’t worried about Mia Yim on Saturday.

Imperium talks about how awesome they are when Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews come in. They don’t know how dominant Imperium can be without ever being Tag Team Titles.

Finn Balor is ready for Ilja Dragunov.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Josh Morrell

Dragunov takes him down by the arm and cranks on it a bit before standing up for the bring it pose. A shot to the face rocks Morrell and there’s a backsplash to make it worse. Morrell gets dropped with a running clothesline and a release pumphandle slam. Torpedo Moscow finishes Morrell at 2:25. Exactly what it should have been.

Post match Dragunov says he’s ready for Balor but here’s Gallus to interrupt. Joe Coffey wants to talk to Dragunov on his own so Mark and Wolfgang stay at the ramp. Joe talks about losing at Takeover but part of that is due to Dragunov. Yeah he helped against Imperium but he isn’t Gallus. That’s all well and good at the moment and they’ll let him deal with the Prince, but after that, it’s time to deal with the Iron King.

Imperium goes to the bosses and asks for a match with Andrews and Webster. That’s made but it’s going to be a six man tag with Webster and Andrews getting to pick a partner next week.

Also next week: the Hunt vs. Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan.

Cruiserweight Title Match Qualifying Match: Travis Banks vs. Brian Kendrick

They stare at each other for a bit until Banks kicks away at the leg and pulls him down into a rollup for two. A dropkick puts Kendrick on the floor and Banks hits a running kick off the apron. Back in and the chinlock goes on but Banks gets bored and sends him outside instead. This time around it’s Kendrick sending Banks’ hand into the steps and then raking it across the ropes for a unique move.

Back in and Kendrick works on the arm with some nasty looking bending, plus a hammerlock for a bonus. Banks gets twisted down by the arm but Kendrick misses a knee drop. Kendrick’s leg gets kicked out and Banks hits a running dropkick in the corner. Another dropkick puts Kendrick on the floor for a suicide dive. Back in and Banks hits a double stomp in the corner, followed by the Kiwi Crusher.

Kendrick rolls outside though and catches a charging Banks with a suplex. That’s only good for nine so Kendrick slaps on the Captain’s Hook back inside. Banks breaks that up in a hurry, earning himself a kick to the face. Kendrick is right back up with Sliced Bread #2 for two and the shock is on. Back up and Banks hits a quick Slice of Heaven into the Kiwi Crusher for the pin at 12:37.

Rating: C+. Kendrick is still good for a solid midcard heel role and he made Banks work here. That being said, Banks was hardly a surprise winner here and there’s nothing wrong with that. I like him when he gets to be in the ring, which unfortunately isn’t all that often these days.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was built around two matches and they both worked out rather well. I’m curious to see how things are going to go in the next few weeks and they’ve done a good job of making me believe it’s going to keep working. NXT UK is a rather solid show these days and I really can’t say I’m surprised anymore. When did that happen?


Jordan Devlin b. Ligero – Devil Inside

Ilja Dragunov b. Josh Morrell – Torpedo Moscow

Travis Banks b. Brian Kendrick – Kiwi Crusher

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

205 Live – January 17, 2020: Let Me Count The Problems

IMG Credit: WWE

205 Live
Date: January 17, 2020
Location: Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, North Carolina
Commentators: Jon Quasto, Mansoor

We’re wrapping up the week with another likely lifeless edition of the cruiserweight show. At least this time we can start building towards the four way Cruiserweight Title match at When Worlds Collide, with only one of the three challengers already set. I’m not sure what that means for tonight but hopefully it’s an upgrade. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Isaiah Scott becoming one of three challengers to the Cruiserweight Title.

Opening sequence.

What a bizarre commentary team.

Tyler Breeze vs. Ariya Daivari

It’s amazing how much the place dies when Daivari’s music hits. Daivari takes him down to start and lounges on the ropes for a bit. Breeze is right back with a dropkick and does some lounging of his own. The threat of a Supermodel kick puts Daivari on the floor so Breeze sends him into the barricade a few times. Back in and Daivari pulls him down by the hair before cranking on the arm.

Breeze gets tied in the Tree of Woe for more stomping but he slips out and knocks him away. Daivari gets in a crotching on top though and the armbar goes on. That’s broken up and Breeze backdrops him hard out to the floor, followed by a catapult into the corner back inside. Daivari’s Rock Bottom gets two and he shouts about how no one wants Breeze here. That just earns him a Supermodel kick for two and it’s an enziguri to put Daivari down again. Breeze can’t hit the Unprettier but can hit the Beauty Shot for the pin at 10:49.

Rating: C-. Another match that wasn’t all that good but at least they didn’t have Daivari win. I don’t remember the last time that someone was this uninteresting but for some reason he sticks around for months on end. He just isn’t all that interesting and it was another instance of someone feeling like they’re here because they have nowhere else to go.

Jack Gallagher is willing to come back to 205 Live if certain criteria are met:

1. Drake Maverick stars dressing like a real General Manager.

2. My new entrance music is to be Stunner by Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip.

4. I must be officially recognized as a former UpUpDownDown Champion.

5. I appear on one of those late night talk shows where they pretend to know who you are the whole time.

6. Wrestlemania in England.

Lio Rush vs. Sunil Singh

Rush dives onto Sunil to start, even breaking up the dancing in the process. They head back inside with Rush running him over and heading up top, only to have Samir offer a distraction so Sunil can knock him off the apron. Dancing, snap suplex, dancing, middle rope elbow for two. The chinlock goes on but Rush fights up in a hurry and puts him on the apron for a handspring kick to the head. The Brothers try to switch and are caught in a hurry, mainly due to the sunglasses (not due to the different gear). Rush knocks Sunil down in a hurry and hits the Final Hour for the pin at 6:01.

Rating: D. Dear goodness get some new heels already. That’s one of the biggest problems around here and it’s not getting any better. Rush is getting a lot better in the ring and is figuring out how to be the face around here. The Singhs….yeah I’m not sure what else I can say to complain about them any more. It isn’t that they’re bad, but it’s been the exact same things over and over again and it stopped being entertaining months ago. Just get something new, please.

We hear the announcement of the Cruiserweight Title qualifying matches from NXT UK.

Raul Mendoza vs. Isaiah Scott

Mendoza armdrags him down to start so Scott goes to the mat with a wristlock. Back up and Mendoza tries a rollup but Scott flips forward to his feet. This time it’s Mendoza being sent down and Scott’s confidence is starting in a hurry. They switch places though and Scott gets dropkicked into the barricade and it’s time for the chops inside. The chinlock goes on but Scott fights up and sends him outside for a kick to the face.

Back in and Scott hits a middle rope uppercut to the back, setting up a jumping Downward Spiral for two more. The JML Driver is countered though and Mendoza’s Santa Maria gets him his own two. Scott gets crotched on top and a bottom rope Lionsault gives Mendoza another near fall. Mendoza misses a Phoenix splash though and the House Call gives Scott the pin at 10:31.

Rating: C. The action was good and Scott got the logical win, though it wasn’t a match with any heat or really anything close to it. Mendoza continues to be a good hand but Scott is someone who seems to have all the potential around here. He should be on a bigger show but for some reason he’s around here, which seems just to be little more than a holding pen for so many talented people.

Overall Rating: D+. Another bad week here and so much of that is due to how the story is set up. There’s no overall structure with no major story and no top heels in sight. This is more like the old school original days of the show and that is one of the worst things you can have. There might be a few stories here but it’s not like they mean anything or have anything to build towards. Therefore, what’s the point in watching? I don’t think anyone has an answer to that and that has been the case for a long time.


Tyler Breeze b. Ariya Daivari – Beauty Shot

Lio Rush b. Sunil Singh – Final Hour

Isaiah Scott b. Raul Mendoza – House Call

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Best Of 2010s: Group/Tag Team Of The Year

IMG Credit: WWE

This is something where you can probably guess the headliners, but it was a good decade for both trios and tag teams. There might not have been as many great stables, but the group mentality got a nice boost over the decade. Some of the ones on here are among the best the WWE has ever had and that might never be topped. But what was the best of the last ten years?

Honorable Mention

Motor City Machine Guns – Someone mentioned them as a possibility and while I wrote it off at first, the more I think about it, the more they deserve at least a mention. With the influence they have, it’s hard to not at least include them somewhere.

Briscoes – Best modern tag team never in WWE yes?

Undisputed Era – They haven’t been around all that long but they have become one of the best things going in wrestling today. If nothing else, it’s nice to see the smaller guys as a dominant force like this. It isn’t likely to work outside of NXT, but it certainly works there.

Beer Money – What is there to say here? They’re incredible.


I love these guys. There’s something about a team of actual brothers, especially twins, that you can’t beat and that’s what you have here. It took them some time to get going and find their rhythm but once they got it rolling, they became one of the best tag teams in recent years and are on the list of best WWE tag teams ever. Their feud with New Day was an instant classic as those teams had some outstanding chemistry.

There are things these guys can do that get me every time and the dive over the top with a midair tag is at the top of the list. They make it look so effortless and it’s the reason I’d put them at the top: no team should be able to make something look that smooth and yet they pull it off every single time. I’m glad they’re back as I can always go for more of these two.

Young Bucks

Speaking of brothers, you have one of the most controversial teams ever. Some fans will tell you they’re the best team of all time and others will tell you how they’ve killed tag team wrestling. I tend to fall somewhere in the middle: I don’t like a lot of their stuff, but when you get down to it, these guys are athletic freaks and can do some of the best double team stuff around.

The main question is what kind of Young Bucks match are you getting. If it’s the Superkick Party style, I never need to see it again as they have done it to death and there is little reason to see it again. Then there’s the more Japanese style, where they’re the fast team with some selling and a more down to earth psychology. That’s where I can get into the Young Bucks and they’re very fun to watch. Love them or hate them though, their impact cannot be denied and they have been the biggest regular tag team of the decade.

Bullet Club

Similar to the Young Bucks (appropriately enough), you have to include these guys whether you like them or not. Bullet Club became a sensation for a few years and had a lot to do with the rise of AEW. The team became absolutely huge in Japan and then came over to America to take things global. Armed with a truckload of money from the t-shirt sales, All In resulted and the rest was history (that might be a lose telling of the story but it’s about 4:15 in the morning).

The Bullet Club took a group of wrestlers who were stars in the first place and turned them into superstars, showing that it could be done outside of WWE. That was their big selling card and it worked out very well. This is the beginning of the AEW roster and that is the kind of long term meaning that takes this kind of team to the next level. I wasn’t a fan, but I became one of what they became, which is why they warrant a big spot.


You knew it would be one of these two. Shield debuted just over seven years ago and even though one of the members is gone, it has been very rare to see one of those members not on top of the company (or at least near the top) since their debut. This isn’t your normal trio and there are very few teams who have ever come close (thinking about it, they really are one of the best ever).

The moment that sums them up as much as anything else is the night of Money in the Bank 2016. On one night, all three of its members were World Champion. Ignoring how having two title changes in about a minute and a half might not be the best idea, that is the kind of accomplishment that is never going to be topped and makes Shield legends in their own time.

Yeah you know who wins.

New Day

This was always going to be all either New Day or Shield but there were two reasons why I went with New Day and both of them tie together. The first reason is pure longevity, as we are coming up on six years of them being together and there is little sign of them slowing down. They’re still funny, they still move merchandise and they’re still successful. Why in the world would you break them up at this point?

The bigger reason though is how they got here. When the Shield debuted, they were instantly in the main event. They were brought in to be a success and that’s what they did. New Day was seemingly thrown together due to a lack of anything better to do with them (If you need proof of how nothing they were at first, their initial name was Speed Force.). They just kept going though and turned into the team they are today. That’s the proof that tyou have something that works and they have been doing it for a long time now. I’m not sure how much longer they can go, but how long have we been saying that now?

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Best Of 2010s: Surprise Of The Decade

IMG Credit: WWE

If you’re reading this, odds are you’re a bigger than average wrestling fan. We spend a lot of time talking about this stuff and you get to the point where you can guess quite a bit of what is about to happen on almost any given show. That being said, everyone gets something wrong every now and then and that’s what we’re looking at today. Some of these are outstanding and among the best ever, which is why they’re on such a list.

Honorable Mentions

AEW – I know they had a big fan base, but who in the world would have seen them getting this far this fast? I was surprised and keep being surprised by what they do. Maybe it can’t last, but for now they’re doing incredibly well.

Brock Lesnar Returns (2012) – Ok so it wasn’t exactly shocking as there were a bunch of signs about him in the crowd, but it was hard to imagine it would actually happen. The reaction from the crowd makes this work so much better, but it was impossible to imagine what it would turn into.

Seth Rollins Cashes In Money In The Bank At Wrestlemania – Everyone talks about doing this, but Rollins actually did it. If nothing else, it was surprising to see WWE come up with a way to get themselves out of a corner.

THEY Are Here Again

This is one you might not remember but back in 2010, the big story in TNA was the rise of Immortal, which came together as part of a big conspiracy involving Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Jeff Hardy among others. After THEY arrived and everything was revealed at Bound For Glory, a few weeks later came an episode called THEY Are Here Again.

It turned out that Fourtune, a subgroup of Immortal, turned on Immortal and had been hinting that they would for weeks. This COMPLETELY got me, to the point where I actually left my house and went for a walk around the block because I was so stunned. That’s the kind of thing that doesn’t happen to me very often but sweet goodness they got me on this one and it was a really fun feeling.

Rock Returns – Raw – February 14, 2011

Much like the Lesnar deal, it’s one of those things where you can imagine it happening but it’s still a shock when it actually goes down. Rock had become a huge movie star (and would become a bigger one) and it was a major favor for him to come back to WWE. He doesn’t need the place but wound up getting into one of the biggest feuds of the modern era and even winning the WWE Title again.

It came at a weird time for WWE but what mattered was that it actually happened. Rock is someone who was an actual game changer for WWE when he was just a wrestler so seeing him at this point in his career made it a much bigger deal than it ever could have been during his career. Hearing that music hit was special though, especially when Justin Bieber had been rumored.

AJ Styles In WWE

One of the biggest regrets about TNA…well existing really is seeing how many of the people who had been loyal to it over the years not getting to spend the primes of their careers in WWE. AJ is near the top of that list and while he’s great now as the still amazing veteran, it isn’t the same as what it could have been when he was still the Phenomenal One. I was very pleased when he finally showed up in Orlando for the Royal Rumble and the execution was great.

Well it would have been great had they not had the camera on Roman Reigns because IT MUST BE ABOUT REIGNS. Styles would take a little time to find his footing but as usual, the natural talent a wrestler has will bring them up to the next level. That and one of the finest heads of hair that a wrestler has ever seen.

The Streak….Is Over

I was in the SuperDome for this one and I actually couldn’t speak. After the three count went down, I sat there in silence for a little while, while grown men were crying, with some people leaving and not coming back. This was one of those things that you never thought you would see, but there was something that keeps it from being all the way at the top of the list.

When you think about it, Lesnar beating Undertaker makes sense. By this point, Undertaker was wrestling once a year and was old and broken down. How believable is it that he could beat the Beast? The more I think about it, the more I can almost maybe kind of sort of be the slightest bit ok with it….and then I realize that the Streak is over and it bugs me again. It’s a shocking moment, and rather sad at the same time.

That leaves the winner, with a familiar name.

Brock Lesnar Conquers John Cena

You can guess a lot of things that are going to happen in wrestling. It wasn’t shocking to see Brock Lesnar beat John Cena and win the WWE Championship, but not in the way that he did. Lesnar annihilated Cena, who got in a tiny handful of offense throughout the match as Lesnar suplexed him over and over again. At the end it was Lesnar standing over the fallen superhero and things changed in a hurry.

The moment that got me in this match was right at the beginning when Lesnar hit an F5 in ten seconds. It was a near fall, but I was shouting “NO WAY! NO WAY!” as I was watching the show. You don’t get that kind of emotion these days and I kept waiting for Cena to make some kind of a comeback. That wasn’t happening this time though and it was clear that something had changed in a big way.


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