Main Event – January 16, 2020: Home Game

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: January 16, 2020
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

This is a slightly more interesting than usual one for me as I was in the arena for the show. That might not make it any good or anything, but it’s nice to be able to get to see some live wrestling whenever you can. Granted the show wasn’t exactly great in the first place but maybe a rewatch will help. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Cedric Alexander vs. Eric Young

Cedric cranks on the arm to start and pulls him down into a quickly broken armbar. A dropkick cuts off Eric’s screaming and he can’t quite do the Flair Flip in the corner. Cedric anklescissors him down but Young snaps the neck across the ropes. The chinlock goes on but Alexander is back up even faster than usual. A basement dropkick puts Young on the floor for a suicide dive. Back in and Alexander’s superplex is broken up and Young’s top rope elbow gets two. Not that it matters as Cedric hits the Neuralizer for the pin at 5:32.

Rating: D+. Cedric is another case of someone who could have gone somewhere but WWE seems content with not giving him another chance. Young on the other hand never had a real chance and it’s kind of a shame as he can work with anyone. That’s the Young that I can live with, though WWE doesn’t seem to agree.

We recap the return of the Usos.

From Smackdown.

Usos vs. King Corbin/Dolph Ziggler

Jimmy shoulders Ziggler down to start and it’s a double elbow drop for two. Corbin comes in for a clothesline and Jimmy gets caught in the wrong corner. Some right hands in the corner stagger Corbin a bit and a jumping enziguri puts him down. Jimmy goes up but here’s the Revival to distract him, meaning Ziggler can send him into the barricade.

Cue Reigns (Why did he leave?) to beat up the Revival and we take a break. Back with Jey hitting the running hip attack in the corner but diving onto Corbin, who pulls him out of the air. Corbin sends Jey into Reigns so Jimmy superkicks Ziggler to set up the Superfly Splash. Back up and Corbin gets speared down by Reigns for the DQ at 8:55.

Rating: C. You knew someone was going to get disqualified here as the Usos may be back but we can’t have Corbin and Ziggler lose because they’re the major heels. The Usos looked like their old selves and that’s rather good as they’re still one of the best teams in the world. Just find someone more interesting for them to face.

Post match Robert Roode returns and hits the Glorious DDT on Reigns on the floor. The Usos get laid out as well and it’s a spinebuster/elbow drop to put Reigns through the table to end the show. Just in case you weren’t overwhelmed by the levels of boring in Corbin and Ziggler already, now Roode is back.

From Raw.

Bobby Lashley vs. Rusev

They go straight into the brawl and Rusev gets two off a spinwheel kick. Lashley is right back with right hands in the corner but a suplex gets Rusev out of trouble. Some kicks to the back and another suplex have Lashley down, and the Cannonball gets two. A thumb to the eye and a running clothesline put Rusev on the floor though and a spear takes us to a break.

Back with Rusev fighting out of a chinlock but getting kicked in the knee to cut that off in a hurry. Rusev kicks his way out of trouble and hits a Samoa drop. Lashley’s German suplex is no sold and it’s the jumping superkick to put Lashley down. Lana offers a distraction though and Lashley gets in a cheap shot.

Cue Liv Morgan to go after Lana and threaten to rip the wig off her hair, among other insults that we can’t make out due to rapid fire camera cuts. Lana steals a drink from a fan to throw in her face and send her into the barricade, leaving Lashley to hit the spear and finish Rusev at 14:22.

Rating: C-. This felt a lot shorter than it was and the match wasn’t all that good. That’s a big part of the feud as we are not in the fifth month and we have only seen two matches. Neither of them have been very good either, and now we are likely setting up a mixed tag with the men needing to take care of the not very good women. How is this supposed to be an upgrade?

Akira Tozawa vs. Shelton Benjamin

Shelton easily wins a wrestle off to start so Tozawa picks up the pace with a jawbreaker and an enziguri to the floor. That means a running flip dive from the apron and we take a break. Back with Shelton hitting three straight slams and slapping on the chinlock. Now it’s a reverse chinlock to mix things up a bit until Tozawa fights up. A hurricanrana drops Shelton and the Black Widow goes on. That’s broken up so they botch a running headscissors twice in a row (egads) and settle for Tozawa getting two off a crucifix. Tozawa goes up so Shelton runs the ropes and belly to belly superplexes him down. Paydirt finishes Tozawa at 6:52.

Rating: D. This was really rough and it wasn’t much better seeing it in person. I don’t know if it was just an off night for both of them or if they just don’t work well together but this wasn’t good on almost any level. Also, after getting a string of appearances on Raw, Tozawa loses here to Shelton Benjamin? Really?

From Smackdown.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House with Bray saying he loves everyone here. That feels special but not everyone is worthy. He means Daniel Bryan because whatever the opposite of what love is is what HE feels about Bryan. Daniel has been naughty lately and he’s in a heap of trouble at the Royal Rumble.

First, the Fiend wanted him to remember, and we get some clips of Bryan’s time in the Wyatt Family, plus his rebellion. Then he wanted to change Bryan, with clips of the haircut. Now that Bryan wants the title, HE wants to destroy Bryan. Bray: “Bye! I love you! Not you Daniel!” I’m as shocked as you are that WWE actually remembered a history between these two from so long ago but it’s rather nice to see for a change.

Also from Smackdown.

Bryan says Fiend wants a lot and Bryan does remember the Wyatt Family. He also remembers outsmarting them and Fiend must not be happy with that. Then Fiend wants him to change so Bryan feels more dangerous. The one thing Fiend can change about him is that he can’t be broken. Ramblin Rabbit pops up on screen behind him and offers to tell Bryan the secret to defeating the Fiend but Bray grabs him and says snitches get snitches. Bryan nods a bit. I need scenes of Bryan trying to meet with Rabbit in secret to get information, preferably in wacky costumes with false identities.

From Raw.

Big Show/Kevin Owens/Samoa Joe vs. Seth Rollins/AOP

Fist Fight, meaning anything goes and the only way to win is for the referee to say your team can’t continue. The AOP and Rollins jump Show during his entrance so here are Owens and Joe with kendo sticks for the save. The fight is on and it’s Show and Rollins in the ring while the other four fight by the entrance.

Show chops Rollins against the barricade but Rollins manages a posting. Owens one ups that by running up the curved set and flip diving onto the AOP on the floor (very cool moment). Joe dives off the ramp onto Akam and everyone is down again. Rollins is sent outside and finds the still seated Murphy, who he begs for help.

That’s just what happens, as Murphy gets in and hits Show low, allowing the two of them to put Show through a table in the corner. Joe and Owens are sent through the announcers’ table for the huge crash and now it’s time to surround Show. The AOP powerbomb Show and it’s the Stomp to make the referee end it at 5:17.

Rating: D+. The angle with Murphy was the point of course and that’s the right way to go. Rollins as the Monday Night Messiah is interesting and having him get some followers is a good idea. What matters most here though is getting someone fresh on a higher level and that includes Murphy. I don’t know if he’s the big solution, but you have to upgrade someone at some point and they tried it here. The surprise was better in person as Murphy wasn’t shown on the big screen, or at least not shown for more than a split second, so it was an even bigger surprise.

Post match Rollins hugs the AOP and then Murphy to end the show. Nothing happened after the show went off the air.

Overall Rating: D. Pretty weak show this week with the regular matches not being much to see and the recaps not exactly being inspiring. There was very little here as far as the Rumble matches go and they are the focal points of the pay per view. It’s nice to get some focus on the other things, but that doesn’t exactly make this a thrilling show.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – August 22, 2005: Stupid, Great, And Farewell

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 22, 2005
Location: Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, Virginia
Attendance: 7,500
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Jonathan Coachman

It’s the night after Summerslam and the big stories around here are Hulk Hogan defeating Shawn Michaels and John Cena retaining the WWE Championship over Chris Jericho. With that out of the way, it’s time to get ready for Unforgiven, which could need something fresh instead of a bunch of Summerslam rematches. Let’s get to it.

Here’s Summerslam if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of last night’s Raw matches. Hogan and Shawn shaking hands so soon was still a little much.

Here’s Shawn to get things going. Shawn doesn’t like admitting it, but Hogan was the better man last night. Hogan was catlike last night and there was too much athletic prowess for Shawn to figure out. With that out of the way, it is time to get back to reality, which is Hogan has flown back to Florida until the fans pay to get him back. Shawn is here tonight though and he’ll be giving the fans what they want.

That would be the Showstopper, but here’s Chris Masters to interrupt, leaving Shawn confused. Masters talks about admiring Shawn since he was a little, little kid because Shawn is old. I’ll give Shawn this: he knows how to play the “who me?” look really well. People like Shawn and Hogan don’t know how to pass the torch but being grouped too far is hitting below the belt BROTHER. Shawn is ready to give him a few lessons because Masters isn’t ready to steal the spotlight. See, kids today don’t know enough to know that they don’t know.

There’s a ladder around here with people like Shawn at the top and people like Masters down at the bottom. It can get a little hard to breathe up here, but Masters makes fun of Shawn’s hair being thinner than the air. Shawn: “It hurts because it’s true!” Shawn slaps him in the face and the fight is on with Shawn forearming him out to the floor. That’s quite the demotion for Shawn but if they want to see what they have with Masters, Shawn is as good of a choice as they can have.

Chris Jericho is upset about last night but is ready to face John Cena tonight. Eric Bischoff makes it even bigger: it’s a YOU’RE FIRED match with the title on the line.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Kurt Angle

Nice mini reunion here. Shelton suplexes him down to start but a waistlock is countered into a wristlock. They go to the ropes so Angle kicks him in the ribs and puts on a Fujiwara armbar. That’s broken up as well with Shelton getting to his feet and springboard into a roll to escape. Shelton’s armbar is broken up with an armdrag as neither can get that much of an advantage going.

A low bridge puts Angle on the floor and we take a break with the fans waking up in a hurry. Back with Angle putting on something like an STF before switching to a regular chinlock. The comeback is cut off with some stomping and choking, followed by a bodyscissors to mix things up a bit. Back up and Shelton sends him hard into the post, setting up a spinebuster to put them both down.

A Samoan drop gives Shelton two more and the Dragon Whip rocks Angle again. Shelton goes up top but Angle runs the ropes for the super belly to belly. The Angle Slam is countered into a heck of a DDT (JR: “The fat lady’s not singing! She’s eating a doughnut!”) for two more and things slow down a bit. Shelton goes for the exploder but Angle reverses into the ankle lock with a grapevine for the tap.

Rating: B-. Shelton loses, again, and I’m not even surprised anymore. I’m not sure why WWE has decided to let him free fall like this but it’s quite the waste of someone they built up for a long time. Angle seems ready to go up in the world though, which could mean a shot at John Cena.

Post match Angle insists on being awarded the medal again.

Kerwin White is backstage in his golf cart and brags about being the spokesman of middle class America. He just saw Shelton Benjamin lose to polite applause and that’s because racism exists in America. Shelton may be a great athlete but he’s never going to be one of us. White: “Shelton Benjamin is not WHITE! If it’s not white, it’s not right.” Of note: his theme song, talking about how he never thought his life could be this good plays in the background. That’s about the only good thing about this whole thing.

Maria adjusts her shoe but Snitsky comes in to play with her toes. He thinks they look tasty, but here’s Big Show to say that’s a little weird. With Snitsky gone, Maria asks Show what a pervert is. This may be the dumbest back to back pair of angles I have seen in years.

Rob Conway vs. Matt Hardy

Rating: D. Yeah Matt is already done, even if he winds up winning a rematch against Edge. The problem is that the heat he had coming in is all gone and the losses are only going to make it worse. It started great and then went straight off a cliff as the losses pile up. Just like Shelton, as this company enjoys making popular wrestlers lose.

Post match Edge comes down for the brawl and kicks Matt’s head into the steps to leave him laying again.

It’s time for Carlito’s Cabana and Carlito gets straight to the guest: Ric Flair. Carlito welcomes him to the Cabana but Flair welcomes him to Flair Country. A WOO off seems ready to break out but Carlito says wooing is NOT cool. Carlito remembers his father battling Flair over the years and his father said Flair was great. Now Carlito can see it for himself but being a sixteen time World Champion means Flair has lost it sixteen times.

On the other hand, Carlito is a one time Intercontinental Champion, which is a title Flair has never won. That’s because Flair isn’t cool. Flair says he’s not cool, because he’s the NATURE BOY. Carlito’s father called him the King of the Caribbean and the women know he can go all night long. Carlito spits the apple at him (Flair’s look at Carlito, saying “kid, you’ve got a lot to learn”, is great.) and the fight is on with the fans going coconuts over Flair all over again.

Big Show vs. Snitsky

Snitsky tries to beg off but throws some right hands, only to get chopped hard. Show does it a few more times and they head outside where Show posts himself by mistake. Back in and Snitsky knocks him down but gets suplexed for his efforts. A clothesline puts Snitsky on the floor and he walks out.

Rating: D-. What a waste of time this is. Not only is Snitsky’s new gimmick that he likes feet but now he gets in a match and walks out on it after about three and a half minutes. It’s never a good sign when the best thing you can say about a match is short but….well do you have anything else here?

Bischoff runs into Cena and threatens him with being fired tonight. Cena has headphones in though and doesn’t notice.

Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade like beer and wrestling. Yeah it’s lame but I do like “hi, we’re *insert names here* and we’re coming to WWE” style promos.

Here are Torrie Wilson and Candace Michelle, who have been traded to Raw. Candace demonstrates the Go Daddy dance and they bring out Ashley Massaro for her first full night as a Raw Diva. They don’t like her getting here so easily and the beatdown is on. It takes a special level of bad to make good looking women a waste of time.

Video on Summerslam.

We look back at the Shawn/Masters segment. Next week: Shawn takes the Masterlock Challenge.

Jericho is ready to get rid of Cena.

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

Cena is defending, the loser gets fired and Bischoff is at ringside. They go nose to nose to start with Cena driving him into the corner, only to have Bischoff grab the ankle. Jericho gets in a few cheap shots and suplexes Cena down to set up a basement dropkick. The stomping in the corner (and obvious spot calling) are on, allowing Cena to send him into the post.

That means a trip to the floor but Cena goes after Bischoff, earning himself a low blow. Back from a break with Cena suplexing his way out of a chinlock but Jericho hammers him in the corner. Cena gets in a few right hands though and throws him off the top, only to miss a high crossbody. Jericho has to escape the FU and grabs the Walls, but the drama isn’t quite as strong as last night.

The rope is….not grabbed actually as Bischoff pulls it away so Jericho can pull Cena back to the middle. This time Cena makes the other rope (How hard can it be to know which rope to pull?) and manages the FU for the double knockdown. With the referee checking on Cena, Bischoff hands Jericho some brass knuckles (JR: “HOW CAN THAT BE CONDONED????”). Jericho’s right hand gets two and that kickout gets the big crowd reaction. Cena catapults Jericho into Bischoff and muscles Jericho up for the FU and the pin to retain.

Rating: B. Good match here without a ton of the drama as it wasn’t exactly shocking to see Jericho lose and go away. The Cena feud was a boost but it hasn’t been the best time for him as of late so maybe some time away is the best thing. Cena gets his first big feud win on Raw and now it’s time to go on to someone else. I wonder who that could be.

Post match Bischoff yells at Jericho and fires him. Jericho goes after Bischoff but security drags him away. Bischoff isn’t done with Cena though as here’s Kurt Angle to wear Cena out. Oh and he’s the new #1 contender.

Overall Rating: D+. Some good things keep this one from being a disaster but egads some of the character stuff is horrible. Between the nonsense of Snitsky’s foot fetish, Kerwin White and racism and the new Diva welcoming committee, there were a lot of parts of this show that made it into one of the hardest to watch in a long time. Cena, Angle and Shawn are very good on the top, but there’s a limit to what they can make work.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT – January 22, 2020: One At A Time

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: January 22, 2020
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix, Mauro Ranallo

It’s the go home show for When Worlds Collide but it’s also time to start building things up for Takeover: Portland. I’m not sure where everything is going for that show, but tonight we have more from the Dusty Classic and the North American Title on the line with Roderick Strong defending against the banged up Keith Lee. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals: Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Undisputed Era

Non-title. O’Reilly takes Gibson down to start so Gibson takes him into the corner for a slap. That just earns him a string of forearms to the face and a kick to the ribs, only to have Gibson drag him over for the tag to Drake. Fish comes in as well and snaps Drake’s knee around the ropes, setting up the rapid fire strikes into the slingshot hilo for two.

A double snap suplex gets two on Drake but he fights up and makes the tag off to Gibson. This time it’s the Veterans getting in their own blind tag to knock the Era outside. We take a break and come back with Fish getting the hot tag to strike away, only to miss a good looking moonsault. Drake catches him with a running corner dropkick and Gibson muscles him up with Helter Skelter for two.

A low bridge puts Drake on the floor though and it’s O’Reilly hitting a running knee off the apron to take him down again. Back in and it’s time to pick Gibson apart but Drake comes back in for the save. Drake hits a step up enziguri on Fish and it’s a series of strikes to put Gibson and O’Reilly on the floor. That leaves Fish and Drake to strike it out until Fish comes back in for a bunch of kicks to drop Drake….but here’s Imperium. They’re up on the perch above the ring and the distraction lets the Veterans hit Ticket To Mayhem for the pin on O’Reilly at 13:00.

Rating: B. Good, solid match here with a not so great distraction finish. That’s understandable as you don’t want to have the Era lose clean, even if it’s to another awesome team. It’s one of the problems with tournaments involving bigger names but they did what they could here while also advancing When Worlds Collide for a bonus.

Post match the rest of the Era comes in to chase off the Veterans and are rather annoyed.

Video on Rhea Ripley vs. Toni Storm for When Worlds Collide.

Video on Shotzi Blackheart, who eliminated Shayna Baszler from the battle royal last night.

Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai

Shirai takes her down to start and works on the ankle until Toni can spin her way out. That’s turned into a standoff and Storm offers a handshake, only to pull it away in a move that will never go away. Storm kicks her in the chest for two but can’t hit a German suplex. Instead Shirai sends her throat first into the ropes and hits a running boot to the head for a bonus.

Back in and Shirai chokes in the corner before working on a reverse chinlock with a knee in the spine. A quick slugout goes to Shirai, who takes Storm down into a headlock to keep her in trouble. Shirai pulls her down by the hair and we take a break. Back with Shirai hitting a double stomp to the ribs but she charges into a boot in the corner.

Storm’s comeback starts with a reverse German suplex and a clothesline gets two. Storm Zero is blocked though, leaving Storm to hit an even harder clothesline for two more. Shirai kicks her into the ropes but the 619 is blocked. A dropkick sends Shirai outside and the dive is loaded up….so Bianca Belair can hit Storm for the DQ at 11:00.

Rating: B-. Another good match with a worse finish as Belair wants to weaken Storm before Saturday’s title match, presumably so that she can face Ripley at Takeover. That being said, wouldn’t she want to have Storm take as much of a beating as she could here and then run in for the beatdown? Either way, just don’t let her talk and we’ll be fine. The match was solid, with Storm getting to show why she’s as celebrated as she is and Shirai being allowed to show off a lot in her own right.

Post match Belair keeps up the beatdown but here’s Rhea Ripley to go after Belair. Shirai is back in with a springboard missile dropkick to Ripley though, setting up an Asai moonsault to take out Belair and Ripley. Storm gets to hit her dive, though the crowd REALLY does not like her picking up the Women’s Title.

Undisputed Era isn’t happy but they’re focusing on taking care of Keith Lee tonight. They’ll deal with Imperium later.

Ilja Dragunov is ready to take out Finn Balor at When Worlds Collide.

Finn Balor vs. Joaquin Wilde

Balor wastes no time in taking him down and stomping away, though he does ask if this hurts. More kicking sets up the John Woo dropkick in the corner and it’s the Coup de Grace (with Wilde halfway across the ring) into 1916 for the pin at 2:03. Total squash.

Shayna Baszler isn’t worried about Shotzi Blackheart because she’s going to be Shayna Three Times.

Video on DIY.

Shayna Baszler vs. Shotzi Blackheart

Shayna knocks her down to start but doesn’t follow up to get in Shotzi’s head a bit. A kick to the leg puts Shotzi down and that means a pat on the head. Shotzi takes her down by the leg but Shayna shows her how it’s really done and goes to an armbar. Back up and Shayna cranks on the arm even more, only to get low bridged out to the floor in a nice callback to last week.

Back in and Shotzi misses a springboard so Shayna dumps her over the top as we continue the anything you can do theme. They get back inside with Shayna hammering her down into a front facelock. A DDT out of the corner gives Shotzi a breather so Shayna forearms her hard in the head.

Blackheart doesn’t seem to mind and hits a few kicks to the head, followed by a faceplant for good measure. The reverse Cannonball hits Baszler in the ropes and a not incredibly looking Sliced Bread sends Shayna into the apron. Back in and Shotzi tries a top rope backsplash but gets caught in the Kirifuda Clutch. A lot of fighting doesn’t work for Shotzi and she taps at 6:23.

Rating: C+. There was some good storytelling here with Shotzi as the newcomer who was taught that Shayna was still a boss around here. There isn’t much of a reason to keep Shayna around NXT anymore, but that has been the case for months now. Shotzi has potential though and the green hair is more than enough to keep her noticed.

Shayna takes her time letting go to teach Shotzi a lesson.

Tegan Nox wants revenge on Dakota Kai. They were best friends and then turned on her so it’s time to fight. Kai saying that Nox is due for another injury is a great heel line. They fight next week.

Video on Moustache Mountain.

Angel Garza isn’t worried about his four way title defense at When Worlds Collide. This is his house and he doesn’t care who he is facing.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals: Broserweights vs. Imperium

The winners get the Grizzled Young Veterans in the finals. Aichner charges straight at Dunne and takes him to the mat but it’s back up for an early standoff. Barthel comes in and takes Dunne down as well, leaving Dunne to drive him into the ropes for a blind tag from Aichner. A headlock doesn’t work that well on Dunne, who is right back with a hard clothesline to put Aichner halfway back to Italy.

Riddle comes in for an assisted spinning senton and a gutwrench suplex puts Aichner into the corner for the tag to Barthel. Another gutwrench suplex sets up a Broton but Barthel gets the knees up and kicks away in the corner. That doesn’t last long either as Riddle knocks him back and gets over to Dunne, who dropkicks Aichner’s knee out. Dunne gets in some kicks to the head and a crucifix bomb gets two on Aichner.

An X Plex on the apron plants Aichner again but here’s Walter to distract Dunne, allowing Barthel to get in a cheap shot from behind. Back from a break with Barthel going up but diving into a hard forearm to knock him out of the air. It’s still not enough for the hot tag so Dunne loads up a moonsault out of the corner, only to have his knee give out (might have been a smart way of covering for a botch). Dunne knocks the two of them down though and now it’s the hot tag to Riddle so house can be cleaned.

Riddle stomps on Aichner’s hand and a double kick to the chest gets two. Aichner shoves Riddle into Dunne though and then sends Riddle shoulder first into the post. The double running dropkicks in the corner get two on Riddle and it’s a wheelbarrow/diving DDT combination for the same. Dunne is loaded into Aichner’s delayed suplex but it’s reversed into a keylock.

Riddle locks Barthel’s ankle at the same time before going with a jumping knee to the face. Dunne lets go of the hold and kicks Aichner in the head, setting up a double spear to Aichner. The Jackhammer gets two but Aichner is right back up to catch Riddle on top. Barthel shoves Riddle into a brainbuster but Riddle hurricanranas his way out of the European Bomb. The Final Flash into a powerbomb into another knee sets up the BTS/enziguri combination to finish Aichner at 14:43.

Rating: B+. Riddle and Dunne work very well together and the best thing is that it gives them something important to do. There are so many people in NXT at the moment and they need something to fill in their time. Aichner and Barthel have become one of the most dependable tag teams around WWE today and I was completely wrong about them to start. Heck of a match here and the finals sound awesome.

Post match the Veterans come out and insult the Full Sail fans for thinking the Broserweights have a chance. They’re taking the trophy back to Liverpool, but Riddle says he didn’t understand what Gibson just said. Dunne points out that the Veterans always lose to him so it’s time to do it again. Good little hype segment for next week’s finals.

North American Title: Keith Lee vs. Roderick Strong

Lee is challenging, the rest of the Era is at ringside and we get Big Match Intros. Lee starts fast and knocks Strong into the corner for a forearm to the face. Another forearm knocks Strong down and there’s a big toss to send him outside as we need an early break. Back with Lee hitting a crossbody but stopping to glare at the rest of the Era. The distraction lets Strong hit a dropkick to Lee’s injured knee (from last week).

The leg gets sent into the steps as Strong has an easy target. Strong sends the knee hard into the steps and they go back inside with Strong kicking away at the knee and ankle. A half crab goes on but Lee powers up to kick Strong away. Some cannonballing down onto the leg keeps Lee down, so he uses the good leg to kick Strong over the top and out to the floor. It doesn’t seem to do much though as Strong comes back in for the ankle lock.

That’s broken up with more power so Strong hits an enziguri and the running forearms as Lee is against the rope. A big one to the back of the head drops Lee and sends us to a break. Back with Lee getting two off a powerslam and something between a one armed gorilla press/a spinebuster connects for the same. Strong needs a breather on the floor but Lee throws him right back in, only to glare the Era away. You don’t glare at that many people though as Fish gets in a shot to the knee so Strong can hit a DDT for two.

Lee hits a headbutt to the chest but falls down as well for a double knockdown. It’s Lee up first but he gets caught on the ropes, meaning it’s a shot to the knee to set up a super Angle Slam. Somehow that only gets two with Lee sitting up for the kickout. Lee gets fired up and Pounces Strong over the top and onto the rest of the Era in a nasty looking crash. Back in and a big running clothesline puts Strong down for two more but the middle rope moonsault misses.

The ankle lock, with a grapevine this time, goes on so Lee does a big crawl over to the rope. A slugout goes very badly for Strong so the Era gets on the apron, only to get knocked back down. The Sick Kick gets two on Lee but he’s right back up with the Big Bang Catastrophe (new name for the fireman’s carry Jackhammer) for the pin and the title at 20:28.

Rating: B+. These guys beat the heck out of each other with Lee looking like the unstoppable monster that he should be. At some point you need to just let him run loose and win something like this and NXT got the timing right. After his success at Survivor Series, you can’t wait another three weeks from now to give him something so this is the right call and it came in a great match. Lee crushing challengers for a bit should be awesome and this was exactly what they should have done.

Post match here’s Imperium and it’s time for the revenge. The fight is on to end the show with Walter hitting one of those great chops on Cole, who sells it at a near Mr. Perfect level.

Overall Rating: B+. It’s a very good show with some awesome stuff up and down the card. Some of the finishes at the beginning weren’t great though and they brought down some of the other good stuff that they had going on. What mattered here though was they made me want to see When Worlds Collide. The problem with that though is they were trying to build that show up but they were also trying to do their regular stories and it didn’t mesh all that well. In other words, it’s a solid show that could have been a great one if they had one goal in mind.


Grizzled Young Veterans b. Undisputed Era – Ticket To Mayhem to O’Reilly

Toni Storm b. Io Shirai via DQ when Bianca Belair interfered

Finn Balor b. Joaquin Wilde – 1916

Shayna Baszler b. Shotzi Blackheart – Kirifuda Clutch

Broserweights b. Imperium – Bro To Sleep/enziguri combination to Aichner

Keith Lee b. Roderick Strong – Big Bang Catastrophe

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

New Column: The Rumble Shake

Enough is enough and it’s time for a change.

Dynamite – January 22, 2020: It’s A Good Life On A Boat

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: January 22, 2020
Location: Norwegian Pearl, International Waters
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

And now, we’re on a boat. If there is one thing that AEW has managed to do well it is offering in some changes of venue. That is the case again here as they are presenting this week’s show from Chris Jericho’s Rock N Rager cruise, with the matches taking place on the deck of the boat. That’s cool enough as it is, but there are some big matches as well. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tag Team Titles: SCU vs. Hangman Page/Kenny Omega

SCU is defending and Page’s name graphic says “was hoping this was a booze cruise”. Kazarian headlocks Page to start as JR gets to talk about Danny Hodge a bit. Page tries to send him into the ropes and drops down, only to get headlocked again. Back up and Kazarian strikes away, setting up a discus lariat to put Page down again. Page fights up and shoves Kazarian away so it’s off to Omega and Sky.

The feeling out process goes on until Omega shoulders him down, only to have Sky nip right back up. The running Fameasser puts Sky down again and it’s back to Page for some chops. A blind tag brings Kazarian back in though and it’s a spinwheel kick to drop Page and put the champs in control again. The springboard legdrop gets two and Page gets dropped on his head, with Omega coming in before the referee can even get to the mat. Sky gets sent to the apron though and Page blasts Kazarian with a clothesline. JR: “Clothesline from Page, who has delivered the mail tonight!”

Kazarian is back up with a Backstabber and an Unprettier for two on Page but a double clothesline gives us a double knockdown. That’s enough for the hot tag to Omega so the pace can pick up a little bit. Omega hurricanranas Sky and Snapdragons Kazarian, setting up YOU CAN’T ESCAPE (with Page adding a shooting star in the middle) to Sky. Page dives onto Kazarian as Omega plants Sky for two, only to miss the V Trigger. A jumping knee works a bit better but Sky catches him on the middle rope with a super hurricanrana.

Back with Page superplexing Kazarian down and Omega feeding him into a discus forearm from Page. The Snapdragon drops Sky and a Jay Driller gives Omega two. Everything breaks down again and a quick SCULater gets two on Omega with Page shoving Sky into the cover for the save. Page cleans house again and hits a pop up powerbomb on Kazarian, followed by the Buckshot Lariat to Sky on the ramp. Another Buckshot Lariat finishes Kazarian for the pin and the titles at 19:09.

Rating: B+. It’s almost hard to believe that it’s the first time a title has changed hands around here. It was a heck of a match too with both teams looking great until the finish. I’m not sure where this is going to go with Page splitting away from the Elite and the whole alcohol thing but it’s a story that has a lot of possibilities. There was a lot of action here though and it opens up a lot of doors going forward.

Post match the Young Bucks come out to celebrate but Page goes into the crowd to drink and crowd surf.

Priscilla Kelly vs. Britt Baker

Baker takes her down for an early rollup and we take a slightly less early break. Back with Baker getting tied in the ropes for a pull of the arms, setting up a running dropkick from behind. Baker hits a clothesline and they run the ropes without hitting anything for a bit. A Sling Blade gives Baker two but Kelly kicks her in the head for the same. Baker hits her own kick though and pulls Kelly down into Lockjaw for the tap at 6:02.

Rating: C-. Just a match here as they try to get Baker over without giving her the title. Baker is someone where she seems to have all the tools but the whole is different than the sum of all the parts. It just isn’t clicking for some reason and I’m not sure if that’s going to get better. Kelly has a great look but she didn’t do much of anything here, albeit without having much time.

Post match Tony Schiavone goes to the ring to talk with Baker, who says we all love him even though he used to work at Starbucks. Sure he was a bad barista but no one looks down on him for that. The people look up to her and shouldn’t hate her because she’s beautiful, smart and a dentist. She keeps talking down to Tony as we take a break.

We look back at Jungle Boy surviving ten minutes against Chris Jericho.

Jurassic Express vs. Santana/Ortiz/Chris Jericho

Believe it or not, Chris Jericho (with Jake Hager) is the most popular guy on his own cruise with the fans singing him to the ring. Jericho and Boy start things off with Jericho shoving him in the face, earning himself a bunch of shots to the face. Ortiz comes in and avoids a dropkick but can’t do it twice, allowing Boy to get the first near fall. Luchasaurus comes in and sends Boy at Ortiz for the Downward Spiral.

Stunt comes in (wearing a child size life jacket) with a splash off of Luchasaurus’ shoulders and no count because the referee didn’t see the tag. Stunt gets in a fight with the life jacket but finally gets it off as the Express gets to pose. Luchasaurus kicks Santana in the head and Boy kicks him in the back for two of his own. Santana knocks him off the top though and we take a break.

Back with Jericho standing on Boy’s hair and handing it off to Santana to do the same. Santana works on a backbreaker with Boy being bent over the knee. It’s back to Jericho, who gets shoved off the top and hit with a high crossbody for two but Santana and Ortiz prevent the hot tag. Ortiz’s running splash gets two but Boy is right back with a reverse hurricanrana to plant Ortiz on the afro.

The hot tag brings in Luchasaurus to clean house and grab Jericho by the throat, with Ortiz making the save. JR: “Ortiz is insane.” More strikes, including the Tail Whip, knock the Inner Circle down again and it’s a standing moonsault for two on Jericho. Luchasaurus goes after Hager on the stage though, leaving Stunt to hit a 450 on Jericho for two. That’s enough for Jericho who hits the Judas Effect on Stunt for the pin at 14:08.

Rating: C+. I think I can live with Jericho getting a pin on a glorified mascot on his own cruise. It was a nice enough match too and Luchasaurus got to look great, which is what mattered more than anything else. They’ve done a great job of protecting him and if this means we get Luchasaurus vs. Hager in a hoss fight at Revolution, so be it.

Video on MJF vs. Cody.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Joey Janela

MJF shoves him away to start and it’s some headlock takeovers with headscissors breaking them up. A handshake offer doesn’t work as MJF spits in his face, only to bail from the threat of a right hand. He changes his mind though and charges down the ramp at Janela, who backdrops him back inside.

MJF hides behind the referee though and the distraction lets him forearm the heck out of Janela. Back from a break with Janela superplexing MJF but here are Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford on the ramp to distract Janela. The top rope elbow misses and MJF hits Cross Rhodes for the pin at 9:00.

Rating: C-. I don’t think it’s any secret that MJF is better on the mic than in the ring but this was fine enough. Janela on the other hand has just fallen through the floor and feels like the biggest afterthought in the company these days. His feud with Sabian isn’t interesting and I’m not sure why it keeps going, but that’s what we’re getting for weeks on end. It isn’t much every week, but both guys need to do something else.

Post match MJF talks about Cody getting all intense last week but MJF wasn’t impressed. Cue Cody to interrupt but MJF demands that his music be cut. MJF reminds Cody that he can’t touch him and MJF is very sorry about that. He offers Cody the mic and then drops it, demanding that Cody pick it up, only to kick it away. MJF gets on the ramp and Cody agrees that he can’t touch him. Instead, here are the Young Bucks to superkick MJF and then throw him in the pool.

Video on the cruise.

Kenny Omega and Hangman Page are proud of their win with Page taking most of the credit (and most of the drinks). As for Pac, Omega is willing to get his rubber match. The Young Bucks pop in and Omega says the two of them always have their backs. Page laughs that the Bucks didn’t win the titles first and walks off. Omega plays peacekeeper again.

Jon Moxley vs. Pac

#1 contenders match with Chris Jericho on commentary and Moxley’s eye bandaged after last week’s spike attack. After the Big Match Intros, they go technical to start with the fans seemingly behind Moxley. Some chops have Pac in trouble and a release German suplex makes it even worse. Pac is right back with some crossface shots and choking as the fans shout at another ship pulling up beside this one.

They head outside with Moxley sending him into the post as we take a break. Back with Moxley hitting a heck of a clothesline and they’re both down. A release vertical suplex gets two on Pac, who comes right back with an eyebreaker (as in a jawbreaker but he puts his head under Moxley’s eye instead). Pac takes him up top for a superplex but Moxley shoves him off. The top rope elbow hits knees though and Pac tries the Brutalizer. That’s broken up so Pac kicks him in the eye over and over.

Pac hits a running dropkick to the eye but a 450 hits knees, allowing Moxley to grab his own two. A release German suplex sends Moxley flying but the Black Arrow misses. Pac hits a superplex but Moxley is right back with the Paradigm Shift for two. Jericho: “STAY DOWN MOXLEY STAY DOWN!” Moxley goes up top again, earning himself a top rope superplex into the Brutalizer. That’s broken up with a foot on the ropes so Pac hammers at the bandaged eye some more. Moxley grabs a small package for two, followed by the Paradigm Shift. Another Paradigm Shift finishes Pac at 17:13.

Rating: B. Good stuff here, even if the ending wasn’t the most shocking in the world. Moxley vs. Jericho should be very good, but well done with having Jericho talk about wanting to face Pac. The eye was a nice addition too and Moxley sold it rather well. This was the kind of hard hitting match that both of them can do very well and it should set up another awesome match at Revolution.

Moxley stares Jericho down to end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. Another very good show here with the book ending matches both working. They did a great job of setting things up for the future, both at Revolution and at some undetermined point. I liked what they did here with a lot of stuff and the atmosphere made it even better. Heck of a show here and they’re clicking well in the new year.


Hangman Page/Kenny Omega b. SCU – Buckshot lariat to Kazarian

Britt Baker b. Priscilla Kelly – Lockjaw

Chris Jericho/Santana/Ortiz b. Jurassic Express – Judas Effect to Stunt

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Joey Janela – Cross Rhodes

Jon Moxley b. Pac – Paradigm Shift

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2015 (2016 Redo): Even Rock Can’t Save It

IMG Credit: WWE

Royal Rumble 2015
Date: January 25, 2015
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 17,164
Commentators: John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

Pre-Show: Tyson Kidd/Cesaro vs. New Day

Back with Cesaro holding Kofi in a chinlock but Kingston comes back with a dropkick to Kidd. Big E. starts cleaning house with clotheslines and the fans are REALLY not pleased. Cesaro charges into a Rock Bottom (well close enough to one) out of the corner for two. Kidd is sent to the floor for a flip dive from Kofi, followed by Big E. spearing Cesaro through the ropes for a big crash.

New Age Outlaws vs. Ascension

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Damien Mizdow/Miz

The Usos are defending but Mizdow is the most over guy in the match. Speaking of things that have changed a lot in a year. The Usos took the titles from Miz/Mizdow to close out 2014 so this is the rematch. Jey and Miz get things going and the fans already want Mizdow. Something like a top rope Demolition Decapitator gets two on Miz as Cole recap Miz trying to get Naomi on their side with promises of Hollywood fame.

Anyway, Jimmy gets away and tags in Jey to take over with the running Umaga Attack in the corner but Miz grabs a DDT for two. Everything breaks down and both Usos hit a dive to take out both challengers, though Jey almost misses Miz, drawing a rather rude chant from the fans.

The pre-show panel chats a bit and we look at the pre-show match.

Wrestlemania ad. I had forgotten how much I hated that theme song.

Bella Twins vs. Paige/Natalya

Fandango says no one understands the power of the tango.

YES, Daniel Bryan thinks he can get back to the main event of Wrestlemania.

We recap the triple threat for the World Title. Rollins tried to cash in Money in the Bank on Lesnar at Night of Champions while Cena was challenging, triggering a feud between Rollins and Cena. Tonight they both get their shot in what should be awesome.

WWE World Title: John Cena vs. Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar

Rating: A. Good grief what a battle. This was the night where Rollins became a star and people knew that he was going to be champion soon. Cena put in his normal amazing performance here as well, but good night Brock looked like a monster. This is the beast that WWE wanted to build up for someone to take down and it worked perfectly here. Just outstanding action here with all three looking like they had been through a war. This was the instant match of the year leader and it would take something special to knock it off.

Brock walks off as the medics are stunned.

Rumble By The Numbers video.

Royal Rumble

Ziggler superkicks the giants and takes them both down with the running DDT. Barrett is sent to the apron and superkicked out but Ziggler gets caught in the Cesaro Swing. Cesaro sends him to the apron but Dolph gets him to the apron for a superkick and an elimination, only to have Big Show and Kane put Ziggler out. That also gives Kane the all time record for Rumble eliminations.

Rock poses with Reigns and the fans STILL boo. The Authority comes out to glare a lot as Reigns celebrates and points at the sign to end the show.

Ratings Comparison

Tyson Kidd/Cesaro vs. New Day

Original: B

Redo: B-

Ascension vs. New Age Outlaws

Original: D+

Redo: D

Miz/Damien Mizdow vs. Usos

Original: C-

Redo: C-

Bella Twins vs. Paige/Natalya

Original: D-

Redo: D

Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins

Original: A

Redo: A

Royal Rumble

Original: D+

Redo: D-

Overall Rating

Original: C+

Redo: D

How in the world did I add that one up last year?

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2015 (Original): Love Him Or Hate Him

IMG Credit: WWE

Royal Rumble 2015
Date: January 25, 2015
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

Pre-Show: New Day vs. Cesaro/Tyson Kidd

The opening video talks about wanting to have your moment and being the one. We transition into a video on the triple threat and how everyone is fighting for the title.

New Age Outlaws vs. Ascension

We recap Sting debuting on Raw and staring down the Authority, allowing Cena to pin Rollins to save his spot in the title match tonight and get Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan and Ryback their jobs back.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Miz/Damien Mizdow

The expert panel (Booker T., Corey Graves and Alex Riley) talk about the show so far.

We look at the pre-show match.

Bella Twins vs. Paige/Natalya

This is the Total Divas match over who are the real stars of the show. Paige throws Nikki down to start as JBL says the Bellas have been twins their whole life. Off to Brie who walks into a double suplex, allowing the slow crawling cover from Paige. Natalya comes back in and slams Brie down before the Bellas start choking to take over.

Stardust talks about the Cosmic Key and Goldust breathes a lot.

Rusev will crush everyone at Wrestlemania.

Fandango says everyone underestimates the power of the tango.

Daniel Bryan thinks he can make it back to the main event of Wrestlemania this year. YES he does.

We recap Lesnar vs. Cena vs. Rollins. Cena had defeated Orton to earn a title shot against Lesnar but the Authority added Rollins to the match to thank him for bringing them back. Rollins has started to stand up to Lesnar and even Curb Stomped him, meaning Lesnar wants to kill him too.

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins

Everyone is down again but Cena grabs the STF, only to have the Stooges come in for the save. Rollins plays Reigns in a Triple Bomb as a stretcher comes out for Lesnar. Cena kicks out at two so Rollins grabs the briefcase, only to miss the charge and fly out to the floor. The Stooges take a double AA and Rollins gets the single version but kicks out at two. We cut back to Lesnar who says he wants to stay out here. Cole says Lesnar has at least a broken rib. Rollins enziguris Cena down and the Curb Stomp connects for another near fall.

Rollins busts out a Phoenix Splash but Lesnar CHARGES back in for some German suplexes as Beast Mode is on. Seth flips out of a German though and knocks Lesnar silly with the briefcase, only to have Lesnar pop up with an F5 to counter the Curb Stomp onto the briefcase to retain the title at 22:45.

Rumble by the numbers.

Royal Rumble

Daniel breaks it up with a top rope dropkick and unleashes more kicks, only to have Bray pop up and dump him out far earlier than I was expecting. Goldust is in at #16 as the crowd is just dead. Stardust tries to throw out Goldust (with Cole mentioning that Goldust was eliminated by his brother last year, despite saying Stardust was in his first Rumble. Like I said, splitting hairs) but Goldust saves himself. The fans start chanting for Bryan and them switch to booing.

Kofi Kingston is in at #17, giving us Kingston, Goldust, Stardust, Rusev and Wyatt. Bray catapults him over the top but Kofi skins the cat and comes back in with a springboard shot to the head. Everyone gets into one corner until Adam Rose is in at #18. You can hear every word of the songs now as the crowd just does not care at the moment. Kofi is thrown out but the Rosebuds catch him and walk him back to the apron. Rusev dumps Rose and Kofi a few seconds later and Roman Reigns is in at #19 to a lot less booing than I was expecting.

Ambrose dropkicks Wyatt up against the ropes and Bad News Barrett gets lucky #27. The ring is getting full but no one is in any real danger of being eliminated. Cesaro is in at #28 and joins the fray. Rusev sends Big E. to the apron and then kicks him out to clear the ring a bit. Big Show is in at #29 and everyone stops to stare him down. They all gang up on him but Show shoves everyone down as Kane chokeslams Ambrose. Show does the same to Reigns before the monsters dump Ryback with ease.

Swagger is dumped by the power team as well, tying Kane for the all time record at 39 eliminations. Dolph Ziggler is in at #30, giving us a final group of Wyatt, Rusev, Reigns, Kane, Ambrose, Barrett, Cesaro, Big Show and Ziggler. Dolph has to fight out of the chokeslam from Big Show and dumps Barrett. Cesaro swings Dolph around and gets him to the apron, only to be pulled out for the elimination. Ziggler goes up top and dives right into the KO Punch, allowing Kane and Show to easily dump him, giving Kane the all time eliminations record.

The Authority comes out as Rock poses with Reigns before letting Reigns point at the sign to end the show.


Ascension b. New Age Outlaws – Fall of Man to Gunn

Usos b. Miz/Damien Mizdow – Superfly Splash to Miz

Bella Twins b. Paige/Natalya – Forearm to the face

Brock Lesnar b. Seth Rollins and John Cena – F5 to Rollins

Roman Reigns won the Royal Rumble last eliminating Big Show and Kane

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2014 (2015 Redo): The Night The Crowd Turned

IMG Credit: WWE

Royal Rumble 2014
Date: January 26, 2014
Location: Consol Energy Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler

Pre-Show: Tag Team Titles: Goldust/Cody Rhodes vs. New Age Outlaws

The Outlaws reunited as a nostalgia act and pinned the champs to earn this shot. Dogg and Cody get things going with Dogg hammering away, only to miss his Shake Rattle and Roll punch. Cody misses the Disaster Kick but sends both Outlaws to the floor. The champs hit dives on the Outlaws as we take a break. Back with Goldust in trouble as Dogg puts on a chinlock.

Rating: C. This was fine for an opener and the fans were into the nostalgia. The Outlaws were only transitional champions anyway as the Usos would get the belts before Wrestlemania. Cody and Goldust had them back before the year was over too so no one was really hurt by this.

Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

Bray huddles with his Family on the floor, allowing Daniel to take him down with a plancha. Back in and a high cross body gets two on Wyatt but he chops Daniel off the middle rope and out to the floor. Bray charges at Daniel but drives the bad knee into the steps to put him back down again. Back in and Daniel starts kicking at the leg before snapping off a dragon screw leg whip. A modified curb stomp gets two for Bryan but Bray drives him back into the corner.

Some kicks stagger Bray and a drop toehold sends him into the middle buckle. Daniel kicks away in the corner and nails a top rope hurricanrana for two. Another running clothesline is countered by a running elbow to the chest as Bray takes over again. Bryan low bridges him to the floor and hits a running tornado DDT off the apron. A running dropkick sends Bray into the barricade and a missile dropkick puts Wyatt down in the ring.

The YES Kicks get two but Bray turns him inside out with a clothesline for two. Sister Abigail is countered but Bray bites his way out of the YES Lock. Daniel scores with more kicks and hits a top rope splash but Bray ducks to the floor to avoid the running knee. The Flying Goat is blocked though and Bray hits Sister Abigail into the barricade to knock Bryan silly. Back in and another Sister Abigail is good for the pin.

Paul Heyman says Brock Lesnar is going to challenge the winner of Orton vs. Cena for the World Title. However, first he has to make an example out of Big Show.

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is here.

Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar

These two have had a feud for years and this time Big Show has been getting the better of it through pure power. Lesnar takes Show down before the bell and pounds on him with fists and then a chair. As Big Show is down, Lawler says Big Show gave Lesnar his first loss at the 2002 Royal Rumble, which would be three months before Lesnar debuted. We get the opening bell with Lesnar getting another chair but Show nails him with the KO Punch. Lesnar is rocked and Show takes him outside for a whip into the barricade. Back in and Big Show loads up another KO but Lesnar ducks and throws him up for the F5 for the easy pin.

WWE World Title: Randy Orton vs. John Cena

No countout and no DQ with Orton defending.. The fans loudly chant for Daniel Bryan before and after the bell. They hit the mat and the fans are already bored less than twenty seconds in. Cena fights up and gets two off a bulldog but charges into an elbow in the corner. Now a Randy Savage chant starts up and Orton stops for a second before kicking Cena even more.

The fans chant for Bryan as the Wyatts destroy Cena even more.

Tribute video to the recently passed away Mae Young.

We get some classic Rumble promos.

The Usos are cool with having to fight each other.

Batista just says exactly.

Ryback says there are 29 superstars and one Human Wrecking Ball.

Mysterio will shock the world again.

The expert panel makes their picks. Duggan likes Ziggler, Shawn goes with Shield or Punk and Flair takes Batista.

Royal Rumble

90 second intervals with Punk at #1 (as ordered by Kane) and Seth Rollins at #2. Punk takes him into the corner to start for some shoulders to the ribs. Some kicks stagger Rollins but he comes back with a big kick of his own. A clothesline drops Rollins again but he pops back up with an enziguri. Both guys are down as Damien Sandow is in at #3. The fans loudly chant for Punk as he DDTs Sandow and drops Rollins with a neckbreaker at the same time.

Kevin Nash makes a required return at #14. He eliminates Swagger with ease and goes after Ambrose and Rollins. Punk has Ziggler dangling but Dolph gets his feet back in. Roman Reigns completes the Shield at #15, giving us Punk, Rollins, Rhodes, Kingston, Goldust, Ambrose, Ziggler, Nash and Reigns. Roman cleans house with punches and spears before launching Kofi out.

Ziggler puts Roman down with a DDT but eats a spear to cut him in half. Reigns throws Ziggler out with ease and the fans suddenly hate him. Nash gets the same treatment as Reigns now has three eliminations in less than two minutes. Great Khali is in at #16 and goes after the Shield but gets tossed by Reigns. Goldust eliminates Cody to make up for the last two years but Reigns gets rid of Goldust a second later. That leaves the Shield alone with Punk but Sheamus returns after being out six months with an injury at #17.

El Torito is in at #20, giving us Punk, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Sheamus, Miz, Fandango and Torito. Of course the bull cleans house until Punk stands up. Punk grabs him by the head but takes a headscissors, only to have Fandango run Torito over. The referee checks on Punk as Torito dropkicks Fandango out. Reigns catches Torito with ease and dumps him out for his sixth elimination. Punk gets back up as Cesaro is in at #21. He immediately starts swinging Miz but Shield breaks up a Swing attempt on Punk. Instead Rollins gets swung a ridiculous THIRTY TIMES. Luke Harper is in at #22 as Reigns spears Cesaro down.

Rollins and Cesaro slug it out until Jey Uso is in at #23. The brawling slows down a bit now and JBL is in at #24. Cole: “The JBL character has never entered the Royal Rumble.” Good grief. JBL wears his full suit into the ring but asks Cole to go get his jacket, allowing Reigns to dump him out. Fans: “YOU STILL GOT IT!” Erick Rowan is in at #25 as JBL tries to talk about ANYTHING but being in the Rumble. Rowan kicks Miz out to clear things up a bit but everything slows back down again.

Harper tosses Jey Uso but the Wyatts turn around to see the Shield. Ryback is in at #26 and goes right for Cesaro as the fans chant Goldberg. Alberto Del Rio gets lucky #27 and things slow down yet again. Batista is in at #28 and the fans just rip him apart. He quickly dumps Rowan and has a staredown with Ryback before dumping him as well. Del Rio, the man who has been going after Batista since he returned, superkicks him down but gets lifted into the air and dumped with ease.

Batista is booed out of the building as we see a highlight package ends the show.

Ratings Comparison

New Age Outlaws vs. Goldust/Cody Rhodes

Original: C

Redo: C

Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt


Redo: A

Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show

Original: N/A

Redo: N/A

John Cena vs. Randy Orton


Redo: B

Royal Rumble


Redo: D

Overall Rating


Redo: D+

Hokey smoke that’s quite the drop.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2014 (Original): Nope

IMG Credit: WWE

Royal Rumble 2014
Date: January 26, 2014
Location: Consol Energy Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jerry Lawler

Pre-Show: Tag Titles: New Age Outlaws vs. Cody Rhodes/Goldust

Cody and Goldust are defending and lost a non-title match to the Outlaws to set this up. Road Dogg starts with Cody and is taken down by a quick shoulder block. Back up and Roadie hits his shaky fist but has to duck the Disaster Kick. Gunn comes in off the tag but is quickly sent to the floor for a top rope clothesline as we take a break. Back with Road Dogg dropping a knee on Goldust for two and putting on a chinlock.

The opening video focuses on a countdown and how the Road to Wrestlemania begins tonight.

Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

The expert panel (HBK, Flair, Duggan) are impressed. Shawn seems fine after his fight with Bryan a few weeks ago.

Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show

WWE Title: Randy Orton vs. John Cena

Cena is destroyed as Orton bails. Bray hits Sister Abigail after shouting BEHOLD THE CREATORS OF THE NEW WORLD.

We even get old school Rumble promos!

Miz will do whatever it takes to headline Wrestlemania again.

The Usos say only one can win and go to Wrestlemania.

Langston is ready.

Fandango wants to go to the Big Dance.

Batista: “Exactly.”

Ryback says his unlimited energy takes him to Wrestlemania.

Royal Rumble

Sandow goes right for Punk as Rollins gets a breather. Punk gets double teamed but comes back with a neckbreaker to Rollins/DDT to Sandow combo to put both guys down. He tries to throw Rollins out but Sandow breaks it up. Cody Rhodes is in at #4, meaning people from earlier in the night can be in as well. He hits a quick Cross Rhodes on Damien but Seth prevents an elimination. Sandow charges at Punk and is backdropped out to get us back to three.

Everyone pairs off again but they all wind up in one corner. Punk has been down for a long time now but is likely just getting a breather. The clock is going very fast tonight as Fandango is in at #19. Shield swarms Sheamus as Fandango goes after Miz. Punk is still down in the corner. The fans want Daniel Bryan but get El Torito at #20. As in the little guy in the white bull costume.

The fans are not pleased as a lot of fireworks go off to end the show.

I’ll have more in depth thoughts and analysis on the Rumble tomorrow after it’s had a better chance to process.


Bray Wyatt b. Daniel Bryan – Sister Abigail

Brock Lesnar b. Big Show – F5

Randy Orton b. John Cena – RKO

Batista won the Royal Rumble, last eliminating Roman Reigns

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:


NWA Powerrr – January 21, 2020: You Gotta Believe

IMG Credit: National Wrestling Alliance

Date: January 21, 2020
Location: GPB Studios, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Stu Bennett, Joe Galli

It’s the season finale, meaning the last show before Saturday’s Hard Times event. I’m not sure what that is going to mean, but apparently this week’s show is going to be an extended hour and a half edition. Hopefully they use the extra time in a good way, and around here I think they actually will. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap sets up Nick Aldis vs. Ricky Morton for the World Title tonight.

Into The Fire.

Here’s Robert Gibson for a chat. He’s so happy to have helped his friend and partner get a World Title shot. Now go get it.

Tasha Steelz vs. Thunder Rosa

Steelz grabs a headlock to start but gets snapmared down and kicked in the back of the head. Rosa kicks her in the corner and chokes a bit with the boot, setting up a quick dragon sleeper. A hangman’s neckbreaker keeps Steelz in trouble but she gets a boot up in the corner. Steelz gets dropkicked out of the air though and a sitout Emerald Flosion finishes for Rosa at 2:52. This was just a step above a squash.

Post match Rosa says if you want to know what Melina’s problem is with her, ask Melina.

Nick Aldis is coming to see Marty Scurll in Baltimore and wants the NWA to come out in force. The tickets are free too.

Here are Royce Isaacs and Mae Valentine for a chat. Royce talks about Strictly Business being on fire but it’s pointed out that he is on a personal losing streak. That doesn’t sit well with Royce, who says his stock is going up. Galli lists off all of Royce’s losses and points out that the losses started when Valentine debuted. That’s not cool with Valentine and we’re done.

Let Austin Idol teach you how to get heat!

TV Title Tournament Qualifier: Thom Latimer vs. Trevor Murdoch

Latimer stomps away to start in a hurry to put Murdoch on the floor early on. Murdoch gets sent face first into the apron and a rake to the back makes it even worse. Back in and Latimer hits a powerbomb for two but a missed charge in the corner lets Murdoch grab a rollup (with trunks) for the pin at 2:31. That was his only offense for the match.

We recap Melina vs. Allysin Kay. Melina is a star but Kay is the defending Women’s Champion so it’s classic vs. modern.

Melina and Kay are at the interview desk with Melina wanting to make amends. Kay isn’t convinced and tells her to spit it out so Melina tells her to f****** listen. Melina has an idea for a match and Kay is ready to go. Hold on though as it isn’t against Melina, because Kay has to face Thunder Rosa at the pay per view. For now though, it’s a No DQ match with Kay facing….someone.

Allysin Kay vs. Marti Belle

Non-title and No DQ. It’s a brawl to start with Marti hammering away in the corner but getting knocked outside in a hurry. They slug it out on the floor until Marti flapjacks her onto the steps. Kay can’t get a chair as Belle kicks her away and puts on something like a camel clutch with Kay’s neck through the chair. That’s broken up and Belle’s knee hits the chair so Kay can slug away and take the fight into the crowd. Back in and Kay hits the AK47 onto the chair for the pin at 4:48.

Rating: C-. It was short but intense with Kay getting to showcase herself a bit more than usual. It’s almost weird that the Women’s Champion gets so little exposure but a showdown with Melina is the best thing for everyone involved. Odds are Melina wins the title, as they could have someone take it from her for a big rub. Either way, not a bad match here, with Belle getting to shine a bit.

Video on Nick Aldis vs. Ricky Morton. It’s so weird to say that in 2020. Or ever for that matter.

Buy the VHS guide to spiritual….something.

Here are the Pope and Eddie Kingston for a chat. Pope isn’t to blame for last week’s loss because he’ll help you if he can. People have been asking what his endgame is but he is still looking for his Super Powers and his Horsemen, and then you’ll see where this is going. Kingston says last week’s match shouldn’t have happened but Pope pushed them a bit too hard. They needed their victory last week but they learn instead of lose.

Kyle Davis replaces Galli on commentary. Was this taped out of order or something?

Here’s Aron Stevens for a ka-ra-tae demonstration, brought to you by the Mongrobian Ka-Ra-Tae Association. He brings out the Question Mark, but insists that he is NOT a mark! First, we face Mongrobia and bow, followed by Mark demonstrating a few chops. Now it’s some strikes to a masked man, followed by an explanation of how to disarm a man with a gun (or a finger gun).

But what if someone is carrying, say, a spatula? As I long for a squeegee joke, Mark demonstrates how to steal mace and use it on your attacker. Now we see two attackers taken out at once, which is why Mongrobia doesn’t need a nuclear program. Mark is ready to break some Mongrobian oak, but Stevens wants to do it himself so he can earn his fourth degree black belt.

Stevens needs to breathe a bit….but one of the masked men hits him with the board and unmasks as…..Ricky Starks for a good payoff. Speaking of payoffs, if you want to know Mongrobian secrets like these, it’s just 99.99 a month to learn why Mongrobia has been a free nation for thousands of years. This was rather entertaining as these two continue to be some of the most entertaining people in the NWA.

Buy Tony Falk’s tire irons! And have a waffle while you’re at it!

Gauntlet Match

The winner is the final entrant in the TV Title tournament. This is basically an eight man Royal Rumble and you can be eliminated by pinfall, submission or being thrown over the top. CW Anderson is in at #1 and Caleb Konley is in at #2. Feeling out process to start with neither being able to get anywhere until Konley takes him down by the arm. That’s broken up and we’re at another standoff.

Jocephus is in at #3 and is eliminated in about six seconds. Anderson clotheslines Konley for two but gets caught in a sitout ProtoBomb into a half crab. Colt Cabana is in at #4 as the intervals are all over the place. Cabana beats both of them up in a hurry, including a reverse Rings of Saturn to Konley. Anderson breaks that up and stomps on Cabana as Dave Dawson is in at #5. Splashes abound and it’s turning into more of a regular battle royal. Everyone is knocked down and it’s Aron Stevens at #6.

Stevens gets in, looks around, goes to the floor and crawls underneath the ring, Cue Zicky Dice to say he’s undefeated everyone around here and won’t be wrestling here because he’s already qualified. With that out of the way, Sal Rinauro is in at #7 to clean some house until Dawson dropkicks him for two. Everyone gangs up on Dawson though and Konley’s moonsault gets rid of him to clear the ring a bit. Ken Anderson is in at #8, giving us a final field of CW Anderson, Konley, Cabana, Stevens (under the ring), Rinauro and Ken Anderson.

Ken gets to clean house, including the Mic Check to eliminate Rinauro. Cabana and Ken get together to take over, which means it’s another Mic Check to get rid of Konley. CW hits Ken with a spinebuster but it’s the Superman Pin to finish CW off. Cabana and Ken are ready to go at it but cue the Question Mark as Stevens gets back in. Mark Mongrobian Spikes Stevens by mistake though and Stevens is paralyzed, allowing Cabana and Ken to throw him out. A handshake lets Ken roll Cabana up for the win at 12:35.

Rating: C. This worked well enough, mainly due to the battle royal setup instead of just a regular gauntlet. Ken getting the win is a good way to go as he’s one of the bigger stars around here. I could go for he and Cabana having a feud as neither exactly has anything better to do. If nothing else, you can probably bet on Cabana costing Ken his tournament match and that’s fine.

Post match Ken shakes Cabana’s hand….but hits him low and grabs another Mic Check. That’s not it though as Cabana gets posted for the knockout.

Hard Times video.

Eli Drake and James Storm are here to see Ricky Morton win the World Title. Storm is a tag team wrestler because of Morton and tonight Morton is like Dale Earnhardt. We even get a prayer for Morton to win the World Title tonight. Drake is fired up too and this helped things a bit.

It’s time for the Hard Times Control Center.

The final two spots in the TV Title tournament will be Matt Cross and Ring of Honor’s Dan Maff.

Maff wanted to be on the list of great NWA TV Champions.

Flip Gordon is ready for Nick Aldis at Hard Times because Marty Scurll has made him a new man.

New stipulation on the main event: if Morton wins, he is defending at Hard Times. If Aldis wins, the Rock N Roll Express have to defend in a triple threat match against the Wild Cards and Eli Drake/James Storm.

One more thing: Aron Stevens defends the National Title against Scott Steiner. I think I need to see that one.

NWA World Title: Nick Aldis vs. Ricky Morton

Aldis is defending and Billy Corgan is on commentary to make it special. Robert Gibson and Strictly Business are all at ringside for a bonus. Hold on though as Corgan tells Bennett something. Bennett says everyone has to leave ringside so it can be one on one. Aldis bails to the floor to start and it’s over a minute before they lock up for the first time. That goes nowhere so they circle each other a bit and lock up again, giving us another standoff.

Morton works on a headlock and manages to get Aldis on the mat for a change. Back up and a chop sends Aldis into the corner so it’s time for Aldis to start hammering away. Aldis goes for the arm so Morton elbows him in the face as they’re keeping it in first (or maybe second) gear so far. Some right hands in the corner send Aldis to the floor again but he rakes the eyes to get a breather.

Morton gets posted and a hard whip sends him into the corner for a bonus. A headbutt puts Morton down but he punches Aldis out of the air. That just earns him another rake to the eyes but Morton slams him off the top (he did face Flair before). A hurricanrana sets up a Figure Four on Aldis but a rope is grabbed. Morton tries a small package so Aldis reverses into one of his own and grabs the tights for the pin at 11:00.

Rating: C+. I didn’t come into this exactly thrilled with the concept but by the end, I wanted to see Morton win the title. Maybe it would be just a nostalgia act, but that can be a lot of fun at times. Of course it wasn’t going to happen and wouldn’t have been a great idea, but they got me on board and that’s more than I would have expected.

We get a graphic from Villain Enterprises saying Hard Times are coming for Aldis.

We look at the Hard Times lineup one more time to end the show.

Roll Credits.

Overall Rating: C+. The point of this show was to make me want to see Hard Times more than I did coming in and that’s what they did. The show is looking pretty nice on paper and that’s more than I would have bet on coming in. Somehow the NWA is having an intriguing run as of late and I’m curious to see where it wins up. Just have a good Hard Times and we should be fine.


Thunder Rosa b. Tasha Steelz – Sitout Emerald Flosion

Trevor Murdoch b. Thom Latimer – Rollup with trunks

Allysin Kay b. Marti Belle – AK47 onto a chair

Ken Anderson won a gauntlet match last eliminating Colt Cabana

Nick Aldis b. Ricky Morton – Small package with tights

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at: