Dynamite – October 2, 2019 (Debut Episode): As Eliteish As You Can Get

IMG Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Date: October 2, 2019
Location: Capitol One Arena, Washington DC
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

We’re finally here. It almost feels weird to imagine that it’s actually happening but here we are. This is the debut episode of the much ballyhooed weekly series from AEW and the hype seems to be real. The show is going head to head live with NXT as the Wednesday Night Wars begin. I’m actually excited for this so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

The announcers welcome us to the show.

We get some clips from last night’s Countdown show to hype up Cody vs. Sammy Guevara, which will be the first match in the history of the show.

Cody vs. Sammy Guevara

Brandi is here with Cody and that is a lot of pyro. Feeling out process to start with Sammy’s speed giving Cody some issues. A trip to the floor lets Cody have a breather and it’s back in for an armbar from Sammy. That’s broken up as Cody powerslams him down and slaps on the Figure Four so we can hit the WOOing. Sammy makes the rope so Cody kicks him down again and does some pushups, setting up a springboard cutter/Stunner for two. Sammy is right back with a slingshot cutter for two of his own.

Cody sends him outside as well though and nails a suicide dive….which hits both Brandi and Sammy. Thankfully Brandi isn’t knocked cold and gets in a shoe to Sammy’s head, setting up Cody’s Disaster Kick for two. To mix it up a bit, Cody takes it to the top rope for a reverse superplex for two more. They head up again with Sammy hitting a super Spanish Fly, only to have a shooting star hit raised knees so Cody can small package him for the pin at 11:52.

Rating: C+. They were clearly jazzed to be on a big show and you knew Cody was winning here to set up his World Title shot at the next pay per view. The spots were good here and Sammy was fine for a villain here. They didn’t need to do anything more than get through a fast paced match here and that’s what they did. Nice first match with Cody playing the face role well.

Post match Cody has something to say but Sammy stops him for a tense handshake. Cue Jericho to jump him from behind and hit a Codebreaker as we take a break, albeit going split screen with Jericho beating him up even more during the commercial. Back with Jericho powerbombing him through some open chairs to really bang up the spine. Jericho declares himself the champion before leaving.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Brandon Cutler

Friedman has a mic on the way to the ring and insults the poor looking crowd, along with Cutler, who looks like a Dungeons and Dragon fan who got lost and needs to be back in his seat. We hear about Cutler being a big Dungeons and Dragons fan, with JR cutting the other two off as Cutler slaps Friedman in the face.

A shot to the throat gets Friedman out of trouble and he works on the arm while demanding Cutler tell his family that he’s a bum. Cutler gets fired up and sends him outside for a suicide dive but comes up favoring his knee. Back in and the knee doesn’t seem to be working so Friedman grabs his Fujiwara armbar for the tap at 2:45. That felt like a very sudden ending so maybe the injury was legit.

Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes (as Jay and Silent Bob) are here to hype up their new movie, featuring Chris Jericho. Cue Angelico and Jack Evans to yell, so Jay makes fun of them for not being able to win a match. Private Party shows up with drinks for some laughter.

SCU is in Washington DC to announce that they will be in the tournament, with Scorpio Sky impersonating Barack Obama.

In the arena, SCU announces that it will be Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian representing the team in the tournament. Cue the Lucha Bros to say they’re the best team in the world, with Pentagon spitting water in Daniels’ face. The fight is on but security quickly breaks it up.

Pac vs. Adam Page

Make up match after Pac’s contractual issues over the summer. Joined in progress with JR promising a picture in picture commercial break next time. Pac slides back in and forearms away but a discus lariat turns him inside out. They head outside with Pac being sent into the barricade, followed by a fall away slam into a running shooting star press back inside. Pac is fine enough to knock him back to the floor for an Asai moonsault and Page’s head bangs off the ramp.

Page is a bit rocked as Pac puts him on top, only to elbow Pac in the face. A super fall away slam sets up a slam into a reverse flapjack (that’s a new one) for two. Pac whips him shoulder first into the post though and we take a break. Back with Page in trouble and Pac shouting a lot before walking into a spinebuster. Page gets two off a powerbomb but Pac kicks him low. The Red Arrow hits Page in the back and the Brutalizer is good for the knockout win at 13:00.

Rating: B-. I’m a little surprised by the result here as Page seems to have had the plug pulled out from underneath him. Pac is certainly a star and someone who could be a huge deal around here, though I didn’t think it would be at the expense of Page. It wasn’t clean though and a rematch wouldn’t shock me, nor would it annoy me in the slightest.

Women’s Title: Nyla Rose vs. Riho

For the inaugural title and Britt Baker is on commentary. After the Big Match Intros, Riho starts with some dropkicks but gets shouldered down without much impact. Riho knocks her down again and tries a double stomp to the back but Rose just sits up for the block. The STF goes on for a bit until Riho makes the rope to save herself. A running knee sends Rose outside but she’s fine enough to send Riho into the barricade.

The ref takes a chair away so Rose sends her into the barricade again and pulls out a bunch of chairs. She puts Riho on those chairs but the middle rope dive only hits the steel, allowing Riho to hit a double stomp off the apron. Another double stomp sets up a Bank Statement inside and we take a break.

Back with Riho in trouble and making the mistake of trying a backdrop. Some forearms are cut off by a kick to the face but Riho slips out of a powerbomb. A rollup gets a very close two and the fans aren’t pleased by the kickout. Rose’s Death Valley Driver gets two more and she goes up top, only to get caught with even more forearms. A northern lights superplex gives Riho two so she knees Riho in the face for the pin and the title at 13:27.

Rating: C+. Yeah I can’t say I’m surprised. The tiny newcomer beats the seemingly unstoppable monster in your metaphor of the night. The problem with Riho continues to be that her whole character is that she’s small. Rose continues to lose far more often than she should and that was the case here as well. The crowd got into it though and those near falls were quite good at times. Fine match, but it’s going to take some time to get into Riho.

Post match Michael Nakazawa comes in for the interview in Japanese but Rose comes in to jump them both and powerbomb Nakazawa. A Death Valley Driver on the apron is broken up but Kenny Omega makes the save.

Elite vs. Chris Jericho/Santana/Ortiz

Omega runs back to the stage for his entrance despite the lack of a commercial. Jericho starts against Omega but tags out to Santana before anything happens in an old but classic move. Omega kicks Santana’s knee out and tries his running Fameasser but has to settle for a bulldog as he overshoots it a bit. Jericho comes in for the chops and the Bucks have to break up the Walls with some superkicks.

Back with the Bucks in trouble and Santana/Ortiz hitting their assortment of splashes. Jericho misses the Lionsault to Nick but Ortiz breaks up the hot tag attempt. A cutter out of the corner sets up some rolling northern lights suplexes and the hot tag brings in Nick to clean house. Everything breaks down and it’s Matt taking a springboard Cannonball in the corner. The Judas Effect gives Jericho the pin at 13:20.

Rating: C. The Omega deal took things down a bit here and it felt like it just came and went. It was a good choice for a first main event as it showcased Santana and Ortiz and it’s not like losing to the World Champion is a bad thing. What we got here was good enough and it gave us a fine enough main event, even if the big angle came a bit early.

Post match the big brawl is on with Cody coming in for the save. Sammy Guevara comes in to kick him low so Dustin Rhodes is out for the save. Cue the debuting Jake Hager (Jack Swagger) to wreck Cody, Dustin and the Bucks. That means a WE THE PEOPLE chant as the villains stand tall together. A table is brought in and Dustin gets powerbombed onto (not through) it for the big OOH from the crowd. The Judas Effect leaves Cody laying to end the show. They did get the timing right to wrap it up this time around.

Overall Rating: B. The wrestling wasn’t what mattered here. The point of this was everything working well enough and the presentation feeling big overall. Everything looked great here and it felt like a WWE level show. There are a lot of things to work on still, but what we got was rather good. I want to see where things are going in the future and that’s a great sign for a first night.

That’s what matters the most here: it was the first night and the show worked well. Nothing was bad and they had a big moment with the title change. Nothing blew me away, which is actually a silver lining in a way. If you start with your biggest, best show ever, where can you go from there? They have room to improve, but what matters most is to keep things going. Very good start, now keep doing it and make it better.


Cody b. Sammy Guevara – Small package

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Brandon Cutler – Fujiwara armbar

Pac b. Adam Page – Brutalizer

Riho b. Nyla Rose – Running knee to the face

Chris Jericho/Santana/Ortiz b. Kenny Omega/Young Bucks

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Impact Wrestling – September 27, 2019: Wedding And Shenanigans Time!

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 27, 2019
Location: Sam’s Town Hotel And Gaming Hall, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Don Callis, Josh Matthews

It’s time for a wedding! We’re in Las Vegas and that means we need to do something big, which may or may not work out very well. I mean, it’s a wrestling wedding so I wouldn’t expect it to go well but you never know. It’s a big night for Brian Cage and Melissa Santos so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at Brian and Melissa’s relationship, which is just so well documented around here. I mean, it’s known outside of Impact but it’s not something that has been focused on around here.

We have a special correspondent and GAIL KIM is the first guest. She’s excited to be here, believe it or not.

Here’s the North, in LAX gear and to LAX music. Ethan Page talks about how the fans were expecting something else. They came out here looking like idiots and fans cheered for them anyway. Josh Alexander talks about how this is a serious place and sacred ground but the fans are making him sick.

They are the Tag Team Champions and they’ll make you forget who LAX was. You CANNOT have LAX back so stop talking online about how much you miss them. Konnan doesn’t have the power to overturn the North so here’s Konnan to interrupt. He rants about how stupid they are but has some new people to come after the titles. Cue Rhino and Rob Van Dam so let’s ring the bell.

Rob Van Dam/Rhino vs. The North

Non-title I believe. The champs get sent outside and we take an early break. Back with Van Dam monkey flipping Alexander and hitting Rolling Thunder for two. It’s off to Rhino to punch Page in the corner and run him over with a shoulder. Van Dam comes back in and gets taken into the champs’ corner with Alexander hitting a suplex for two of his own. Some right hands and a kick to the face get Rob out of trouble and Rhino comes back in for the running shoulders in the corner. Everything breaks down and Rhino runs Alexander over, setting up the Five Star for the pin at 6:42.

Rating: D+. There’s your Bound For Glory title match and as long as the titles don’t change hands (which they shouldn’t), everything is fine coming out of this. The ECW guys are going to be around no matter what and hopefully we still get what should be Willie Mack and Rich Swann’s spot at the pay per view. A triple threat makes sense here, at least after this match.

Impact moves to AXS TV on October 1….for some specials, with the real show beginning on October 29 but close enough.

Gama Singh yells at the Desi Hit Squad and praises Mahabali Shera as the savior of the team.

Mahabali Shera vs. Cousin Jake

Jake swings away to start but gets knocked down and chokes a lot. Shera misses a charge in the corner so Jake throws a running shoulder into the corner, only to have Shera come right back with a World’s Strongest Slam for the pin at 2:34.

Post match the beatdown continues as this feud must continue.

TJP and Fallah Bahh argue about their wedding attires. Eddie seems drunk.

Madison Rayne vs. Tenille Dashwood

They fight over a wristlock as the announcers argue over how many times Rayne has been Knockouts Champion. Rayne takes her down and brags a lot, earning herself a basement dropkick. They slug it out on the floor with Dashwood kicking her in the face, only to miss a charge into the corner back inside.

Rayne tells a fan to “shut up old lady” and grabs the chinlock to keep things slow. Back up and a cutter gives Rayne two but another missed charge lets Dashwood hit the Taste of Tenille. The Spotlight Kick misses so it’s a neckbreaker for Rayne instead, setting up the Spotlight Kick to give Dashwood the pin at 8:12.

Rating: D+. Nothing to see here with Dashwood winning a match that she was almost guaranteed to win. Rayne is fine as a midcard heel and the Locker Room Leader deal is growing on me a little bit. They need someone to go after the title though and Dashwood would seem to be the best option.

Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes arrive at the wedding and are greeted by Rich Swann and Willie Mack. A discussion over the Tag Team Title shot at Bound For Glory ensues.

Dashwood gets the Knockouts Title shot at Bound For Glory. As she should…..I think.

Here’s Ken Shamrock (looking rather aged) for his big return. He has some great memories of being in this ring and he thanks the fans for their support. Shamrock was talking to Brian Cage when Moose interrupted and bragged about all of his skills, but Ken isn’t impressed. Now Moose isn’t here, meaning his whereabouts are like his resume: NOTHING. We get the call out but Moose comes up on screen from Shamrock’s gym. Some yelling ensues and Moose beats up a guy in a cage. This is totally different than when he did the same thing at the American Top Team gym when he was feuding with Bobby Lashley.

Taya Valkyrie asks Rosemary for help against Dashwood but doesn’t like Taya’s whining attitude. Until the old Taya is back, Rosemary will be no help. Taya even offers her a dress, which is thrown onto the floor.

Bound For Glory rundown.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Eric Young marries ODB.

OVE is not allowed into the reception.

Tommy Dreamer gives Brian Cage a pep talk about the wedding when Cage’s brother Ryan comes in. Dreamer finds his rather normal appearance amusing.

Rayne coaches the bridal party on how to walk down the aisle. Taya comes in and says she needs help with Dashwood.

Tessa Blanchard vs. Dave Crist

Jake Crist and Madman Fulton are here too and the winner goes on to an X-Division Title ladder match at Bound For Glory. Tessa hammers away to start so Dave kicks at the leg to no avail. A trip to the floor lets Fulton choke Tessa a bit, which is good for a quick ejection. Back in and Dave chokes in the corner and hits her in the back of the head, allowing Jake to get in his own choking. Tessa rolls him up for two but gets caught in something like a Go To Sleep for the same. A missed double stomp out of the corner misses as well and Tessa grabs the buzzsaw DDT for the pin at 6:20.

Rating: C-. The interference got annoying but it’s nice to see Tessa get the pin off a move instead of a fluke rollup. There is little to no reason to not put the X-Division Title on her at Bound For Glory now that her World Title chances are done. It might not be the coolest moment in the world but it’s a big deal and another step forward now that she has nothing left to do in the Knockouts diviison.

Post match Fulton is back in for a chokeslam.

Rayne tells Alisha Edwards to keep a better eye on her husband so Ace Austin can escort her at the wedding.

It’s time for the wedding with the Rascalz coughing a lot and the Deaners hitting on Jessika Havok. Rohit Raju is crying and Gama Singh has to glare at him to break it up. Taya glares at Rosemary for not wearing the dress she brought her but gets told to keep walking. In something that absolutely shouldn’t surprise me, Dreamer walks Melissa down the aisle.

Ryan is officiating the ceremony but hang on as Taya needs to brag about everything she has done. Ethan Page has objections….to how the company is run and wants royalty money. Eddie Edwards staggers in and vomits on Ryan before trying to beat up Austin. Dreamer asks if anyone can run the wedding. Cue James Mitchell to say you asked for a minister. He goes through their vows, gives Melissa his card just in case, and pronounces them man and wife. The reception is in the ring. Dreamer: “Right after this commercial break.”

Overall Rating: C-. The big angle at the end helped a lot and felt like a big deal, which is really the first time that has happened in a long time. That’s been the biggest problem for Impact for a long while now: nothing they do feels like it matters and it needs to change in their busy season. Maybe the move to AXS can help, but there are some things holding them back, with some of their roster being near the top of the list. Not a bad show, but it needs more of the latter than the first half.


Rhino/Rob Van Dam b. The North – Five Star Frog Splash to Alexander

Mahabali Shera b. Cousin Jake – World’s Strongest Slam

Tenille Dashwood b. Madison Rayne – Spotlight Kick

Tessa Blanchard b. Dave Crist – Hammerlock DDT

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


New Column: In Other News – Big Week Edition

What else is going under the radar during the biggest week in eighteen years?


Monday Night Raw – May 2, 2005 (2019 Redo): My Favorite Match

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 2, 2005
Location: FleetCenter, Boston, Massachusetts
Attendance: 6,500
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In the back, Batista is hitting on a rather receptive Christy Hemme when Eric Bischoff interrupts. We’re going to have a tournament for the #1 contendership to the World Title and he even has a name for it: the Gold Rush Tournament. No one will know who they are facing until the music hits. As for tonight, Batista can have the night off. Christy smiles but Batista wants to have a match tonight. He hints at wanting to face Bischoff, who screams at the thought. Batista laughs, because he’s an animal with a sense of humor.

Opening sequence.

Gold Rush Tournament First Round: Christian vs. Kane

Christian has Tomko with him so Kane counters with a limping Lita. One heck of a shove sends Christian to the floor and a big boot makes it even worse. Kane follows him but gets drop toeholded into the steps to give Christian a breather. A crossbody off the steps gives Christian two back inside, though it just seems to annoy Kane even more.

The reverse DDT gets two with Kane launching him off for the kickout. Christian’s raised boot in the corner earns him an attempted chokeslam but Christian escapes into a sleeper. That’s reversed into a side slam but Christian gets smart by going to the eye. Tomko gets on the apron so Kane sends them into each other, setting up the chokeslam for the pin.

Rating: D+. Well so much for Christian being ready for the monster push. They seemed interested in going somewhere with him and then he loses to Kane in less than five minutes. There was no one else they could put into that spot? Or have Kane win by countout or something? Why give Christian pay per view time last night if this is what you have planned for him the next night?

Post match Tomko jumps Kane and gets beaten down as well.

Post break, Christian runs into Ric Flair in the back. Ric mocks him for losing and “raps” that HHH is winning the tournament.

We get part of the opening video from last night’s show, focusing on the fans demanding ONE MORE MATCH from Hogan.

Here are Muhammad Hassan and Daivari for a chat. Daivari rants a bit before handing the mic to Hassan, who will not allow this injustice to continue. He is undefeated from Raw and yet he is still left out of the Gold Rush Tournament. It’s prejudice, but it’s also Daivari’s fault. Daivari took the fall last night and that isn’t cool, so Hassan beats him up. Hassan leaves and Daivari nearly crawls after him. Daivari is better in the ring and the rants are always energetic but these two need some rebuilding.

Here’s Viscera for a chat before his match. Last night he showed how physical he can be and his hunger for love. That brings him to Lilian Garcia, because he is a big man who likes to eat spicy. Lilian is a spicy Latina so Viscera wants to go south of the border tonight. Cue Simon Dean to interrupt to say women don’t want men who are this out of shape. Dean calls himself a Greek god but everyone here in Boston is fat. Those are fighting words.

Simon Dean vs. Viscera

Viscera throws him around to start and hits a splash to break Simon out of the Tree of Woe. An elbow misses so Dean goes up, only to get chokeslammed out of the air, setting up the splash for the pin.

Post match Viscera tells Lilian that he’s back on the market. The BLACK market.

Stacy Keibler and Candice Michelle oogle Stacy in Stuff Magazine, as good looking women tend to do. Bischoff comes up and likes the pictures before heading to his office. HHH is waiting on him and rants about the tournament, because he had Batista beaten last night. If we have to have a tournament, HHH better be in the thing. Bischoff can tell Batista that he is on borrowed time.

Shelton Benjamin isn’t worried about who he has to face because that’s what a champ does. Chris Jericho comes in to stare at the title but respect is shown. They’re both in the tournament and wouldn’t mind facing each other.

We get a quick graphic acknowledging the passing of Chris Candido. That’s better than they have done on some occasions.

We look back at Kane beating Christian.

Gold Rush Tournament First Round: Shelton Benjamin vs. Shawn Michaels

Non-title and this is a special one. Shelton’s taken back look when Shawn’s face is great as he didn’t expect something like this. JR loses it because this is going to be awesome, and yeah it’s almost impossible for it not to be. Shawn tries to wrestle him to the mat and finds out that’s not a good idea, meaning it’s straight to the ropes for a break. A hammerlock works a bit but Shawn tries taking him down again for the exact same result. You can see the look of “well that didn’t work” on Shawn’s face, though the fans are still completely behind him.

A headlock takeover works a bit better but Shelton is right back up with some armdrags for the early standoff. Shelton headlocks him down for a change, with Shawn trying some rollups to keep things from getting dull (so many people forget to do that). Back up and Shawn goes with a forearm to the head for the first real offense but it’s a Cactus Clothesline to put them both on the floor. Shawn gets the worst of it and we take a break with him still down.

Back from a break with Shelton reversing a belly to back superplex into a crossbody (a little better than coming back in a chinlock) to put them both down again. A Samoan drop gives Shelton a bit of an advantage but he can’t get back up. Some running clotheslines have Shawn in trouble and a backbreaker gives Shelton two. Shawn comes back with the forearm into the nipup but Shelton does a faster one of his own, giving us a great “YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!” look.

Some elbows break up the exploder and tries Sweet Chin Music but walks into the Dragon Whip (and a great one at that) for two. Shawn knocks him off the top and drops the elbow but can’t cover. Instead he pulls himself up and tries the superkick again with Shelton blocking this one with a high kick to the head. Just to show off, Shelton jumps from the mat to the top for a spinning clothesline and another two. Back up and Shawn sends him to the apron so Shelton tries a springboard…..to this day I have no idea what he was going for but it’s superkicked out of the air for the highlight reel moment and the pin.

Rating: A-. This is my all time favorite match and there are a few different reasons. Starting with what you can see in front of you, these guys were tearing it up for about fifteen minutes with Shelton being a different level of athlete but Shawn hanging in there until he caught Shelton trying for one big move too many and finishing him. Shelton’s athleticism was on full display here (that jump to the top for the clothesline was nuts) and it’s not like you lose much when you get pinned clean by Shawn after an instant classic. Outstanding match and well worth seeing if you haven’t, or again if you have.

The other reason this match means so much to me is it served as a big step forward in my wrestling fandom. For years I had heard about the concepts of psychology and storytelling in matches but they never really clicked. I was watching this a few years after it aired and I thought it was like an older, smarter Shawn wrestling himself from ten years ago: the young, athletic phenom who would do these big things because he could rather than if it made sense.

It was like a light bulb went off over my head as it was the first time I understood the idea of telling a story with a match. I had never really gotten the concept but it started to make sense, which was something completely new for me. It helped me start looking for things like that in matches from them on and it made me into a different kind of fan. Not every match is going to have something that specific, but once it clicks like that, it can change everything for you. Anyway, great match, watch it if you have time.

Shawn shows some respect and it takes a good while for Shelton to get up.

Edge is asked why he’s in the tournament when he already has a guaranteed shot. He brings up beating Chris Benoit last night so now he’s the real toughest man in WWE. As for why he’s in the tournament, of course he wants two title matches, because not even Batista can beat him twice in a row. The interviewer brings up an important point: if Edge gets drafted to Smackdown, he loses his shot because it’s for the World Heavyweight Title. This seems to be news to Edge, but he’ll be champion anyway. Edge leaves and goes to hit on Lita and Victoria, who aren’t interested. This actually doesn’t get a big chant/gasp from the crowd.

Tag Team Titles: Hurricane/Rosey vs. La Resistance

Hurricane/Rosey are defending. Rosey shoves Grenier down to start but it’s a quick low bridging to take him outside. That means a posting for two back inside and the stomping is on again. Rosey gets beaten up in the corner for a bit but manages to elbow his way out of trouble. The rolling tag brings in the Hurricane to clean house, including a middle rope hurricanrana for two on Grenier. Conway gets sent outside and it’s a side slam/Eye of the Hurricane combination to finish Grenier and retain the titles.

Rating: D. Hurricane and Rosey aren’t great as champions but they’re better than just about anyone else who could be in the spot. La Resistance has run its course and while they’re still fine enough as midcard heels, we’ve covered everything that could be done with them and I’m glad that we seem to be moving on. The problem is who in the world are we supposed to move on to?

Smackdown Rebound.

Gold Rush Tournament First Round: Chris Jericho vs. Edge

Jericho goes after a wristlock to start but Edge powers out for a standoff. Slapping and chopping have Edge in trouble against the ropes and in the corner but he’s fine enough to shove Jericho off the top. A ram into the elbow and an elbow to the back give Edge two and a backbreaker is good for the same. Jericho gets in a flapjack for the double knockdown and the running shoulders keep Edge in trouble. The running enziguri gets two but Edge gets in a shot to the face, meaning it’s time to grab the briefcase.

Edge can’t bring himself to do it though and Jericho dropkicks him to the floor. That means a slingshot dive but Jericho wastes some time by pulling the pad off the barricade. Some fans call this boring but seem pleased when Edge’s spear hits buckle back inside. The Walls go on but Edge is too close to the rope. He’s also close to the briefcase, which bashes Jericho in the head. A missile dropkick and the spear finish Jericho.

Rating: C+. Jericho is in a bit of a funk at the moment as his matches are still good but he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere or doing anything important. Edge winning was the only choice here as he has a story with the potential to have two title matches at once. The briefcase works well as a signature weapon too.

Happy Birthday Rock! I’m sure you’ll be here soon!

Chris Masters, Masterlock Challenge ($4,000, a Curt Schilling Red Sox jersey and an autographed Tom Brady football), plant, Masters wins. Takes about six minutes.

Gold Rush Tournament First Round: HHH vs. Chris Benoit

Benoit chops away and wins a slugout, setting up the first suplex. HHH bails from the threat of a Crossface and whips Benoit chest first into the buckle. A hard clothesline to the back of the head has Benoit’s eyes bugging out in one of the most deeply disturbing images I can remember in a long time.

We take a break and come back with HHH getting frustrated and Benoit’s eyes still all buggy, though not as bad as they were before. Benoit shrugs off a knee to the head and chops away again but gets pulled into a sleeper. The suplex gets Benoit out of trouble and, after ducking a clothesline (meaning we don’t get the scary eyes again), rolls the German suplexes.

The Swan Dive connects for a delayed two and it’s time to beat up an invading Flair. We get a ref bump and it’s a low blow to Benoit, but here’s Batista (in gear after being in a suit earlier) to lay out HHH and Flair. Everyone is down (with Benoit’s eyes all over the place again) until Benoit slaps on the Sharpshooter for the (eventual) win.

Rating: C. The match was good enough but egads those eyes are hard to get out of your head. Even if you ignore what would be coming for Benoit, that was one of the creepiest things I’ve seen in wrestling for a good while. Benoit making HHH tap (or anyone making him tap for that matter) is almost hard to fathom but it’s nice for a HHH break, as short as it is guaranteed to be.

Here are the updated brackets:


Chris Benoit

Shawn Michaels


Overall Rating: B-. This was actually a heck of a show with wrestling up and down the card (though the quality varies) with the instant classic being more than enough to carry it a long way. As overloaded as WWE has been with tournaments lately, this is a chance to give Batista a fresh challenger and that could help him a lot at the moment. Now granted it still looks like he’s feuding with HHH, but I wouldn’t put too much worry into something like that. Rather good show, with one match taking it to a different level.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Thought Of The Day: Longevity Matters

On the eve of Dynamite’s Debut, keep something in mind.April 6, 1995: Monday Nitro has not debuted.

April 6, 1996: Monday Nitro isn’t much of a show and WCW is kind of a mess.

April 6, 1997: Monday Nitro hasn’t lost a night in the Monday Night Wars in about eight months and the WWF looks more confused than anything else.

April 6, 1998: Monday Nitro has beaten Monday Night Raw 82/83/84 weeks in a row (the number is harder to nail down than Goldberg’s winning streak).

April 6, 1999: Monday Nitro is turning into a disaster and things aren’t getting better.

April 6, 2000: Monday Nitro is a dumpster fire and the second worst show of the week, only after Thunder.

April 6, 2001: Monday Nitro is canceled and WCW is out of business.


The show, which beat Monday Night Raw for over a year and a half straight, came and went in less than six years.  I have no idea what Dynamite is going to do tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter what they do in their first week.  What matters is their 50th week, their 100th week and their 572nd week, and all points in between.  Don’t get excited or discouraged after one show and see where this goes in the long term, because tomorrow night is a page in a story, not the whole book.

Monday Night Raw – September 30, 2019: The Storytelling (Three) Hour(s)

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 30, 2019
Location: Talking Stick Resort Arena, Phoenix, Arizon
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin, Jerry Lawler

It’s time to start the biggest week in a very long time with the season premiere of Monday Night Raw. This show is completely stacked with the Universal Title on the line, Brock Lesnar making an appearance, the Tag Team Titles on the line and probably a lot more. We’re going to be in for a big night so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The music over the Then Now Forever music is different.

Opening sequence. I don’t remember the last time I saw one of these for Raw.

Pyro is back as well.

We open with a shot of the announcers and the new set, which looks like it curves up from the stage to the screen. It’s uh….big.

Here’s Rey Mysterio for a chat. He dedicates tonight’s title match to his son Dominick, in the front row. Before that can go anywhere though, here are Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman to interrupt. Heyman takes the mic but Rey takes it right back, earning himself a pair of F5’s. Brock isn’t done as he pulls Dominick over the barricade and drives him into the post.

Dominick gets a German suplex and Rey takes another F5 as Heyman looks terrified. Brock throws them both again, plus Fit Finlay (what a fight that would have been back in the day) and one more beating to Rey and Dominick each. Heyman is begging Brock to stop and even Brock looks like he knows he made a mistake.

During the break, Dominick was taken to the hospital as Rey cried a lot.

Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss

Hang on though as here’s Becky Lynch to join commentary. Bliss gets knocked to the floor to start and it’s already time for the trash talk from the ring. Becky gets on the table and yells back as we go split screen for a Gears of War ad. Back in a hurry with Becky still standing and taping her fists. An ambulance siren goes off in the arena, which I would assume would be Dominick’s ambulance leaving. Bliss slaps away but a DDT is broken up, leaving Banks to beg off. She calls for Bayley (not here) and the distraction lets her kick Bliss in the leg and grab a rollup for the pin at 4:25.

Rating: D+. Nothing to see here other than a nice hope of having the stories bleed between segments for a change. The ambulance leaving gives me some hope, as there is no logical reason to have everything come to a halt because another match starts up. The ending was a little odd as it seemed to focus more on the Tag Team Title stuff than the Raw Women’s Title on Sunday.

Post match Becky comes in for the fight but Banks bails into the crowd, where a fan has the most bugged out eyes.

The Rock is confirmed for Smackdown.

We look back at last week’s Firefly Fun House and Bray Wyatt attacking Braun Strowman, plus scaring Seth Rollins.

Rollins is disgusted by what Brock did, but he’s also not sure what to expect from the Fiend on Sunday. He isn’t going away quietly though and he’ll survive and prevail. As for tonight, Rey may not be able to get his title shot but there is one waiting on him when he gets back. The fans were promised a title match tonight though and that’s what they’re getting. Someone needs to stand up.

Tag Team Titles: Heavy Machinery vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

Roode and Ziggler are defending. Tucker runs Ziggler over to start and even busts out a dropkick for two. It’s off to Otis, with Tucker lifting Ziggler up for a suplex and handing him off to Otis in the air. The champs are in trouble as we take a break. Back with Ziggler neckbreakering Tucker for two and putting on the chinlock.

The comeback doesn’t last long as Roode grabs the spinebuster and hands it back to Ziggler. Tucker catapults Ziggler into the post though and the hot tag brings in Otis for some jiggling. The Caterpillar looks to set up the Compactor but Ziggler makes the save with the Zig Zag. Otis gets sent into the post and it’s the Glorious DDT to Tucker to retain the titles at 11:10.

Rating: C-. Roode and Ziggler are the most run of the mill heel champions and I have a bad feeling that they are going to be champions for a long time. The tag division is deep enough to give them some good challengers but this is what we’re stuck with due to reasons of Ziggler.

It’s time for MizTV with Miz offering condolences to Rey and his family. He can’t imagine what it would be like to have something like that happen to his child. As for tonight, he has two legends for his guests. That would be Hulk Hogan (with Jimmy Hart) and Ric Flair, with Ric not seemingly happy with Hogan. Ric complains about hearing Real American for thirty years. Hogan: “WOO!” Miz: “We’ve been hearing those even longer!”

Hogan brings out his captain in the form of Seth Rollins, but Flair has his own captain in Randy Orton. Randy wants Seth’s undivided attention so can he please crawl out of Hogan’s a** for a second. Randy to Flair: “Can I get a WOO?” They’ll be picking their teams together over the next few weeks but for now, let’s have a captain’s match. Flair was all over the place here and seemed a bit out of it, or at least rambling with some off the cuff comments.

Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton

I think this is non-title….and here’s King Corbin to interrupt. The bell never rings as Corbin and Orton double team Seth, including a scepter shot. Rusev of all people saves and I smell a tag match. Actually we don’t as Rusev clears the ring and we seem to have a second member for each team.

We see Dominick leaving in the ambulance earlier and Rey goes with him. There WILL be a Universal Title match tonight.

Rusev is asked about Lana but won’t talk about his problems at home. As for tonight, he helped Rollins so Rollins can help him. He wants the title shot tonight.

AOP talks about bringing for the violence and pain.

Viking Raiders vs. OC

It’s a brawl to start with Ivar getting taken into the OC corner for the beating from Gallows. A kick to the face and an elbow get two and a rake to Ivar’s face makes it even worse. Ivar fights up and shoves Gallows away for the tag to Erik so house can be cleaned. Back with a belly to back neckbreaker dropping Erick and the chinlock going on.

That’s broken up in short order and it’s back to Ivar for the big comeback. The German suplex/springboard clothesline gets two on Anderson with Gallows making a fast save. Everything breaks down as Lawler talks about Gallows being ugly. Ivar’s suicide dive takes out Anderson and it’s a powerbomb into a frog splash from Ivar for the pin at 10:28.

Rating: C. Perfectly nice hard hitting match here as the Raiders continue their roll. There is no reason to keep them away from the titles much longer and I think WWE is starting to get the idea. They have now beaten the OC twice in a row so the title scene almost has to be coming up soon enough.

Charly Caruso updates us about Rey and Dominick, who won’t be back tonight. A lot of people are calling what Brock did criminal, but here’s Cesaro to say he’s just upset that he didn’t get to beat up Dominick. Ricochet comes in to call him out for his actions and a match is made.

Cesaro vs. Ricochet

Ricochet starts fast but his headscissors is countered without much effort. A crossbody is as well but Ricochet slips out of a powerslam and monkey flips Cesaro over the top. The big flip dive connects but Cesaro uppercuts him down back inside. The Neuralizer is blocked and Cesaro goes shoulder first into the post. A springboard flip hurricanrana is enough to give Ricochet the pin at 2:24.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House. All of Bray’s friends are scared of something with Ramblin Rabbit actually being scared to death. Bray comes in and throws Rabbit away as everyone else talks about being scared of what happens when Seth fights the Fiend in the Cell. Even Bray is a little scared because the Cell is like a world without chocolate. Seth is going to be trapped in there with HIM, but don’t worry because HE will always protect the Fun House. He will come back no matter what, but Rollins might not be so fortunate. Bray is going to try and find Him so he can be nice to Rollins. Maniacal laughter ensues.

US Title: AJ Styles vs. Cedric Alexander

AJ is defending and goes right after him to start. A knee to the face puts AJ on the floor but he breaks up a suicide dive with a forearm to the face. Cedric avoids a charge to send AJ shoulder first into the post but a TKO over the top rope puts Alexander on the floor again. That means the slingshot forearm and we take a break. Back with Cedric getting two off of the springboard Downward Spiral.

A spinning elbow to the head looks to set up the Lumbar Check but AJ reverses into the reverse DDT for two more. Cedric nails the Michinoku Driver for another near fall but the Neuralizer is countered into a German suplex. A faceplant gives AJ his own two so Cedric is right back with another Lumbar Check attempt. This time it’s countered into the Styles Clash to retain the title at 9:45.

Rating: C-. They were botchier than usual here with some of the stuff not looking that crisp. I’m not sure what is next for either of them now, but Alexander would seem more likely to be in trouble. You can throw anyone at AJ because of the title, but what exactly is there for Cedric to do at the moment?

The Street Profits hype up their Tag Team Title shot on this week’s NXT, where they are coming for their belts. They talk about the Cell a bit with Ford freaking out over a mention of the Fiend’s name. See, if you mention his name three times, he appears. An old janitor told Ford about it, though Dawkins is more confused about Ford talking to a janitor.

Pay per view rundown….with no new matches announced. We’re less than six days away. A fourth match isn’t that much to ask for.

Natalya vs. Lacey Evans

Round three. Natalya slams her down to start and hits the basement dropkick but Lacey kicks the leg out. A head first swing into the steps has Natalya rocked and a swinging neckbreaker plants her again. The moonsault is broken up though as Natalya pulls her down by the leg and slaps away. The Sharpshooter doesn’t work for Natalya as Lacey kicks away and pokes her in the eye, setting up a rollup with tights for the pin at 4:00.

Rating: D+. And they’re done now. There wasn’t a need for a second of these matches and there is no need for a fourth. Lacey didn’t even win with the Sharpshooter to make things personal so I’m not sure what the point was in extending the feud. It’s good for Lacey to get a win, but it’s not like this was anything good in the first place.

Post match Lacey lays her out with the Woman’s Right.

John Cena is raising money for a veteran’s charity and until Veteran’s Day, he will match all donations up to $1 million.

We look at Lesnar destroying Rey and Dominick earlier.

Heyman says what Lesnar did was reckless and he apologizes to the Mysterio family. It’s really Vince McMahon’s fault though because he scheduled Brock for this show. There are a lot of wannabe tough guys in every sport and no one can do a thing about what Brock did tonight or what he’ll do on Friday. If you want to see history, watch on Friday when Lesnar becomes the new WWE Champion.

Maria Kanellis says Rusev isn’t the father of her baby because she has enough going on. She leaves and Sasha Banks comes in to say she can’t wait to make Becky suffer. Banks is one of two women to be in the Cell and no Man is winning her match.

A white limo arrives.

Raw World Title: Rusev vs. Seth Rollins

Rusev is challenging and gets a jobber entrance as Orton and Corbin are watching from the stage. Rollins tries to start fast but has to bail from the Accolade. The fall away slam starts working on the back as we take a break (with the Fiend appearing to say Let Me In). Back with Rollins fighting out of the bearhug and sending Rusev to the floor for the suicide dives. Rusev rolls through a high crossbody but Rollins rolls through his roll through for two.

Rusev kicks him in the head and gets two off a swinging release Rock Bottom. Rollins is back up with the Falcon Arrow for two but the Stomp misses. The springboard knee hits part of a superkick…..and here’s Bobby Lashley. He waves someone out though and here is…..Lana, as Rusev is crushed. Kissing ensues with Lana almost crawling on top of Lashley as Rusev just glares. There go the lights and the Fiend Mandible Claws Rollins in a no contest at 11:30.

Rating: D+. This was just a backdrop for the double angles and I’d rather they do that here than wasting what could have been a big match with Mysterio. Rusev not losing is a great sign and he has a feud set up instantly. I’m curious about the story behind the whole thing so at least they have something going on already.

Laughter ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. It was a VERY story heavy show this week, which is what it should have been. That’s a good sign as, again, the wrestling isn’t the point of a show like this. They did enough stuff to make me want to see where a lot of it is going, though Sunday is sacrificed for another night. I’m sure they’ll announce some matches during the week, but it’s not like this Sunday feels like anything important in the slightest. Tonight was good overall though and I want to see where things are going.


Sasha Banks b. Alexa Bliss – Rollup

Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler b. Heavy Machinery – Glorious DDT to Tucker

Viking Raiders b. OC – Frog splash to Gallows

Ricochet b. Cesaro – Springboard flip hurricanrana

AJ Styles b. Cedric Alexander – Styles Clash

Lacey Evans b. Natalya – Rollup with a handful of tights

Seth Rollins vs. Rusev went to a no contest when the Fiend interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Main Event – September 26, 2019: The Nothing Before The Something

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: September 26, 2019
Location: Chase Center, San Francisco, California
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin, Mickie James

It’s the lamest of lame duck shows as we are less than a week away from everything changing (again). This is one of those rare weeks where both shows are in the same city, which doesn’t have anything to do with what to expect here but it’s not like there is anything else to talk about. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Titus O’Neil/Heath Slater vs. Eric Young/Mojo Rawley

Slater takes Rawley down to start but gets sent into the corner with raw power. A Young distraction lets Rawley blast him in the face though and it’s Young coming in to take over in the corner. That means it’s time for the chinlock from Rawley, which is broken up in short order. Titus comes in to clean house and catches (not really) Young off the middle rope for the Clash of the Titus (or more like a terrible spinebuster) for the pin at 3:54. How do you botch the ONE MOVE THAT YOU HAVE???

Rating: D-. The whole match had one big move with the Clash of the Titus and they managed to screw that up. Titus is someone who has earned all of the respect in the world for his charity work and positive attitude but my goodness he is not that good in the ring. I feel bad for Young (yes really) because he deserves better than what he is getting.

Hell in a Cell rundown as WWE tries to remember that the show exists.

We see the end of the fatal five way with Rey Mysterio becoming #1 contender to the Universal Title.

From Raw.

Seth Rollins vs. Braun Strowman

Non-title. Strowman starts fast by running Rollins over with the referee having to check on him. Rollins gets knocked to the floor in a heap and we take a break. Back with Rollins fighting out of a bearhug and dropkicking the knee. The Pedigree is easily broken up and Rollins bails to the floor.

For once Rollins is smart enough to avoid the charging Strowman by jumping over the barricade, though Strowman is fine enough to throw him down anyway. Back in and Strowman charges into some boots in the corner and then the post for a bonus. Seth wraps the leg around the post and hits a pair of frog splashes for two.

A suicide dive doesn’t knock Strowman down so Rollins hits a second to take him down. For some reason Rollins tries a third and stumbles a bit, allowing Strowman to chokeslam him onto the apron. The running powerslam hits on the floor so Strowman loads up another one in the ring….and there go the lights. They come back on with Strowman in the Fiend’s Mandible Claw for the DQ at 12:30.

Rating: C+. I liked what we got well enough and I’ll take Strowman winning via DQ and getting knocked out over Rollins pinning him again and taking away even more of Strowman’s status. The Fiend interference isn’t shocking but that doesn’t make it a bad idea, as taking out someone like Strowman is a little more impressive for him.

Post match Strowman is out as Rollins cowers in the corner, even screaming a bit as the Fiend crawls to him. Strowman gets up so Fiend claws him down again and glares a lot as the lights go out to end the show with more laughter.

Video on Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens.

Here are Shane McMahon and a bunch of lawyers to deal with Kevin Owens’ lawsuit. Now, Shane can fight this in court and use his resources to ruin Owens’ life. Or Owens can drop the lawsuit and be reinstated, with Shane getting rid of the $100,000 fine as well. Shane offers him a handshake but Owens calls him an idiot.

The idea of the lawsuit makes him sick because Owens wants Shane out of the locker room period. That’s what everyone has wanted for so long: seeing Shane get fired. Owens wants one final match: career vs. career and let’s make it a ladder match. For some reason Shane’s mic is cut off but he says you’re on. No date is given.

Zack Ryder vs. Cesaro

Cesaro is in regular pants again as Ryder fights out of a waistlock early on. The offer of a handshake earns Ryder a kick to the ribs but he’s right back with a flapjack. Cesaro sends him to the apron and then out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Ryder fighting out of a chinlock (well duh) so Cesaro drops an elbow to keep him down. That means another broken chinlock but Ryder fights up with a neckbreaker. The Broski Boot gets two but Cesaro uppercuts him out of the air for two more. A few rollups give Ryder a few twos of his own until a thumb to the eye sets up the Neuralizer to give Cesaro the pin at 8:11.

Rating: C-. This could have been a lot worse with Ryder working hard to make this work. There wasn’t any doubt about who was going to win because Ryder doesn’t win matches anywhere and Cesaro is only allowed to win nothing matches, but at least he was trying, which is more than some people do around here.

We look at Kofi Kingston accepting Brock Lesnar’s challenge for the FOX debut and getting laid out as a result.

Video on Erick Rowan and Luke Harper’s path of rage.

From Smackdown.

Daniel Bryan vs. Erick Rowan

Bryan goes right for him to start but gets knocked outside for a crossbody. Back in and Rowan hits a spinning kick to the face and we take an early break. We come back with Bryan getting powerbombed into the post and having to dive back inside to beat the count. A dropkick to the leg takes Rowan down though and Bryan wraps the knee around the post few times.

Another dropkick sends the knee into the post but Rowan is fine enough to catch him in something close to a Jackhammer for two. The bearhug works on Bryan’s back and a jackknife gets two more. We take another break and come back again with Bryan reversing a powerbomb attempt into a sunset flip for two and sending Bryan outside. The suicide dive is blocked so Bryan posts him instead, setting up the missile dropkick to the back.

It’s full on face mode Bryan as he kicks away to the shoulder and the big one actually connects to the head for once….and one. The Iron Claw is countered into a guillotine choke and then the LeBell Lock draws in Luke Harper for the distraction. Bryan dives onto him as well but Harper pops up, allowing Rowan to pull Bryan over the top with the Iron Claw, but Bryan’s foot gets tied in the rope for one of those accidents you can only get in wrestling. Everyone gets together to get Bryan out of the ropes so another Iron Claw can give Rowan he pin at 17:58.

Rating: C+. Rowan is getting a rather strong push at the moment and that’s something you don’t see very often. Sometimes you just need to do something new and pushing the Bludgeon Brothers as main event monsters is an idea that could go somewhere. I like what we’ve seen so far and the tag match should be pretty good.

Post match Harper and Rowan load up the table but it’s Roman Reigns coming out for the save. The brawl continues with Bryan getting back into it and hitting the running knee on Harper. Reigns spears Rowan down and the good guys stand tall. Bryan seems to have hurt his leg on the running knee (could be due to the rope thing) but slaps Reigns’ hand away as he tries to offer some help. Bryan grabs a mic and issues the challenge for the tag match, presumably for next week. The fans give that quite the YES.

Overall Rating: D+. Yeah there’s no hiding the fact that this week was all about setting up next week and that is fine enough. Next week is all going to be as big as it gets and there is no reason to really try anything as we get close to what matters. The wrestling was the usual fare and as usual, meant nothing here, but as unusual, nothing meant anything here and it’s another Main Event that served little purpose.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Ring of Honor TV – September 25, 2019: It Couldn’t Last Forever

IMG Credit: Ring Of Honor

Ring of Honor
Date: September 25, 2019
Location: Center Stage Theater, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman
Hosts: Ian Riccaboni, Quinn McKay

It’s the go home show for Death Before Dishonor and in this case that means very little. As usual, this company doesn’t tend to adhere to pay per view schedules, other than saying that the show is this weekend. Maybe the new format will help things out a bit. It’s not like they can get much worse. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We open with a clip of Lifeblood vs. Villain Enterprises in Atlanta with a bloody PCO having his face censored. Not that it mattered as King got the pin with a Gonso Bomb.

Beer City Bruiser vs. Vinny Marseglia

Fallout from Marseglia burning Bruiser with a cigar. Marseglia jumps him at the bell and the fight is on in a hurry, as it should be. Bruiser comes back with a whip into the barricade but misses the Cannonball off the apron for a crash. That’s fine with Bruiser, who comes right back with a dive off the barricade to crush security but not Marseglia.

Back from a break with Bruiser missing a Vader Bomb so Marseglia kicks him in the head to take over. Something close to a Swanton gives Marseglia two and frustration sets in. We get the I CAN’T BITE spot, followed by the Beer City DDT for two. Somehow Marseglia gets the turnbuckle pad off and Bruiser goes face first into the steel, setting up a Dudley Dog for the pin at 7:34.

Rating: C-. Bruiser is someone who has no business being good but has enough charisma to make up for all of his limitations. I’m not sure why I’d want to see these two in a singles feud as Marseglia works a good bit better when he’s in a team. This wasn’t too bad, but it shows how fast they are running out of talent around here.

There will be an eight man tournament to name a new #1 contender for the World Title at Final Battle. Here are the brackets:


Kenny King

Dalton Castle

Mark Haskins

Colt Cabana

Marty Scurll


Jay Lethal

The first round will take place over Death Before Dishonor weekend and the finals are at Glory By Honor in October.

TK O’Ryan has attacked Brawler Milonas with the baseball bat.

In Nashville, the Allure bragged about how awesome they are and walked out of a scheduled match. We see some clips of Sumie Sakai vs. Jenny Rose vs. Damaris Dawkins….with Angelina Love joining things and winning. I know she isn’t the most popular star in the division but she has so much more charisma and star power that there is no way to avoid centering the division around her.

Allure doesn’t like the statement that Angelina stole the win and threaten McKay. Has Velvet Sky just disappeared?

Joe Hendry is selling t-shirts ala the Home Shopping Network and mocks Dalton Castle. Hendry has a ton of charisma but his in-ring work has never sold me.

Next week: Defy Or Deny.

We look at Matt Taven calling out for new challengers in Toronto and being answered by Rush.

PCO is not cleared for the main event so we have a replacement match.

Lifeblood vs. Villain Enterprises

See, we’re getting Lifeblood vs. Villain Enterprises instead of Lifeblood vs. Villain Enterprises. Instead of the Six Man Tag Team Title match, this is for the Tag Team Title shot at Death Before Dishonor. Bandido offers Marty the Code of Honor but Marty tags King instead. A single leg takedown attempt doesn’t work at all so they trade some flips, including King flipping out of a hurricanrana attempt.

Now the handshake goes through, allowing Scurll to get in a cheap shot from behind. Everything breaks down and Lifeblood takes over with a superkick, but walk into a double suplex from King. A double superkick puts him down though, only to have Scurll get in a cheap shot from the apron. One heck of a right hand drops Haskins to the floor and it’s the bird pose to take us to a break.

Back with Haskins still in trouble as Marty starts in on the hand. The overly elaborate chickenwing announcement lets Haskins get in a kick to the face and the hot tag brings in Bandido. House is cleaned, though Bandido can’t do his catch the diving giant as he dives from the middle rope. Haskins’ running Falcon Arrow sets up a frog splash for two on Scurll, but he’s right back up with a sunset flip into a slingshot German suplex on Bandido. Everyone gets knocked down and we take another break.

Back again with King getting low bridged to the floor and kicked in the face, setting up a top rope double stomp for two more on Scurll. Haskins’ Samoan driver gets another two but King has to be knocked outside again. The 21 Plex into the Sharpshooter makes Scurll tap at 14:41 as Bandido dives onto King.

Rating: B-. These guys mesh together so well and their matches are always worth seeing, even in the smaller form like this one. That being said, they are running out of ways to keep it fresh as it seems that we have seen this match half a dozen times in some form or another. It’s still good, but they need to find something new sooner or later.

We get the graphics for the pay per view matches, many of which were not mentioned during the show.

Rush promises to win the title to wrap things up.

Overall Rating: B. The wrestling carried this one but this show made it very clear how barren the cupboard is in Ring of Honor. There’s a tournament thrown together with a lot of the same names that we have seen around here for a very long time and the idea of any of them against Rush or Taven does very little for me. This company has been ravaged by so much of the talent leaving and they are in need of a major upgrade before it’s too late. It’s something they can survive for the time being but that isn’t going to last forever.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


205 Live – September 24, 2019: Going Over In Style

IMG Credit: WWE

205 Live
Date: September 24, 2019
Location: Chase Center, San Francisco, California
Commentators: Dio Maddin, Aiden English, Vic Joseph

It’s the final Tuesday show as next week will see everything moving over to Friday with Smackdown. It would be nice if that meant we were getting something special, though I would assume it’s going to be something we’ve seen before. Hopefully the show has some energy, as their slower episodes can make for a rough sit. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the returning Lio Rush becoming the new #1 contender by defeating Oney Lorcan on the first live NXT.

Drew Gulak isn’t surprised by having to face another ghost from his past because that’s what happens when you’re Cruiserweight Champion. Rush will learn just like everyone else: he is prepared for everything. Just ask Lorcan, who will learn it again in tonight’s main event. Lorcan refuses to learn, so Rush better be watching.

The Singh Brothers are sad to see cousins fight tonight but insist that nothing could ever come between them. Soon, they’ll be back in the ring to prove that it is lights, camera and Bollywood action.

Opening sequence.

Angel Garza vs. Humberto Carrillo

Battle of the cousins and, I kid you not, they are fighting because it was Garza’s birthday yesterday and Carrillo only sent him a message on social media instead of calling him or saying it in person. Feeling out process to start with Garza headlocking him down as we hear about what English wanted to get Carrillo for his birthday. Garza flips out of an armbar and takes him down by the leg as they’re staying on the mat to start.

English is still going on, talking about all the copies of WWE2K20 he needs to get Carrillo, along with big screen TVs and the best sound system (this is after sports cars, Browns tickets and various other things as the gag is getting some time). Carrillo jumps over him and Garza to flip out of a springboard armdrag and the fans applaud. Garza drops to a knee and offers a handshake, plus a huge grin. That’s kicked away but STOP, because GARZA NEEDS TO TAKE OFF HIS PANTS! English: “Somewhere Nigel McGuinness just fainted!”

Carrillo gets sent outside for a middle rope moonsault as we hear about Garza’s pants being weighted, meaning he’s taking off his limitations. Another shot to the face keeps Carrillo down on the floor but Garza gets smart by letting him get back inside for a dropkick to the knee. With that out of the way, we hit the arm trap chinlock, followed by a hard dropkick for two more. The chinlock goes on again but this time Garza fights up for a springboard armdrag.

A moonsault gets two and there’s the big flip dive to the floor. Back in and the great looking missile dropkick connects for Carrillo and he’s starting to get fired up by these near falls. That’s cut off by a good crotching though and a dropkick to the ribs gives Garza two of his own. An elbow to the face gives Carrillo two and now it’s frustration time.

We go very lucha with a Rocking Horse but Garza reverses into one of his own for some mind games. That’s broken up and they both try the crossbody, meaning it’s another double knockdown. Garza slams him down on the back of his head and a good looking Lionsault gets two more. That’s enough for Carrillo, who kicks him down and hits the Aztec Press for the pin at 13:49.

Rating: B-. The action was good as you can tell they know each other but the best part was English fawning over Carrillo to such a level that it became hilarious. Dio and Vic were having nothing to do with it and the man crush is really becoming one of the best current gags in WWE. Both of these guys looked good here and I could go for more of either of them.

We look back at Brian Kendrick snapping and turning on his partner Akira Tozawa and Jack Gallagher last week.

Kendrick says he did it because of the epidemic consuming 205 Live. That would be the epidemic of disrespect towards veterans like him, because they forget he opened the door for everyone here. What upsets Kendrick the most is that he hasn’t had a title match in three years like some kind of new guy who has to earn his stripes. Tozawa is infected like the rest of them so he had to do something about it. Now, Tozawa can learn what respect looks like.

Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Tony Nese/Drew Gulak

Burch and Gulak start things off with the former grabbing a headlock. That means a few headlock takeovers until Gulak gets smart with a headscissors to escape. That’s reversed into another headlock as they’re not exactly going at a fast pace to start. With that not working, they do the same thing with another headlock on Gulak. Thankfully it’s off to Lorcan for a change, or at least half of a double Russian legsweep so Burch can get two.

A double suplex gives Lorcan two and it’s off to a front facelock. Nese offers a distraction though and Gulak is able to knock Burch into the corner to take over. We hit the neck crank for a bit but it’s off to Lorcan for some running shots in the corner. Nese runs him over in a hurry and gets two off his own Lionsault. It’s back to Gulak, who mocks Lorcan for not being able to tag to Burch, which I’m sure will cause no future problems whatsoever.

The chinlock goes on for a few moments, followed by a double belly to back suplex for two more. Lorcan finally gets up and sends Gulak outside, only to have Nese pull Burch to the floor. As you probably guessed, the hot tag goes through a few seconds later and it’s time to clean some house. Everything breaks down and Lorcan hits the running Blockbuster on Gulak, setting up the half crab.

Burch Crossfaces Nese at the same time until Gulak kicks Lorcan away for the break. What looked to be the Doomsday European uppercut is broken up as well and Nese hits a 450 for two on Burch, with Lorcan making the save. Burch headbutts Nese down and it’s time to scream a lot. Now the Doomsday European uppercut can connect for two in quite the surprising near fall. With Nese still rocked, the elevated assisted DDT finishes him off at 14:24.

Rating: C+. Another rather good one here as Burch and Lorcan are a strong team who can be brought in for whatever you want them to do. I’m curious to see where they’re going here as Rush hasn’t been around for the last two shows and they’re still seemingly setting up Lorcan vs. Gulak. We just did a triple threat match so I’m not sure how we’re moving forward.

Burch and Lorcan do their Ultimate Warrior tribute to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Well they did go out with a solid show, which is as positive as you can get around here. Both matches were rather good and the Kendrick explanation was more than fine. I still don’t know if this show needs to exist and having it at 10pm on a Friday is something Impact thought was a good idea. At least we had a good show this week, and that is the case more often than not around here.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Major League Wrestling Fusion – September 21, 2019: The Other Side Of The Spectrum

IMG Credit: Major League Wrestling

Fusion #76
Date: September 21, 2019
Location: Nytex Sports Center, North Richland Hills, Texas
Commentators: Rich Bocchini, Tony Schiavone

It’s time for the fallout from last week’s War Chamber, meaning it’s time we get ready for the next World Title challenger. Since the champ’s team lost last week though, odds are we get to wait on that for a little bit. Instead tonight is about the Tag Team Titles, with the Dynasty defending against the Hart Foundation in 2/3 falls match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

After War Chamber, a bloody Josef Samael says this isn’t over with the Von Erichs. He’s coming for both the kids and David Von Erich himself. Hail Contra.

Opening sequence.

Jordan Oliver vs. Zenshi

The rest of Injustice is at ringside. Oliver flips out of a wristlock to start so Zenshi walks on his hands and armdrags him down instead. Back up and a springboard headscissors doesn’t work on Zenshi, who avoids a dropkick and hits a standing shooting star for two. An Injustice distraction lets Oliver grab a super anklescissors but Zenshi flips out of that too.

Kotto Brazil finally helps Oliver out with a trip so Oliver can chop away in the corner. That’s not slowing him down either as Zenshi comes right back with his own shots, including some to break out of a waistlock. Oliver finally gets in a belly to back for two and a dropkick to the back of the head makes it even worse. Zenshi gets sent to the apron but he’s fine enough to hit a shooting star off the apron to take Reed down.

A kick to the head into a corkscrew splash gives Zenshi two so it’s time for Brazil to yell at the referee. That means there’s no count off of Oliver’s backslide so Zenshi gets up and hits his running spinning cutter. That’s good for two as Reed pulls the referee out, allowing Oliver to hit a Stunner onto the apron. A springboard 450 from Reed, with his chest protector, finishes Zenshi at 7:10.

Rating: C-. Zenshi wasn’t interested in selling much here but it was a smart way to go with Injustice cheating all over the place for the win. It’s not like Oliver is all that interesting on his own so the trio is a better way to go. Not a very good match, but Zenshi can do some cool spots with that running cutter being a highlight.

Post match the beatdown is on until Gringo Loco makes the save with a chair.

Dominic Garrini is still coming.

Savio Vega has been cleared to return after being injured by Alexander Hammerstone. I’m sure four people are thrilled.

Mance Warner is out of jail thanks to his uncle and he’s looking for Jimmy Havoc. They’ll be having a Bunkhouse Brawl where anything goes in the building goes.

Video on the Hart Foundation vs. the Dynasty, which has been going on for a long time, meaning I’ve been tempted to write Hart Dynasty several times now.

Richard Holliday joins us from the gym at 6am….for a tan.

MLW is returning to Orlando.

We look back at War Chamber with the Von Erichs and Tom Lawlor defeating Contra.

The Von Erichs want the Tag Team Titles. Makes sense.

We look back at LA Parka and Salina de la Renta announcing their plans to challenge for the World Title at SuperFight.

Salina and Jimmy Havoc are ready to destroy Jacob Fatu and Mance Warner. By the end of tonight, Jimmy will be drinking Warner’s blood. Salina: “He’s my favorite.”

Tag Team Titles: Dynasty vs. Hart Foundation

Dynasty (Holliday/MJF with Aria Blake) is defending and this is 2/3 falls with Teddy Hart/Davey Boy Smith Jr. for the Harts. Thankfully we get some Big Match Intros, partially because the match deserves it and partially because they had half an hour and eating up some time is a good idea. Tony on seeing MJF on Rosie O’Donnell as a kid: “I never have advocated hitting children. You shouldn’t do it. But I wanted to smack that little son of a b**** in the mouth.”

The Dynasty does Rock Paper Scissors to determine who starts, ala the New Age Outlaws and the Outsiders. Teddy breaks it up and the bell rings so we hit the stall button as the champs walk around on the floor. Hart’s Arabian moonsault takes everyone down and it’s all Harts early. They keep fighting on the floor with Teddy sending MJF face first into the bell, with Tony saying the match just started and making fun of the referee. Pay attention chum. We settle down to Teddy kicking MJF out to the floor as Tony and Rich keep going about the bell not ringing before the fight.

Back in and Hart works on MJF’s arm, including the Rings of Saturn. Somehow MJF manages to shout at a fan while still screaming in pain because he’s that kind of a talent. With Hart in awe of MJF’s abilities, it’s Smith coming in to shove Holliday around. Smith wins a wrestle off and gets two off a headlock takeover. A keylock works a bit better, followed by a release German suplex to send Holliday flying.

That’s enough for the Dynasty to head to the back but they’re dragged back in rather quickly. Everyone gets back inside and an atomic drop has Holliday’s eyes bugging out. Hart gets two off a neckbreaker and a snap powerslam is good for the same. Holliday is back up with a spinning spinebuster for his own two and the champs start taking over. The Paisan elbow gets two and Blake goes to rake the eyes, only to have Teddy bite her fingers in a smart bit.

A reverse tornado DDT gets Hart out of trouble and it’s Smith coming back in to take over. We get what looked to be some miscommunication between Smith and Holliday but Davey hits a powerslam anyway. A top rope headbutt gets two on Holliday and a delayed piledriver is good for the same. Holliday jawbreaks his way to freedom from a sleeper and they collide for a knockdown. MJF shoves him onto Smith….for the first fall at 17:24. Tony: “I never would have believed that.”

We get a thirty second rest period and are told that Warner vs. Havoc is confirmed for next week. MJF hits Smith in the head and gets a rather scary glare, plus some hard rams into the buckle. Hart comes back in for the Canadian Destroyer, followed by Project Ciampa to Holliday. The super Canadian Destroyer sets up the moonsault elbow to tie it up at 20:11.

That lets us hear about Douglas James vs. Timothy Thatcher next week before we come back to Holliday breaking up Hart’s hammerlock DDT. Everything breaks down and Austin Aries comes out to hit Hart with a title belt, followed by a brainbuster onto the apron. Aries asks if he has Hart’s attention and drops the belt in the aisle as Hart is done on the floor. Hart can’t beat the count and the Dynasty retains at 23:46.

Rating: B. This got a ton of time, which is exactly what should be happening in a big match like this with a wrestling based gimmick. I like the ending as well as they set up a big showdown at SuperFight and the feud should be over, allowing the Dynasty to move on to the Von Erichs. It’s a good match and the time flew by, which is always a worry in a match this big and long.

Hart is out cold and has to be carried out to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was all about the big main event and I liked what we got overall. The show was build around one match and that match more than delivered so it’s hart to argue against the whole thing. SuperFight is shaping up and that’s a good sign given how close that show actually is. I liked what we got here and with all of the big shows going on elsewhere, it’s nice to have a good, solid, hour long show for a change.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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