IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling
One Night Only: Amped Anthology Part II
Date: September 15, 2017
Location: Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Cyrus Fees, Chael Sonnen
You might remember that I did this about a year ago and for some reason I never got around to doing the other three parts. Maybe because the first part wasn’t very good and I really didn’t care that much. These have been on my list for a long time though so I might as well get to them. This is the previously unreleased Global Force Wrestling TV show that never made air because GFW never went anywhere. We’re in full on title tournament mode and this would be episodes 5-8, as with commercials taken out the four hour long episodes equal about three hours. Let’s get to it.
Here’s the original if you need a recap.
We open with a recap of last week’s tournament matches, none of which were anything special. You know, like this entire promotion. A preview for tonight’s matches are included too. Not the worst idea in the world, as always.
The announcers preview the show.
Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: Reno Scum vs. Los Luchas
I remember Scum from Impact and I never quite got it. They weren’t bad but they’re just another heel team. Scum jumps them to start and it’s Adam Thornstowe (partner of Luster the Legend) beating on Phoenix Star (partner of Zokre) in the corner. The double teaming begins with a knee drop and a quickly broken chinlock as Star is already in trouble. Zokre makes a blind tag though and comes in with a springboard crossbody to Adam as the pace picks up in a hurry.
It’s already back to Phoenix, who gets taken down by a running clothesline. Adam comes back in with a slingshot hilo and the neck crank only lasts a few seconds. Instead Adam hits a standing moonsault for two but Star flips out of a belly to back suplex and it’s back to Zokre. The Luchas hit a double 619 on Adam and a handspring kick to the face sends Luster outside. Adam dives onto Zokre and Luster, followed by Phoenix diving onto all three of them. Cyrus brings up a good question: at what point is taking out your own partner not worth the effort?
Back in and a springboard Blockbuster into a Backstabber (cool) has Adam in more trouble with Luster having to make a save. Some dives are broken up so Zokre is tied in the Tree of Woe with Phoenix being Razor’s Edged into him for a unique looking crash. A Death Valley Driver puts Zokre down and it’s a top rope Stomp to Phoenix to give Adam the pin at 9:12.
Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows explain the idea of a thing called the Bullet Club and how they do whatever they want because it’s fun.
Here’s Jeff Jarrett for a chat. He thanks the arena and the wrestlers in the back, because this place is nothing without them. Finally, he thanks the fans as well because they’re the biggest reason any wrestling promotion works. We’re in the middle of several tournaments right now, and names like Shelton Benjamin, the Killer Elite Squad and the Bullet Club will be in some of those tournaments.
This brings out Bobby Roode, so Jarrett takes off the jacket. Roode mocks the fans for the THANK YOU JEFF chants. For what? Messing up TNA and starting another two bit promotion? Nobody cares about this place and Roode already made Killer Kross tap out to advance in the tournament. Jeff says GFW is about competing, so Roode’s next opponent is Eric Young. Cyrus: “They’re both currently in NXT.”
Chris Mordetzky (Chris Master) and Brian Myers (Curt Hawkins) have both wrestled around the world and it’s looks and power vs. skill. Chris thinks he’s a top star while Meyers is a role player. Myers isn’t impressed.
Reno Scum is proud of winning and Christina Von Eerie, apparently their manager, wants to talk strategy.
We recap the Jarrett vs. Roode segment.
Roode isn’t sweating Young.
GFW World Title Tournament First Round: Chris Mordetzky vs. Brian Meyers
Cyrus again tells us that Myers is on Smackdown as Curt Hawkins. A power exchange goes to Chris (well duh) and he posts Myers out to the floor. Back in and Chris starts in on the back with a powerslam as Nick Aldis watches to find out who he faces next. The camel clutch goes on and Myers is thrown down for trying to escape.
A hard slap to the face puts Myers down so he slaps Chris right back and they’re both down. Myers makes his comeback with some right hands and a running forearm, followed by a Downward Spiral for two. Chris gets a slow two off a sitout spinebuster but the Adonis Lock is blocked. A spear sends Chris to the floor but he kicks the ropes for a low blow on the way back in. Now the Master Lock can go on to make Myers tap at 8:47.
Rating: D+. This is where the problem comes with GFW. While I can get behind the idea of two unknown teams fighting for the Tag Team Titles, this was Curt Hawkins vs. Chris Masters in a battle of former WWE jobbers. I’ve seen them both for a long time in WWE and I don’t want to see either of them here. It doesn’t help that Myers is just a guy while Master is the EXACT same thing that didn’t work in WWE. What’s the appeal here?
Post match, Chris goes to the back and talks trash to Aldis.
The second episode begins so we hit the opening sequence again.
Another preview.
Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: Misterioso Jr./Cielo vs. Teaze N Sleaze
It’s Kenny Klimax (King) and Juicy Joey (Ryan) and we start with some stripping until it’s Ryan getting armdragged down by Cielo. Jr. comes in for a sunset flip off a Cielo dropkick as the announcers talk about Joey’s infamous suplex. King comes in and gets kicked down into a standing moonsault for two as the masked guys are certainly starting fast here. A Joey distraction lets Kenny get in a cheap shot from behind as the team you’ve actually heard of takes over.
It’s back to Joey for some chest rubbing and Kenny throws in some dancing as Cielo continues to take a pretty weak beating. Joey spends a little too much time posing and charges into a knee, meaning it’s a hot tag to Jr. Everything breaks down with Joey having to break up a cover off a moonsault press. A superkick from Joey sets up the Royal Flush to give Kenny the pin at 6:37.
Rating: D. This didn’t have much time and that’s the best option for the guys in there. King and Ryan are little more than a comedy act and while that’s a good thing to have around, it’s not the most important thing to spend time on. Cielo and Misterioso were fine, but you already have Los Luchas around here and they’re a step or two better.
Video on Shelton Benjamin, who lists off his career resume and amateur background.
We get a tribute to Roddy Piper, who passed away less than a week before this was taped. Jeff Jarrett and Brian Granstaff (the writer/star of Roddy’s last movie, which happened to be about wrestling) come out with Jarrett talking about everything Piper did over the years. Piper would come into a territory at one level and then leave at the main event level. He was supposed to be here tonight but we’re celebrating him instead. Brian talks about all the F bombs that Piper dropped on the set of the Christian film in a funny story.
We see some clips of Piper talking about the movie and see the teaser trailer. Back in the arena, we get a ten bell salute. This was a very nice tribute to Piper and felt like something kind of special, especially with the stuff from the wrestling movie. I’d rather they do this than try to make it into some kind of an angle.
Video on TJ Perkins, of course now known as TJP. He was homeless for awhile as he pursued his dream and now he’s part of the Nex Gen tournament.
The announcers recap the tournaments. Chael is ready to personally do a run-in if that’s what it takes to make Mordetzky champion.
Video on JR Kratos, a muscular indy guy sounds nowhere near as intimidating as you would expect from his name. He’s ready to face a veteran like Shelton.
GFW World Title Tournament First Round: JR Kratos vs. Shelton Benjamin
Kratos forearms him into the corner to start but gets caught with an early Dragon Whip (Not named here as the announcers are too busy praising Shelton. That’s a good idea, but they need to pay more attention.). A quick posting cuts Shelton off though and Kratos gets two off a delayed vertical suplex.
The chinlock doesn’t last long as Shelton fights up with some right hands and the Stinger Splash into a Samoan drop for two. Kratos is right back with a powerslam for the same and a running knee to the face. He takes way long going up though and gets suplexed right back down. Paydirt (still don’t like that move) finishes Kratos at 6:00.
Rating: D. Kratos has a good name and a good look and that’s about it for his major positives. There’s only so much that you can get out of a name like Shelton against a newcomer and the ending wasn’t exactly in doubt. Kratos came off like an inexperienced (though not terrible or anything) rookie and that’s not going to work against a pretty big star like Shelton. Not the worst match by any stretch, but nothing you need to see.
We get a preview for “next week”. That’s not a criticism as this isn’t being presented in its intended format.
Episode seven begins with a video on the Bullet Club vs. the Killer Elite Squad.
The announcers preview things again.
Video on Andrew Everett, who is a heck of a high flier. Jarrett says Everett makes him think of the first time he saw AJ Styles, which is quite the praise.
Nex Gen Title Tournament First Round: Andrew Everett vs. TJ Perkins
The bell rings with Perkins’ music still playing as they want to get moving. Everett hits a dropkick to start but gets headscissored down. Chael brings up Prince Iaukea of all people, praising him as the best moving smaller wrestler in years. Just….stick to getting beaten up in MMA dude. Perkins sends him outside but Everett switches places and hits the springboard shooting star for the first big spot of the match.
Back in and a springboard splash misses but Everett kicks him down for one anyway. Perkins slaps on a quickly broken Black Widow before getting two off a crucifix. There’s a slingshot hilo for some Eddie Guerrero flavor and Perkins stays on the arm. A dropkick to the back gives Perkins two more and we hit the bow and arrow hold. Everett gets in a forearm to the face though and a springboard missile dropkick has Perkins in trouble.
That means a standing shooting star press for two but Perkins dropkicks him out of the air for a breather. Some rolling suplexes look to set up a frog splash, which only hits Everett’s raised knees. A Falcon Arrow sets up the 630 but it takes WAY too long, with Perkins rolling away in more than enough time. Perkins frog splashes the arm and a cross armbreaker makes Everett tap at 10:46.
Rating: B. Match of the night by far here with both guys hitting a bunch of high flying spots over a pretty decent amount of time. Perkins was a bigger deal and a more well rounded worker here though, with the arm work actually playing into the finish. That’s what makes a match like this work so well and Perkins was nailing it here, with Everett more than holding up his end.
Earlier today, the Bullet Club arrived and promised to win tonight.
Earlier today, the Killer Elite Squad was at the hotel and promised to win tonight.
Here’s Bobby Roode with the TNA King of the Mountain Title to complain some more. It was his responsibility to be here for the fans, even though Jeff Jarrett is playing mind games with him. Jeff made him qualify for the World Title tournament so he beat the hometown here Kevin Kross. Now he has to beat the crazy man Eric Young, who only belongs in an insane asylum. This brings out Young to chase Roode off and scream a lot, reminding me of how much I couldn’t stand this version of Young. Roode comes in and the fight is on with Young getting the better of it until referees break it up.
Perkins is proud of his win and Everett comes in to congratulate him. Well thank goodness he was happy with the match and not distraught over being eliminated from the tournament.
Shelton may have a concussion and is on his way to the hospital.
The announcers recap and preview.
Video on Nick Aldis, who has been successful everywhere he’s gone and is ready to be the star.
Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: Killer Elite Squad vs. Bullet Club
The Squad is Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Lance Archer. It’s Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson, with Amber Gallows as the Bullet Babe, for the Club here. The fight starts on the floor (well duh) with the Squad taking over until it’s Archer and Anderson slugging it out inside to officially get things going. A choke suplex and clothesline have Anderson in trouble and it’s off to Smith for a camel clutch.
Anderson fights out and uppercuts his way to freedom but Archer kicks him in the face and drops a leg for two. Smith’s belly to belly gets two and the Squad goes high/low for two more. A missed charge in the corner lets Anderson hit an enziguri and it’s off to Gallows so house can be cleaned.
Some kicks to Archer’s face put him down and Gallows is all fired up. Gallows hits a reverse full nelson slam but walks into a Hart Attack for another near fall. The Killer Bomb (powerbomb/full nelson slam combination) is good for the same with Anderson coming in for the save. Smith and Anderson go to the floor, leaving Archer to miss the moonsault. The Magic Killer gives the Club the win at 9:13.
Rating: C. This was fine for four big, power guys beating each other up for a little while. The Club was white hot at this point so it makes perfect sense to have them win here. At the same time, the Squad is an awesome team who was coming into their own at this point. I could go for more of these two on a bigger stage, though maybe in another year or so.
Here are the final four for the Tag Team tournament:
Bollywood Boyz
Bullet Club
Teaze N Sleaze
Reno Scum
Preview for the final show.
Episode eight opens with a preview for tonight’s show. These things don’t work so well in marathon form.
The Akbars (Ali and Omar) are tired of being discriminated against, including when they were eliminated from the Tag Team Title tournament “last week”. Tonight, they’ll unleash some of that anger.
Los Luchas and Sonjay Dutt are ready for their six man tag.
Akbars/PJ Black vs. Sonjay Dutt/Los Luchas
Ali and Phoenix start things off and it’s an early double 619 to Ali’s head. Sonjay and PJ come in with Black underestimating Dutt’s flipping abilities. A hurricanrana has Black in trouble so he dropkicks Dutt outside where the Akbars can beat on him. Back in and Omar works on the armbar before Black comes in for a chinlock. Dutt fights up and hits a Downward Spiral into the middle buckle, setting up the hot tag off to Phoenix so things can pick up.
Everything breaks down and the Luchas hit some fast dropkicks. A moonsault and a Swanton hit the Akbars, followed by Dutt diving onto Black. The big running flip dives have the villains in even more trouble but Omar hits Zokre with a release fisherman’s suplex. Dutt is back in with a tornado DDT, followed by Phoenix spearing Ali down. Black comes back in with a top rope double stomp to put Phoenix away at 7:56.
Rating: C. Just a fun match with a bunch of people flying around to pop the crowd a few times and that’s a good idea later on in a taping like this. Dutt is an entertaining guy to watch and there’s a reason he was being pushed all the way to the X-Division Title at this point. Good little match here, which is often one of the best things you can do.
Post match the Akbars beat the Luchas down and Black adds a superkick to Dutt.
Video on Nick Aldis, who has become more complete now that he has a child.
Here’s Chael Sonnen in the ring for his Bad Words talking segment. His first guest is the future World Champion, Chris Mordetzky. Chris talks about Sonnen beating British MMA fighter Michael Bisping, so now Mordetzky is going to beat a British wrestler in Nick Aldis. Then after winning the match, he can go to Aldis’ house and tell Nick’s wife Mickie James to make him a steak (Sonnen used the same line to hype a fight). Aldis comes out to say there’s a problem if Chris ever brings up Mickie again. Sonnen: “She doesn’t know how to make steak?” The brawl is on with the Master Lock leaving Aldis laying.
After Aldis is taken out, MMA fighter Phil Baroni is in the crowd so Sonnen insults him, leading to the referees having to hold Baroni back.
Video on Eric Young and Bobby Roode’s history together. They used to be friends and then rivals, but tonight they’re fighting for a shot at the World Title.
Cyrus asks Sonnen about what just happened and gets blown off.
Video on Amber Gallows, who might be in the Women’s Title tournament. Karen Jarrett gets to talk, because….I have no idea actually. Were there no female wrestlers who could talk here?
GFW World Title Tournament First Round: Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young
Roode’s King of the Mountain Title isn’t on the line. They slug it out to start with Young getting the better of it off a backdrop. The fight heads outside with Sonnen talking about Young wearing pink while also being in charge of Sanity in NXT. My goodness the timing is odd here with a mix of original commentary and redone material. Roode dropkicks him off the apron and stops to pose before slapping on a waistlock.
Back up and they run the ropes with neither being able to get anywhere. That means a double clothesline for the double knockdown and it’s time to slug it out again. Young slides between Roode’s legs and hits the belly to belly. The top rope elbow gets two but the piledriver is countered into Roode’s spinebuster.
Roode stays on him with the Crossface but Young is too close to the ropes. A Falcon Arrow gives Roode two more so he yells at the referee, allowing Young to score with a big boot. The piledriver is countered again, this time into a failed Roode Bomb attempt. Young tries a sunset flip but Roode drops down into a cradle with a grab of the rope for the pin at 9:13.
Rating: C+. You had to expect that two people who knew each other this well would have a good match and that’s what they did here. Roode cheating to win fits him perfectly and it’s pretty clear that he’s going to the finals to face Aldis. Young losing is always nice to see, especially when he’s this version, which drove me absolutely up the wall for a long time.
Here are the updated brackets:
Nick Aldis
Chris Mordetzky
Shelton Benjamin
Bobby Roode
In the back, Aldis can’t get to Mordetzky to end the show.
Overall Rating: C-. Just like last time, this was perfectly watchable but nothing that I’ve going to think about after about ten more minutes. The wrestling was fine, the stories, while few and far between, were acceptable and while commentary wasn’t very good, it certainly wasn’t horrible. The problem is that it’s just not a show you need to see and is more of a curiosity than anything else. Having four straight episodes would seem like a bit much but it actually doesn’t drag at all. It’s fine, but not worth your time.
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