Thought of the Day: Keep This In Mind
In case you haven’t been paying attention this week, the big story is Seth Rollins tearing his ACL and being forced to vacate the WWE World Title. This has set up a tournament at...
In case you haven’t been paying attention this week, the big story is Seth Rollins tearing his ACL and being forced to vacate the WWE World Title. This has set up a tournament at...
Thunder Date: June 14, 2000 Location: Norfolk Scope, Norfolk, Virginia Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Mark Madden Welcome to your second weekly installment of Russo Theater featuring the Eric Bischoff Players. The big story...
Survivor Series 2000 Date: November 19, 2000 Location: Ice Palace, Tampa, Florida Attendance: 18,602 Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler The other major story for this show is the Undertaker, who is now a biker...
Ring of Honor Date: November 4, 2015 Location: San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, San Antonio, Texas Attendance: 600 Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness, Mark Briscoe We’ve got a big main event this week with Adam...
Survivor Series 1999 Date: November 14, 1999 Location: Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan Attendance: 18,735 Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler The WWF is comfortably in control of the wrestling world but it’s not stopping...
Featuring ALL NEW reviews. I’ve been planning this one for a long time now and the old reviews just weren’t very good. If I’m going to release these as an e-book, they should be...
Survivor Series 1998 Date: November 15, 1998 Location: Kiel Center, St. Louis, Missouri Attendance: 21,779 Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler Aside from the tournament there really isn’t much going on here. Every major star...
Survivor Series 1997 Date: November 9, 1997 Location: Molson Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Attendance: 20,593 Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler We had to get here eventually. This is the show that changes everything in...
Smackdown Date: November 5, 2015 Location: World Arena, Colorado Springs, Colorado Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Rich Brennan, Booker T. As inconsequential as Smackdown is most of the time, this show is even moreso than usual.... Well that changes everything. I’d assume Reigns gets it but my goodness how much do they wish they had Orton and Cena back right now.
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