Best Of 2020: Wrestler Of The Year

You can’t have a wrestling show without them. It all comes down to this as wrestlers are the thing that makes the shows move forward. Your individual taste in wrestlers may vary again but I’ll be going for a bit of a mix of everything here. Odds are you are going to have a few different options, but there were several good choices to pick from this year. Let’s get to it.

As usual, no order until the ending.

Roman Reigns

I’m not going with him as the best choice as he was only around at such a level for four months. Reigns was incredible while he was around though and that is the kind of performance that deserves some recognition. Odds are he is going to be one of, if not the, best stars of 2021 but the back quarter of his 2020 was some of the best work throughout the year.

Io Shirai

Shirai is someone who is going to fly underneath the radar but she has been NXT Women’s Champion for about seven months and has run through some rather stiff competition during her reign. She keeps getting better and better and still has one of the best moonsaults going. I could go for seeing her holding that title for a long time to come and at the pace she is on, that is exactly what she is going to do.

Randy Orton

I know a lot of people aren’t wild on him and I can understand that, but Orton is still one of the more consistent performers in all of WWE and has been for a very long time now. He had multiple big feuds this year and had at least a few good matches in each of them, which is better than almost anyone else can say. Yes Orton has been around for a long time now and has been on top for a good while, but there is a reason for that: he has earned the spot.


She might be the best woman on the main roster (or the best person on any roster) and there is no shock that she was handed the keys after Becky Lynch took time off. Asuka can do it all and has more charisma that she knows what to do with most of the time. She feels like a star and is someone who should be able to be near the top of the women’s division for as long as she wants to be.


There is a heck of an argument to have Bayley near or at the top of this list as she was all over the television shows and was awesome throughout. Couple that with an epic title reign and the big fight feel against Sasha Banks and it was really tempting to give this to her. Bayley managing to become one of the best WWE heels going today is impressive as I loved her face run that much, but I wouldn’t have expected this to work nearly so well.

Drew McIntyre

I’ve been a huge McIntyre fan for a very long time now and I was so happy to see him finally win the World Title that he had seemed primed to get for so long. He went on to have a heck of a year and even won the title back. The best thing about McIntyre is that he feels like a World Champion, which is not something that you get to see very often anymore. WWE made a star out of him and that is something they have been needing to do for years now.

This could have gone a lot of ways but the more I think about it, the more this is the best choice.

Jon Moxley

Much like McIntyre, Moxley just feels like a World Champion. You look at him and you feel like he is the biggest star in the company, which is exactly the point in putting the title on him. He has the talking abilities, the look and the brawling to make it work, which is why he held the title as long as he did. This made sense and Moxley is deserving of the top spot, because he was the best of the year.

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Best Of 2020: Non-Wrestler Of The Year

These are the people who can do a lot of things that the wrestlers just can’t. Every now and then you have a talented wrestler who needs a little bit of help and that is where some kind of backup can come in. It might be a manager, a trainer, a coach or some combination of them all, but they can do a lot of good in a hurry. That is where we are going today as there has been a bit of a resurgence in the last few years. Let’s get to it.

As usual, in no particular order until the end.


Yeah I’m cheating a bit with this one as MVP does wrestle occasionally but mainly serves as a mouthpiece these days. I was never a big MVP fan back in his day but my goodness he has been a breath of fresh air these days. The Hurt Business has gone from being just another bunch of guys to one of the best things in all of wrestling and I could go for seeing them get a much larger push. MVP is the reason that works and he is well deserving of some notoriety.

Alexa Bliss

Given that she has had three matches since July, I think it’s fair to call her mainly a non-wrestler at this point. The amazing thing about Bliss is how much of a transformation she has made in recent months. To go from your run of the mill heel/face to the Harley Quinn inspired Fiend disciple is a heck of a change and there have been times where she is genuinely creepy. This is also going to be a lot better for her long term health as Bliss has never been able to stay off the injured list full time.

Paul Heyman

This is a weird one as Heyman is kind of the current king of this generation, but he really hasn’t done much this year. Other than standing behind Roman Reigns and the occasional promo, how many things do you remember from Heyman? Reigns has done most of the talking, but this is a case where Heyman’s reputation carries him forward. You don’t see Heyman doing the talking, but you know how much he is in Reigns’ ear behind the scenes, turning him into this monster. Throw in Heyman’s disturbed looks at Reigns’ carnage and he is the key to the greatness we are seeing on Smackdown.


We’re going back to the MVP mold here as Taz is absolutely the catalyst that makes everything work for his team. He has a reputation from his career and can work a microphone like few others these days. I buy into the idea of Team Taz as threats to anyone at any time and Taz does feel like the kind of person who could become one of the more important players in AEW at the drop of a hat.

And now for the winner, which is going to be a bit of cheating again but he’s worth it.

Pat McAfee

Again, yeah he wrestled but it was twice all year and he is far more known for his talking than what he does in the ring. McAfee debuted over the summer and became possibly the best heel in all of wrestling in the span of a few months. That is not something you see every day and he comes across as someone you want to see get hit in the mouth. McAfee was a highlight of NXT and the best at what he did all year against some stiff competition.

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Best Of 2020: Major Show Of The Year

There are a lot of options here, which is what can make something like this all the more interesting. For the sake of simplicity, I’m including pretty much anything other than regular television, because otherwise it could get into a bit of a tricky question of what is or isn’t major. Therefore, we’ll go with a pretty broad range of options and hope everyone is happy. Let’s get to it.

As usual, in no order until the end, where the top choice is last.

Sidenote: there were A LOT of highly rated shows this year so I’ve cut it down to the best one from each area (New Japan, Network Special, WWE, AEW, NXT). There were several on the same level, but I trimmed it down for the sake of not needing another week to list all of them.

Wrestle Kingdom

I’m combining the two nights into one as I had both shows rated about the same. You can only say so many things about a Wrestle Kingdom because they’re always awesome shows with some of the best matches of the year. This has always been the case and likely will be for a long time. This was another great show and you have to include it on such a list.

Worlds Collide

I thought about putting this one on the top. This was a big coming out party for NXT UK as they got to show that they were here. You have a host of big matches, but then the main event was all you could ask for, with Imperium (ok Walter) taking on the Undisputed Era and even winning despite it turning into a handicap match. I loved this way more than I would have bet on and it was one of the best things all year.

Clash Of Champions

Yeah I barely remember it either but apparently it was a heck of a show. This was the night of the McIntyre vs. Orton ambulance match and the first Reigns vs. Uso showdown, plus the pretty crazy awesome ladder match with Sami Zayn winning the Intercontinental Title. I had a blast with this show and it was a sneaky surprise, so I’ll certainly put this on a list of greatest shows of the year.

Double Or Nothing

AEW has one of the best pay per view track records of all time and Double Or Nothing might be the biggest show of their calendar. This year’s show was just as good, with the card being strong up and down and a host of awesome matches. AEW pay per views are up there with Takeovers for guaranteed levels of awesome. They know how to make a great presentation and they did it again here.

Believe it or not, the winner is from NXT.

Takeover: Portland

Who would have thought the winner of this would come from what felt like a nothing Takeover? This show was the classic Takeover formula with one awesome match after another. I loved this show and it was one of the best shows I’ve seen in a good while. It may not have been the best by much (and I wouldn’t argue with about a dozen shows beating it out), but it was a heck of an event and one of the best in a long time.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Best Of 2020 – Promo Of The Year

Your tastes may vary on this one as there are different styles of promos. Some of them are meant to build up a match but some are meant to build up a character, many times through comedy. That’s what we have a nice mixture of here today, as there is some serious stuff plus a little comedy thrown in because when a wrestling promo is funny, it’s hilarious. Let’s get to it.

As usual, in no order until the ending.

Pat McAfee Retired The Undisputed Era – NXT, November 4

McAfee continues to have no reason to be this good this fast but he became the best heel in wrestling overnight. You want to see this guy get taken apart and that’s what the Undisputed Era did, but not before McAfee retired them, throwing an Undisputed Era banner in a trashcan. This was one of the most charismatic and energized heel promos you’ll see in years and it was outstanding throughout, just like McAfee.

Edge Is Back On Raw – Raw, January 27

There are things in wrestling that you’ll never believe you’re seeing and this was the latest entry. Edge was not supposed to wrestle again. After having to retire nearly nine years ago, Edge was one of the last names I ever would have expected to see get back in the ring and you could feel what it meant to him. It was even better than I would have expected, had I ever been able to expect something like this.

Becky Lynch Vacates The Raw Women’s Title – Raw, May 11

We’ll stick with the emotions here and have a moment that shook things up. Becky had become one of (if not the) biggest stars in WWE and it was almost impossible to believe that she could ever actually lose the Women’s Title. It looked like Asuka, as Miss Money in the Bank, was next for her but the night after Asuka won the briefcase, Becky said that Asuka was the new champion. Asuka could go be champion, because Becky was going to go be a mother. How much sweeter of a moment can you get than that?

Bayley Explains Herself – Smackdown, September 11

Bayley and Sasha Banks have had one of the longest stories in modern WWE and a lot of it took place over the course of 2020. They teamed together for a very long time, but then Bayley turned on Banks, continuing a heel run no one knew she had in her. Bayley had to explain herself and she did so very easily: she turned on Banks before Banks could turn on her. It was a logical explanation and right to the point. That’s all you could want from this and far more.

Big E. Is Doing Work – Smackdown Exclusive, December 25

This was a YouTube exclusive after Big E. beat Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Title and…..he talks about taking down Sami’s tights, bending him over and doing work. As in construction work. Like, he mentions picnic areas, low income housing and a business district. He’s even wearing a construction hat. This is the crazy, charismatic and completely hilarious Big E. that people have been hyping for years now.

Los Parks Cook Pork – MLW Fusion, May 2

Every now and then, you see something that comes out of nowhere, is completely and utterly over the top, and you can’t stop watching it. This is the 2020 edition, as LA Park and his sons (LA Park Jr. and El Hijo de LA Park) join us from the kitchen where they make a pork dish, step by step, for about twelve minutes, all while Park Senior stops to rant about their upcoming match with Pagano and Psycho Clown. It’s all in Spanish with subtitles but I was cracking up throughout this entire segment. You don’t need any backstory because it’s all in the delivery. And you’ll see how to make a tasty looking dish.

Eddie Kingston And Jon Moxley Know Each Other – Dynamite, November 4

I had to cut myself off at one Kingston promo because he may be the best talker in wrestling right now. The idea of the feud is that Kingston and Moxley have known each other but Moxley forgot about him on his way to fame and fortune. Kingston wants revenge, but they can’t touch each other until the match. This sends them into an intense as heck back and forth, with Moxley talking about how he promised Kingston’s mother that he would take care of him, which is why he didn’t bring Kingston along. Kingston was shaking and I wanted to see these two rid each other apart. That’s how it’s done.

And now we have the winner. I don’t care that it’s stupid. I don’t care that it didn’t lead anywhere. I don’t care if it’s something I would make fun of most of the time. This is one of the greatest things I’ve seen in wrestling in years and I’ve watched it back more times than I can count.

Brandi Rhodes Meets Jade Cargill – Dynamite, November 11

This is the one I’ve watched more times than anything else from the year because DANG. Cargill had threatened Cody Rhodes with Shaquille O’Neal (because of course she did) and here comes Brandi, who is NOT HAVING IT. Brandi then gives the most passionate, emotional performance of her life, screaming and yelling at Jade…..who gives her a little spank. And then pretty much nothing ever happened again because Brandi was pregnant, but this was the best thing she’s ever done in wrestling by a mile.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Best Of 2020: Spot Of The Year

These are the ones that you remember. A match has a lot of different moving parts but sometimes something is going to happen that you remember more than anything else. The big spots are the ones that make the highlight reels, most of the time for better than worse. That is something worth remembering a lot of the time and while some of them were cut off in 2020, there were still some good picks. Let’s get to it.

As usual, in no order until the end.

Io Shirai’s Trashcan Moonsault Off Of WarGames

There is something to be said about someone taking a trashcan and diving backwards off of a cage onto a bunch of people. I think the description says it all, because that sounds completely insane. Shirai can do one of the best looking moonsaults today but to do it on that stage with that kind of accuracy makes it all the more impressive. It just looked cool and that’s enough to warrant a mention.

Pat McAfee’s Swanton Off Of WarGames

You might say that this is a good way to do something like this. You’ll probably be hearing about McAfee again on this list and there is a good reason for that. McAfee had no business being as good as he was in these situations and yet he kept pulling it off, including with this great looking dive from the top of the cage onto everyone else. He shouldn’t be doing that and yet he made it look even better than almost anyone else could these days. That’s hard to believe, but he made it look easy.

Jeff Hardy’s Swanton Onto Elias

This is better known as the one where Hardy slammed his head into the steps because Hardy is kind of freaking nuts. I almost left it off because of the landing but it wouldn’t feel right to not have Hardy included in here somehow. It was an awesome looking dive and while the landing is what people will remember the most, Hardy can still do this like few others, even at 43.

Sammy Guevara And The Golf Cart

Now THIS is the one that people remember and with good reason. The image of Guevara being chased down by a golf cart of all things and then taking a heck of a bump off of it, all of which continued a feud with a maniacal Matt Hardy was the kind of stuff you can only hope to script. AEW shot it perfectly and it was just awesome, with everyone playing their part perfectly.

Then there is the winner, which was exactly what I wanted.

Hangman Page Rides A Horse Into Stadium Stampede

Every now and then you find someone who is perfect for the character they are playing. That is the case with Page, who is the definition of a cowboy wrestler. He looks like one, dresses like one, talks like one and acts like one. The line of “I’M GONNA DO SOME COWBOY S***!” is still maybe the best line AEW has ever had and Page is one of the best characters on the show. Then he rode a horse into a football stadium, because that’s what a cowboy is supposed to do, especially in the spot of the year.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Best Of 2020: Worst Wrestler Of The Year

This is going to be a tricky one as it is going to depend on what you mean by worst. In my eyes, it is either someone who is completely inept in the ring or someone who makes me cringe anytime they come on screen. Usually it tends to be more of the latter, as almost anyone is going to be capable of having at least a passable match these days. However, there were some rather bad choices this year so let’s get to it.

As usual this is in no order until the final choice.


I know he barely wrestles and I know he was gone for a good chunk of the year, but my goodness the amount of apathy I feel when that music hits and it’s time for something important. Goldberg has made a mini career out of popping in, winning a World Title and then going home. That gets really annoying in a hurry and it is probably going to continue for years to come. He can’t even do his old stuff as well anymore, which is quite the trick when you only have two moves.  It’s an easy pick but that is the case for a reason.

Dexter Lumis

I’ve been watching NXT since the beginning and this might be the first time where I just do not get it. Lumis is supposed to be some kind of tortured artist but that hardly makes him interesting. For reasons I don’t understand, WWE feels the need to present him almost as much as anyone else in NXT and it really isn’t working. I can’t say he’s the worst because there are far worse wrestlers out there, but the lack of interest I feel whenever he’s out there is incredible.

Marko Stunt

Yeah I know this is kind of a cheap answer but there comes a point where it isn’t believable. That’s where Stunt comes in, as he is nearly a foot shorter than most of the people he is facing. He can do a few cool things, but seeing him out there makes me cringe every time and I don’t need him on the show in any role other than a glorified mascot. This is far more on AEW than Stunt, but that doesn’t make it any better.

Those people were bad, but I get the point. I don’t get it with this one.

Michael Nakazawa

Nope. He isn’t funny, he doesn’t do anything worthwhile in the ring and there is no reason to have him on camera. His whole deal is the oil and the underwear and it isn’t worth my time or yours. Nakazawa is presumably there because he is Omega’s assistant or whatever it is and that is not enough to warrant time on either a national television show or a web series. This was a complete layup for me and likely will be as long as he is around.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Best Of 2020: Surprise Of The Year

As usual, these are in no particular order until the winner at the end.

Otis Is Mr. Money In The Bank

The words “I’m sorry what now?” apply here, as Otis went from a gyrating goof to a gyrating goof who won at Wrestlemania to a gyrating goof who caught the Money in the Bank briefcase. It came out of almost nowhere and while it didn’t wind up meaning anything in the end, it certainly had some awesome surprise value and it made Otis feel like a player.

Sting In AEW

This was certainly a moment, even if Sting has never quite been associated with snow. Just seeing Sting show up and instantly being used better than he was in WWE was a cool moment, though I’m almost worried about where all of this is leading. What matters here is an awesome debut though and Sting feeling like a legend, especially one who came out of nowhere.

Pat McAfee Is Awesome

You see a lot of celebrities pop up in wrestling but how often do you see someone who comes off like a natural? McAfee had a heck of a match with Adam Cole but what mattered was his insane talking ability, as he was instantly one of (if not the) best heels in all of wrestling. I wanted to see someone hit this guy in the face over and over again, which is the name of the game. Most people would have been happy with McAfee being adequate and then he wound up being great. Not a bad surprise.

Roman Reigns Is A Paul Heyman Guy

Sometimes the best way to make something like this work is with a simple camera swipe and that’s how they did this reveal. Reigns had returned at Summreslam and felt a bit different, but then we saw that he had Heyman by his side and it was a whole new ball game. What followed was one of the best heel runs of the modern age, but it all started with having Heyman, the ultimate evil in WWE, sitting next to him and I was absolutely stunned

But there was one thing better.

Edge Returns At The Royal Rumble

I had the previous entry winning but just couldn’t get around this one. If there is one thing that I have learned over the last few years in wrestling, it is that you can never say never. That being said, when you wait almost nine years, you kind of believe that something is never going to happen. That was the case with Edge, who made his return at the Royal Rumble in a moment I never thought I would see. Yeah he’s older and yeah he’s hurt again, but Edge got back in the ring and had a few matches all those years later. I lost it when that music hit and it was outstanding the whole way through.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Best Of 2020: News Story Of The Year

I’m not going to waste your time on this one.

For once, I’m not even bothering with the other nominees or even honorable mention. There is only one option here and it’s the SpeakingOut Movement (I consider Covid to be something wrestling dealt with rather than a wrestling story if that makes sense). SpeakingOut shook up wrestling, but it did so in a way that needed to happen. The things that were taking place behind the scenes could not continue and something had to be done about them.

That is where the movement comes into play and thank goodness it got rid of so many of the problems that were taking place. Those things cannot continue and the faster it cleaned everything out, the better it was going to be. There were so many horrible things taking place and it is great to see the people not only being taken to task for them but being flat out punished for them. That stuff shouldn’t have started and it should have ended earlier, but at least it is being pulled out into the light instead of being kept a secret any longer. This was the only real option and it’s a problem that needed to be addressed a lot sooner than it was.

Best Of 2020: Title Reign Of The Year

As usual these are in no particular order until the winner at the end.

Bayley – Smackdown Women’s Title

I’ve been a big Bayley fan for a long time now and I’m in awe of what she has been able to do with this new heel run. Seeing her turn was like seeing the Easter Bunny become a monster and I can’t believe how well the whole thing has worked. She is great at what she does and it’s so easy to hate her on sight, but at the same time you want to see how great she is at everything. This might be more for the turn itself, but holding the title for over a year (plus an extra 140 days only broken up by a five day Charlotte reign) is more than worth a mention.

Drew McIntyre – WWE Title (First Reign)

If there is one thing that WWE needs to work on, it is making a new star. That is partially what makes McIntyre’s rise and victory at Wrestlemania all the more frustrating: they clearly know how to do it and yet they just don’t for so long. McIntyre won the title at Wrestlemania and held it for about six months before getting it back a few weeks later. His opponents were not the strongest (not his fault) but he comes off like the World Champion in everything he does and that’s a heck of a trick to pull off.

Io Shirai – NXT Women’s Title

You might not have noticed it, but Shirai held the title for more than half the year and has been champion for over seven months. By the end of this week, she’ll have the fifth longest reign in the title’s history and could very easily go even further. There is such a natural grace to her movements in the ring and that moonsault is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. This has been a surprisingly long reign but she has been awesome throughout.

Street Profits – Raw Tag Team/Smackdown Tag Team Titles

This is cheating a bit but they literally didn’t lose the titles in between reigns so I’m calling it the same one. Outside of the New Day, it has been a LONG time since WWE truly established a team and it’s great to see someone as charismatic as the Street Profits getting the chance. They completely hit their stride this year and the entrance with the full crowd is one of the best going today, just due to the high levels of energy alone. They deserve credit for such a reign and they’re a heck of a team who have moved up a lot during their reign.

Jon Moxley – AEW World Title

AEW was one of the few promotions to not really be hurt by the pandemic as far as their on-screen product went and Moxley was champion for the majority of the year. He also had some awesome, hard hitting matches while coming off as a major star. It was kind of inevitable that he would lose to Omega in the end, but what he got to do was great and made him look like a star throughout.

I went back and forth with McIntyre and this one for the win but there was something that pushed the other over the edge.

Roman Reigns – Universal Title

Reigns is going to come up a lot this year and there is a good reason for that. This is the kind of run that WWE has not seen in a long time as Reigns feels like someone who could be champion for years (plural) without missing a beat. He’s that great at the moment and the thing that pushes this over the edge is how they’ve made it work. Reigns got two pretty excellent pay per view title matches out of JEY USO. Someone being able to bring a career tag wrestler with nothing as far as singles experience up to that level is worth the pick and the more I think about it, the more interested I am in seeing how far Reigns goes with this.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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NXT UK – August 13, 2020 (Hidden Gems): The Modern Day Coliseum Video

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: August 13, 2020
Commentators: Andy Shepard, Vic Joseph
Host: Andy Shepard

Believe it or not we actually have something different this week with some more Hidden Gems. These are a bunch of dark matches from various NXT UK TV tapings and some of these have been pretty good before. There is something nice about having a fresh match with no storyline behind it between bigger names and that is what we are getting here. Let’s get to it.

Andy throws us to the first match.

From June 16, 2019 at the Download Festival.

NXT Title: Adam Cole vs. Zack Gibson

Cole is defending after having won the title about two weeks earlier. The fans ask where is their….I’m not sure but they’ll have to settle for an exchange of wristlocks to start. Gibson elbows him down and stomps away in the corner, setting up a wristlock on the mat. The fans stand up in their hatred for Gibson and then sit down for the same reason. That’s enough of a distraction for Gibson to delay his cover for two and we hit the chinlock.

Back up and Gibson charges into a superkick for the double knockdown. Cole hits a pump kick and the fireman’s carry backbreaker, followed by a Backstabber for two. Gibson is right back with something close to an Angle Slam as the fans still don’t like him. Shankley Gates is blocked but Cole can’t hit the Last Shot.

Instead it’s Gibson with the Ticket To Ride but Cole superkicks him again for two. The Panama Sunrise is countered with an arm twist to the mat and Gibson’s middle rope Ticket To Ride gets two more. Back up again and they slug it out again until Cole superkicks him out of the air. The brainbuster onto the knee rocks Gibson and the Last Shot retains at 9:57.

Rating: B-. That was a fast ten minutes and it was nice to see Cole having to break a sweat against someone like Gibson. I know Gibson is in a good team with the Grizzled Young Veterans but he can do some good stuff on his own as well. It was weird seeing Cole as the default face here but he can wrestle that style well, so this was a nice time.

Video on Aoife Valkyrie, who seems to live in trees and wants the NXT UK Women’s Title.

The Hunt wants to hurt other teams.

From March 6, 2020.

Xia Brookside vs. Nina Samuels

Samuels flicks her hair at the handshake offer so Xia dropkicks her into an armbar. That’s reversed with a pull of the hair as they’re getting the face/heel dynamic set up fast this time. A headlock puts Samuels down until she reverses into a headscissors. Xia headstands her way out and kicks Samuels outside, setting up a baseball slide and a smile.

Back in and Samuels whips her hard into the corner but Xia hits some running knees to the back in another corner. Samuels grabs a rollup and some trunks but the referee actually does her job and catches her. That’s enough for Brookside to hit a high crossbody for the pin at 5:18.

Rating: C-. This was something that could have served as a very good opener for a show as they were in and out in a hurry and did just fine. I like both of them, even though they don’t seem to be the most viable Women’s Title contenders at the moment. Brookside seems to have all kinds of potential, and keeping her in a short match like this lets her shine and get out. Samuels is good at what she does, but her getting much higher than this doesn’t seem likely.

Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews want to make their future better.

Amele, the French Hope, wants to be the first French NXT UK Women’s Champion. She is a leader, not a follower.

From July 20, 2019.

Pete Dunne vs. Alexander Wolfe

They go straight to the slugout to start with Dunne knocking him outside in a hurry. Dunne follows him outside and goes for the fingers, which are stomped onto the steps. Wolfe staggers up the ramp and gets caught in the arm stomp, only to send Dunne into the apron. Back in and Wolfe hits a top rope clothesline before hammering down right hands. Wolfe slams him down and cranks on an arm and leg at the same time. Dunne fights up and hits a German suplex, followed by the X Plex for two.

Another X Plex is countered with a drop over the top rope but Dunne knocks him out of the air for two more. Dunne stomps away but Wolfe kicks him in the head, setting up a Death Valley Driver. They strike it out from their knees (BOO/YAY) and Wolfe snaps the fingers. The Bitter End is countered into a German suplex to give Wolfe two but Wolfe’s German superplex is countered with a nice backflip. A kick to the head sets up the Bitter End to finish Wolfe at 8:28.

Rating: B-. Dang I’ve missed Dunne as it’s so fun watching him in the ring. Wolfe is great for a midcard villain and it felt like Dunne needed to work to get his win here. They beat each other up for a good while and Dunne is someone who still looks like he could be in the WWE Title picture in the blink of an eye. Wolfe is good in his own right and this was a perfectly solid main event.

Overall Rating: B-. This worked rather well and it’s nice to see something new from NXT UK for a change. They have a lot of talent around here and some names who seem like they could be on regular NXT if not the main roster. Good show here, as this feels like a bunch of Coliseum Video exclusives, which isn’t a bad thing to have (sometimes).


Adam Cole b. Zack Gibson – Last Shot

Xia Brookside b. Nina Samuels – High crossbody

Pete Dunne b. Alexander Wolfe – Bitter End


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