Well That Blew Up In A Hurry (Sexual Assault/Harassment Allegations)

This might be sticking around for a long time.Earlier this week, various allegations were made against independent wrestler David Starr, who said that while some of them weren’t true, he did some things that he shouldn’t have and acknowledged that his career might be over.  That is a horrible thing to hear, but it was the tip of a really big iceberg.


Since then, wrestling’s version of the MeToo movement has taken place, with all kinds of allegations of both sexual assault and harassment coming out in droves.  There are more people accused than I can name and I’m not going to try to cover everyone involved.  It started as mainly a list of UK based wrestlers (several of them being part of NXT UK) and has since spiraled out to all kinds of names around the world, including Jim Cornette in a matter almost entirely separate from most of this.


I have no idea what happened here but it is clear that there is something very, very wrong in this whole thing.  With so much being said and so many stories coming it, it is ridiculous to believe that there isn’t a good bit of truth to a lot of them.  They should all be investigated thoroughly, but you can almost guarantee that a lot of people are either going to be fired or pretty much never heard from again as a result.  That would be a major blow to wrestling, but cleaning it up is a lot more important than having wrestlers around.  This shouldn’t have happened in the first place and it’s amazing to see so many people having the gut to come forward.  It is a lot harder than it sounds and good for them for fighting back against something that shouldn’t have happened in the first place.


Thoughts?  I’m sure there are going to be several of them.

Hidden Gems #15: For The Complete Experience

Hidden Gems #15
Date: 1993

March To Wrestlemania IX
Date: March 28, 1993
Location: Cumberland County Memorial Auditorium, Fayetteville, North Carolina
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan

I don’t know how but the last three of these that I’ve picked at random have all been full shows. This time around it’s….well I think the name speaks for itself in this case. We’re about a week away from Wrestlemania IX and we get to see some glorified warmup matches. Let’s get to it.

We start with the contract signing between Yokozuna and Bret Hart from Wrestling Challenge, with Yokozuna attacking him and hitting the Banzai Drop. Bobby Heenan brings up a great point: if Bret is injured, there’s no match. Bret tries to get up and manages to stay up after Yokozuna leaves.

Vince and Bobby talk about the attack and run down the card. It sounds like something off of Super Wrestlemania.

Yokozuna vs. Randy Savage

Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji) is #1 contender and Savage is doing commentary at Wrestlemania so you should know what’s coming here. After a minute spent on disrobing and salt throwing, we spend another thirty seconds on Yokozuna’s sumo stance. Throw in Savage yelling at Fuji and there is no contact in the first two minutes. They FINALLY lock up so Yokozuna can shove him down, meaning we hit the USA chants. It’s already time to go outside with Yokozuna sending him into the post and then the steps.

Back in and Yokozuna slugs away but Savage snaps off the jabs….to no avail as a shot to the throat cuts him off in a hurry. The choking ensues in the corner but Savage avoids the charge. There’s the ax handle to the back but Fuji hits Savage with the Japanese flag. Heenan had something fuzzy on his monitor, though it clears up in time to see Yokozuna hit a belly to belly for the pin at 6:37.

Rating: D+. What were you expecting for this one? Almost all someone of Savage’s size can do here is stick and move a bit and sell quite a bit. That’s what we got here and the match wasn’t the worst, but it was about as good as it could have been. It’s kind of amazing that Bret Hart got such a good match out of Yokozuna at Wrestlemania. Yokozuna is far from bad, but you can only do so much with him.

Post match Yokozuna loads up the Banzai Drop but Savage gets away and knocks him outside.

We look back at the Narcissist Lex Luger debuting at the Royal Rumble (with Bobby Heenan being WAY too excited about him) and his ensuing series of knockouts. He’ll meet Mr. Perfect at Wrestlemania.

Mr. Perfect vs. Skinner

Skinner jumps him to start and they head outside with Perfect going face first into the steps. Perfect posts him to even things up so Skinner takes off his belt for a shot to the throat. Some whippings don’t draw a DQ for some reason as Vince accuses Heenan of paying Skinner off to hurt Perfect. Or he’s just a villain? Skinner misses a charge into the corner though and Perfect rains down right hands. The running knee lift connects but Skinner gets in a shot with the alligator’s claw. Not that it matters though as the PerfectPlex finishes Skinner at 5:26.

Rating: C-. It was a little bit better than the opener but that’s not saying much. There’s something so strange, if not outright wrong, about seeing Mr. Perfect as a face. It just doesn’t fit, even though he is more than capable of pulling it off. If nothing else, it shows you just how good he is as a heel because it’s hard to make the face run work. Not that it failed of course, but it doesn’t quite fit.

Hulk Hogan video.

Reverend Slick talks about how his new convert is fighting off evil in the form of Kim Chee. Can he get a witness? Apparently not, but he can get a match.

Kamala vs. Kim Chee

Chee hammers away to start with Heenan comparing Kamala to a weak dog. The bearhug cuts Chee off and the splash to the back connects. Once Kamala figures out that he needs to turn Chee over, plus get the shoulder down, Chee is done at 2:11. That’s how it should have gone, though Kamala’s Wrestlemania match with Bam Bam Bigelow was cut due to time.

Post match Kamala hits Chee with his pith helmet and they steal it. Some preacher.

Wrestlemania video, complete with PUMP IT UP. Dang I’ve missed that thing.

We look at Money Inc. attacking Brutus Beefcake with their metal briefcase, turning Jimmy Hart face (egads) and bringing Hulk Hogan to Raw for the first time. The title match is set for Wrestlemania.

Money Inc. vs. Reno Riggins/Jerry Sabin

Non-title. Sabin gets sent into the corner to start and then taken outside so the beating can be on. Back in and a double elbow to the jaw takes Sabin down again so it’s off to Riggins to get stomped down as well. The Million Dollar Dream finishes Riggins at 2:58 in a total squash.

Here are the Mega Maniacs (Hogan and Beefcake with Jimmy Hart) for a chat on the platform. Hogan talks about seeing Beefcake get jumped so he stole Beefcake’s motorcycle and crashing onto the sands of Venice Beach. That made him hear the Hulkamaniacs praying so he sniffed hair tonic (I’m sure) and rode all the way to New York.

Then there was something about the Three Stooges so Beefcake talks about going to Cape Kennedy so Hogan could drop rockets on Beefcake’s mask. The Pythons were about to blow Beefcake to the moon! Hart promises Mega Maniacs posters and Nintendo games, plus the Tag Team Titles. Beefcake has been at K-Mart getting his hair tonic together (Hogan nearly cracked up at that) but he decided to just pull Money Inc.’s hair out instead.

Hogan has been pulling sharks out of the ocean and he’s filled the pools at Caesar’s Palace with salt water. Now they have nasty sea urchins and some bad mermaids in them so he can put the sharks in there too. Beefcake is going to work on them so he can throw all the bathing beauties into the pool with the sharks, but Hogan wants to make sure that they all have perfect tans for Wrestlemania.

That was the most coked up insane interview I’ve heard this side of Randy Savage and I was trying to figure out what the heck Hogan and Beefcake were talking about more than once. Or they were trying to make each other laugh for ten minutes by being as insane as possible. More than likely the cocaine though.

We look at Tatanka beating Shawn Michaels twice in a row, setting up the Intercontinental Title match at Wrestlemania.

Tatanka vs. George South

Tatanka goes with the armdrags to start so South takes him into the corner for some right hands. That just earns him some chops to the chest and head but South pokes him in the eye. Tatanka goes on the war path though and it’s more chops into the Papoose To Go for the pin on South at 3:13.

Rating: D+. Standard Raw match from this period and that’s all it needed to be. Beating the champ twice in a row (once in a six man tag so it could have been worse) is a fine way to set up a title match at Wrestlemania and they had done a good job of making Tatanka into a threat over the years. Then again ti’s Shawn in 1993 so Tatanka is going to be in over his head.

Post match Shawn comes out to say Tatanka can’t win the title so Tatanka is ready to fight right now. Shawn teases it but bails, as expected.

Here’s Gene Okerlund for the Wrestlemania Report. Bret Hart is ready to retain the WWF Title, Crush is fishing to get ready to destroy Doink and the Steiners tell the Headshrinkers to say their prayers. I miss these old school short form promos. Just a quick line or two but they give you an idea of what to expect.

Beverly Brothers/Little Louie vs. Bushwhackers/Tiger Jackson

Jackson would go on to become Dink. Heenan is right there with the short jokes, as you knew he would (and should) be. Again, there’s no contact for the first minute and a half until Beau chokes Luke on the rope. Everything breaks down for some three way biting, followed by the required chase scene. After some group whacking, it’s off to Jackson for two on Louie.

That means Jackson gets to dance a bit, only to miss an elbow. Blake and Butch come in with the latter not buying a handshake offer. A cheap shot doesn’t work for Blake either and there’s a bulldog to take him down. Everything breaks down again as Heenan denies riding an ostrich to Wrestlemania.

Beau gets in a top rope ax handle shot to Luke to take over for the first time. Beau’s top rope ax handle gets two and Louie adds a slap. Luke gets in a running clothesline though and the hot tag brings in Butch to clean house. Everything breaks down and Jackson is sat on top for a high crossbody to finish Louie at 9:56.

Rating: D-. Who in the world decided to give this match ten minutes? I mean, other than Vince of course. It was your standard match with the minis in there and that’s not a good thing. These things aren’t any good most of the time and this was the longer form version, making it even worse. It’s harmless fun for kids, but that doesn’t make it easier to watch.

We look at Giant Gonzalez debuting and attacking Undertaker, setting up Wrestlemania.

Undertaker vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Paul Bearer is with Undertaker of course. We get the big staredown and it’s Undertaker slugging away, only to get taken down by a drop toehold (!) so Undertaker can rip at his face. Back up and Undertaker hits his running DDT as Heenan thinks Gonzalez is twenty feet tall. Old School connects but some running clotheslines won’t put Bigelow down. Instead Bigelow sends him outside and we take a break.

Back with Bigelow in control on the floor, including a ram into the steps. They head inside again for a belly to back suplex but Undertaker pops back up. Then he does it again, just for some good measure. Bigelow’s falling headbutt makes Undertaker sit right back up so they do it again, just in case you reached over for some sarsaparilla. The top rope headbutt misses and Undertaker hits the chokeslam so Bigelow walks out for the countout at 7:36.

Rating: D+. This could have been something but there is only so much that they can do with that lame of an ending. The two of them have the talent to do something entertaining and they are more than capable of a solid match, but what can you do in this situation? There wasn’t much of a better option since they both had Wrestlemania matches though, which is the problem with something like this.

Post match Giant Gonzalez comes out for the staredown. Undertaker has to be held back from the fight.

We get a Bret Hart video, set to Respect by Aretha Franklin. Not on the Network of course.

Vince promises Heenan in a weasel toga, meaning Bobby has to prove he has no tail to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. As usual with something like this, you have to consider what they were shooting for. This wasn’t about the wrestling itself whatsoever, which is a good thing as it was horrible. Instead, this was all about hyping Wrestlemania and they did a decent enough job of doing so. Almost every match got at least a bit of time (some more so than others) and it did what it was supposed to do. Not a good show, but it’s nice if you want the complete Wrestlemania IX experience (and who doesn’t want that).

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


NXT UK – May 28, 2020 (Hidden Gems): How I Like My Riddle

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: May 28, 2020
Commentators: Andy Shepard, Tom Phillips
Host: Andy Shepard

It’s another Hidden Gems episode, meaning we have more dark matches from various NXT UK TV tapings. I had a good time with this last time around and hopefully that means we could still be in for some fun here. You never know what you might get out of these but their track record isn’t half bad. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Andy tells us what to expect.

From Coventry, England, March 7, 2020.

Finn Balor vs. Kenny Williams

Balor pulls him down into an early headlock but Williams jawbreaks his way to freedom. Williams takes him into an armbar and drops a leg on the arm, followed by a running knee to the chest. That’s not cool with Balor, who is back up to stomp away at the chest for two. Some running chops in the corner set up another kick to the chest for two more but the fans get behind Williams again.

Balor promises to kill Walter and the delay lets Williams get in some forearms. A rebound lariat gives Williams two and he sends Balor to the floor for the suicide dive. Balor is right back with the Eye of the Hurricane into the shotgun dropkick. The Coup de Grace sets up 1916 to finish Williams at 8:10.

Rating: C. This was a nice enough match with Balor having to break a bit of a sweat against someone who wasn’t all that much of a challenge. Having him call out Walter the entire time made it even better as Balor was focused on Walter, even if the masses weren’t going to be seeing this. Not a great match, but it worked well enough.

From Brentwood, England, October 5, 2019.

Rhea Ripley vs. Nina Samuels

Samuels can’t spin out of a top wristlock to start and a hiptoss is blocked as well. Rhea puts her on top and throws her down for daring to jump. Back up and Samuels kicks away and sends Rhea face first into the middle buckle for two. We hit the crossarm choke for a bit but Rhea is right back up with a basement dropkick for two more. Not that it matters as Riptide finishes Samuels at 4:51.

Rating: D+. This was Ripley’s last match in NXT UK and it makes sense to send her out with a fairly dominant win. Ripley was a much bigger star than Samuels could ever hope to be so just having Ripley on the show was a good idea. Let the fans feel like they got to see something special and send them home happy.

From Derby, England, June 16, 2019.

Killian Dain vs. Travis Banks

The much bigger Dain sends him into the corner but Banks starts kicking away. That just causes Dain to say bring it so Banks kicks him down and fires off some YES Kicks to the chest. Dain throws him down and limps around before sending Banks hard into the corner. Running knees to the chest give Dain two and we hit the chinlock with a knee in Banks’ back.

A seated abdominal stretch keeps Banks in trouble until he fights up with more kicks to the leg. The running dropkick in the corner connects to put Dain on the floor and there’s the suicide dive. A top rope double stomp gets two back inside but the Slice of Heaven misses. Dain gives him a fireman’s carry slam though and the Vader Bomb finishes Banks at 8:28.

Rating: C+. I had a good time with this as it was a fine power vs. speed/striking match. Banks continues to be someone with a lot of potential who never has gotten anywhere for some reason. Dain is fine for a midcard monster, but I’m not sure if he’s ever going to break through to the main event level. Still though, good little match here.

From Plymouth, England, July 19, 2019.

Here are the Grizzled Young Veterans (NXT UK Tag Team Champions) and Joseph Conners for a chat. Zack Gibson isn’t pleased with the SHOES OFF chant because he can see the webbed feet from here. After a break (and a Gallus video), Conners says he wants the best the world has to offer. Cue the Street Profits (NXT Tag Team Champions) to tell Drake to shut up. They’ve got a friend with them tonight too.

Street Profits/Matt Riddle vs. Grizzled Young Veterans/Joseph Conners

After an exchange of holding up titles, Riddle and Conners start things off but it’s Drake coming in before anything happens. Riddle grapples him down without much effort and then takes it to the mat with a headlock takeover. The kick to the chest misses so Riddle goes with the rolling gutwrench suplexes. Gibson comes in and is quickly pulled into a cross armbreaker so it’s right back to Drake, whose ankle is locked in a hurry. It’s off to Dawkins, who holds up both Veterans on the ropes so Ford (still in the hoodie) can jump onto their backs.

The hoodie comes off and Ford chops Drake so hard that he shivers a bit himself. A cheap shot sends Ford to the floor though and it’s the backbreaker/slingshot forearm to keep him in trouble. Back in and the stomping continues, followed by the chinlock from Gibson. That’s so thrilling that we go split screen for a highlight package on the match and Drake comes in for a neck crank. Drake’s snap suplex gets two and it’s off to another chinlock.

Gibson continues the chinlock parade but the fans get behind Ford to bring him back up. I mean it doesn’t actually get him to his feet, but they are at least cheering for it. Drake can’t get another chinlock as Ford rolls over for the tag to Dawkins for the house cleaning, followed by a Doomsday knee to the chest from Riddle. Everything breaks down and the Veterans hit a superkick/neckbreaker combination on Ford.

Everyone is down and it’s a double tag to bring in Ford and Drake. Ford superkicks him out of the air and small packages Gibson for two. A double dropkick takes down Gibson and Conners, who tagged himself in on the way. The Cash Out into the Bro Derek finishes Conners at 13:39.

Rating: C+. This is the kind of Riddle I like: the calm, cool, laid back version who can suddenly go beast mode with the suplexes and submissions. The Profits continue to have more charisma than they know what to do with and the fans absolutely hate the Veterans. Entertaining match here with the result never in any serious doubt.

Overall Rating: B-. This is how you do a Hidden Gems show, with a collection of entertaining matches with low stakes. It’s very much a sit back and enjoy some fun wrestling and that’s what they did here. I liked this more than I was expecting to and if you need something really easy to watch, this is a great choice.


Finn Balor b. Kenny Williams – 1916

Rhea Ripley b. Nina Samuels – Riptide

Killian Dain b. Travis Banks – Vader Bomb

Matt Riddle/Street Profits b. Grizzled Young Veterans/Joseph Conners – Bro Derek to Conners

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Hidden Gems #14: The Battle After The Last Battle

IMG Credit: WWE

Hidden Gems #14
Date: 1983

Georgia Championship Wrestling House Show
Date: November 6, 1983
Location: Omni, Atlanta, Georgia

So you might have heard of the Last Battle of Atlanta, with the legendary cage match between Tommy Rich and Buzz Sawyer. Well this is the followup show and just about three weeks from the original Starrcade. This is another case where it’s out of my comfort zone but that can make for some awesome surprises. Let’s get to it.

This is NOT the complete show but I’ll try to fill in the gaps where I can.

It looks like we’re missing Les Thornton defeating Pat Rose in the opener and starting with the second match.

Brad Armstrong vs. Joe Lightfoot

They shake hands to start and it’s Brad grabbing a headlock. They go to the mat with that as this is already feeling like an NWA opener. Lightfoot gets to his feet and shoots him in, only to get crossbodied for two. It’s right back to the headlock takeover for another good stretch as we’re already four minutes into this. Back up and the headlocking continues until Brad hits some shoulders. An armdrag into an armbar doesn’t work on Joe as he reverses into a headscissors as we hit five minutes.

That’s broken up after a minute or so but Brad misses an elbow drop. Lightfoot hits the legdrop and we’re right back to the headscissors. Brad fights up again and blocks a monkey flip out of the corner so he can drop a knee for two. The spinning high crossbody misses though and it’s an atomic drop to send Brad back into the corner.

A backbreaker gives Brad a quick two with Lightfoot getting his foot (because it’s light you see) on the rope. Lightfoot kicks him out of the corner and hits a running forearm for two (and a good bump from Brad). What looked to be a top rope headbutt misses though and Brad grabs a small package for the pin at 12:36.

Rating: C-. This started off rather slowly but once they got off the mat, it wound up being perfectly watchable. That’s how you did an opening match back in the day though and if nothing else it’s a big relief to not have the twenty minute draw that it felt like at the beginning. Armstrong would go on to become one of the most consistent and underrated wrestlers of the era and you can see his potential in stuff like this.

TV Title: Jake Roberts vs. Ron Garvin

Roberts is challenging, has Paul Ellering in his corner and can only win the title in the first ten minutes of the match (as is customary). This is part of a long rivalry and they circle each other near the ropes to start. Garvin, with longer hair than usual here, cranks on a wristlock to put Jake down. That earns Garvin a whip to the floor but he’s right back in to knock Jake outside instead.

The stalling is on for a bit until Garvin drives him into the corner again. Ellering’s distraction doesn’t work either as Roberts gets knocked down and slammed into the middle for two. Jake stalls outside again but Garvin slugs him down one more time as this is totally one sided in the first five minutes.

More lefts and rights set up a middle rope knee for two but Jake finally gets in a knee to the ribs. We hit the chinlock with three minutes left in the title portion. Instead of going for something else, Roberts switches to an armbar and pulls on the rope for a change. A vertical suplex gives Jake two but Garvin slugs away one more time. There’s a rake to the back but Jake finds a well hidden weapon in the turnbuckle and hits him in the throat. The DDT gives Jake the pin and the title out of nowhere at 9:27.

Rating: C+. Points for the surprise here as they were setting up the draw (in the first ten minutes at least) to perfection here. The match saw Jake selling the whole time until he cheated to steal the title, just like a snake would. That sets up a ton of rematches (and there would be more than one) so it was a well done and surprising match which set up the future. Not bad at all for about ten minutes.

Post match Ellering gets the weapon away from Jake so that the referee can’t find anything in a great bit.

Jimmy Valiant vs. Great Kabuki

Kabuki has Gary Hart with him. Before the match, Valiant says it’s time to beat up some people, including the bald headed geek Gary Hart. Valiant gives Hart five seconds to get out before the beating is on, and then gets in the ring to deck Hart five seconds later. You can’t fault him for timing. With Hart on the floor, Valiant beats up Kabuki in a hurry and crotches him against the post.

Back in and we get some shaking knees, a thumb to Kabuki’s throat, and more knee shaking. After sending the referee into the corner, Valiant chokes away but the referee’s distraction lets Hart slip Kabuki something. That’s enough for a shot to the face and it’s time for Kabuki to start chopping. Those are cut off with the sleeper so Kabuki goes to the face again for another break. That earns Kabuki another sleeper so he rakes the eyes again to get out. Kabuki’s claw doesn’t last long so he kicks Valiant in the ribs.

The claw goes on again for two but Valiant fights up again. That means a lot of gyrating and dancing as the comeback is on. Naturally that is cut off by a third claw but this time Valiant sends him into the referee. Valiant slams Kabuki off the top and pulls out a chain for the right hands, drawing in Hart for the failed save. Valiant chokes him out with the chain and knocks Kabuki out with another right hand. Hart goes after Valiant again so it’s one more right hand….and Valiant pins Hart at 10:02? Makes as much sense as anything else.

Rating: D. Yeah this didn’t work. I know Valiant is someone who can work a crowd into a frenzy and I did like what he did to Hart before the bell, but there wasn’t much to be seen here as it was a lot of laying around with some dancing in the middle. Valiant has never been the kind of guy known for his in-ring prowess (and that’s fine) but I needed something more than this.

Buzz Sawyer vs. Abdullah the Butcher

Butcher has Ellering with him and Sawyer seems to be a face after being the biggest heel ever last time around. They brawl on the floor to start (well duh) and Sawyer is knocked all around ringside as Butcher is a different level of violent. Some postings have Sawyer rocked and bleeding early. A shot to the face knocks Sawyer over the barricade and a chair to the face makes it even worse. Sawyer shoves the referee and they actually get in the ring for a change. Butcher rips at the face with the trademark fork but Sawyer takes it away and gouges away with the fork as well. That’s finally enough for the double DQ at 4:16.

Rating: C-. I know it’s not much of a match but that’s kind of the point of something like this. You know what you’re getting with Butcher (I mean, his name is BUTCHER) and Sawyer could be a wild brawler in his own right. This wasn’t a good match, but it was a wild brawl that they were trying for and after a bad match before it, this is what they should have done.

Post match the brawl is on again with Sawyer using the fork again, both in and out of the ring. Butcher doesn’t want any help from the referee and knocks him down, with Sawyer taking out Ellering as well. The brawling continues and they choke each other a lot but things start to slow down a bit.

They get back inside with Butcher choking on the mat until they roll outside again. More choking and brawling take them into the crowd where the camera can’t quite follow them. We see them brawling even more until they’re FINALLY separated with Sawyer heading back to the ring. The brawl was twice as long as the match and you can imagine how many rematches they’ve set up.

We take an intermission, with the ring announcer saying a pair of glasses has been found. I love that kind of little touch to make it feel unique.

National Tag Team Titles: Road Warriors vs. Brett Wayne Sawyer/Dusty Rhodes

The Road Warriors are defending and have Ellering with them. The much smaller Sawyer grabs a headlock on Hawk to start before bouncing off of his shoulder. A pair of dropkicks have the Warriors staggered and you can feel the anger growing. Dusty comes in to face Hawk and you can feel the fans getting into things more than they have in a long time. The dancing shots to the head stagger Hawk and it’s off to Animal for a change.

The test of strength goes on but Sawyer slides through Dusty’s legs to get in a cheap shot on Animal in a unique spot. Animal gorilla presses Sawyer so it’s already back to Hawk, who can’t slam Dusty. Both Warriors get slammed though and the champs are livid. Back in and Sawyer hits Hawk in the face, which doesn’t seem to be the best career move. Animal comes in for some hardcore glaring so Sawyer grabs a headlock.

A shoulder takes Sawyer down again though and Dusty gets to try some more with Hawk. Dusty takes Hawk down with ease and gets in a kick that looked a good bit low. That means it’s already back to Animal, who is so sick of Sawyer’s headlocks that he throws him into the corner. Fair enough as that’s almost all Sawyer has done so far. Hawk slaps on a bearhug and it’s quickly back to Animal for one of his own.

The bearhugging continues and Sawyer has to get his arm up at two drops. With that out of the way, it’s right back to the bearhug. Now one might think that the Road Warriors shouldn’t be in a match this long at this point as they don’t seem ready for it, but Sawyer escapes and brings Dusty back in so we don’t have time to address that.

Dusty gets knocked down as well and Hawk grabs….a wristlock? We’re fourteen minutes into this and you grab a wristlock? Dusty gets out of that like it’s a wristlock and brings Sawyer in again as everything breaks down. Sawyer powerslams Hawk but Animal makes the save for two, with Dusty making another save. Everything breaks down and Ellering comes in for the DQ at 15:13.

Rating: D. I don’t think the Road Warriors have been in more than a dozen fifteen minute matches in their careers so doing this in 1983 was a REALLY questionable move with bad results. What exactly were they expecting out of a team with an arsenal of three moves when they were feeling like really working that night? Not good, but the Warriors were left out there to die and Brett wasn’t much better. So yes, Dusty was the most polished worker of the match.

Post match Dusty is sent outside and Sawyer gets destroyed until Buzz Sawyer finally runs in for the save. Buzz carries Brett out in a scene that does have some emotion to it.

Tommy Rich vs. Ted DiBiase

I believe Pez Whatley is the guest referee (it’s definitely a wrestler). They go right to the slugout to start with Rich knocking DiBiase outside. Back in and Rich punches him down again as DiBiase is getting angry. A dropkick and elbow to the head keep DiBiase in trouble and we hit the headlock takeover to slow things down. DiBiase rolls him up for two but can’t get out of the hold as you can hear wrestlers talking about what they want to do in the match.

The hold is broken and put right back on as the pace has dropped a good three gears in a hurry. It’s finally broken up for good with DiBiase hitting a backdrop but the piledriver is countered without much trouble. Therefore, it’s right back to the headlock as we’re almost five minutes in. Back up again and DiBiase knees him in the ribs but misses an elbow, allowing Rich to drop a knee for two. Now it’s a chinlock on DiBiase but he fights up and sends Rich into the corner for a stomping.

After an argument with the referee, DiBiase drops a knee for two and grabs a suplex for the delayed same. The choking is on until Whatley breaks it up, allowing Rich to get in some right hands. DiBiase’s middle rope elbow to the head gets two more and we’re right back to the chinlock. That’s switched to more choking but Rich kicks his way out of the corner. The middle rope fist drop misses DiBiase but Rich kicks him in the face for the double knockdown.

Now it’s Rich grabbing a sleeper because we haven’t had a hold in a few minutes. DiBiase breaks that up in a hurry and stomps away some more. This time Rich is busted open and DiBiase goes after the cut, including MORE CHOKING. Whatley finally pulls DiBiase off of Rich in the corner so the comeback can be afoot. The bloody Rich slugs away as some other wrestlers come in to try and break it up, only to get decked by Rich as well. They hold him back enough for DiBiase to get in some more shots but they fight is on again. It happens again and this time Whatley, who was helping break it up, calls for the bell at 16:59.

Rating: D. I’m not sure what this was supposed to be but it wasn’t exactly a great way to keep Rich looking like a big star. After all those years of feuding with Sawyer, maybe the fans just want to see something else. Or they didn’t care after nearly fifteen minutes of choking and chinlocks. Terrible main event and the lack of a reaction doesn’t bode well for Rich’s future.

Post match they keep fighting on the floor to an almost nothing reaction, with Rich being declared the winner, presumably because of the wrestlers going after him first when they were breaking it up. Otherwise, that makes no sense.

Overall Rating: D+. That’s about as good as it was going to get as the show just wasn’t all that good. The problem is that they were coming off one of the biggest feuds in the history of the south and now they have to follow that up. Couple that with Rich’s star power going down in a hurry, likely due to fatigue after that Sawyer feud, and there wasn’t much else that could be done here. This just wasn’t a very good show, but it was definitely interesting with no commentary and having to let the wrestlers make you understand the story on their own.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


This One Hits Home A Bit

411’s Larry Csonka has passed away.

I didn’t know Larry on a personal level but I was a member of the 411 staff a bit back in the day.  I would regularly read his reviews and while I didn’t always agree with him, I understood how he came to most of his conclusions.  He was a machine at reviewing material and it’s sad to see that he’s not here anymore.  There was no cause of death given but he’s had some health issues over the years, including losing a leg.

Back On The Mouth Of The South Shore Radio Show

I haven’t been on the show in awhile but it was a lot of fun as always.  We talk the goings on in wrestling today, including the problems with Raw, some of the upcoming stars of WWE, some of the smaller stories in wrestling that might be going under the radar and Kenny Omega.  Check out this one, plus check out the show every week.  You’ll find the links to everything below and please subscribe to/rate it and like their Facebook page.  In other words, press some buttons to help out a good show that has been incredibly nice to me over the years and gives you an awesome wrestling discussion at the same time.

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NXT UK – April 30, 2020 (Hidden Gems): And For Once, They Are!

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: April 30, 2020
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Andy Shepard
Host: Tom Phillips

It’s another special edition of the show but this time around it’s something you have seen before. This week’s theme is Hidden Gems, which means we are looking at matches that aired for the live crowd at TV tapings but were filmed for whatever reason. That could make for some interesting footage as it’s all new to us. Let’s get to it.

Tom welcomes us to the show and explains the idea.

From the Download Festival in Derby, England, June 14, 2019.

NXT UK Women’s Title: Toni Storm vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Storm is defending and they fight over wristlocks to start. Storm takes her to the mat but Purrazzo headstands out of a headscissors. Purrazzo gets in her own headscissors so Storm slips out as well to give us a standoff. Some uppercuts give Storm one and we hit the half crab. A rope is grabbed in a hurry so Storm kicks her in the chest for two more. Storm misses a charge into the corner though and Purrazzo snaps the arm back for her own two. Purrazzo stomps away in the corner and takes a bow, setting up a modified STF.

The fans ask if Storm will be their girl until Purrazzo quiets them down with another shot to the arm for some near falls. The armbar brings the fans back into it but it’s a Lethal Combination into a Koji Clutch. Back up and they slug it out until Toni rolls some German suplexes. The arm goes out on Storm Zero though, allowing Purrazzo to put on another armbar. Storm gets to the rope for the save so it’s a hard clothesline and a quick Storm Zero to retain at 11:14.

Rating: B-. Storm is someone who can be awesome when she has the right circumstances and she made it work here. The arm work made sense and Storm went with a rush of adrenaline to retain the title in the end. It was also one of Purrazzo’s best performances around here, even though she wouldn’t be in the company by the time it aired.

From Plymouth, England on July 20, 2019.

Matt Riddle vs. Ligero

From a TV taping. Andy: “How do you solve a riddle like the Original Bro?” Tom: “I see what you did there.” The fans chant something I can’t understand as the bigger Riddle goes with the grappling to start. Ligero reverses into a headlock but Riddle powers him up with a belly to back suplex. The chinlock is snapped back on and Ligero slugs away with the forearms.

Riddle powers him down again and starts with the strikes, setting up the running forearms in the corner. A suplex sets up the Broton for two and Riddle is fired up. Riddle grabs a Jackhammer for two but the Floating Bro is countered into a running German superplex. Ligero flips out of a German suplex and they head to the floor with Riddle getting caught with a hurricanrana. A springboard Stunner gives Ligero two back inside and a slingshot splash gets the same. C4L is countered into a powerbomb and it’s the Final Flash into Bro Derek. The Floating Bro finishes Ligero at 8:38.

Rating: C+. I wanted to see more of this as Ligero came to play this time. Ligero can work well with anyone and while I’m still waiting on that big breakout moment from Riddle, he looked good here in a rare instance where he was a good bit bigger than his opponent. Nice match here with both guys putting in a nice performance.

From the Download Festival in Derby, England, June 15, 2019.

NXT Women’s Title: Shayna Baszler vs. Isla Dawn

Shayna is defending and drives her into the corner to start without looking too worried here. Dawn gets a quick one off a rollup and takes out the leg to mess with Shayna’s head. That earns Dawn a headlock so she rolls Baszler up for another two. A suplex sends Baszler outside so Dawn follows but gets sent into the steps.

Back in and Baszler stomps on the arm, setting up the armbar. Baszler hammers away for two and the arm is bent around the top rope. An armbar takedown lets Baszler crank on the arm a little more but Dawn fights up for a running dropkick. A gutwrench faceplant gives Baszler two so she kicks Dawn in the face and grabs the Clutch for the tap at 8:39.

Rating: C. This wasn’t great but I’m not sure who was going to buy Dawn as a threat against Baszler when Dawn has never won anything of note. Baszler is a monster and it takes someone special to beat her, or even challenge her really. It wasn’t bad, but it felt like a long squash.

Ilja Dragunov is keeping his fire going until he finally gets to face Walter for the UK Title. He’s ready to go where no one else ever has and this match will redefine violence.

Next week: the Rise of Imperium. Cool.

From Coventry, England, March 6, 2020.

Ilja Dragunov vs. A-Kid

Kid wrestles him down to start and gets a quick one to set up a standoff. They hit the mat again with Kid tying him up into a bow and arrow. That’s reversed into a chinlock, which is reversed into a headscissors on Dragunov. An exchange of rollups give them two each and Kid slips out of a headscissors for a standoff. Kid headstands into a headscissors on the mat (dang) so Dragunov slips out and says bring it.

Dragunov changes plans and hits him in the face, setting up a crossbody for two more. The top rope elbow to the floor drops Kid again but he’s right back with a German suplex back inside. Kid’s northern lights suplex into an armbar, followed by a quick high crossbody for two. Frustration is setting in so Dragunov BLASTS him with a clothesline.

The 61Line gets two more but Kid kicks him in the arm. Dragunov responds by kicking him in the FACE and a deadlift German suplex gets two. Kid pulls the leg down and twists the ankle so it’s an enziguri with the free leg for the double knockdown. Somehow Kid is back up with a super Spanish Fly for two but Dragunov spinebusters him. Torpedo Moscow finishes Kid at 13:23.

Rating: B+. That’s your perfect example of someone letting it all hang out as Kid gave this everything he had and the match was awesome. It says a lot when I know the result beforehand and still got sucked into the match because they were going that hard. This was awesome and I hope someone important was watching both of them, because it was great stuff.

Overall Rating: A-. Now this was more like it with a heck of a show where they threw wrestling matches out there to fill in their wrestling show. It’s so nice to see that instead of a show with a lot of talking and I’ve been enjoying this (and 205 Live) so much more as a result. WWE has such a deep video library that it makes sense to use it in a time like this. Check this out, especially that main event, if you have time.


Toni Storm b. Deonna Purrazzo – Storm Zero

Matt Riddle b. Ligero – Floating Bro

Shayna Baszler b. Isla Dawn – Kirifuda Clutch

Ilja Dragunov b. A-Kid – Torpedo Moscow

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:



Yeah it’s gone again.https://wrestlingrumors.net/tommyhall/breaking-xfl-ceases-operations-not-returning-next-year/


Your interest in football may vary, but I wasn’t big on the idea of a spring league.  To be fair though, this has very little to do with the football or anything else, as the Coronavirus spreading took away every sporting league.  That being said, I really hope this is dropped for good now as it has failed twice, for various reasons.

Hidden Gems #13: Don’t Mess With Texas (Especially Not This Kind)

IMG Credit: WWE

Hidden Gems #13
Date: 1980

Texas Championship Wrestling TV
Date: October 27, 1980
Location: Sportatorium, Dallas, Texas
Commentator: Boyd Pierce

So this is a different one with a full episode of the Texas Championship Wrestling TV, which would eventually morph into World Class Championship Wrestling. These shows are very rare, hence why they make a lot of sense as a Hidden Gem. Believe it or not, the show is about the Von Erichs. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence, with a bunch of still shots.

Tim Brooks vs. Ted Heath

They go into the corner to start with the British Heath getting in a shot to the ribs off the break. What a villain. Some circling goes to Heath as he takes over on the hammerlock, allowing Pierce to talk about how awesome Heath was as an amateur wrestler in the UK. The wristlock into the hammerlock keeps Brooks in trouble until he reverses into a hammerlock of his own. Ever Pierce acknowledges that they’re not moving very much out there, even as Heath takes over with another hammerlock.

A headscissors takes Brooks down, allowing him to hit a quick splash onto the arm. After some pausing for Heath to hold his arm, we get a rather fired up test of strength with Brooks kicking him in the ribs to take over. Heath backflips out of things though and takes Brooks down in a pretty impressive counter (how British of him). Brooks takes him right back down and drops some knees, only to have the arm bent around the rope. They go into the corner with Brooks getting a chain to the throat and the bearhug goes on.

Heath breaks out of that and gets in the chain as well, sending Brooks running off like a true coward. Imagine that: running when an angry man is swinging a steel chain at you. Get some backbone man! We have three minutes left in the fifteen minute time limit and it’s Brooks coming back in to beg away again. With the chain taken away, Heath starts in on the leg and chops Brooks on the mat but a splash hits knees. Brooks drops a leg for the pin at 13:27.

Rating: D+. This was a weird one as it felt like they ran out of time for what they were trying to do and threw together a quick finish. Heath was decent enough here but Brooks was a heel around the territory for a long time. It would have worked better had they gotten to the bigger stuff earlier, but that ended just came out of nowhere and felt like it was from a different match.

Brian Blair vs. The Jackyl

The Jackyl is a masked man replacing the injured Bulldog Brower. Blair slugs away to start with Jackyl staggering around until he falls down. A headlock takeover lets Blair keep him in trouble as the announcer talks about how AMAZING the Von Erichs are. Jackyl finally goes with a pull of the hair to escape and it’s right back to the headlock takeover to lay on the mat some more.

After another minute or so of just laying there on the mat, they get up to their knees for more headlocking. Blair switches to a front facelock as we hit five minutes in….somehow. They FINALLY break it up and it’s time for Jackyl to go with the foreign object. Blair fights back with right hands and a knee drop, meaning we hit the front facelock again. It’s time to go after the mask but Jackyl drives him up against the ropes for the sake of identity.

Some right hands have Blair in trouble and it’s off to the chinlock because this match hates me. Blair reaches up and pulls the mask half off so Jackyl cranks on the chinlock a bit more to keep things hidden. That works so well that they do it again but this time, Blair gets away and blindly swings. The slug it out from their knees until Jackyl slams him down, only to miss a legdrop. An atomic drop into a middle rope elbow to the head rocks Jackyl again and an abdominal stretch into the pin finishes Jackyl at 11:56.

Rating: D. This did get a little better once they started doing something but the first five or six minutes were spent ENTIRELY on the mat in one hold after another. That’s not wrestling, that’s not psychology and that’s not effort. This was the two of them laying there for half of the match and that was horrible. Once they got up and tried to do something it got up to acceptable, but just laying there like that isn’t worth anyone’s time.

Post break (and shower and dressing), Blair talks about all of the physical stuff he has to do to stay in shape. Oh and stay away from drugs and cigarettes. He’s been an athlete since he was six years old and now he does some rodeo along with wrestling. Blair likes the idea of Fritz Von Erich beating up Gino Hernandez too. The lack of charisma was strong here, as was Blair’s goodness being almost hard to take. Then again, different time and Fritz LOVED that kind of stuff so it makes sense.

Stan Stasiak vs. Bruiser Brody

The brawl is on in a hurry with Bruiser knocking him to the floor early on. Back in and they brawl in the corner, with Brody getting smart by working on the heart punch hand. Stasiak is fine enough to send him face first into the buckle and we hit the nerve hold. Brody fights up from his knees and stomps away in the corner so they can go outside. Some rams into the apron let Brody bites him in the head as the beating is on. Back in and the running knee misses Stasiak but the referee gets pushed away, allowing Stasiak to use a foreign object for the pin at 4:28.

Rating: C. That’s not the ending I would have bet on as Brody is Brody and it’s 1980 so why is Stasiak still being pushed as something? It wasn’t clean or anything though so it’s not like this is anything of note. It was one of the more entertaining matches on the show as well, mainly due to Brody’s crazy charisma.

Bruiser Brody/Von Erichs vs. Stan Stasiak/Gary Young/Pak Song/Gino Hernandez

That would be David/Fritz/Kevin here and there are a ton of stipulations. It’s an elimination match with pin/submission/over the top rope eliminations. Whoever is eliminated first can’t wrestle in Texas for six months, but if it’s one of the Von Erichs they can keep living in the state. Any of the other five have to get out of Texas altogether. Brody and Young start things off as there are two referees inside the ring for a weird look.

They run the ropes with a kick to the ribs putting Young in trouble, meaning it’s off to David for an armdrag takeover. David gets pulled into the corner though and it’s time for the villains to start taking their turns on him. Gino gets in some stomps but it’s off to Kevin, sending Gino BAILING to the floor. The villains take a breather on the floor and we settle down to Young front facelocking Kevin. Song’s chops put Kevin down but a dropkick puts him down. The Claw goes on and Song is pinned at 3:57.

We take a break and come back with Brody slamming Gino and cleaning house as only he can. Kevin comes in to get caught with a cheap shot, allowing Gino to throw him outside. Gino chokes Kevin so Fritz comes in to ship Gino with a leather belt. Kevin and Gino fall over the top for the double elimination and the credits roll as they fight on the floor at 6:56 shown.

Rating: D+. This didn’t have time to go anywhere but they got rid of Song so at least they got the important part done. The point of a show like this is to leave the fans wanting more and that is exactly what they managed to do. Granted I’m not sure how well it worked with no real backstory to the whole thing but the Von Erichs in the main event was the guaranteed main event.

Overall Rating: D. I wasn’t feeling this one at all as it just wasn’t an entertaining show. The promotion was built around personalities and the long form stories but none of those were on display here. It was a case of knowing almost everyone involved aside from the interview with Blair and the deal with Fritz whipping Gino. The promotion would get better but this wasn’t the time just yet. Bad show, but anyone can have an off week.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


An Amazing Wrestling Sale

You might want to get in on this.

Highspots is the company that presents WrestleCon but since that went under, they are in need of some money. Therefore, they are offering a CRAZY sale on everything they sell at the moment, which includes everything from wrestling gear to rings to authentic pay per view banners to DVDs to videos on demand to memorabilia and more. Right now, everything on their site is 36% off and all DVDs/video downloads are 50% off. Some of their DVDs and videos are $5 and under, meaning you can get full wrestling DVDs for $2 each and under in some cases.

As a result, I’ve dropped almost $200 and picked up:

8 Books

1 Old Magazine

15 DVDs (5 PWG, 5 Wrestling Revolver, 2 ROH, 2 FIP, 1 WWE)

12 Downloads (8 PWG, 2 Pro Wrestling Superstars, 1 Five Dollar Wrestling, 1 WrestleCon Supershow, 1 New England Wrestling, all full shows)

2 Documentaries

1 DVD Set

You need to check this stuff out and, as you might have guessed, you’ll be seeing a lot of PWG stuff in the near future (and all of the other DVDs I’ve gotten in the Wrestling Loot Crates/from Jim Cornette’s site as I’m running out of space for them). This is perhaps the best sale I’ve ever seen and you would do yourself a favor to check some of them out.