Category: General

Best Of 2018: Group/Tag Team Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Group/Tag Team Of The Year

It’s been a much stronger year for this category, which is rather nice to see. It’s not so much more time being dedicated to the area but more that the teams and groups are...

Best Of 2018: Match Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Match Of The Year

So this one is coming after Wrestler Of The Year, which was the Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa race. Well guess where we are all over again. You’re going to see those names a...

Best Of 2018: Wrestler Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Wrestler Of The Year

We’re hitting a big one here as there isn’t much more important than the Wrestler Of The Year. That’s what it all comes down to: who had the best year all around the card....

Best Of 2018: Moment Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Moment Of The Year

This is pretty much spot of the year without taking place in a match, though sometimes there’s a bit of a twist involved. In this case you might have something in a match, but...

Best Of 2018: Title Reign Of The Year 1

Best Of 2018: Title Reign Of The Year

I know it’s one of the more basic ideas but at the end of the day (or year in this case), most wrestling feuds revolve around titles. It’s what most of the people wrestle...

Best Of 2018: Feud Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Feud Of The Year

I’m not going to waste your time here. You know it’s Tommaso Ciampa vs. Johnny Gargano and there’s no point in suggesting that it’s anything else. That feud has produced one of the best...

Best Of 2018: Female Wrestler Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Female Wrestler Of The Year

Why I didn’t have this in the original group of categories isn’t clear but stupidity would be a likely candidate. The women’s division has become one of the best things going in all of...

Best Of 2018: Non-Wrestler Of The Year 1

Best Of 2018: Non-Wrestler Of The Year

There is so much more to wrestling than wrestling. That’s arguably the least important part of the whole presentation, because if you don’t care about these people, why would I want to se them...

Best Of 2018: Spot Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Spot Of The Year

See spot on highlight reels? These are the kind of things that you are going to see over and over again and for a very good reason. These are designed to be short bursts...

Best Of 2018: Worst Match Of The Year 2

Best Of 2018: Worst Match Of The Year

We’re continuing the down part of the year with this one, which is one of the bigger picks of the year. You know the kind of matches I’m talking about here: the matches that...