Category: General

Best Of 2018: Most Improved Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Most Improved Of The Year

This one is going to be open to a simple question: how good was the person coming into 2018? If you were that good already, it’s kind of hard to see top level improvement....

Best Of 2019: Surprise Of The Year 8

Best Of 2019: Surprise Of The Year

I bet you didn’t see this one coming. As the name suggests, this one is about the best moment you didn’t expect throughout the year, which could be either good or bad. It might...

Best of 2018: Finisher Of The Year 0

Best of 2018: Finisher Of The Year

Your tastes may vary here as what you might think is a good finisher could be a little different from everyone elses. My biggest criteria is does it actually finish things. There are some...

Best Of 2018: Angle Of The Year 0

Best Of 2018: Angle Of The Year

It’s the beginning of a new year and that means it’s time for one thing: me to take way too long to put up my Best Of 2018 awards. This year the plan is...

Ranking The Shows 6

Ranking The Shows

So this is something kind of interesting. A few weeks ago, someone asked me to rank the current wrestling shows that I watch from most to least enjoyable. I’ve heard of worse ideas so...