You Have To Be Able To Rank Things

Time for another question about some tag teams going out of their element.

Speaking of Edge

How would you rank Edge & Christian, The Hardys and The Dudleys singles careers?

I know Devon’s bottom but there could definitely be an arguement Jeff had a better overall career than Edge.

This one might surprise you a bit.

1. Edge. You just can’t argue against that many titles and all that other stuff he’s won. I believe he’s the only person to win every non-weight class title and has more titles than anyone else in company history, plus a Royal Rumble, King of the Ring and Money in the Bank. That’s never being topped, ever.

2. Jeff Hardy. I know he’s not quite what he was back in the day, but egads he was crazy over back in his day. There was a real case that he was the second biggest star in the company behind Cena, and that’s one heck of an accomplishment. If he had stuck around, I’d love to see how far he could have gone.

3. Christian. Not the biggest surprise, but if you could combine his talking and charisma levels in TNA with his success in WWE, he would have been an even bigger star. He managed to craft an entire career of his own away from Edge and he was quite the big deal on his own. That feud with Randy Orton in 2011 would have run away with Feud of the Year if not for Cena vs. Punk.

4. Bubba Ray Dudley. I loved his singles run as Bully Ray and he was a heck of a heel. I know that’s down in TNA, but he was still a success and fighting against some top names. He’s an incredible talker and played a good power heel in the ring. The tag team success helped him out a lot as well and gave him extra credibility. To go from what felt like a joke of a singles run in WWE to this was quite impressive.

5. Matt Hardy. Really, it’s just hard to care. Some of the stuff he did was good and the Mattitude Facts are hilarious but his World Title reigns in TNA barely existed and his ECW Title reign is forgettable. He had some nice midcard work but it never really felt big and he never broke through to that next level. The potential was always there and it just didn’t click.

6. D-Von Dudley. Back in the day, a buddy of mine and I would use our 13 inch Marvel figures for wrestling toys. They had theme songs, storylines, entrance music and all that jazz. One of them was a Ghost Rider figure named Blaze. One of his finishers was a reverse implant DDT called the Inferno. D-Von occasionally used that as his finisher. For me, that is the high point of his singles career.


Jose Lothario Passes Away

At the age of 83.  He’s likely best known as the manager and trainer of Shawn Michaels, but he had a heck of a career in both Florida and Texas.  Lothario was one of those guys you had to see to really appreciate, but he was a heck of a talent and someone worth tracking down.

Well Now I Want Wendy’s


Just….yep.  In every meaning of the word.

Brian Christopher (Grandmaster Sexay), Nikolai Volkoff and Brickhouse Brown All Pass Away

…..egads man.  I mean egads.  Christopher was 46, Volkoff was 70 and Brown was 57.  That’s one of the worst days I can remember in wrestling and there’s nothing good to be said about any of them.  Volkoff is a legend, Christopher was a popular star in one of the best eras ever and Brown was a very talented guy in the territories.  I usually say I never have any idea what to say about these things but three at once is too much to comprehend.

Ask Wrestling Rumors – Week 7 – July 24, 2018


More questions answered but I think this is going to be the last one for now.  It’s just taking up too much time, though I might have a replacement in mind.  Thanks for all the questions and keep them coming, just in case.

Ask Wrestling Rumors – July 14, 2018

Another week of questions, including what I like on the WWE Network.  Check it out, watch the videos, and ask me more questions!

Oh and like it on Facebook and ask questions there too.

Ask Wrestling Rumors Week 5 – July 7, 2018

This week with underused wrestlers, a lot of AJ Styles, defending Roman Reigns, Shelton Benjamin and a recommendation.  As always, make sure to watch the videos!

Ask Wrestling Rumors Week 4

More questions, more very long form answers, some of them being to questions asked by you all.

Ask Wrestling Rumors – Week 3

Another long form Q&A.  Thank you again to anyone who sent me a question and please ask another for next week if you’d like.  Also make sure to watch the videos included in there if you can please.


Vader Passes Away

That’s a rough one for me as I was always a big fan.  He was one of the best big men ever and an absolute monster.  His match with Sting at Starrcade 1992 is one of my favorite matches ever and it’s a shame that he didn’t get the WWF Title in 1996.  At least he’s not in pain anymore.