Monday Night Raw – May 22, 2023: There’s Something Missing

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 22, 2023
Location: Giant Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

It’s the go home Raw for Night Of Champions and that means it is time for the final push towards the show. That might be a little tricky since there are three main events, all of which are only half Raw stars. Maybe they have a way to draw in some interest tonight otherwise so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open in the back with Brock Lesnar beating down Cody Rhodes. The beating goes on for a bit and Rhodes is left laying, including his arm being crushed against a door with a keg (similar to what he did to Undertaker about 20 years ago).

Here is Paul Heyman in the ring to say he had nothing to do with that beating. That’s just the kind of thing you can expect to see at Night Of Champions (Note that Heyman said the show is on Saturday at 1pm. That’s more detail than you often get from WWE and I have no idea why it’s that much to ask. You want people to watch the show. Let us know when we can do so.), where there will be three main events.

This includes the Bloodline taking the Tag Team Titles from Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, who come to the ring as Heyman leaves. Zayn: “Where did Heyman go?” Sami talks about their title defense on Saturday but he has already said everything he has to say to Reigns’ face. Tonight they have a six man tag match and here is Imperium to interrupt. Matt Riddle runs in to even things up and Gunther calls the troops off. Imperium charges back in and are promptly kicked out to fight another day. Or probably later tonight.

Ricochet vs. Bronson Reed

Earlier today, Reed blamed Ricochet for losing the battle royal last week. Suffering is promised. Reed misses a charge into the corner to start so Ricochet kicks the knee out to stagger him. Ricochet scores with an enziguri but gets run over, setting up the rolling splash to crush Ricochet down.

We take a break and come back with Ricochet slipping out of a suplex to hammer away at the head. The standing moonsault gets two but Ricochet gets knocked to the floor. Reed’s dive off the apron misses though and they head back inside, where Ricochet’s springboard is broken up. That’s enough to set up the Tsunami for the pin at 8:29.

Rating: C+. There’s always room for a big man vs. little man match and that’s what we had here. These two worked well together and had a nice match, as Ricochet tried to keep the pace up but ultimately got crushed by Reed. There is some serious potential for a monster with Reed’s athleticism and we very well may be seeing him get a heck of a push sooner rather than later.

Apollo Crews is back but gets cut off by Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley. Dominik isn’t happy that Crews is getting this time, but Ripley is apparently scheduled next. Dominik: “Apollo who?” Crews isn’t impressed, only to have Ripley talk about how she is going to beat Natalya at Night Of Champions. Crews still isn’t cool with this and seems to get a match with Dominik tonight.

We get part three of the Seth Rollins interview. Rollins loves Roman Reigns but doesn’t like him. We see some clips of the Shield days (or at least 2/3 of them) but that’s not the Reigns that we’re seeing today. Rollins has no respect for this Reigns, who has been poisoned by his own ego. Raw can be a different place with Rollins on top. Someone has to take his place when he’s gone or when Reigns is gone and that’s who he wants to rise up. He’s ready for AJ Styles at Night Of Champions. He also sounds like he’s ready for some major showdown with Reigns down the line. Maybe even after Reigns costs him the title?

We look at Shinsuke Nakamura arguing with Judgment Day last week on Raw Talk.

Damian Priest yells in Spanish about Nakamura.

Video on Zoey Stark, who trains a lot and is ready to end our heroes.

Zoey Stark vs. Candice LeRae

Stark drives her into the corner to start and hammers away on the mat. The chinlock goes on but here is Nikki Cross to cheer LeRae on. LeRae knocks her to the floor and hits a springboard dive, only to have Nikki celebrate with her (against LeRae’s will). The distraction lets Stark send them both into the steps. Back in and the Z360 (Stark picks her up and backflips her into a knee to the chest) finishes LeRae at 2:29. Solid squash for Stark.

Mustafa Ali can’t bring himself to say anything positive about Night Of Champions. He has always tried but only come close over and over. No one believes he can do it….and Brock Lesnar walks past him on the way to the ring. Lesnar: “Get a life kid.” And with that, Lesnar heads into the arena, as Ali should probably hope he has a shovel to get out of the grave Lesnar just buried him inside.

Lesnar asks what we want to talk about. The thing is, Cody Rhodes is not going to be able to wrestle at Night Of Champions, but don’t worry. Lesnar is going to issue an open challenge for Night Of Champions, and all you have to do is step up right now. Cue Cody Rhodes with his arm in a sling and a big bag of ice under it but referees and Adam Pearce beg him not to do it. Cody gets in anyway, but Brock quickly Kimuras him and seems to break the arm. Lesnar steps on the arm to make it worse before leaving (and drops his hat on the way out).

Alpha Academy vs. Viking Raiders

Maxxine Dupri and Valhalla are here too. Erik blocks Gable’s flying headscissors (complete with a THANK YOU) to start but gets armdragged into an armbar. The Vikings be clubbering on Gable as the fans want Otis. Instead they get Gable taking another beating from both Vikings until he rolls over for the hot tag to bring in Otis. House is quickly wrecked and the Caterpillar hits Erik. Gable gets kneed in the face but knocks Ivar off the top as Valhalla chases Dupri off. A bridging rollup finishes Erik at 4:54.

Rating: C. So I guess Otis is just going to be with both Gable and Dupri, which is better than picking a side….I think? Either way, it’s more of the best thing they can do with Otis as he’s really only succeeded at oddball comedy. Other than that, this was another run of the mill Academy match, which they have perfected by being on TV pretty much every week for what feels like the last ninety four years.

Cody Rhodes refuses medical attention and still wants to fight Brock Lesnar.

Indus Sher is menacing and threatening.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Finn Balor

Damian Priest is here with Balor. Feeling out process to start with Balor taking him down and working on the wristlock. A headscissors keeps Nakamura in trouble and Balor slams his leg down onto Nakamura’s face. Back up and Nakamura hits the running knee to the ribs in the corner but Priest gets in a clothesline on the floor as we take a break.

We come back with Nakamura fighting out of a chinlock and screaming at Balor a bit. Nakamura sends him into the corner for the sliding German suplex and then tells Priest to COME ON. Priest chases him back inside, where Nakamura hits a spinning kick to the head for two.

The Sling Blade looks to set up Kinshasa but Balor reverses with the standing double stomp. It’s too early for the Coup de Grace though and they’re both down for a breather. Priest pulls Balor away from Kinshasa though, earning himself a clothesline into the timekeeper’s area. Balor scores with a quick dropkick and now the Coup de Grace finishes Nakamura at 11:21.

Rating: B-. This is a good example of “well, what were you expecting?”. Was there any doubt that Balor and Nakamura were going to have a good match together? I’m not wild on Nakamura losing again, but there are certain things you just get used to in wrestling. Balor gets a boost back up the ladder, but there is little reason to believe that anything he does is going to stick these days. For now, I’ll settle for just having a nice match.

We look at Liv Morgan’s shoulder injury, which forced the Women’s Tag Team Titles to be vacated.

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Sonya Deville

Chelsea Green is here with Deville and offers a quick distraction so Deville can jump Rodriguez from behind to start. A middle rope knee to the face drops Rodriguez for two but she runs Deville over. The corkscrew Vader Bomb connects and the Texana Bomb finishes for Rodriguez at 1:48.

Post match the double team beatdown is on but Shotzi runs in for the save.

Trish Stratus is here for the contract signing and suggests that Adam Pearce put a no touch clause in effect for her contract signing with Becky Lynch. That’s a negative actually.

Video on Matt Riddle.

It’s time for the contract signing between Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch. Becky, in some odd sunglasses (they look like hands covering her eyes), signs before Trish comes out and then tells her to get out here. Cue Trish to say Becky was a lot more eager to sign than it was to come back to Raw after she kicked Becky in the head.

This is Trish’s first contract signing and she wants to savor it here….wherever we are. Trish is back to be the biggest star again and she won’t need a broken nose to do it (Becky is still sitting still and not looking at Trish whatsoever). We’re not done as Trish talks about how Becky’s worst enemy was herself. Trish signs, saying that this is going to be Becky’s last contract signing. Becky says Trish is scared of time passing her by, because the fans remember her being better than she is.

If Trish wants her flowers, Becky says “Thank You Trish”, for being everything Becky doesn’t want to be. Trish can stab people in the back and Becky will hit them in the face. Becky has had a career that Trish can only dream of, while Trish has done things that would embarrass Becky horrible. If she thinks barking like a dog was embarrassing, just wait for what Becky does at Night Of Champions. Trish turns the table over and leaves. This made it feel a lot more personal and that is what the feud needed.

We look at Brock Lesnar beating Cody Rhodes down earlier tonight (twice).

Adam Pearce is on the phone with someone and reiterates that Cody Rhodes will not accept any medical attention.

Shotzi and Raquel Rodriguez are a team and they’ll win the Tag Team Titles next week.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Apollo Crews

Rhea Ripley is here with Dominik. Crews starts fast with a suplex into a delayed gorilla press for two. Dominik catches him on top though and takes Crews down for the stomping. A suplex gives Dominik two and we’re off to the chinlock. Crews fights up and hits something close to a Blockbuster, followed by a middle rope crossbody for two of his own. They head to the floor where a clothesline hits Dominik but Ripley offers a distraction. Dominik trips him into the steps for a nine count, followed by the frog splash to give Dominik the pin at 4:56.

Rating: C. This is the kind of match that makes me wonder how far Dominik can go. While he’s not his dad in the ring, he’s certainly able to wrestle a competent match and is far from some joke that was turned into a heat magnet. Dominik gets amazing reactions from the crowd and does well enough in the ring to back it up. You don’t get that kind of a combination very often and he is making it work.

Video on AJ Styles.

We get the final part of the Seth Rollins interview. As Rollins said when he started, he but he wants to change things around here and this is his moment to do something special. He’s going all in for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Night Of Champions rundown. Rhea Ripley vs. Natalya is official.

Imperium vs. Matt Riddle/Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens

Kaiser strikes Zayn into the corner to start but Zayn takes him over for the tag to Riddle. Vinci comes in as well and strikes away at Riddle, who sends him flying with a gutwrench suplex. It’s off to Gunther, who blocks Riddle’s double leg but can’t block the kicks to the chest. We take a break and come back with Gunther blasting Riddle for two before hitting a heck of a clothesline. Riddle enziguris his way to freedom though and the tag brings Owens in.

House is cleaned, including a Cannonball to Vinci, but Owens is knocked off the apron for a crash as we take a break. Back with Owens hitting a frog splash to Vinci, setting up the desperation tag to Zayn. The Helluva Kick is blocked though and Gunther chops the heck out of Zayn. A Blue Thunder Bomb gives Zayn two on Gunther as everything breaks down again. Owens Stuns Vinci but Gunther cuts off the Helluva Kick with a sleeper. Riddle breaks it up with the Floating Bro before throwing Gunther over the announcers’ table. That leaves Zayn to Helluva Kick Vinci, setting up Owens’ Swanton for the pin at 15:18.

Rating: B. I could have gone for a more complete version of this without losing so much time due to the two breaks. Owens and Zayn get some momentum heading into Night Of Champions, Gunther still looks like a monster and the match was good as a bonus. Not a bad use of a main event match and everyone did what they needed to do.

HHH comes in to see Cody Rhodes, who still refuses medical attention. They both know Cody’s arm is broken but he is NOT afraid. No one is questioning Cody’s bravery but he brings up what HHH has done before. Cody is going to Night Of Champions to fight Brock Lesnar. HHH finally accepts it and leaves to end the show. They’re pushing this Cody match hard but him winning on another fluke sounds pretty insane.

Overall Rating: B-. The show wasn’t bad at all but there were some dull stretches that dragged it out. In other words, it’s what I once dubbed the Raw Special: a solid two hour show that was stretched out to three hours and lost a lot of steam as a result. Night Of Champions should be a good show, but there are some matches that haven’t quite made it to must see, or even want to see, territory. This Raw didn’t exactly help that and while the action was good, it needed something else to really make it a smash.

Bronson Reed b. Ricochet – Tsunami
Zoey Stark b. Candice LeRae – Z360
Alpha Academy b. Viking Raiders – Bridging rollup to Erik
Finn Balor b. Shinsuke Nakamura – Coup de Grace
Raquel Rodriguez b. Sonya Deville – Tejana Bomb
Dominik Mysterio b. Apollo Crews – Frog splash
Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn/Matt Riddle b. Imperium – Swanton Bomb to Vinci



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Monday Night Raw – April 28, 2008: He Does Good Crazy

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 28, 2008
Location: IZOD Center, East Rutherford, New Jersey
Attendance: 17,166
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We’re done with Backlash and the big story is that HHH won the Raw World Title from Randy Orton in the four way main event. That alone should be enough to make things interesting tonight but we also have Shawn Michaels defeating Batista after taking advantage of his own knee injury. That sounds like it could go somewhere, so let’s get to it.

Here is Backlash if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of HHH winning the Raw World Title in last night’s four way elimination match.

Here is HHH to get things going, complete with big shiny belt. HHH declares The Age Of Orton officially dead and now we pause because they are chanting his name. Eight months ago, he wasn’t sure if he was ever going to return to the ring and now he knows that The Game is back. Cue Randy Orton to interrupt and he isn’t overly pleased. Orton talks about how the odds were stacked against him last night but HHH brings up Orton being all confident before the match. Now he’s the victim? Orton: “The victim of my own success. I was so dominant they wouldn’t put me against anyone one on one.”

HHH thinks Orton liked the idea of hiding behind these multiman matches but Orton has already got the rematch set for Judgment Day in less than three weeks. HHH says he bragged too, but in his case, it was the truth. Orton gets in his face and is knocked out with a single shot, sending Orton to the floor. He’ll just have his rematch clause tonight instead. They got to the point pretty fast here.

Post break, the title match is on.

Mickie James/Maria/Ashley/Michelle McCool/Cherry/Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix/Melina/Jillian Hall/Natalya/Victoria/Layla

Backlash rematch and it’s a big brawl before the bell rings. We settle down for the opening bell and Beth decking Kelly from behind. Beth powers her straight into the corner and hands it off to Victoria. The spinning side slam is countered into a headscissors but Victoria takes her straight into the corner. Melina’s running/screaming hip attack in the corner gets two and Jillian comes in, only to miss her handspring elbow. Mickie comes in to clean house and gets a bridging rollup to pin Jillian.

Rating: D+. Well they made good time, but a twelve woman match where half of them don’t get in isn’t exactly a rampaging success. They didn’t have time to do anything here and this would have been better off as a two on two tag match instead. There is some talent in the division, but with only the Raw title to fight over, it leaves a lot of them without much to do save for appearances like this one.

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Robbie McCallister

Rory is here with Robbie and the beating is on quickly. The Clothesline from JBL finishes at around a minute, which has me wondering if this was punishment for Robbie popping up in the crowd at Impact around Wrestlemania the previous month.

Post match JBL grabs a headset and blames John Cena for not winning the title last night. He wants the winner of tonight’s title match.

Paul London/Brian Kendrick vs. Trevor Murdoch/Lance Cade

Cade and London start things off with Cade hitting a high backdrop for an early two. Murdoch comes in to hammer away as the fans are dubbing this boring. London slips away and brings in Kendrick to pick up the pace, with Murdoch screaming at Cade. Murdoch comes in and is promptly rolled up for the pin.

Post match Murdoch grabs the mic, gets on the announcers’ table, and since I Got Friends In Low Places. Cade is adequately confused by the whole thing.

We look at Shawn Michaels tweaking his knee last night against Batista but rolling him up for the pin anyway.

Paul Burchill/Katie Lea Burchill vs. Super Crazy

Before the match, Katie thanks William Regal for making this a handicap match. Paul wastes no time in taking Crazy down, allowing Katie to hit a running boot to the face. Crazy avoids a charge in the corner though and kicks Paul down. The moonsault misses though and Katie’s missile dropkick sets up the curb stomp to give Paul the face pin. Short and to the point here.

Randy Orton is asked if he has second thoughts about using his rematch clause tonight. Orton: “No.”

And now, the official coronation of William Regal (thank goodness it isn’t one of those knockoffs). Regal, on the throne in the ring, says (in between some hardcore WHATing) he will now be General Manager AND King because he has earned both titles. You will have no choice but to respect and fear him, because he is your ruler, better and…’s Mr. Kennedy to interrupt.

Kennedy can’t congratulate Regal for the win because he wasn’t even in the tournament in the first place. He hits the catchphrase but Regal cuts him off and says get an appointment/make an apology. Kennedy teases an apology before switching to his catchphrase instead. Regal punches him down and referees have to make it up. Kennedy felt more like a star here and I was feeling the hype that he has had for so long here. This worked, and that’s kind of a rare thing for Kennedy these days.

Cody Rhodes vs. Santino Marella

Hardcore Holly and Carlito are here too. Before the match, Santino says he DOES NOT like the fake Italians on the Sopranos, which is set right here in New Jersey. Santino actually knocks him down and hammers away a bit to start before dodging a high crossbody. We hit the chinlock for a bit before a hard hiptoss (yes a hiptoss) of all things gets two. Rhodes fights up and hits a quick DDT for the pin.

Rating: C-. Not much to this one, but the bigger problem continues to be how long these teams have been feuding. There are other teams around, but for some reason these two have to feud for the better part of ever. Rhodes and Holly have already beaten them, so why are we still stuck on this feud?

Post match Cody mocks Santino’s accent and gets taken down with the Backstabber.

It’s time for the Highlight Reel and Chris Jericho is in a tuxedo. Jericho is here to present an award for the Best Actor in Sports Entertainment. The nominees are:

Mr. Fuji and the Magnificent Muraco in Fuji General
Michael Cole in Deliverance Part II (as in the infamous Heidenreich segment, complete with banjo music)
Shawn Michaels pretending to have a knee injury at Backlash

Why yes, Shawn does win, so here he is to accept, limping all the way down the ramp. Jericho wants an acceptance speech, but Shawn insists that he is really hurt. That doesn’t go well with Jericho, who thinks Shawn goes from good to bad faster than anyone. Shawn would even try superkicking him with the bad leg if there was no podium between them. That doesn’t get anything from Shawn, so Jericho has Shawn’s music play before leaving. I think we might be coming back to this one.

Santino Marella bumps into a woman he finds attractive….but it’s really Roddy Piper. Santino brings up the Goonies music video but Piper has no time for this. There’s your bizarre cameo of the week.

We recap HHH winning the Raw World Title last night.

Raw World Title: HHH vs. Randy Orton

HHH is defending and we even get a weapons check to make it feel special. They fight over a lockup to start and go straight to the staredown. A shoulder puts HHH down and Orton grabs a headlock to grind away a bit. HHH is right back with a headlock of his own, followed by some aggressive arm cranking. Orton misses a charge into the post and the arm is suddenly in bad shape. The arm is sent into the barricade but Orton’s legs are fine enough to score with a kick on the way back in.

We take a break and come back with Orton hammering away (with the good arm) in the corner. A dropkick gives Orton two and we hit the chinlock. Orton grabs a suplex and gets in the circle stomp to keep things slow. The big knee drop gets two as JR says Orton isn’t looking to make a mistake. How does one exactly “look to make a mistake”?

Anyway they head outside with HHH being sent into the steps for two, meaning we’re right back to the chinlock. HHH fights up but charges into a boot, allowing Orton to load up a blocked RKO. The facebuster and a clothesline put Orton down but he’s right back with a powerslam for two of his own.

The backbreaker gives Orton two more, only to have HHH crotch him on top. There’s the superplex for a delayed HHH two but the Pedigree and RKO are both countered. HHH grabs the crossface….and we go to the back, where William Regal says he isn’t having this disrespect. The fans who booed him earlier don’t deserve to see this match so the feed is cut. JR and King keep doing commentary as the black screen takes us out.

Rating: B-. That was certainly a unique ending but the match itself wasn’t that great on the way there. HHH and Orton have some chemistry together, but I’ve yet to see them really get to that epic match. The good thing is that this should get rid of the rematch clause for now, but you can almost guarantee another match at the pay per view. Some people just can’t get to that next level and save for maybe once before, that would apply to these two as well.

Overall Rating: C. This was a weird show as the Regal stuff and main event were both good, along with what feels like the start of Shawn vs. Jericho, but everything else was fast or bad. Regal going insane works rather well though, and we could be in for quite the run from him going forward. That makes for quite the different stretch of two hours, though it feels like we’re getting something of a sequel to Backlash at Judgment Day. That’s an odd way to go, but Backlash was rather good so it might work out very well.



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Monday Night Raw – May 15, 2023: That Sounds Heymanish

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 15, 2023
Location: Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, North Carolina
Commentators Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We are less than two weeks away from Night Of Champions and the main event (in theory) is set with Seth Rollins vs. AJ Styles for the inaugural World Heavyweight Championship. Other than that, we have a different form of the Bloodline coming after Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, who might have something to say about it this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here are Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for the opening chat (after a clip of the announcement that they will defend against Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa). Zayn is fired up about the match because it is their chance to check Reigns for good. Reigns is pushing the Bloodline way too hard and everything is falling apart. Now Reigns being champion for 1,000 days isn’t enough because he wants the Tag Team Titles too. Well HE CAN’T HAVE THEM, but Zayn and Owens can have an interruption at the hands of the Judgment Day.

Owens doesn’t care what they have to say because he wants to fight, but Zayn says we should hear them out. Zayn: “Gentlemen and Dom.” The team gets in the ring to talk and Finn Balor says they’ll be waiting on the titles after Night Of Champions. Rhea Ripley laughs at the idea but Dominik Mysterio is booed out of the building. The fight starts fast with Zayn clearing the ring with the save. Dominik’s heat continues to be amazing and it is just awesome to see the fans loathe him like this.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The Miz

Nakamura sends him into the corner to start but runs into the general vicinity of Miz’s boot. Another boot doesn’t connect either (though Nakamura goes down anyway), only to have Nakamura kick him down for the apron knee. Miz neckbreakers him across the rope though and we take a break.

Back with Nakamura’s kicks being blocked so he kicks Miz in the head instead. The running knee in the corner sets up a cross armbreaker but Miz stacks him up for two. Miz’s short DDT gets two so Nakamura kicks him in the head again for the same. The sliding German suplex looks to set up Kinshasa but Miz bails to the apron. The distraction lets Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale for two, only to walk into Kinshasa for the pin at 9:57.

Rating: B-. This was one of the better Miz matches in a bit as he was hanging in there with Nakamura, and mostly clean at that. Nakamura needed the win after coming up short last week, so at least he is getting somewhere. WWE needs to reestablish things a bit with the new roster and this should be held set the lineup a bit.

Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville aren’t happy that Liv Morgan is hurt, meaning their Women’s Tag Team Title match is off for tonight. Raquel Rodriguez is willing to beat up Green tonight, with Green sounding a bit nervous, even as she yells.

We get a video on Seth Rollins, going all the way back to his NXT days.

Corey Graves sits down with Rollins, who talks about winning the first NXT Title in a tournament. He became a force for change, which included turning on Roman Reigns to break up the Shield. More on this later.

Here is Imperium, with Gunther standing on the announcers’ table. Gunther has been the most dominant Intercontinental Champion of the modern era and now he will continue his reign on Raw. For now though, no one has been named as his next challenger for this prestigious championship (WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE PRAISE THEIR TITLES LIKE HIM???). That will be solved soon, and he will defeat them at Night Of Champions.

Battle Royal

Ricochet, Bronson Reed, Erik, Ivar, Johnny Gargano, Akira Tozawa, Elias, Humberto, Angel, Apollo Crews, Von Wagner, Dolph Ziggler, Xyon Quinn, Cedric Alexander, JD Drake, Dexter Lumis, Mansoor, Mace, Riddick Moss, Baron Corbin, Otis, Riddle, Chad Gable, Shelton Benjamin, Mustafa Ali

For the Intercontinental Title shot at Night Of Champions and I believe that’s everyone. Corbin, in shorts, dumps Tozawa to start and is immediately clotheslined out by Lumis. The Models get rid of Lumis and are tossed out by the Alpha Academy, followed by McDonagh headbutting Humberto out. Ziggler kicks McDonagh out but gets eliminated by Wagner (that an upset). McDonagh goes after Ziggler on the floor and we take a break.

Back with the Vikings tossing out Benjamin and Quinn, plus Benjamin. The Academy and the Vikings have a standoff with Erik being sent to the apron. Gable is suplexed to the apron with him but hangs on and can’t quite German suplex Erik out. The knee knocks Gable silly (but not out), allowing Otis to dump Erik. Ivar knocks Gable out but Reed tosses Ivar and Otis at the same time.

We’re down to eight (Reed, Riddle, Ricochet, Moss, Gargano, Elias, Crews and Ali) with everyone else going after Reed. With that not working, Gargano snaps off a hurricanrana to Ali, who is right back with the rolling neckbreaker. The slingshot spear hits Ali but Ricochet crushes Gargano with a running shooting star press. Moss fall away slams Gargano but walks into Reed’s Samoan drop. Crews Blockbusters (or kind of flip dives into) Reed, only to get kneed in the face by Elias.

Crews gets rid of Elias but gets eliminated by Reed, leaving us with six. Reed Rock Bottoms Gargano onto Ricochet but Riddle is there with the strikes. The Floating Bro finally drops Reed but Moss hits a heck of a shoulders to knock Riddle down. Not that it matters as Riddle dumps Moss, followed by a hurricanrana to get rid of Gargano.

Gunther sends the rest of Imperium after Riddle and that’s enough for Reed to knock him out. Ricochet knees Reed in the face and dropkicks him….not quite out, as Ali has to help but they only get Reed to the apron. A triangle dropkick staggers Reed again but another one is countered into a fireman’s carry. That leaves Ali to dropkick both Reed and Ricochet out for the win at 12:28.

Rating: B-. This got WAY better after the break and Ali vs. Gunther could be quite the nice title match at Night Of Champions. Reed continued to look like a monster here and Riddle felt like one of the biggest stars around. Ali winning is a nice choice and he should be fine as a fresh challenger for Gunther. Good stuff here overall, and multiple people got a nice showcase.

Here is Becky Lynch for a chat. Becky talks about how she has been going through a lot lately but in this business you put on your best face and keep going. She got some help from two legends in Trish Stratus and Lita, the latter of whom was great. Becky and Lita won the Women’s Tag Team Titles and she even let Trish get close to them. She didn’t see what was really going on, because Trish was just here to help herself like the backstabbing egomaniac that she really is.

Becky is out there to say Thank You Trish…..for turning on a light that had been off for many, many months. Trish called Becky’s daughter stupid and that gave all of the badness in her head a face and a name and a target. Trish wants to be #1 again but Becky has had it, been it, done it and has it. She’s going to kick Trish’s head in at Night Of Champions. That’s sooner than I was expecting the match but this felt more like old school Becky, which is always a good thing.

Rhea Ripley is seen watching in the back and doesn’t seem impressed with Becky. When asked about Natalya, Ripley says Natalya needs to stay out of her way. Natalya comes in to say this is about Ripley attacking an already beaten Dana Brooke. Ripley deserves respect but she isn’t allowing it for anyone else. That doesn’t work for Ripley, who knows Natalya wasn’t there for Brooke last week. If Natalya ever interrupts her again, it will be the end of her legendary career.

Mustafa Ali is very proud of his win when he runs into the Alpha Academy. They should try being more positive, but Ali keeps going and runs into Imperium. Gunther says Ali is the rightful challenger to what is rightfully Gunther’s, but we get a good luck handshake anyway. Ali feels sorry for Gunther having to go halfway around the world, just to lose his title. Gunther smiles at him and seems to like Ali’s moxie.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Xavier Woods

Rhea Ripley is here with Mysterio, who is again booed out of the building for trying to talk about Woods being all alone. Woods says he’s alone right now, but unlike Mysterio, he’s a grown man who can fight on his own without needing permission to speak from Mami. Woods hammers away to start and hits the running dropkick to the back for two. Back up and Dominik actually wins a test of strength, at least until Woods sweeps the leg to escape. They head outside, with Rhea getting between the two of them to quite the reaction.

We take a break and come back with Woods hammering away but getting knocked down for a fast two. Woods fights back up with the Honor Roll for two but Dominik grabs some Amigos. The frog splash only hits raised knees though and Woods hits a gorilla press gutbuster for two more (as Ripley is looking nervous). Ripley breaks up the Limit Breaker so Woods dives onto Dominik on the floor instead. A Ripley cheap shot takes Woods down though and Dominik rolls him up for the pin at 11:01.

Rating: C+. The Dominik push continues to work well, as he is just good enough in the ring to get by but Ripley is perfect as his heater. There are a few places Dominik could go and that should make things interesting for him in the future. Woods isn’t likely to win anything important on his own but he’ll be fine when Kofi Kingston gets back.

Video on JD McDonagh.

McDonagh is leaving and says he attacked Dolph Ziggler to teach him a lesson: never bet against an ace.

Indus Sher vs. ???/Trey Thompson

Jinder Mahal is here with Sher. The non-Thompson is knocked silly with a shot to the face to start and it’s quickly off to Thompson. A big jumping elbow and a hard whip into the corner sets up the old Smoking Gunns’ Sidewinder of all things for the pin on Thompson at 1:51. Impressive squash, though “we’re big foreign heels” doesn’t have the longest shelf life.

Post match Mahal seems to promise more violence. After a replay, Mahal grabs a headset to say Sher runs this show. Then he grabs the mic to say the same thing in another language.

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are in the back when Imperium comes in. Gunther isn’t happy with their disrespect and a six man is set for next week.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. Cody gets right to the point and tells the story of the scorpion and the frog (scorpion doesn’t trust the frog, the frog eventually agrees to take him across the river, scorpion stings him in the middle, ensuring they’re both going to do, just because stinging is his nature). It is Brock Lesnar’s nature to hunt, but how is Lesnar’s face feeling?

Cody is ready to face him at Night of Champions, even though the reality is Lesnar is better than 99.9% of the Superstars he faces. What seems to have Lesnar upset is that he was defeated, meaning he might not be the biggest game on Raw anymore. Maybe Lesnar isn’t the big thing around here these days and it’s time to say next. He’s ready for Night Of Champions. Cody leaves, and signs some autographs on the way out in a great touch that isn’t used often enough.

Zoey Stark is kind of mean to Nikki Cross and gets a match with Candice LeRae as a result. Cross looks….annoyed?

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Chelsea Green

Sonya Deville is here with Green. Rodriguez hits a big boot at the bell but a Deville distraction lets Green send her face first into the buckle. A basement dropkick cuts Rodriguez off again but she powers Green up into a reverse Alabama Slam onto the top rope. The clothesline comeback is on and the Texana Bomb finishes Green at 3:43.

Rating: C. That’s a bit of a weird way to go for Green, who has been angling for a Tag Team Title shot. I’m fine with not having Rodriguez lose, but there was an easy way to have her get pinned due to the numbers game, which can be evened out when Liv Morgan is back. For now though, it could have been worse and they got out rather quickly so it could have been a lot worse.

Post match Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler appear and jump Rodriguez, promising to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Imperium shakes hands with Paul Heyman, who calls Roman Reigns.

We get the second half of the Seth Rollins interview, with Rollins talking about being a visionary and reinventing himself. This is the best part of his career and he’s not sure why. Maybe it is the hard work, but for the first time, the fans got behind him and connected with him. That changed him and now it is time to give us a World Champion who is here for everyone. As for Roman Reigns….more next week.

Video on Apollo Crews. He runs a lot.

Judgment Day vs. Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens

Non-title. Balor and Zayn start things off rather slowly until Zayn snaps off some armdrags. Priest comes in to slug away but Owens comes in to punch him in the face. An enziguri staggers Priest, who misses a charge to the floor. Balor is sent outside as well, so here are Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio to uneven things up as we take a break.

Back with Zayn in trouble but managing to send Balor into the corner. That’s enough for the hot tag to Owens, who gets to clean house on everyone but Ripley. The cannonball hits Priest for two so Ripley and Dominik interfere. They’re a bit slow though and get ejected, allowing Owens to superkick Priest down. Cue Xavier Woods to go after Dominik and they fight to the back, leaving Priest to roll Owens up….as Paul Heyman comes out.

We take another break and come back with Owens in trouble, including a middle rope legdrop/backbreaker combination. Owens knocks Priest off the ropes though and nails a Swanton for a double knockdown. The hot tag brings in Zayn and takes Balor down to hammer away. The Michinoku Driver gives Zayn two and the Blue Thunder Bomb gets the same.

Cue Imperium for a distraction, allowing Balor to hit 1916 for two. Owens comes back in (without a tag) to Stun Priest, leaving Zayn to suplex Balor into the corner. The Helluva Kick connects but Imperium offers a distraction. Owens takes them out so Priest chokeslams Owens onto the apron. Zayn hits the big flip dive onto Priest but Gunther breaks up another Helluva Kick. Balor’s shotgun dropkick sets up the Coup de Grace for the pin at 20:58.

Rating: B. This one had some vibes of a Paul Heyman produced match and it worked out well, with so many moving parts and pieces that all seemed to fit together. Heyman working with Imperium makes for some interesting future returns, but for now it was a good enough way to keep Owens and Zayn looking strong on the way to Night Of Champions. Solid main event here, and a good enough way to protect the champs, as Heyman is trying to get inside their heads again (shouldn’t be hard with Zayn) before the title match.

Heyman is rather pleased and appears to call Roman Reigns to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. There was quite a bit going on with this show and it’s kind of hard to keep track of everything. I liked having wrestlers appearing throughout the show, as having them disappear once their main match/segment of the night never made a ton of sense. Other than that, we had the Rousey/Baszler return and some stuff set up for Night Of Champions. What matters here is that the show still felt like it was structured despite coming off as a bit chaotic, which is more of a sign of the new WWE regime than the “classic” McMahon stuff.

Shinsuke Nakamura b. The Miz – Kinshasa
Mustafa Ali won a battle royal last eliminating Bronson Reed and Ricochet
Dominik Mysterio b. Xavier Woods – Rollup
Indus Sher b. ???/Trey Thompson – Side slam/middle rope legdrop combination to Thompson
Raquel Rodriguez b. Chelsea Green – Texana Bomb
Judgment Day b. Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn – Coup de Grace to Zayn



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Monday Night Raw – May 8, 2023: All New With The Old People

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 8, 2023
Location: Vystar Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

It’s tournament time as we are getting at least two matches in the tournament to crown a new World Heavyweight Champion. In addition, we have the new Raw roster after the Draft so everything needs to settle in. On top of that, it’s also the first show after Backlash so we could be in for a very busy night. Let’s get to it.

Here is Backlash if you need a recap.

We open with a look at the people involved in the tournament, all of whom could be the first World Champion.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. He is happy to be back in Jacksonville, where he helped make a lot of memories during the pandemic. In addition, after Backlash, Cody knows what Brock Lesnar is made of. How you ask? It was all over his hands, but he won anyway. With Lesnar in the rear view mirror, it’s time for the tournament, which will not end until Rhodes is announced as the new champion. We see the brackets, and now, LET THE TOURNAMENT BEGIN!

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament First Round: Damian Priest vs. Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Before the match, we get a look at Bad Bunny beating Damian Priest at Backlash. As a result, Priest is ready to win the match because either he or Finn Balor is going to be the next champion. Priest starts fast and knocks both of them into a corner. Some running shoulders connect but Nakamura is back with a kick to the head. Rollins knocks Priest outside and a quick double teaming puts him down again as we take a break.

Back with Priest and Rollins slugging it out until Nakamura comes back in. Rollins knocks both of them outside and the suicide dives are on. They get back in and Priest misses a charge in the corner, allowing Nakamura to hit his running knee in the corner. Priest punches Nakamura down though and hits a lifting Downward Spiral for two on Rollins. Nakamura kicks both of them down but can’t followup and we get a breather.

Some kicks drop Priest and Rollins knocks Nakamura down as well. Priest is back up to crotch Rollins on top but seems to be favoring his knee a bit. Rollins is fine enough to Stomp Priest for two, with Nakamura making the save. Priest clotheslines Nakamura down and sends Rollins outside, only to get pulled into a kneebar from Nakamura. Rollins breaks that up and Pedigrees Nakamura to advance at 13:14.

Rating: B. It was a match that has been done better before, but what matters is that it felt like a match that mattered. There was an atmosphere to this one and it made the match that much more interesting. I’m not sure how much sense it makes for Nakamura to get pinned on his debut, but at least they got the most logical winner.

Imperium warns everyone that Gunther will arrive next week before running into Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens. They aren’t interested, but Imperium doesn’t like the disrespect. Sami says they can come back in five minutes but gets a finger in his face. Imperium says they can take the titles but Owens wants to know what is up with these people having henchmen and the challenge is on for tonight.

Otis vs. Mustafa Ali

Maxxine Dupri and Chad Gable are here with Otis, who shoulders Ali down without much effort. Ali fights back up but gets crushed in the corner again. Otis loads up the Caterpillar but Gable and Dupri argue over whether or not he should. Instead Otis misses a charge into the post, allowing Ali to hit the 450 for the pin at 2:16. We seem to get one step closer to Otis having to decide and that could make for an interesting moment.

The Miz promises to win the tournament and the title.

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament First Round: The Miz vs. Finn Balor vs. Cody Rhodes

They start fast with Balor clotheslining Rhodes, allowing Miz to get two off a rollup. Cody sends both of them outside for the big suicide dive and we take a break. Back with Rhodes dropkicking both of them down, setting up a double Cody Cutter (almost Cody Stunner). There’s the Disaster Kick for two on Balor but Miz is back in to take them both down.

The Skull Crushing Finale doesn’t work on Cody, who clotheslines Miz to the floor. Balor takes Cody down but misses the Coup de Grace, allowing Miz to hit the Finale for two. Rhodes breaks that up and hits the series of Cross Rhodes on Miz….but here is Brock Lesnar to pull Cody out. The F5 drops Rhodes, leaving Balor to hit the Coup de Grace on Miz to advance at 9:34.

Rating: B-. This wasn’t quite as good as the opener, but Balor vs. Rollins should make for a fine showdown. Miz was there to take the fall and Lesnar was there to take out Cody, which makes sense for him after Backlash. This was more about getting Rollins an opponent than anything else, but it worked well for what they could do.

Post match Lesnar grabs the mic and says look at this face (complete with stitches on the forehead) before asking what Cody wants to talk about. Lesnar wants to talk about ME ME ME because he wants a fight with Cody at Night of Champions. Lesnar leaves as Cody is tended to. That’s about par for the course from Lesnar, who is somehow one of the more logical people in WWE.

Rhea Ripley vs. Dana Brooke

Non-title. Ripley knocks her down to start and shrugs off a quick comeback attempt. The Riptide into the Prism Trap finishes Brooke at 1:39.

Post match Ripley hits another Riptide into the Prism Trap and…..Natalya makes the save. I have no idea who thinks Ripley having to face Natalya is a good thing, but that’s what we seem to be getting now, because Natalya must be around no matter what.

Video on the NXT stars coming up to the main roster via the Draft.

Zoey Stark doesn’t seem impressed by Nikki Cross’ general existence, setting up a match for later.

We look at last week’s European tour.

Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn vs. Imperium

Non-title. Sami works on Kaiser’s arm to start but it’s off to Vinci. A clothesline takes him down but Vinci hits one of his own to take over. We take a break and come back with Zayn kicking Vinci away, allowing the tag to Owens to clean house. The Swanton gets two with Vinci making a save, setting up a clothesline/legsweep combination for two on Owens. A double clotheslines allows….almost a double tag as Vinci knocks Sami off the apron just in time. The Imperial Bomb is blocked and Owens Stuns Kaiser to the floor. A superkick to Vinci sets up the Helluva Kick for the pin at 9:50.

Rating: B-. Another loss for newcomers, albeit to bigger stars. You don’t want Owens and Zayn losing, but it might not have been the brightest idea to have them facing Imperium in their first week on the new roster. Owens and Zayn need challengers and Imperium isn’t likely to be part of that list at the moment. Why burn someone off that fast?

Sonya Deville and Chelsea Green have a petition to get a Women’s Tag Team Title shot but Indi Hartwell, Dexter Lumis, Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano (all previously part of The Way in NXT) aren’t convinced.

We look at the Bloodline defeating Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn/Matt Riddle at Backlash.

Zoey Stark vs. Nikki Cross

Stark starts fast with a hard clothesline and a springboard flip dive makes it worse. A chinlock doesn’t last long for Stark but she superkicks Cross back down. The Z360 (a flip into a knee to the face) finishes Cross at 2:20.

Rhea Ripley, with Dominik Mysterio, is asked about feeling pressure but Xavier Woods and Akira Tozawa interrupt. Dominik vs. Woods is made for later, with Rhea accepting on “Dom Dom’s” behalf.

Here is Trish Stratus (with a Becky Lynch missing person shirt on) to say she is concerned about how Lynch is missing. Everyone should be saying “Thank You Trish” for trying to find her, but at the end of it all, she is going to be found in some corner of Iowa, crying again. No one is going to steal Trish’s spotlight but here is Becky……’s music for a fake out. Trish talks about her daughter wanting a doll that she was going to call Becky Lynch, because she was pretty and….now the real Becky comes out to wreck Trish in a hurry.

Cody Rhodes is getting checked on in the trainer’s room with Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens staying with him.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Xavier Woods

Rhea Ripley is here too. Woods grabs a headlock to slow Mysterio down to start, followed by a dropkick to make it better. Dominik sends him into the corner and blows a kiss to Ripley, only to have Woods break up the 619. Woods’ running knees to the back set up a high crossbody but Dominik sends him over the top and down onto the steps as we take a break.

Back with Woods fighting back and hitting the Honor Roll to drop Mysterio. A springboard tornado DDT plants Mysterio again but Woods gets elbowed in the face. Woods manages to drape him over the top for a middle rope dropkick to the back. The Limit Breaker misses though and Dominik grabs a rollup (with tights) for the pin at 10:36.

Rating: C. Not much to see here as it was a thrown together way to get Dominik a win. That’s not a bad thing either, as he has to have something other than his feud with Rey to do around here. You also have to give him some wins over some credible opponents, such as here or the one over Johnny Gargano a few weeks ago. It might not have been the most exciting, but it can pay some dividends.

Jinder Mahal and Indus Shera are all menacing and evil.

Miz yells at Shinsuke Nakamura for not having his back. Nakamura sets up a match between them for next week, promising that it will be awesome.

Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville continue looking for signatures but run into Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez. They two of them would be happy to sign, which has the villains rather happy. Apparently the petition is for a match with Damage Ctrl. Ok then.

Cody Rhodes is all upset but now Brock Lesnar has attacked him from behind twice for no reason. Is it because he’s all upset about not being the star anymore? That’s why Brock is attacking him, so let’s fight.

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semifinals: Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins grabs a hammerlock to start as commentary talks about their Summerslam 2016 Universal Title match. Balor fights back and takes him to the floor, where a powerbomb against the barricade (how Rollins hurt Balor in 2016) drops Rollins and we take a break. Back with Rollins getting in a shot of his own but the frog splash (while favoring the arm) only hits raised knees.

Balor goes to the Fujiwara armbar but Rollins slips out and hits a superkick for two. They head back to the floor and ram each other into the apron, with Rollins getting the better of things. Back in and an exchange of kicks to the head gives us a double knockdown but Balor rolls through for the double stomp to take over. The Coup de Grace is broken up with a superplex but the Falcon Arrow is countered into 1916 for two more. Rollins pulls him down and hits a one armed Pedigree for two, followed by the Stomp for the pin at 13:45.

Rating: B. These two having a good match isn’t shocking in the slightest as they’re both that talented. Rollins continues to feel like the logical choice to win the whole thing, if nothing else because of the resume that he already has. It would give the title some instant credibility, if nothing else because he is the one guy that Reigns hasn’t beaten during the title run. For now though, at least he had a heck of a match here with Balor, who can make almost anyone look good.

Overall Rating: B. This was a rather strange show as it was focused around the tournament, which was quite good, but everything else felt like they were hitting the reset button. Some new stars were introduced and a lot of them lost, while some of them were thrown into matches which were made earlier in the day. It felt like the setup for this show was “it’s tournament night” and the rest of the details were just kind of thrown together. The action carried this show well, but I’m not exactly thrilled with where everything else might be going in the next few weeks.

Seth Rollins b. Shinsuke Nakamura and Damian Priest – Pedigree to Nakamura
Mustafa Ali b. Otis – 450
Finn Balor b. The Miz and Cody Rhodes – Coup de Grace to Miz
Rhea Ripley b. Dana Brooke – Prism Trap
Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn b. Imperium – Helluva Kick to Vinci
Zoey Stark b. Nikki Cross – Z360
Dominik Mysterio b. Xavier Woods – Rollup with tights
Seth Rollins b. Finn Balor – Stomp

WWE, 2023, Monday Night Raw, Otis, Chad Gable, Maxxine Dupri, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Imperium, Cody Rhodes, Damian Priest, Seth Rollins, Shinsuke Nakamura, Mustafa Ali, The Miz, Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley, Dana Brooke, Natalya, Zoey Stark, Nikki Cross, Chelsea Green Sonya Deville, Xia Li, Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, Indi Hartwell, Dexter Lumis, Trish Stratus, Dominik Mysterio, Xavier Woods, Akira Tozawa, Indus Sher, Jinder Mahal, Liv Morgan, Raquel Rodriguez,


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Monday Night Raw – May 1, 2023 (2023 Draft Night Two): All At Once

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 1, 2023
Location: Dickies Arena, Fort Worth, Texas
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

It’s a double shot this week as we have the second night of the Draft, plus the go home Raw for Backlash. On the first hand, there were already some big moves in the Draft and it’s going to be even bigger this week. On the second hand, Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar are both here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the first night of the Draft, with both shows picking up some big names.

Here is HHH to get things going. He explains the rules, saying that all of the remaining roster is eligible to be drafted. Since Roman Reigns is officially on SmackDown, the World Heavyweight Title is coming to Raw. Brock Lesnar is officially a free agent and can appear on both shows. Finally, there are select NXT names who can be drafted as well. Here are the first picks:

Monday Night Raw
Rhea Ripley
Seth Rollins

Austin Theory

With the picks out of the way, HHH brings Paul Heyman to the ring (after a quick stop to look at the World Heavyweight Championship) for a chat. Heyman is here to address some issues that Roman Reigns wanted him to bring up. First of all, the Bloodline (minus the Usos) has been drafted to Smackdown, meaning tonight we find out the fate of the Usos.

That would be the Usos who did NOT win back their Tag Team Titles from Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Heyman will address that with them in private, but on Saturday, there is a six man tag between the Bloodline and Zayn/Owens/Matt Riddle. Either way, Reigns will be at Smackdown next week to take care of a lot of things…..including the World Heavyweight Title. Or not, as Reigns can’t compete on Raw.

The worst thing about that is how many people think they can be the man but just can’t beat Reigns. Heyman says FREAKIN a few times so here is Seth Rollins to interrupt. After the conducting of the fans, Rollins says he thinks Reigns is gone so he can finally stop running from Rollins. Heyman doesn’t like Rollins suggesting he’ll win the title and gets on the phone to Reigns. The fans start singing and Heyman says he can’t hear his Tribal Chief. Rollins threatens Heyman with a Stomp but here is Solo Sikoa to interrupt. Heyman says Reigns has pulled the strings to make the match for tonight. Rollins is in, Reigns or not.

Earlier today, Cody Rhodes arrived and Adam Pearce asked him to not let it get out of hand with Brock Lesnar.

Damage Ctrl vs. Raquel Rodriguez/Liv Morgan

Non-title with Iyo Sky the odd Ctrl member out. Morgan takes over on Bayley to start before Rodriguez drives her into the corner with straight power. A distraction results in Morgan being low bridged to the floor though and we take a break. Back with Morgan getting over to Rodriguez for the tag as everything breaks down. Morgan gets dropped onto Rodriguez’s knees but she’s able to hit Oblivion on Kai anyway. Bayley is right back in with a sunset flip into a rollup to pin Morgan at 8:01.

Rating: C. This feels like a way to set up a title match at Backlash with the drama of where the titles are going to go after next week. It isn’t like there are a ton of options to come after the titles in the first place so this worked as well as anything else. I don’t think the titles will change hands, but at least they have a little something going on, assuming that is where they go.

Brock Lesnar arrived earlier today and Adam Pearce said he wanted to keep the peace. Lesnar: “Good luck with that.”

Here are Booker T. and Sharmell to announce the next picks.

Monday Night Raw
Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens
Judgment Day

LWO (Joaquin Wilde/Cruz del Toro/Zelina Vega/Santos Escobar/Rey Mysterio)

Well there goes the drama over the Usos and the Bloodline being on different shows. And why was Ripley a different pick from the rest of Judgment Day if they’re going to be on the same show?

Ricochet/Braun Strowman vs. Alpha Academy

Ricochet flips away from Gable to start but the fans would rather see Otis. Rolling Chaos Theory out of the corner plants Ricochet though, meaning it’s a double tag to bring in Otis and Strowman. They trade running shots in the corner until Strowman runs him over with a big crash. The Swanton off of Strowman’s shoulders gives Ricochet the pin on Otis at 2:26. I’m surprised it went that short.

Video on Damien Priest vs. Bad Bunny.

Here are Shawn Michaels and Adam Pearce to announce the next picks but Brock Lesnar interrupts. Pearce tries to calm him down but Lesnar gets in the ring and asks how it feels to look at the only real cowboy in Texas. Pearce sends security out but Lesnar says that’s not enough. More security comes out for the staredown until it’s Cody Rhodes to drop Lesnar from behind with a single right hand (that was weird). Security separates them, with Lesnar not exactly trying to get to Rhodes.

Post break, here are those picks:

Monday Night Raw
Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez (Women’s Tag Team Champions)
New Day (Kofi Kingston/Xavier Woods)

Brawling Brutes

Matt Riddle is really excited to be on the same show as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Riddle goes off for his match as Owens wonders if they can go to Smackdown instead of being around him.

Matt Riddle vs. Jimmy Uso

Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens and Jey Uso are here too. An early Jey distraction lets Jimmy take over but Owens and Zayn fake a chair shot, earning Jey an ejection. We take an early break and come back with Jey hitting a pop up Samoan drop for two. They head outside with Riddle being sent into the barricade before Jey kicks him in the face for two back inside. Jimmy takes the turnbuckle pad off but a Sami distraction lets Owens send him into it instead. That’s enough for the Floating Bro to finish Jimmy at 7:31.

Rating: C. This was another storyline match rather than anything else and it worked well enough. The idea over the last few weeks is that the Bloodline is a lot weaker on their own without the numbers advantage and that was on display here. Riddle needed the win too, as he hasn’t been doing much since his return.

Video on Iyo Sky.

Rob Van Dam is here to present the picks but runs into Elias and Rick Boogs, who get along with him.

Paul Heyman gives Solo Sikoa a pep talk when Jimmy Uso comes in. Jimmy wants to know where Sikoa was but Heyman says Sikoa had an assignment from Roman Reigns. Heyman and Sikoa leave, with the former still buttering up Jimmy as he walks out.

Here are Rob Van Dam and Eric Bischoff for the next picks:

Monday Night Raw
Trish Stratus
Ronda Rousey/Shayna Baszler

Karrion Kross (with Scarlett)
LA Knight

It’s time for MizTV to recap the Draft so far before bringing out Shinsuke Nakamura. Miz thinks Nakamura could be a great World Heavyweight Champion but Nakamura brings up Miz’s testicle. Kinshasa drops Miz rather quickly and Nakamura gets to take a bow.

Omos vs. Anthony Alanis

Chokebomb finishes Alanis at 48 seconds.

We look back at the debut of the World Heavyweight Title.

Road Dogg (actually named Jesse James for what feels like the first time in forever) and Molly Holly handle the next picks.

Monday Night Raw
Braun Strowman/Ricochet
Bronson Reed

Pretty Deadly (NXT)

Pretty Deadly handled what seemed to be dying pretty well.

Here is Judgment Day to brag about sticking together and promising to win at Backlash. Rhea Ripley isn’t overly nervous about facing Zelina Vega because she always comes out on top. Finn Balor promises that Bad Bunny will be turned into little pieces of fluff and Damien Priest threatens Bunny in Spanish. Dominik Mysterio can barely get a word in over the booing, eventually saying he can’t wait to see what happens on Saturday.

He’s ready for a six person tag tonight but here is the LWO to interrupt. Rey Mysterio promises to win tonight and for Vega to win at Backlash. He can’t wait to see what Bad Bunny does either, but tonight it’s time to beat up the whole team. Dominik’s heat was off the charts here and it took him a long time to not say much.

Video on Gunther.

LWO vs. Judgment Day

Rey Mysterio/Santos Escobar/Zelina Vega vs. Dominik Mysterio/Damien Priest/Rhea Ripley. Rey starts with Dominik but Ripley tags herself in to try Riptide on Vega. That’s broken up so Priest comes in to forearm the heck out of Escobar. Dominik comes in but gets dropped with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. It’s quickly back to Rey, who knocks Priest outside for a dive as we take a break.

Back with Rey getting to beat up Dominik but Zelina has to save Rey from Ripley. Vega knocks Ripley outside and Rey loads up the 619. Finn Balor offers a distraction though and Dominik cuts Rey off. Vega and Ripley get knocked down on the floor, leaving Balor to take the 619 for Priest. South of Heaven finishes Rey at 8:48.

Rating: B-. The end result is the right way to go, as it makes Priest feel that much bigger. It is going to feel like something that matters if Bad Bunny beats him at Backlash. Priest needed a bit of a build like this and it helps things out a lot. The other four were doing their thing as well, with Vega especially doing a nice job of making herself feel like a bit more than a foregone conclusion to Ripley.

Bianca Belair is ready to beat Iyo Sky next week but here is Damage Ctrl to mock her. Belair doesn’t think much of them but does think Sky can become a huge star. After she loses at Backlash of course. Sky yells at her in Japanese, with Belair not wanting the translation.

JBL and Teddy Long handle the next picks:

Monday Night Raw
Alpha Academy
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter (NXT)

Rick Boogs
Cameron Grimes (NXT)

It’s about time for Grimes.

Backlash rundown.

Seth Rollins vs. Solo Sikoa

Paul Heyman is here with Sikoa. Rollins has to duck a right hand in the corner to start and let’s conduct the fans a bit. Sikoa gets frustrated as Rollins picking up the pace and headbutts him down in a simple comeback. A low bridge puts Sikoa on the floor but he cuts off the dive as we take a break.

Back with Rolling knocking him to the floor for a series of suicide dives. They get back inside where Sikoa hits a Samoan drop into Spinning Solo for two. Sikoa rains down right hands before they head outside, where Sikoa posts himself by mistake. Back in and Rollins hammers away but the Usos run in for the DQ at 10:39.

Rating: B-. They might as well have held that ending up on a big sign during the match as WWE isn’t going to want either of these two to take a fall here. Rollins continues to be presented as someone who could be a special kind of threat to Reigns and that could be interesting long term. It was a hard hitting back and forth match, but neither was getting pinned here and neither should have been.

Post match Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn join the fight to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. There was a lot going on with this show and it only kind of worked. The matches were mostly good but this was almost all about the Draft. That makes things more complicated as the show becomes more of a preview than anything else. For now though, things are looking good on paper, but there is a lot left to find out in the coming weeks. This show was a big special feature, which didn’t lend itself as well to a three hour format. Good enough show for a one off, but the important stuff starts next week.

Damage Ctrl b. Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez – Rollup to Morgan
Braun Strowman/Ricochet b. Alpha Academy – Swanton to Otis
Matt Riddle b. Jimmy Uso – Floating Bro
Omos b. Anthony Alanis – Chokebomb
Judgment Day b. LWO – South of Heaven to Rey Mysterio
Seth Rollins b. Solo Sikoa via DQ when the Usos interfered

Final Draft Picks

Monday Night Raw
Rhea Ripley
Seth Rollins
Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens
Judgment Day
Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez (Women’s Tag Team Champions)
New Day (Kofi Kingston/Xavier Woods)
Trish Stratus
Ronda Rousey/Shayna Baszler
Braun Strowman/Ricochet
Bronson Reed
Alpha Academy
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter (NXT)

Austin Theory
Brawling Brutes
LWO (Joaquin Wilde/Cruz del Toro/Zelina Vega/Santos Escobar/Rey Mysterio)
Karrion Kross (with Scarlett)
LA Knight
Pretty Deadly (NXT)
Rick Boogs
Cameron Grimes (NXT)


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Monday Night Raw – April 24, 2023: The Game’s Game Changer

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 24, 2023
Location: Allstate Arena, Rosemont, Illinois
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We’re less than two weeks away from Backlash but more importantly (maybe) we are only a few days away from the Draft. That means things could be all over the place this week, as Smackdown didn’t exactly feel like the most important show. Bad Bunny is back too and that probably means a match needs to be set up. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Cody Rhodes to get things going. Rhodes asks what we want to talk about, first suggesting the Draft, before moving on to talking about Brock Lesnar and Backlash. Lesnar is one of the most decorated combat sports athlete of all time, which is why he waited for Rhodes’ back to be turned before attacking him.

We see some stills of the attack before Rhodes takes off his shirt to reveal the scar from his torn pectoral muscle. We’re in the same building where he beat Seth Rollins inside the Cell with that injury and no he has not watched the match back. Rhodes tells Lesnar to pick another spot on him to put the next scar because Rhodes can overcome that one too. That night, he had a sold out arena carry him to the finish line on their shoulders. If he never gets another chance to say it, thank you to the fans who were there that night.

Cue Finn Balor of all people to interrupt to talk about how everyone has scars. Rhodes went into a fight with Lesnar without backup but Rhodes says he isn’t buying anything Balor is selling. Balor asks Rhodes to hear him out and says joining the Judgment Day would be great. The fans are NOT pleased and Rhodes, respectfully, declines the offer. Balor tells Rhodes to watch his own match because you’re either with them or against them. The threat to knock the bleach out of Rhodes’ head has Rhodes chuckling and the challenge is on for tonight. We seem to have a main event as Balor leaves.

Bloodline vs. LWO

That would be the Usos/Solo Sikoa vs. Joaquin Wilde/Cruz del Toro/Santos Escobar. Wilde gets taken into the wrong corner to start and it’s quickly off to Sikoa to run them over. The Usos are cleared out rather quickly though and the non-Escobar LWO hit running flip dives, followed by Escobar’s non-flip dive to take Sikoa down.

We take a break and come back with Wilde hitting a desperation tornado DDT on Sikoa. Escobar comes back in to clean house, including a jumping knee to Jimmy. A high crossbody gets two on Jimmy and del Toro adds a rope walk dropkick for two. Everything breaks down and Sikoa plants del Toro on the apron. Back in and Jimmy gets knocked into the corner but Sikoa runs in to Spike Del Toro out of the air in a great crash. The 1D finishes Del Toro at 8:34.

Rating: B-. The ending alone (with the Spike landing more around the jaw) made this worth it but there is always room for some talented luchadors to go out there and do their thing. That is what we had here and I could go for more of it, or at least the LWO not losing so often. Sikoa gets another highlight reel moment though and Escobar didn’t get pinned, so maybe the LWO isn’t falling as fast as they seem to be.

Post match the Usos say Wrestlemania was one bad night but they’re taking the titles back on Smackdown.

Bianca Belair is ready for Iyo Sky at Backlash but Damage Ctrl comes in so Bayley can laugh at her. Sky eventually cuts them off and yells at Belair, which is apparently a challenge for a six woman tag.

Jey Uso is on the phone about how big of a win they just had when Sami Zayn pops in. Zayn laughs off the idea of the title match being dedicated to Roman Reigns, because it should be for the Usos. So what happens if the Usos lose after putting Reigns’ name on the match? It won’t be good, and Jey doesn’t deserve that. Jey wants to know why Zayn is saying that, with Zayn saying it’s because he feels bad. Jey doesn’t want to hear that because they have both made their choice.

We recap Trish Stratus’ big evil explanation from last week.

Stratus talks about how Becky Lynch isn’t here tonight because she is cracking underneath the pressures of being a star and a mom. While Stratus knows what it’s like to do that and thrives under it, Lynch needed a break. She also needs to say “thank you Trish”.

Street Profits vs. Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin

Ford punches away at Benjamin to start and gets powerbombed for his efforts. Alexander comes in to hammer away but Ford is back with a jumping enziguri to drop Benjamin. The diving tag (a minute and ten seconds in) brings Dawkins in to pick up the pace, including the spinning splash to Alexander in the corner. Everything breaks down and a spinebuster into the Cash Out gives Ford the pin at 2:17.

Post match the Profits get to pose a bit more, which feels a bit like a farewell (or like what we are supposed to believe is a farewell).

Here is HHH for a major announcement. HHH talks about how he got to wrestle at a high level in front of these people, including at Wrestlemania XXII, where he defended the WWE Title (no he didn’t) against John Cena. Tonight, he is here to talk about Roman Reigns, who is coming up on 1,000 days as Universal Champion. Reigns has defended the title against all comers and after thirty years, HHH has seen very few who can hang with him.

Sometime along that 1,000 days, Reigns dis something very smart: he negotiated himself into a position where he did not have to defend the title as frequently. While that is great for Reigns, it is not great for WWE. The people deserve and needs more than that, which is why he said the Draft would shake to its very core. That is why when Reigns is drafted to one show, he is taking the Undisputed WWE Universal Title with him, but the other brand will determine a new champion.

At Night Of Champions on May 27, we will crown a new World Heavyweight Champion. HHH pulls off a sheet to reveal the new title, which is a smaller belt with the WWE logo in the middle, though nowhere near the size of Reigns’ titles. The new champion will be able to defend the title around the world and will not have to demand your acknowledgment, but rather earn it. No word on who will be participating or how.

That certainly opens up a bunch of doors and now there are a lot of questions to be answered. WWE can go with the safe and easy picks or take the chance to make someone new, which could be a lot of fun. Either way, this is something that WWE probably should have done a bit ago, but having Reigns as the sole World Champion is only so interesting for so long. For now though, the have options and I’m curious to see where it goes so they have my interest. The smaller title is going to take some getting used to, but I do like it so far.

Damien Priest is ready for Bad Bunny for getting in his way.

Video on Bronson Reed.

Jimmy Uso is ready for Smackdown but Jey is clearly distracted. Jey asks what happens if they don’t win the titles back, but the mention of Sami Zayn sends Jimmy over the edge. Jimmy assures him they’ll win.

Damage Ctrl vs. Bianca Belair/Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez

Rodriguez takes over on Kai to start and Morgan adds a splash. Morgan hits a Codebreaker but gets sent outside as we take a break. Back with Morgan sending Sky outside and clotheslining Kai, allowing the hot tag to Rodriguez. Everything breaks down and it’s off to Belair, who can’t hit the KOD on Sky. She can hit it on Bayley though, which is enough for the pin at 9:34.

Rating: C. I think you know what you’re getting with a match like this one and that isn’t a bad thing. They did their stuff, pinned the right person and kept the champions looking strong. Damage Ctrl continues to sink and it doesn’t seem like they have the strongest future. Without winning the Women’s Title, not much else they are going to do matters, and I don’t see Belair losing anytime soon.

We look back at Bronson Reed costing Bobby Lashley the US Title last week.

Here is US Champion Austin Theory for a chat. Theory isn’t happy with the disrespect being shown to him by having to defend his title in a triple threat match. He sees the World Heavyweight Title on the floor and thinks it belongs around his waist. Cue Bobby Lashley to interrupt, wondering if Theory is lazy or scared. Lashley says the triple threat was his idea, but Theory asks where Lashley’s Wrestlemania match was. The fight is on but here is Bronson Reed for the fight. Lashley gets beaten down but Reed turns on Theory and gives him the Tsunami. Perfectly fine segment that did what it needed to do.

Rick Boogs, Elias, the Alpha Academy and Maxxine Dupri are worried about the Draft. Mustafa Ali comes in and says chill.

Mustafa Ali vs. Chad Gable

Otis and Maxxine are here with Gable. Ali gets wrestled down to start and a fast dragon suplex gives Gable two. The tornado DDT sets up a missed 450 but the rolling Chaos Theory is reversed into a cradle to give Ali the pin at 1:48. That’s nice for the hometown boy.

Jimmy Uso yells at Sami Zayn and promises to get the titles back. Zayn needs to worry about his own brother turning on him.

Finn Balor vs. Cody Rhodes

Balor grabs a headlock to start but gets taken into the corner for the break. A headlock takeover works a bit better for Rhodes but Balor shoves him off. Rhodes is dropped into the corner as we take a break. Back with Rhodes hitting the Disaster Kick but having the Cross Rhodes broken up.

There’s a Sling Blade to make it worse, but Rhodes hits a Cody Cutter for a breather. Balor gets in a shot to the bad ribs and scores with the shotgun dropkick but it’s too early for the Coup de Grace. A Pedigree knocks Balor silly and sets up Cross Rhodes to give Rhodes the pin at 11:28.

Rating: B-. It was what you would expect from these two in this kind of setup as Rhodes gets another win to help move him back up the ladder. That is something he has needed to do after the Reigns loss, but all that matters for him at the moment is Backlash. As for Balor, he is in need of some kind of nice win and I’m not sure where that is going to come from anytime soon.

Here is Seth Rollins for a chat. He is happy to see the fans but has his eyes on the new World Heavyweight Championship. We need a World Champion that the fans can believe in with no politics or anything else, but here are MVP and Omos to interrupt. MVP praises Rollins but promises pain at Backlash. Rollins knows that Omos is huge because he was born that way, but Rollins is great because he became that way. At Backlash, Rollins is bouncing Omos’ head off that mat and beating him in the match of Omos’ life because that is what he does. Well, I guess that’s something of a reason for this random match.

Matt Riddle is pitching ideas to Kevin Owens when Sami Zayn comes in. Owens wants to know where Zayn is and isn’t happy when he hears about talking to the Usos. They have to beat the Usos on Friday and that is what Zayn needs to focus on. Owens leaves and Riddle talks about how he and Randy Orton were always supposed to split up but they stayed together, just like Owens and Zayn will do too.

Backlash rundown.

Rey Mysterio vs. Damien Priest

Rey slugs away to start and gets kicked in the face for his efforts. There’s a gutbuster to drop Rey again but we cut to the back where Bad Bunny has arrived. The distraction lets Rey get in a fast two but Priest is back up with a shot to the face. Mysterio gets knocked outside and we take a break.

Back with Priest missing a hard charge into the post and getting dropped again with an Asai moonsault. The 619 is cut off with another big boot but Rey slips out of a Razor’s Edge. Instead Priest hits the lifting Downward Spiral for two and it’s time to grab a chair. Rey manages to cut him off and hits a 619, earning himself a chair to the face for the DQ at 11:20.

Rating: C+. This was all about the Bad Bunny stuff and sweet goodness he has some nice timing to show up with about ten minutes left in the show. Other than that, it was smart to have the DQ ending so neither of them took a loss. Not a great match or anything like that, but it did its job of setting up whatever the Backlash match is supposed to be.

Post match Priest gives Rey the South of Heaven but here is Bad Bunny for the save with a kendo stick. Bunny says he’s not going to be the host of Backlash, because he’s going to face Priest in a street fight. I would have bet on the tag match with the Mysterios but this works too. It sounds better than a host as well.

Overall Rating: C+. This show wasn’t all that great, but its action was good enough to get by. The big announcement and the Bad Bunny appearance were the main draws, which is more than I would have expected for what is basically a lame duck show before the Draft. That is going to change everything again and next week will see where everything shakes out after the big switch. It wasn’t a must see show, but that title announcement will be quite move.

Bloodline b. LWO – 1D to Del Toro
Street Profits b. Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin – Cash Out to Alexander
Bianca Belair/Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez b. Damage Ctrl – KOD to Bayley
Mustafa Ali b. Chad Gable – Rollup
Cody Rhodes b. Finn Balor – Cross Rhodes
Rey Mysterio b. Damien Priest via DQ when Priest used a chair



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Monday Night Raw – April 17, 2023: They’re Actually Standing

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 17, 2023
Location: Simmons Bank Arena, North Little Rock, Arkansas
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We are just a few weeks away from Backlash and you can probably guess the show’s big matches from here. There is a good chance that at least one of them will be announced this week, as Brock Lesnar is scheduled to be here to address what he did to Cody Rhodes two weeks ago. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is the Bloodline for a chat. Jey Uso says the Bloodline is here and Paul Heyman explains his role as advisor to Roman Reigns (not here). Cue Judgment Day of all people to interrupt and we get a big staredown between the two sides. Apparently Reigns has put together a short term deal with the teams, which has the non Heyman Bloodline surprised.

Reigns didn’t want anyone but Heyman and Solo (Heyman: “Because there are no sudden movements.”) knowing and apparently Finn Balor isn’t happy with the whole thing. Sikoa is going to help deal with the Bad Bunny situation…but Rhea Ripley switches places to stare at him. Heyman asks if everything is ok and Ripley says “for now”. While Solo deals with the Bad Bunny problem, the Bloodline needs to deal with their Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and Matt Riddle problems.

Since the Bloodline is facing those three at Backlash, the Judgment Day will take care of them tonight. As for right now, we have a Sikoa showdown. This was a nice creative way to go and it very well could be a one night change of pace, which is cool to see for a change. Solo having Reigns’ trust but not so much with the Usos makes it all the more interesting.

Rey Mysterio vs. Solo Sikoa

Everyone else has left ringside. Mysterio jumps over Sikoa to start but gets taken down by straight power. Sikoa starts hammering away at his usual slow pace and Rey is in early trouble. We hit the nerve hold to keep Rey down, which only works so well as a headscissors sends both of them crashing down to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Rey caught in a neck crank before being sent into the corner. The running Umaga Attack misses and Rey scores with a basement dropkick. A springboard moonsault is countered into the Samoan drop for two though and Rey is right back with a frog splash for the same. Cue the Usos to break up the 619 though but here is the LWO to cut them off. After Sikoa breaks up a 619 attempt, a second version connects, only for Rey to miss a top rope splash. The Samoan Spike finishes Rey at 12:41.

Rating: C. This wasn’t the most interesting match, as it was more about the Usos coming out for a distraction so Solo could hang in there. Sikoa continues to feel like a monster and that Spike is getting over as a big time move. Piling up one win after another is the best way to get Sikoa over and they did it again here. Rey is firmly at this point where he doesn’t need to win very often to stay a star and the Wrestlemania win will carry him for a long time. Sikoa got something out of this, even if it was just an ok match.

Post match Solo and the Usos take out Mysterio and the LWO.

Earlier today, Chad Gable and Maxxine Durpi argue over Otis’ future. A SHUSH off ensues so Adam Pearce throws them out.

We recap Iyo Sky earning a Women’s Title match last week.

Bianca Belair vs. Dakota Kai

Non-title and the rest of Damage Ctrl is here too. Belair can’t quite get a slam to start but she manages to block a rollup out of the corner. A dropkick into a nipup sets up the standing moonsault for two on Kai. Belair is sent outside though and we take a break. Back with Belair hitting a running Blockbuster and some rolling suplexes.

The handspring moonsault gets two but a victory roll faceplant drops Belair for a change. Belair is back up and tries for the KOD but Kai grabs the hair. Another victory roll sends Belair into the corner but the running knee in the corner misses. Now the KOD can finish Kai at 9:10.

Rating: C+. They kept things moving here and Kai got to show off what she is capable of doing. It also felt like a fresh match and that is a good thing in a division that Belair has dominated for over a year now. Belair beating the rest of Damage Ctrl before she faces Iyo Sky should work well enough and at least it is off to a good start.

We look back at Brock Lesnar taking out Cody Rhodes two weeks ago.

Video on Bronson Reed.

The Judgment Day is happy with what Solo Sikoa did, with Paul Heyman coming in to make sure they are satisfied. Now it is time for Judgment Day to get rid of the Bloodlines’ problems. Rhea Ripley scares Heyman off, leaving him to call Roman Reigns.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. He wants to talk about Brock Lesnar but Adam Pearce comes out and asks him not to do this. Rhodes teases leaving but grabs a chair and gets back in the ring. Security comes out to break it up but here is Brock Lesnar (in a cowboy hat and a trench coat) to interrupt.

Pearce begs Rhodes not to do it and makes Lesnar vs. Rhodes for Backlash to calm Rhodes down. Rhodes goes after security, who manages to get the chair away but they hold him back from a laughing Lesnar. That’s enough for Lesnar, who walks away as Rhodes beats up the rest of security. Rhodes grabs the mic and calls Lesnar a coward.

Seth Rollins vs. The Miz

Miz jumps Rollins during his entrance but Rollins says he can go. A clothesline takes Rollins down again but he’s right back up with a clothesline. There’s the suicide dive to Miz, followed by the suicide dive and then the suicide dive, setting up a yell at the camera. Miz manages to shove him into the barricade though and we take a break.

Back with the fans singing for Rollins, who scores with a Sling Blade for two. There’s a buckle bomb to rock Miz again but he gets the knees up to block a frog splash. The Figure Four goes on but Rollins slips out, setting up the hard forearm to the back of the head. Miz goes to the knee and hits a pair of DDTs for two. A super Skull Crushing Finale is blocked and Rollins hits a superplex into the Falcon Arrow, setting up the Stomp to finish Miz at 12:03.

Rating: B-. This wound up being a stronger than expected match with Miz getting in a lot of offense. Rollins was able to get the fans into things and it was a heck of a showdown, even if there was no major reason for them to be fighting. If nothing else, it was nice to see Rollins doing something other than conducting the fans without saying a word.

Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and Matt Riddle strategize for backlash, with Owens not liking the concept of listening to Riddle’s eyes. Sami says hear him out, with Riddle suggesting that he wrap up his toe and call it the Toe Bro. Owens: “WHAT?’ Sami: “The toe bro….” Owens: “WHAT?” Riddle says that he was kidding and wants to take out the Bloodline for everything they have done to him. Now Owens seems happier, but he walks away without saying anything.

We look back at Trish Stratus turning on Becky Lynch after losing the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

We look back at Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed going to a no countout last week.

Bobby Lashley vs. Austin Theory

Non-title and Lashley powers him down into a gator roll to start. The delayed vertical suplex drops Theory and there’s a running clothesline to the floor. Some running corner clotheslines don’t do anything for Theory as Lashley knocks him to the floor. Lashley hits the big posting and we take a break.

Back with Theory biting Lashley’s hand to escape a Hurt Lock and sending him into the post twice in a row. The chinlock goes on for a bit before Lashley gets up and avoids a charge into the post. Lashley runs him over but misses the spear. A Town Down is broken up as well and the spinning Dominator gives Lashley two. The threat of a spear sends Theory rolling to the floor but he gets caught in the Hut Lock back inside. Cue Bronson Reed to jump Lashley for the DQ at 12:09.

Rating: C+. They kind of telegraphed the Reed interference, but I’ll absolutely take that over Theory losing a match clean. Reed vs. Lashley has the potential to be something good if they have a hard hitting brawl at Backlash, which very well may be in the cards. If nothing else, having Reed beat up Lashley a time or two could help him a lot.

Post match Reed beats Lashley up but Theory has to save Reed from the Hurt Lock. Reed doesn’t quite like that but hits Lashley with the Samoan drop into the Tsunami.

Here is Trish Stratus and she has a lot of splainin to do. Stratus talks about what a joke women’s wrestling used to be. People talk about how it was her and Lita but they’re only half right. Stratus brought it credibility and single handedly started the Women’s Revolution. People like Becky Lynch would have you believe that everything started with the Four Horsewomen.

Stratus couldn’t believe it and came here to see for herself, and not once did Lynch ever say thank you. She had Lita as her sidekick but Stratus is no one’s sidekick. It was so sad that Stratus had to take Lita out of the picture (Stratus: “Yeah I did that.”) so she could screw Lynch out of her Tag Team Titles. Then Lynch tried to give her the “we’ll get them next time”, so Stratus took her out. She is no nostalgia act and she is no one’s sidekick and she’ll make sure you forget it. This was a heck of a promo and it’s a story that makes perfect sense. Stick with this and they could stretch it out for a long time.

We recap the Cody Rhodes/Brock Lesnar situation from earlier in the night.

Rhodes isn’t really happy with what happened earlier and is ready to fight Lesnar at Backlash.

Candice LeRae/Michin vs. Chelsea Green/Sonya Deville

Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez are at ringside. Michin takes Green down into the corner to start and hands it off to Candice in a hurry. Candice slips out of a double suplex and backsplashes Deville for a breather. Cue Nikki Cross in the aisle though and the distraction lets Deville pull Candice off the top. Green misses an elbow though and it’s Michin coming in to clean house. Michin’s kicks set up a Code Blue for two but Deville’s rollup with feet on the ropes is caught by the referee. That’s fine with Green, who hits the Unprettier for the pin on Michin at 2:59.

The Street Profits, Elias, Rick Boogs, Baron Corbin and Akira Tozawa are worried/excited about the Draft.

The Usos are VERY ready about their six man tag at Backlash.

Judgment Day vs. Sami Zayn/Matt Riddle/Kevin Owens

Balor headlocks Zayn to start but Zayn snaps off the armdrags to flabbergast him a bit. Priest and Owens come in with Owens taking him down and hitting a quick backsplash. A right hand drops Owens though and it’s back to Balor to go after Owens’ knee. Ripley turns Owens inside out with a clothesline and the front facelock goes on back inside.

Owens fights up and hits a superkick, allowing the hot tag to Riddle to clean house. A fisherman’s buster drops Balor but the Floating Bro is countered into a chokeslam onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Riddle getting kicked in the head and a backbreaker getting two. Dominik comes in and gets German suplexed, allowing the tag back to Zayn.

A sunset bomb gets two on Dominik but Ripley crotches Zayn on top. Dominik hits the frog splash with Owens having to make the save. Everything breaks down but Ripley breaks up Zayn’s bit flip dive. That’s enough for an ejection and the Blue Thunder Bomb gets two on Dominik as the fans are actually standing. Owens’ Swanton hits raised knees but it’s a Stunner into a Helluva Kick into the Floating Bro for the pin at 12:54.

Rating: B. The fans were into this one and it made the match that much better. They went with the fast paced ending and it turned into a heck of a match by the end. When you actually have the fans on their feet for a six man tag to end Raw, something is going rather right and that’s hard to do after a three hour show. Well done.

Post match the Bloodline runs in but the LWO and Rey Mysterio are here too for a huge brawl. A 619 hits Priest and the good guys stand tall to end the show. That was a hot ending and the fans were WAY into it so nice job.

Overall Rating: B. This was a different kind of show and I liked it more as a result. They didn’t go in the same direction here and it made for a more interesting night. You can only do the same kind of show so often before you really need a break and having Judgment Day and the Bloodline swap feuds for a night was an intriguing concept. WWE shaking up the norm every so often is a very good thing and it worked well here, especially with that main event.

Solo Sikoa b. Rey Mysterio – Samoan Spike
Bianca Belair b. Dakota Kai – KOD
Seth Rollins b. The Miz – Stomp
Bobby Lashley b. Austin Theory via DQ when Bronson Reed interfered
Chelsea Green/Sonya Deville b. Candice LeRae/Michin – Unprettier to Michin
Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens/Matt Riddle b. Judgment Day – Floating Bro to Balor



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Monday Night Raw – April 21, 2008 (2023 Redo, King Of The Ring 2008): Dang That’s A Lot

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 21, 2008
Location: BiLo Center, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s a special three hour show as the King Of The Ring is back. The tournament was announced last week and now we get the whole thing wrapped up in one night. Other than that, it is the go home show for Backlash and that means it is time for the final push towards the four way match for the Raw World Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

King Of The Ring First Round: Chris Jericho vs. MVP

Non-title. MVP slugs away to start but Jericho drapes him ribs first onto the top. Jericho takes it to the floor but MVP hits something like a hanging Nightmare On Helm Street back inside. Something close to a seated abdominal stretch has Jericho in trouble but he’s right back up and hits a running shoulder. A big boot gives MVP two, only to get taken down with a clothesline as the back and forth continues. The Playmaker is broken up though and Jericho gets the Walls for the clean tap.

Rating: C. It was intense while it lasted but they had no other way out besides having the US Champion tap out? Losing to Jericho isn’t some huge upset but MVP already has a title match on Sunday so why have him lose here? I’ve never gotten the thinking behind this, though it doesn’t do the loser’s title any favors.

King Of The Ring First Round: CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy

They trade forearms to start and Punk blocks the Side Effect with some elbows to the head. Punk knocks him down into a chinlock before putting him on top. What looked to be a superplex is broken up and a middle rope elbow to the back of the head rocks Punk for a change. Back up and Punk’s running knee and bulldog get two so Punk loads up the GTS. Hardy reverses into a sunset flip attempt but Punk sits down on it for the pin to advance.

Rating: C+. This was another fast and to the point match, though they kept things going so qquickly that it was entertaining. At the same time, the US Title match at Backlash has taken quite the hit in the first twenty five minutes of the show. This one isn’t as bad as the champ losing, but the title match doesn’t have quite the shine anymore.

Here’s what Barack Obama vs. Hilary Clinton looks like in Smackdown vs. Raw 2008.

We look back at JBL/HHH/Randy Orton attacking each other last week.

The Raw World Title match is now a four way elimination match.

JBL says tonight is about crowning the King Of The Ring but he will be crowned champion on Sunday. There is even an article about him on the front page of the New York Times!

King Of The Ring First Round: Finlay vs. Great Khali

Hornswoggle is here with Finlay. Some shots to the knee manage to put Finlay down to start but Khali chokes him from the mat. A big boot drops Finlay so Hornswoggle tries to bring in the shillelagh. With that broken up, Khali wraps Finlay’s leg around the post and that’s a fast DQ.

Post match here is Big Show for the showdown with Khali. That’s enough to send Khali bailing to wait for Sunday. With Finlay being helped to the back, here is William Regal for the final first round match.

King Of The Ring First Round: Hornswoggle vs. William Regal

Regal Stretch finishes Hornswoggle in about 20 seconds.

Video on the European tour.

Here is Shawn Michaels for a chat. Shawn didn’t think he would be out here dealing with one of Ric Flair’s best friends in Batista. He needs to ask Batista something here though, so come on down. Cue Batista, with Shawn bringing up what Chris Jericho said on Smackdown: did Batista want to be the one to retire Flair? Batista asks if it would be easier if the answer was yes. Either way, Batista is ending this at Backlash, but Shawn promises to show Batista why he is the Heartbreak Kid. Shawn is willing to do anything to win, so be ready. Violence is teased but they leave.

In light of the Pennsylvania Presidential Primary, Hilary Clinton joins us and says the election is starting to sound like King of the Ring. This time though, the Last Woman Standing may be a woman. Whoever wins will have a lot of challenges to overcome but she will stay in the political arena and won’t come after Randy Orton. She might drop the People’s Elbow though. This was as eye roll inducing as you could have imagined but points for actually showing up.

Hardcore Holly vs. Carlito

Cody Rhodes and Santino Marella are here too. Holly starts fast and hammers him into the corner. An atomic drop hits Carlito but he knees Holly in the ribs and takes over. We hit the chinlock with a knee in the back before an elbow to the face cuts off Holly’s comeback. The Alabama Slam is countered into the Backstabber to give Carlito the pin.

Rating: C-. This was as interesting as a Carlito vs. Hardcore Holly match to set up Carlito/Santino Marella vs. Holly/Cody Rhodes Tag Team Title match was going to be. This feud is pretty horrible, but it isn’t like the titles have felt important in a good while. Just find some better teams. It really shouldn’t be that hard.

Post match Santino promises to win the Tag Team Titles but Cody clears the ring.

HHH promises to win the title at Backlash.

King Of The Ring Semifinals: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho

Non-title. Jericho grabs a headlock takeover and gets absolutely nowhere. Back up and Punk starts kicking away at the leg but gets dropped ribs first across the top rope. Jericho stays on the ribs until a hammerlock lariat gives Punk two. They go to a pinfall reversal sequence and Punk’s snap powerslam gets two more. The Walls have Punk right back down, sending him over to the rope for the break. Jericho goes up but gets kicked in the head, setting up the GTS for the clean pin.

Rating: C+. It was fun while it lasted but they got out of there really fast. Maybe their time was cut short, but the Intercontinental Champion losing in about six and a half minutes completely clean is a strange thing to see. That being said, Punk is getting a push here and points for trying to make someone new.

Senator Barack Obama says it’s a chance to change business as usual and get rid of people trying to become King (of the ring). Do you smell what Barack is cooking? He certainly has charisma.

King Of The Ring Semifinals: William Regal vs. Finlay

This should be fun and Finlay is very banged up coming in. Finlay sends him outside but his band knee is sent into the steps. Back in and Regal goes after the knee like a true villain (or smart wrestler) should. Finlay forearms away and a backslide (which falls apart on the way down) gets two. Regal’s running knee knocks Finlay silly though and the Regal Stretch knocks Finlay out to send Regal to the finals.

Rating: C. Another short match here, which continues the issue of a one night tournament needing to be rushed, even if there is an extra hour. Regal and Finlay could have a heck of a fight if given the chance, but three and a half minutes with Finlay being banged up coming in isn’t going to allow that. Instead we got Regal being a villain who exploited an injury, which might just be a bit better.

Senator John McCain uses a bunch of wrestling catchphrases and promises to introduce Osama Bin Laden to the Undertaker and tells us to vote. All three of these were pretty bad, but they did take the time to appear.

Backlash rundown.

John Cena is tired of talking and wants to fight. He talks about how he knows he has a chance on Sunday and the other three have to go through him.

WWE has helped with a literacy program. Nothing wrong with that.

Barack Obama vs. Hilary Clinton

Let’s get this over with as I’m sure Vince McMahon finds this hilarious. Clinton comes out to Real American and has a Bill Clinton impersonator. Before the match, Hilary cuts a promo for the Hilamaniacs and there is an eerie silence as she stops to bicker with Bill. Fans: “MONICA! MONICA!”

Obama, with big fake ears, comes out to Rock’s theme. His Rock impression isn’t well received but Bill cuts him off. Hilary jumps him to start and gets two off a slam into a legdrop. The Rock Bottom connects (Bill: “Honey are you go???) but Bill breaks up the People’s Elbow (Bill: “I did not have inappropriate conduct.”). Umaga finally comes in and the match is thrown out.

Umaga wrecks both of them, ending one of the dumbest segments that probably had a certain someone howling backstage.

Here are a bunch of the more popular Divas for a chat. Last week, Mickie James won the Women’s Title from Beth Phoenix, which they never thought possible. Mickie is brought out for a chat, plus a lot of hugging. Cue the evil Divas, with Beth Phoenix promising to get the title back. McCool slaps Beth and the big brawl is on.

Mr. Kennedy is back next week. He was gone?

King Of The Ring: William Regal vs. CM Punk

Regal takes him into the corner to start and hammers away but Punk sends him into the buckle. A belly to back suplex drops Punk for two and Regal cranks on both arms. Punk finally slips out and kicks him in the head. It’s too early for the GTS though as Regal grabs the rope and knees him in the head. The Regal Stretch makes Punk tap and Regal is King.

B: C. So that’s the tournament, with the longest match not even breaking seven minutes. This was another match that just came and went because there wasn’t time to do much. Punk’s ribs were tied throughout the matches he wasn’t even in the ring for fifteen minutes throughout the night. I like Regal winning though, as he is great when given a chance to showcase everything he can do. Just do better with the tournament next time, or stretch it out to a second week.

Post match Regal sits on the throne and we’re off to a break rather quickly.

Here is Randy Orton for the main event, but first he says he is tired of everyone talking about taking his title. He has nothing to say except for listing off the shows where he retained.

Randy Orton/John Bradshaw Layfield/Chavo Guerrero/Edge vs. HHH/Kane/Undertaker/John Cena

That’s a pretty outstanding group of good guys. Edge tries to jump Undertaker to start and gets caught with a quick Old School. We take a break and come back with Edge charging into HHH’s spinebuster, allowing the diving tag to Cena. The Shuffle is broken up thanks to a Chavo low bridge though and it’s Orton coming in to kick him in the ribs.

JBL gets two off a neckbreaker as the villains start taking turns on Cena. Orton grabs the chinlock with a bodyscissors until Cena powers up for a ram into the corner. The tag brings in Kane and everything breaks down. Kane chokeslams Chavo but Edge comes in off a blind tag and hits a spear for the pin.

Rating: C+. This felt like a house show match where you get your big names in the ring to end the show. It worked for what it was, in that it previewed multiple pay per view title matches at once, though there was no reason to believe it was going to be anything great. Kane taking the fall when Chavo is there is a bit weird, but maybe they feel they have beaten him into the ground enough.

Post match we hit the parade of finishers, with Undertaker chokeslamming Orton and JBL to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a strange show in that they tried to pack in a lot and it was too overcrowded. Between the tournament, the political stuff and the build towards the pay per view, this felt like it needed to be about four hours, or two regular weeks, to make it work. What we got did work and they covered a lot, but it felt like it could have been that much better rather than just doing ok with everything. Cut some of this stuff out and let the show breathe a bit more and it’s that much better. Or just get rid of the Obama vs. Hilary match because that was an audience of one deal if I’ve ever seen one.



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Monday Night Raw – August 30, 1999: The Saving Grace?

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 30, 1999
Location: FleetCenter, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

As usual, it’s been a minute since we’ve been here and things have been changing a bit. HHH is the new WWF Champion, having defeated Mankind last week. He also successfully defended the title against the Rock last week on the debut of a new show called Smackdown. We’re on the way to Unforgiven and the card needs to get started so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is the Rock to get things going and yep the people seem to like him. After declaring that he is FINALLY in Boston again, Rock blames a wannabe cowboy commissioner named Shawn Michaels for costing him the WWF Title on Smackdown. Rock is going to take Shawn’s little cowboy hat, spin his six shooter around, and stick it, uh, somewhere. He calls out HHH for a fight but doesn’t get him, which sends Rock to the back to find HHH himself. We cut to the Rock in the back, where HHH, Chyna and Shane McMahon all jump him in a hallway. Mankind makes the save.

Here are Shane McMahon and the Mean Street Posse for a chat. Shane has heard that Rock and Mankind want a WWF Title shot tonight so they can have it….if they can defeat their respective opponents. We’ll start with the Rock, who gets to face the Undertaker in a no holds barred, falls count anywhere match. As for Mankind, Shane beat him last week but first, Mankind attacked the Mean Street Posse. That’s why tonight, Mankind has to beat all of them RIGHT NOW!

Mankind vs. Mean Street Posse

If Mankind wins, he gets a WWF Title shot against HHH tonight. Oh and Shane McMahon will be the guest referee! As expected, it’s a triple teaming to start but Mankind fights back like he’s Mankind and they’re the Mean Street Posse. The beating is on with Mankind hitting the running knee in the corner on Rodney but Joey Abs gets in a chair shot (behind Shane’s back of course) for a breaker.

Back in and Joey (with his foot in a cast) stomps away as Pete throws in a trashcan. Shane misses the beating but does stop to yell at them, allowing a double suplex to get two on Mankind. Joey’s street sign hits Rodney by mistake but Shane has hurt his ankle. A shovel to the head drops Joey but Shane won’t count. That earns Shane the Mandible Claw, which draws in HHH for the brawl. The match is thrown out with Mankind being declared the winner by DQ, but Shane makes the correction (as Lilian Garcia seemed to mess up).

Rating: C-. There was only so much you could get out of this was it wasn’t going to be anything more than a joke. That’s what the Posse was there for, but they didn’t bother trying to do anything more than goofy nonsense. They had to have a way to keep Mankind from getting the title shot and these shenanigans are as good as they could have done, all things considered.

Undertaker, with Big Show and Paul Bearer, isn’t worried about facing the Rock tonight. He’s ready to shove a soup bone down Rock’s throat, as Undertaker isn’t exactly speaking like his normal self here.

Undertaker vs. The Rock

No Holds Barred and Falls Count Anywhere, which is different than hardcore because there’s probably going to be a hardcore match later. Undertaker has Big Show and Paul Bearer with him and Rock gets a WWF Title match later tonight if he wins. Actually never mind, as Undertaker doesn’t think Rock has earned the right to do this so Big Show is doing it instead.

Big Show vs. The Rock

Same everything as before as that’s a lot to type again. Undertaker is on commentary (that’s a WEIRD one) and Rock is in street clothes as he punches away at Show to start. A clothesline puts Show on the floor but he sends Rock into the barricade to slow him down. Rock is fine enough to hit a Russian legsweep on the ramp but Show knocks him down again without too much trouble.

Back in and Show misses a charge into the corner so they head right back to the floor. Rock slips out of a ram into the post though and puts on a headset, offering to slap the dead off Undertaker’s head. A right hand drops Undertaker but the distraction lets Show chokeslam Rock through the announcers’ table for the pin. Lilian: “Your winner, the Undertaker!”

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go anywhere, but at least they got in a hardcore match in about three and a half minutes. Throw in the fact that they managed to have two of the three biggest heroes in the company lose in the first 40 or so minutes of the show and that’s not too bad. That’s a rather Russo style show for you and I have a feeling it’s going to get even worse.

Post match HHH comes out to go after Rock but Undertaker grabs him by the throat. Cue Mankind to go after Show and Undertaker, allowing HHH to escape.

Al Snow is rather upset about Big Boss Man stealing his dog Pepper. As he pleas for people to help him, we can hear sounds of some rather adult actions taking place off screen.

Here is Big Boss Man for a chat. He asks for and gets Al Snow out here, with Boss Man saying Snow lived up to his end of the bargain on SmackDown. Then Snow was crying on Heat and Boss Man got the feeling. Snow keeps asking where Pepper is and Boss Man tells him to come to his hotel this week on Smackdown and he’ll get Pepper back. They even shake on it.

We look back at Chris Jericho putting Road Dogg through a table on Smackdown and injuring his back, putting Dogg on the shelf for a long time.

X-Pac vs. Taka Michinoku

Funaki is here with Taka. X-Pac hammers away to start but Funaki gets in a cheap shot. Taka knocks him outside and gets in a few shots, only to miss a moonsault back inside. A sitout powerbomb sets up the Bronco Buster and the X Factor for the fast pin on Taka.

Rating: C. X-Pac is in a weird place here as he’s too big to be fighting these smaller guys but not big enough to be in the main event scene. What matters is the fans are behind him though and he is more than good enough in the ring to back it up. They just have to find the right way to use him though and this was just a way to keep him warm.

Post match X-Pac takes out an invading Funaki as well. X-Pac says he wants the big guys.

Edge and Christian vs. The Acolytes vs. The Hollys vs. The Hardys

Elimination rules and the winners get a Tag Team Title match. It’s a brawl to start but Viscera, Mideon, Prince Albert, Droz, Stevie Richards and the Blue Meanie come in for the no contest. In a four way elimination match. In about a minute. The referees breaking it up takes longer than the match.

Here is the Rock to say Undertaker and Big Show didn’t impress anyone so he wants a handicap match tonight. First though, he wants to stick Undertaker’s head inside Big Show. Mickey Mouse tattoos are mentioned as well. Cue Mankind to say he didn’t like the Rock at some point, but now the people want and need him to be the Rock’s partner for a shot at the Tag Team Titles. Mankind even loads up Rock’s catchphrase but Rock cuts him off and says sure. Just DON’T YOU EVER steal his catchphrases again, but Mankind even rips off the IF YOU SMELL, which has Rock annoyed.

Here is Meat, with Terri Runnels, for a chat, but Terri hits on the Rock on the way up the ramp. He isn’t impressed. Hold on though as we get a GTV segment of Meat and Marianna, shall we say enjoying each other behind the interview set earlier. Terri goes after Meat but here are Marianna and Chaz (her boyfriend) for the big brawl.

Miss Kitty helps with Debra’s hair because the hair stylist has no idea what she is doing.

Jeff Jarrett/Mark Henry vs. D’Lo Brown/Billy Gunn

Debra and Miss Kitty are here with Jarrett and here is Chyna to do commentary. Brown clotheslines Jarrett down to start and something like a Sky High gets two. Jeff gets in a shot of his own and it’s Henry coming in for a gorilla press drop. Choking on the rope ensues as Kitty works on Debra’s hair. A clothesline puts Brown down as Chyna promises to get revenge and Jeff Jarrett’s Intercontinental Title. Brown gets in a shot of his own and everything breaks down. The distraction lets Chyna come in with the guitar….which hits Gunn by mistake, giving Jarrett the pin.

Rating: C. It wasn’t even four minutes long but it was nice to have a pretty run of the mill tag match until the screwy ending. There is nothing wrong with putting two potential title matches together, but Chyna seems more likely to get the Intercontinental Title shot (signing a contract helps). That’s more interesting than Gunn, which is the case with just about anything.

Test names Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco the best men for his wedding to Stephanie McMahon. Whichever has the better memory gets to hold the ring.

Gangrel vs. Ken Shamrock

Gangrel has the Hardys with him, with commentary getting on Lilian Garcia for not calling them the New Brood. The bell rings and you can hear what sounds like a fire extinguisher putting out the Brood’s ring of fire entrance. Shamrock goes for the leg to start and Gangrel heads straight to the floor. Gangrel slugs away outside but the Hardys’ distraction is enough to get them ejected. Back in and Shamrock can’t quite get the ankle lock so Gangrel elbows him in the face. Shamrock kicks away and elbows him in the face, setting up the ankle lock for the tap.

Rating: C. It’s almost weird to see a match from this era getting about five minutes and of all their options, it’s Gangrel vs. Ken Shamrock? Gangrel wasn’t the biggest threat to Shamrock but it was nice to have him doing something other than drinking red liquid. Shamrock was in a weird place at this point and needs something to do, as just beating up Gangrel isn’t the most interesting.

Post match avowed Jericholic Howard Finkel introduces Chris Jericho, who says he isn’t coming out here to fight Shamrock. Instead, Shamrock can show up at Smackdown and clean his boots. Shamrock gives a slow motion chase.

Mankind wants to do the People’s Elbow but Rock tells him to stick with the sock gimmick. Mankind: “Mr. Socko.”

Here is Women’s Champion Ivory for a chat. After yelling at Michael Cole for undressing her with his eyes, she declares that she is not a sl**. Tori on the other hand is, so here is Tori to jump Ivory (and hitting Cole in the process), with Luna Vachon and Jacqueline coming in to join the brawl.

We look at Big Show chokeslamming Rock through the announcers’ table earlier.

Tag Team Titles: Big Show/Undertaker vs. Mankind/The Rock

Show and Undertaker are defending and Show hammers Mankind down to start as Undertaker doesn’t look overly interested. Undertaker gets in some shots to Mankind on the floor, with Rock having to make a save back inside. The bearhug goes on (showing how big Show really is) until Mankind punches his way to freedom. With that not working, Show punches him outside for another beating from Undertaker.

Mankind gets dropped on what is left of the broken announcers’ table as Paul Bearer comes out. Bearer says something to Undertaker, who walks out as Mankind gets in a shot of his own. The hot tag brings in Rock to clean house, only to have Show plant him with a chokeslam. Mankind’s chair is knocked into his face before Show’s delayed cover gets two on Rock. The referee gets bumped though and Rock BLASTS Show in the head with the chair. A double People’s Elbow gives Rock the pin and the titles.

Rating: C. This was another rare match that got some time and it helps a little bit, but there were so many things going on through the match that you can only get so much out of it. Between the chair shot, the ref bump and the Bearer/Undertaker stuff, it was hard to get into things. Throw in the fact that the Tag Team Titles mean nothing and this is little more than a big pop at the end without much else going on to get there. Kind of like most of the Attitude Era when you think about it.

Overall Rating: C+. It was another show with all kinds of stuff going on at the same time, but the addition of Smackdown can help things out a bit. If nothing else, it is nice to see some of the rapid fire stories siphoned off to Smackdown instead of doing everything on Raw for a change. It was a show with a bit more coherent string of stories throughout and we should be in for some good things on the way towards Unforgiven. Nice stuff here, with Smackdown possibly being the saving grace.





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Monday Night Raw – April 10, 2023: There’s A Hope

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 10, 2023
Location: Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle, Washington
Commentators: Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

So this show just got a lot more interesting, as we had quite the out of nowhere show last week. That would have been the Vince McMahon version of Raw, but then Smackdown felt much more normal. You can call this one the rubber show I guess, but hopefully last week was just an anomaly. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Commentary welcomes us to the show and says that there have been some travel issues so some wrestlers are late arriving.

Here is Rey Mysterio to talk about how cool it was to go into the Hall of Fame (pause for YOU DESERVE IT) and then wrestle at Wrestlemania. Unfortunately it was against his son and cue Dominik to interrupt. Dominik talks about how Rey has to make everything about himself, just like Bad Bunny, who cost Dominik the match at Wrestlemania.

We see the big angle with Bad Bunny last week, with Dominik calling it music to his ears when Bunny went through the table. Rey says he talked to Bunny last night and he’s coming for revenge. Dominik doesn’t buy it so Rey challenges him to a Wrestlemania rematch. That’s a no, but Dominik knows someone who will.

Rey Mysterio vs. Finn Balor

Dominik is here too as Finn takes Rey into the corner to start. Rey fights out and snaps off a headscissors but Balor stomps him down against the ropes. Balor chokes on the ropes a bit as they’re certainly in a slow pace to start. Some forearms to the neck set up a chinlock but Rey is right back up. A kick to the face sends Balor outside where the sliding splash can connect as we take a break.

Back with Rey hitting the springboard spinning crossbody for two but the 619 is broken up. Rey takes him up top for a super hurricanrana and a near fall. Now the 619 can connect but the frog splash only hits knees. Cue Dominik with the chain but Rey knocks him down, setting up the dive to take them both out. The second chain shot works on the way back in though and the Coup de Grace to the out cold Rey finishes at 14:12.

Rating: B-. This was a way to keep the Rey vs. Dominik stuff going as the likely tag match at Backlash looms. These two can still go in the ring and have a good match with just about anyone so there was no way this couldn’t work. The ending even played into things perfectly and Rey is protected in the loss.

Earlier today Maxxine Dupri wasn’t happy with how Otis was dressed but we find Lita down. Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan are concerned but Trish Stratus and Bayley come in to accuse them of doing it.

We look back at the Cody Rhodes/Brock Lesnar ordeal last week.

Becky Lynch says Lita is at a local medical facility but Trish Stratus will be teaming with her to defend the titles right now.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez vs. Becky Lynch/Trish Stratus

Stratus (substituting for Lita) and Lynch are defending. Rodriguez throws Lynch into the corner to start and it’s Morgan coming in for a running shoulder in the corner. Becky fights back and takes over on the arm, allowing the tag to Trish. Liv’s Matrix is broken up (with Trish getting a laugh) and Becky drops the top rope leg for two as we take a break. Back with Liv fighting out of a chinlock until a double hair takedown means a double knockdown.

Rodriguez comes in to clothesline the also legal Becky, setting up the spinning Vader Bomb for two. Everything breaks down and Becky hits a missile dropkick for two. Rodriguez is sat on top but blocks a double superplex. Instead Trish hurricanranas her down for two but Rodriguez is back to assist Liv with a tornado DDT.

Everyone goes to the corner for the Tower of Doom and they’re all down again. Back up and Rodriguez seems to accidentally slam Becky out of the corner onto Liv for two. Oblivion is countered into the Manhandle Slam but Rodriguez makes the save. Trish comes back in but misses the Chick Kick, allowing Liv to roll her up for the pin and the titles at 15:28.

Rating: B. They were working here and the titles changing hands clean (as clean as you can have with a substitute partner) is a good way to make Rodriguez and Morgan look better. The action did well here and now we can move on to the who jumped Lita story, which probably has quite the details. For now though, the titles are off Lita/Lynch, who never felt like long term champions anyway.

Post match Becky is upset but holds Trish’s arm up, only to have Trish lay her out. They weren’t really hiding that and it’s still the way to go.

Paul Heyman mocks a question about Brock Lesnar attacking Cody Rhodes last week and says Kevin Owens has a problem tonight. Owens has to face Solo Sikoa but Sami Zayn and Matt Riddle aren’t here tonight. Heyman doesn’t buy the travel problems, because they must be scared of Sikoa. Who would take advantage of Owens be on his own? We the ones.

Trish Stratus has nothing to say.

We look back at HHH announcing the Draft.

Damage Ctrl is in the back with Bayley trying to get the team staying together in the Draft. Instead of Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai getting a Women’s Tag Team Title match, Bayley has gotten into a #1 contenders match. That’s not cool with Sky, who goes to talk to Adam Pearce again. Tensions seem present.

Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed

Reed knocks him into the corner to start but walks into a Downward Spiral. Back up and Reed lifts him to the apron where neither can get the better of things. Lashley is knocked to the floor and Reed shoulders him down as we take a break. Back with….a split screen clip from the new movie Renfield. We go full screen again to see Lashley sending him into the corner for a running shoulder to the ribs.

A swinging neckbreaker drops Reed again and there’s a suplex to show off Lashley’s power. The Hurt Lock can’t go on so Reed drops back onto him for the break. Lashley is up before the Tsunami so Reed hits a kind of Thesz press instead. Back up and Lashley grabs the spinebuster but still can’t get the Hurt Lock. They fight to the floor and it’s a double countout at 10:43.

Rating: B. I always appreciate a match where they don’t bother trying to do anything but what they should be doing. Reed and Lashley are two bulls who are going to be able to hit each other really hard and do some cool looking power stuff. That is exactly what we got here and they even kept both of them from taking a loss. Hard hitting match here and I could go for the rematch when they get to do it again.

Post match referees and agents have to break them up.

Here is a banged up Cody Rhodes for a chat. Cody says he usually has one thing to talk about (Seth Rollins, his injury, the Royal Rumble, completing the story) but after last week, things are a little more complicated. He lost at Wrestlemania and there is no one to blame but him. Cody lost to the champion Roman Reigns, which has people giving him some thoughts about what happened. One thing came from Paul Heyman, saying Cody had to earn another shot. Cody has gone from Dashing to Stardust to the EVP to the leader of the pack so there is no earning it because he IS it.

Then you have another factor though and that is Brock Lesnar. The question is why Brock did what he did. Cody heard that Brock was upset about his spot on the Wrestlemania card, but Cody thinks that it was uncertainty about what Cody meant for Brock’s future. We hear about Lesnar’s accolades and yes, Cody is scared of him….but he still wants a fight. Cody wants Lesnar to look in the mirror and see a victim and he’ll fight him anywhere. Say at (Wrestlemania) Backlash? Good stuff here as Cody talked about what happened and still looked to the future.

Usos vs. Alpha Academy

Otis jiggles away from Jey’s waistlock and then easily blocks a sunset flip. Gable armbars Jimmy’s arm over the top and a top rope clotheslines gives Gable two. Jimmy gets taken down and slapped in the back of the head as the Usos are way off to start. A quick Demolition Decapitator hits Gable though and Otis is knocked outside as we take a break.

Back with Gable trying to get over for a tag but there is no Otis. Jimmy chokes on the rope but charges into an exploder suplex. It’s back to Otis for the Caterpillar but Jey makes the save. Jey sends Otis outside but the suicide dive is blocked. Jimmy’s isn’t blocked though and it’s a double superkick to send Otis over the announcers’ table. Gable moonsaults down onto both Usos though and it’s a top rope headbutt for two back inside. The ankle lock is blocked but the Usos get in a blind tag and hit the double superkick. The 1D finishes Gable at 13:02.

Rating: B. Heck of a match here as the Usos sold the idea that they were in serious danger. Alpha Academy are goofs most of the time but they are former champions so this isn’t the biggest stretch. I got into this one and there was even a chance of the big upset. This worked very well and I could go for more of this version of the Academy.

Piper Niven vs. Michin vs. Iyo Sky

The winner gets a shot at Bianca Belair’s Raw Women’s Title. Niven shoves Sky down to start but a double team sends Niven outside. Michin hits a suicide dive but Sky moonsaults onto both of them as we take a break. Back with Niven getting double teamed, including an upside down choke so Michin can hit a dropkick. Sky turns on Michin and takes her down as well, setting up the springboard missile dropkick to Niven. Michin drops Sky and Niven drops the big elbow. A Code Red gives Michin two on Niven but Sky moonsaults in for the pin at 8:15.

Rating: C+. They kept the pace going here and all three got in some stuff. Michin looked better than she has in a long time and Niven was playing the wrecking ball role. Sky winning fits the story best as Damage Ctrl’s problems just might grow despite her success. Now can we have Niven get a win somewhere?

Kevin Owens knows he isn’t smart to face Solo Sikoa on his own tonight but that’s what he has done for his entire career.

Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa

The Usos are here too and Owens has a bad leg, which is exactly where Sikoa starts. The stomps to the leg have Owens in trouble and he is sent outside. A superkick drops Jey and Owens sends Sikoa into the steps, only to have the bad leg taken out again. There’s the running Umaga Attack in the corner and we take a break.

Back with Sikoa still on the leg but Owens gets in some shots of his own. The leg gives out again though and Sikoa superkicks him for two. Owens drops him again and goes up for the frog splash, which bangs up the knee even more. The Stunner is blocked and a Samoan drop gives Sikoa two.

Owens catches him on top for some headbutts but the knee gives out again. Instead Owens slams him off the top and hits the Swanton (that’s a stretch on the bad leg) for two. The Pop Up Powerbomb connects but the knee gives out, allowing Sikoa to block the Stunner. Jey gets in a cheap shot superkick and it’s the Samoan Spike to give Sikoa the pin at 13:25.

Rating: B-. Good brawl here, with Owens selling the leg (mostly) throughout. They were playing into the idea of Sikoa having the numbers advantage so Owens losing here isn’t some horrible defeat. This version of Owens is always going to fight and he was trying as much as he could here, with the fans behind him all the way.

Post match the beatdown stays on but here are Sami Zayn and Matt Riddle for the very last second save. The Usos and Sikoa are beaten up and sent to the floor to end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. This was great. It was a night full of wrestling as the wrestlers who did make the show and there was nothing close to a bad match. I had a great time with the wrestling we got and they kept some stories advancing well enough. Cody Rhodes got in a good, long form promo and set up what was a fairly obvious match with Brock Lesnar at Backlash. There wasn’t a bad thing on this show and to keep things going so well for three hours, it was a smash hit.

Finn Balor b. Rey Mysterio – Coup de Grace
Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez b. Trish Stratus/Becky Lynch – Rollup to Stratus
Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed went to a double countout
Usos b. Alpha Academy – 1D to Gable
Iyo Sky b. Piper Niven and Michin – Moonsault to Niven
Solo Sikoa b. Kevin Owens – Samoan Spike



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