Monday Night Raw – October 11, 2004: No Wonder England Doesn’t Like Us

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 11, 2004
Location: Evening News Arena, Manchester, England
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

Somehow this is the first time the show has ever taken place in England. We’re eight days away from Taboo Tuesday, the show that half the roster seems to hate. I’m not exactly wild on it myself given how the build has gone, but I’m sure this week’s show will end with HHH taking a beating but walking out as champion anyway. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Women’s Title: Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus

Trish is defending and Stacy is in a Manchester United jersey (with her name spelled Kiebler on the back) with a barely existent skirt. Of course we get the early cartwheel and the boot choke in the corner because that’s all Stacy is good for in something like this. A rollup out of the corner gives us yet another upskirt shot before Trish bails out to the floor.

The champ is smart enough to pull Stacy down and crotch her against the post, followed by wrapping the leg around the post. A half crab keeps Stacy in trouble until she makes a slow crawl to the ropes. Trish gets slammed off the top for two but she gets bored with this mess and hits the Chick Kick to retain.

Rating: D-. Yeah Stacy has long legs and wears revealing outfits. That’s the extent of her talents here it was on full display here (among other things). I get the point of the whole thing but that doesn’t make it a good idea. These are the kind of matches that WWE has gotten away from thanks to the Women’s Revolution, but the history isn’t kind to them.

Post match Molly Holly, Nidia, Gail Kim and Victoria run in for the brawling. I’m sure Taboo Tuesday waits for all of them.

Simon System ad. These are still worth a chuckle.

Tag Team Titles: William Regal/Eugene vs. La Resistance

La Resistance is defending and insult the British fans, who aren’t worthy of hearing the French national anthem. You can imagine the pop Regal gets and carrying the Union Jack makes it even louder. Why the challengers have generic music instead of either of their themes isn’t clear but maybe it’s some international copyright deal?

Regal and Conway start things off with the fans cheering Regal for just breathing, let alone actually doing anything of note. An exchange of forearms to go Regal and I don’t remember the last time I’ve heard a crowd this invested. Eugene comes in with Grenier loaded up in Shattered Dreams position and the Conway goes head first between his legs. The airplane spin makes it even worse for Conway as the fans already want Regal again.

That’s exactly what they get when Conway spends too much time nipping up, allowing Regal to come in for a t-bone suplex. The champs fight back with Au Revoir for two with Eugene making a save. A Stunner takes Conway down so Grenier brings in the title belt, only to walk into the Power of the Punch for the pin and the titles. Regal looks happier than I’ve ever seen him.

And never mind as we come back from a break with Eric Bischoff having restarted the match, earning a loud BULL**** chant from the crowd as Eugene is fighting out of an armbar. The shoulder is sent into the buckle and it’s back to Grenier for some stomping. Conway comes in to tell Eugene to fight like a man and, after drawing Regal in for some double teaming, walks into a collision with Eugene for the hot tag to Regal

Everything breaks down with Regal throwing suplexes for two, with Grenier hitting Conway for a save as Regal had already moved. A Rock Bottom into a People’s Elbow (with Eugene telling Regal to drop the actual elbow) gets two but a flag pole shot to Regal is enough for the pin (with trunks) to retain.

Rating: D. Well, that was stupid. There was little reason to change the title win like that when you could just turn it right back the next week with nothing having been significantly changed. WWE likes to go way too far with these gotcha moments and they’re really annoying when you had a great moment like this.

Taboo Tuesday ad.

British fans are happy to have Raw.

Ric Flair and Batista try to calm HHH down about the fan vote. They’ve got HHH’s back and front.

Video on Kane/Lita/Gene Snitsky. The melodrama is strong on this show, though they’re doing a nice job of making Snitsky a star overnight.

Snitsky joins us via satellite from Connecticut. Last week’s attack on Kane wasn’t his fault because Kane is the bloodthirsty monster attacking him. Was Snitsky just supposed to take it or should he have made a preemptive strike? Snitsky: “Kane said I was a dead man. Well Kane, the only thing dead around here is your baby.” WOW. Anyway he’ll win at Taboo Tuesday and crying like a baby, which Snitsky imitates, complete with a rocking motion. How is this guy not World Champion yet?

Hurricane/Rosey vs. Val Venis/Stevie Richards

Or not as Kane comes out and beats up all four of them with a chair. Venis gets taken out on a stretcher.

Here’s Randy Orton for a chat about his mixed emotions over this upcoming match with Flair. Yeah Flair is a legend, but he’s one of the people who cost Orton the World Title. Based on that, Orton has to get even but if you look at Flair, you have to feel pity. That’s not the Flair Orton wants though. He wants the legendary Flair, so here’s Ric to a roar. Flair heard Orton say he felt sorry for him but Flair rode up in a long limousine earlier today and a man asked him how to spell his name.

That would be f-a-m-o-u-s, which is what Flair is. He sees Orton showing off in a custom made suit with a Rolex watch but Flair invented being the man. Flair brags about all the women he’s had before talking about how great Orton has already been. He’s no legend killer though because Flair is still right here. Flair is so sure that he’s going to win that if Orton pulls the miracle, he’ll throw in the limo and some women. Orton turns them down because he has his own but he’ll win anyway. This was promos 201, but it’s not like this is anything more than a pit stop as we build towards the next Orton vs. HHH title match.

Lawler is with the Page 3 girls and looks at some of their pictures (off camera of course). This was what it was.

Chris Jericho vs. Rhyno

Fallout from last week’s lumberjack match with Rhyno costing Jericho the win. Rhyno grabs a headlock to start as the announcers try to find a way to sell Jericho facing one of fifteen people at Taboo Tuesday. The fans are behind Jericho as Rhyno cranks on the arm but Jericho fights out of the corner. A headbutt to the arm puts Rhyno in control again though and we hit a chinlock. A spinebuster takes Jericho down for two but he’s right back with the bulldog. The Lionsault hits knees and it’s time for the Gore, which is cut off by Christian and Tyson Tomko for the DQ.

Rating: D+. The chinlock hurt things but these two always worked fairly well together. The match was fairly slow with Rhyno dominating for the most part, which worked well enough as a way to make him seem like a threat for the title shot. I mean, he has no chance of winning the poll, but at least they’re trying.

Post match Jericho gets beaten down but here’s Coach to announce that we’re not done.

Rhyno/Chris Jericho vs. Christian/Tyson Tomko

Joined in progress with Rhyno running Christian over and handing it off to Jericho for a suplex. Rhyno adds a slam as the announcers recap the show so far. Well what else are they supposed to talk about in a match like this? Tomko shoves Rhyno off the top for a crash to the floor and it’s back to Christian for a chinlock.

Just like in the previous tag match, Christian draws Jericho in and starts with the double teaming (it’s a classic move and still works every time). Christian talks too much trash (a common theme as of late) and gets belly to bellied so Rhyno can bring Jericho back in. The springboard dropkick puts Christian on the floor and it’s a Gore to Tomko, setting up the Lionsault for the pin.

Rating: C-. Somewhat better than the singles version which is probably due to getting more time. Jericho getting the fall seems a bit counterproductive, but then again so does most of everything they’re doing with Taboo Tuesday. I’m hoping we don’t get another Christian vs. Jericho match but I don’t think the fans will go that way, which is quite the relief after watching them feud for so long.

Post match Christian hits Rhyno in the face with the Intercontinental Title but walks into the Walls. Batista makes the save and takes out Jericho before posing with the belt.

Shawn Michaels comes up to Chris Benoit and promises to do what’s best for himself in the main event tonight. Benoit isn’t surprised and promised to do the same thing tonight. Edge comes in and doesn’t like being left out, though Shawn and Benoit don’t seem to care.

Smackdown Rebound.

JR gets serious to talk about John Cena getting stabbed in a nightclub after Smackdown, leaving him in a medical facility. Lawler instantly transitions into a discussion of the Diva Search girls fighting at Taboo Tuesday. From STABBING to an eye candy feud. Such is life in 2004.

We recap Carmella vs. Christy, setting up their match at the pay per view.

Taboo Tuesday voting begins next Monday night at 10pm. They’re cutting it pretty close with the timing.

Taboo Tuesday rundown. The six women from earlier plus Jazz will be in a battle royal and you get to pick their outfits.

More British fans are happy to be here.

Evolution vs. Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho/Edge

Benoit and Batista start things off with Benoit slugging away as you had to expect him to do. The Sharpshooter is easily kicked away and it’s off to Edge for some staring. The fans really don’t like Edge as he forearms away at Batista and shoulders him out to the floor. Back in and Shawn chops away with less success, allowing Flair to come in for a collective WOO. Since Shawn can’t hang with an old man, Benoit comes in and fires off chops in the corner.

That means a Flair Flop and everything breaks down with the good guys all slapping on Figure Fours for a nice visual. Back from a break with Benoit in trouble as Evolution takes turns working on his back with a variety of forearms. HHH hits a British Bulldog style delayed vertical suplex for two and it’s back to Flair, who still gets a nice reception.

Some right hands in the corner keep Benoit in trouble and it’s back to Batista as a fan runs in with Shawn and Edge diving on him with no trouble. Flair kicks Benoit low and puts on the Figure Four as the fans watch/sing to the fan being ejected. Benoit starts to turn the hold over so Flair tags Batista as it’s reversed in a smart move.

An enziguri drops Batista and it’s off to Shawn vs. HHH for old times’ sake. Everything breaks down and it’s a facebuster to Shawn but it’s too early for the Pedigree. Instead it’s a backdrop for the counter, setting up Benoit’s Swan Dive. Edge tags himself in to break up Sweet Chin Music though, leaving Shawn to have to superkick HHH to break up the Pedigree. That’s enough for Edge to steal the pin in a real jerk move.

Rating: B-. These six can do any combination of matches/tag matches for years to more than acceptable results and that’s what they did here. It was another good match but the ending was a bit annoying as we continue to drag through the muck towards Taboo Tuesday. It made sense and is something Edge (suddenly a heel again) should be doing, but it’s still quite the annoying story as it would take a minor miracle for anyone but Shawn to get the shot.

Overall Rating: D+. Pretty good main event aside, do you know who is coming off the best on these shows? Snitsky. He’s one of the only people who doesn’t have some kind of a swerve or a stupid move in most of his segments and they aren’t exactly hammering in what they want the fans to vote for at the show.

Taboo Tuesday is screaming REALLY BAD IDEA more and more every week and this was no exception, with HHH worrying about who he has to face, Orton in an acceptable yet not exactly thrilling feud with Flair (though the promos are good) and Jericho facing a field. It’s making it hard to build towards the show and the problem gets worse by the week.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Monday Night Raw – March 11, 2019: It’s Like It’s Wrestlemania Season

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: March 11, 2019
Location: PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

We’re finally (and I do mean FINALLY) clear to head towards Wrestlemania after getting Fastlane out of the way. Fastlane was a fun show but nothing exactly thrilling or necessary to see. Tonight should see the real start of the build towards the show, which can’t come fast enough. Let’s get to it.

Here are last night’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s the Shield for their big farewell speech. Roman Reigns talks about how he’s learned you’re not promised tomorrow so if they rode together for the last time, he has no regrets. As for now though, he hasn’t had a one on one match on Raw in five months so we should correct that. Ambrose has business of his own too, and even if no one knows what it is, we love him anyway. That leaves us with Rollins, who has been chasing the dream for a long time now. The fans give us a SLAY THE BEAST chant, which Reigns turns into BURN IT DOWN.

Ambrose and Reigns leave but here’s Paul Heyman to interrupt Rollins. Heyman talks about being the advocate for the man who will destroy Rollins at Wrestlemania so Rollins tries his hand at the introduction. Rollins talks about how Lesnar has destroyed the big power guys but had trouble against people like AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan and Finn Balor.

Heyman says Rollins is listing off names but not telling the whole story. Lesnar didn’t have time to prepare for any of those smaller guys. AJ replaced Jinder Mahal, Bryan replaced AJ and Balor replaced Braun Strowman. The most amount of time Lesnar had to prepare was twelve days. We get a video on Lesnar, followed by Heyman saying that Lesnar has had months to prepare for Rollins. There is no preparing for Lesnar….and here’s Shelton Benjamin from behind to German suplex Rollins a few times.

Seth Rollins vs. Shelton Benjamin

Joined in progress with Heyman on commentary and Rollins grabbing a headlock. That goes badly for him as Shelton takes it to the mat before running Rollins over with a shoulder. Seth fights up with some right hands and chops, followed by a dropkick to send Shelton outside. A whip into the barricade is enough to bring Shelton back inside and he gets kicked in the face for a bonus.

The Blockbuster looks to set up the Stomp but Rollins has to escape a German suplex. Benjamin is sent outside again but blocks a suicide dive with a kick to the head as we take a break. Back with Rollins fighting out of a chinlock because that’s what you do when you come back from a break. Heyman admits that he paid Shelton to jump Rollins but not to have a match.

Hang on though as Heyman has to take a phone call and covers his microphone rather than taking the headset off. Rollins reverses a powerbomb with a hurricanrana as Heyman says Lesnar isn’t happy with what Cole has said and will be here next week. Cole: “Oh great.” Rollins hits the Sling Blade but walks into a release German suplex for his efforts. Shelton’s F5 attempt is countered into a pair of superkicks to the ribs and the Stomp gives Rollins the pin at 10:18.

Rating: C. I get what they’re going for with the story and it works well enough, though having Lesnar actually showing up next week being treated as such a big deal is a great summary of everything going wrong with the story. At least Rollins is able to wrestle at the moment, meaning his back must be doing better. It’s nice to see Shelton, but the time has long passed for him.

Intercontinental Title: Finn Balor vs. Bobby Lashley

Balor is defending after taking the title from Lashley at Elimination Chamber last month and there’s no Lio Rush in Lashley’s corner. Lashley throws him hard into the corner to start and grabs Balor’s face against the ropes. That just earns himself a dropkick but the corner enziguri is blocked with an elbow to the head. Balor escapes a suplex though and dropkicks him to the floor, setting up the running kick to the face from the apron as we take a break.

Back with, of course, a chinlock on Balor, followed by a hard Downward Spiral for two. Now why not come back on that kind of an impactful move? Lashley starts in on the back before going to a chinlock. Balor gets up with a dropkick to the head and a rollup to escape the Dominator. There’s a Sling Blade to set up the Coup de Grace but cue Rush to ring the bell for a distraction. The delay lets Lashley get up and spear Balor out of the air for the pin and the title at 10:55.

Rating: C. Well ok then. I’m certainly a bit surprised at the title change taking place so fast but I’m sure we’ll get the big final title change at Wrestlemania, because trading it back and forth doesn’t matter until we get to WRESTLEMANIA. Lashley losing the title back in New Jersey will be fine, though just let him be champion for months and let Balor win it for the first time there. Now the important question is how many other people can get in on that title match. You know we can’t just have two.

Baron Corbin looks at a clip of himself saying he hoped Reigns didn’t come back to Raw. Yeah he said it, but he’s not going to worry about hurting people’s feelings. Tonight, he’s house training the Big Dog.

We look at Becky Lynch getting destroyed by Charlotte until Ronda Rousey got Lynch disqualified to send her to Wrestlemania, six days after attacking Lynch to make sure she couldn’t go to Wrestlemania.

Here’s a ticked off Ronda to yell at the fans for telling her that she deserved to get beaten up with a crutch. These same people who chant at her cower behind a barricade. At Wrestlemania, she’s coming to desecrate the fans’ place of worship. She rants about how she wanted Becky at Wrestlemania so it can be one vs. all. WWE can even make it a handicap match if they want to because it’s on.

Rousey drops the mic and here’s Dana Brooke (please, make it quick) to talk about how she’s not going to let Ronda embarrass the locker room and disrespect the Women’s Revolution. Ronda always issues an open challenge after a pay per view so Dana Brooke is accepting. Rousey knocks her outside with a kick to the ribs and hits a throw on the floor. Back in and Piper’s Pit sets up the armbar….which she says she’ll do for $60 from the fans. Instead she hits a referee to complete a destruction faster than her promo.

We look back at Batista attacking Ric Flair before his birthday party and HHH’s response last week.

Aleister Black/Ricochet vs. Bobby Roode/Chad Gable

How have we not actually seen this match yet? Roode cranks on Black’s arm to start and takes him into the corner for a tag to Gable. We hit the reverse chinlock from Gable before it’s back to Roode for a waistlock. Black gets away for the tag and it’s off to Ricochet as the pace picks up. Gable blind tags himself in and it’s a German suplex/Blockbuster combination for two on Ricochet. The Glorious DDT is countered into a rollup for two more and it’s back to Black for a kick to Roode’s head. That’s not enough so it’s Black Mass to finish Roode at 4:28.

Rating: C. This was rather action packed while it lasted and you can never see Black Mass enough. They’re doing a good job of having Ricochet and Black stay strong and it wouldn’t shock me to see them win the titles at Wrestlemania. I mean, they’ll be one of probably four teams challenging but at least it’s something to look forward to.

Post match the Revival jumps Ricochet and Black from behind.

Some wrestlers, including Roman Reigns, visited some children with cancer today. Nothing wrong with that. The visit, not the cancer.

Here’s Alexa Bliss for a Moment of Bliss. She has a big scoop this week with the reveal of the official Host of Wrestlemania. This year’s host is bigger than any reality show star, more electrifying than the Rock and more positive than the New Day. The host is….Alexa herself! Fans: “You deserve it!” Bliss: “I know.”

We recap the SNL guys being announced as special correspondents for Wrestlemania.

Braun Strowman liked attacking one of the correspondents last week. Someone comes up to tell Strowman that his car is here but Strowman seems confused. Back from a break and the car is a rather nice sports car with a big bow on it. There’s a note saying that it’s from the SNL correspondents as an apology for last week. Strowman seems pleased….and then destroys it because he can’t fit in it and the window isn’t clean. He tells the attendant to give them this car door and that they’ll get these hands.

This is all Braun Strowman, one of the most over guys in the company for the last year, can get for Wrestlemania? The same Wrestlemania where he teamed with a ten year old last year? Yet Nia Jax, Baron Corbin, Tamina, Natalya and Shane McMahon are likely to have matches on the show? I think that sums up everything about WWE in one segment at the moment.

Here’s Elias to talk about how amazing it is that he’s such a success. He was born in Pittsburgh and evidence suggests that if you’re born here, you’re going to be a horrible waste of life. Elias talks about recently traded Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Antonio Brown but here’s No Way Jose, now with green braided hair, to interrupt. That just earns Jose a beating and Drift Away on the ramp.

Harlem Heat Hall of Fame announcement. Yes yes yes.

Lacey Evans cameo.

Natalya vs. Nia Jax

Beth Phoenix and Tamina are at ringside. It’s a fight to start and Tamina grabs Natalya’s leg, drawing Beth in for the DQ at 34 seconds.

Beth clears the ring post match. We cut to the back where Bayley and Sasha Banks are fighting with Nia and Tamina. So Beth and Natalya are your “legendary” team for the four way match, because last night’s match really does mean nothing whatsoever.

Here’s an angry HHH in street clothes to address Batista. This brings out said Batista, with security guarding him. HHH asks if Batista is getting in the ring or standing there as a nose ring model. Batista laughs and says he learned from HHH and Flair over the years so yeah, they’re here for him. He’s getting what he wants one way or another. HHH talks about Batista quitting over the years and promises to run through the guardians of the independent circuit to get to him.

Batista goes into a rant about how he quit to get away from HHH for holding him down so many times. He wants HHH at Wrestlemania and the match is on. That’s what Batista wanted: one more match to end his career on his terms and one more match to end HHH’s career on his terms. HHH says the match is going to be on his terms because it’s going to be No Holds Barred.

That’s the best idea given the circumstances and certainly fits the story that much better. Batista’s explanation for why he wants to face HHH…..well it’s an explanation. It’s not a particularly good one and it’s something we could piece together ourselves, but I’ll take it over us being left to figure it out or Batista saying his words spoke for themselves. The stipulation should help a lot and it gives me more hope for the match.

Here’s hometown boy Kurt Angle to address his in-ring future. He talks about his career both in amateur wrestling and in the WWE, but he’s wanted to make his announcement tonight. At Wrestlemania, he will be competing in his farewell match. Before he does that though, he wants one more match in Pittsburgh.

Kurt Angle vs. Apollo Crews

Angle armdrags him down to start as Graves talks about growing up watching Angle in Pittsburgh, even seeing him as a local sportscaster. Crews gets one off a dropkick and it’s off to the chinlock. That’s broken up but the Angle Slam doesn’t work. Instead Crews knocks him down and gets two off the standing moonsault. Crews misses the frog splash though and the Angle Slam gives Kurt the pin at 3:01.

Rating: D+. The wrestling wasn’t the point here as this was all about having a nice moment. That’s what they did here with commentary telling some nice Angle stories, plus talking about how Crews got into wrestling because of Angle. They were smart to keep this short too and the wrestling was watchable enough. It’s sad when this is a good night for Angle, but that’s the point we’ve long since reached.

Baron Corbin vs. Roman Reigns

Hang on as Drew McIntyre jumps Reigns from behind before Corbin comes out. Reigns gets beaten down and posted, followed by a Claymore and another posting. Rollins comes out to tell Reigns to get checked for a concussion, which he insists on doing in the back. They leave with Corbin never coming out.

Post break Rollins and Ambrose take Reigns into a trainer’s room. Ambrose goes up to HHH and says he wants McIntyre tonight, anything goes and falls count anywhere. The match is on.

Drew McIntyre vs. Dean Ambrose

Hardcore. Drew wants to start the fight on the stage and Dean is right there, knocking Drew off to the floor for an ax handle. They fight up into the crowd with Drew sending him face first into the railing and swinging Ambrose into a wall. A toss out of the press box is blocked and Dean is back with another ax handle shot.

We take a break and come back with Dean holding himself up on the handrails in the crowd and the referee crawling underneath him. They head back to ringside as we see clips of the fight at the concession stand and merchandise area during the break. Drew hits him in the face with the steps for two and it’s time to head back into the crowd. McIntyre spends too much time talking trash and gets kicked low but finds a chair to get in a breather. Dean gets dropped face first onto a hockey board but he’s right back up to put Drew on an anvil case.

The ensuing ride and crash let Dean drop an elbow for two and it’s time to head to the stage. Drew loads up the announcers’ table but gets dropped onto it for his efforts. Dean hammers away until a low blow cuts him off (and freaks Renee out). A hard ram sends Dean face first into the video screen prompts Cole to ask how low Drew will sink. DEAN BEAT UP HIS FRIEND THE NIGHT REIGNS ANNOUNCED HE HAD LEUKEMIA! I love short memories in wrestling. Dean kicks out so Drew ties him in a barricade for a Claymore and the pin at 14:22.

Rating: B-. This was a good brawl and the ending made McIntyre look like the killer that he needs to be when he fights Reigns next month at Wrestlemania. That’s a positive sign for McIntyre, who has lost a few steps in recent months due to WWE not knowing how to book most of the people they hire.

Post match Dean gets up again and it’s a second Claymore to knock him silly, freaking Renee out one more time. Drew poses to end the show as someone who looks like Edge is seen nearby.

Overall Rating: C+. Now this felt like a show on the Road to Wrestlemania, mainly because they were able to focus entirely on Wrestlemania instead of Fastlane, which is already being forgotten because it’s such a nothing show. The wrestling was acceptable, though far from the point tonight, which is fine. We got a match set up and you can see some more of them from here. There are seven shows left before Wrestlemania and while rushed, a good build towards the show is still a possibility.


Seth Rollins b. Shelton Benjamin – Stomp

Bobby Lashley b. Finn Balor – Spear

Aleister Black/Ricochet b. Bobby Roode/Chad Gable – Black Mass to Roode

Nia Jax b. Natalya via DQ when Beth Phoenix interfered

Kurt Angle b. Apollo Crews – Angle Slam

Drew McIntyre b. Dean Ambrose – Claymore

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – October 4, 2004 (2019 Redo): I Think We Have A Loser

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 4, 2004
Location: Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s time for a big show as we’re in the World’s Most Famous Arena for one of the last two shows before a gimmick pay per view on a Tuesday. Last week’s Raw saw Randy Orton try to turn Ric Flair away from the dark side, only to get screwed out of the Taboo Tuesday title match voting. I’m sure you know where this is headed so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Orton and Flair last week with Orton’s very good promo that was wasted by the end of the night.

Opening sequence.

The arena is set up as normal, which takes away some of the MSG charm.

Here are HHH and Ric Flair for a chat. Flair recaps last week and wants to correct himself: HHH isn’t the greatest wrestler alive because he’s the greatest of all time. So isn’t he the greatest alive too? Flair is the only man who can say that because Orton has been barred from the building. I’m not sure how those things go together but Flair keeps going by ripping on people Orton has taken out who certainly aren’t legends.

As for Taboo Tuesday, Flair and Orton are fighting one more time in either a falls count anywhere match, a submission match or a cage match. HHH talks about how Taboo Tuesday is going to be a complete disaster (he’s not wrong) because fans can’t be relied on to make decisions. He’s supposed to rely on people like the ones in the front row to make decisions? These people must like that they get to decide Evolution’s fate. To quote an “overrated Hollywood actor”, “It doesn’t matter what you think.”

Taboo Tuesday is a joke and a sham but here’s Chris Jericho to interrupt. Jericho says that this is NOT a repeat, even though HHH is complaining about Taboo Tuesday again. This is Raw Is Jericho so let’s take a poll here tonight. The fans don’t seem to think that HHH is the greatest wrestler alive today, or the greatest of all time for that matter. What about the biggest horse’s a** that ever walked the face of the earth? Jericho: “It looks like we have a winner!”

Jericho reminds us that he inspired Taboo Tuesday in the first place and he’ll be the one laughing when HHH loses the title. Flair demands that he come out here right now for some respect but Jericho comes to the ring with a chair. Cue Batista from behind though and the beatdown is on until Edge and Chris Benoit makes the save. Sounds like another six man, which is far from a bad idea.

Sidebar: so allegedly the reason why HHH got the title back at Unforgiven was he didn’t think fans would want to vote on three heels for Taboo Tuesday. The voting for the Orton vs. Flair match proves that what he’s saying is completely ridiculous, as you could have had the fans pick a stipulation for Orton vs. HHH and swap Flair in for HHH to face Shawn, Edge or Benoit with everything else being the same. How was that not a viable option? Other than HHH doesn’t get the title back of course.

Christian isn’t that impressed with being in Madison Square Garden because Shawn Michaels gets too much credit for that one ladder match in this building. He had a big match here at Wrestlemania XX and actually won. When he beats Shawn tonight, he’s taking the torch the fans are carrying for Michaels.

Shawn Michaels vs. Christian

Tomko is with Christian of course. They go with the basics to start with Shawn hitting a shoulder and grabbing a headlock takeover. As the hold stays on, there’s a sign in the crowd saying Christian is a Major Punk with C M PUNK in red letters. Subtle but I’ve seen worse. Shawn doesn’t take kindly to being slapped in the face and Thesz presses Christian down for some right hands. Christian sends him into the corner to take over as the announcers talk about the intelligence of the fans.

A missed charge crotches Christian though and Shawn knocks Tomko down for good measure. Sweet Chin Music takes forever to set up as usual so Tomko pulls Christian to the floor. That just earns him Sweet Chin Music of his own and we take a break. Back with Shawn not being able to fight out of a chinlock as Tomko has already been helped out. The reverse tornado DDT gives Christian two, followed by the reverse DDT backbreaker for the same.

Christian hits the chinlock again but this time Shawn is up in a hurry and it’s a double knockdown for a pair of nine counts. Shawn is back with the forearm into the nipup to start the comeback but a quick Unprettier plants him. Christian’s very delayed cover gets two and the fans are very pleased. As they should be since this has been good so far. Christian heads up top but gets backdropped down, setting up the top rope elbow. Sweet Chin Music hits for the clean finish.

Rating: B. Rather strong match here with Shawn winning clean as he gets some more momentum on the way to Taboo Tuesday. Christian losing might not be the best idea long term but at least he got to hang with one of the best around. That’s going to help him going forward as he’s already an established midcarder/upper midcarder. Just get up the ladder a little higher and stay there longer and he’ll be set.

Earlier today, Lita said that she was in a predicament but is now sad that she lost the baby. You know, the one that was basically the spawn of the devil. Now though, she hates Snitsky and doesn’t buy the idea that it wasn’t his fault. Come on after all those times he’s said it, how can it not be true? She starts shouting and recaps the whole story, which lowers her acting skills by at least 38%.

Eric Bischoff asks an unseen woman if they have a deal and they shake hands. He’ll see her in the ring later tonight. Coach comes in and asks why she is here, because proper nouns are only used when it’s appropriate. Coach is also worried about interviewing Snitsky so Bischoff says JR can do it instead.

Batista vs. Chris Benoit

Flair is out with Batista, who gets knocked to the floor in a hurry. Back in and Benoit goes after the leg with a dragon screw legwhip and Batista limps around the floor. The knee is fine enough to hit a big spinebuster back inside and it’s time to work on Benoit’s back. Benoit sends him into the corner though and it’s time to roll the German suplexes. With Flair being knocked off the apron, Batista shoves off a Crossface attempt. Flair gets in a low blow and posts Benoit but Orton runs in to break up the Batista Bomb for the DQ.

Rating: C. It was fun while it lasted due to the high levels of intensity you knew were coming from these two but the ending was what mattered. Orton fighting through Evolution to get to HHH again is fine, but there’s only so much you can do when Evolution gets the upper hand on him or Orton has to run away every week.

Post match Orton stays on Batista but Bischoff sends out security to arrest him. Flair and Batista get in a few cheap shots to take Orton down.

Post break Bischoff is in the ring to complain about Taboo Tuesday. Speaking of the show, Snitsky will face Kane in a Fans Pick The Weapon match with a lead pipe, a steel chair or a steel chain being legal. As for Chris Jericho, who laughed at the idea of HHH facing three people, he’ll have to defend the Intercontinental Title against anyone not already in a match, which means nearly twenty options. Bischoff wants to see those people in his office in about fifteen minutes.

That brings him to his match with Eugene, who he wants in the ring right now. Eugene comes out and Bischoff tells him that someone in the back has a crush on him. That would be Carmella, who Bischoff thinks should have won the Diva Search. She also has a match with Christy Hemme at Taboo Tuesday, but for now Bischoff explains that she was in Playboy. He whispers what that means to Eugene, who freaks out.

Carmella talks about how hot she finds Eugene, except for his hair. See, if Eugene loses the hair vs. hair match on purpose, she would find him perfect. Eugene agrees, but he wants a kiss now. That’s not happening so Eugene will settle with Carmella taking her top off. That’s not happening either because Carmella is too good for Eugene or these people. Bischoff likes her style so the match with Christy is still on. Cue Christy to shove Carmella and kiss Eugene.

So now we’re getting more Christy vs. Carmella? Was that really such an awesome feud that it needs a sequel? I know WWE has put a lot into this whole thing but for some reason now we’re stuck with seeing them on pay per view. At least it’s going to be short, but Taboo Tuesday was already looking bad enough as it was.

Tag Team Titles: La Resistance vs. Rhyno/Tajiri

La Resistance is defending and Grenier actually gets to finish O Canada. After some confusion over whether or not this is for the titles, Conway headlocks Hurricane to start. Rosey comes in for a save and a double legdrop (one between the legs and one on the neck) has Conway in trouble. Hurricane gets knocked off the top though and we hit a front facelock. Conway pulls Rosey off the apron, leaving Hurricane to take Au Revoir for the fast pin.

Post match Rosey keeps going after the champs, who turn his mask around. The blind Rosey lays out Hurricane in what seems to be setting up a rematch. It would help a bit if they hadn’t just lost in two minutes.

WWE received an award from Make-A-Wish.

Simon System ad. Simon: “My name is Simon Dean and odds are, I don’t like you.”

Edge says you should vote for him because he’s never faced HHH, unlike Michaels and Benoit, who have faced HHH over and over in a million title shots. Edge lists off all the titles he’s won and injuries he’s suffered and now he deserves a chance. Fair enough, though his face/heel shifting is getting annoying.

The people who could face Jericho at Taboo Tuesday are in Bischoff’s office. Bischoff has a job for them tonight: they’re going to be lumberjacks when Jericho faces HHH.

Stacy Keibler vs. Molly Holly

Trish Stratus is on commentary and isn’t too kind to Christy based on what happened last week. Stacy bites Molly’s finger to start (Trish: “Whatever works.”) and there’s the boot choke in the corner. Molly gets in a suplex as Lawler is very pleased by the visuals of Stacy’s skirt. The slapping doesn’t get Stacy very far so we look at Trish on commentary instead. A missed knee in the corner lets Stacy kick Molly down but Trish heads to the ring for a distraction. For once it actually doesn’t work as Stacy blocks the rollup and pins Molly for the upset. They wouldn’t be stupid enough to have Stacy vs. Trish for the title would they?

HHH vs. Chris Jericho

Non-title lumberjack match. Jericho jumps him after the posing and hits a backdrop before HHH can even get his belt off. The title falls off when HHH is sent outside and the lumberjacks start hammering away. Back in and HHH throws him outside for the same treatment. Jericho is fine enough to slingshot over HHH into a failed Walls attempt so it’s a catapult into the corner instead.

HHH sends him outside for more stompings, followed by blocking the Walls again so Jericho can get sent outside for the third time in about two minutes. This time Christian jumps him but Jericho thinks it was Rhyno and beats him up instead. Back in (again) and Jericho misses the Lionsault, knocks Batista off the apron, and finally gets the Walls. That’s broken up as Flair has to be dispatched, followed by a big dive onto a bunch of lumberjacks. With the referee distracted, Rhyno comes in for the Gore to give HHH the pin.

Rating: D-. What a waste of time, especially with the lumberjacks. If they don’t want to have either of these two do a job (as they shouldn’t), don’t set the match up in the first place. This was a bunch of throwing each other to the floor and failed finisher attempts until Rhyno came in to finish things off. Another bad main event to cap off a series of terrible matches tonight.

Post match the fight is on with Orton coming in to hit some RKO’s on random people. A big one to Coach (more like a jumping Stunner) finishes the show.

Overall Rating: D. Well that was bad. The usual suspects had their good matches as always but at the same time, we had a bunch of terrible matches and promos that consisted of “Taboo Tuesday is stupid” and heels saying “we hate this” over and over. The problem is we’re coming up on what feels like any given pay per view but we have a bunch of completely acceptable stipulations to pick from. That doesn’t make for an interesting show, which is something this place could really use right now. Hopefully it picks up, but I’m not exactly thrilled with the prospects right now.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – March 4, 2019: At Least They’re Trying

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: March 4, 2019
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

It’s the go home show for Fastlane and since we only have four matches set for the show, you can expect to have a lot of matches announced for Sunday tonight. That’s not the best way to do things in the world but it’s the only way they can go given how little WWE seems to care about the show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s Roman Reigns to open things up to another solid pop. Reigns says last week was the comeback but this week it’s time to take the yard back. There was one person standing in his way and that’s Seth Rollins. This brings out Rollins, who says what an inspiration this is for him. Rollins wants to bring the Universal Title back to Raw but he knows what Reigns is going through. If anyone deserves the shot, it’s Reigns. That sounds nice to Reigns, but he tells Rollins good luck.

They had me believing that they were going to go with Reigns vs. Lesnar again at Wrestlemania so it’s quite the relief that it was just a tease (for now). I know that Reigns is going to be back on top of the card at some point in the future but for now, it needs to be Rollins after what they’ve built up over the last few months.

Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin are in the back with Drew talking about breaking the Shield months ago. Lashley promises to win the Intercontinental Title back and Corbin talks about how Angle needs to learn that he just can’t hang with the athletes of today.

Finn Balor/Kurt Angle/Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley/Drew McIntyre/Baron Corbin

The feud that will not die. Corbin and Strowman slug it out to start with Strowman sending him outside twice in a row. That means the running shoulder to send him into the barricade so it’s off to McIntyre vs. Balor. The villains are sent to the floor for a flip dive from Balor, but a second one is broken up by Lio Rush as we take a break.

Back with Balor in trouble and getting thrown to the floor for his efforts. McIntyre muscles him up for a suplex but some right hands get Balor out of trouble and it’s off to Angle. That means the German suplexes and an ankle lock to McIntyre with Lashley making a save as we take another break.

Back again with Angle sending Corbin to the floor and bringing Strowman in for the forearm to the chest. A running powerslam sets up the Coup de Grace to Corbin for two with Rush making the save. Lashley takes Balor out so it’s Strowman tackles Rush through the barricade for a very nasty crash. Back in and the spear finishes Balor at 14:43.

Rating: C-. Totally standard match that we’ve seen from this combination multiple times. That’s not the worst thing in the world but I’m tired of watching these same six people over and over with nothing really coming from the whole thing. The wrestling was fine, though I could go for this going somewhere.

Post match the villains beat up Angle by sending him face first into the raised steps. A Claymore hits Balor and he gets slammed onto the steps.

Earlier today, Ascension talked to the B Team and Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder about how much they can’t stand Heavy Machinery because they’re taking opportunities. And they’re stupid.

Heavy Machinery says that hurt their feelings and revenge is promised. They still have no idea what to do with these two.

Ruby Riott vs. Natalya

They slug it out to start with Riott taking her down for a very early chinlock. That’s reversed into the Sharpshooter but Riott is getting too close to the ropes so it’s broken up. Riott tries a small package but Natalya reverses into one of her own for the pin at 2:04.

Post match here’s Lacey Evans (now the Sassy Southern Belle) for her regular cameo.

We look back at Batista attacking Ric Flair last week and calling out HHH.

Stephanie McMahon welcomes some members of the Saturday Night Live cast, who will be special correspondents at Wrestlemania. One loves Philadelphia and the other loves New York. Stephanie warns them that wrestlers can be aggressive though the New York one is fine because he wrestled in high school. They leave, with Stephanie offering security.

Via his Instagram, Batista says that he won’t be here tonight because he doesn’t like Philadelphia.

Here’s HHH to talk about Batista and Flair. HHH says he was here last week for Ric Flair, but also for Richard Fliehr, one of the best men he has ever known. They were at each other’s sides for their weddings (well, most of Flair’s weddings as HHH couldn’t make all of them) and HHH was next to him when Fliehr buried his son. Then a year ago he stood by Fliehr’s bed when he was clinging to life and was scared to answer his phone because he thought it was the call saying he was gone.

Last week HHH wanted him out here to be the Nature Boy one more time but Batista wouldn’t let that happen. Batista has been trying to get HHH’s attention for months and when HHH got hurt in November, it seemed to be the end of things. That wasn’t good enough for Batista, who finally didn’t quit for once. So Batista attacked a seventy year old man who was trying to have one more moment?

Now Batista wants to show up on a screen and go Bad Guy 101 with HHH by saying he doesn’t like Philadelphia? HHH doesn’t care where he wants to go and he’ll come to Batista’s house or go to a movie set if he has to. When Batista comes to see him, it’s going to be the man instead of a character and Dave has to look him in the eyes. Good promo here and HHH’s response made sense, though I’m still needing to know why Batista did this in the first place. What exactly does he have to prove?

We look back at Ronda Rousey throwing down the Women’s Title last week.

Stephanie calls what Rousey did last week blasphemy so tonight WWE is going to do what’s best for business and drop all charges against Becky Lynch. The suspension is officially lifted (Now why didn’t they just do this before???) but Becky needs to be here tonight to sign a hold harmless policy for her match on Sunday. That would be against Charlotte for the officially vacant Raw Women’s Title.

Reigns comes up to Ambrose in the back but Dean walks away.

Heavy Machinery vs. Ascension/B Team/Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder

This is a gauntlet match with Heavy Machinery trying to get revenge on all three teams in one night. The B Team starts with Otis fighting off Axel without much effort. It’s off to Tucker who sends Dallas into Axel, who DDTs his partner by mistake. Otis comes in for the Compactor to get rid of the B Team at 1:37.

The Ascension is next and Konnor takes the running stomachs to the head for one. Konnor is right back up to take over on Tucker but he misses a charge into the post. It’s back to Otis to clean house and a Vader Bomb gets rid of Ascension at 4:33. Ryder is in with a slingshot splash on Otis and a Russian legsweep/STO combination for the same. A pop up World’s Strongest Slam gets Otis out of trouble and the Caterpillar finishes Hawkins at 5:55.

Rating: D. Well at least they finally won something, though I still have no idea what they’re supposed to be. Last week’s weirdness from Otis was one thing but this was a much more standard tag act. I’m not sure what this accomplished other than showing how terrible the lower half of the tag division is, though Heavy Machinery being a middle of the pack team is their best place.

The SNL guys don’t know much about wrestling as the New York one wants to know where Koko B. Ware is. They run into EC3 spraying water on himself before running into Titus O’Neil, who gets a quick picture. No Way Jose and the conga line pop in for some dancing.

Torrie Wilson Hall of Fame video. They even managed to show some of her matches, which features a ridiculous amount of neckbreakers, the one move she could actually do.

Charlotte knows Becky will sign the paper because of her pride. That way on Sunday, Charlotte can be Raw Women’s Champion again in a great moment.

Rollins tries talking to Ambrose about getting the Shield back together but it’s a no. He appreciates the help last week but now he has to do it on his own.

Here’s Elias to sing about how he knows he’s in Philadelphia because of how bad their sports teams are.

Elias vs. Dean Ambrose

Ambrose is holding his back on the way to the ring and the fight is on in a hurry. They head outside with Ambrose sending him back first into the barricade. A clothesline puts Elias right back on the floor and we take a break. Back with Elias hitting Old School but getting sent outside again for a suicide dive. They head back inside with Dean shrugging off a shot to the bad back and hitting a swinging neckbreaker. After stopping to hold his back, Dean’s top rope elbow to the head is blocked with a jumping knee to the face, setting up Drift Away for the pin at 8:06.

Rating: D+. How long has it been since Elias won a major match? And clean on top of that? Ambrose seems to be leaving, though WWE acknowledging it more than once makes things seem a little fishy indeed. Maybe he is leaving though and if that’s the case, at least he’s putting some people over on the way out.

Post break Dean is still in the ring when Reigns and Rollins come out to pitch the reunion one more time. Dean goes through the crowd instead but here are Lashley, Corbin and McIntyre to interrupt and make fun of the Shield being split again. The fight is on until Ambrose runs back to the ring for the save. Rollins and Reigns do the pose and Dean throws his fist in for the big reunion.

We look back at Stephanie’s big announcement.

Shield vs. Corbin/McIntyre/Lashley is set for Fastlane.

Sasha Banks vs. Tamina

Bayley and Nia Jax are at ringside. Tamina sends her into the corner to start and crushes her with a splash. Sasha is right back with the running knees in the corner for two and a running knee to the head gets two more. A Russian legsweep sets up the Bank Statement but Nia Jax pulls Tamina out. Nia throws Bayley down but gets the Meteora from the apron. It’s enough of a distraction for Tamina to hit the superkick for the pin on Sasha at 3:15.

Rating: D+. Just a quick build towards the Tag Team Title match on Sunday and there’s nothing wrong with that. I can’t imagine the titles change hands this soon and there is a lot more potential for Bayley and Sasha to have a big match at Wrestlemania rather than the Samoans. It’s fine for a first title defense and with that out of the way, we can move on to something bigger and better.

The SNL correspondents go their separate ways with one of them saying he’s not afraid of anyone. Braun Strowman pops up and intimidation occurs. Upon being asked if this is real, Strowman lifts him up by the throat.

Post break Strowman is still choking him when the other SNL guy comes in for the save. Strowman says he’ll see them at Wrestlemania.

Ricochet and Black are challenging and before their entrances, they talk about how their actions will prove that they belong. Black goes with the strikes on the champs to start but gets swung into a belly to back suplex. The springboard moonsault gets Black out of trouble as Chad Gable and Bobby Roode head out to watch.

Back with Dawson getting kicked in the face and a double legsweep taking the Revival down so it can be off to Ricochet. A backslide and sunset flip give Ricochet two each and it’s the springboard European uppercut to send Wilder outside. Roode and Gable are done with this and jump Wilder for the DQ at 3:54.

Rating: D+. Another instance of a match being used to advance an angle, which might see a triple threat match on Sunday. Black and Ricochet being thrown together as a team is acceptable enough, though they both seem to have more potential as singles stars. At least the Revival didn’t lose for a change. That’s something right?

Post match the fight is on with Roode and gable being sent outside, leaving Ricochet and Black to backflip into their poses.

Video on Alexa Bliss working with Girl Up for Women’s History Month.

Here’s Stephanie McMahon with the Women’s Title and the agreement for Becky to sign. After we see Rousey laying the title down last week, Stephanie brings out Charlotte and Becky. Stephanie explains the hold harmless agreement but Charlotte mocks her before any signing takes place (and I need to make sure who signs and who doesn’t, because if there’s one thing WWE adheres to, it’s signed contracts). Becky offers to fight her right now on one good leg and there’s the signing.

We cut to the back where Rousey is storming into the arena and come back with her walking to the stage (must be a huge arena). Rousey storms in and demands the title back. Stephanie hands it over and changes Sunday’s match. Now, if Becky wins the on Sunday, she’s in the Wrestlemania title match. Ronda isn’t done yet though and yells at Stephanie about making money for the company. She goes into a rant against the fans about how terrible everything is and how she’s sacrificed so much for this company and then they boo her out of the Staples Center.

Screw the Woo and the beating is on with Charlotte getting kicked to the floor. Rousey puts Becky in the armbreaker and cranks back before hammering away in the corner. The armbreaker goes on again and Charlotte leaves as Ronda poses over Becky. Ronda puts the hold on for the third time as they seem to have wrapped things up very early.

After a replay, we go to Stephanie (because of course) in the back where she says she didn’t do Ronda a favor. Becky made a mistake by signing the document and now she’s upset at Ronda for what she did. She can’t wait to see what’s going to happen at Wrestlemania and there are decisions to be made.

We cut back to the arena where a producer tells Ronda to hold up the title. She does just that to end the show. They did a good job with turning Rousey heel which should eliminate anyone who could steal some of Becky’s cheering, but having Stephanie as the other face in the story just makes my head hurt.

Overall Rating: C-. I’m not sure what to think of this show. The wrestling wasn’t anything to see but they were trying as hard as they could to set up some things for Fastlane while also building towards Wrestlemania at the same time. The stories are getting better (or at least more intense) and I want to see where things go from here. Fastlane feels like more of a complete show, but I still don’t buy for a second that WWE sees it as anything more than content for content’s sake.


Baron Corbin/Bobby Lashley/Drew McIntyre b. Kurt Angle/Finn Balor/Braun Strowman – Spear to Balor

Natalya b. Ruby Riott – Small package

Heavy Machinery won a gauntlet match last eliminating Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder

Elias b. Dean Ambrose – Drift Away

Tamina b. Sasha Banks – Superkick

Revival b. Ricochet/Aleister Black via DQ when Bobby Roode and Chad Gable interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – September 27, 2004: Can We Get A Third Party?

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 27, 2004
Location: Kemper Arena, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We’re getting closer to Taboo Tuesday and that means the voting is going to become a factor. In other words, expect a lot of people asking for votes from fans on various topics, many of which are likely to be established in the coming weeks. Either way HHH will wind up looking awesome because that’s just what he does. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory of Big Boss Man. That’s a sad one.

Opening sequence.

Eric Bischoff is in the ring to talk about Taboo Tuesday. He REALLY doesn’t like the idea of fans making these matches because fans don’t know how to pick what they want on pay per view. He’ll do it anyway though because here are the four choices for whom HHH can face for the World Heavyweight Title: Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Edge and Randy Orton. Actually hang on though, as Orton isn’t getting in there that easily. He can only be on the ballot if he defeats Batista in a No DQ match.

This brings out a ticked off HHH to say this isn’t happening. He doesn’t come to this guy’s job and tell him when the fries are done and he doesn’t tell this girl which street corner to work. The truth of the matter is it doesn’t matter who he faces at Taboo Tuesday because he’s leaving as champion. As for tonight, the fans can have some choices: go screw yourselves, rot in h***, try to get life, or roll yourself up into a tight little ball….and here’s democracy hater Shelton Benjamin to interrupt. Shelton has some choices for HHH: quit whining, quit complaining, cut out the crying or get it on right now.

Shelton Benjamin vs. HHH

Non-title. This was at least scheduled for later so they did have something planned for the show. Shelton goes right after him to start and hammers away both on the mat and in the corner. The Stinger Splash misses though and Shelton goes shoulder first into the post. Back from a break with Shelton getting taken down by the bad arm as HHH goes into full Arn Anderson mode. A nip up gets Shelton out of an armbar so HHH goes up top to separate the shoulder like he did to Eugene.

You don’t go up top on Shelton though as he runs the ropes and armdrags HHH down for a breather. The Dragon Whip connects and a hard Russian legsweep keeps the champ in trouble. There’s the top rope clothesline (called a modified bulldog by JR) for two more and now the Stinger Splash sends HHH outside. Shelton follows and it’s a belt shot to the head for the DQ, meaning HHH has still never beaten Benjamin.

Rating: C. Just a run of the mill match between these two as HHH still can’t figure Benjamin out but Shelton is never winning the title because he’s not HHH. Much like the post-Unforgiven Raw, this was HHH selling a lot but getting to leave with the title, which has been the problem for a very long time now.

Post match HHH Pedigrees him on the floor and gets to pose with the title.

We recap Christy Hemme winning the Diva Search last week.

The Simon System will work for you!

Hurricane/Rosey vs. Rhyno/Tajiri

Rosey and Hurricane have been “frustrated” lately, probably because they’re barely ever on the show. Tajiri slugs away at Rosey to start, which goes about as well as you would expect. Rhyno likes the challenge of a big Samoan so he shouts a lot and throws hard shoulders, which finally take Rosey down. Notice that the fans pop big for the knockdown, because Rhyno built up the idea and the fans are behind him so they want to see him get it done.

Hurricane comes in for a high crossbody as Tajiri makes a save. The Tarantula has Hurricane in even more trouble so Rosey makes his own save with a kick to the head. Hurricane ducks a Gore to send Rhyno into the corner, followed by a blind tag to Rosey. A big spinning Rock Bottom finishes Tajiri.

Rating: D+. I like most of the people in this match so it’s hard to get annoyed at them having a quick one. It’s nice to have people fighting to become #1 contenders instead of having them face the champions over and over again. That’s what happens when you have more than two teams in the division and it can work just fine.

Mick Foley and JBL are going to have a debate. I’ve heard worse ideas.

Long recap of Gene Snitsky causing Lita to miscarry.

We get a sitdown interview with Kane, though Lita is still in a state of shock. She won’t eat and isn’t moving because they found out it was going to be a baby boy. Now their son is dead and it’s all because of Gene Snitsky.

Smackdown Rebound.

Benoit talks to William Regal about Taboo Tuesday when Eugene comes in with a pair of scissors. He wants to be like Brutus Beefcake but Regal has an idea.

Gene Snitsky vs. Val Venis

On his way to the ring, Snitsky insists that it WAS NOT his fault, but he’ll meet Kane next week in Madison Square Garden. Snitsky goes with the standard book of heel offense grade one beatdown to start as the fans call him a baby killer. A kick to the face sets up the chinlock but Venis gets in some low dropkicks. The Money Shot misses though and Snitsky kicks him in the face, setting up a pumphandle powerslam for the fast pin.

Wrestlemania sold out in less than one minute.

Here’s Ric Flair for a chat. He doesn’t like the idea of Orton calling himself a legend or talking about greatness, because that only applies to a select group. Orton was great because he was World Champion, but Flair hears Orton calling himself the Legend Killer. Who did Flair kill? Was it Shawn Michaels? He’s a great performer but no legend. Harley Race is a legend but Flair wore him out every time he was in this building.

Bret Hart (never been in a ring with Orton) is sitting at home looking in the mirror and Flair doesn’t think he’s a legend. Hulk Hogan (same as Hart) is an aspiring Hollywood star and no legend. Or is it a human stunt man like Mick Foley? The only legend who can walk that aisle and look as only he can look. Flair yells about being a sixteen time sixteen time sixteen time (he channeled Diamond Dallas Page there) World Champion and until Orton beats him, he’s no legend killer.

This brings out Orton to say that Flair is a legend that Orton idolized as he was growing up. He would even put on his dad’s bathrobe and practice the strut. Orton couldn’t have beaten Benoit without him, which is what makes it so tragic to see what Flair has become. Flair tells him to not go there because Flair and HHH have something special.

That’s too far for Orton, who can’t imagine the Flair he grew up watching would ever say that (absolutely true). Flair is just a glorified cheerleader these days but Orton knows he wants to stand up to him like only Flair can do. Only Flair can stand up to something like this because a true legend can stand up for himself. Great promo from Orton, but I don’t buy a Flair face turn whatsoever.

Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho vs. Christian/Tyson Tomko

Rematch from a few weeks ago. It’s a brawl on the floor to start with Shawn getting caught in the corner. That’s broken up with a knee lift of freedom, allowing the tag to Jericho to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Christian is thrown over the top onto Tomko as we take an early break. Back with Jericho in trouble, though actually not in a chinlock for a change. That really is a modern thing and something that needs to go away.

A sunset flip isn’t enough for the tag off to Shawn as Christian cuts things off. Well he is the tag team expert. A neckbreaker sets up a neck crank until Jericho pops up and enziguris Tomko. Shawn comes back in to take over with the usual with Tomko being sent over the top. Jericho breaks up an Unprettier attempt and hits the Lionsault on Christian but gets sent outside by Tomko. Sweet Chin Music drops Tomko but Christian rolls Shawn up and grabs the rope for the pin.

Rating: C-. This was a weird one as the match just came and went without much time due to the commercial. Building to Shawn vs. Christian is fine, but Shawn is going to be a heavy favorite on the Taboo Tuesday ballot so it’s going to have to be on a big TV show or wait a long time. They’re doing a nice enough job of building Christian up though and that’s a good idea.

HHH fires up Batista, who is ready to destroy Orton once and for all tonight. HHH tells him not to worry about Flair.

William Regal and Eugene are in the ring with three unknown guys. Tonight, Regal is going to let Eugene practice the three stipulations for his match with Bischoff. First up we have a guy dressed as a butler, who thinks he would be a better servant than Bischoff. Regal disagrees, because he’s seen the messes that Eugene makes. The second guy is in a dress, who thinks he would look better than Bischoff. Regal says he reminds him of an old girlfriend with ugly feet.

Finally we have a guy in a chair (who says his name is Scott Colton but isn’t Colt Cabana) who has agreed to have his head shaved. This brings out Bischoff to say Eugene isn’t shaving his head at Taboo Tuesday. Instead Bischoff kicks the guy getting his hair cut and runs. This must be something that sounded a lot better on paper because it really didn’t work in execution.

There was a Taboo Tuesday press conference.

Next week: Shawn vs. Christian. That makes some more sense.

Here are Trish Stratus, Gail Kim and Molly Holly to welcome Christy Hemme to the roster. After making fun of the Diva Search (fair enough), they bring Christy out and the one fan sign they show for her spells her name wrong. Trish won’t let her talk so Christy takes the mic away to thank the fans. It’s an honor to be here and she’ll make us all proud. That’s all good with Trish, who accuses Christy of sleeping her way into the finals.

Carmella pops up on screen to show off those Playboy level acting abilities as she talks about how no one would really pick Christy over her. It was Christy who robbed her of a quarter million dollars. Back in the ring, Trish is ready to give Christy her first match: a three on one handicap bra and panties match.

Christy Hemme vs. Victoria/Molly Holly/Trish Stratus

Christy loses in about ten seconds, as this stupid thing is still not over because WWE doesn’t know when to just let things go.

Post match Christy doesn’t seem to mind being in her underwear and says she’s perfectly comfortable like this. Given that they had her out there in swimsuits for two months, this really shouldn’t be shocking.

Batista asks a stoic Flair if he’s ready to go but Flair says he’ll be out there when he wants to be.

Randy Orton vs. Batista

No DQ and if Orton loses, he’s off the Taboo Tuesday ballot. Orton starts fast with a Thesz press but walks into a spinebuster for his efforts. A trip to the floor means a whip into the steps and some choking on the apron. Back in and a side slam gets two despite Orton’s shoulder being so far off the mat that it annoys JR. The slow beating continues as Orton’s hero status continues to dwindle. Orton avoids a charge to send Batista into the corner but here’s HHH because it’s No DQ.

The power of European uppercuts get Orton out of trouble and a DDT plants Batista. HHH takes Orton down though and grabs a chair….and here’s Ric. The fans are very into this as Flair takes the chair, which of course he uses on Orton because they set this up and did the swerve in about an hour. The Batista Bomb ends Orton as he loses again.

Rating: D+. You know, if they want Orton to be the big star and the guy HHH is running from, it might help if he was booked strong for a change. This was another instance of HHH getting the upper hand and posing with the title, as the Flair thing lasted all of forty five minutes. I know HHH got sent into a cake, but I’m thinking the fans might need something more than that.

Overall Rating: D. There were some entertaining parts to the show but for the most part, the Taboo Tuesday build isn’t working. The problem continues to be that you can’t really build towards a match when you don’t know who is involved, which is the case with the biggest match on the show. The big angle here would suggest Orton vs. Flair, but my goodness they couldn’t draw things out for another week or two before having Flair turn on Orton? I’m worried about how bad this is going to get before the show, because they’re off to a really bad start.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – February 23, 2019: Story Over Here And Story Over There

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 25, 2019
Location: State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

It’s another big show this week with a double shot of huge. First up, we have the return of Roman Reigns, who will be making some sort of a major announcement. It’s the first time he’s been on television in months, having vacated the Universal Title in October due to leukemia. In addition to that, it’s Ric Flair’s 70th birthday and there is going to be a celebration, which of course means a lot of guest stars. Did I mention it’s Wrestlemania season? Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Reigns vacating the title back in October. Has that only been four months?

Here’s Reigns, in street clothes, to open things up to an absolute ROAR. His arms are looking a little smaller, but you have to expect something like that. Reigns takes a long time high fiving people and stops to hug three women in the front row, likely family. He hits the pose on the ropes and stares at the ring for a bit before getting back inside. Reigns thanks the fans, which he’ll likely be doing a lot. He missed us all because there is no job like this.

Reigns says this is our yard and believed that God had his back the whole time. He was scared back in October and didn’t know if he wanted to tell everyone about the condition. Fans: “IT’S OK!” When he got home from making the announcement, he couldn’t believe all of the messages he received and he was so touched that God’s voicemail was full about him. Reigns is going to use his platform to support people and raise awareness for the condition he went through.

So as for the announcement, he’s done better than swinging for the fences. They’ve hit a home run because he’s in remission. After one heck of an ovation for that, Reigns says that the Big Dog is back. The fans greet that with some barking and a WELCOME BACK chant and Reigns says thank you so much. No return date is given. Reigns leaves to another ovation and here’s Seth Rollins to hug him.

Aleister Black/Ricochet vs. Revival

Non-title and the non-champs get vignettes on their way to the ring. The Revival jumps them both before the bell so Black kicks them down, allowing Ricochet to hit the big crossbody, followed by Black’s moonsault into a seated position. Ricochet dives onto Dawson but grabs his knee as we take a break. We come back after the opening bell with Black firing off a bunch of kicks and what looked to be a botch off a German suplex/top rope sunset flip combination. Dawson slugs away at Black before catching him in DDT. Ricochet shoves Wilder off the top, leaving Black Mass to finish Dawson at 2:03.

Baron Corbin doesn’t like being asked about his comments regarding Reigns’ having leukemia. For Reigns’ sake, he better hope their paths don’t cross.

Snoop Dogg wishes Ric Flair a Happy Birthday.

Elias is in the ring for his song but Lacey Evans interrupts, with the commentators being rather big fans. As usual she doesn’t say anything so here’s Dean Ambrose (Renee: “And more greatness!”) to interrupt. Dean wants a rematch with Drew McIntyre and he wants it to be No DQ. Elias plays some guitar but Dean requests some songs, including Dirty Deeds. That’s exactly what Elias gets and Renee wants an encore.

Riott Squad vs. Ronda Rousey/Natalya

Logan gets aggressive on Natalya to start but gets driven into the corner, allowing Ronda to come in for a snap suplex. A hard STO drops Rousey though and the Squad takes over in the corner. A clothesline with a roll allows the tag off to Natalya to pick the pace back up but Liv Morgan pulls Natalya to the floor. That means something like a Hart Attack (forearm instead of a clothesline) from the steps, only to have Logan dropkick Natalya as we take a break.

Back with Natalya still in trouble, including Logan putting on the Rhea Ripley standing Cloverleaf. That’s broken up and the hot tag brings in Rousey to clean house. Everything breaks down and Natalya takes Riott outside for the discus lariat. Piper’s Pit hits Logan but here’s Becky Lynch on a crutch to come through the crowd and hits Natalya for the DQ at 9:36.

Rating: D+. This was little more than a way to have the women in the ring so Becky could come out there and there’s nothing wrong with that. The wrestling was fine enough, though Ronda has already destroyed the Squad so many times now that it doesn’t mean much the third time around. At least the Becky appearance got a good reaction.

Post match the brawl is on until cops come out to arrest Becky (Becky: “Easy! I need these hands to hold up the Women’s Title!”).

Post break Rousey demands that Vince get out here right now but she gets Stephanie McMahon instead. Becky has just been arrested but Rousey doesn’t want anything other than the suspension being lifted. Stephanie says Rousey can face Charlotte at Wrestlemania because Becky is unprofessional and brought this on herself. Rousey appeals to Stephanie’s legacy and her three daughters but it’s still a hard no.

That’s not good enough for Rousey so Stephanie shouts about being Rousey’s boss. Rousey says she’s not like everyone else because she’s Ronda Rousey and the Raw Women’s Champion. This is just a belt (that’ll be a fine) and it’s not even her style. It’s time for Vince to make the right decision. Rousey lays the title down and walks away. They’re doing everything they can to spread this out until Wrestlemania and it’s feeling the strain.

Steve Austin wishes Ric Flair a happy birthday.

Jinder Mahal and the Singh Brothers are in the ring. Mahal isn’t happy with the way Ric Flair is getting all the attention tonight she he’s challenging anyone invited to the birthday party to a match right now.

Kurt Angle vs. Jinder Mahal

Normally I’d make a joke about Angle sitting in the back in his gear on a night he’s invited to a birthday party, but that feels exactly like something he would do. Mahal jumps him from behind to start and we hit the very early chinlock. That’s broken up so we hit the chinlock, just in case you didn’t get enough. Angle gets up and hits a release German suplex, followed by the rolling German suplexes. The Khallas is countered into the ankle lock and Mahal taps at 2:59. Angle shouldn’t need to be in two chinlocks in a three minute match.

Post match the Brothers gets suplexed as well.

It’s time for a Moment of Bliss, with Alexa mocking Ronda and saying enjoy leaving on the red carpet WWE rolled out for her. Anyway the guest this week is Finn Balor, who is asked about being the new champion. Bliss doesn’t like him being champion, because it covers up those beautiful abs. Bliss: “You’ve got to let those babies breathe.” Bliss makes him an offer: show her the abs and she’ll show him her….and here’s Lio Rush. Corey: “I HATE THIS GUY NOW!”

Rush says that Bobby Lashley should be Intercontinental Champion, but Balor sees it as Rush saying he’s better than Lashley. That’s an accepted challenge. Bliss asks if Rush is man enough to do the job by himself. Somehow Bliss gets to say the match is on right now so Rush says play his music. That was a great way to have Bliss be a bit more sexual in nature without going over the line. There’s more to her character than thinking Balor looks good, which sets her a good distance apart from a lot of the women from the Divas era.

Maria Menunos wishes Flair a Happy Birthday.

Intercontinental Title: Lio Rush vs. Finn Balor

Balor is defending and wastes no time in taking Rush down for some hard stomps to the ribs. They head outside with Rush hitting an Asai moonsault into a pair of suicide dives. Back in and the Final Hour hits raised knees but Balor’s knee is banged up. A leglock doesn’t last long as Balor is right back with an Eye of the Hurricane. 1916 doesn’t work and Rush kicks him in the head for two. Balor scores with a clothesline but gets crotched on top, setting up a super hurricanrana for another near fall. The second 1916 connects and the Coup de Grace retains the title at 7:39.

Rating: C-. Is there a reason that a former Universal Champion and the current United States Champion is having a competitive match with the loudmouthed manager? I know Rush can work and is very athletic, but there are times when he should be taking a beating. JJ Dillon once told a story about wrestling a match as a manager and being competitive because he had wrestled for years and knew his way around a ring. The promoter yelled at him for acting like a wrestler instead of a manager and destroying the illusion. That’s a lesson WWE needs to learn with Rush.

Ascension asks Tucker where Otis is. That would be out back dumpster diving for cheeseburgers. They make fun of him even more but Tucker warns them that Otis won’t find this funny. Otis comes in and Tucker explains the story to them with Otis repeating individual words. He runs them both over and says that’s what they get. To call this bizarre would be the understatement of the night.

We look at the Reigns announcement and its media attention.

Bobby Lashley yells at Rush and asks if he can trust him tonight.

Bobby Lashley vs. Braun Strowman

Lashley jumps Strowman from behind before the bell and the fight is on, with Strowman hitting a splash in the corner, followed by the forearm to the chest to send Lashley outside. That means the running shoulders around the ring. No match.

Seth Rollins says he’s about to go burn it down with Reigns. Cold beverages are promised.

Ric Flair arrives.

WWE superstars talk about seeing where Martin Luther King died.

We look back at the Becky/Ronda segment.

Drew McIntyre vs. Dean Ambrose

No DQ and the fight starts on the floor. Dean pulls off his belt (he has another underneath) but gets whipped with it instead, setting up a suplex on the floor as we take a break. Back with Drew in trouble and Dean hitting a top rope elbow to the floor. Note that yes, it is possible to come back with action instead of another chinlock. Back in and Dean unloads with the belt (the first, not the under belt) but the Glasgow Kiss knocks him outside. McIntyre gets sent face first into the steps though and it’s time for Dirty Deeds, only to have Elias come out with a guitar to the back. The Claymore finishes Dean at 9:16.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t anything special but I had a good time with this one. They were going with the violence and aggression that you should see in a match like this and that’s the right idea. Ambrose going out (allegedly) on his back like this is a good sign, though these midcard heel alliances are kind of getting tiresome.

Post match it’s Baron Corbin and Bobby Lashley coming out for the beatdown but Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins make the save. Superman Punches and chair shots abound with Reigns even hitting a spear on McIntyre. Seth and Roman go to leave but look back at Dean.

Bayley vs. Nia Jax

I don’t think it’s going to be as good as the London match. Nia starts throwing her around to start but Bayley manages a nice hiptoss. That earns her a shove to the floor and we take a break. Back with Nia missing a sitdown splash and an elbow but Bayley takes too much time loading a charge in the corner and gets run over again. The chinlock goes on, followed by Nia tying her in the Tree of Woe. That means the running hip attack but Nia goes after Sasha, allowing Bayley to hit a knee to the head. The top rope elbow finishes Jax at 9:00.

Rating: D+. I stand by my normal assertion that Nia just needs to go away for awhile. There’s little impact to these appearances anymore and that’s not likely to change. These matches are good enough, but it’s getting really hard to care when it’s a bunch of stuff that we’ve seen before. There’s no time for Nia to make an impact because she’s always here. That’s the case with any giant and it’s caught up with her too.

With the roster on the stage, the ring is ready for the party and HHH and Stephanie handle the introductions. After HHH recaps the night, Stephanie introduces the special guests: Shawn Michaels, Ricky Stemboat, Kurt Angle and Sting. HHH introduces a video on Flair as we’re running low on time.

Overall Rating: C. I had a good time with this show, mainly because I’m having a great time laughing at how little WWE cares about Fastlane. They’re hyping up several Wrestlemania matches at the moment and I believe there are three confirmed matches at Fastlane so far. I’m sure they can throw a card together and it’ll be watchable enough, but my goodness they don’t care about it and it’s hilarious.

As for tonight, it was a nice effort with the storytelling taking some steps forward all around, but it’s not like there was anything special in the wrestling department. Reigns’ return is what’s going to matter most here and there’s nothing wrong with that. It was a big moment and there’s a chance we’ll see a Shield match at Fastlane. This certainly was an eventful show and it’s the right kind of you like storytelling instead of wrestling.


Aleister Black/Ricochet b. Revival – Black Mass to Dawson

Ronda Rousey/Natalya b. Riott Squad via DQ when Becky Lynch interfered

Kurt Angle b. Jinder Mahal – Ankle lock

Finn Balor b. Lio Rush – Coup de Grace

Drew McIntyre b. Dean Ambrose – Claymore

Bayley b. Nia Jax – Top rope elbow

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

The Roman Reigns Announcement

You might have guessed it.Reigns came out to a major pop and said that he was in remission.  He also said that he’s back on Raw, though no date was given for an in-ring return.  That being said, he got physical later in the night in a brawling segment with Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley and Elias, so a match at Fastlane isn’t out of the question.


Either way, it’s cool to see him back in any fashion.

Monday Night Raw – September 20, 2004: Raw Has Seasons?

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 20, 2004
Location: Tuscon Convention Center, Tuscon, Arizona
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s the season premiere of Raw and that means….I’m not sure really as wrestling doesn’t have seasons. One thing tonight is the end of the Diva Search, meaning the segments that have managed to make great looking women in swimsuits a chore to sit through are over. Other than that, we’re coming up on Taboo Tuesday, which we don’t know much about. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory of Jim Barnett, a longtime promoter in the NWA and Australia.

Here’s Vince McMahon to open things up. After a quick welcome, he wants to get to the major announcement promised, which concerns everyone, including Eric Bischoff. This brings out a limping Bischoff (thanks to having a sledgehammer dropped on his fott a few weeks back) and Vince gets to the point. A few weeks ago, Chris Jericho suggested that the fans vote on a type of match. That’s a good idea, but what about doing it on a full pay per view?

Indeed, on October 19, we’ll be seeing a new concept called Taboo Tuesday (yes Tuesday) where the fans get to vote on everything from who gets a World Title shot to what the Divas are wearing. Bischoff loves the idea on paper but doesn’t think these people are capable of making such decisions. Vince is a busy man so maybe he should think about this for a week. Next Monday, Bischoff can have another idea that isn’t involving the fans taking control.

That sounds like patronizing to Vince, and there’s a reason that Bischoff is the GM of Raw and Vince isn’t the GM of Nitro (good line). Maybe Bischoff doesn’t like the idea because with the fans picking things, there’s no need for a GM. Actually, Vince thinks Bischoff should be wrestling that night, against this man. Cue the still injured Eugene and Bischoff isn’t sure what to do.

They’ll be facing off at Taboo Tuesday and the fans get to pick what happens to the loser. Vince even has options: the loser is the winner’s servant, the loser has to wear a dress, or the loser’s head is shaved. Bischoff immediately tries to talk Eugene out of the match because he loves his nephew. They could go out and get some ice cream tonight but Eugene knocks him out instead.

The fans didn’t exactly react to the concept, and I can’t say I blame them. As Bischoff said it’s good on paper, but I’m not sure how well it’s going to go in practice. On a related note though, how much better is it to have Eugene back at a level where he belongs? It’s probably way too late, but this was more charming than annoying and that’s a positive sign for him.

We look back at Randy Orton attacking HHH last week, including the cake. Orton got him at the end of the show as well, but HHH still left as champion so it’s not like it mattered all that much. Shelton Benjamin and Chris Benoit ran in for the save to end the show, meaning we’re probably in for a six man tonight.

Hey look there’s a six man tonight.

Stacy Keibler/Victoria vs. Molly Holly/Trish Stratus

In case you didn’t get enough of Stacy wrestling last week. Stacy mocks Molly’s dancing from last week because she frowns on culture. Victoria takes Trish down early to start and the standing moonsault (now minus the dancing) gets two. Molly comes in and walks into a powerslam as Lawler talks about getting to dress the Divas at Taboo Tuesday. A giant swing doesn’t work well for Victoria with the announcers mocking her for it, but thankfully it’s not time for a tag to Stacy just yet. The spinning side slam plants Trish and now it’s off to Stacy for two. Molly comes back in and gets caught in a backslide for the quick pin. Yay indeed.

Orton reads Raw Magazine because that’s what wrestlers do. Vince comes in and says “Sucks doesn’t it?” He’s talking about reality, which is what caused Orton to lose the title. Orton promises to win the title back because it’s his destiny. This interests Vince, who tells Orton to give it his all.

Billy Graham is here.

We look back at Gene Snitsky causing Kane to accidentally injury Lita last week.

Snitsky has been blamed all week but it wasn’t his fault. Last week Snitsky was there to do a job and he did that. To repeat, it wasn’t his fault!

Hurricane vs. Tajiri

This is fallout from a tag match on Heat. They fight over a wristlock to start until Tajiri kicks him in the face. Hurricane gets in a clothesline to set up a seated full nelson but Tajiri fights up without much effort. A tornado DDT is blocked and Tajiri gets in a superkick. Hurricane is right back with something like a neckbreaker but Tajiri reverses the cover into a crucifix for the fast pin.

Post match Hurricane is mad and takes the mask back from a fan. That’s quite the nice heel move.

Kane is at a medical facility (thankfully in street clothes instead of his gear) and says there is a 50/50 chance of saving the baby. Upon hearing Snitsky’s name, Kane gets a lot angrier and vengeance seems to be sworn. So this is the start of Kane’s face turn, though it’s still not the nicest of scenarios.

Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

Jericho is defending and has hacked his hair off for a pretty bad look. Christian comes out for commentary as a bonus. As expected, they fight over arm control to start until Shawn takes him down with a headlock. Back up and Shawn gets sent over the top so the cat get skinned, allowing him to come off the top with a high crossbody, which gets rolled through for two. A backbreaker keeps Shawn in trouble as Christian dubs himself the Show Stealer, which is much better than the Showstopper.

Jericho’s superplex attempt is broken up without much effort and Shawn hits the early top rope elbow. That’s enough for Christian, who goes to the ring to steal the show. He manages to get in but Shawn knocks him right back out, only to walk into the enziguri from Jericho. Christian gets ejected (wrestling referees have no jurisdiction over commentators) and we take a break. Back with Shawn starting in on the leg and grabbing the Figure Four. That’s broken up in a hurry so Shawn gets smart and stays on the leg.

Jericho grabs a small package for the break and kicks Shawn down, only to jam his knee on a Lionsault attempt. The rapid fire pinfall reversal sequence gives us some good near falls until Jericho takes him down again and scores with the Lionsault this time around. Jericho goes with the straight right hands this time around but Shawn is right back up with the forearm into the nipup. Shawn nips up and gets caught in the Walls, only to have Jericho let go and dropkick the invading Tyson Tomko down. That’s enough for Sweet Chin Music to connect but a very, very slow crawl over for the cover draws Christian in for the DQ.

Rating: B. It was good while it lasted and I can understand why they went with the DQ finish. It’s annoying, but Shawn isn’t going to be Intercontinental Champion and Jericho isn’t ready to lose the thing yet. Christian and Tomko are almost annoying at this point though, as the match was getting really good when the interference started.

Post match Christian shouts at Shawn and beats him up, which is one of the first times I’ve bought him as a bigger time heel.

Smackdown Rebound.

Kane has freaked out at the medical facility with a lot of screaming ensuing.

HHH complains to Evolution about the fans voting because fans are stupid. Flair tells HHH to calm down because he’s the best ever and all that jazz.

Long recap of the Diva Search, with the eliminated women talking about how much they learned about respecting the business. I’m not sure if I want to laugh or glare over a line that stupid.

Rob Conway vs. Maven

What are we doing here? Conway jumps Maven from behind to start as the USA chants start up in a hurry. Maven fights out of a chinlock and stops a charge in the corner before hitting a high crossbody. That’s rolled through to give Conway two (second time we’ve seen that spot in as many matches) before Maven hooks a small package for the pin. Nothing match and it’s still Maven.

Lita’s doctor says she lost the baby, because a doctor is going to do that on national television ten minutes after the fact. Kane comes out of the room and nearly kills the doctor but beats up a wall and screams instead. Hey the wall didn’t hurt your baby dude.

Simon Dean wants to help you lose weight. Seeing the Simon System advertised on VHS is so strange. Simon: “Remember, you can be fat, unattractive and die alone, or you can do the right thing and pick up the phone.”

JR and King do their somber voices about Lita losing the baby.

And now, the Diva Search finals, because WWE doesn’t know what a transition is. Coach mocks both of them and goes to get the envelope but here’s Trish, looking very out of place in a dress, to interrupt. After making fun of all the tasks the women have had to go through, she promises an official victory party for the winner next week. With Trish gone, Christy wins the contest and cheers a lot. She says it’s all about the energy and that she doesn’t need decaf. Carmella gives the lame “oh well it was fun” response doesn’t care about the booing. After some more lame answers, this whole thing is finally done, thank goodness.

Evolution vs. Randy Orton/Chris Benoit/Shelton Benjamin

Shelton knocks HHH down to start and thankfully the announcers bring up Shelton beating him a few times. A shoulder block just lets Shelton nip up so HHH tries the right hands. That goes badly as well as HHH gets backdropped, only to drive Shelton into the corner. So strength seems to work on Shelton, which is why HHH tags Flair instead of Batista. Some cerebral. Benoit tags himself in as well and it’s time for the chop off. Flair gets the worse of it and the Swan Dive connects for two as everything breaks down.

Orton loads up the RKO on the floor but gets posted, allowing Batista to hit the big clothesline. That means Orton needs medics and we take a break. Back with Shelton coming in off the hot tag to clean house and hitting a Stinger Splash on Flair. Batista misses a charge into the corner, though he comes nowhere near the post for a bit of a weird visual. HHH finally gets in a knee and Shelton is in trouble for a change.

Things slow down with Flair hammering away in the corner and HHH coming in without a tag, though Lawler is sure he saw one. I’ll take his word for it. The spinebuster gives HHH two and it’s back to Flair for the Figure Four. That’s broken up as well but Batista remembers that he’s in the match and works on the leg as well. The slow motion holds continue until Shelton kicks Batista in the face, allowing the hot tag to Benoit.

Everything breaks down (of course) and Benoit suplexes both Batista and Flair. HHH comes back in and takes one of his own, leaving Flair to get caught in the Sharpshooter. That’s broken up by HHH but here’s Orton to charge down the ramp and tag himself in. A few right hands send HHH running and the RKO finishes Flair.

Rating: C+. And thus it’s another attempt to get Orton a big moment. That’s all well and good, but having him already win and lose the title makes this feel out of place. The fans aren’t exactly enamored with Orton at the moment and having him taken out so Benoit and Benjamin can wrestle most of the match isn’t going to help things. The only thing that can make it better is him winning the title from HHH and being a hero, but that’s not going to happen because it’s HHH’s title and no one is getting over as a hero while that is the case.

Overall Rating: C-. The wrestling was pretty watchable this week but for the most part I kept wondering if this is what we were really doing. A lot of the show just felt like it was there for the sake of doing something with the time as we sit around and wait on the next big story. Orton, at least in this form, isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and that leaves us back where we were a year ago. Something needs to be shaken up around here very soon, but it might be a long time.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – February 18, 2019: The Invasion…But Good

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 18, 2019
Location: Cajundome, Lafayette, Louisiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

We’re done with Elimination Chamber but since March is a work month, we have less than three weeks before Fastlane. I have no idea what they’re supposed to do to headline Fastlane if Becky Lynch is currently suspended and Seth Rollins is being held out of the ring, but there’s a good chance they could drop the suspension so she can face Charlotte. They’ve done faster turnarounds before. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Pedro Morales.

Here’s HHH top open things up. HHH says it’s that time of year and we’re on the Road to Wrestlemania. The last twenty four hours should be proof of how important this time is with stuff like Sasha Banks and Bayley becoming the first ever WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Or Finn Balor winning the Intercontinental Title. Or Kofi Kingston getting that close to winning the WWE Championship. The fans like that more than anything else, with a KOFI chant getting a little time.

That brings HHH to Becky, who showed us that nothing is stopping her from getting to Charlotte or Ronda Rousey. Now professionally, he has to say that if she does that again, she’ll be suspended. On a personal level though, that was pretty cool. Speaking of cool, it was announced on ESPN this morning that D-Generation X is going into the Hall of Fame this year.

HHH also oversees the third global touring brand with NXT, so here are some people making their debut tonight on Raw. That would be Ricochet, Aleister Black, North American Champion Johnny Gargano and NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa. They’re in a tag match tonight, though it’s not clear if this is a permanent callup or just a one off appearance. We’re not done yet though as there are a bunch of tables sitting on the stage for a very good reason.

Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin

Tables match and Strowman has bad ribs coming in. Strowman knocks him around to start but a shot to the ribs cuts him down. Corbin drives him into the barricade but Strowman whips him into it even harder to take over. It’s already time for a table, though Strowman’s ribs slow him down. Some kicks to the ribs keep Strowman in trouble but Corbin can’t suplex him on the ramp.

Strowman can certainly do it to him though and Corbin is screaming a lot. They head up to the stage where some tables are set up, though Strowman prefers the announcers’ table. Corbin knocks him off the stage though and we take a break. Back with Corbin knocking Strowman out of the ring and swinging a kendo stick at the bad ribs. Strowman knocks him out of the air with some steps though and the running powerslam puts Corbin through a table in the corner for the win at 14:35.

Rating: D. Well that’s very nice for Strowman as he gets to beat up the least interesting and intimidating heel in recent memory to get back a win that he didn’t need to give up in the first place. This feud has been going for months now and I’m still waiting for it to get interesting in the first place. I’m not sure what the endgame is supposed to be, but it seems like something we should have reached a long time ago.

As Strowman is leaving, Paul Heyman comes out and tells him to go to the back. Strowman grabs him by the neck before letting him go. Oh please tell me we’re not getting ready for another Strowman vs. Lesnar match. After a break, Heyman introduces us to a video on Lesnar’s path to the top of the company. This includes a mini biography of Lesnar’s career, both in WWE and the UFC. It wraps up with Lesnar breaking the Streak and we’ll be back to this later. Back in the arena, Heyman takes a quick audience poll on how much of a chance Rollins has.

This brings out Finn Balor for some reason and after a break, Heyman is gone (it was pretty clear he wasn’t done). Balor talks about not having a title for a long time and how he grew up watching some of the great Intercontinental Champions. This brings out a subdued Lio Rush, who says Bobby Lashley deserves to be champion. Cue Lashley from behind to lay Balor out. Rush joins Lashley in the ring for the double team as their issues seem to have already been forgotten. Rush hits the Final Hour but here’s Ricochet for the save. Time for a tag match.

Bobby Lashley/Lio Rush vs. Ricochet/Finn Balor

Ricochet and Rush start things off as the commentary make it sound like this is a lot more than a one off appearance. Ricochet flips around to start and snaps off the perfect dropkick to send Rush into the corner. Lashley comes in and gets kicked to the floor, leaving Ricochet to handspring into his signature pose, leaving Lashley and Rush a bit flummoxed. Balor comes in to face Lashley, who takes him into the corner for a knee to the ribs.

The chinlock goes on, followed by a quick Downward Spiral for two. It’s back to Rush, who quickly gets taken down with a basement dropkick. The Sling Blade drops Rush again and a shotgun dropkick looks to set up the Coup de Grace. Lashley offers a distraction though, allowing Rush to chop block the knee. That’s not a commercial for a change as Lashley brings him back inside for a chinlock.

Lashley slams him down and now we take the break. Back with Lashley holding the chinlock (I think my head would explode if it was action when we came back, but that might make you think you need to stick around so you don’t miss anything and that’s not how WWE rolls.) and driving him hard into the corner. Rush comes in and slaps Balor in the face, earning himself an Eye of the Hurricane.

Balor does the worst “sit there six inches from the hot tag instead of moving slightly forward” that I can remember, followed by the hot tag going through a few seconds later. Egads come up with a better structure. Ricochet comes back in and hits the big flip dive to the floor to take out Rush, followed by a moonsault off the barricade over Lashley, who gets dropkicked down by Balor. Back in and the 630 finishes Rush at 18:03.

Rating: C. This is a match that went about twice as long as it needed to with the heat segment on Balor going on far too long. Ricochet’s stuff at the end was exactly what it should have been, but this felt like an attempt at combining two stories and making things drag on too long. Let Ricochet clean house to start, do a short heat segment on Balor, and then do the same finish and this is way better.

Balor gives Ricochet the ring in a nice moment.

HHH is talking to Natalya when Drew McIntyre comes in. Drew wants Seth Rollins tonight because he wants to go to Wrestlemania. Dean Ambrose comes in to say he’ll fight Drew tonight and slaps him in the face. HHH: “You still want Seth or do you want me to change that over?” Drew will take Dean.

Here’s the Lucha House Party and let’s stop to look at Becky Lynch getting suspended last week, the attack at a house show on Saturday, and her attacking Charlotte and Ronda Rousey last night. I have no idea why they’re doing these entrances before going somewhere else but it’s rather annoying.

Lucha House Party vs. Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins

Hawkins and Ryder take over on Metalik to start but it’s off to Dorado for chops and dropkicks. Ryder neckbreakers his way out of a double suplex attempt and it’s back to Hawkins as the announcers talk about the New York Mets roster. A Michinoku Driver gets two on Metalik and Ryder clotheslines him outside. Hawkins goes after Metalik and Dorado snaps off a hurricanrana for the pin at 3:38.

Rating: D. This would be another moment where the story doesn’t exactly advance and nothing changes. Hawkins almost has to win something at some point, though I’m not sure where he goes from there. The losses don’t mean anything anymore and this story has been going on for years now.

Heavy Machinery comes out to the stage for a chat. They’re all about steaks and weights and want to fight anyone around here. Lacey Evans comes out, walks down the ramp, and comes up to stand behind the two of them. They walk down the ramp, do the Bushwhackers walk, and then come back up. Lacey seems pleased.

Gargano and Ciampa are in the back when Bobby Roode and Chad Gable come in. They both want the shot at the Revival, who come in to say they have some history with both teams. Ciampa says they’re here to make an impact but Revival doesn’t need their respect.

Revival vs. Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa

Non-title. Wilder grabs a wristlock on Gargano to start but Johnny takes him down into a front facelock. Ciampa comes in and the old DIY magic is rolling in a hurry. Dawson chops Gargano in the corner but gets sent outside, leaving Gargano to hit the suicide dive. A whip into the steps sends us to a break with DIY in control. Back with Gargano in trouble until the tornado DDT/jumping kick to the chest is enough to put Revival down.

Ciampa comes back in for some rolling German suplexes on Dawson, plus a running knee to the head for two. Wilder gets back up though and it’s a middle rope elbow to Ciampa with Dawson hitting his own German suplex for two more. The Shatter Machine is broken up (I think Gargano missed what was supposed to be a trip) and Gargano hits the slingshot DDT for two on Wilder.

Gargano’s rolling kick to the head sends Dawson outside and a small package to Wilder gets two more. The slingshot spear is blocked and a Steiner Bulldog is good for another near fall as Ciampa dives in for the save. Wilder and Gargano are sent outside and Gargano starts firing off the kicks. The slingshot spear hits Dawson and it’s Meet in the Middle for the pin 11:21.

Rating: B. One. Week. It lasted ONE WEEK. They couldn’t go a single week without jobbing the Revival out. You could do this against Roode/Gable if you’re setting up a title match at Fastlane (remember: no guaranteed title rematches) but instead, the solution is to have them lose clean here. It was a good match and DIY (because they’re back with their NXT feud being mostly ignored) winning their big debut is the right idea, but this made my head hurt all over again.

Balor welcomes Ricochet to Raw and walks away, leaving Ricochet to talk about how he can’t believe he got here. This is better than anything ever imagined and you haven’t seen the last of him.

Kevin Owens is seeing a movie with his son and doesn’t know where the change went from the popcorn and soda. Anyway, he remembers why he started fighting in the first place and can’t wait to do it again. You have one of the best talkers in the company and you make him a typical dad. How uh, inspiring.

Here are Bayley and Sasha Banks for their first time as champions. They’ve been together for years now and it’s finally paid off after everything they’ve done. They were born to do this and they’ll be holding these titles for a long time. Anyone from the past presence or future or from Raw, Smackdown and NXT can come after the titles. As they’re ready to go, here are Nia Jax and Tamina for the interruption you could see coming the second Bayley and Banks won the titles. Nia talks about how Banks always loses in her first defense and it sounds like we have a title match in the future. A quick brawl breaks out and the Samoans leave.

D-Generation X Hall of Fame video. That’s very cool, though an In Memorial video on one of the biggest stars you’ve ever had would be appreciated.

Dean Ambrose vs. Drew McIntyre

An early headbutt drops Dean and some chops have him in even more trouble. Dean takes it to the floor for a suicide dive but walks into the Claymore back inside. A second one finishes Dean at 1:56. Basically a squash.

We get more of the Lesnar video, starting with the destruction of John Cena at Summerslam 2014. With that out of the way, we jump forward and out of order to look at everyone else Lesnar has destroyed over the years. Rollins was beaten down over and over but kept getting up so Lesnar is going to put him down at Wrestlemania. That’s neither a prediction nor a spoiler. It’s the end of the story of a man named Seth Rollins.

Rollins says Lesnar has to accept his fate: it’s all over at Wrestlemania. As for Seth’s fate, he can leave on his feet or on a stretcher, but he’s leaving as champion. Ambrose comes in to ask where Seth was out there. Seth: “Have you completely lost your mind?” Dean stares at him, shrugs and says “eh”, and walks away.

Here’s Elias for a song but he’d rather talk about how fed up he is with his treatment around here. He is the most talented and charismatic star to be around here in a long time. He’s also the most hygienic person this town has ever seen. As for tonight, he knows everyone is excited for the NXT stars debuting. The song begins but gets cut off by another one.

Aleister Black vs. Elias

Thankfully we have the candles and riser for Black’s entrance. Before the match, Black offers Elias help in finding silence in deep sleep. Tonight, he will fade to black. Elias tries to whip him in but Black just stops, setting up the moonsault into the sit as we take a break. Back with Black in trouble as Elias pulls him neck first into the top rope. Black fights out of a chinlock and hits a sliding knee, followed by the standing Lionsault for two. Elias gets in a shot to the face but Black has had it and Black Mass is good for the pin at 7:59.

Rating: C-. This was an exercise in waiting for Black Mass and they did the right thing by not having us spend too much time before we got to the big finish. Black is a versatile performer but the strikes are what’s going to carry him, meaning Black Mass is what matters most. Good shot too, as he kicked Elias’ head off.

Raw Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Ruby Riott

Rousey is defending and starts fast with the judo throws. Some right hands in the corner have Riott in more trouble but she comes back with something like an STO. A test of strength is countered into a near triangle to send Riott outside and us to a break. Back with Rousey caught in an armbar but suplexing her way to freedom. Riott gets her to offer chase back inside so it’s a heck of a spear for two. The chinlock goes on and we hit the WE WANT BECKY chants.

Back up and Rousey seems to whiff on a right hand but Riott goes down anyway. A big running right hand in the corner has Riott in trouble but she hits a Downward Spiral into the turnbuckle. Riott falls off the middle rope (intentionally) into a backsplash for two more and the Riott Kick connects for a close two, with very little reaction from the crowd (fair enough).

Ronda gets in a gutwrench slam and heads up top, only to have the Riott Squad offer a distraction. Another Riott Kick gives Ruby two more so she heads up, only to jump into the armbar (with a great scared face from Riott). The Squad pulls her to the floor for the break so Rousey dives off the top (slipping off the top and seemingly crashing instead of landing) to take them out. After checking on Logan, it’s the armbar to make Riott tap at 10:32.

Rating: C. This is the match they should have had last night, though it’s not like it was exactly pay per view worthy. I don’t think anyone was buying even the slightest chance of a title match either last night or tonight, but at least we got some good action and even a nice near fall or two. Riott got some heat back, which she really needed after last night. Good enough here, though nothing worth seeing.

Post match Rousey beats up the Squad to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. I have no idea what to go with here, as the wrestling was mostly bad and forgettable, though there was a point to the show and it never once felt like it was running long. That’s a lot better than what they usually do around here and I’ll take it over what we’ve been getting. There wasn’t exactly much fallout from last night to deal with other than Bayley and Sasha, but at least what we got was acceptable enough.

At the same time though, you have to wonder why we got nothing about Fastlane tonight. With six TV shows between the pay per views, burning one of them off might not be the best idea in the world. It’s a better show than last week, especially due to the fresh talent. I have little faith in the main roster to not waste them, but for a one off show, it was very nice to see. The main thing is keeping the show from being boring, because until that’s changed, not much else matters. They did that tonight, though it’s not going to work that way every week.


Braun Strowman b. Baron Corbin – Running powerslam through a table

Lucha House Party b. Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins – Hurricanrana to Hawkins

Ricochet/Finn Balor b. Bobby Lashley/Lio Rush – 630 to Rush

Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa b. Revival – Meet in the Middle to Dawson

Drew McIntyre b. Dean Ambrose – Claymore

Aleister Black b. Elias – Black Mass

Ronda Rousey b. Ruby Riott – Armbar

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – September 13, 2004: I Deserve Cake

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 13, 2004
Location: KeyArena, Seattle, Washington
Attendance: 5,500
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s the night after Unforgiven and things are back to the normal levels of bleak. In this case, that’s due to HHH winning the World Title again, because Randy Orton had his four week reign and needed to be eradicated once and for all. I’m sure he’ll get some title shots going forward, but it’s pretty clear that his time has already come and gone. Let’s get to it.

Here’s Unforgiven if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Ric Flair, Batista and a bunch of women are in the ring for HHH’s title celebration. Flair introduces the new champ as the confetti falls. Great now it’s going to be all over ringside all night. There’s also a huge cake, which is clearly the kind with a person inside to jump out. HHH says you can feel the excitement in the air because the king is back on his throne. This is the happiest he’s sounded in months, which certainly does make sense for him.

All of the girls kneel in front of him, so HHH says there will be plenty of time for getting on their knees. Normally I’d make a PG joke but the Diva Search girls have made that one sound tame. HHH talks about Orton spitting on him a few weeks back, but now he’s laughing again. Then he spit in the fans’ faces and they can’t even wipe it off because he’s the World Heavyweight Champion.

The girls rip his shirt off but HHH looks at the cake, which he knows has someone inside. Flair and Batista didn’t send it, so it must have been Bischoff. An explosion goes off and of course it’s Orton to take out Evolution. So…..was there a girl in there in the first place and Orton kidnapped her? Or did he just pay off the production people? HHH gets thrown into the hole in the cake, leaving his feet kicking in the air for a funny bit. Not funny enough to validate HHH getting another long promo or another title reign or how obvious the whole thing was, but funny.

It’s so funny that we look at it again after a break. During said break, HHH got out of the cake and kept falling over from the icing.

HHH yells at Bischoff and gets Orton in a handicap match tonight.

Chris Benoit vs. Robert Conway

William Regal comes out to cancel out Sylvan Grenier. Conway jumps him to start so Benoit slides between the legs and goes with the chops. It’s way too early for the Sharpshooter as Conway bails outside for a breather. Back in and Conway snaps off a suplex to take over, meaning we hit the stomping and choking. A neck crank doesn’t last long as Benoit fights up, only to get thrown to the floor almost immediately.

Back in and Benoit hooks a quick small package for two but Conway chokes him right back down. Conway has him in trouble again as Benoit is giving Conway more than he’s ever gotten in his career. Benoit finally fights back with forearms and a snap suplex for two of his own. It’s time to crank things up and Benoit rolls some German suplexes, setting up the Crossface for the win.

Rating: C-. That’s a fine way to go with Benoit, as he made Conway look good for a little while and then won without much effort as soon as he started putting in some effort. Benoit isn’t about to lose to Conway but Conway can get a lot out of just beating on Benoit for a few minutes. Nothing great or even very good, but what we got was fine.

Shelton Benjamin is coming back.

Taboo Tuesday is coming.

Here’s Stacy Keibler for this week’s Diva Search segment, which is a Seattle Slugfest. Molly Holly (with her regular hair) comes out to interrupt instead though and says the girls can have their “sl**” fest later (that’s a major swear from Molly). For right now though, it’s time for the two of them to have a competition of their own, with Stacy getting the pick.

That would be a dance off, but Molly had eight years of ballet classes. She requests to dance to William Regal’s music and does just fine, as expected. Stacy does the kind of dance you would expect from her and seems to be declared the winner. Molly jumps her from behind, drawing in Nidia, Gail Kim, Victoria and Trish Stratus for the big brawl. Bischoff, six woman, bell.

Trish Stratus/Molly Holly/Gail Kim vs. Stacy Keibler/Nidia/Victoria

Joined in progress with the Nidia hitting Trish with a middle rope crossbody. A spinebuster cuts Nidia down for two though and some right hands keep Nidia in trouble. It’s off to Gail as the fans want Stacy, likely due to her barely existing skirt. Gail’s half crab has Nidia screaming until she makes a rope. Molly comes in as Lawler makes jokes about the Diva Search girls boxing later. A neckbreaker takes Gail down and thankfully it’s off to Victoria instead of Stacy. Victoria gets to clean house on her own until Molly ties her in the Tree of Woe. That’s enough for Stacy to tag herself in though and grab a rollup to pin Molly.

Rating: D. What were you expecting here? Stacy has no business being in there and Nidia isn’t exactly good either. That leaves four women to carry a six woman tag and it’s not the easiest thing in the world when one of the women worked most of the match. It wasn’t good, but at least it was short and that’s about as good as it gets.

Kane comes in to Bischoff and wants Shawn Michaels tonight. Bischoff can’t do that as Shawn is booked for the Highlight Reel, so Kane grabs him by the throat. Since Shawn isn’t happening tonight, Kane can fight him any other night. As for tonight, Bischoff will find someone and Kane can have a No DQ match with no questions asked.

It’s time for the Highlight Reel with Jericho talking about last night’s brutal match but it was all worth it (even the ladder suppository) to get the Intercontinental Title back. That’s a record breaking seven times, which brings him to his guest, who is a former Intercontinental Champion in his own right. This brings out Shawn, who talks about beating Kane even uglier than he was before. Jericho agrees that it was impressive, but not quite as impressive as winning the Intercontinental Title for the SEVENTH TIME.

Actually that’s why Shawn is out here, because they’re neck and neck over the years. They’ve met in Seattle before so let’s do it one more time for the title. Cue Christian and Tyson Tomko with Christian talking about how awesome his career has been. He’s so awesome that he should get the Intercontinental Title shot right now. Shawn says deal, as soon as Christian beat shim. Jericho says not so fast, because he knows what is going to happen.

Everyone knows what’s going to happen and is willing to read the front row’s minds. A lot of fans are really excited to see it but section 53 knows that Tyson Tomko is going to interfere. There’s a kid that knows the solution though: let’s have a tag match! So the kid is the reason we’re not seeing Shawn vs. Christian or Jericho? Someone throw that kid in a closet, cover him in peanut butter and let a trio of rabid squirrels loose.

Christian/Tyson Tomko vs. Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho

Joined in progress with Shawn chopping away at Christian (with bad ribs) before handing it off to Jericho for a suplex. It’s already back to Shawn to slug away at Tomko in the corner before tripping him down for a basement dropkick. One heck of a clothesline takes Shawn’s head off (Lawler: “PROBLEM SOLVED!”) and the villains take over. JR uses a neck crank to recap the evening (not the worst idea in the world), followed by Christian coming in to stomp away.

A flying forearm gets Shawn out of trouble though and it’s back to Jericho so the pace can pick up. The springboard dropkick puts Tomko on the floor with Christian following him, setting up the big stereo dives. We take a break (allowing me to drool over the idea Shawn and Jericho as a full time team) and come back with Jericho in trouble as Christian slaps on a chinlock with a knee in the back.

Christian’s backbreaker gets two and Tomko pulls on the ribs again. Jericho finally avoids a charge from Christian and the hot tag brings in Shawn to clean house. The top rope elbow hits Tomko but Christian crotches Shawn against the post for a save. Jericho cuts Christian off and it’s Sweet Chin Music to finish Tomko.

Rating: D+. That’s a “well that happened” if I’ve ever seen one. The more talented team won and it’s not like there was anything important happening here. You can’t tease a Shawn vs. Jericho or Shawn vs. Christian match and then go with this lame tag match, but for some reason that’s as good as we can get. Not a terrible match, but quite the downgrade.

Post match Christian gives Shawn the Unprettier on the floor.

Simon Dean, a fitness guru with his own Simon System of weight loss products, is looking forward to helping us lose weight. This is set up like an old commercial for a product, complete with a phone number and payment plan, which gives me some nice flashbacks to the old WCW days.

It’s Diva Search time with Coach hosting. The three come out with JR having to handle the mini bios, making him sound like a very sad man indeed. Joy is eliminated so Christy and Carmella put on the huge boxing gloves. Thankfully Vince McMahon comes out to interrupt and talk about next week being the season premiere of Raw.

Christy hits him low and chokes him down before biting him on the back of the pants. Carmella goes more traditional with rights to the face, one of which knocks Coach down. That means Christy wins, because duh. The winner of the whole thing is announced next week, thank goodness.

Eugene has a very separated shoulder after last week’s attack from HHH.

Kane vs. Gene Snitsky

No DQ. Kane clotheslines him down to start and hits a big boot to the side of the head as Lawler makes fun of JR for not knowing Snitsky. A raised boot in the corner slows Kane down and Snitsky hits those big right hands of his, which start with a big pull back and finish with a bigger follow through. It looks like he’s aiming for Kane’s stomach.

Snitsky hits him low to cut off a chokeslam attempt but Kane kicks him down again. Kane wraps the chair around Snitsky’s throat but Lita gets in and takes it off. That means an argument, allowing Snitsky to chair Kane in the back, sending him right onto Lita. That means a no contest, and likely a miscarriage.

We get the big stretcher job as Lita holds her stomach and Kane tells her that the baby is going to be ok. After a break, we get a BABY KILLER chant, which you don’t get to hear very often.

Smackdown Rebound.

Post break, Kane helps Lita into an ambulance as Stacy and Victoria look on.

Evolution vs. Randy Orton

Flair jumps Orton before the bell so Orton backdrops him down to check off the Bingo square. It’s off to HHH (Not Batista first?) to get punched in the face but Orton slides outside and pulls Batista down onto the apron. Batista comes in legally so Orton slugs away again until a spinebuster takes him down. Now HHH is willing to come in for some shots to the face but the Pedigree is countered with a slingshot, sending HHH crotch first into the buckle. The RKO is loaded up but Batista comes in with the clothesline and that’s a lame DQ.

Post match the beatdown is on until Shelton Benjamin makes his return for the save….and gets beaten down. Benoit makes the real save and Batista takes the beatdown to end the show. Wouldn’t it have been more productive to have those run-ins in reverse? Eh at least the six man should be good.

Overall Rating: D. That ending segment is a perfect compliment to the opener: Orton gets the better of HHH at the beginning and the end, but none of that really matters as HHH is still the champion. That’s not exactly something that makes me want to see where things are going, because things are going in the direction of more HHH on top with HAHA I’M STILL CHAMPION being the big closing line every week. It’s been that way for far too long now and that’s not the right way to make me want to keep watching.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at: