Category: Site Stuff

Back on the Impacto Estelar Podcast 2

Back on the Impacto Estelar Podcast

It’s a fun chat as someone who calls me his mentor (egads the problems that man must have) and I talk about Raw 2002, some events from this week and wrestling in Puerto Rico. ...

Back on the PPW Podcast 2

Back on the PPW Podcast

  This is one of my favorite shows to be on as the host is one of the best read fans I’ve ever talked to.  We’re going over all things Summerslam for an hour...

Pick the Summerslam Redo 11

Pick the Summerslam Redo

Usual stuff: I’ll be redoing both the 2016 edition and one other of your choosing.  Whichever one gets the most votes in whatever arbitrary space of time I decide on wins.  1998, 2002, 2011...

All E-Book Prices Lowered 0

All E-Book Prices Lowered

It occurred to me that $3.99 is probably a bit too high for an e-book so therefore, all of the 24 e-books I’ve written are now available for $2.99 each (the lowest amount I’m...

Randy Orton Quoted Me 3

Randy Orton Quoted Me

As you probably know, I write news stories for (check them out if you haven’t already).  Yesterday I put up a story about Titus O’Neil’s TED Talk, which was posted online.  The Tweet...

Your Chance To Tell Me What I Should Do 43

Your Chance To Tell Me What I Should Do

What changes should I make? So the other night, someone left me a comment (politely) saying that my older reviews were better/more entertaining than the current ones. I tend to agree with this, but...

Quick Note on Comments 0

Quick Note on Comments

For some reason the comments aren’t working properly and I’m not getting notifications when there’s a new one.  I can still see them all but if I’m a bit slower replying to them, please...