I’m Not Sure What Happened
The site was gone all Saturday and then just randomly came back up really late Saturday night. I have no idea how it’s back as I didn’t do anything to it but it’s back...
The site was gone all Saturday and then just randomly came back up really late Saturday night. I have no idea how it’s back as I didn’t do anything to it but it’s back...
I’m back with NorCal and we’re actually happy for a change. http://mightynorcal.podbean.com/e/wwp-32-kb-is-here-to-review-the-rise-of-the-roman-empire-and-to-look-forward-to-nxt-takeover/
To me, as I started this place on December 8, 2010. For some reason I can never get the date right. I can’t believe it’s been five years and the site has hit...
TLC Preview with Shocky. http://mightynorcal.podbean.com/e/wwp-31-the-historian-himself-shockmaster-joins-us-for-a-tlc-preview-and-a-lot-of-anger/
http://obtuseangles.libsyn.com/the-obtuse-angles-podcast-special-guest-tommy-hall-pt-3 This is my third appearance on the show in which we discuss some TNA. Note that this was recorded back in July so some of the jokes might be a bit dated. Also...
In which KB and NorCal talk about the builds to Takeover: London and TLC. http://mightynorcal.podbean.com/e/wwpwhoa-30-our-30th-is-myself-and-kb-doing-short-thoughts-on-survivor-series-and-discussing-the-divergent-nxt-and-tlc-builds/
So you might remember me mentioning a new record for ad revenue on Wednesday. That record didn’t even make it until Saturday. Thank you all again as I’m still not over Wednesday let...
First of all, I hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. If you don’t celebrate it, take a few minutes and think about the people or things that you’re lucky enough to...
With both myself and Shocky at the same time. This week, we explain why WWE is being stupid all over again, plus why NXT could be the greatest thing since Sliced Bread #1. http://mightynorcal.podbean.com/e/wwp-29-survivor-series-preview-with-both-somehow-kb-and-the-shockmastera-special-triple-threat-episode/
You might have heard about this one before. The show has evolved from a bigger than average house show in Madison Square Garden to a show that takes over a different major city each...
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