Category: Site Stuff

Wrestling Wars Podcast Update 5

Wrestling Wars Podcast Update

We had our first dry run tonight and went over the format etc. Everything went very well and he’s already set up a site for the show. Itunes is a work in progress at...

Ads Coming 13

Ads Coming

So since I’m one of the most passive/lazy people you’ll ever meet, I stopped getting money from the ads on here about a year ago and finally got around to setting up some new...

Full Mouth of the South Shore Appearance 3

Full Mouth of the South Shore Appearance

It runs just under two and a half hours but it covers a lot of ground including Raw, Wrestlemania XXXI and Perro Aguayo.  I’m on there the entire time.

A Few Updates 4

A Few Updates

First of all I’ve added a Columns section to the quick links menu on the right.  I Want To Talk A Little Bit About has pretty much been replaced by the columns so there...

KB Makes Wrestlemania Predictions 0

KB Makes Wrestlemania Predictions

Tonight on the Mouth of the South Shore Radio Show.  You can listen to it here:   The show is always cool and I’ve been on it a few times.  The host...

New E-Book: Only On Pay Per View: 1998 0

New E-Book: Only On Pay Per View: 1998

The Monday Night Wars is one of the most discussed periods in the history of professional wrestling. Over the years, the WWF and WCW did battle every Monday night for supremacy in professional wrestling....

Thank You All Again 0

Thank You All Again

Yesterday was the best day I’ve ever had for the E-Books to cap off the best month I’ve ever had.  Thank you to anyone who picked one of them up and thank you for...