Category: Site Stuff

Remember That TNA Access Thing I Mentioned? 0

Remember That TNA Access Thing I Mentioned?

Well it’s starting to come to fruition.  One of the co-hosts of the show I’ve been on before got an interview with Jeff Jarrett, which can be heard here: To help support their...

Criticize Me 19

Criticize Me

I can always use some criticism/suggestions so what do you want to see me do more/less of from here on out?  Is there something I do too much of or not enough of?  Let...

Want To Hear KB Talk To TNA Wrestlers? 6

Want To Hear KB Talk To TNA Wrestlers?

It’s a possibility actually. As you may know, I’m a semi-regular guest on the Mouth of the South Shore Radio Show.  The network that airs the show is being considered to receive media access...

I’m Doing A Live Radio Show Tonight 0

I’m Doing A Live Radio Show Tonight

I’ll be back on the Mouth of the South Shore Radio Show at approximately 11:30pm EST tonight.  The show is live so we’ll have Raw to discuss plus of course the Punk interview.  I’ve...

Holiday Sale 19

Holiday Sale

It’s almost Christmas time again and like everyone else, I’ve got a special sale going on. From now until the end of the year, you can get any two of my books for ,...

Thank You All Again 0

Thank You All Again

Friday was the best day I’ve ever had with the book sales, breaking the release day for the Nitro 1997 book.  You have no idea how much I appreciate you guys doing this.  ...

Potential Upcoming Maintenance 1

Potential Upcoming Maintenance

Got a message from my hosting company and they’re doing some work on the server that hosts my site.  There’s a chance that the site may be down for a short amount of time...