Category: Site Stuff

Like The Video Said, Thank You All 2

Like The Video Said, Thank You All

The record for views was broken by 25% today.  I’ve spent 10 months thinking I’d never break it at all.  I’ll be more amazed when I regain the ability to think.   Thank you...

Thank You All 5

Thank You All

Second biggest day ever and had I posted a review we would have SHATTERED it.  Thank you all so much and I’ll have the review up tomorrow before Raw, barring any unseen issues. Also...

Plug For An Amazing Site 0

Plug For An Amazing Site

I’ve discovered these guys while I’m down in the Big Easy and I’m sold for life: It’s a simple idea: order parking permits in advance.  Down here for Wrestlemania and Raw, it’s $15...

Greetings From Meridian, Mississippi 10

Greetings From Meridian, Mississippi

I’m in the Magnolia State for the first time ever and chilling in a hotel room after putting in over 500 miles today.  I’m about 3 hours and 15 minutes out of New Orleans...

I Was On A Podcast 0

I Was On A Podcast

It was the debut episode of a show called the Green Room which is all about the WrestleZone E-Fed WrestleZone Championship Wrestling.  There’s some WWE talk in there but a lot of it is...