Raw Might Be Delayed On Monday

My Kentucky Wildcats will be playing for the national championship so I might be a little preoccupied.  I’ll be recording the show and the review will be up as soon as possible, but this takes precedent.  Sorry guys.

Website Plug Request

For those of you who are interested in a career in sports, there are degrees and education programs specially designed for it. Check out sportsmanagementcolleges.com to learn more about how to get a degree in sports management, administration, and more and to learn more about the career in general.

There you go.

So Uh….About Those TV Shows From The 80s

The Youtube channel I’ve been using got banned so those shows are done.  That’s a shame as I was enjoying doing those.


Sorry about that.


Edit: Apparently not all of them are.  I’ll have to see which are still around and which aren’t.

Hogan Sex Tape Contest Winner

Is Frank with “No Holes Barred.” It made me laugh. Comment on this with your request, which is subject to me being able to find it.

My Anniversary Is March 12

On March 12, 2009, I posted my first review. In just shy of 3 years, I’ve reviewed 1257 shows, or over one a day on average. It breaks down like this if you’re curious:

ECW – 30
Misc – 57
ROH – 17
TNA – 163
WCW – 221
WWE – 769

That doesn’t include articles, the weekly reviews I post on the forums, or a few I did for a guy as a Christmas gift.

What Show Should I Add?

With the PPV reviews winding down (45 to go), I’ll have some room to add in some more weekly TV shows. By that I mean an old show that I can put in regularly on my schedule. I’ll leave it up to you guys what I pick. Here are some options (others if you can think of them of course).

Raw (any year)
Smackdown (any year)
ECW on TNN (depending on availability)
ECW on SyFy (I’d start at the beginning and go through the whole series since there are only about 200 episodes)
Impact from any year (depending on availability)
Anything else you guys can think of

I might do two of these but I’m not sure. Once I finish Raw from 98 and 01, I’m going to do 99-2000 but I’ll do them chronologically instead of two from each. I’ll also probably be starting Raw from the beginning and working my way up two episodes (or so) at a time.

I won’t do Thunder yet because I’ll be doing those as I get to that time in the Nitro reviews.  I also won’t do ROH because I’m not a big fan of it and wouldn’t want to watch it regularly.

So what would you like?

Thanks Again Everyone

Monday set a new record for views here. I couldn’t believe the final numbers when I saw it. The main record I had stood for about 9 months and there’s been a new high mark set almost every month now. Thanks for your continued support and I’ll keep putting stuff up as long as you guys want me to.


Backlash Reviews

I’ve been getting a ton of requests for shows from this series lately so just to clarify: once I get done with the No Mercy reviews, I’ll be doing the Backlash reviews in order as I always do. Those are the only two series I have left in WWE and I’ll be doing Backlash 2006 as the final WWE PPV review.

Rumble Review Might Be Here Tonight

It’s more likely than it was. Check back.


What Should I Count-Up Next?

I have a backlog of probably close to a thousand reviews so I have more than enough to go over a year with a new one up every day. What would you all like to see? Here are a few that popped into my head:

Clash of the Champions
In Your House
Monday Nitro (I have over the first 60 episodes done)
Almost any series of show from WWF/E, TNA or WCW

Any other suggestions? Should I not do one of these for awhile? It’s up to you all.