Survivor Series Countdown

I completely forgot about it this year.  I’m going to start posting two a day, starting with the 87 original and the one that would be today (Sunday, 1997) and I’ll be caught up in about 5 days.  SOrry about the delay.



Updated the Links Page, Added Facebook Link

As the title says I put in the link to the site’s FB page.  I only have it to advertise a bit and you can’t comment on there anyway as it makes it easier for me to see comments if they’re posted here.  Please take a second to like my page so I can get my name out there a bit more.  I’d appreciate it.  You can like individual reviews if you want also.  I’d appreciate it if you would.



Now On Facebook

This wasn’t my idea as most of you know that I hate social media.  Anyway there’s a page for it now and I’ll be looking into a way to automatically post links to it.  If anyone knows how to do that please let me know.


Anyway it’s there now so maybe it’ll help me get some new blood here.  Also note that the odds of me ever checking that page are about 1 in 104858759385965 so don’t post something there that you want me to read.



Links Updated

Dropped the 411 link because I don’t post there anymore and added a new one in the form of Adam King’s blog.  He does some old school WWF reviews and is worth checking out.




Apparently I’ll be getting their new show in my area so I’ll be reviewing it when it debuts.  I’ve only seen a handful of their shows and I’ve liked most of them so maybe this will be good.

A Couple of Announcements

First of all, the regular reviews are going to be delayed next week.  I have someone coming to visit me and I’ll be spending as much time with them as I can so I won’t be able to review the shows live.  I’ll do my best to get them up a day or so later but I can’t guarantee it.  Please bear with me and remember it’s just for one week so starting on the 29th, everything should be back to normal.  I’ll post something every day though, even if it’s just something old school etc.


Second, I’m going to try (emphasis on that word as those of you that know me know I’m rather forgetful at times) to have some more general discussion topic which I’m going to try to post every Wednesday, Saturday and non-PPV Sundays.  There’s just nothing going on those days and I’d like to give you guys something to talk about if you want to.  It’ll be general stuff like Favorite Tag Match or something and I’ll give my answer also.


Finally, if you guys ever think I’m wrong on something, please call me out on it.  I’ve been involved in a wrestling forum for years so debating wrestling is something I love very much and don’t get annoyed with at all.  Please don’t hesitate to say you think I’m totally wrong on something because there’s every chance I might be.



Site Update

As you may know, I was hacked yesterday.  As you may know as well, it seems to be ok now after I talked to the hosting company.  If it happens again, please be patient and things should be back up within a few days, with the emphasis on the word should.

Also I’ll have NXT up Wednesday, assuming nothing goes badly.


NXT Will Be Up Tomorrow

Had some computer issues so I missed the first half of the show.  I’ll watch it tomorrow and get it up asap.  Sorry for the delay.

Entire Archive Gone

By that I mean the option of buying it is gone. It didn’t really feel right to be asking for money for something like this. If you want to donate something to the site to help me get PPVs and keep the site up that’s cool and anything you can/would be willing to donate is greatly appreciated, but I won’t ask for money for the reviews. Doesn’t feel right.


KB Reviews Nitros

Every Wednesday I’ll be posting a review of an old Nitro on (Scott Keith’s Blog).  I’ve got the first two up and the third will be up next Wednesday.  Check them out.