Site Stuff
Adding in some stuff here but having some issues with it. If things are looking a bit odd for a bit don’t be surprised. It’ll be fixed soon.
Adding in some stuff here but having some issues with it. If things are looking a bit odd for a bit don’t be surprised. It’ll be fixed soon.
I added three new pages which will be permanently linked on the top of the page. Contact – My e-mail address for this site where you can get in touch with me for questions,...
Added in some sites that I like, some of which are wrestling related but some of which aren’t. Enjoy.
You can now reply to specific comments so rather than having one big line you’ll see things branching off a bit. Should make debates/conversations easier here.
Hopefully it sticks this time. Had to reset the place due to screwing something up. Think we’re good now though. Comment here to make sure those work though.
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