Category: Site Stuff


Missing Comments

Apparently some of the comments from regular users have been being sent to the spam section for reasons I’m not clear on.  I’m very sorry for this and I assure I’m not A, ignoring...


Making Some Changes

I’m changing ad servers in the near future so things might look a bit different around here, including the placement and amount of ads.  This will be a bit of a work in progress...


Server Issues

Hey everyone.  I’m not sure what’s going on with the site outages but the whole place has been up and down for a few days now.  This happens occasionally and usually it works itself...


Merry Christmas To All

First and foremost, Merry Christmas. Enjoy some time with your friends/family, eat something good, and remember that it’s a celebration of Jesus’ birth. I know it might not be the most popular thing and...


Pick A Royal Rumble For Me To Redo

We’ll be starting the annual count-up towards the 2023 Royal Rumble soon so I need some redos.  As always, I’ll be redoing the most recent but you all get to pick my other redo. ...


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Thank you all for everything and even if you’re not from America, I hope you got to spend some time today with people you care about.  I can’t thank you all enough for sticking...


Pick A Survivor Series For Me To Redo

It’s that time again, as I’ll be starting the Survivor Series countup starting this Saturday.  Each day I’ll be posting a review of a past Survivor Series, but I’ll be doing two new versions. ...