Happy Anniversary With A New Look

It’s kind of way overdue.

Ten years ago today, I launched this site and things have been rolling ever since. With that kind of an anniversary, it was time to freshen things up a bit around here and this is the result. Please note that I’m going to be tinkering with it but since I don’t know what I’m doing, it is taking a bit more time. This is NOT the final product and there is a chance that I’ll scrap the whole thing and switch to something I like better. Even if this goes badly, the old design can be pulled up with one button.

Everything under the hood is exactly the same so the reviews will still be coming up as usual. Hopefully there are some adjustments I can make to see what else can be improved but for now, the look does feel a bit less plain. Just like last time, thank you to AB Morales for designing the banner, as he’s quite good at that kind of thing.

Thank you all for being around for any part of the ten years I’ve been doing this (especially you Jay, and I’m not being sarcastic). I’m still not sure what I did to deserve being able to make this my job but it has worked out far better than I ever would have expected when I put this place up. It started out as a place to store the reviews because I was clogging up WrestleZone too much and now, here we are with this being my full time job. It means more than you can imagine and thank you all for it very much.

One other note that might not be so popular: I might be starting to accept paid posts again. I’m not thrilled with having to do so but the pandemic has hurt the ad revenue a lot and I kind of need the extra help to bridge the gap a bit. I only have so much control over the content of the ads but AT MOST there will be one a week, and I would be stunned if it ever approaches that often. I know they’re annoying and I don’t like doing them, but it’s upwards of a third of a week’s worth of income for something that takes five minutes to do. I’m sorry that I have to do them but it’s kind of a necessity for the time being.

With that out of the way, thank you again for everything and I’ll be here as usual for as long as you want me to be, plus a little longer than that.


Pick A Survivor Series For Me To Redo

It’s that time of year again.  Starting on October 20, I will be posting a Survivor Series a day, every day until the 2020 edition.  You all can pick which one I do, in addition to the 2019 edition.  You can pick any but the following, which I have either done recently or done so many times already that it isn’t worth it again.


Anything but the following:






Vote in the comments.  Go.

Pick A Summerslam For Me To Redo

It’s that time of year again.  Starting tomorrow, I’ll be posting one Summerslam a day starting with the 1988 edition, all the way up to August 23.  As usual, I’ll be redoing two shows, including last year’s edition.  You can pick the other one, by voting in the comments below.  Any year is eligible, except for the following:






Vote in the comments below.



New Mouth Of The South Shore Podcast

The guys are back again with a look at one of the more interesting modern stables: the Nexus.


Check out the show, as it’s entertaining as always:


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6TLu6mzwP2Or5eFB7RqM38
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/youre-either-nexus-or-a-mediocre-podcast/id1510186486?i=1000478241752
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvNDM1NDgwNi9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk/episode/aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL2VwaXNvZGUvMzEyMDI0NTE?ved=0CAcQ38oDahcKEwiY4bKGl4nqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ
iHeartradio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/966-mouth-of-the-south-shore-r-62513895/episode/youre-either-nexus-or-a-mediocre-64035892/

New Mouth Of The South Shore Radio Show Is Up

This time around it’s a look at Seth Rollins’ stable, including who should be in it, what it should be called, and more. Plus, your up to date scorecard in who is yelling at whom this week in wrestling podcasts (you really do need something to help you keep track). All this and more of course.

Apple Podcasts:


Google Podcasts:


Facebook Page:

Twitter and Instagram:

Mouth Of The South Shore Radio Is Back

The guys are back with another episode, this time taking a look at Jim Cornette’s latest insanity (always worth a listen), the Undertaker and Dark Side of the Ring.  Here’s where you can find everything:

Apple Podcasts:


Google Podcasts:


Facebook Page:

Twitter and Instagram:


And here’s a nifty link for you anti-copy and paste people.

I’m not sure how many of you know about this place but it’s a rather good site for daily wrestling news and rumors. Granted I might be a bit biased because I write a good chunk of the material that goes up there. Like so many other sites, it’s taking some hits at the moment and could always use some extra support. I’d appreciate it if you check it out for your daily wrestling news needs as we can always use the extra traffic. If you happen to click on some ads here and there, I wouldn’t be opposed.

Check it out if you have the time. If nothing else, see what’s on my mind on Wednesdays as I have an exclusive column there, plus random reviews on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I do live coverage of all major shows as well, save for NXT as I do Dynamite live.


On The Coronavirus

Since there is a wrestling side to everything.

So yeah, things have changed quite a lot in recent days and that seems to be where we are likely to stay for a good while. What matters most is that people stay safe and while it’s terrible to have to go through all of this, the important thing is keeping people healthy and safe in the long term. That might mean some inconvenience if not even trouble in the short term, but it’s something that is going to get better (albeit likely after getting worse).

As far as the wrestling world goes….egads man. It’s a terrible situation and while WWE and AEW are likely going to survive just fine (having billionaire owners helps a lot), I have no idea what it’s going to mean for places like ROH, MLW, the NWA and all of the much smaller promotions. Some of them have material previously taped but how long can you go without running new material? I’m sure several of the companies can run Best Of shows for the next few weeks (if not a few months), but what it if lasts a lot longer than that?

As for WWE….I’m not sure on Wrestlemania being at the Performance Center, but given the shakiness of the timeline right now, getting it out of the way might be the best thing they can do. After that they can figure out what to do with TV, but cutting the card WAY down (as in not adding much more than what they have now) and then just doing one big match a week on TV might be their best bet. Write the year off (as a fan, as WWE’s financial hit is going to hurt a lot) and come back next year, because it’s better that anything else you could do right now.

Overall, there’s plenty of wrestling to watch (my list of shows to cover is at about 400 at the moment) and some places are even giving some of it away (you can get a month of Club WWN free at the moment). Find something to watch because odds are you’re going to have a lot of time on your hands. What matters though is keep safe and don’t do something dumb that makes you more vulnerable. It’s going to get better eventually, so enjoy some wrestling in the meantime.


Pick My Wrestlemania Redo

Somehow it’s that time of year again.  I’ll be starting the Wrestlemania count-up on Sunday March 1 so I need a pair of shows to redo.  I’ll be doing XXXV from last year but I need another.  You can vote in the comments and all shows are eligible except the following:







My Wrestlemania Week Schedule

I’m heading back to the show this year and now I have all of my tickets taken care of.  It’s not as packed this year as I’ll be doing eight shows plus WrestleCon and Axxess.  The major perk is I’m flying in this time so there won’t be a three day period where I’m recovering and trying to catch up on everything.  Here’s what I’ll be taking in:

April 2 Thursday

8pm – WrestleCon SuperShow

April 3 Friday

12pm – Evolve 149

3pm – Body Guy Spectacular

8pm – Smackdown

April 4 Saturday

9am – WrestleCon

3pm – WrestleCon Worldwide

7pm – Takeover: Tampa

April 5 Sunday

1pm – 4pm WrestleMania Pre-Party

5pm – Wrestlemania XXXVI

April 6 Monday

1pm – 5pm – Axxess

8pm – Monday Night Raw


I wish I could make the New Japan show but I don’t get into town until about forty minutes before it starts and the airport is about 20 minutes from my hotel.