Final WWE Draft Results Including Supplemental Draft
Here’s the final results. Is there a reason why the midcard champions are on the same show?
Here’s the final results. Is there a reason why the midcard champions are on the same show?
Brawl To End It All Date: July 23, 1984 Location: Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York Attendance: 15,000 Commentators: Gene Okerlund, Gorilla Monsoon This is one of the most important events in...
Ladies and gentlemen, today is Wrestlemania Sunday. This is why we are all here. This is what we wait our entire year to arrive at. Tonight, everything in all of wrestling stops for four...
Smack Em Whack Em Host: Lord Alfred Hayes Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon, Alfred Hayes It’s another home video, this time from the early 90s. I’d say around early 93 but likely late 92. Either way,...
During Undertaker’s entrance Time To Play The Game hit and it’s time for a staredown. Nothing was said but they both looked at the Mania sign. Taker did the throat slit and HHH did...
No shock here but this is fine. It’s the Undertaker being back for Wrestlemania. I fail to see the bad in this. Also, don’t complain about it not being Sting. The only people that...
It seems that way at least. Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge The Miz vs. John Cena Thoughts on these? Think they’re good or bad? Other options you’d like?
Not sure how I got to Friday without making this thread. Obviously the Rock is back in WWE at least for one more night. Thoughts on this? Thoughts on Mania?
On Raw tonight there was a video of a man walking in the rain to a building. He was wearing a jacket and you can’t see much at all. A graphic saying 2-21-11 popped...
In the main event I mean. I’m sure he would have been going otherwise but you get the concept. This is a great move for WWE as it gives them a new name in...
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