Category: WWE

Tribute to the Troops 2015: Yeah Fine 2

Tribute to the Troops 2015: Yeah Fine

Tribute to the Troops 2015 Date: December 23, 2015 Location: Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Jacksonville, Florida Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole It’s the annual holiday special with the WWE putting on...

I’m Going To Wrestlemania 11

I’m Going To Wrestlemania

Along with Raw, Takeover and Axxess when the tickets are available.  Tickets have been purchased for the wife and I.  She’s never been so this is going to be a big moment for her.

The WWE Network Categories Are A Mess 5

The WWE Network Categories Are A Mess

I went to watch the Legends With JBL interviews about Undertaker and was stupid enough to think they would be in the Legends With JBL section. No no, they’re in the Undertaker 25 Years...

Coca Cola Sponsoring the Slammy Awards and Tribute to the Troops 1

Coca Cola Sponsoring the Slammy Awards and Tribute to the Troops   That’s big.  Like that’s REALLY big.  Coca Cola is one of the biggest brands in the world and having them say WWE is worth sponsoring is a hugely positive sign for WWE...

Brad Maddox Released 3

Brad Maddox Released They could really use some spring cleaning so maybe this is the start.  It would be nice considering how many people they have on the payroll who never do anything.  Maddox tried but...

Solomon Crowe Gone From NXT 1

Solomon Crowe Gone From NXT I can’t say I blame them.  Crowe had potential but he never really clicked.  That’s definitely not to say he doesn’t have talent, but the little monster gimmick was never going to work. ...