Daily News Update – August 21, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

Collision – August 19, 2023

Never Before: First Time Ever Moment Takes Place At WWE NXT Live Event.


LOOK: Injured WWE Superstar Sporting Very New Look While Out Of Action.


WATCH: Damian Priest Falls Flat On His Face At WWE Live Event, Rhea Ripley Has To Save Him.


Back Soon? Update On Two Missing AEW Stars, Possible Returns.


He Gets It: Former WWE Superstar Reveals Reason Why He Was Fired.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Collision – August 19, 2023: They Might Be In Trouble

Date: August 19, 2023
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

We have less than two weeks to go before All In and that means it is time to boost up what we already have set for the show. That could make for some good television here as what has been (or practically has been) announced is looking rather good. Now just get it home before heading off to London. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting with the big screen on my right about ten rows back in the first section off the floor.

Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, Darby Allin, Bullet Club Gold, Dalton Castle and the Boys and Samoa Joe are ready to go.

Opening sequence.

Samoa Joe vs. Golden Vampire

Non-title and the Vampire jumps him before the bell. Joe gets posted and hit with the running knee in the corner as fans seem to think something is up. The Vampire hits a GTS and yes it is CM Punk. He asks for a mic and says “I accept b****.” So there’s your next All In match.

Video on All In.

Jay White vs. Dalton Castle

The Bullet Club and the Boys are here too. Castle takes him down by the leg without much trouble but White powers Castle into the corner. That means some fanning from the Boys but White sends him outside anyway. The Boys toss Castle right back inside but a missed charge sends Castle crashing to the floor. The Club chases the Boys around and then into the ring, leaving White to drop Castle onto the apron.

We take a break and come back with Castle slugging away and throwing the German suplexes for two. They head outside with White chopping away but the Boys have to dive on the rest of the Club. Back in and both finishers are broken up, allowing White to hit the swinging Rock Bottom for two. The sleeper suplex sets up the Bladerunner for the pin at 12:12.

Rating: B-. For a White Castle match, there was very list Of Fear involved and that made it a little disappointing. Other than that, it was a bit too big/long and nowhere near greasy enough to make it a true White Castle showdown, but it left things feeling good enough that I’d like to see it again in a few years.

Post break White grabs the mic and says if Kenny Omega is paying attention in his hospital bed, he might want to think twice about All In. They’ve known the Elite for a long time now and they’ll prove their dominance again. Juice Robinson said they put Omega in the hospital in two minutes so imagine what they’ll do at All In. The Gunns are the best brother tag team ever and they’ll prove it again against the Bucks in a six man tag on Wednesday. For now though, they want a six man tag tonight, so get someone out here!

Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages vs. Bullet Club Gold

Bronson drives Austin into the corner to start and hammers away as well. Austin slips out of a slam though and Bronson is taken into the corner for the stomping from Robinson. Colten comes in for a knee lift into a heck of a lariat before handing it back to Robinson. Bronson is sent outside as White joins commentary and we take a break. Back with Boulder coming in to clean house, including pulling Robinson out of the air. Robinson is slammed onto the Gunns but Jameson comes in and gets sent outside. The left hand into the 3:10 To Yuma hits Boulder though and the layout forward DDT finishes for Robinson at 9:35.

Rating: C+. The Savages and Jameson are good enough for a fun act but having them come out here and lose again isn’t the best way to present them. The Club winning gives them some more momentum towards All In though and they seem to really be clicking as of late. Even the Gunns weren’t bad here and that’s a good sign for their futures.

We recap Billy Gunn retiring and the House Of Black stealing his boots.

The House Of Black have said boots and talk about Billy living as a shadow of himself and throwing the boots away.

Rush calls Jose The Assistant and isn’t happy with what he is seeing from La Faccion Ingobernable. He wants them in Mexico, so we see Dralistico in Mexico and picking up Preston Vance to go to a bar. Then they’re kidnapped, put in a van and taken away as Jose watches.

Ricky Starks is annoyed at being suspended but he’ll use the rest of his suspension to sow chaos, starting tonight. And here’s Big Bill, apparently Starks’ protege.

Big Bill vs. Derek Neal

Ricky Starks, with belt, is in Bill’s corner. Choking, big boot and chokeslam finish Neal at 1:09.

Video on Sting and Darby Allin invading AR Fox’s indy show and laying him out.

Nick Wayne wants revenge on the Mogul Embassy.

Willow Nightingale vs. Diamante

Diamante starts with the choking on the ropes but Nightingale fights up and hits a spinning faceplant. Nightingale knocks her off the apron but here is Mercedes Martinez to watch at ringside. Diamante’s shots to the face don’t do much so she kicks the knee out instead. Some forearms to the head have Nightingale in trouble and we take a break.

Back with Nightingale making a comeback and hitting a splash in the corner. There’s a big boot to put Diamante down again but she sends Nightingale into the corner for the running knees. An Asai DDT gets two on Nightingale but she pounds away in the corner. A middle rope dropkick hits Diamante so Martinez pulls her outside. Cue Kris Statlander to go after Martinez so Nightingale hits the Pounce. Back in and the Babe With The Powerbomb finishes for Nightingale at 11:06.

Rating: C. It’s always nice to see Nightingale win but at the same time, there wasn’t much to see here, with Diamante and Martinez being a rather new evil unit. Nightingale vs. Statlander down the line could go well but for now, it’s just Nightingale getting a win. That’s good to see, though eleven minutes to beat Diamante is a good bit too long.

Video on FTR vs. the Young Bucks. I guess this counts as FTR speaking after Cash Wheeler’s arrest?

Toni Storm is asked about an upcoming tag match on Rampage and complains about the interviewer being VERY rude. The Outcasts are a sisterhood so don’t worry about what they’re doing. A shoe is thrown.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Kevin Ku

Hobbs knocks a crossbody attempt out of the air and hammers away in the corner. A belly to back superplex and a standing clothesline set up the spinebuster to finish for Hobbs at 1:56.

Post match Hobbs puts Ku in Miro’s Game Over. Miro pops up on screen to say he and Hobbs have a lot in common, but now he walks alone. It’s time to destroy Hobbs at All Out. Pretty simple point there.

All In rundown.

Christian Cage vs. Darby Allin

Luchasaurus is here with Cage. They fight over a lockup to start with neither being able to get very far early on. Christian chops away but gets sent outside, where he has to hide from the threat of an Allin dive. Back in and Christian whips him hard into the corner and we take a break.

We come back with Cage working on the arm but Allin pulls him into some rollups for two each. They head back to the floor with Cage staying on the arm and taunting him with Luchasaurus’ TNT Title. Back in and a hammerlock slam sets up a reverse layout DDT but Allin blocks the spear. A Code Red lets Allin pull Christian’s turtleneck onto his head but they ram heads for a double knockdown.

We take another break and come back with Allin hitting a springboard Coffin Drop to a standing Cage. The shotgun dropkick sends Cage into the corner and they go outside again. This time Allin tries a standing Coffin Drop to Luchasaurus but can’t even knock him down. Instead Cage is knocked down again and sat in a chair, where a missile dropkick to the floor leaves them both laying (that could have been worse).

Back in and the Coffin Drop is loaded up but Cage rolls to the apron. That’s fine with Allin, who tries the Coffin Drop but only hits apron for the scary crash. Now the referee ejects Luchasaurus (weird timing), allowing Cage to get in a belt shot for two. Cage takes him up top for a sunset bomb into a spear for two and Cage is livid. A clothesline cuts off Allin’s comeback attempt but he flips over into a rollup for the pin at 20:28.

Rating: B. The match was a good bit longer than it needed to be, but what mattered here was Allin’s charisma. There is something about him that makes you want to watch him overcome the odds and win, which is exactly what he did here. It’s something that not a lot of wrestlers have and he knows how to make more out of his smaller stature than almost anyone else. Heck of a match here, but it could have been trimmed down considerably.

Post match Tony Schiavone gets in the ring to talk to Allin but Luchasaurus comes back for a distraction, allowing Cage to get in another belt shot. The beatdown is on, with Cage forcing Tony to count a three. Tony has to declare Cage STILL the TNT Champion so posing can ensue to end the show (with Swerve Strickland and AR Fox approving in the back).

Overall Rating: C+. Other than Punk vs. Joe being set up in a cool moment and a rather good (and rather long) main event, this show was a bunch of “Hey, that person who was awesome before? They’re still awesome.” Collision needs some fresh hands as they’re already running out of combinations with these people, and college football is looming big for the next few months. Not a bad show, but it’s a very skippable one. That’s not a good sign two and a half months into the series’ run and it could get worse in a hurry.

Jay White b. Dalton Castle – Blade Runner
Bullet Club Gold b. Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages – Layout forward DDT to James
Big Bill b. Derek Neal – Chokeslam
Willow Nightingale b. Diamante – Babe With The Powerbomb
Powerhouse Hobbs bl Kevin Ku – Spinebuster
Darby Allin b. Christian Cage – Rollup



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – August 20, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Smoky Mountain Wrestling Bluegrass Brawl 1993

Rampage – August 18, 2023


Time Off: Update On Bloodline’s WWE Status At Upcoming Event.


Special Attraction: WWE Legend Wrestling At Live Events For The First Time In 17 Years.


Add It: New Title Match Set For AEW All In.


WRESTLING RUMORS: Here’s Why A Missing WWE Superstar Is Not Being Used.


WATCH: Dominik Mysterio Bests Seth Rollins, Miz, Damian Priest And Rhea Ripley All At Once.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Rampage – August 18, 2023: It’s The Rampage Way

Date: August 18, 2023
Location: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We are less than ten days away from All In and the show is really starting to come together. There was a lot of stuff advanced on Dynamite and there is a good chance that the same thing will take place on Collision. That being said, they need to do something with this show and that can be a tricky situation. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Rey Fenix vs. Komander

They go tot he mat to start and exchange some rollups, with Komander getting the better of things but not quite well enough. Back up and Komander flips over a monkey flip attempt, giving us another standoff. Fenix sends him to the apron and kicks away before missing the rope walk kick to the head. This time it’s Fenix being sent outside for the big flip dive so Komander loads up the rope walk, only to have Fenix get back in.

That leaves Fenix to just jump back down, leaving Fenix to hit a double springboard double stomp for two. We take a break and come back with Fenix striking away until Komander snaps off a headscissors. Fenix’s superkick rocks Komander again but he spikes Fenix with a hurricanrana for two. A rolling cutter gives Fenix two and there’s the rope walk kick to the head for two more.

Komander’s crucifix bomb gets the same but Fenix hits one heck of a spinning kick to the head for the double knockdown. Another kick sends Komander outside but he’s back up to shove Fenix down. A springboard Canadian Destroyer plants Fenix and the rope walk shooting star gives Komander two. Komander misses a 450 and the Black Fire Driver gives Fenix two (nice fake out there). With nothing else working, Fenix chops him down in the corner and hits a spinning Muscle buster driver for the pin at 13:00.

Rating: B. This was a fun one as you had two people out there doing their flying all over the place and it made for a heck of a fight. Sometimes you need to just let people go out there and let it all hang out for awhile and that is what they did here. Very fun match and by far the best Komander singles match so far in AEW.

Claudio Castagnoli and Jon Moxley aren’t happy in the back.

Britt Baker was at the first All In and it would be a great moment for her to win the title again at the second one.

QT Marshall is the new AAA Latin American Champion.

Johnny TV (with dog) congratulates Marshall on his title win.

Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Brother Zay/Ethan Page vs. Aussie Open

The Aussies are defending and double team Zay down to start without much trouble. A hurricanrana puts Fletcher down but Davis is right there to cut him off. Zay enziguris his way to freedom and hands it off to Page for the house cleaning. The champs are knocked to the floor and Zay hits the huge flip dive, setting up a powerslam for two on Fletcher inside. Everything breaks down and the Aussies ram them into each other as we take a break.

Back with Page hitting a brainbuster on Fletcher, allowing the tag back to Zay. A springboard moonsault drops Fletcher on the floor as everything breaks down. Zay’s Swanton hits raised knees though and it’s a superkick into a kick to the face. The elevated middle rope cutter gives Fletcher two and the stereo clotheslines hit Zay. The Coriolis finishes Zay at 9:21.

Rating: C+. It’s a good idea to give the Aussies a win as they are on the way to a huge match in London and could use the boost. The Aussies are a heck of a team, but they haven’t exactly gotten a huge push on AEW TV. Boost them up as fast as they can, even if they might be losing the titles next week.

Post match the Aussies promise to keep the titles at All In because they’re that awesome.

The Righteous (from Ring Of Honor) are coming.

The Hardys want the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles so they’ll be challenging on Dynamite. So you lose to the Bucks and get a title shot?

Sammy Guevara vs. Jon Cruz

Sammy shoulders him down to start and then flips over a charge into a dropkick. Cruz is sent outside for the big flip dive, setting up the GTH for the pin at 1:34. Total squash.

Video on Nyla Rose.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on the All In Women’s Title match.

Outcasts vs. Hikaru Shida/Skye Blue

Saraya is the outcast Outcast. The outcasts jump them to start but Blue knees Soho in the face. We settle down to Blue getting double teamed in the corner but Shida comes in for a failed save attempt. The hip attack sends Blue outside and we take a break. Back with Blue kicking her way to freedom so Shida can come in and clean house. Blue gets sent flying with a suplex and everyone is down for a breather.

Everything breaks down again and Saraya gets in the spray paint to blind Blue. The hip attack gets two with Shida making the save and then unloading on Storm. Saraya grabs Shida from the floor, allowing Storm to kick her in the face. Blue is back in for the save and No Future is countered into a rollup to give Shida the pin at 10:06.

Rating: C+. This was fine enough and gave Shida the win over someone not in the title match on the way to Wembley. That’s about all you can ask for out of something like this as they need to keep Shida strong with multiple challengers coming up. At the very least, it’s nice to see the spray paint fail, as that has been done to death in Outcasts matches.

Post match the brawl is on again, with Britt Baker running down to join in. Security tries to break it up to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty solid show here, even if it was just there for the sake of building up some matches on the way to All In. That’s Rampage in a nutshell: the action is going to carry the whole thing, because there isn’t much here in the way of storytelling. They still get it done in an hour though and that makes it a rather easy watch most of the time, including tonight.

Rey Fenix b. Spinning Muscle Buster driver
Aussie Open b. Brother Zay/Ethan Page – Coriolis to Zay
Sammy Guevara b. Jon Cruz – GTH
Hikaru Shida/Skye Blue b. Outcasts – Rollup to Soho



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Bluegrass Brawl 1993: They Like It For A Reason

Bluegrass Brawl 1993
Date: April 2, 1993
Location: College Gym, Pikeville, Kentucky
Attendance: 1,778
Commentators: Les Thatcher, Lance Russell

This is from Smoky Mountain Wrestling, a promotion that I have barely ever looked at for some reason. It’s another request and in this case we have quite the big main event, with a triple threat (before that term was a thing) nine man tag, plus a chain match for the Heavyweight Title. Let’s get to it.

We open with My Old Kentucky Home (Kentucky’s rather lame state song).

Les Thatcher and Lance Russell run down the card and talk about how great this show can be.

There appears to be a Robbie Eagle vs. Rip Rogers match missing here.

Rob Morgan vs. Mongolian Stomper

Morgan jumps him to start and they’re on the floor fast. Stomper posts him hard and stomps away back inside, setting up a big boot. A cobra clutch finishes Morgan at 1:22. Bret Hart called Stomper (who never took his jacket off here) the best Canadian wrestler ever and he looked rather dominant here so maybe Bret is on to something.

Brain Lee is ready to beat Kevin Sullivan in whatever kind of match they have.

Here is Lee to find out what kind of match he and Sullivan will be having, by way of a roll of a dice. The dice is a six, meaning Lee gets to pick. That would be….a Singapore Spike match!

Tim Horner is ready to take care of the Nightstalker and then he’ll have Lee’s back later.

Nightstalker vs. Tim Horner

Nightstalker is better known as Adam Bomb/Wrath and he shoves Horner around to start. Horner punches his way out of the corner and the fans certainly like that. Horner’s shoulder bounces off of him though and Nightstalker starts working on the arm. With that broken up, Horner dropkicks him to the floor but gets sent hard into the corner back inside.

A sideslam sets up one heck of a slingshot clothesline for two on Horner and we hit the bearhug. Two arm drops trigger the comeback but Nightstalker’s clothesline trigger another near fall. Horner fights out of the chinlock but Nightstalker sends him into corner to keep up the beating.

The comeback is on anyway though and a snap suplex gives Horner two. The sleeper doesn’t work for Horner so he tries it again, only to have it broken up again. A powerslam sets up a missed elbow for Nightstalker and we hit the third sleeper. This time Nightstalker throws him over over the top to escape and that’s a DQ at 13:13.

Rating: C+. I’ve always been a fan of Nightstalker as he’s one of those guys can get by on pure power and appearance alone. Horner on the other hand is a rather generic good guy and it’s not much of a surprise that he never went too far. The ending didn’t help things here either, as it felt like a way to set up a rematch. They were going well until then, but there is only so much that can be done with a fairly weak finish.

Kevin Sullivan is happy to face Brian Lee in a Singapore Spike match. He hasn’t had this much fun since he went to Norway and clubbed baby seals!

Kevin Sullivan vs. Brian Lee

This is a Singapore Spike (there is a box in every corner, with the spike inside one of them) match and Nightstalker/Brian Horner are the seconds, though they are handcuffed in corners. Lee unloads with right hands to start and they’re already on the floor, with Sullivan getting in a posting.

A chair shot just wakes Lee up a bit and they head inside, where Lee charges into a raised boot. They head back to the floor with Sullivan hitting him with a sandbag but there’s nothing in the first box. Lee gets in a shot of his own but there’s nothing in the second box either. Sullivan takes him to the floor again and hits him with the ring bell hammer.

Back in and Sullivan uses some pliers to keep Lee down but the third box is empty as well. The fourth box is opened but Sullivan doesn’t pull anything out for some reason. Lee fights back and the referee goes down, allowing Nightstalker to get to the apron (still hooked) to try and bring in the spike (which he seemed to pull out of the box). For some reason Nightstalker hesitates to hand it over though and Lee uses the distraction to grab a rollup for the pin at 7:08.

Rating: C. It was a decent enough brawl but at the end of the day, the boxes and the spike didn’t even matter as Nightstalker got the spike and never even used the thing. Lee vs. Sullivan seems like a big feud, but this wasn’t the best execution of what seemed to be a big time match. It had the energy, though that’s about all.

Post match Sullivan goes after the still handcuffed Nightstalker with a chair but the cuffs come off, meaning Sullivan has to run off.

Tracy Smothers is ready for the Dirty White Boy. The White Boy has cost him the TV Title and $5,000 but then he burned the rebel flag that Smothers gave to him.

Ron Wright (Tennessee wrestling legend in a wheelchair) has handed down his beloved Tennessee chain to the Dirty White Boy and promises violence.

Dirty White Boy is in Central Park (allegedly) and whips out a gun to deal with off screen muggers. He has a bunch of sugar for Smothers (ok then) and a beer, which Smothers has already had. Finally, he has a bunch of dirt, which the people of Tennessee have under their fingernails. He uses the whip to break the sugar and assorted fruits and promises violence.

Smoky Mountain Title: Tracy Smothers vs. Dirty White Boy

The White Boy is defending in a Tennessee Chain match, meaning they’re tied together and it’s touch all four corners rules (with “an offensive blow” being enough to reset the count). They fight over pulling on the chain to start until White Boy pulls him into a clothesline. Smothers isn’t having that and pulls him down with the chain before hammering away. They go to the floor so Smothers can twirl a rebel flag, followed by some rams into the buckle back inside.

That’s good for three buckles but White Boy breaks it up, earning himself another beating. White Boy comes up and slugs away, only to get dropped with a single right hand. They head outside for some choking, followed by some rams into the buckle back inside. Smothers grabs the mic and calls him a “stupid Yankee” before going back to the right hands to the head.

There are three buckles but White Boy punches him a few times to break it up. White Boy pulls the chain for a crotching on top and head outside, where the bloody Smothers gets choked a bit. Back in and the chain is wrapped around the cut before a clothesline lets White Boy get three buckles. Smothers breaks that run up but the chain goes around his head to slow him down again.

White Boy gets smart by wrapping the chain around Smothers’ feet and dragging him around. A monkey flip gets Smothers out of trouble but the blood has left him blinded. He can still punch away without being able to see but an atomic drop cuts him off again. Smothers breaks him up at three again so White Boy chokes him down again, giving us two arm drops. Back up and White Boy kicks him low to cut off another comeback attempt. A clothesline with the chain drops Smothers again but White Boy goes up and gets pulled back down.

They head to the floor again where White Boy is busted open, setting up a top rope chain shot to the head. Smothers grabs a fireman’s carry for three buckles, as Wright trips him down for the save. White Boy starts choking and dragging him around the ring, with both of them hitting the buckles at the same time. With just the last one to go, Smothers fights back and lets White Boy flip him over with the chain, meaning Smothers gets the fourth buckle and the title at 25:58.

Rating: B+. These guys beat the fire out of each other and it felt like an old school southern fight. What matters here is Smothers gets the title and his revenge, but at the same time it was a bloody battle, which is what the fans wanted to see. This felt like they were trying to play towards each others strengths and it worked very well. Heck of a fight here and the best thing on the show so far by a mile.

Post match Smothers is in the back and talks about how this is the greatest night of his career. White Boy jumps him though and even spits on him.

We recap the three way nine man tag.

The Stud Stable (Ron Fuller/Jimmy Golden, better known as Colonel Parker and Buckhouse Buck in WCW) and Dutch Mantel are ready to take everyone out, with Mantel promising a bunch of whippings.

The Rock N Roll Express and Arn Anderson (what a team) is ready for the fight, with Anderson talking about how you might know it’s bad, but you don’t know just HOW bad it is. Ricky Morton says it’s time to learn just how good they are.

The Heavenly Bodies (Stan Lane/Tom Prichard) and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette are ready as well, with Cornette talking about how many firsts you’ll be seeing here. Everyone else is going out on stretchers when they win the first ever nine man street fight.

Heavenly Bodies/Bobby Eaton vs. Rock N Roll Express/Arn Anderson vs. Stud Stable/Dutch Mantel

Three way elimination (anyone gets pinned/gives up, their team is gone) street fight. The big brawl is on to start and this is going to be a nightmare to follow. Some of them go outside and the weapons are already brought in as this is already quite the melee. Eaton and Morton fight to the back but come back with a tire wrapped around his head.

Gibson whips various people with a belt and Prichard is already busted open. Morton gets a trashcan to clean house as the wild brawling continues. Gibson and Eaton fight off this time so Cornette comes in, only to get choked down. Gibson comes back and fights over a chair with Fuller until Morton gets in a chair shot to the head. That’s enough to pin Fuller and eliminate the Stud Stable/Mantel at 9:12.

Thankfully that clears the ring a bit but Fuller goes after Gibson (now with a bad ankle/leg) anyway. A Rocket Launcher gets two on Morton but Arn is up with a fire extinguisher (Cornette loved that spot). The three DDTs take out the villains and it’s time for a table, with all of them being whipped into it in the corner. Cornette is sent into it for a bonus and Gibson puts the Figure Four on Cornette as well. Prichard comes off the top with a loaded boot though and Gibson is done at 13:16.

Rating: B. This is the kind of match where you’re not supposed to be able to keep track of what is going on. It’s designed to be all about the mayhem and that was the case here, with nine people out there to go as nuts as they can until someone gets a fall. Cornette took a beating as well and it helped a lot, but this was just a bunch of fun with stars and names you might not see around here very often. Either way, heck of a way to close, but the details aren’t what mattered here, because it was all about the calamity.

In the back, Jim Cornette talks about how they’re the best team around here and he guarantees that will be the case for a long time.

The announcers wrap it up.

Credits, with a highlight package, take us out.

Overall Rating: B. The last two matches here are all that mattered and it wound up being rather good as a result. The first match was a squash, the second was a step away from being good and the third was an idea that didn’t quite come together. This show flew by and felt like a big time TV show at various points. The last two matches carried the show though and that chain match has the emotion to make it work. It’s not exactly must see, but I can absolutely see the audience for this kind of thing.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.

Daily News Update – August 19, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

Smackdown – August 18, 2023


WATCH: WWE Superstars Debate A Rather Unique Locker Room Honor.


Uh Oh: Current AEW Champion Arrested On Assault Charges.


Bring Them Back: WWE Has Long Term Plans For Recently Split NXT Tag Team.


They Did It: AEW Breaks 7 Year Old WrestleMania Record, Now All Time Leader.


Go Your Own Way? WWE Reportedly Planning Interesting Departure From Judgment Day.


WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Planning Gimmick Match Showdown For Payback.


WATCH: Edge Addresses Crowd After WWE SmackDown, Talks Future In The Ring.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).



Smackdown – August 18, 2023: Smackdown Gets Edgey

Date: August 18, 2023
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

It’s a special show this week as Edge is here to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his debut in WWE. To commemorate the event, he’ll be facing Sheamus in a first time ever match. Other than that, Jey Uso has quit and that might give us a week off from all things Bloodline. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down a bunch of tonight’s card in a nice touch.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect, with Santos Escobar and new US Champion Rey Mysterio. After a long recap of Escobar being injured last week so Rey could step in and win the title, Waller asks Rey what it’s like to be champion again. Escobar can imagine, but Waller asks what it’s like to see Rey steal the title shot. Escobar says that they are the champion because the title belongs to the LWO. Waller goes on a rant about Rey stole everything but Escobar cuts him off to say that the only person he is angry at is Austin Theory.

Escobar wants to get his hands on Theory, who interrupts to rant about how unfair everything was last week. Cue Adam Pearce but LA Knight interrupts before he can get anywhere. Knight heard Theory call himself the greatest US Champion ever, which Knight finds interesting because Theory only defended the title once every three months. With all due respect to Rey, it doesn’t matter who the champion is because the title is coming to Knight. Since Theory is dressed to fight, how about Knight vs. Theory for the US Title? Pearce makes the match.

Austin Theory vs. LA Knight

Miz joins commentary and Theory starts fast before knocking him outside. Miz goes on about Knight being the flavor of the month until he beats someone, saying he’s “a Fandango without tap shoes and a Eugene without crayons.” They fight on the floor with Theory being sent into Miz for a big crash and we take a break.

Back with Knight fighting out of a chinlock and countering the rolling dropkick into a belly to back suplex. The jumping neckbreaker sets up a running knee to Theory in the corner. The powerslam plants him again but Miz gets up for a distraction. Not that it matters as Knight hits a DDT and goes outside to chase Miz. They get inside with a clothesline taking Miz outside, allowing Theory to roll Knight up for the pin at 10:10.

Rating: C. The interference helps a bit, but my goodness it’s not encouraging to see Knight taking a fall here. WWE doesn’t have the best track record for taking advantage of hot stars and I’m worried that they might be making the same mistake here. Knight still has the Miz feud and if that goes well, everything should be ok, but Knight taking a pin here is rather annoying.

John Cena, Sheamus, Natalya, Miz, Charlotte and Sami Zayn say thank you Edge.

Video on Edge’s career, including a clip of him as a teenager asking Bret Hart for advice on a talk show. This covers a lot and features talking heads praising Edge. As usual, when WWE wants to pay tribute to someone, they knock it out of the park as this is quite the awesome tribute.

Charlotte/Bianca Belair vs. Damage CTRL

Dakota Kai is here with Damage CTRL. Bayley introduces Iyo Sky and says Toronto isn’t used to seeing a champion. Belair wrestles Bayley down to start and hands it off to Charlotte for the stomping in the corner. Some double teaming has Charlotte in trouble but she sends the villains outside for a flip dive.

We take a break and come back with Charlotte fighting out of trouble but getting knocked down into a Sky chinlock. That’s broken up so Charlotte has to fight out of a crossface. Sky is smart enough to run over and knock Belair off the apron, only to have Charlotte get the tag a few seconds later.

Belair gets to clean house but Sky goes after the knee to take her down as well. That doesn’t last long as Belair fights out of trouble and brings Charlotte back in to wreck both of them. Bayley shoves Charlotte off the top though and it’s a big crash into the barricade. Sky misses a charge into the corner, leaving Charlotte to break up Bayley’s Figure Four attempt. It’s back to Belair and a quick KOD finishes Bayley at 13:50.

Rating: B-. Good stuff here, with Damage CTRL losing yet again, which isn’t the most surprising result. Charlotte and Belair continue to show just how good they are in the ring, but at the same time they have both been in the title picture for so long that it is a bit much to take. The division needs new blood and while that seems to be coming, we certainly aren’t there yet.

More wrestlers congratulate Edge on 25 years. We also talk about Edge’s retirement, with Edge going on an overseas tour afterwards just because he said he would be there.

Damage CTRL jumps Bianca Belair in the back and Pillmanize her knee.

Street Profits vs. OC

Michin is here with the OC. Anderson hits a jumping knee in the corner to Ford but it’s quickly off to Dawkins for the double stomping. The spinning suplex sets up the frog splash with gallows making the save. Gallows is sent outside but he’s right back in to save Anderson again. The belly to back neckbreaker drops Dawkins but he breaks up the Magic Killer. Ford flip dives onto Gallows and it’s a Sky High/neckbreaker combination to finish Anderson at 3:10.

Rating: C. This was about getting the Street Profits back on track after they changed everything up with Bobby Lashley. That opens up some new doors for the team and it is nice to see them getting a win like this one. It’s not like the OC has anything to lose here, so let the Profits get the kind of win that they need.

Post match Bobby Lashley comes out to celebrate with the Profits.

We recap the big Bloodline blowup last week, with Jey Uso quitting WWE.

Paul Heyman doesn’t like being questioned about the Bloodline. Kayla Braxton talks about hearing ‘rumors”, so Heyman talks about RUMORS he’s heard about her family. Why not talk about Edge’s 25 years or this wannabe flash in the pan LA Knight? Heyman gets a phone call and is told that Jimmy Uso will be here next week, though he won’t share his source.

Sheamus vs. Edge

Beth Phoenix and Edge’s friends/family are in the front row. Commentary brings up the rumors of this possibly being Edge’s retirement match as Sheamus runs him over to start. We take a break and come back with Edge elbowing him in the face, setting up the Edge O Matic for two. Edge sends him to the apron and slides through the legs for a powerbomb to the floor.

Back in and a high crossbody gives Edge two more but Sheamus runs him over as well. Edge fights his way back in from the apron and hits the spear to drive Sheamus outside in a big crash. We take another break and come back with Edge being caught in a Texas Cloverleaf and dragged back away from the ropes. Edge crawls out and reverses into a Crossface, sending Sheamus to the ropes for a change.

Sheamus gets up top but gets superplexed back down, setting up the Edgecution for two. Back up and Edge gets caught on top in a super White Noise, followed by the Celtic Cross for another near fall. Sheamus fires off a bunch of forearms to the chest and the fans do not approve. Edge slaps him in the face though and nails the running clothesline. The spear is countered and Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for two. Another Brogue Kick misses and Edge spears him for two more. Edge is back with another spear for the pin at 19:04.

Rating: B. This had the big fight feel and both o them got to lay in a bunch of their stuff. If this is it for Edge, he went out with a rather good match, though it’s still hard to fathom someone as successful as him going out on a regular Smackdown. For now though, he might be going out on a high note and that’s more than a lot of people get to say. Heck of a main event here and it felt special, which is what matters most.

Edge is all emotional and gets the pyro/standing ovation. A hug with Sheamus ends the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was all about Edge and that’s what it was supposed to be. What mattered the most is that Edge looked good on a major milestone, though there wasn’t much else around here. Having a week off from the Bloodline was a nice change of pace, but it does show you just how little a lot of other things matter around here. Overall, it’s a good show, but it’s not something you need to see outside of the main event.

Austin Theory b. LA Knight – Rollup with trunks
Charlotte/Bianca Belair b. Damage CTRL – KOD to Bayley
Street Profits b. OC – Sky High/neckbreaker combination to Anderson
Edge b. Sheamus – Spear


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Daily News Update – August 18, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

Hidden Gems: Harley Race vs. Superstar Billy Graham, Papa Shango vs. Tito Santana

Heading Out? Edge Reveals Important Detail About His Match On SmackDown.


They’re Doing Well: Former WWE Tag Team Champions Reunite After Years Apart.


He Did It Again: Roman Reigns Passes Another Amazing Milestone As Champion.


Say What? Kurt Angle Offers Interesting Advice To Finn Balor Following Summerslam Loss.


WATCH: AEW’s Sting And Darby Allin Invade Independent Show And Lay Out AR Fox.


Come On In? Former WWE Stars And More Backstage At This Week’s AEW Dynamite.


Long Time: Major Update On WWE Hall Of Famer’s Legal Issues, Set For Very Long Prison Stay.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Hidden Gems: Harley Race And The Voodoo Man

Rather unique pairing this time around.


NWA World Title/WWWF Title: Harley Race vs. Billy Graham
Date: January 25, 1978
Location: Orange Bowl, Miami, Florida

Title for title and 2/3 falls. This is from the Super Bowl of Wrestling and Gorilla Monsoon/Don Curtis are guest referees. Before the match, we see a bit of a press conference with the NWA President Eddie Graham (complete with “hello, my name is” name tag) explaining the whole thing. Race and Graham both talk about how great this is going to be and want to prove themselves as the best.

They both sign and we seem to be ready to go. We also get Gordon Solie with both wrestlers, who talk about how they know they can win and become double champion. Race doesn’t seem impressed with Graham, even when he takes his shirt off. We finally go to the match, which is narrated by Solie and Curtis. I say narrated because this is a collection of highlights instead of the actual match.

Graham wins the first fall with the bearhug at about 40 minutes (two and a half shown) and Race ties it up at about 53 minutes (after about three minutes shown). Time ran out with Graham mostly done in a sleeper and both guys rather bloody. It seemed like a great match, but you can only get so much out of less than six minutes show and a lot of clipping. Also, and at least partially due to weather, the stadium was horribly empty.

Papa Shango vs. El Matador
Date: April 4, 1993
Location: Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada
Attendance: 16,891
Commentator: Jim Ross

Now this should be interesting as it is the dark match from Wrestlemania IX and Jim Ross’ first ever match in the company. I’ve heard of this match for years but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen the thing. Shango drives him into the corner to start and then chokes on the ropes for a bit. They head outside with Matador getting the better of a slugout and hitting a pretty messy high crossbody back inside. Matador cranks on the wrist but Shango tosses him over the top for a big crash.

Back in and a hard clothesline drops Matador, setting up the shot to the rather low abdomen. A dropkick of all things gives Shango two and a side slam is good for the same. Matador is right back with the flying forearm and a backdrop but another running forearm is knocked out of the way (JR: “And I’m sure Bruce will tell me exactly what it is called because I don’t know.”). Shango misses a top rope elbow though and Matador covers him for the pin at 7:39.

Rating: D. This was FAR sloppier than you would expect out of a Santana match but maybe the atmosphere messed with him a little bit. JR was the most interesting part here though and that line about Bruce made me laugh. I’m not sure what this was for, but maybe it was a practice run or something. Either way, he was doing commentary in a toga and that is all that matters.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.

Daily News Update – August 17, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

Dynamite – August 16, 2023

And Done: Superstar Officially Gone From WWE After Heavily Hinting At Departure.


Showdown: Chris Jericho Reveals How Special Match With Mike Tyson Almost Came Together.


Let’s Go? Sami Zayn Offers Medical Update On Elbow Injury.


Remember That One? WWE May Be Bringing Back Multiple Classic Events.


New Plan: Logan Paul Has An Interesting New Goal In WWE.


Slow And Steady: Injured WWE Superstar Gives Update On Her Recovery (It May Be A Bit).


WATCH: Kevin Owens Takes A Trip To The Detroit Zoo (And Has A BLAST).


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).