Daily News Update – August 13, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

NXT LVL Up – August 11, 2023

Collision – August 12, 2023

WATCH: Former WWE Star Nia Jax Reveals Return To In-Ring Training, Talks Possible WWE Return.


One More Time: 47 Year Old Former World Champion Planning To Return To The Ring After 11+ Years.


It Couldn’t Be Much Worse: 51 Year Old Wrestling Legend Reveals 2020 Stroke, “Almost Didn’t Make It”.


WATCH: CM Punk Cuts Scathing Promo On Hangman Page After AEW Collision.


RUMOR KILLER On Story Involving Jey Uso’s WWE Contract.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Collision – August 12, 2023: That’s How It Should Be

Date: August 12, 2023
Location: Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, Coliseum
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are about two weeks away from All In and the card has mostly started to come together. There are a lot of things that still need to be set up, so this week could be a mixture of new stuff plus building up what is already announced. On top of that, we also have the Trios Titles on the line with CM Punk/FTR challenging the House of Black. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Acclaimed, Christian Cage and Luchasaurus, FTR and CM Punk are all ready.

Opening sequence.

Tony Schiavone brings out Ricky Starks for a chat. Last week, Starks whipped Ricky Steamboat with a belt (which he has with him, because he’s a thief too) and as a result, he has been suspended from wrestling for thirty days. Starks doesn’t care because it had to be done. Steamboat did something wrong and had to be punished, so no it isn’t his fault. Instead, he has a manager’s license for the next thirty days because this is his house. CM Punk got the win last week but he isn’t bulletproof. Next week, the war begins.

Video on FTR vs. the Young Bucks.

Acclaimed vs. Iron Savages

Max does his rap but Bowens doesn’t have a daddy to scissor. The Savages on the other hand have Jacked Jameson with them. Bronson powers out of Bowens’ headlock so Bowens fires off some right hands in the corner. Caster comes in to hammer on Bronson before it’s off to Bounder. For some reason Caster tries a fireman’s carry, which goes rather badly. Bowens comes back in and kicks away but gets picked up, with Caster being pulled out of the air at the same time. The double drop sends us to an early break.

Back with Caster missing the top rope splash so Bowens can come back in to clean house. Boulder launches Bowens up for a faceplant though and a double spinebuster gets two. The electric chair splash is loaded up but Caster makes the save with a missile dropkick. Caster AA’s Boulder and Jameson gets Scissor Me Timbers. Stereo Fameassers finish for the Acclaimed at 8:47.

Rating: C+. The Savages are an intimidating looking power team and they made for some good opponents for the Acclaimed. With Billy Gunn gone, it would be nice to see Acclaimed getting back into the Tag Team Title hunt as it isn’t like they have anything else going on at the moment. Now can they please stop acting like Billy Gunn is dead?

Post match the Acclaimed say they’re back to being a two man team and they’ll be wrestling again on Dynamite. Gunn gets a tribute as well.

Bullet Club Gold says they’re on fire this week and the Gunns are ready to beat up the Young Bucks on Dynamite. Don’t bring superkicks to a gun fight.

Video on Adam Cole and/vs. MJF.

Mercedes Martinez/Diamante vs. Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander

Statlander gets distracted by Martinez to start but manages to kick Diamante in the head anyway. Diamante snaps off a headscissors but it’s Nightingale coming in for a quick splash. The Pounds is blocked though and we get the Paradise Lock, allowing the villains to pose before hitting the double dropkick.

We take a break and come back with Nightingale fighting her way out of trouble. A spinebuster is enough to bring Statlander back in to clean house, including dropkicks all around. Nightingale comes back in but the villains get knocked outside. With Nightingale and Statlander outside, Martinez Razor’s Edge tosses Diamante onto them (and she almost left it short).

Back in and Nightingale Pounces Martinez but gets Sliced Breaded by Diamante. Statlander hits a fisherman’s driver on Diamante but gets decked by Martinez. Nightingale sits down on a sunset flip but Martinez turns her over and gets the pin (with an assist from Diamante) at 8:45.

Rating: C+. I get why it needed to be done but it’s annoying to see Nightingale take another pin. You don’t have Statlander lose in a tag match but hopefully this sets up Martinez as a challenger. She would be someone who can give Statlander a heck of a fight and that’s exactly what she needs.

Toni Storm is glad to have Saraya in the Women’s Title match at All In because they can keep things straight. Now if the interviewer will stop messing with Storm when she’s in a vulnerable state, things will be great. Storm promises to have her escorted out and throws a shoe.

Samoa Joe vs. Andrew Everett

Joe’s ROH TV Title isn’t on the line and he hammers Everett down in the corner. There’s the enziguri but Everett tries to flip around. That doesn’t work for Joe, who chokes him out at 1:17.

Post match Joe calls out CM Punk again, this time referring to him as a coward. Joe even gave Punk the courtesy of telling him what would happen but now it is time to convince him.

All In rundown.

Here are Christian Cage and Luchasaurus for a chat. Cage calls this the biggest family reunion he has ever been a part of, as everyone in North Carolina is related. North Carolina has its fair share of second bests, like Michael Jordan compared to LeBron James and Ric Flair compared to himself. No one respects him, but the one who disrespects him the most is Darby Allin.

Now Allin already says that he is half dead inside, but if he keeps coming after Cage’s TNT Title, he’ll make up the other half. Cue Arn Anderson with his son Brock (Arn: “This is Greensboro, North Carolina, they know us around here.”) and Arn reminds Cage that Luchasaurus is the REAL champion. Cage tells him to come in here right now but Arn says if this was twenty years ago, he’d hit the spinebuster and win the title. For now though, we’ll do this instead.

TNT Title: Luchasaurus vs. Brock Anderson

Luchasaurus is defending and he wastes no time in knocking Brock to the floor. A belly to back drop puts Brock down again and we take a break. Back with Luchasaurus hitting a chokeslam and a clothesline to the back of the head for the pin at 5:22. Not enough shown to rate but it was a squash.

Post match Darby Allin runs in for the save with the skateboard. Allin threatens to do something rather painful with the skateboard and then challenges Christian for a match next week. Cage is in, so Allin promises to beat them both.

Here is Powerhouse Hobbs for a chat. Last week, an opportunity presented itself for All Out. Hobbs has not found any peace for the last few months, so he went back home and found the one thing that means something to him: The Book Of Hobbs (which he has in his hands). The next chapter is called Redemption, so he wants the Redeemer here right now. Cue Miro, but QTV jumps him on the way. Hobbs doesn’t seem to have expected them, but Miro beats them down anyway. That leaves Hobbs to hit the spinebuster on Miro and leave him laying, complete with book (at least he has something to read).

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Jim Ross comes out to call the main event.

Trios Titles: CM Punk/FTR vs. House Of Black

The House, with Julia Hart, is defending. Punk and Matthews start things off and yes the fans are split again. A headlock doesn’t get Punk very far so it’s off to Cash for a headlock takeover. That’s broken up and they get to stare at each other for a bit. Some arm cranking works a bit better so it’s off to Harwood for the snap suplex. A legdrop gets two and it’s off to King for the power.

Harwood chops away at him and adds a basement dropkick. Punk goes up top but dives over King to clothesline Murphy. It’s back to Punk vs. black and they sit down to look at each other but everything breaks down. The three way slugout takes us to a break and we come back with Black knocking Harwood down and grabbing the chinlock. Harwood fights up but it’s back to King to take care of that.

Black misses the big spinning kick to the head and the DDT plants him. Punk gets the hot tag to pick up the pace as JR gives his usual lament about the DDT not finishing anyone. Matthews slips out of the GTS so Punk drops him again, but a Hart distraction lets Black get in the crotching. King hits a heck of a Cannonball to Punk in the corner and we take another break. Back again with Punk still in trouble as Matthews grabs the chinlock. Punk fights up and hits a quick GTS, allowing the tag off to Wheeler to pick up the pace.

Everything breaks down and the House is knocked outside, leaving Wheeler to hit a big dive. Back in and King suplexes FTR down but they manage to superplex King instead. Punk’s top rope elbow gets two and we need a breather. Harwood brainbusters Matthews and black and Punk kick each other in the head to leave everyone down. A top rope headbutt hits King….but here is Samoa Joe to choke Punk out. That and a Hart distraction lets King hit a lariat to retain the titles at 26:55.

Rating: B. They didn’t have much of another option for the finish as they don’t want to change the titles and you don’t want Punk taking a fall. Joe more or less said he was going to mess with Punk and this is as good of a way as you’re going to get to cover both of those things. The action was good as well and it made for the big fight feel, so this worked as a main event.

Overall Rating: B. Rather solid show up and down here, with matches that worked, both long and short. They pushed some things towards All In and All Out and that’s exactly what they needed to do. There was nothing on here that was an instant classic or anything close to it, but this was a very nice way to spend two hours on a Saturday night.

Acclaimed b. Iron Savages – Fameasser to Bronson
Diamante/Mercedes Martinez b. Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander – Assisted sunset flip to Nightingale
Samoa Joe b. Andrew Everett – Koquina Clutch
Luchasaurus b. Brock Anderson – Clothesline to the back of the head
House Of Black b. CM Punk/FTR – Lariat to Harwood



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NXT LVL Up – August 11, 2023: There’s Some Star Power

Date: August 11, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

Last week’s show was a bit better last week and hopefully that continues this time. The show tends to be at its best when it has a mixture of some younger stars and a few established names, though you never can tell which format it is going to take. There have been some more rookies around here though so maybe that is where this is heading. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dante Chen vs. Damon Kemp

Kemp grabs a headlock to start but Chen takes him down for a quick slap. A springboard headlock takeover puts Kemp down again but he counters another springboard into a backbreaker. As Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak watch in the back, Kemp gets elbowed and punched in the face.

Another backbreaker cuts Chen off though and Kemp throws him with a t-bone suplex. The chinlock goes on before Kemp misses an elbow. Chen rams him into the buckle and strikes away, setting up a springboard chop to the head. Back up and Kemp avoids a charge and grabs a Rock Bottom, only to pull Chen into a neckbreaker for the pin at 6:12.

Rating: C. The ending was a nice pick up as that was a fairly slick neckbreaker. Other than that, Kemp looked like his usual good self and I’m glad to see him getting something of a spot on the regular NXT. Then you have Chen, who has been around LVL Up for a long time now and there is nothing to suggest that he is going to be heading anywhere else as he is about the same as he has been for a good while now.

Tavion Heights is ready to bully the bully Joe Coffey and take him to new heights.

Fallon Henley vs. Izzi Dame

They fight over a lockup to start with Henley going after the arm. A running shoulder drops Dame and a drop toehold sends her throat first into the bottom rope. Dame gets in a throat snap across the top of her own and pulls Henley out of the corner for two. The reverse chinlock with a knee in Henley’s back goes on but she’s right back up without much trouble. A quick Shining Wizard finishes Dame at 4:38.

Rating: C. Dame hasn’t exactly had much of a chance to show what she can do and that was the case again here. She seems like a basic villain but there is only so much you can do in a situation like this. At the same time, Henley has done a grand total of pretty much nothing in recent months and unfortunately I don’t quite see that changing. She’s just kind of there as a manager for the most part but she can do well enough in the ring if she is given the chance. I’m not sure I see her getting such a chance though.

Joe Coffey vs. Tavion Heights

Heights seems to win a battle over a lockup to start before twisting Coffey down by the arm. Back up and Coffey runs him over with a shoulder but Heights snaps off a hiptoss. Coffey hits a backbreaker for two and grabs the quickly broken chinlock. Heights tries to fight back and is quickly crossbodied for two. Coffey works on the arm to little avail and Heights grabs a backdrop. A suplex drops Coffey and a belly to belly gives Heights two of his own. Something like a Dominator drops Coffey for another two but he headbutts Heights into the corner. All The Best For The Bells finishes Heights at 6:23.

Rating: C. That would be the bigger name match of the show but that doesn’t mean it was the most thrilling. Heights, as well as Lucien Price, seem to be getting more of a push but losing to Coffey in a singles match isn’t going to help that along. At least it wasn’t a tag loss, so he should be ok going forward.

Overall Rating: C. This one had the format working well enough but it only got so far with the quality. The three matches we got here were all rather skippable and you can only get so much out of a show like that. It’s still the easiest show to watch all week, but it’s nothing you need to see.

Damon Kemp b. Dante Chen – Neckbreaker
Fallon Henley b. Izzi Dame – Shining Wizard
Joe Coffey b. Tavion Heights – All The Best For The Bells



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Daily News Update – August 12, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Ring Of Honor – August 10, 2023

Impact Wrestling – August 10, 2023

Smackdown – August 11, 2023

Rampage – August 11, 2023


HE DID IT! Title Changes Hands On SmackDown In Impromptu Match.


He’s Out? Jey Uso Says He’s Done With WWE On SmackDown.


Never Before: Special First Time Ever Match Set For Next Week’s SmackDown.


Beast Down: Brock Lesnar Reportedly Injured During Summerslam Match.


Warn Us Next Time: WWE Hall Of Famer’s Special Surprise Return May Have Been Spoiled.


The Next Generation: Update On WWE Planning To Sign A Former AEW Star.


One More Time? 39 Year Old Former WWE Star Has Plans For One More Feud With Close Friend.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Rampage – August 11, 2023: Fight Darby Fight

Date: August 11, 2023
Location: Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio
Commentators: Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone

All In is almost just around the corner and thankfully things have started to come together. With so much left to be set up, there are still a few things that need to be done. That isn’t likely going to be the case here but at least we should be in for a bit of push towards some announced matches. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Brian Cage vs. Darby Allin

Prince Nana is here with Cage. Allin dropkicks him into the corner to start and hits the suicide dive on the floor. Cage is right back with a hard toss into the barricade and lifts him up in a suplex….while walking up the steps to toss Allin inside. Allin gets sent hard into the corner and then does it again for a bonus.

They go back to the floor, where Allin misses a charge into the steps. Allin grabs a choke but gets sent crashing through the ringside table for a nasty landing. Back in and Allin gets sent into the corner again as we take a break. We come back with Allin hits a reverse tornado DDT for two and the flipping Stunner rocks Cage again. A powerbomb into a sitout powerbomb gives Cage two but Allin puts him down on the apron.

The Coffin Drop onto Cage on the apron leaves both of them down on the floor, followed by a Code Red for two back inside. Cage knocks him off the top though and the F10 gives us an insane spinning crash from Allin. They go up top where Allin turns a super Samoan drop into a super crucifix bomb for two. Cage tries another F10 but Allin reverses into a small package for the pin at 10:46.

Rating: B. I was getting into this one at the end, with the best thing here being that Cage didn’t do a bunch of flying stuff. Instead Cage stuck with his power game, which worked well against an opponent like Allin. Rather good opener here, as Allin’s battle against the Mogul Embassy continues.

Post match Luchasaurus comes in to go after Allin with a reverse chokeslam (I miss Eli Cottonwood).

Britt Baker is ready to face Bunny next week, even though they’re friends. She wants the title back more though and it’s time to be a bully next week.

Eddie Kingston is still in the G1 Climax Tournament and the wrestlers involved are on a different level. He wants to defend his NJPW Strong Openweight Title in AEW. Why he would be allowed back after saying “yeah New Japan is better than AEW” isn’t clear.

International Title: Johnny TV vs. Orange Cassidy

TV is challenging and Harley Cameron sings him to the ring, along with the rest of QTV. Cassidy starts with an armdrag (with hands in pockets) and a dropkick out to the floor, leaving TV rather annoyed. Cameron offers a distraction but the referee catches the rest of QTV trying to interfere. That means they’re all gone (even Cassidy approves) but here is Wheeler Yuta for a distraction. TV scores with the Flying Chuck for two and we take a break.

Back with Yuta on commentary (who thankfully points out that Cassidy mentored Yuta) as TV hits a knee to tie Cassidy up in the ropes. A neckbreaker takes Cassidy down but TV misses the Superstation (Starship Pain) so they go up top, with a super Spanish Fly broken up. Cassidy hits the tornado DDT into the Orange Punch. The Beach Break retains the title at 9:34.

Rating: C+. This was a better title win for Cassidy, as he felt like he beat someone with more value. Beating a bunch of challengers is fine, but at some point you need to beat a more established name. TV might not be what he was before, but he’s a bigger star than some (not all) of the people Cassidy has retained against. Good match too and I liked it more than I was expecting.

Post match Yuta teases coming to the ring and Cassidy tells him to do it faster. Cue the Blackpool Combat Club to surround the ring, but Yuta says hold on. Yuta wants the International Title next week instead.

Video no the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles.

Aussie Open vs. Outrunners

The Aussies’ Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles aren’t on the line. House is cleaned before the bell and the Aussies ram them together on the floor. Back in and the double standing clothesline sets up Coriolis to finish Floyd at 2:11. Well that worked.

Post match the Aussies say they don’t like England but they’re in for the Zero Hour title defense against MJF/Adam Cole at All In.

Jeff Jarrett announces a cross promotional match on Dynamite between Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy….in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre deathmatch? I get that it’s a video game tie in, but that’s a weird pairing to choose.

Video on the Women’s Title four way at All In which is being set up with this rather unnecessary tournament.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Women’s Title #1 Tournament First Round: Saraya vs. Skye Blue

The Outcasts are here with Saraya. They trade rollups to start until Blue hits a crossbody for two. Blue sends her outside and kicks Toni Storm in the chest but gets pulled down by Saraya. We take a break and come back with Blue trying to fight out of a chinlock and getting pulled back down by the hair.

Skyfall is broken up so Blue settles for a rollup for two. A superkick gives Saraya two and then ties up the legs. Blue finally makes the rope and grabs Code Blue but Storm has the referee. Ruby Soho gets in the spray paint and Saraya hits whatever she used to call the Rampaige (sounded like Excalibur called it Goodnight) for the pin at 9:22.

Rating: C. Not too bad here but the spray paint finish is getting old fast. Saraya going on to All In in England makes perfect sense but it was nice to have her facing Blue, who is someone you could see moving on as well. That’s a smart bonus to have and it worked well enough here. Just find a different way for Saraya, or any of the Outcasts, to win.

The beatdown on Blue ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The opener was good but the rest of the show didn’t exactly scream interesting. Cassidy vs. Yuta being set up is a good thing but other than that, it was just supplementing things that were already there. That being said, it’s an hour long show that absolutely flew by so it’s hard to get too mad. There is enough going on with AEW at the moment so not dragging it down with this show is a good thing.

Darby Allin b. Brain Cage – Small package
Orange Cassidy b. Johnny TV – Beach Break
Aussie Open b. Outrunners – Coriolis to Floyd
Saraya b. Skye Blue – Goodnight



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Smackdown – August 11, 2023: And He’s Out

Date: August 11, 2023
Location: Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We’re done with Summerslam and the big story is those battling Usos again, as Jimmy returned and cost Jey the World Title against Roman Reigns. That is likely going to set up more than a few issues down the line, but for now we have less than a month to go before Payback. Let’s get to it.

Here is Summerslam if you need a recap.

Long recap of the Women’s Title situation at Summerslam, with Bianca Belair winning the title and Iyo Sky cashing in Money In The Bank on her to win the title immediately after.

Asuka vs. Charlotte

They trade shoulders to start with Asuka getting the better of things and kicking away. Charlotte pops back up but gets missile dropkicked back down, allowing Asuka to kick her in the head for two. We take a break and come back with Charlotte diving off the apron to take her down, followed by the spear. The Figure Four is loaded up but cue Damage CTRL to interrupt. The distraction lets Asuka get in a kick to the head and Bayley’s distraction lets Asuka hit a Codebreaker. Then Sky missile dropkicks them both for the no contest at 9:15.

Rating: C+. What are you supposed to do with a nine minute match that had a good portion of it in a commercial? The match was the usual nice stuff between these two but this was about the ending rather than anything else. At least Charlotte didn’t beat Asuka again, as that has happened enough for a few careers.

Post match Damage CTRL celebrates.

We look at Jimmy Uso returning to cost Jey Uso the World Title.

Video on Santos Escobar vs. Austin Theory.

Escobar is ready to win the US Title but here is Theory to jump him from behind. Theory slams an anvil case on his leg and the LWO makes the save.

Video on Karrion Kross, who wants to hurt AJ Styles and teases gaining disciples.

AJ Styles vs. Karrion Kross

Michin and Scarlett are here too. Styles starts fast and ties up the leg but Kross is back up with a backdrop. Kross sends him hard into the corner but Styles slips out of a superplex. A clothesline puts Kross on the floor but he’s fine enough to drop Styles on the announcers’ table as we take a break.

Back with Styles firing away but the Phenomenal Forearm is countered into the Krossjacket choke. That’s broken up and Styles hits the moonsault into a not so great reverse DDT. The springboard 450 connects but Scarlett puts the foo ton the rope. Michin goes after her and gets dropped, only to pop back up and pull Scarlett over the announcers’ table. The distraction lets Styles hit the Styles Clash to finish Kross at 9:52.

Rating: B-. This started to rock at the end, though having Kross lose when he had promised people coming to help him was a little weird. Styles winning felt like the end of the feud but if Kross has people coming, that would suggest it is going to keep coming. For now though, at least they had the best match they’ve had so far.

Video on Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar.

Here is Edge in a surprise. Edge knows he has his big moment in Toronto next week, but he wanted to be here in Calgary as well. He wants to have a match next week though, and he wants that to be against Sheamus. What you might not know is that Sheamus is the reason he is here again.

Sheamus is the one who lit the fire under him because they were on his Celtic Warrior Workouts together. Edge got Sheamus onto a mountain bike and Sheamus looked like a goof, but Edge fell off his own bike. He was fine enough off the crash, so he wondered why he couldn’t wrestle again. Then he called Sheamus to find out if he was ready to come back so he and Sheamus trained together and became family. So now he needs an answer, so here are the Brawling Brutes.

We see the footage of Edge falling off the bike and getting banged up. Edge puts up a picture of Sheamus sitting on a children’s bike, with Sheamus saying Edge has a weird chin. Sheamus talks about working at a bar in 2004 where he met Edge, who was the only wrestler to give him the time of day. Edge issues the challenge again, even offering post match alcohol. Sheamus agrees, but hopes Edge isn’t making a mistake. For a quick story behind a match between two people who are clearly friends, this was as good as it was going to get.

Happy 70th Birthday Hulk Hogan. Yeah you have to mention that.

Top Dolla vs. LA Knight

Ashante Thee Adonis and B Fab are here with Dolla, who chokes on the rope to start. Knight flips out o a Death Valley Driver though and hammers away. Adonis is dropped with a right hand and the spelling elbow sets up the BFT to give Knight the pin at 2:00.

Post match Knight says it doesn’t matter where he goes because everyone knows it and everyone says his name.

Santos Escobar is officially cleared but he can bare walk out of the trainer’s room.

Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits are having a drink, with Lashley saying he sees talent in them. He won’t call it untapped potential but now it’s time to see what they can do. The sky is the limit for them and Smackdown is ready to see some new people run this place.

US Title: Santos Escobar vs. Austin Theory

Theory is defending and Escobar is badly limping. Cue Theory during Escobar’s entrance to take the knee out again and then says he can’t defend the title against Escobar. We have a replacement though and let’s do this instead.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Austin Theory

Theory is still defending and gets hammered to the floor before the bell. Rey dives off the apron to take him down and we take a break. Back with the match joined in progress and Rey getting to the top for the seated senton. A sunset bomb sends Theory into the corner for two and Rey scores with an enziguri. The 619 to the back staggers Theory but the regular version is caught. A Town Down doesn’t work due to Theory’s back and it’s the 619 into the springboard splash to give Rey the pin and the title at 2:39.

Post match Mysterio celebrates, including with the LWO.

Here is the Bloodline so Jimmy Uso can acknowledge Roman Reigns. There’s no Jimmy though, and Reigns asks Paul Heyman where he is. Heyman says he spoke to Jimmy this morning and Jimmy was very salty. Cue Jimmy through the crowd and Reigns tells him not to listen to the fans. Reigns says he owes Jimmy one so name whatever he wants. New care? Yacht? Jet? DONE! Heyman doesn’t seem sure, but Jimmy says he doesn’t want anything from Reigns.

Summerslam had nothing to do with Reigns, which has Reigns thinking means Jimmy wants power instead. If he wants to be the new right hand man….and here is Jey Uso to interrupt. The angry Jey demands to know why Jimmy did it, with Jimmy saying it was because of his love for Jey (that makes Roman laugh). If Jey won, what happens to the Usos? If Jey won, he would become the Tribal Chief and that would have made him just as corrupt.

Jimmy wasn’t going to let him turn into something terrible like Roman and understands if Jey is done with him. He closes his eyes and waits for the superkick but Jimmy walks away instead. Reigns cracks up laughing and says Jey is going to screw this up by being a hothead. This is about acknowledging him, but Jey superkicks Reigns.

Sikoa goes after Jey but gets superkicked, allowing Reigns to hit the Superman Punch. Reigns’ spear is cut off by a superkick and Jey hits the spear before….superkicking Jimmy in the aisle. Jey says he’s out of Bloodline, Smackdown and WWE. Jey: “Deuces Uces.” Well that’s…certainly a thing. I’m not sure what kind of a thing it was but it did happen. I can go for Jimmy not being the big bad villain and setting up a blood feud against Jey, but Reigns was kind of right about laughing at Jimmy’s lame explanation. It’s better than it could have been, but they need to find something fresh besides these same people over and over.

Overall Rating: B-. This was kind of a weird show as other than the title change, a lot of it felt like things were continuing on from Summerslam. Styles vs. Kross seems to be continuing, Knight gets a little win and the Women’s Title picture is still featuring a bunch of the same people. Edge is back for a likely one off match next week and the Bloodline…well it’s still going. I’m curious about some of these things, but they’re going to need to do something to spice it up a bit sooner than later.

Charlotte vs. Asuka went to a no contest when Iyo Sky interfered
AJ Styles b. Karrion Kross – Styles Clash
LA Knight b. Top Dolla – BFT
Rey Mysterio b. Austin Theory – Springboard splash



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Impact Wrestling – August 10, 2023: Keep It Going

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 10, 2023
Location: Cicero Stadium, Cicero, Illinois
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re still on the way to Emergence and the card is starting to come together. That being said, we also have Multiverse United coming up in less than two weeks and that card could use some build of its own. Other than that, we have a new monster heel group, though Lio Rush might not be all in. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Tag Team #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Rich Swann/Sami Callihan vs. Bullet Club

Bey takes Swann into the corner to start so Austin can hit a running kick in the corner. Swann gets over to Sami for the tag though and it’s the shoulder breaker into a kick to Austin’s head. Bey is kicked down and the Cactus Driver drops Austin on the apron as the Club is in early trouble.

Bey gets in a shot of his own to put Callihan down and we take a break. Back with Swann being knocked to the floor but Bey’s clothesline hits post. The tag brings Callihan in for a Death Valley Driver before it’s already back to Swann. Bey’s brainbuster is escaped and Austin kicks Bey in the head by mistake.

That doesn’t seem to matter as Swann is sent outside for a double superkick to Callihan. 1-2-Sweet gets two with Swann making a diving save. Austin hits a spinning kick to Callihan’s head and adds a double stomp but cue the Good Hands to break up the cover. Austin gets dropped by Skyler and Callihan (who didn’t see Skyler) hits the Cactus Driver for the pin at 15:16.

Rating: B-. Nice match here, though Austin being fine after a Cactus Driver on the apron was the required eye roll inducing spot. Other than that, this already makes things equal to or even more interesting than anything WWE has had in its tag division in a few months. There are actual teams having issues and a story here, which is more than a lot of places have to offer. Good action too and that makes for a solid opener.

Santino Marella is in the back when the Coven comes in to interrupt (Wilde: “Just the muggle we’re looking for.”). They want the next shot at the Knockouts Tag Team Titles, but here are the Death Dollz to say they want the shot instead. Reasons of “we’re awesome” don’t convince him, so they have a huddle. Santino joins the huddle, and suggests listing off some of their previous wins. Jessicka lists them off, in a Santino accent, and Santino thinks about it. Cue MK Ultra, to say they’ll take them all. This was hilarious.

Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Dirty Dango

Alpha Bravo is here with Dango. Gujjar takes him into the corner to start but Dango elbows him in the face. Some knees to the back set up a chinlock but Gujjar fights up and gets two off a spinebuster. Bravo breaks up the Gargoyle Spear though and Dango hits a reverse layout DDT for the pin at 3:54.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go very far but it’s good to see Dango getting some wins. I’m not sure how well he fits with Bravo, but at least Dango has a goon with him, which feels rather appropriate. Other than that, Gujjar continues to be a person who exists and not much more, which is kind of a shame as he isn’t bad.

Post match Dango insults the fans until Jake Something interrupts. Something doesn’t like hearing how much Dango hates wrestling so he can get out of here He threatens to make Dango leave but it doesn’t get that far, as Dango leaves on his own. Dango tries a cheap shot and is quickly knocked outside.

The Design talks about Eric Young running off for greener pastures and then coming back. Deaner is NOT a failure and Young will be destroyed.

Johnny Swinger thinks Simon Diamond is back but gets interrupted by Kenny King and Sheldon Jean. King says Swinger is old and talks about how being the Digital Medical Champion means more than being the World Champion. Swinger: “What’s the internet daddy?”

Alisha Edwards vs. Jody Threat

Eddie Edwards is here with Alisha. Threat forearms away to start but gets caught in the ropes for a pull down by the hair. Edwards chokes away on the ropes as Eddie gets in some quality yelling. Threat fights up but Eddie trips her down, only to have Frankie Kazarian jump him from behind. The distraction lets Threat hit Pop Shove It (I think? It’s an F5.) for the pin at 4:38.

Rating: C. Not much to this one as Edwards is still gearing up for her showdown with Traci Brooks. Other than that, it was Threat getting another win to continue boosting her up, as she is starting to feel like one of the gang around here. Other than that, this was another step in Eddie vs. Kazarian and not much more.

Post match Kazarian pulls back the kendo stick to hit Eddie but hits Alisha on the back swing by mistake. Alisha goes straight to the mat like she’s been shot.

Deonna Purrazzo wants KiLynn King next week.

Mike Bailey vs. Kushida

Kushida drops to the mat and tries to pull Bailey down before settling for a wristdrag. A kick to the chest drops Bailey again but the fans are split. The bouncing kicks don’t do much to Kushida, who sends Bailey outside. Back in and we hit the surfboard to keep Bailey in trouble a bit longer. They chop it out until Bailey is knocked outside for a shoulder first ram into the post.

We take a break and come back with Kushida tying up the legs and cranking away with an Indian deathlock (with commentary pointing out that since Kushida had taken out the arm, Bailey would start using his legs so Kushida is staying ahead of him). Back up and the leg is fine enough to hit a springboard moonsault (of course), only to miss something off the top.

Bailey strikes him down and tries the standing moonsault but gets caught in an armbar. That’s reversed into a cross armbreaker but Kushida makes the rope. Bailey kicks him in the face so Kushida hits him in his, only to have Bailey knee him in the face for two. The tornado kick looks to set up the Ultimate Weapon but Kushida pulls him down and hits Back To The Future for the pin at 17:55.

Rating: B. This is one of those setups where you know it is going to be at least good give all of the circumstances. That being said, Bailey’s knee nonsense continues as Kushida worked it over and then bailey was right back up with the springboard moonsault. Other than that, Kushida seems to be on the road to an X-Division Title showdown and that should be very good whenever it happens.

Crazzy Steve has a sitdown interview with Matthew Rehwoldt, with Steve saying he needs his help. Steve has been trying to get Havok and Rosemary back, but now everyone, including Black Taurus, is turning their backs on him. That is normal for him as he has been abandoned before, including his vision, as he is legally blind. He’s been doing this for 21 years and you can imagine what that kind of pressure his bad vision puts on him. When asked about family, Steve says that’s a very interesting story and more on that later. This was surprisingly interesting and I could go for a part two.

We look at Subculture defending the Tag Team Titles in the UK.

Subculture has their eyes on the #1 contenders tournament.

Joe Hendry pops up behind two fans, but they were actually summoning Yuya Uemura, complete with his own song. Hendry wants an explanation and they seem to like the idea of winning the Tag Team Titles together.

Team 3D will be back at Impact 1000. Cool.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Moose/Brian Myers/Bully Ray vs. Black Taurus/Laredo Kid/Samuray del Sol

Hold on though as we cut to the back where del Sol (better known as Kalisto) has been attacked by Lio Rush. We take a break and start the match 3-2, with Myers teasing a test of strength with Taurus, only to grab a headlock instead. Taurus runs him over instead so it’s off to Moose vs. Kid, with the latter headscissoring him to the floor. Back in and Taurus shoulders Ray down but Myers pulls Ray to safety as we take a break.

We come back with Taurus having to fight away from Ray and handing it back to Kid. A tornado DDT plants Moose and there’s a hurricanrana to Ray. Back up and Ray takes Kid down though, allowing Myers to stomp away. Ray goes for Kid’s mask….and PCO is back. Moose is tossed outside and Myers gets crushed with a flip dive, leaving Ray to get chased to the back. Kid frog splashes Myers for a VERY slow two, allowing Moose to take Taurus down. Myers hits the Roster Cut to finish Kid at 16:38.

Rating: C+. Kid and Taurus looked awesome here and it was nice to have the two of them get this much shine. At the end of the day, the villains had to win here before their big eight man tag at Emergence. Other than that, it wasn’t exactly a great match but they kept it moving well enough to hold my interest, so well done.

Post match Ray runs through the back and steals a car. PCO gets to said car but Ray speeds off, leaving PCO screaming to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The wrestling was good enough to carry the show here, even if they’re in a weird time as Emergence is coming but is only so big of a show. The whole thing isn’t looking like the biggest even in the world but after that we are on the road to Bound for Glory. For now they need to make the best out of their limited possibilities and it went well enough this week.

Sami Callihan/Rich Swann b. Bullet Club – Cactus Driver 97 to Austin
Dirty Dango b. Bhupinder Gujjar – Reverse layout DDT
Jody Threat b. Alisha Edwards – Pop Shove It
Kushida b. Mike Bailey – Back To The Future
Brian Myers/Moose/Bully Ray b. Black Taurus/Laredo Kid – Roster cut to Kid



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Ring Of Honor – August 10, 2023: I Am So Bored

Ring Of Honor
Date: August 10, 2023
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re down south for a change and this time around we have another #1 contender to crown. Gravity vs. Shane Taylor is set for a future TV Title shot against Samoa Joe and that should make for a nice showdown. Other than that, Maria Kanellis-Bennett is lurking around various stars. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dalton Castle vs. Slim J

Castle doesn’t have the Boys with him, but rather the Baby Chucks for a change. J gets tossed down rather quickly but he manages an anklescissors into a dropkick. Some right hands send J to the corner, only to have him come back with a middle rope spinning kick to the head. J hammers away but springboards into a failed Bang A Rang attempt. Instead Castle is back with some suplexes into the Bang A Rang for the pin at 4:50.

Rating: C. Castle’s road back to the TV Title continues and that could make for an interesting situation. While Joe has already beaten Castle, there is something about Castle that makes him feel like a viable challenger. I could still go for him being the one to dethrone Joe, though we are still a pretty long way off from that.

Tony Nese and Mark Sterling say there is an obesity epidemic here, so tonight his match against Pat Buck is off. Instead: GROUP TRAINING.

Iron Savages vs. Lucky Ali/Brady Pearce

Jacked Jameson is here with the Savages. Bronson powers him into the corner to start but gets caught with a jawbreaker to the back of the head. With that not working, Jameson throws in the Savage Sauce. After a drink, Bronson wrecks Ali and hands it off to Boulder for the house cleaning. A blind tag doesn’t work for Pearce as Boulder slams both of them at once. The electric chair splash finishes Ali at 3:14.

Rating: C. Total squash here and the Savages are the kind of team that can be fun to watch most of the time. There is something about a power team like that and having Jameson as the hype man helps. They go with the over the top stuff and it is something that will work a lot more often than not.

The Infantry vs. Zicky Dice/Movie Myk

Myk (with one of the worst ring names I’ve ever heard) grabs Dean’s arm to start but Dean snaps off some armdrags. Bravo comes in and gets driven into the corner, where Dice misses a charge. The diving tag brings Dean back in to hammer away, setting up Boot Camp (running big boot/Russian legsweep combination) to finish Myk at 3:27.

Rating: C-. Nothing great here but I do like trying something with the Infantry. It’s not that they’re some awesome team, but the tag division can use some fresh blood. The Infantry has been treated as losers for such a long time that they need some wins like this to reestablish themselves. They have a long way to go, but at least they’re starting somewhere.

Leyla Hirsch wants a shot at Athena but here is Maria Kanellis-Bennett to interrupt. She thinks Leyla needs some more confidence. Maria will be watching Leyla’s match tonight.

Lee Moriarty vs. Andrew Everett

Everett does this weird gimmick where he’s an average (or below average) sized guy but thinks he’s a giant, down to wearing The Giant’s style gear. Everett flips away to start and hits a dropkick but Moriarty ties him in the ropes and hammers away. Moriarty stomps on the arm but Everett is right back with a Falcon Arrow for two. A shooting star press misses for Everett though and a spinning faceplant sets up the Border City Stretch for the tap at 4:57.

Rating: C-. Not much to this one as Everett’s giant thing never played a factor and it made for little more than a pretty generic match. Moriarty doesn’t have Big Bill anymore and needs something to do. He has the skill on his own, but that wasn’t on display here. Just kind of a nothing match, though at least they’re trying something with Moriarty.

Pat Buck vs. Tony Nese

Mark Sterling is here with Nese, who does his “you’re fat and stupid so let’s do group training” stuff before the match. Buck takes him down by the leg to start and snaps it around but Nese stops for some pushups. Back up and Sterling offers a distraction, allowing Nese to hit a clothesline for one. The springboard moonsault lands on Buck as he rolls away, so Nese tries it again and this time Buck misses, allowing Buck to get two (nice job on keeping things going off the botch). A Sterling distraction lets Nese knock Buck into the corner though and the Running Nese finishes Buck at 5:51.

Rating: C+. Best match on the show so far, though it’s still just Nese with his rather dull “you’re all fat” stuff. Nese hasn’t meant anything in Ring Of Honor yet and I can’t imagine this stuff he’s been doing for weeks now has much in the way of legs. Maybe they have an upgrade coming for it, but for now, it isn’t quite feeling important.

The Workhorsemen know they’re great but want more. The Gates of Agony come in, with Prince Nana saying if the Workhorsemen beat them, they can have a Six Man Tag Team Title shot.

Athena vs. Rachael Ellering

Non-title Proving Ground match, so if Ellering wins or survives the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Ellering grabs a sunset flip for two to start before avoiding a charge. A backsplash hits Athena for two but she’s back with some hard forearms. Athena knocks her out to the floor for a ram into the announcers’ table, followed by a cravate back inside. Ellering fights up and hits a Sling Blade, followed by a big swinging Boss Man Slam for two. Athena pulls her off the top though and a Shining Wizard sets up the O Face for the pin at 7:02.

Rating: C+. Ellering was more competitive than most of the women Athena faces in these things but ultimately it was the same thing again. At some point it would be nice if she had someone give her a real sweat or even survived the time limit, but I guess we’re too far away from another pay per view for that. Decent match here, though Athena has done the same thing so many times now that it’s losing its luster.

Workhorsemen vs. Gates Of Agony

Prince Nana is here with the Gates. Kaun runs Henry over to start so Henry hits a dropkick for no avail. Toa comes in for a power off with Drake but can’t get anywhere. It’s back to Henry, who gets run over without much trouble. Some chops don’t do much to Kaun as Henry is knocked outside, where the Workhorsemen get sent into various objects. Back in and Kaun hits an Irish Curse for two on Henry but Toa misses a backsplash.

A missed charge allows the diving tag to Drake so house can be cleaned. Drake hits a neckbreaker into a backsplash on Toa, followed by Kaun being clotheslined to the floor. Drake’s dive in the general direction of the Gates grazes Toa enough that Henry can frog splash Kaun for two. A superkick into a top rope backsplash gets two on Kaun as he gets a foot on the rope. Drake’s moonsault misses though and Open The Gates finishes him off at 10:42.

Rating: B-. Best match on the show so far and the Workhorsemen were working hard here. At the same time though, the Workhorsemen lose again and the Gates win again. Just like Athena, at some point this stuff doesn’t have much of an impact as they do the same stuff week after week.

Cole Karter thinks Maria Kanellis-Bennett liked his match last week. She comes in to say we’ll see how he does this week.

Leyla Hirsch vs. Angelica Risk

Hirsch throws her around to start as Maria Kanellis-Bennett comes out to watch. Risk reverses a suplex into a small package for two but misses a middle rope dropkick. A cross armbreaker makes Risk tap at 2:25.

Athena doesn’t like being asked if she is the face of Ring Of Honor, when there shouldn’t be any question about it. She is all the champions and takes Lexi Nair with her to find more competition.

Cole Karter vs. Rhett Titus

Titus takes him down for an early armbar before hitting a monkey flip for one. The dropkick misses though, allowing Karter to hit a dropkick of his own. Cue Maria Kanellis-Bennett to watch again as Karter grabs a chinlock. Titus is back up with a backbreaker and a hard clothesline, setting up the dropkick for two. Karter pops back up with the backbreaker spun into the DDT for the pin at 4:05.

Rating: C-. This was another not so interesting match as they just kind of did stuff until Karter got the pin. Karter is another generic heel who doesn’t have anything to make him stand out other than Maria looking at him. At the same time you have Titus, who feels like he’s just here for the sake of tying this Ring Of Honor back to the original while losing all the time. In other words, nothing to see here.

Robyn Renegade vs. Billie Starkz

Charlotte is here with Robyn. Starkz starts fast but Charlotte shoves her off the top for a big crash. Robyn hits a running knee in the corner and a snapmare gets one. We hit the fishhook camel clutch but Starkz gets out and punches her way out of the corner. A Gory Bomb gives Starkz two but Robyn faceplants her for two. Starkz sends Robyn outside and hits a dive onto both of them, setting up a Swanton for the pin at 5:29.

Rating: C. They built up the Renegades for a few weeks for the sake of having Robyn lose to Billie Starkz, who is interesting because she’s young. That’s certainly a choice and not the one that I would have made, but for some reason Starkz is supposed to be a big deal. Robyn looked solid as usual, but so much for that at the moment.

Post match the Renegades beat her down until Athena of all people makes the save. Athena actually lets Starkz go. So Starkz over the Renegades. Sure.

Josh Woods wants to be treated as a real fighter, so Mark Sterling gets him a match with Silas Young next week.

TV Title #1 Contenders Tournament Final: Shane Taylor vs. Gravity

Gravity’s monkey flip is blocked and Taylor powers him down without much effort. A hard lariat gives Taylor two and the neck crank goes on. Taylor hits a slam and mocks the slow Gravity walk, meaning he misses a legdrop. Taylor’s suplex is countered into a small package for two but he release Rock Bottoms Gravity out of the corner. Gravity breaks up a middle rope splash and hits a super Samoan drop. The top rope splash misses though and Taylor hits the Marcus Garvey Driver for the pin at 5:29.

Rating: C. Another decent match here, but what matters here is they went with the right ending instead of setting up Gravity vs. Samoa Joe II. Taylor was a nice surprise and could set up a heck of a hoss fight, which is better than seeing Gravity get squashed again. The match wasn’t much, but what were they supposed to do with five minutes?

Overall Rating: C. This was one of the least interesting wrestling shows I have seen in a long time. The best match was just pretty good and the rest of the show was either a group of squashes or the same people doing the same things that we’ve seen over and over. Ring Of Honor really needs to give me a reason to care about some of these people, or at least do SOMETHING other than “and then this person has a match and then this person has a match”. The wrestling quality is fine, but my goodness do anything to make it more interesting.

Dalton Castle b. Slim J – Bang A Rang
Iron Savages b. Lucky Ali/Brady Pearce – Electric chair splash to Ali
The Infantry b. Movie Myk/Zicky Dice – Boot Camp to Myk
Lee Moriarty b. Andrew Everett – Border City Stretch
Tony Nese b. Pat Buck – Running Nese
Athena b. Rachael Ellering – O Face
Gates of Agony b. Workhorsemen – Open The Gates to Drake
Leyla Hirsch b. Angelica Risk – Cross armbreaker
Cole Karter b. Rhett Titus – Backbreaker spun into a DDT
Billie Starkz b. Robyn Renegade – Swanton
Shane Taylor b. Gravity – Marcus Garvey Driver



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Some of the comments are being sent into the spam filter again.  I’m keeping an eye on it but if your comment doesn’t show up for some reason, please bear with me for a bit as it went through.  I’ll just need to find them elsewhere.



Daily News Update – August 11, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

Smackdown – May 30, 2008


They Did It: AEW All In Breaks Another All Time Record.


One More Time: Legendary Tag Team Reuniting For The First Time In Seven Years.


Getting Better: Injured 51 Year Old WWE Superstar Teases Possible Return To The Ring.


WATCH: Brock Lesnar On Stage At Zack Bryan Concert.


Big Step: Important Update On Bray Wyatt’s WWE Return, New Detail On His Health Issue.


No More Twice? The WWE Contracts Of Two Former Champions Do Not Have Long Left, Future Unknown.


VIDEO: Go Behind The Scenes Of WWE Summerslam.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).