Daily News Update – June 7, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

NXT – June 6, 2023

Not So Fast: How Vince McMahon Shot Down Undertaker’s WrestleMania Wishes.


Yes Him: WWE Reportedly Impressed By Superstar’s Recent Work.


That’s Why: Details On Why WWE Sent Main Roster Stars Down To NXT.


Another: Monday Night Raw Star Makes Surprise Appearance On NXT, Gets In A Match.


Homecoming: Former World Champion Returns To The Ring For The First Time In 10+ Years.


Team Up? Roman Reigns And Current AEW Champion Reportedly Appearing Together In Upcoming Film.


WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Planning Huge Push For Monday Night Raw Star, Big Plans.


Not So Fast? Injury Update After Attack On Monday Night Raw.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

NXT – June 6, 2023: New And Improved?

Date: June 6, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

The main roster has come to invade NXT as Baron Corbin and Mustafa Ali both showed up here last week. That is something that should have some value for NXT, as it’s not like the two of them were doing anything on Raw and/or Smackdown. If they can make things better around here then good for them. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Baron Corbin arrives in the back and says hit his music. The production assistant isn’t arguing so here is Corbin in the arena. Corbin talks about how he never thought he would be back here because he got the call and never looked back. Now NXT wrestlers come up and play on their phones, acting like they belong there. Back here, you have stars acting like they’re owed something when people like Corbin, who came from FCW, got things ready for them. He blames the NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes, who got a taste of main roster reality last week.

Cue Ilja Dragunov to interrupt, saying he isn’t soft and after Battleground, he’s the #1 contender to the NXT Title. Corbin calls this NXT arrogance but Dragunov doesn’t care about what Corbin has done. Dragunov wants the title to be the best rather than proving something. Corbin can make assumptions, but Dragunov makes challenges. The challenge is on and Corbin promises to hurt Dragunov. With Dragunov gone, cue Trick Williams to jump Corbin and chase him off. Having Dragunov standing up for NXT makes him feel like a star, which is only going to be good for everyone.

Thea Hail is very sore after training with Charlie Dempsey as she runs into Duke Hudson. Dempsey shouts that he wants more effort tomorrow, with Hail’s shouts back at him worrying Hudson a bit. Hail demonstrates a quick wristlock and Hudson seems to think they’ve created a monster.

During the break, Bron Breakker jumped Ilja Dragunov.

Schism vs. Diamond Mine

That would be Ava/the Dyad for Schism. Julius and Fowler start things off with the former working on an armbar. It’s off to Reid, who gets wrestled down so Brutus can come in for some armbarring of his own. Julius comes back in and, with both of them on the mat, lifts Reid up into a delayed vertical suplex, with reps, before dropping him down.

Ava tags herself in so Nile has to join her, but Fowler and Brutus are right back in. Brutus slams him down and hits a standing moonsault as the Mine clears the ring. We take a break and come back with Brutus fighting out of a chinlock but getting knocked into the corner. Ava even gets in a cheap shot but Brutus powers up.

The hot tag brings in Julius for his string of suplexes and nipups (that’s just impressive) before a double suplex drops the Dyad. A string of clotheslines leaves only the women standing so they come in for a slugout. Reid has to break up the Diamond Chain Lock and gets choked out for his efforts. The distraction lets Ava get in a shot with the mask to pin Nile at 13:24.

Rating: C+. What mattered here was getting another showcase for the Creeds, who still feel like they’re the best team in NXT by a fairly wide margin. At the same time, it doesn’t exactly seem like Ava is ready for anything that complicated and they did a nice job of protecting her limitations here. Getting her feet wet is a good thing though and this was a nice baby step for her in her first match on regular TV.

Stacks visits Tony D’Angelo in prison, who gets to watch Peacock here but wants to know who squealed on him. Tony thinks it was Gallus and tells Stacks to figure something out.

Mr. Stone and Von Wagner have had troubles finding the right therapist until Wagner finds a rather attractive blonde one. He’ll go in alone.

Dani Palmer vs. Blair Davenport

Palmer tries an anklescissors out of the corner and gets dropped down onto her face for her efforts. Davenport hits a gutbuster before wrestling Palmer down into a waistlock. Some knees to the face give Palmer two but Davenport gives her a much harder knee. A Falcon Arrow finishes Palmer at 3:01.

Rating: C. This was just a quick destruction to give Davenport an official in-ring appearance. She wrecked Palmer here, despite Palmer getting in a shot or two of her own. I don’t think anyone was expecting Palmer to be the dragon slayer here, as Davenport very well could be a big time villain for a good while to come. She certainly has done some damage so far, putting her off to a strong start.

Dana Brooke is here and enters herself in the battle royal to crown a new #1 contender to Tiffany Stratton.

Stratton isn’t surprised that Brooke wants in and thinks Lyra Valkyria is the only possible winner.

Baron Corbin vs. Trick Williams

Corbin sends him into the corner to start and hits a running clothesline to the back of the head. Some shots to the ribs keep Williams in trouble and Corbin sends him flying. Williams gets in a quick shot of his own though and Corbin is on the floor as we take a break. Back with Williams fighting out of a chinlock and sending Corbin outside. Corbin is fine enough to avoid a running knee against the announcers’ table and Williams is down again.

We hit the half crab back inside, with Williams making it over to the ropes. The knee is fine enough for a dropkick and a running neckbreaker gives Williams two. There’s a kick to Corbin’s head but he is right back with Deep Six for two of his own. Corbin cuts of a comeback by going after the knee again, setting up End Of Days for the pin at 11:26.

Rating: C. Perfectly acceptable match here as Williams was trying but ultimately came up short against a much more accomplished star. Corbin might be a bit of a joke on the main roster but he can be a force when he is working his power style. Williams’ progress continues to impress me, as he looks very comfortable in the ring no matter what he is doing. There are a lot of wrestlers who cannot say that so well done.

Post match, Corbin says he’ll be here next week if Ilja Dragunov is ready.

Nathan Frazer is back with his Hard Hitting Home Truths talk show, where he recaps Battleground and says he isn’t happy with Noam Dar. Dragon Lee is brought in as his new correspondent with a list of slightly humorous names for Dar’s new group. Frazer gets to the point by challenging Dar for the Heritage Cup next week.

Mustafa Ali says he is a free agent and can write his own story in NXT. He’s here to win a title when Wes Lee interrupts. Ali doesn’t want to be handed an opportunity and is ready to start earning it against Joe Gacy tonight. Everything appears to be cool here.

Mustafa Ali vs. Joe Gacy

No seconds here for Gacy, who turns Ali inside out with an early clothesline. Ali’s springboard is shoved away and his face slams into the apron for an early two. Back in and a release Rock Bottom sets up a DDT for two on Ali but he’s right back with the rolling neckbreaker. A superplex is loaded up but Ali reverses into a sunset bomb. The 450 finishes Gacy at 3:12.

Rating: C. The bottom might be dropping out for Gacy soon and that could be a rather nice thing to see. The rest of Schism has never been the big problem so if NXT is thinking about a switch on top, things might actually be looking up for the team. For now though, Ali got a nice win and establishes himself a bit around here, which is something that he needed to do in a hurry. Not bad here, but they only had so much time.

Post match the Dyad runs in for the beatdown but Wes Lee and Tyler Bate make the save.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen give Fallon Henley a pep talk for the battle royal. With Henley gone, Edris Enofe and Malik Blade come in to test how close Briggs and Jensen are. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger come in to show their partnership as well, with Enofe and Blade not doing so well. Blade and Enofe are left alone, with Gallus coming in to challenge them to a Tag Team Title match next week. There was a lot packed in to a few minutes here and I’m not sure how interesting it was.

Noam Dar introduces the rest of his team (Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson and Oro Mensah), collectively known as the Meta Four. He’ll gladly defend the Heritage Cup against Nathan Frazer next week.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp

Thorpe goes for the legs to start but it’s too early for a Boston crab. Kemp snaps off an overhead belly to belly and rakes a boot over Thorpe’s eyes as a heel tends to do. The reverse chinlock goes on but Thorpe fights up again. Kemp tries to knock him into the corner but almost hits the referee, meaning the brakes need to be hit. That allows Thorpe to grab a bridging German suplex for the pin at 4:05, despite Kemp’s foot being on the rope.

Rating: C-. That’s a storyline advancing ending if I’ve ever seen one, though I’m not entirely sure why. It’s not like Thorpe is getting anything out of beating Kemp multiple times as Kemp isn’t exactly a major star. NXT does seem intent on trying something with Thorpe though, as he gets a win to erase some of his first loss to Tyler Bate. Still though, I would think he could do better than a feud with Kemp.

Gigi Dolin and Kiana James bicker until Dabba-Kato cuts them off.

Scrypts vs. Dabba-Kato

Scrypts strikes away to start and is knocked down with a single shot. One heck of a big boot cuts Scrypts off and Kato sends him crashing to the floor. Back in and cue Axiom for a distraction, allowing Scrypts to avoid a charge and get a rollup pin at 2:53. That was fast and it seems the plug might already have been pulled on Kato.

Post match Kato wrecks both of them. Doesn’t mean quite as much after losing to Scrypts.

Joe Gacy is mad and promises to take care of Wes Lee, Tyler Bate and Mustafa Ali. For now though, he needs to reflect.

Ali and company are ready to take out Schism next week. In addition though, Ali wants to see Bate vs. Lee, which works for them. They’ll figure out the details after next week, and after Ali qualifies for Money In The Bank this week.

Battle Royal

Lyra Valkyria, Gigi Dolin, Kiana James, Fallon Henley, Dana Brooke, Thea Hail, Cora Jade, Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend, Elektra Lopez, Roxanne Perez, Jacy Jayne, Kelani Jordan, Brooklyn Barlow, Valentina Feroz, Yulisa Leon, Tatum Paxley, Lola Vice

The winner gets a Women’s Title shot against Tiffany Stratton. Oro Mensah saves Jackson from an early elimination as Vice is tossed out. Dolin takes James to the apron but gets knocked out with a crash into the apron. Jordan is out as well and Henley sends Jackson to the apron, where Hail eliminates her. With Hail on the floor (through the ropes so not out), Legend sends her into the steps. Leon and Feroz get rid of Legend but Jackson and Legend pull both of them out (eliminated) and we take a break.

Back with Blair Davenport (not in the match) here to watch, so Perez goes to the floor to beat her up. Paxley eliminates herself to save Davenport and throws Perez back in so Jayne can eliminate her. Valkyria cleans house and eliminates Jayne but gets eliminated by Jayne. We’re down to Brooke, Jade, Henley and James, with Henley and James slugging it out.

Henley eliminates James but Brooke clotheslines Henley and Jade at the same time. Brooke tosses Henley and kicks Jade in the head and they’re both down. Hang on though as Hail was never eliminated and comes back in to become the instant crowd favorite. Hail is thrown to the apron but comes back in, where Brooke hits a running flipping neckbreaker. Back up and Hail dumps them both for the win at 13:06.

Rating: C+. There was enough going on here to keep things interesting and that is always nice to see in a battle royal. Hail winning is a nice way to go as she is going to get a great reaction, even if it would be a stunner to see her win. The rest of the women did well, with Brooke getting far but coming up short. They kept this moving and that is normally enough to make a battle royal work out.

Post match Chase U, including the NIL signee Cavinder Twins, come out to put Hail on their shoulders.

Bron Breakker is leaving, but first says that he is tired of disrespect so he’s starting at the top. Like with Seth Rollins. Come down here and give Breakker a World Heavyweight Championship shot if he’s a real workhorse. That escalated quickly.

Overall Rating: C+. Some of the middle of the show let a bit to be desired but I’m digging the WWE stars coming down here to offer some fresh blood. They’re known names and people with at least something of a reputation but they’re new around here, which is what NXT needs. Let them spice things up a bit, which has been the case so far. Throw in the new version of Hail, Schism having problems and Breakker wanting Rollins and I had fun with a show that was good enough to get by.

Schism b. Diamond Mine – Mask shot to Nile
Blair Davenport b. Dani Palmer – Falcon Arrow
Baron Corbin b. Trick Williams – End Of Days
Mustafa Ali b. Joe Gacy – 450
Eddy Thorpe b. Damon Kemp – Bridging German suplex
Scrypts b. Dabba-Kato – Rollup
Thea Hail won a battle royal last eliminating Dana Brooke



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – June 6, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

WrestleFest 1992

ECW On Sci Fi – May 6, 2008 (100th Episode)

Monday Night Raw – September 6, 1999

Monday Night Raw – June 5, 2023

WATCH: What Happened With The Usos After This Week’s SmackDown Ended.


WATCH: Nia Jax Returns To The Ring And Shakes Off Some Rust.


Not Yet: 43 Year Old Former WWE Star Clarifies That He Is NOT Retired After Three Year Absence.


WATCH: WWE Releases Special Behind The Scenes Video Of Night Of Champions.


Take A Shot: Surprising Former Champion Offers To Join Roman Reigns In The Bloodline.


WATCH: AEW Star Reveals Serious Injury That Has Kept Him Out Of The Ring.


WATCH: Bayley Shows Off A Heck Of An AJ Styles Impression (With Styles Nearby).


He’s A Big Player: Solo Sikoa Had Something To Say After Last Week’s Bloodline Ordeal.


They’re Not Happy: Fans React To WWE Star Returning On SmackDown.


WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE’s Plans For Major International Event Later This Year.


One More Time: WWE Reportedly Has Plans For Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar III.


Not Yet: Missing AEW Star Reportedly Turns Down Pitched Return Appearance.


Up Next? WWE Teases Major New Challenger For Seth Rollins.


Back On: WWE Announces New Long Term Deal With Twitch, Superstar Channels Returning.


She’s Mad: Former AEW Star Threatens To Come After Rhea Ripley (It’s Personal).


He’s Back(stage): Vince McMahon At This Week’s Monday Night Raw, Likely Reason Why.


WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Teasing Major Babyface Turn For Superstar.


She’s Unique: Rhea Ripley Details Very Specific Knee Condition, Her Knee Popping Out Of Joint.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Monday Night Raw – June 5, 2023: I Accept This

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 5, 2023
Location: XL Center, Hartford, Connecticut
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We’re near WWE’s home this week and it’s a big night as Seth Rollins is defending the World Heavyweight Title against Damian Priest. Other than that, we’ll have some more Money In The Bank qualifying matches and more from Imperium and Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Seth Rollins to get things going. It has been a party since he won the title but tonight, he has Damian Priest. Judgment Day is good, but they’re not as good as him. Cue Priest and Finn Balor, with Rollins wondering where Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio are. Priest brags about how awesome he is so Rollins challenges him to make it one on one tonight, with Judgment Day in the back.

Rollins also brings up how things go badly for Finn Balor when they square off, including a poke to the shoulder, which is a rather cruel line given how badly Balor was hurt in their first match. Anyway, Priest say deal and promises to win the title while Rollins can go down in history with one of the shortest reigns ever. Actually it’s already the longest in the history of the title but that’s not the point Priest is going for.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Becky Lynch vs. Sonya Deville

Chelsea Green is here with Deville, who knocks Becky into the corner to start. Some forearms in the corner and against the rope have Becky in trouble but she’s right back with the Bexploder. A middle rope crossbody gives Becky two but cue Trish Stratus and Zoey Stark to watch. The distraction rollup gets two and we take a break.

Back with Deville hitting a superplex for two, followed by the forearm off. Becky starts slugging back but Green offers a distraction, earning herself a heck of a beating on the floor. Deville goes to help and gets sent into the barricade as well (with some hair extensions coming out). Deville’s rollup with feet on the ropes gets two back inside but Becky has had it with this, setting up the Manhandle Slam for the pin at 11:24.

Rating: C+. The interference was needed to help make this match competitive as Deville has never been a big deal in the singles ranks. Winning the Money in the Bank briefcase is about all that there is left for Becky to do in her career so giving her the win here was the way to go. Green and Deville need something to do, but beating Lynch isn’t it.

We look at the Bloodline split on Smackdown.

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn won’t say they told you so about the Bloodline, but you get the idea. Imperium pops up, sending Owens into a rant about how no one said their name. Gunther comes in to say Owens is undisciplined so Owens wants to go to the ring right now.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance are ready to party. And wrestle.

Gunther vs. Kevin Owens

Non-title. They go right to the slugout to start with Owens hitting him in the face and knocking Gunther into the corner. Gunther is back with a German suplex and we take a break. We come back with Gunther working on a neck crank and hitting a big boot for two. Another big boot sets up a Boston crab but Owens is back up with a failed suplex attempt.

Instead Gunther blasts him with a clothesline, but Owens is back with some clothesline of his own. They trade German suplexes and both of them are down for a breather. Owens knocks him into the corner for the Cannonball and another near fall. Gunther blasts him with the shotgun dropkick but Owens’ fisherman’s buster gets two.

Back up and Gunther takes him to the top for a single underhook superplex, only to have the big splash hit raised knees. Owens’ Swanton hits Gunther for two but Imperium and Zayn get in a fight on the floor. Kaiser comes inside and gets Stunned, allowing Gunther to roll Owens up for the pin at 17:10.

Rating: B+. These guys beat the fire out of each other and it was a heck of a lot of fun to watch them out there. Gunther can go with anyone and those chops are still great. At the same time, Owens is going to be out there swinging away against anyone and he did thing rather well here. The ending made sense too, as you don’t want Owens taking a clean pin and Gunther rolled him up for a pin rather than hitting him low or something like that. Makes sense, and it suited him well.

Post break, Imperium interrupts Matt Riddle’s interview so Riddle takes Vinci down and hurts his leg before being pulled off. That’s a different Riddle and that’s what he needs to do.

Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler want competition and Kayden Carter/Katana Chance (both about six inches shorter than the champs) come in to ask about a title shot. The champs laugh but sure.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Katana Chance/Kayden Carter vs. Ronda Rousey/Shayna Baszler

Rousey and Baszler are defending. Baszler takes Chance into the corner to start and it’s off to Rousey, who wants Carter. That’s exactly what she gets as everything breaks down, with Carter and Chance hitting dives out to the floor. Back in and Rousey works on Chance’s arms but Chance fights up and brings Carter in. Carter hits a low superkick to Baszler and a hanging Pedigree, only to get elbowed in the face. Rousey comes back in but gets caught in the neckbreaker/450 combination (Carter/Chance’s finisher) for two, with Baszler making the save. Baszler has had enough and chokes out Carter to retain at 6:42.

Rating: C+. This was a weird one as you had the newcomers trying to get their start but being up against a couple of monsters in Rousey/Baszler. Carter and Chance did look good in defeat, but having a loss in their main roster debut isn’t the best look. Rousey and Baszler are likely going to be the champs for at least a bit as not only are they dominant, but there is no one out there to give them a serious challenge at the moment. Maybe there is some kind of a big twist coming, but for now, we could be seeing Baszler and Rousey with the titles for a long time.

Bronson Reed isn’t happy that Ricochet is in the Money in the Bank ladder match instead of him. Ricochet said he earned his shot and Reed lost his, but Reed says he was dominating until….and here is Nakamura to interrupt. Reed leaves, saying next time would be different.

Video on Johnny Gargano’s rise through NXT and road here, despite being told he had no place in WWE. This Gargano is more interesting than whatever else he’s been doing lately.

Ricochet vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Ricochet grabs a headlock to start but gets his leg kicked out. Nakamura kicks him down again but gets knocked off the top and out to the floor in a crash. Ricochet’s big running flip dive connects and Nakamura is down as we take a break. Back with Ricochet knocking Nakamura down and hitting the running shooting star press for two. Nakamura takes him into the corner for Good Vibrations but Kinshasa is countered with the Recoil. Ricochet gets caught up top but here is Bronson Reed to jump Nakamura for the DQ at 8:07.

Rating: C+. They were both talented stars in the ring and got to show themselves off a bit here, but there is only so much you can do in an eight minute match with about four minutes of that being in a break. Throw in that this is the first of the still idiotic “building momentum to Money in the Bank” (because getting a pinfall or submission somehow makes it easier to climb a ladder) matches and they did rather well with a good number of factors making it harder.

Post match the destruction is on, with Ricochet getting crushed with the Tsunami. Fans: “ONE MORE TIME!” Reed: Nah.

We look at Maxxine Dupri being chased off by Valhalla last week.

Maxxine Dupri and Chad gable aren’t sure what to do about the Viking Raiders, but Otis seems to have a plan. Dupri is ready to train and has the perfect outfit in her locker.

It’s time for MizTV with Miz wasting no time in bringing out Cody Rhodes. Miz: “You look dashing tonight.” Miz brings up Rhodes challenging Brock Lesnar to a fight anytime, which Miz thinks is rather stupid. Cody: “Mike….” Miz: “In this ring, it’s the Miz. First name The, second name Miz.” Instead, Cody has been told it was brave, not that Miz would know anything about large testicles.

Miz talks about how we love surprises around here, so here are Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley. After Ripley shushes Miz (Miz: “Yes ma’am”.), Dominik deals with quite the chorus of booing to get to his point: Cody is a bad father. Dom compared him to Rey Mysterio, but Cody says that Dominik was in jail for about 15 minutes. Cody: “You even have a worse prison tattoo than mine.”

Then Dominik got a public spanking at Wrestlemania. Dominik slaps Cody and then hides behind Ripley when Cody comes after him. Cody drops Miz with a cast shot to blow off some steam. Funny stuff here, and Cody needs something to do until Lesnar gets back. If nothing else, Dominik going against another high level opponent is a good thing, as it tells me WWE has faith in him.

We look back at the opening sequence.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Zoey Stark vs. Natalya

Trish Stratus is here with Stark. Natalya takes her down by the arm to start but Stark fights up and goes after the knee. Stark stomps on said knee as Trish seems to think this is rather intelligent. Some knees to the ribs have Natalya in more trouble but she armdrags her way out. A German suplex drops Stark for two and the Sharpshooter goes on. Stark makes the ropes so Natalya yells at Trish, who kicks her in the knee. The Z36 finishes Natalya at 3:45.

Rating: C. It’s a Natalya match without much time so I think you know what you’re getting here. As has been the case for….oh the last five years or so, Natalya is as smooth of an in-ring worker as you can get and there is very little reason to get interested in anything she is doing. She’s there to put people over and make them look good, which she often does, but the lack of excitement over her being in the ring doesn’t help things whatsoever.

Paul Heyman invites us to hear Jey Uso’s decision this week on Smackdown. This week, Jey will choose to stand by his brother Solo, because he can share a womb with Jimmy, but he’ll never be closer to him than he will be to Roman Reigns.

Indus Sher vs. Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin

Indus Sher jumps them before the bell and lays Cedric out. No match.

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest

Rollins is defending and takes Priest down fast to start, meaning we go to a break in less than a minute. Back with Rollins taking him to the floor but being sent into the timekeeper’s area. Rollins dive is punched out of the air, followed by a superkick back inside. We hit the chinlock for a bit, followed by a double arm crank to keep Rollins in trouble. Rollins fights up and hits a few shots, followed by a backbreaker.

The frog splash misses though and Priest kicks Rollins in the head. Rollins knocks him to the floor but the suicide dive is countered into a Downward Spiral onto the announcers’ table. We take a break and come back with Rollins hitting the superplex into the Falcon Arrow for two. Three straight suicide dives send Priest over the announcers’ table and the frog splash gives Rollins two back inside.

Priest is back up with a headlock driver for the same and a spinning kick to the head catches Rollins on top. A super hurricanrana brings Rollins down for two but he’s back with a Pedigree for the same. They go to the floor and a barricade powerbomb hits Priest, followed by a superkick to cut off an interfering Finn Balor. Priest hits South of Heaven for a slightly delayed two back inside. Rollins is back with a superkick though and the Stomp retains the title at 21:53.

Rating: B. The match was the good stuff you would expect in this spot, but they are hammering in the “workhorse title” concept like something that is hammed in rather quickly and often. Rollins beating Roman Reigns by DQ about a year and a half ago doesn’t make him feel like the other World Champion, but rather trying to make the Intercontinental Title feel like a big deal when Brock Lesnar wasn’t around. I’ll certainly take Rollins having one good match after another, but this “it’s the other World Title” stuff is going to feel lame until Reigns gets beaten, which could take a very long time.

Rollins and Balor have a staredown to end the show. Because Rollins is going to have to defend against him next, because it’s the WORKHORSE TITLE you see.

Overall Rating: B. All in all, this was a rather good Raw, as they took care of some stuff for Money in the Bank with the qualifiers, gave us a pair of very strong matches and didn’t do anything overly stupid. Cody even made fun of his own tattoo to throw in some comedy. This show worked, and I’ll absolutely take it as the offering from one of WWE’s brands for a weekly show.

Becky Lynch b. Sonya Deville – Manhandle Slam
Gunther b. Kevin Owens – Rollup
Ronda Rousey/Shayna Baszler b. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance – Kirifuda Clutch to Carter
Shinsuke Nakamura b. Ricochet via DQ when Bronson Reed interfered
Zoey Stark b. Natalya – Z360
Seth Rollins b. Damian Priest – Stomp



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Monday Night Raw – September 6, 1999: I Remember That One!

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 6, 1999
Location: Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We are less than three weeks away from Unforgiven and HHH is still trying to avoid facing various people at the show. This includes the Rock and Mankind, who managed to beat HHH and Shane McMahon to retain the Tag Team Titles last week on Smackdown. Other than that, Chris Jericho has turned Howard Finkel into a nut, with Ken Shamrock not being happy. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Titles: The Rock/Mankind vs. Kane/X-Pac

Rock and Mankind are defending but before we get going (and before anyone else can get here), Rock needs to mock Kane for being all excited over being able to speak. We even get an impression of Kane using his voice box, plus a suggestion for where Kane can put it (for easy storage). Mankind comes out, sends out some get well wishes to someone named Brian (that would likely be Brian Hildebrand, who was diagnosed with cancer around this time) and says it’s great to be back in Harvard (he’s trying).

Hold on again though as there’s no X-Pac due to Kane interfering in X-Pac’s match on Smackdown, so Kane is going to do it alone. Hold it yet again though as here is HHH…and he’s going to be Kane’s partner. Cue Chyna with a sledgehammer as Kane hammers on Rock to start.

Rock manages to come back with a Russian legsweep for two and it’s off to Mankind. Kane hammers away in the corner (and says “yeah” to Mankind about something) before clotheslining him in the corner. HHH’s tag request is ignored though, allowing Mankind to grab a Texas piledriver. Kane is fine enough to kick Rock in the face before HHH tags himself in. Then Kane tags himself right back in, only to have HHH hit Kane in the back with the sledgehammer. The Rock Bottom into the People’s Elbow retains the titles.

Rating: C-. Well that was….we’ll go with busy, as they packed in a storyline with the X-Pac absence, Chyna coming out, the sledgehammer, HHH wanting to be Kane’s partner for whatever reason, and a match into the first twelve or so minutes of the show. That’s a lot even for a 1999 Raw, and somehow Kane takes a pin out of the whole ordeal. Granted it was out of a sledgehammer shot and the Rock’s double finishers, but it still feels weird to see Kane getting pinned in about three and a half minutes.

JR: “What kind of human being would hit another man from behind with a sledgehammer?” King: “Uh, HHH?”

Post match Kane sits up but HHH sledgehammers him in the chest a few times. Cue Undertaker and Big Show and HHH leaves as allegiances are questioned. Kane even walks off on his own, making sledgehammer shots all the more worthless by the step.

Jacqueline isn’t worried about Jeff Jarrett wanting to use her as an example tonight. She’ll slap all three dumb blondes tonight (Debra and Miss Kitty being the others).

Jeff Jarrett vs. Jacqueline

Non-title and Miss Kitty (but not Debra) is here with Jarrett. Before the match, Jarrett tells Chyna to watch from the back, because he’s going to show what happens when a woman is in his world. Jacqueline jumps on his back to start with the choking but is quickly flipped and stomped down. The fans want Debra but have to settle for Jarrett sending Jacqueline into the corner for more stomping. A clothesline makes it worse and the Figure Four finishes Jacqueline fast.

Post match Jarrett hits Jacqueline with the guitar. Commentary is AGHAST.

Val Venis isn’t happy with Steve Blackman jumping him from behind last week and threatens revenge.

Edge and Christian vs. Acolytes

For the #1 contendership. The Acolytes start the brawl before the bell and we settle down to Faarooq beating on Christian in the corner. Faarooq misses a headbutt though and it’s quickly off to Bradshaw to beat up Christian. Edge manages a takedown and hands it off to Christian to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Bradshaw powerbombs the heck out of Christian. There’s no referee so Bradshaw loads up another, allowing Edge to come in off the top with a missile dropkick to give Christian the pin.

Rating: C. They didn’t have much time here but Edge and Christian continue their rise up the ladder. You can see the talent there and they’re getting more polished every time they’re around. Throw in the Dudleys debuting last week on Smackdown and the new generation of the tag division is starting to come together.

In the back, Edge and Christian are ready for the Rock and Mankind when the Acolytes come in. Cue the Dudley Boyz to jump the Acolytes from behind though and beat them down.

We get GTV where Val Venis and Big Show are in the restroom and Venis wonders why Show is called “big”. Venis is quickly laid out.

Meat is sick of being called Meat and says his real name is Shawn Stasiak. Tonight he is here to carry on the legacy of his father but here is the Mean Street Posse to say his dad sucked. The Posse beats him down (that’s a weird thing to see).

Here is Val Venis to call out Big Show. We see Undertaker telling Big Show to go deal with this so here is Show for the brawl. Venis unloads in the corner and fires off a bunch of right hands but gets shoved away. We have a referee in the ring but there’s no bell as this is just a fight. Show fights back but Venis kicks the leg out, only to get pulled out of the air. The chokeslam is good for the pin as I guess this was a match, minus the start that is.

Post match Steve Blackman runs in to beat on Venis with a kendo stick.

The Dudley Boyz are not worried about attacking the Acolytes. D-Von lists off the commandments but here are the Acolytes to jump them right back.

Lilian Garcia is ready to introduce the next match but here is the Fink to interrupt. Cue Ken Shamrock to chase after the Fink but Chris Jericho (and the crowd ROARS) pops up on screen to say this is a lot more real than the Ultimate Fighting Championships. They can go face to face on Smackdown, which works for Shamrock.

Here are HHH and Chyna for a chat. HHH talks about how great he is and how many things he has done. He put Mankind out of action for three months and beat him for the WWF Title. Then he took the Rock to school, so Linda McMahon needs to stay out of their business. Cue Billy Gunn to interrupt, saying HHH recruited him into DX to avoid the beating Gunn could give him. Gunn calls him an a****** and his music starts playing but cuts off as they’re not done yet. After the main event is set, the music plays again.

Mean Street Posse vs. Test/Pat Patterson/Gerald Brisco

Terri Runnels is here with the Posse and joins commentary. Patterson and Brisco get beaten down before Test comes out but here he comes to wreck the Posse in short order. Powerbombs abound and here is Shawn Stasiak to cut off Rodney from leaving. Another powerbomb and one heck of a top rope elbow finishes for Test. That elbow was nuts as Rodney was over halfway across the ring.

Hollys vs. New Brood

Gangrel is here with the Hardys and Crash has a scale. Hold on though as the Hardys have to be weighed before the match. Hardcore doesn’t think they weigh enough but Jeff dropkicks him down to start fast. We settle down to Matt slamming Crash and dropping the middle rope legdrop for two.

Jeff comes in with a springboard moonsault for two and a double legdrop gives Matt the same. The chinlock goes on for a bit until Crash manages to headscissors Jeff into the corner. Hardcore comes in and gets taken down by the Hardys, with Crash coming in for the save. Everything breaks down and Hardcore hits the Falcon Arrow on Jeff for the pin.

Rating: C. For some reason this match got almost as much time as anything else on the show so far. The Hollys have a little something with their tough guy/goofy guy combination and it is working so far. At the same time the New Brood has me wondering what the point of Gangrel is, as the Hardys seem like they could be just fine on their own.

Post match the Hollys stay on them but the lights go out, meaning Crash gets a blood bath. Hardcore: “Do you know how funny you look right now?” And they fight again.

Undertaker and Big Show challenge Rock and Mankind to a Buried Alive match for the Tag Team Titles on Smackdown.

Here is Al Snow, albeit in his Avatar gear (a masked martial arts guy). Snow: “SHAZAM!” Snow puts the mask on and says he’s here to protect the WWF from evil. Then he wakes up and says he’s in the genie pants. Snow: “The last time I wore this, you could have stuck a magnet up my a** and dragged me through Fort Knox and I still wouldn’t have drawn money.” He drops to his knees and starts barking before running over to the commentary table to write something on a legal pad. Then he runs off, still barking.

Rock promises to take Big Show’s 59lb head and stick it up Undertaker, who has a bunch of Mickey Mouse tattoos. Mankind gets serious and is ready to fight too. I remember this promo from when it aired live and finding it hilarious. Maybe not so much these days.

Another GTV shows Marianna on the phone, begging someone to talk to Chaz.

D’Lo Brown vs. Steve Blackman

European Champion Mark Henry, with a pair of ladies, joins commentary, much to Lawler’s delight. Blackman starts kicking away but gets dropped for the quick legdrop. Some choking on the ropes has Brown in more trouble and we hit the chinlock. Brock fights up and grabs the Sky High but stops to yell at Henry. Cue Val Venis to deck Blackman, allowing Brown to hit the Low Down for the pin.

Rating: C-. Managing to get in a pair of feuds into a three minute match is rather impressive, albeit a bit excessive to put it mildly. Brown vs. Henry is fine enough for a midcard match, though Venis vs. Blackman isn’t quite as interesting. It just wasn’t much of a match here, but Brown is one of the smoother workers around at this point.

Post match Henry wrecks Brown.

Ivory is ready to hurt Tori in the first ever women’s hardcore match. Tori, in a shirt and not much else, jumps her and has to be carried off.

Women’s Title: Ivory vs. Tori

Ivory is defending under hardcore rules and this is joined in the bathroom with Tori throwing soap. They go into the shower, where Jacqueline has to grab a towel and run off. Ivory pours shampoo in Tori’s eyes and washes her mouth out with soap. Then they fight into a men’s locker room with Tori sending her over a table. Ivory smashes a mirror over Tori’s head to retain. Lilian Garcia: “The Women’s Wrestling Federation Champion is Ivory!”

Rating: D. This was an excuse to have Tori brawling in very limited clothing with gratuitous camera shots. I get the appeal, but this kind of thing gets old in a hurry, as it’s just there for the most obvious reasons. Granted it doesn’t help that women’s wrestling means absolutely nothing and having this didn’t help things, but can they at least be less obvious with it?

Post match Ivory rips open the back of Tori’s shirt and burns her with an iron.

Chyna is told she’s barred from ringside for the main event, but she’s just going to forget that Earl Hebner told her that.

WWF Title: HHH vs. Billy Gunn

HHH, with Chyna, is defending….or at least in theory, as Chyna is ejected. Gunn comes to the ring and stares at Chyna on the way out. HHH tries to jump him in the aisle and they start fast, with Gunn stomping away at ringside. Gunn takes him inside for the opening bell but HHH scores with the Fameasser. The jumping knee puts Gunn down again and it’s a posting to keep him in trouble.

Back in and HHH cranks on the arm with a variety of armbars. Gunn fights up with the good arm and slugs away, setting up a Jackhammer for two. Cue Shane McMahon as Gunn clotheslines HHH to the floor. The referees get rid of Shane as HHH brings in the title, only to have Gunn take it away and get in his own shot for two.

HHH bumps the referee and the Fameasser (basically an ax kick in this case) connects for no count. Gunn hits him low and gets two after about thirty seconds of laying around. HHH goes up top but dives into a raised boot. Gunn’s Stinger Splash hits…well the general vicinity of the post, setting up the Pedigree to retain the title.

Rating: B-. Pretty much the match of the night by far here, partially due to it getting some time and possibly due to letting them actually wrestle for a bit. Gunn was a crazy athlete but there is only so much that you can get with that name and theme song. For a one off main event here though, he did rather well as the challenger.

Post match Chyna and Shane come back out but here is Kane to chokeslam all three villains to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. There were some nice parts to this one but I’m still not sure what the main story is supposed to be. HHH doesn’t have a top challenger at the moment and the focus seems to be on whatever Rock and Mankind are doing at the moment. I’m sure things will start to come together more before the pay per view, but these shows can be more than a bit exhausting as there are so many things going on that it is hard to figure out what is going on. Just slow down a bit and let us know what we’re supposed to care about.



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ECW On Sci Fi – May 6, 2008 (100th Episode): Did You Just Say Have Mercy?

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: May 6, 2008
Location: Labatt Center, London, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 6,000
Commentators: Mike Adamle, Tazz

It’s a special night as this is the 100th episode of ECW. That is quite the accomplishment, especially given how messy the early days were around here. The big story continues to be Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero, because that feud just can’t end already. Other than that, hopefully we get another big time story around here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look at ECW over the last nearly two years, some of which is rather good. There are some not so great moments in there either, but given what kind of resources they had, they did pretty well.

Opening sequence.

Mike Adamle is brought to the ring to start for an explanation if why he walked out last week (with Tazz saying he walked out in support of Adamle). Adamle apologizes to the fans but says he’s been a broadcaster longer than most of them have been alive. He played in the NFL and covered it for seven years, in addition to covering the Olympics. The truth is he had no idea it is to do this job though and how great the fans are. Yes he has made mistakes, but he loves working here and he is going to get better. That explains last week a bit, but hopefully they don’t try to turn this into an angle.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Mike Knox

Extreme Rules and Stevie Richards is on commentary. Knox goes after him to start but they head outside where Dreamer can send him into the steps. It’s time to bring in the weapons though and Knox smashes him in the back with a cookie sheet. A hockey stick is loaded up but Dreamer dropkicks the trashcan into Knox and takes it away.

Back in and Dreamer hits him with various wooden objects before tying Knox in the Tree of Woe. That means a dropkick to drive the shopping cart into the trashcan into Knox, but instead of covering, it’s time for a table. The bulldog through the table is countered though and Knox suplexes him through it for two instead. A chair is brought in and Knox hits the spinning Downward Spiral onto said chair to finish Dreamer.

Rating: C+. You had to have this kind of a match on here somewhere and Dreamer losing is a fine enough way to go. Knox still isn’t really interesting in any way but at least they kept it relatively short and got some violence in there. Richards didn’t really add anything, but I wonder if he is there to take some pressure off of Adamle.

We look at the Zombie on the debut episode and getting wrecked by the Sandman. I’m still not sure if that’s hilariously stupid or stupidly hilarious.

We get the return of Kelly’s Expose until Layla interferes and dances as well. Catfighting ensues and referees break it up.

We look at the Hardcore Holly vs. Rob Van Dam Extreme Rules match and the ghastly cut on Holly’s back after going through a table.

We look at Roddy Piper and Boogeyman abusing Matt Striker on his birthday.

Chuck Palumbo says he attacked CM Punk because he got in Palumbo’s face. Don’t do that again.

Kofi Kingston vs. Matt Striker

Shelton Benjamin is on commentary. Striker knocks him down to start but Kofi is back with a heck of a dropkick. Trouble In Paradise finishes Striker in about a minute.

Post match Benjamin comes in and lays Kingston out with a jumping Downward Spiral.

CM Punk and a bunch of other ECW stars give Colin Delaney a pep clap on the way to the ring.

We look at the New Breed beating the ECW Originals in an Extreme Rules match. That wasn’t the worst story actually.

Colin Delaney vs. Armando Estrada

If Delaney wins, he gets a contract. We see Estrada without a shirt for the first time and it turns out that he’s in incredible shape. Delaney tries a rollup to start but gets blasts with a clothesline for his efforts. A beal sets up an armbar as this is getting one sided in a hurry. Back up and Delaney hits a dropkick but gets sent out to the apron. Delaney slides back in though and a sunset flip (Is it still a sunset flip if he doesn’t actually flip?) pins Estrada to give Delaney the contract in a huge upset.

Post match Delaney thanks everyone for helping him get here, including Tommy Dreamer and all of his doubters.

CM Punk/Kane vs. Bam Neely/Chavo Guerrero

Miz and John Morrison are on commentary, with Miz giving Tazz a Chick Magnet shirt. Neely goes for Kane’s leg to start and gets punched in the face for his efforts. Punk comes in with a slingshot hilo for two as Morrison lists of the things he hates about Punk (Morrison: “His tights, his kickpads.”) in quite the rant. It’s off to Chavo, who slips out of a double underhook and brings Punk into the wrong corner. Punk is fine enough to send Chavo to the floor (Punk: “YOU ALMOST WENT SPLAT!”) and we take a break.

Back with Punk being sent into the corner so Neely can slowly forearm away. As Miz and Morrison needle Adamle (who doesn’t seem happy), Chavo comes in and gets punched out of the corner. Chavo pulls Punk back down into a chinlock before it’s back to Neely for a belly to back suplex. Miz and Tazz argue a bit as well as Chavo slingshots in with a knee to the chest.

Punk finally kicks Neely away (Adamle: “Have mercy!” Morrison: “Did you just say ‘have mercy’?”), allowing the tag to Kane. House is cleaned and Neely is sent outside, leaving Kane to hit the top rope clothesline on Chavo. Kane seems to bang up his knee though and it’s back to Punk for the knees to Chavo’s chest. Another knee rocks Chavo again as everything breaks down. Kane kicks Neely outside and the GTS finishes Chavo.

Rating: C+. As has been the case for a long time now, there isn’t much of a way around it: Chavo Guerrero isn’t very interesting as a main event level star. The other big problem is Neely, who is as generic of an enforcer as you can get. The fact that he is also a glorified punching bag doesn’t help either. Kane and Punk winning was the fool good ending, but I can’t imagine Chavo and Neely being seen as a serious threat to them anyway.

Miz and Morrison hold up the titles at Kane and Punk to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The 100th episode deal and the special clips were kind of nice, but other than that, the Delaney win was the only thing that mattered here. Starting the show with the Adamle promo didn’t help things, and it just wasn’t that interesting of a show. The action was good enough and the show was fine, but you have to remember how little most of this matters. It isn’t a bad show (as is the case a lot of the time), but it isn’t important, and that becomes a problem over time.



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WrestleFest 1992: More Like Festering

WrestleFest 1992
Hosts: Gene Okerlund, Bobby Heenan
Commentators: Sean Mooney, Lord Alfred Hayes

I’ve done most every other show in this series so we might as well do the last one. This is a Coliseum Video without much of a particular theme and that means we could be going in all kinds of directions. We’re a bit past my favorite time but odds are there is going to be some Bret Hart and/or Shawn Michaels goodness to carry it through. Let’s get to it.

Dig that old Coliseum Video intro. It’s not the 80s version but I can always go for this one too.

Gene Okerlund is on the tennis court and we have a theme for the tape. Now of course he’s going to need a partner, so here is Bobby Heenan, complete with a sweatband. Gene offers a lesson but Heenan has a table tennis paddle. Heenan: “You play with a Chinese guy and he brings you egg rolls. It’s a heck of a game.” Heenan, in a sweater, complains about the heat but let’s go to our first match.

From New York City, New York, March 23, 1992.

Shawn Michaels vs. Virgil

Sherri is here with Michaels and Mooney calls Virgil (still with his broken nose) “one of the most popular Superstars in the World Wrestling Federation”. Hayes calls him one of the most improved wrestlers of the 90s, which has me wanting these two checked into a sanitarium. Shawn and Sherri take their time getting rid of the gear and after a minute plus, we’re finally ready to go. Michaels takes him into the corner and punches the nose guard in a moment of general stupidity.

We now pause for Sherri to kiss Shawn’s hand before a slap to Virgil’s face has Shawn bailing to the floor. Virgil isn’t having that and throws Shawn back in as we see Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan at ringside for the original commentary. Shawn punches out of a headlock but gets pulled right back into another one to keep him in trouble. Back up and a clothesline puts Virgil on the floor and Shawn gets a rather needed breather.

With Virgil back in, Shawn gets evil by lifting the nose guard for a shot to the face. Stomping and facial ripping ensue as things slow down and we hit the chinlock. Virgil fights up and is quickly dropped with a right hand to the exposed nose. You can’t blame Shawn for going too complicated here and it’s going to get the fans to hate him even more. A clothesline cuts off the comeback attempt but Virgil manages a quick faceplant.

Now the comeback is on, with an atomic drop sending Shawn into the buckle. Virgil even takes off his own nose guard to hit a dropkick (I guess the guard was weighing him down?) for two. A knee misses in the corner though and Shawn hits the teardrop suplex for the pin at 12:13.

Rating: C. Completely fine match here but the biggest problem with Virgil is that he’s just…..there. Nothing about his work in the ring made him stand out whatsoever because he was just a guy in gear doing basic moves. That wasn’t going to last long and every day that he spent away from Ted DiBiase made him feel less important. Shawn was coming along as a heel, but he needs to heed Razor Ramon’s advice: just use the kick.

From Toledo, Ohio, April 7, 1992.

Tag Team Titles: Money Inc. vs. Bushwhackers

Money Inc., with Jimmy Hart, is defending shockingly enough. The champs jump them to start but a pair of Battering Rams break that up. Stereo biting of the pants/trunks have Money Inc. on the floor and we pause for a breather. We settle down to IRS taking over on Butch and sending him into the buckle.

A missed charge allows the tag off to Luke though and the champs are rammed into each other. Back to back Battering Rams send Money Inc. outside again and it’s time for some Hart advice. That actually seems to work for once as IRS takes over on Luke back inside, including an abdominal stretch.

We get the classic heel cheating behind the referee’s back, because that’s what good villains are supposed to do. IRS grabs the chinlock but Luke fights up and kicks DiBiase in the face. The hot tag brings in Butch to clean house as everything breaks down. Hart offers a distraction though and IRS gets in a knee to the back. An elbow drop of all things is enough to retain the titles at 8:31.

Rating: C. This felt entirely like a house show match and that’s more or less what it was, despite airing on Prime Time Wrestling. The fun team got in a few moments before the villains cheated to keep their titles. They didn’t bother doing anything overly complicated here and let their talent shine through, which is something that is going to work more often than not.

Back at the court, Gene tries to explain the idea of serving to Heenan, who is more interested in the Freebird Sisters. Gene’s serve is fine enough (though Heenan thinks he hit an old lady), but Heenan uses his racket to pick up some drinks. Gene thinks his has been spiked but Heenan reminds him that it’s free. Ok then.

From Biloxi, Mississippi, March 10, 1992.

British Bulldog vs. Rick Martel

Martel sends him into the corner to start and flips backwards because he likes to show off. Bulldog isn’t having that and grabs a headlock, which kills the crowd a good bit. An armbar doesn’t get much more of a reaction but an accidental referee distraction lets Martel send him outside.

Some shots to the back have Bulldog in trouble and Martel, like anyone paying attention, stomps away back inside. Bulldog fights up and starts a rather basic comeback, only to have Martel bail outside at the threat of a right hand (that’s the moneymaker you see). That doesn’t work for Bulldog, who throws him back inside for a sunset flip (including Martel grabbing the ropes and getting caught) and the pin at 5:21.

Rating: C-. Not much to this one as it was a quick match with neither getting to do very much. Bulldog didn’t even get to use the powerslam, which made it feel a little lame. At the same time, they weren’t given the chance to really do anything, which is a shame as the talent is there for a good match. Bad circumstances here and they led to a not so good match.

We get a special profile on Intercontinental Champion Bret Hart. This includes the last few minutes of his title win over Mr. Perfect at Summerslam 1991 (an absolute classic) and the last few minutes of his defense against Skinner at This Tuesday In Texas.

From Springfield, Massachusetts, November 12, 1991.

Intercontinental Title: Bret Hart vs. Barbarian

Barbarian is challenging and tries to put the title around himself to start the match. We’re ready to go with Bret fighting out of a headlock but getting shouldered out to the floor in a big crash. Back in and another shoulder drops Bret again, but this time he manages to stay inside (baby steps).

A crossbody goes badly as well but Barbarian misses an elbow drop. An armbar slows Barbarian down a bit, at least until he comes back with a hot shot to drop Bret again. Some rams into the post keep Hart’s back in trouble and Barbarian slowly chops away back inside. There’s the required chest first buckle shot and Barbarian grabs the bearhug.

Bret manages to fight out pretty quickly and cuts off a corner charge with a raised boot. A clothesline into the backbreaker into the middle rope elbow gives Bret two but the kickout sends him outside (that’s rather strong). Barbarian grabs a suplex for two and tries another one, only to get small packaged for the retaining pin at 12:28.

Rating: C+. This was as 1992 Bret Hart of a match as you could get and that means it went pretty well. Bret could be put in there against anyone and do a nice job, with the Barbarian fitting the bill pretty easily. One of the big appeals for Bret is being able to wrestle a good match with any opponent and it was on full display here. Barbarian might not have been a major star, but he knew what he was and played it the right way for a very long time.

Heenan isn’t doing so well against a woman sitting in a chair hitting balls to him. He’s off to get a new racket and leaves us with this.

From Biloxi, Mississippi, March 10, 1992.

Natural Disasters vs. Nasty Boys

Jimmy Hart is here with the Nastys. We pause for the Nastys to argue with a kid in the front row until Sags slugs away at Typhoon. With that not working, it’s off to Knobbs vs. Earthquake, which isn’t as much of a disaster for the Disaster. Earthquake shoulders him down a few times but Sags gets in a cheap shot with the helmet (Hayes: “Now there’s a nice move.”) to put him down for a change.

As commentary debates how horrible the Nastys really are, Sags slowly hammers away in the corner. Earthquake shrugs off some running elbows so Knobbs comes in to cut off a tag attempt. The referee misses the tag to Typhoon, who comes in anyway as everything breaks down. Earthquake hits a quick elbow to finish Sags at 6:33 as Typhoon throws Hart at Knobbs.

Rating: C-. Just a quick match here between two teams you don’t see together very often. The Natural Disasters were a heck of a monster team for a little while, as the visual alone made them work. The Nastys were really starting to click around here too, and having the whole Jimmy Hart jumping around from team to team deal made it all the better. Not much of a match, but at least it didn’t last long.

From Kalamazoo, Michigan, April 8, 1992.

WWF Title: Randy Savage vs. IRS

IRS, with Jimmy Hart, is challenging three days after Savage won the title. They hit the stall button to start as IRS won’t let go of the briefcase. Back in and they finally lock up, with Savage grabbing a headlock. A Hart distraction lets IRS get to the floor as Sean warns Hayes to watch what he says because Savage is going to see this tape.

IRS gets back in and is quickly atomic dropped to the floor, where Savage can knock him into Hart. Back in and another Hart distraction lets IRS get in a knee to the back to finally take over. Savage is sent face first into the steps and Savage is in trouble. They get back inside and we hit the abdominal stretch, complete with a pull of the rope. The referee manages to catch him this time though and Savage gets in a few shots.

Another knee to the back drops the champ again though, as IRS continues his usual steady but not so interesting offense. The chinlock goes on, as do IRS’s feet on the ropes, but Savage fights up again. With nothing else working, Hart gets on the apron with the briefcase, only to have Savage ram IRS into it instead. Hart is knocked down and the top rope elbow retains the title at 11:17.

Rating: C. This was getting into the lamer version of Savage, as it was take a beating for a long time and then get in one shot, followed by the elbow for the pin. Savage still felt like a major star, but save for the Flair match, he wasn’t quite the same in the ring. If nothing else, I do like the idea of giving him a fairly easy title defense, especially as he had only won the title in the huge match a few days earlier.

And now, a special feature with Mr. Fuji and the Berzerker, showing us…..how to throw a party? First step: turn down the music so we can actually hear Fuji. First official step: getting the invitations right. Or in Berzerker’s case, find someone in the back and kidnap them. Then you need “lots of little gimmicks and stuff”, like streamers and balloons. You also need good food, like finger sandwiches, which means sticking your fingers in peanut butter and ribbing them on bread. That’s all you need to know! This wasn’t funny.

From Kalamazoo, Michigan, April 8, 1992.

Repo Man vs. El Matador

Feeling out process to start with Repo taking him into the corner and then working on an armbar. You don’t try to armbar Santana (commentary calls him that so I can too) as he reverses into one of his own before hammering away. A running crossbody gives Santana a quick two but Repo is back with his basic shots to the face. The slam into a legdrop gets two but Santana is back with a clothesline. Repo gets knocked outside and grappling hooks Santana in the ribs for the DQ at 7:30.

Rating: D+. Blech. This was rather boring and never got out of maybe first and a half gear. Their offenses were both very basic, which is rather sad when you consider just how good Santana could be with almost anyone. Granted Repo was never known for burning up the mat, but how do you have a lame match with Tito Santana?

Post match Repo chokes with the hook again, making Santana foam at the mouth.

From Niagara Falls, New York, April 28, 1992.

Legion Of Doom/Natural Disasters vs. Money Inc./Nasty Boys

Jimmy Hart is here with the villains and the other side has Paul Ellering. It takes over a minute to decide who starts until we get Hawk shoving DiBiase into the corner. DiBiase has some better luck with chops but Hawk cleans house with chops. Everything breaks down and the bad guys are sent to the floor and we slow down again. Sean: “This really is a classic tag team match.” First off, no it isn’t and second off, it’s just over three minutes in. That’s some rather fast classic designating.

We settle down to Hawk elbowing IRS in the face but Sags comes in for an elbow of his own. The villains start taking turns on Hawk, including DiBiase grabbing a neckbreaker for two. We hit the chinlock, because that’s what the match needs right now. Hawk fights up, gets caught in the wrong corner, and everything breaks down. Earthquake beats on Knobbs before sitting on Sags for the pin at 7:59.

Rating: D. Egads this tape could not have ended any faster and even these guys felt like they wanted out of there. This was another dull match to end a tape of them and there was no way around it. I know they didn’t have a ton of time, but they should have ha enough talent in there to have some kind of a wild fight. But then again, why do that when you can just stand around in slow motion?

Heenan believes he has mastered tennis and tries to jump the net, only to crotch himself. Some women show up to talk to Gene and that’s how we wrap it up.

Overall Rating: D. Bret vs. Barbarian is a rather basic match that was well done with Bret being good enough to make it work. It’s also the best match on the tape by a good margin, which should tell you about all you need here. They really couldn’t put in a better Shawn match or something with Flair or Piper? I like Money Inc. and the Natural Disasters, but I really didn’t need to see them this much. Savage’s match was even against half of Money Inc. to make sure they’re on there again. This wasn’t so much bad as much as it was completely uninteresting, which made this a much harder sit. Watch anything else.



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Daily News Update – June 4, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Smackdown – June 2, 2023

Ring Of Honor TV – June 1, 2023

Rampage – June 2, 2023

WWF Boston House Show – June 27, 1986


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WWF Boston House Show – June 27, 1986: The Trash Should Explain It

WWF House Show
Date: June 27, 1986
Location: Boston Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Attendance: 14,348
Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon, Gene Okerlund

Welcome to “I feel like watching some 80s wrestling”, as we have a house show from almost three months after Wrestlemania II. This is a bit of a strange time for the WWF, as Hulk Hogan is ruling the world and there are good feuds beneath him, but he is going to need a big challenger to come after the title. That might be taken care of tonight. Let’s get to it.

Gorilla and Gene welcome us to the show and run down the top of the card.

Based on cards I can find, this show is not in the same order that it aired, but I can’t imagine it makes that much of a difference.

Les Thornton/Tiger Chung Lee vs. US Express

Unfortunately this is the Dan Spivey version of the Express. Thornton and Rotundo start things off and Thornton drops him with a running shoulder. Rotundo pulls him down into a headscissors as Gene talks about a recent golf outing. With that broken up, it’s off to Spivey to headlock Lee over. Spivey grinds away a bit but Lee gets in a shot of his own, allowing Thornton to come back in. The chinlock goes on for a bit until Spivey powers up, only to get caught in a front facelock.

Commentary talks about some of the great teams at the moment, including Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff and George Steele/Junkyard Dog. I question commentary’s definition of “great” as Spivey gets taken down again. Lee comes in for a slam, only to get slammed off the top for his efforts. Rotundo comes in to finally pick up the pace, including a legdrop between Lee’s legs.

We lose the camera feed for a bit before coming back to Lee driving Rotundo into the corner so things can slow right back down. Thornton grabs a chinlock until Rotunda fights up, only to have Lee offer a distraction so the tag doesn’t count. Rotundo finally kicks him away and brings in Spivey for the house cleaning. A backdrop into a jumping elbow gets two but Lee gets dropkicked out to the floor. Back in and it’s Rotundo getting caught in the corner AGAIN as this match just won’t end. This beating doesn’t last as long as it’s back to Spivey for the bulldog to finish Thornton at 12:17.

Rating: D. Oh sweet goodness this was boring and I have no idea why it went on this long. It’s a match where you could cut the time in half and do the same thing that much better. The Spivey version of the Express didn’t work out very well and you could tell that the team was on the downside here. The action was slow and uninteresting and I was begging for it to end, making the last five minutes rather awful. Terrible choice for an opener.

Tony Atlas vs. Harley Race

Race has only been around here full time for about a month and a half now. They trade headlocks to start, with Atlas grinding him down to his knees. Back up and Race tries a headbutt but goes down to the power of racial stereotypes. We’re right back to the headlock but this time they fall outside, with Atlas being knocked over the barricade.

Atlas takes his sweet time coming back inside so Race suplexes him back in for two. Back up and Atlas grabs a suplex of his own, only to miss an elbow. Race puts him down with a swinging neckbreaker and drops some elbows. A dropkick gets Atlas out of trouble and a middle rope headbutt puts Race down again. The splash hits knees though and a sunset flip finishes for Race at 8:27.

Rating: C-. Well, it was better than the opener, at least partially because it was a bit shorter. Atlas came off as confused more than anything else, as he spent a lot of time standing around, allowing Race to either move or block it. Race is of course able to have a good match with just about anyone and he was holding it together until they finally just stopped.

King Tonga vs. Pete Doherty

Tonga is the future Haku/Meng and is currently owed $50,000 for slamming Big John Studd, which he does not seem likely to collect. Doherty is a local heel who was a bit of a mainstay around Boston and even did commentary on some of these shows. Tonga powers him around to start and Doherty is complaining about a non-existent hair pull.

Back up and Tonga kicks him away before glaring Doherty off for trying a ram into the buckle. Doherty has a breather on the floor before coming back inside to miss a charge in the corner. Tonga hammers away and hits a dropkick, followed by a superkick. A flying headbutt finishes Doherty at 4:20.

Rating: C. This was little more than a squash as Tonga ran over him and Doherty got in a grand total of nothing. That being said, that’s kind of the point of someone like Doherty, who was never going to be any kind of a threat to anyone. Tonga was at least a more interesting star and someone who moved around better than almost anyone else on the show so far, though that isn’t a high bar to clear.

Moondog Spot vs. Pedro Morales

They lock up as Gorilla talks about his matches with Bruno Sammartino here in the Garden. Morales starts fast with some backdrops and Spot needs a breather. We pause for Spot to yell at the fans before he grabs a not exactly cranked on headlock. Morales breaks that up without much effort and they stare at each other a bit more.

Spot gets in a shot of his own though and the chinlock goes on. Said chinlock is about as lazy as you can imagine but it stays on for a good while. Morales fights up and gets a sunset out of the corner for no count, allowing Spot to punch him in the face. Not that it matters as Morales small packages him for two, followed by an O’Connor roll for the pin on Spot at 7:27.

Rating: D. Is the WWF mad at Boston for some reason? There have been four matches so far and the best one has been ok at best. Morales is a legend and the fans are going to respond to him, but how interested can you get in a few punches and some rollups? Spot was even worse though, making this another lame match in a show long series of them so far.

Ricky Steamboat vs. Jake Roberts

Ok this HAS to be better. Steamboat chases him to the floor and the fight starts out there as they don’t quite like each other. They get back inside with Steamboat being sent inside but easily blocking a DDT attempt. With Roberts on the floor again, the referee almost hits Steamboat, with commentary NOT being happy with such an action.

Back in and Steamboat sends Roberts into the corner and is rather fired up. Roberts gets tied up in the ropes and hammered some more, only to break free and drop Steamboat with a hard right hand. A clothesline and a heck of a whip into the corner have Steamboat down and Roberts says hit him. Not one to be rude, Steamboat slugs away but gets punched down again as Roberts wants to box.

Steamboat is knocked through the ropes and barely hangs on from crashing out to the floor. Back in and Roberts grabs the sleeper, which he switches into a chinlock to avoid drowsiness. With Steamboat fighting up, Roberts slams him down and hammers away some more. The referee breaks that up as well and commentary still isn’t pleased.

It’s time for the snake but it takes too long, meaning Roberts has to try/miss a running knee lift. A neckbreaker drops Roberts again and Steamboat does it a second time for a bonus. Back up and Roberts hits the knee lift, sending Steamboat outside again. Roberts follows him out but gets posted and sent inside….as Steamboat is counted out at 13:28.

Rating: B. I’m not sure if it was the anger between the two of them or the fact that the show has been so dull until now but this was a rather good match. They were beating each other up and Roberts felt like he was tormenting Steamboat and trying to hurt him at the same time. On the other hand you have Steamboat getting ticked off and fighting back, which is something he does rather well in his own right. Rather strong stuff here, as most of their feud wound up being.

Post match Steamboat stays on him, even sending Roberts into the barricade to bust him open. Back in and the referee has to drag Steamboat off so Roberts can escape.

WWF Title: Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage

Hogan is defending and Savage’s (with Miss Elizabeth) Intercontinental Title (which he isn’t carrying) isn’t on the line. Savage jumps Hogan from behind and gets in a belt shot to the back to start rather fast. The top rope ax handle has Hogan in more trouble but Liz gets up on the apron for some reason, allowing Hogan to pop up and start throwing the right hands.

Hogan even takes Savage’s sunglasses and hammers away while wearing stolen property. Savage is sent outside and rammed shoulder first into the post to keep him in trouble. Back in and Hogan drops him again as the fans are rather pleased with these happenings. Liz runs to the back for some reason as Hogan chokes Savage in the air to make it worse.

Hogan hits a suplex and Savage’s arm gets tied in the ropes. That’s fine with Hogan, who bites away (what a monster), only to get sent outside. Savage comes off the top with an ax handle to the floor, allowing Hogan to adjust his trunks a bit. Back in and Savage hits the top rope elbow (to no reaction from commentary) for two, as it’s Hulk Up time. All of the usual sets up the legdrop to retain the title at 7:13.

Rating: C+. Stolen property and attempted cannibalism aside, this wasn’t exactly a classic but Hogan vs. Savage is always worth a look. The most telling part though was the non-reaction to the top rope elbow, as the Intercontinental Champion hitting his finisher had almost no chance of beating Hogan. That’s how big Hogan was at this point and it was rather telling for what was going to be the reality of this feud for, well, ever.

Post match Adrian Adonis comes in to beat on Hogan, who fights off both villains (Adonis’ bra is exposed). Hogan even takes Adonis’ wig as the parade of thefts continues. A lot of posing ensues.

Moondog Rex vs. Billy Jack Haynes

They take their time before locking up, with Haynes grabbing a headlock to take over. Rex powers up and gets in a cheap shot in the corner, only to have the referee block another one so Haynes can take over (commentary still isn’t pleased). Haynes grabs a chinlock with a knee in the back (a rare sight from the good guy), which is broken up with a quick belly to back. A backbreaker stays on the back as Haynes starts staggering around. Rex grabs his own chinlock before missing his own elbow, allowing Haynes to slug away. A dropkick….I think misses Rex (now busted open a bit), but Haynes slaps on the full nelson for the win at 6:08.

Rating: C-. It was better than the other Moondog match, but there were a few parts there where they didn’t quite seem to be on the same page. Haynes was a decent power guy with a good full nelson but there is only so much that he could do. At least it was short, which is rarely a high compliment for any match and it isn’t here either.

King Kong Bundy vs. Junkyard Dog

Bundy bails from the threat of a chain because, you know, it’s a chain. Gorilla says we’re in for a classic, suggesting that he doesn’t know the definition of the word “classic”. They hit the stall button for over a minute before Bundy drives him into the corner for a clean break (though the referee yells at Dog for a bit). Bundy knocks him down but misses the elbow, allowing Dog to fire off the elbows to the head.

After a quick trip tot he floor, Bundy comes back in so he can win a slugout. The splash misses but so does Dog’s headbutt as we’re getting some trash thrown inside. Bundy takes him into the corner for a short form splash, plus a chain shot to the ribs as more trash is coming in. More choking ensues as the referee takes some trash to the head.

Dog slugs back, reaches for the missing chain, and then punches some more. Dog finally grabs the chain and Bundy bails, leaving the referee to yell at Dog again. The chain is put back in the corner and they lock up again. Bundy pulls the chain in but gets headbutted, leaving Dog to toss the referee with the chain for the DQ at 7:39.

Rating: D. Not only was it a bad match, but the fans completely gave up on it about halfway through. Throw in a bad ending (along with the trash) and this was just horrible. I’m not sure what was going on here but it really didn’t work in the slightest. It’s so strange to see the fans rebel against a match like that, though it’s kind of hard to argue against in this case.

Post match Dog beats up the referee again, including a Thump (powerslam). Commentary REALLY is not pleased here as the oddness continues.

Magnificent Muraco vs. Paul Orndorff

Rematch of the Wrestlemania II opener. Fuji goes over to say something the microphones can’t quite pick up on commentary as the referee gets some of the trash from the previous match out of the ring. They fight over a lockup and break it up against the ropes as this feels like they’re taking their time. Muraco shoves him away as we’re already over two minutes in.

Some knees to the head and ribs have Orndorff in trouble and a Hennig neck snap of all things makes it worse. Orndorff knocks him to the floor for a breather though and Muraco is perfectly fine with hitting the stall button again. Back in and Orndorff starts working on the arm as we hear about his football career. The arm cranking goes on for a bit as they might as well have the clock counting down to the time limit draw on one of the advertisement boards.

More trash comes in (and is kicked out much faster this time) as Orndorff keeps the armbar going. The arm cranking reaches about three straight minutes so Gene talks about people he met on a recent flight. Muraco FINALLY fights up and sends him into the corner, setting up….a nerve hold.

Back up and Muraco sends him into the corner again, setting up another nerve hold as you can hear the fans getting REALLY fed up. One piece of trash can be seen sailing in and almost hitting the camera as this is deserving all of the anger it gets. Orndorff fights up and hammers away, accidentally showing some life in this mess. A top rope elbow to the head and an elbow drop have Muraco in trouble and the slugout is on. Orndorff grabs a small package for two as the 20 minute time limit expires at 15:11.

Rating: F. Orndorff showed some fire at the end but this was two guys going out there and more or less taking the main event off after an already horrible show. This was terrible and made me want to see their already bad Wrestlemania match again, as they weren’t trying and made no secret whatsoever about it. Just dreadful

The referee says Orndorff wins and commentary goes off about how little sense that makes, even calling it a “miscarriage of justice” to show you how serious they really are.

Overall Rating: D-. When the third best match of the night is a King Tonga squash, you know you’re in serious trouble. Roberts vs. Steamboat was rather good and Hogan vs. Savage was fun enough, but that is the grand total of anything you might want to see on a show that runs almost two hours. The fans throwing so much trash into the ring that the referee can’t get rid of it fast enough tells you everything you need to know here, as this was one of the worst house shows I’ve ever seen and most of the people involved should have felt embarrassed by what they did out there. They won’t, but they should.

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Rampage – June 2, 2023: Ok That’s Different (And Very Good)

Date: June 2, 2023
Location: Viejas Arena, San Diego, California
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

This is an interesting one as it’s more or less Battle Of The Belts but none of the titles are AEW championships. Instead we’re seeing Ring Of Honor, AAA, New Japan and New Japan Strong, which should certainly make for a big mixture of stuff. Other than that, we could use something being announced for Forbidden Door, which is about three weeks away. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

AAA Mega Title: Dralistico vs. Komander vs. El Hijo del Vikingo

Vikingo is defending and they all miss crossbodies, making it look more like a tackling drill than anything else. Dralistico sends them both outside for the big running flip dive and adds a springboard Swanton to Komander back inside. Komander is sent to the apron for a forearm and a top rope double stomp puts him on the floor. Vikingo is back up with the big springboard flip dive and the fans are rather pleased.

Back in and a springboard Phoenix splash gives Vikingo two on Dralistico. The two of them slug it out as Komander is on the floor until Vikingo hits a spinning kick to the face for a near fall. We take a break and come back with a table set up at ringside as Komander hits a double springboard spinning hurricanrana to Vikingo. Dralistico is armdragged to the floor and there’s the big rope run flip dive to leave Komander as the only one standing.

Back in and a 450 gives Komander two on Dralistico with Vikingo making a save. A springboard spinning poisonrana plants Komander and Vikingo puts him on the table for the big step up springboard 630. Dralistico loads up a powerbomb on Vikingo, who reverses into a hurricanrana for the pin to retain at 10:06.

Rating: B. Take three high fliers and let them do their thing for a little while. It was mainly just a collection of spots but Vikingo’s stuff is always worth a look. That being said, as entertaining as it was, it still feels like something we’ve seen several times before. If nothing else, Komander hasn’t exactly held up well, though Dralistico looked better here than he ever has in AEW.

We recap Karen Jarrett hitting referee Aubrey Edwards with a chair.

Jeff Jarrett and company insist that there will be no suspensions over this whole thing. Mark Briscoe comes in to agree that there won’t be and tells Jay Lethal to shut up. Briscoe is talking to the Jarretts, with Aubrey coming in and the catfight starting.

New Japan Pro Wrestling TV Title: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Action Andretti

Sabre is defending. Feeling out process to start as the grappling goes to Sabre. Andretti climbs the ropes for a wristdrag into a dropkick to put the champ down, setting up a springboard corkscrew splash for two. Back up and Sabre grabs a cross armbreaker in the ropes, followed by twisting the arm around to increase the pain. Andretti tries to chop his way out of the armbar but gets pulled down into a Disarm-Her.

A suplex gets Andretti out of another armbar though and Andretti hits a springboard kick to the face for two. Andretti puts him on top for a super hurricanrana before loading up the torture rack neckbreaker. Sabre counters that with a choke (that’s rather clever) so Andretti plants him with a poisonrana instead. The split legged moonsault gets two on Sabre but he pulls Andretti into a Rings of Saturn (with the legs for a bigger than usual OUCH) for the tap at 10:15.

Rating: B-. This took some time to get going but wound up being a better match than I would have expected. I don’t think there was exactly much drama about a title change here but Andretti’s athleticism was enough to keep things from getting dull. I could still watch Sabre pull people into painful holds all day and that was on full display here.

NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura

Sakura is challenging and shrugs off Willow’s running shoulder. A suplex works better for Willow and she chops away in some corners. Willow is sent to the apron and a running crossbody to the ribs puts her on the floor. Sakura sends her into the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Willow hitting a middle rope dropkick for two but Sakura rolls her up for the same. Some exchanges of clotheslines goes nowhere but Willow misses one, allowing Sakura to hit a hard clothesline for the double knockdown. Sakura faceplants her but Nightingale is right back with a heck of a Pounce. The Cannonball in the corner gives Willow two, followed by the Babe With The Powerbomb to retain at 9:52.

Rating: B. They beat each other up rather well and Willow’s power game continues to work well. There’s something cool about having someone so adorable being such a monster when she gets serious. Sakura can hang with anyone and is known enough to be a serious threat, but this was about giving Willow a nice showcase, which she needed after finally winning something.

Video on Lee Moriarty vs. Katsuyori Shibata so Mark Henry can say his catchphrase.

Pure Rules Title: Lee Moriarty vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Moriarty, with Big Bill, is challenging. They go to the mat for some grappling to start with Shibata taking over, sending Moriarty over for his first rope break. Moriarty wins a battle of the clotheslines and we take a break. Back with Moriarty caught in a Figure Four and using the second rope break to escape.

Moriarty elbows in the back of the neck but Shibata sends him into the corner. The running dropkick sets up a suplex for two as Moriarty can’t keep any momentum. The chinlock goes on but Moriarty uses his third rope break (which might have been a mistake). Moriarty grabs a Border City Stretch but Shibata slips out. A shot to the face sets up a sleeper into the PK to retain the title at 9:11.

Rating: B-. Shibata didn’t quite squash him but it wasn’t much beyond that. Shibata ran Moriarty over here and shrugged off everything that Moriarty threw at him. The title continues to be little more than lining up a new target for the champion to beat until a new challenger is set up, which works well in small doses. It helps that Shibata is rather good at this style, so outside of some serious cheating, it’s hard to imagine him losing anytime soon.

Post match Daniel Garcia comes out for the staredown with Shibata to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. While I still don’t get the appeal of having everything BUT AEW titles defended, I can go with this as a one off idea. If nothing else, it was a completely different idea and felt like something worth seeing rather than Rampage’s regular offerings. If AEW isn’t going to use Rampage in any meaningful way, throw something like this out there and have some fun instead. The fact that there wasn’t a bad match in sight made it even better. I wouldn’t want to see this every week, but for a one off, I’ll absolutely take this.

El Hijo del Vikingo b. Dralistico and Komander – Hurricanrana to Dralistico
Zack Sabre Jr. b. Action Andretti – Rings Of Saturn
Willow Nightingale b. Emi Sakura – Babe With The Powerbomb
Katsuyori Shibata b. Lee Moriarty – PK



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