Ring Of Honor TV – May 4, 2023: Just Go Nuts

Ring Of Honor
Date: May 4, 2023
Location: FLA Live Arena, Sunrise, Florida
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Nigel McGuinness

The shakeup of this show continues as there was no Dark or Dark: Elevation this week, meaning those shows’ futures might be in question. That could certainly change the way this show is presented and I’m not sure what that is going to mean. For now though, we should be in for something interesting as the show tends to be good. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Lee Moriarty vs. Rocky Romero

Pure Rules and Big Bill is here with Moriarty. Romero goes straight for an armbar and Moriarty has to use his first rope break. A hammerlock doesn’t work for Romero so he grabs a flying mare to stagger Moriarty instead. Romero goes right back to the arm so Moriarty goes for the second rope break. This time though he ties Romero’s arm in the ropes and elbows him in the head to take over.

Back up and Romero punches him in the face, which is enough for the official warning. Romero kicks the legs out to take over and a springboard tornado DDT plants Moriarty again. The cross armbreaker has Moriarty using his final rope break so it’s the standing Sliced Bread to give Romero two more. Romero tries it again gets countered into a suplex DDT for two. The cross armbreaker goes on again and since the rope won’t save him, Moriarty taps at 9:28.

Rating: C+. The Pure Rules only played so much of a role here, as Romero kept getting the same hold until Moriarty tapped. One thing that does help is that Big Bill was little more than a distraction for the most part. Romero isn’t likely to become a big star around here, but he should be able to beat Moriarty, who is talented but means little in AEW.

Athena vs. Angelica Risk

Proving Ground, meaning Risk gets a title shot for winning or going to a time limit draw. Athena kicks her down and dances to start, followed by a wheelbarrow faceplant. Risk gets in a few forearms but only earns herself a chinlock with a knee in the back. Athena stops to yell at the referee and gets enziguried for her efforts. A 619 looks to set up a high crossbody but Athena pulls her out of the air. Some rolling Wastelands set up a Gory Bomb spun onto the knees. Athena grabs a crossface for the tap at 5:09.

Rating: C+. Athena is getting a lot better at this destruction stuff and it’s fun to see her slaughtering people. The problem with having her be around this often while being this good though is the risk of turning her face, as the fans are going to get more impressed with her. Skye Blue seems to be the next big challenger and that could go rather well.

Post match Athena hits Skye Blue’s Skyfall onto the title.

TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels

Joe is defending in a rematch from a few weeks back. Daniels grabs a headlock and gets absolutely nowhere. Joe hammers him down with right hands in the corner and we hit the nerve hold. Back up and Daniels fires off some forearms, only to get run over again. Daniels manages a middle rope swinging Downward Spiral for two but Joe isn’t having anything of the Angel’s Wings. Instead he sends Daniels into the corner and hits the MuscleBuster to retain at 5:51.

Rating: C+. It was fine enough while it lasted, but there wasn’t much drama in Daniels as the challenger. Not only is he not someone who is going to be a threat to the title, but Joe has been pretty much a wrecking ball in ROH. The problem is that he has kind of floated around though, as aside from Mark Briscoe, it feels like it has been months since he had a serious challenger for the title.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Robbie Eagles

Castagnoli is defending. Eagles snaps off a running hurricanrana to start and then wins a strike off. That’s fine with Castagnoli, who goes to the eyes and stomps away in the corner. The armbar goes on but Eagles fights up and starts in on the knee. A springboard missile dropkick staggers Castagnoli and a 619 to the knee drops him in the corner.

Some running knees in the corner give Eagles two and the Eagle Lock (something like a reverse Figure our) sends Castagnoli to the floor. The standing shooting star press gives Eagles two but he charges into a Michinoku Driver for two of his own. Castagnoli blasts him with a clothesline and pulls him up into the Riccola Bomb to retain at 8:21.

Rating: B. Now this was a nice showcase for Eagles, as he had Castagnoli staggered more than once and had the unique offense to make it interesting. While there was no threat of a title win, it was cool to see Eagles getting so show off out there. He’s a talented guy and if AEW/ROH can keep him around, it would be a nice addition to either roster.

Skye Blue wants to face Athena for the Women’s Title. That was pretty much a formality of a challenge so nice job of not wasting time.

The Kingdom/Varsity Athletes vs. Stu Grayson/Action Andretti/Darius Martin/Best Friends

Maria Kanellis-Bennett and Mark Sterling are here too. Taven and Andretti start things off with Andretti hitting a pop up dropkick before handing it off to Martin. Everything breaks down fast and the good guys clear the ring, setting up a series of running corner clotheslines to Taven. Nese comes in and whips Trent hard into the corner to take over, only to have Trent knee his way out of trouble.

Grayson comes in and we hit the parade of shots to the face. Grayson goes up but Woods runs the corner to superplex him back down. Trent superplexes Taven down onto the pile at ringside (egads), leaving Grayson to kick Daivari down back inside. Andretti goes up top…and here is the Righteous again for a distraction. Andretti hits his torture rack neckbreaker to finish Daivari at 6:24.

Rating: B-. This was the “just go nuts” match with ten people getting a few minutes to go out there and squeeze in whatever they could. They didn’t bother trying to make this into a back and forth match and it would have been nuts to see them try. This was the kind of entertaining chaos that you need sometimes on a show and they didn’t make the mistake of trying to stay out there too long. Nice job with a rather fun match.

Post match everyone is mad at the Righteous but the winners have the big hug.

Athena is in for the title match with Skye Blue.

Preston Vance vs. Rich Adonis

Vance sends him outside to start and the whips into the barricade ensue. Adonis gets in a few shots but charges into a slingshot wheelbarrow suplex. Vance hits a discus lariat for the pin at 2:19.

Action Andretti and Darius Martin are happy with their win but the Kingdom jumps them from behind. The Code of Honor is forcibly enforced.

Skye Blue vs. Robyn Renegade

Blue starts fast with a sunset flip for two and we hit the pinfall reversal sequence. Renegade heads outside and pulls Blue off the apron for a crash to the floor. Back in and Blue forearms away before snapping off a hurricanrana. It’s too early for Skyfall so Renegade knocks her down for two. Blue is back up and hits a superkick, setting up Skyfall for the pin at 4:15.

Rating: C. There wasn’t much drama here as Blue is already set for the title shot but Renegade got in some offense of her own. Renegade continues to look fairly polished in the ring and I could see her becoming something around here. Blue is getting the push right now though and the title match against Athena should be a nice showdown.

Brian Cage vs. Brock Anderson

Cage runs him over to start but Brock avoids a charge and hammers away. A powerslam puts Cage down for all of two seconds before he’s back with the Texas Cloverleaf. That’s broken up via the rope but Cage Drill Claws him for the pin at 3:15.

Rating: C. It still feels like AEW wants to push Cage as something and it is easy to see why, but squashing people on ROH and carrying the Gates of Agony isn’t enough. He continues to be able to do all kinds of things in the ring and looks solid doing it, but you can only get so far on potential. They need to figure out a story for him already, because his age and body aren’t going to hold out forever.

Willow Nightingale vs. Steph de Lander

They trade shoulders to start, with Nightingale getting the better of things and stopping to pose a bit. Back up and de Lander sends her into the corner for some shoulders to the ribs. Nightingale avoids a charge into the corner though and hits the Cannonball. The spinebuster gives Nightingale the pin at 3:40.

Rating: C-. They didn’t have time to do anything here but it was the usual Nightingale win over a lesser name before she probably loses her next big match. That has been her pattern for a long time now and there is little reason to believe that she is going to break the cycle. Not an awful match, but it was short and nothing new from Nightingale.

Kommander vs. Angelico

Serpentico is here with Angelico. Kommander sends him to the floor to start but Angelico is right back in to cut off the dive. Angelico’s chinlock doesn’t last long so he misses a running knee in the corner instead. With Angelico down on the floor, Kommander hits a big dive, followed by another dive, complete with a springboard.

A top rope sunset flip gives Kommander two back inside but Angelico grabs a suplex for the same. The Fall of the Angels is broken up and Kommander’s sunset bomb gets two. A hurricanrana gives Kommander two and there’s the big rope run flip dive to drop Angelico on the floor. Back in and a rope walk shooting star press finishes Angelico at 6:02.

Rating: B-. The flips and the dives are all impressive but there is something missing from Kommander that makes it hard to stay interested. His dives feel so much more focused on the setup/running the ropes than anything else and that doesn’t have quite the impact. It was still a nice spectacle, but when you have El Hijo del Vikingo around here as well, Kommander just doesn’t feel nearly as special.

Post match Serpentico comes in for the beatdown but Orange Cassidy and Bandido make the save.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty solid show here with the Castagnoli/Eagles match being the highlight. It was another mostly all action show as they set up the Women’s title match, plus probably a six man given the ending. Other than that, they might have wanted to cut one or two of the short matches to not have it be stretched out so much, but it was still another completely watchable hour and a half.

Rocky Romero b. Lee Moriarty – Cross armbreaker
Athena b. Angelica Risk – Crossface
Samoa Joe b. Christopher Daniels – MuscleBuster
Claudio Castagnoli b. Robbie Eagles – Riccola Bomb
Stu Grayson/Action Andretti/Darius Martin/Best Friends b. The Kingdom/Varsity Athletes – Torture rack neckbreaker to Daivari
Preston Vance b. Rich Adonis – Discus lariat
Skye Blue b. Robyn Renegade – Skyfall
Brian Cage b. Brock Anderson – Drill Claw
Willow Nightingale b. Steph de Lander – Spinebuster
Kommander b. Angelico – Rope walk shooting star press



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Daily News Update – May 5, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews.

Dynamite – April 26, 2023

Ring Of Honor TV – April 27, 2023

Impact Wrestling – April 27, 2023

Smackdown – April 28, 2023 (WWE Draft)

Rampage – April 28, 2023

Monday Night Raw – May 1, 2023 (WWE Draft)

NXT – May 2, 2023

Dynamite – May 3, 2023


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Dynamite – May 3, 2023: That’s Tricky

Date: May 3, 2023
Location: CFG Bank Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We are less than a month away from Double Or Nothing and tonight we should get the final announcement of the main event. This week’s main event will see Jungle Boy and Darby Allin vs. MJF/Sammy Guevara. If the former win, the Double Or Nothing World Title match is a four way. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Orange Cassidy/Roderick Strong/Bandido/Adam Cole vs. Jericho Appreciation Society

That would be Jake Hager/Matt Menard/Angelo Parker/Daniel Garcia for the Society. Chris Jericho himself joins commentary as Cole hammers away on Parker to start. Cole stomps Parker down in the corner and chokes away before Bandido comes in for a snap powerslam. Everything breaks down and we get a big brawl on the floor, with the Society taking Cassidy down.

Bandido hits a big flip dive to take them down and Cole goes after Jericho. With that broken up by the Society, Bandido’s delayed vertical suplex is broken up. He suplexes Parker and Menard at the same time instead and we take a break. Back with Hager bearhugging Cassidy, who slips out and hits a Stundog Millionaire on Menard.

Everything breaks down and Strong hits an Angle Slam for two on Hager. Garcia gets Cassidy in the Dragon Slayer but it get broken up, setting up the parade of secondary finishers. Cassidy’s Beach Break gets two on Garcia, followed by the lazy tags. It’s back to Strong for a jumping knee to Parker’s face and Cole hits The Boom for the pin at 14:19.

Rating: B. This was the kind of fun opening match that you often need to have. It was a bunch of wrestlers who the fans like beating up wrestlers they don’t like and that is almost always going to work. Cole gets the win to start his revenge on the Society, which is likely setting up a violent match at Double Or Nothing. Good opener here and the fans seemed to like it a lot.

Post match Cole charges up the barricade to go after Jericho and even breaks the set down while jumping him.

Jungle Boy and Darby Allin are ready to get their main event title shot at Double Or Nothing.

Security takes Adam Cole out of the arena as Chris Jericho shouts about how dangerous Cole is. Britt Baker comes in to slap Jericho down.

The Blackpool Combat Club talks about (after starting with the volume down) how Kenny Omega thinks he is a legend. Bryan Danielson is better than him though and is the best wrestler in the world today. If not, it’s one of his teammates. The future of wrestling is better because of him though and he wants someone like Wheeler Yuta to be better. They’re willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Jon Moxley talks about how they work to make each other better and next week, he’s facing Omega in a cage.

Saraya vs. Willow Nightingale

The rests of the Outcasts are here with Saraya. Nightingale heads outside to yell at the other two, allowing Saraya to grab a choke back inside. With that broken up, Nightingale sends her into the corner and then out to the apron. This time, the rest of the Outcasts get in some cheap shots and we take a break. Back with Willow hitting a spinebuster for two, followed by a Death Valley Driver for…nothing, because the Outcasts break it up. Nightingale Pounces Soho and drops Storm, only to get the Midnight (Rampaige) for the pin at 6:39.

Rating: C. In a shock, the Outcasts use their numbers advantage to win a match over someone they have beaten before. This story has been running in place for months now and I’m almost worried about where it is going. The problem continues to be that the team isn’t that interesting and they have such a revolving door of opponents. Find something more concrete for them to fight over and it could work, but until then, stop trying to recreate the NWO without what made the NWO work.

Post match the beatdown stays on but Hikaru Shida runs in for the save….and then joins the Outcasts. Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker come in for the save….and Shida helps them beat down the Outcasts.

The House Of Black throw down the Trios Titles and want them to mean more. We hear about the Open House: any three people can come challenge for the belts, but under House Rules, it’s a 20 count on the floor, no rope breaks and DQ is enforced under Dealer’s Choice. The House Always Wins, including having black titles. Sure why not, as these titles continue to suck the life out of the tag division.

Tres de Mayo Trios Battle Royal

El Hijo del Vikingo/Lucha Bros, Varsity Athletes, Dark Order, Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian, QTV/Powerhouse Hobbs, Billy Gunn/The Acclaimed

All three members have to be eliminated. It’s a brawl on the floor to start (because of course) before everyone gets inside for the start. Scissoring/CERO MIEDO leads to a standoff and Evil Uno gets rid of Daivari. Uno is kicked out just as fast and Fenix runs the ropes to kick Nese out. Vikingo eliminates Woods and the Athletes are all gone. Marshall knocks Reynolds out but the Lucha Bros toss Marshall and Solow.

Hobbs goes after the Bros and shrugs off their kicks, only to have QTV offer a distraction. Now the Bros are eliminated but Vikingo goes after Hobbs. That earns Vikingo a toss out and it’s Hobbs running Gunn over. The Acclaimed dumps Hobbs but Butcher breaks up the scissoring to get rid of Caster.

We’re down to Butcher/Blade/Sabian vs. Gunn/Bowens vs. Silver, with the villains taking over without much trouble. Silver grabs a delayed vertical suplex on Blade but he’s back up to get rid of Silver, leaving us at 3-2. Blade Stuns Gunn but Bowens tosses him as well to even it up. Bowens gets thrown over the top but Gunn makes a save. Stereo Fameassers set up the double elimination to give Gunn/Bowens the win for their trio at 9:31.

Rating: C+. It was a team battle royal, which is one of AEW’s favorite weird matches. It also shows you how far things have shifted from a regular tag teams to the trios stuff, which still doesn’t hook me as well. Maybe this is something else for the Acclaimed, but I would still like to have the two divisions more merged together. Or just get rid of the Trios Titles altogether, though that doesn’t seem likely.

Sammy Guevara isn’t happy with MJF, who interrupts him to say they’re still friends. For tonight, they’ll make sure the Double Or Nothing main event is just them. MJF has a bad back from carrying the company, which is enough for Guevara to buy his excuse.

Kenny Omega and Don Callis are ready for Jon Moxley next week. Moxley is a crazy man and Omega will be ready for him. Even if Moxley makes Omega bleed it won’t be enough, because Omega is ready to end it next week.

Wardlow vs. Logan Laroux

Non-title and the Powerbomb Symphony finishes Laroux at 1:27. Lash would have done better.

Post match Wardlow wants to finish this with Christian Cage and Luchasaurus. Cue the two of them, with Cage saying not tonight. Oh and Luchasaurus isn’t challenging, but rather Cage. Interesting enough.

Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal come to see Mark Briscoe to calm things off. Mark puts them to work on the farm, along with Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh. They wind up sitting around with Jeff playing guitar but Papa Briscoe comes in to glare. With everyone down, Papa tells him to be worried about all of them. The team has a peace offering though: a singles match for Briscoe on Rampage. This was hilarious, with the villains playing wannabe hillbillies just fine.

Ricky Starks vs. Juice Robinson

Robinson slaps him out of the corner to start so Starks hammers him in the face. They fight to the floor with Robinson whipping him into the barricade but not being able to add a piledriver. Starks gets sent hard into the steps but Starks manages a quick posting. A slam off the steps drops Robinson on the floor as we take an early break.

Back with Starks hitting a clothesline and a tornado DDT getting two on Robinson. Starks sends him into the corner for the running Cannonball, followed by a hard clothesline of his own for two. The forward DDT is countered a few times and Starks hits the spear. The Roshambo finishes Robinson at 9:16.

Rating: C+. Nice match but it’s still not exactly a great feud. Starks was red hot for a little while now but instead he is here with what feels like the New Japan refugees. Robinson and Jay White are talented stars, though they don’t have much in the way of success around here. At the same time, Starks did get the pin, but I have no reason to believe that this story is anywhere near done with Double Or Nothing less than a month away.

Post match Jay White runs in to help beat down Starks, who still needs another partner.

Video on the Firm Deletion match.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

MJF pitches an alliance with Jungle Boy, who he says he loves like a brother. Jungle Boy isn’t sold because he wants the title. Darby Allin comes in and looks suspicious.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman/Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin/Jungle Boy

If Allin and Jungle Boy win, they’re added to the Double Or Nothing World Title match. Guevara’s headlock on Jungle Boy doesn’t last long so he shoulders Jungle Boy down for some early posing. It’s quickly off to Allin vs. MJF, with the former getting two off a rollup. MJF drives Jungle Boy into the corner, where Guevara gets knocked to the floor. A double elbow drops MJF but Guevara comes back in to choke away on Allin.

More choking (with the scarf) is made worse by the referee dealing with the other two on the floor. Allin reverses into his own choke though and hits MJF with a flipping Stunner. MJF is fine enough to cut Jungle Boy off before the hot tag though and we take a break. Back with Allin fighting his way out of trouble, and diving between the villains for the hot tag to Jungle Boy. Everything breaks down and Allin dives onto MJF.

Jungle Boy’s tiger driver drops Guevara on the back of his head for two but MJF cuts Jungle Boy off again. It’s back to Allin to clean more house but a Code Red is countered into a sitout powerbomb to give MJF two. Jungle Boy comes in off the blind tag and Snare Traps MJF, with Guevara making a save. The villains tease a double dive, with only Guevara diving onto the other two.

Back in and MJF’s lifting DDT gets two on Jungle Boy, leaving quite the angry reaction. Guevara’s Swanton gives MJF two, but hold on as Guevara isn’t happy with that cover. MJF isn’t happy and slaps Guevara in the face. The argument earns MJF a superkick, allowing Jungle Boy to roll Guevara up for two, followed by the basement superkick. Allin tags himself in and hits the Coffin Drop to pin Guevara at 15:55.

Rating: B. This match had a tricky job to pull off, as the result wasn’t exactly in doubt but they had to draw in some interest anyway. To their credit, they did in fact make it work, as this was a good match with a lot of storytelling elements included. Instead of just having three people who want to get rid of MJF, you have three people who also want to beat each other. Rather strong main event here, which is even more impressive given the not exactly stunning result.

Jungle Boy and Allin have some words but seem pleased to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This show started to get Double Or Nothing more together, though they are going to need to make some matches official before too long. Doing so with the main event was the important part here and that part worked, along with some other fun matches at the same time. Now just turn the potential into something worthwhile and we could be on to something for the big show later this month.

Orange Cassidy/Bandido/Roderick Strong/Adam Cole b. Jericho Appreciation Society – Boom to Parker
Saraya b. Willow Nightingale – Midnight
Acclaimed won Tres de Mayo Trios Battle Royal last eliminating Butcher & the Blade/Kip Sabian
Wardlow b. Logan Laroux – Powerbomb Symphony
Ricky Starks b. Juice Robinson – Roshambo
Darby Allin/Jungle Boy b. Maxwell Jacob Friedman/Sammy Guevara – Coffin Drop to Guevara



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – May 2, 2023: The Latest Finale

Date: May 2, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are in for the final night before everything changes up next week. The NXT roster was gutted by the WWE Draft and now we get to see everyone have one last night around here. This is going to include multiple champions, so we could be in for some last minute title changes, which could be quite the shakeup. Or WWE will just do something stupid. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the NXT Draft picks.

North American Title: Wes Lee vs. Drew Gulak

Lee, with Tyler Bate (as evened out by Charlie Dempsey), is defending. An early dropkick puts Gulak on the floor but he’s back in with a sunset flip for two. Back up and Lee takes him to the top, only to get knocked to the mat for a top rope clothesline. Gulak cranks on both arms at once but Lee slips out and wins a slugout. A German suplex out of the corner is blocked and Gulak heads outside, where he is taken down by a dive. Dempsey’s interference is cut off by Bate and the Cardiac Kick retains the title at 5:23.

Rating: B-. They didn’t have a lot of time here but they crammed in what they could for a nice opener. Lee is a great choice to open the show as he can excite the fans rather easily no matter who he is in there against. Gulak is going to be around as long as he wants to as he can always be a trainer, plus actively wrestling on the side. Nice opener here and I could have gone for a longer version.

We look at Carmelo Hayes retaining the NXT Title last week against Carmelo Hayes. After the match, the challenge was thrown out to Bron Breakker, who then wrecked Hayes and Trick Williams.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are ready to retain the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles before they leave NXT for good after tonight. They’re leaving the place in darkness.

Here is Trick Williams for an angry chat. He has known Carmelo Hayes since high school and they have been friends for years. Last week he took a spear for Hayes and he would do it again in a heartbeat because it’s his instinct. Cue Bron Breakker to say Williams must be tougher than Hayes because he’s actually here. The match is on for Battleground, but Williams wants to face Breakker as well. Breakker does it on his time so they can fight next week.

JD McDonagh is ready to move up to Raw but Noam Dar comes in to tell him to take out Dragon Lee tonight. McDonagh says stay away from him or he’ll take the Heritage Cup with him to Raw.

Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne

Jayne knees her in the ribs to start and trips Dolin face first onto the apron. Back in and Dolin’s half nelson attempt is blocked and it’s a superkick to stagger her again. Dolin is back with a kick to the head though and an STO gets two on Jayne. They head outside again (where Dolin’s brother is watching in the crowd) and some Kawada kicks send Jayne’s head into the steps. They get back inside where Dolin is sent into the turnbuckle bar, allowing Jayne to hit a spinning kick to the face for the pin at 3:22.

Rating: C. Again they didn’t have much time here but this was about giving Jayne a pin over Dolin to even things up a bit. It was a quick beating and Dolin didn’t get in a ton of offense, but at least there were some shenanigans setting up the finish. There will probably be a rubber match at Battleground, but this feud has gone ice cold since Jayne got injured.

Post match Jayne keeps up the beating and even mocks Dolin’s brother for a bonus.

Axiom vs. Scrypts

Scrypts (no entrance) jumps Axiom to start but gets armdragged down. A northern lights suplex drops Scrypts again but he sends Axiom outside. The big dive drops Axiom and a top rope moonsault press gives Scrypts two back inside. Scrypts dropkicks him out of the air but Axiom knees him in the face for two. Axiom gets dropped again but he manages to superkick Scrypts out of the air as well. The Golden Ratio finishes Scrypts at 4:17.

Rating: C+. Now just move on to something else for Axiom already. He’s a talented guy who has been stuck in this weird/not interesting feud with Scrypts for a good while now. They did some nice things here with the flips and dives, but I’m still not sure what the point of Scrypts is supposed to be and I don’t know if NXT knows it either.

Post match Scrypts goes after Axiom and gets exposed as….well the fans chant Reggie but no name is given. This is up there with Doom’s reveal for non-surprises.

Earlier today, Brooks Jensen joined Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley at the bar and thanked them for dealing with him. They say he doesn’t need to apologize, but he did learn enough from Kiana James to help the bar make more money. Some women come up to hit on Jensen but he politely declines because he’s with his friends.

Dragon Lee vs. JD McDonagh

Lee works on the arm to start but gets driven into the corner. That doesn’t work for Lee, who hits some rapid fire dropkicks in the corner. Cue Noam Dar for a distraction though, allowing McDonagh to tie Lee up in the Tree of Woe. A charge misses Lee and sends McDonagh crotching himself into the post as we take a break.

Back with McDonagh holding a bodyscissors to keep Lee in trouble. Lee isn’t having that though and goes up top for a high crossbody, setting up the big flip dive to the floor. The top rope double stomp gives Lee two and they head to the apron, where McDonagh gets struck in the chest a lot.

They both crash down to the floor and beat the count, with Lee snapping off a fast German suplex. The poisonrana plants McDonagh again but he’s back with a hard clothesline as Noam Dar is here. Lee heads up but gets cut off by a super Spanish Fly. The brainbuster gives McDonagh two, only to have Lee Canadian Destroy him to the floor. Back in and the Devlin Side finishes Lee out of nowhere at 15:03.

Rating: B. These two got a lot more time and had a much better match, which shouldn’t be surprising given the talent involved. McDonagh gets a nice showcase on the way on the way out of NXT and onto Raw with some momentum. At the same time, Lee needs to win something around here and I’m not sure why he keeps losing so often. The talent is there, but those losses pile up.

Post match Lee and Dar brawl to the back.

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles because they’re a better team.

Joe Gacy is ready to sacrifice his body to Joe Coffey to get the Dyad a Tag Team Title match.

We look at various women being attacked in recent months.

Joe Gacy vs. Joe Coffey.

If Gacy wins, the Dyad gets a Tag Team Title shot against Gallus and the rest of Schism is here. Coffey knees him into the corner to start and stomps away but Gacy hits a knee to the face. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Coffey fights up and hits an elbow for two. Gacy’s belly to back gets the same but gets caught with All The Best For The Bells. The Dyad puts a foot on the rope though and Gacy hits the Upside Down for the pin at 3:21.

Rating: C-. Well Gacy wasn’t going to lose here, even if he should have. Putting the focus on the Dyad is a better idea than focusing on Gacy, though it wouldn’t surprise me to see that coming sooner rather than later. At the end of the day, Schism is still the same level of bad that they have been since they came in and I don’t see it getting any better anytime soon.

Sol Ruca (via phone), Tank Ledger and Hank Walker give Dani Palmer a pep talk. Oba Femi comes in to scare the guys.

Eddy Thorpe was training earlier when Damon Kemp came in to tell him to take out the trash. Kemp called him a young boy too, making a match seem imminent.

Dani Palmer vs. Tatum Paxley

Palmer flips around to start, including flipping out of a wristlock and into a rollup for two on Paxley. Back up and Paxley knocks her into the corner to take over, setting up a chinlock with a knee in the spine. Palmer slips out of an abdominal stretch attempt and avoids a splash, followed by something like a standing Sliced Bread to drop Paxley again. A frog splash gives Palmer the pin at 3:59.

Rating: C+. This was a showcase for Palmer and that’s what it needed to be. She has the athleticism and some charisma to go with it so there is certainly potential there. Paxley is far from a top star but she is someone who has been around long enough to have a bit of a reputation. That makes her perfect to put Palmer over to start and that is all it needed to be here.

Andre Chase is too banged up from facing Bron Breakker, meaning he can’t teach this week. Instead, Duke Hudson takes over the teaching and says we have no more pop quizzes. Hudson: “Duke University?”

Von Wagner and Mr. Stone are going through a photo album but Wagner doesn’t want to talk about one of the photos. Wagner leaves, and Stone sees a baby dealing with a lot of medical issues (presumably Wagner himself).

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn vs. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance

Carter/Chance are challenging and both teams are main roster bound. The champs jump them to start fast and the fight is on the floor before the bell. Chance dives onto both of them and we get the bell, allowing Chance to sunset flip Fyre for two. Carter clears the ring and hits a few kicks from the apron as we take a break.

Back with Chance snapping off a hurricanrana to Fyre, followed by a flipping legdrop to the back of the head for two. A springboard moonsault/legdrop combination gets two on Fyre but she kicks Chance into the corner. The Backstabber/Swanton combination gets two, with Carter having to make the save.

Everything breaks down and the 450/neckbreaker combination hits Dawn for two more and it’s time for the big double slugout. Dawn gets sent outside and a super Spanish Fly gets two on Fyre. A high crossbody hits Dawn but Fyre is back in with a Gory Bomb/Downward Spiral combination (that looked sweet) to retain at 9:14.

Rating: B-. Another fun match here, but they didn’t do it any favors with the break in the middle. It still gets very old having that cut out such a big chunk of the match but what we did get to see worked well. Now I’m curious to see what happens to the titles, though I could go with seeing them unified with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Dijak blames Ilja Dragunov for the beating he received last week.

Apollo Crews runs into Trick Williams in the parking low and gives him a pep talk.

Here is Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell, with the fans telling her that SHE DESERVES IT (likely meaning the promotion to the main roster, not the walking boot and crutches). She talks about her path here and what it meant for her to become champion. Then she got hurt in a title defense, but the title reign wasn’t ending on the medical table. Now she is on the way to Raw, but the most important thing right now is NXT.

Starting next week, there will be a tournament to crown a new Women’s Champion, with the new champion being crowned at Battleground. Hartwell leaves the title in the ring….and Dexter Lumis pops out from underneath said ring. Dexter takes her away and Tiffany Stratton comes in to pick up the title. A bunch more women come in and the big brawl ends the show. Makes sense, as Hartwell doesn’t seem able to lose the title right now and you don’t want her getting beaten on the way to the main roster. It also gives a bunch of people something to do so this is the right way to go.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a very different kind of show, as NXT is finishing up a bunch of stars and there isn’t much that can be done with them as a result. Instead, you had some farewells and some things being set up for once everyone is gone. That doesn’t leave you with many options, but at least they got through the show with some good action and an important development in the end. The new NXT starts next week, but for now their latest finale went well.

Wes Lee b. Drew Gulak – Cardiac Kick
Jacy Jayne b. Gigi Dolin – Spinning kick to the face
Axiom b. Scrypts – Golden Ratio
JD McDonagh b. Dragon Lee – Devlin Side
Dani Palmer b. Tatum Paxley – Frog splash



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Monday Night Raw – May 1, 2023 (2023 Draft Night Two): All At Once

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 1, 2023
Location: Dickies Arena, Fort Worth, Texas
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

It’s a double shot this week as we have the second night of the Draft, plus the go home Raw for Backlash. On the first hand, there were already some big moves in the Draft and it’s going to be even bigger this week. On the second hand, Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar are both here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the first night of the Draft, with both shows picking up some big names.

Here is HHH to get things going. He explains the rules, saying that all of the remaining roster is eligible to be drafted. Since Roman Reigns is officially on SmackDown, the World Heavyweight Title is coming to Raw. Brock Lesnar is officially a free agent and can appear on both shows. Finally, there are select NXT names who can be drafted as well. Here are the first picks:

Monday Night Raw
Rhea Ripley
Seth Rollins

Austin Theory

With the picks out of the way, HHH brings Paul Heyman to the ring (after a quick stop to look at the World Heavyweight Championship) for a chat. Heyman is here to address some issues that Roman Reigns wanted him to bring up. First of all, the Bloodline (minus the Usos) has been drafted to Smackdown, meaning tonight we find out the fate of the Usos.

That would be the Usos who did NOT win back their Tag Team Titles from Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Heyman will address that with them in private, but on Saturday, there is a six man tag between the Bloodline and Zayn/Owens/Matt Riddle. Either way, Reigns will be at Smackdown next week to take care of a lot of things…..including the World Heavyweight Title. Or not, as Reigns can’t compete on Raw.

The worst thing about that is how many people think they can be the man but just can’t beat Reigns. Heyman says FREAKIN a few times so here is Seth Rollins to interrupt. After the conducting of the fans, Rollins says he thinks Reigns is gone so he can finally stop running from Rollins. Heyman doesn’t like Rollins suggesting he’ll win the title and gets on the phone to Reigns. The fans start singing and Heyman says he can’t hear his Tribal Chief. Rollins threatens Heyman with a Stomp but here is Solo Sikoa to interrupt. Heyman says Reigns has pulled the strings to make the match for tonight. Rollins is in, Reigns or not.

Earlier today, Cody Rhodes arrived and Adam Pearce asked him to not let it get out of hand with Brock Lesnar.

Damage Ctrl vs. Raquel Rodriguez/Liv Morgan

Non-title with Iyo Sky the odd Ctrl member out. Morgan takes over on Bayley to start before Rodriguez drives her into the corner with straight power. A distraction results in Morgan being low bridged to the floor though and we take a break. Back with Morgan getting over to Rodriguez for the tag as everything breaks down. Morgan gets dropped onto Rodriguez’s knees but she’s able to hit Oblivion on Kai anyway. Bayley is right back in with a sunset flip into a rollup to pin Morgan at 8:01.

Rating: C. This feels like a way to set up a title match at Backlash with the drama of where the titles are going to go after next week. It isn’t like there are a ton of options to come after the titles in the first place so this worked as well as anything else. I don’t think the titles will change hands, but at least they have a little something going on, assuming that is where they go.

Brock Lesnar arrived earlier today and Adam Pearce said he wanted to keep the peace. Lesnar: “Good luck with that.”

Here are Booker T. and Sharmell to announce the next picks.

Monday Night Raw
Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens
Judgment Day

LWO (Joaquin Wilde/Cruz del Toro/Zelina Vega/Santos Escobar/Rey Mysterio)

Well there goes the drama over the Usos and the Bloodline being on different shows. And why was Ripley a different pick from the rest of Judgment Day if they’re going to be on the same show?

Ricochet/Braun Strowman vs. Alpha Academy

Ricochet flips away from Gable to start but the fans would rather see Otis. Rolling Chaos Theory out of the corner plants Ricochet though, meaning it’s a double tag to bring in Otis and Strowman. They trade running shots in the corner until Strowman runs him over with a big crash. The Swanton off of Strowman’s shoulders gives Ricochet the pin on Otis at 2:26. I’m surprised it went that short.

Video on Damien Priest vs. Bad Bunny.

Here are Shawn Michaels and Adam Pearce to announce the next picks but Brock Lesnar interrupts. Pearce tries to calm him down but Lesnar gets in the ring and asks how it feels to look at the only real cowboy in Texas. Pearce sends security out but Lesnar says that’s not enough. More security comes out for the staredown until it’s Cody Rhodes to drop Lesnar from behind with a single right hand (that was weird). Security separates them, with Lesnar not exactly trying to get to Rhodes.

Post break, here are those picks:

Monday Night Raw
Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez (Women’s Tag Team Champions)
New Day (Kofi Kingston/Xavier Woods)

Brawling Brutes

Matt Riddle is really excited to be on the same show as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Riddle goes off for his match as Owens wonders if they can go to Smackdown instead of being around him.

Matt Riddle vs. Jimmy Uso

Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens and Jey Uso are here too. An early Jey distraction lets Jimmy take over but Owens and Zayn fake a chair shot, earning Jey an ejection. We take an early break and come back with Jey hitting a pop up Samoan drop for two. They head outside with Riddle being sent into the barricade before Jey kicks him in the face for two back inside. Jimmy takes the turnbuckle pad off but a Sami distraction lets Owens send him into it instead. That’s enough for the Floating Bro to finish Jimmy at 7:31.

Rating: C. This was another storyline match rather than anything else and it worked well enough. The idea over the last few weeks is that the Bloodline is a lot weaker on their own without the numbers advantage and that was on display here. Riddle needed the win too, as he hasn’t been doing much since his return.

Video on Iyo Sky.

Rob Van Dam is here to present the picks but runs into Elias and Rick Boogs, who get along with him.

Paul Heyman gives Solo Sikoa a pep talk when Jimmy Uso comes in. Jimmy wants to know where Sikoa was but Heyman says Sikoa had an assignment from Roman Reigns. Heyman and Sikoa leave, with the former still buttering up Jimmy as he walks out.

Here are Rob Van Dam and Eric Bischoff for the next picks:

Monday Night Raw
Trish Stratus
Ronda Rousey/Shayna Baszler

Karrion Kross (with Scarlett)
LA Knight

It’s time for MizTV to recap the Draft so far before bringing out Shinsuke Nakamura. Miz thinks Nakamura could be a great World Heavyweight Champion but Nakamura brings up Miz’s testicle. Kinshasa drops Miz rather quickly and Nakamura gets to take a bow.

Omos vs. Anthony Alanis

Chokebomb finishes Alanis at 48 seconds.

We look back at the debut of the World Heavyweight Title.

Road Dogg (actually named Jesse James for what feels like the first time in forever) and Molly Holly handle the next picks.

Monday Night Raw
Braun Strowman/Ricochet
Bronson Reed

Pretty Deadly (NXT)

Pretty Deadly handled what seemed to be dying pretty well.

Here is Judgment Day to brag about sticking together and promising to win at Backlash. Rhea Ripley isn’t overly nervous about facing Zelina Vega because she always comes out on top. Finn Balor promises that Bad Bunny will be turned into little pieces of fluff and Damien Priest threatens Bunny in Spanish. Dominik Mysterio can barely get a word in over the booing, eventually saying he can’t wait to see what happens on Saturday.

He’s ready for a six person tag tonight but here is the LWO to interrupt. Rey Mysterio promises to win tonight and for Vega to win at Backlash. He can’t wait to see what Bad Bunny does either, but tonight it’s time to beat up the whole team. Dominik’s heat was off the charts here and it took him a long time to not say much.

Video on Gunther.

LWO vs. Judgment Day

Rey Mysterio/Santos Escobar/Zelina Vega vs. Dominik Mysterio/Damien Priest/Rhea Ripley. Rey starts with Dominik but Ripley tags herself in to try Riptide on Vega. That’s broken up so Priest comes in to forearm the heck out of Escobar. Dominik comes in but gets dropped with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. It’s quickly back to Rey, who knocks Priest outside for a dive as we take a break.

Back with Rey getting to beat up Dominik but Zelina has to save Rey from Ripley. Vega knocks Ripley outside and Rey loads up the 619. Finn Balor offers a distraction though and Dominik cuts Rey off. Vega and Ripley get knocked down on the floor, leaving Balor to take the 619 for Priest. South of Heaven finishes Rey at 8:48.

Rating: B-. The end result is the right way to go, as it makes Priest feel that much bigger. It is going to feel like something that matters if Bad Bunny beats him at Backlash. Priest needed a bit of a build like this and it helps things out a lot. The other four were doing their thing as well, with Vega especially doing a nice job of making herself feel like a bit more than a foregone conclusion to Ripley.

Bianca Belair is ready to beat Iyo Sky next week but here is Damage Ctrl to mock her. Belair doesn’t think much of them but does think Sky can become a huge star. After she loses at Backlash of course. Sky yells at her in Japanese, with Belair not wanting the translation.

JBL and Teddy Long handle the next picks:

Monday Night Raw
Alpha Academy
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter (NXT)

Rick Boogs
Cameron Grimes (NXT)

It’s about time for Grimes.

Backlash rundown.

Seth Rollins vs. Solo Sikoa

Paul Heyman is here with Sikoa. Rollins has to duck a right hand in the corner to start and let’s conduct the fans a bit. Sikoa gets frustrated as Rollins picking up the pace and headbutts him down in a simple comeback. A low bridge puts Sikoa on the floor but he cuts off the dive as we take a break.

Back with Rolling knocking him to the floor for a series of suicide dives. They get back inside where Sikoa hits a Samoan drop into Spinning Solo for two. Sikoa rains down right hands before they head outside, where Sikoa posts himself by mistake. Back in and Rollins hammers away but the Usos run in for the DQ at 10:39.

Rating: B-. They might as well have held that ending up on a big sign during the match as WWE isn’t going to want either of these two to take a fall here. Rollins continues to be presented as someone who could be a special kind of threat to Reigns and that could be interesting long term. It was a hard hitting back and forth match, but neither was getting pinned here and neither should have been.

Post match Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn join the fight to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. There was a lot going on with this show and it only kind of worked. The matches were mostly good but this was almost all about the Draft. That makes things more complicated as the show becomes more of a preview than anything else. For now though, things are looking good on paper, but there is a lot left to find out in the coming weeks. This show was a big special feature, which didn’t lend itself as well to a three hour format. Good enough show for a one off, but the important stuff starts next week.

Damage Ctrl b. Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez – Rollup to Morgan
Braun Strowman/Ricochet b. Alpha Academy – Swanton to Otis
Matt Riddle b. Jimmy Uso – Floating Bro
Omos b. Anthony Alanis – Chokebomb
Judgment Day b. LWO – South of Heaven to Rey Mysterio
Seth Rollins b. Solo Sikoa via DQ when the Usos interfered

Final Draft Picks

Monday Night Raw
Rhea Ripley
Seth Rollins
Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens
Judgment Day
Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez (Women’s Tag Team Champions)
New Day (Kofi Kingston/Xavier Woods)
Trish Stratus
Ronda Rousey/Shayna Baszler
Braun Strowman/Ricochet
Bronson Reed
Alpha Academy
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter (NXT)

Austin Theory
Brawling Brutes
LWO (Joaquin Wilde/Cruz del Toro/Zelina Vega/Santos Escobar/Rey Mysterio)
Karrion Kross (with Scarlett)
LA Knight
Pretty Deadly (NXT)
Rick Boogs
Cameron Grimes (NXT)


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Rampage – April 28, 2023: Sacre Bleu, What A Waste Of My Time

Date: April 28, 2023
Location: FLA Live Arena, Sunrise, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone

We’re on at another weird time slot as the playoffs continue to wreck havoc on the AEW schedule. As usual, it’s hard to say what you are going to get from Rampage, though I would assume a heavy focus on stories that aren’t going to matter much elsewhere. Things do happen around here, but it would be nice if it felt more important. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bullet Club Gold vs. Ricky Starks/Shawn Spears

It’s a brawl at the bell and they all head to the floor to keep it up. White chokes Spears with a camera cord as Starks chops Robinson inside. A White cheap shot from the apron lets Robinson take over though and we go to a break. Back with White chopping Spears in the corner, with Ross liking the physicality.

Spears manages to fight over to the corner though and the hot tag brings in Starks to clean house. It’s right back to Spears but the C4 is broken up with a rake to the eyes. A Sky high gives Spears two on White but another C4 attempt is broken up as well. The Blade Runner finishes Spears at 9:47.

Rating: C+. Putting White in a team right off the bat isn’t exactly making me care about what he does and tying him in with the Bullet Club again doesn’t help. Starks isn’t exactly getting much higher up the ladder by teaming with Shawn Spears, making me wonder what the point of a lot of this is. The match itself was good enough, though the rest is only so intriguing.

The Hardys and Hook are mad about the Firm kidnapping Isiah Kassidy. The Firm pops up on screen to demand to know when the Firm Deletion match is taking place. We’ll make it next week on Rampage, and then Big Bill chokeslams Kassidy off camera.

Naturally Limitless vs. Brady Pierce/Charlie James

Dustin punches Pierce in the face to start and snaps off the powerslam. Lee comes in for his half of a double backdrop before knocking James down. There’s the Uncle Phil toss to James before Dustin tells Lee to throw him at both guys. The pop up Spirit Bomb finishes James at 2:08. Total dominance.

Post match the Mogul Embassy comes out for a staredown.

Tay Melo interrupts a Sammy Guevara interview and yells at him for agreeing to lay down for MJF. It’s his turn to listen instead.

Anna Jay vs. Ashley D’Amboise

Anna gets in a few shots to start and bends Ashley’s back around the post as we take an early break. Back with Ashley fighting out of a suplex but getting dropped with a neckbreaker. The Queenslayer finishes Ashley at 5:43. Not enough shown to rate as more than half of that was in the commercial but Jay’s dominance continues.

Post match Julia Hart pops up to brawl with Jay, who bends her around the post as well.

The Outcasts are ready for Saraya to beat up Willow Nightingale on Dynamite.

Billy Gunn/Acclaimed vs. Cameron Stewart/Dante Casanova/Ryzin

Fameasser, Arrival, Mic Drop finishes Stewart at 52 seconds, a lot of which was Gunn standing there looking at Stewart.

Jay Lethal and Cash Wheeler are ready for the main event.

Here’s what’s coming on upcoming shows.

Jay Lethal vs. Cash Wheeler

Mark Briscoe is the guest enforcer and Jeff Jarrett/Satnam Singh/Sonjay Dutt/Dax Harwood are all here too. Lethal gets knocked outside to start before coming back in for an aggressive lockup. Some slams let Lethal put him down but Wheeler armdrags him into an armbar. Back up and it’s too early for Lethal Injection, meaning Wheeler can clothesline him to the floor as we take a break.

We come back with Lethal grabbing an abdominal stretch as we see Wheeler’s bruised ribs. Briscoe doesn’t let Dutt cheat and Wheeler escapes, only to get caught in a hot shot. Lethal gets in a strut but Hail To The King hits raised knees. Wheeler slugs back and grabs a powerslam into a DDT for two on Lethal. The ribs give out on a piledriver attempt though and the Lethal Combination drops Wheeler. The Lethal Injection is countered into a Gory Bomb but Dutt gets on the apron for a distraction. Briscoe goes after Dutt but Lethal sends Wheeler into Briscoe for the big crash. Now the Injection can finish Wheeler at 12:18.

Rating: C+. The match was good enough and now that we have the Tag Team Champions losing out of the way, we can move on to the title match. Hopefully this doesn’t lead to Briscoe wondering why Wheeler hit him, as I don’t think I can take another story where watching the tape would solve everything but no one does it. It was a perfectly sound match, even if it didn’t feel all that important.

Overall Rating: C. And that’s being about as generous as I can be. This show felt a lot more like a bad Ring Of Honor show than anything else, as it was just a bunch of midcard stuff that didn’t have anything worth seeing. It was a rare case of me feeling like I was wasting my time watching an AEW show and I have a bad feeling that is going to get worse around here, especially when Collision comes around. Certainly not a bad show, but a total “here’s an hour of wrestling that fulfills a requirement” show, which is often a lot worse.

Bullet Club Gold b. Ricky Starks/Shawn Spears – Blade Runner to Spears
Naturally Limitless b. Brady Pierce/Charlie James – Pop up Spirit Bomb to James
Anna Jay b. Ashley D’Amboise – Queenslayer
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Cameron Stewart/Dante Casanova/Ryzin – Mic Drop to Stewart
Jay Lethal b. Cash Wheeler – Lethal Injection



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Smackdown – April 28, 2023 (WWE Draft): All The Makings

Date: April 28, 2023
Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s a huge week as we have the first night of the 2023 Draft. Half of the roster will be picked tonight with the other half going on Raw, which should make for quite the double shot. In addition, the Usos are getting their rematch against Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens for the Tag Team Titles. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is HHH to welcome us to the show. Anyone on Raw or Smackdown is eligible to be drafted, with half of the roster being picked tonight and half on Raw. There will also be some select NXT names eligible. The new rosters will officially begin on Monday May 8, after Backlash. We’ll start with the first four picks in Round One:

Bloodline (Paul Heyman/Solo Sikoa/Roman Reigns)
Bianca Belair (Raw Women’s Champion)

Monday Night Raw
Cody Rhodes
Becky Lynch

With that out of the way, HHH brings out the Usos, who promise to get their titles back. They dedicate the win to Roman Reigns, who hasn’t gotten back to them since Wrestlemania (even after sending him a message in a bottle). Cue Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, with the latter thinking it is interesting that Reigns hasn’t gotten back to them yet. If that is the case, why are they out here dedicating a match to him? And they weren’t even drafted with him! Zayn is about to say they are leaving with the titles but Jey cuts him off to say that isn’t happening. Jimmy says Kevin is going to turn on Zayn, which doesn’t sit well with Owens.

Bianca Belair, in Northern Ireland, is happy to be Smackdown Women’s Champion. I’ll take that over another awkward swapping ceremony.

Butch vs. LA Knight

This is fallout from Knight running his mouth last week after Smackdown. Butch knocks him down to start and scores with the stomp to the arm. Knight gets caught in the ropes for some Sheamus style forearms to the chest before an armbar sends Knight right back to the ropes. A drop onto the apron puts Butch in trouble though and we take a break. Back with Butch kicking him in the head and going up top, only to have Knight run the ropes to superplex him back down. Butch sends him to the floor but gets sent to the post for his efforts. Blunt Force Trauma gives Knight the pin at 8:00.

Rating: C. Maybe we’re FINALLY getting somewhere with Knight, who actually managed to get a win. It’s not the biggest and he had to cheat a bit, but it’s better than looking up at the lights again. Knight is someone who seems like he could be a mega star around here and he was perfectly fine in the ring here, so hopefully things are changing around a bit.

Paul Heyman gives the Usos a pep talk about winning the titles back tonight. As he talks, he hands Solo Sikoa the tape to get his thumb ready.

It’s time for the second round, with Rob Van Dam (very nice reception) and Michael Hayes of all people presenting.

Street Profits

Monday Night Raw
Matt Riddle

Street Profits vs. Ricochet/Braun Strowman vs. LWO

Strowman throws out Wilde and Ford to start before tossing Ricochet (who crosses himself for protection) on top of everyone else as we take a break. Back with Del Toro kicking Ricochet on top, with Wilde following with a big lip dive onto the Profits. Strowman starts wrecking people but the Train gets cut off with a big running flip dive from Dawkins. Ricochet dives on him as well but misses a 450. That means it’s the Anointment into the Cash Out to give Ford the pin on Ricochet at 7:37.

Rating: B-. This was exactly what it should have been (minus the break in a match that didn’t need one) as you had people running around and doing whatever they could think of for a bit. Strowman continues to be great as a monster who can run people over, even if Dawkins has been a bit of kryptonite for him in recent weeks. Throw in the LWO not taking the pin for once and it’s even better.

Video on Damien Priest vs. Bad Bunny at Backlash.

Here are JBL and Teddy Long to announce the third round picks:

Bobby Lashley
OC (Michin, Good Brothers, AJ Styles)

Monday Night Raw
Drew McIntyre (nice to see him mentioned)

Zelina Vega vs. Sonya Deville

Chelsea Green is here with Deville. Vega gets taken down to start and hammered in the corner, only to get sent outside. Green offers a distraction though and Deville takes over again, setting up the chinlock. Deville misses a running shot though and gets rolled up to give Vega the pin at 3:06.

Rating: C-. Nothing much on the action but this was all about getting Vega a pin to boost her up before the beating at Backlash. It’s hard to fathom Vega as a serious contender and thankfully commentary was making it clear that she has a prayer’s chance at best. The hometown pop should be great, but a win like this is only going to take her so far.

Post match Green tries to come in but cue Rhea Ripley (BIG positive reaction there) to scare her off. Riptide to Vega is countered into a DDT though and Ripley bails.

Post break Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar give Vega some praise and a pep talk.

Here is the OC for a chat but cue Valhalla and the Viking Raiders to cut them off. Styles even steps back so the numbers are even, with the OC quickly cleaning house. We even get a Phenomenal Forearm to Erik as AJ’s ankle must be feeling better.

Shawn Michaels and Road Dogg (who towers over Shawn) are here for the final round picks:

Damage Ctrl
Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn (NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Monday Night Raw
Shinsuke Nakamura
Indi Hartwell (NXT Women’s Champion)

Shawn is devastated by the news (Dogg: “I don’t know if you can lose your smile twice.”).

At the Performance Center, Kayden Carter and Katana Chance want a Women’s Tag Team Title shot next week on NXT.

Karrion Kross jumps Shinsuke Nakamura.

Paul Heyman gives the Usos one more pep talk.

We look at the unveiling of the World Heavyweight Championship.

Draft recap.

Tag Team Titles: Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn vs. Usos

The Usos (alone) are challenging and jump the champs to start fast, with Zayn being posted. Owens and the Usos get back inside with Owens getting superkicked a few times as we take a break. Back with Owens favoring his knee but managing to get over to Zayn to pick up the pace. The big running flip dive takes out the Usos on the floor, followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb for two on Jey.

We take another break and come back with Owens getting the hot tag, setting up the swinging superplex on Jimmy. The Swanton gives Owens two and we cut to the back where Paul Heyman gets a phone call from Roman Reigns. Heyman tells Solo Sikoa that tonight is his night, which sends Sikoa to the ring.

Sami dives into Jey’s superkick but Owens Stunners Jey for two. Cue Sikoa but Matt Riddle jumps him before anything can happen. More superkicks get two on Owens but he staggers up and slugs away anyway. Zayn breaks up the 1D though and it’s a Stunner into the Helluva Kick to retain the titles at 17:41.

Rating: B. It was a good match but it was also coming off a great match on the biggest stage of them all, so there was quite the shadow to get out of here. The Usos losing is by far the more interesting option, as them feeling Roman Reigns’ wrath should be great. I’m not sure what we are going to see next in the story, but it is going to be coming off of a good main event.

Sikoa looks on from the crowd as the Usos know they’re in trouble to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. I think it’s pretty safe to say that this wasn’t a normal show and that makes it hard to grade. What matters here is that they moved some names around and you can see a main event scene coming together on Raw with Rhodes, Nakamura, Gunther and McIntyre. We still have another three hours of picks to go so there is a lot more building to get through, but I’m interested by what is being put together so far. On top of that, the main event was good and there was a fun triple threat, so this show went rather well.

LA Knight b. Butch – Blunt Force Trauma
Street Profits b. Ricochet/Braun Strowman and LWO – Cash Out to Ricochet
Zelina Vega b. Sonya Deville – Rollup
Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens b. Usos – Helluva Kick to Jimmy


Full Draft Picks

Bloodline (Paul Heyman/Solo Sikoa/Roman Reigns)
Bianca Belair (Raw Women’s Champion)
Street Profits
Bobby Lashley
OC (Michin, Good Brothers, AJ Styles)
Damage Ctrl
Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn (NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Monday Night Raw
Cody Rhodes
Becky Lynch
Matt Riddle
Drew McIntyre
Shinsuke Nakamura
Indi Hartwell (NXT Women’s Champion)


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Impact Wrestling – April 27, 2023: This Show Is Darn Nifty

Impact Wrestling
Date: April 27, 2023
Location: Rebel Entertainment Complex, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

The end of last week’s show saw a big announcement as PCO will be getting the first shot at Steve Maclin’s World Title. That alone is going to make for a heck of a showdown at Under Siege, but the card is going to need more than just one match. There are a few options available and we will probably find out some of them tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Masha Slamovich vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace shoulders her down to start and then does it again, setting up a wristlock. Slamovich tries an armbar but gets powered into the corner, where Grace hits the running Vader Bomb for two. It’s too early for the Grace Driver as Slamovich sends her into the rope for a shot to the throat. Slamovich gets in a shot to the face and rips at said face for a bonus.

There’s a neck snap across the top rope but Grace catches her in the corner and hits a MuscleBuster for two. Slamovich charges into a Michinoku driver for two more before Grace pulls her into a rear naked choke. That’s reversed into Slamovich’s choke, plus a leg trap belly to back suplex for two. They go into a pinfall reversal sequence for a series of ones until Grace stacks her up for the pin at 11:02.

Rating: B-. These two work well together, but it is kind of astounding to see how far Slamovich has fallen. Maybe it is the Russian aspect, but she has gone from what seemed to be the next big thing in the division to just kind of there. While it could still change, I’m not seeing much of a reason to believe that she is going to go further than she is right now. At least not for the time being.

We get a look back at Nick Aldis’ history in Impact, which led to him leading to see if he could be a star without being Magnus. Then he became the NWA World Champion for over 1,000 days and now it is time to see if he can still do it around here.

Joe Hendry has a broke nose. No word on how long he might be out.

Here is Steve Maclin for a chat. Maclin gets to the point: he doesn’t want to wait for Under Siege, so PCO can come out here right now. Cue Champagne Singh and Shera to jump PCO, who fights them both off. Cue Santino Marella and we have a match right now.

PCO vs. Champagne Singh

There are no seconds as PCO sends him to the floor to start. There’s the running flip dive to drop Singh but he’s back with a dropkick and Codebreaker. PCO isn’t happy with Singh bringing out money though and it’s a Backstabber out of the corner. The middle rope flipping splash connects and there’s the DeAnimator to make it worse. A reverse DDT sets up the PCOsault to finish Singh at 5:30.

Rating: C. This was what it needed to be, as PCO ran through someone who shouldn’t give him a problem. PCO has taken out much bigger stars around here and it isn’t like Singh or Shera has any real credibility. Nothing match, but PCO looked good in a pretty dominant win and that’s what they needed to do here.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Magnus b. Christopher Daniels on Impact, February 14, 2013.

The Design is mad at Sami Callihan.

The Coven uses magic to weaken Deonna Purrazzo before Taylor Wilde faces her tonight. They laugh a lot.

Here is Johnny Swinger, with Zicky Dice, to face a luchador that Dice has paid for personally. There’s a language barrier though, so Dice goes to get him.

Johnny Swinger vs. El Dinerico

I have a feeling you know what is going on here. A drop toehold and la majistral finishes Dinerico at 27 seconds.

Post break Swinger and Dice celebrate their win but Santino Marella comes in to say that doesn’t count. Swinger fires Dice, who is so upset he speaks Spanish.

Kenny King won a match on BTI and yelled at commentary.

After mocking the guy he beat, King talked to Sheldon Jean, who has untapped potential. Jean doesn’t seem interested, but King eventually intrigues him.

Design vs. Bullet Club

Non-title and it’s Angels/Kon with Deaner for the Design. Angels slugs away at Bey as commentary thankfully says that a lot of people were expecting Sami Callihan to turn on the team. Bey takes over on Angels so it’s off to Kon, who is quickly kicked in the head. Kon runs them both over though and throws Bey outside in a (possibly ankle injuring) heap. We see Santino Marella down in the back and come back to Kon putting Austin in a nerve hold.

Austin fights out of the corner and avoids a charge, setting up a kick to the face. Bey comes back in with a Code Red to Angels but Kon grabs him, setting up a springboard Russian legsweep (that was cool). With Kon on the floor, the Club take turns diving at him to limited avail. Cue Callihan to go after Deaner, leaving the Club to finally drop Kon with a double dive. Back in and the 1 2 Sweet finishes Angels at 8:26.

Rating: C+. It says a lot about the Bullet Club that they were able to get something decent out of these schmucks. The Design continues to be one of the most worthless acts in wrestling and having Callihan come out there to hurt their leader was almost cathartic in a way. Just get the feud over with so hopefully they can move on to anything else, because this is somehow getting less interesting by the week.

Santino Marella was attacked and is told he needs to take some time off. Dirty Dango resigns as assistant Director of Authority (with Santino reminding him that he never such a thing in the first place) to become DETECTIVE of Authority. Someone has to solve the mystery of who jumped Santino you see.

The Death Dollz don’t have the power to get back to the Undead Realm without the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Crazzy Steve comes in and, after being amazed by how excited Jessicka is about meeting him, suggests that they talk to James Mitchell. Rosemary doesn’t like it but agrees.

Jody Threat vs. Seleziya Sparx

Jody drives her into the corner to start and grabs the wristlock to keep things on the mat. Back up and Threat gets sent to the apron, only to come back with a top rope seated senton. Some corner clotheslines set up a release German suplex, followed by the F416 to finish Sparx at 4:21.

Rating: C. I still do not get the appeal of Threat, who has yet to show me much of anything in her time around here. She’s not bad or having terrible matches, but rather just coming and going without making any real impression. Then again, I do like the idea of putting in some fresh names so points for at least trying something.

Killer Kelly really liked Hardcore War and wants more violence.

We get the first in a series of sitdown interviews with Frankie Kazarian. He got his break in Impact in 2003 and became a star in the X-Division. It was the tale end of the wild west of wrestling though and he didn’t want to become one of the good old boys who clutched to their spot. Then he left in 2014 after doing all kinds of things here, but management was such a mess (we get a clip of Dixie Carter clutching to Hulk Hogan’s leg, begging him to stay) that he decided to walk away. More next week after a more interesting first part than I was expecting.

Here’s what’s coming on future shows.

Knockouts Title: Taylor Wilde vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Wilde, with KiLynn King, is challenging. They circle each other for a bit to start before Wilde takes out the leg to put them both on the mat. Purrazzo reverses into an armbar but it gets broken up for an early standoff. An armdrag into an armbar has Wilde in more trouble but King offers a distraction for the break. Wilde gets in a cheap shot from behind but takes too long posing, allowing Purrazzo to try for the Fujiwara armbar. With that not working, Wilde consults her cards and we take a break.

Back with Wilde being sent outside, allowing Purrazzo to deck King. That lets Wilde get in another shot to take over, with King even getting in the neck snap of retribution. Wilde steps on the hair and pulls up like a good villain, only to be knocked into the corner. They collide in the middle for a double knockdown and they get a breather. Wilde grabs a German suplex but gets pulled into the Fujiwara armbar for the tap at 12:56.

Rating: B-. Another nice back and forth match here as Purrazzo dispatches an early challenger for the title. Wilde taking the loss doesn’t hurt her title reign with King and it was a pretty competitive match. You can probably pencil in King for a title shot of her own and I’ve heard worse ideas for everyone involved.

Post match the beatdown is on but Jordynne Grace makes the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. People who needed to win did so and aside from the Design, there was nothing that felt like a waste of time. In other words, it’s more of the same solid stuff from Impact that we’ve been seeing for months now. What matters is setting up Under Siege and you can see some of those matches coming from here. They still have time to set it up and odds are we’ll be seeing something more next week. For now, it’s a show that did enough good to make me want to see what happens next.

Jordynne Grace b. Masha Slamovich – Rollup
PCO b. Champagne Singh – PCOsault
Johnny Swinger b. El Dinerico – La majistral
Bullet Club b. The Design – 1 2 Sweet to Angels
Jody Threat b. Seleziya Sparx – F416
Deonna Purrazzo b. Taylor Wilde – Fujiwara armbar



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Ring Of Honor TV – April 27, 2023: Short And Sweet

Ring Of Honor
Date: April 27, 2023
Location: Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman, Nigel McGuinness

This show continues to interest me, though the recent changes to AEW’s TV schedule interest me more. With the likely announcement of a two hour Saturday show and the possible elimination of Dark: Elevation (neither of which are confirmed yet), the Ring Of Honor taping schedule could be shaken up in a big way. Maybe that starts here so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Athena vs. Lady Frost

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Frost wins or survives the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Athena grabs a headlock to start but misses a dropkick. Frost gets sent face first into the mat to cut her right back off though, allowing Athena to hit a backbreaker. A kick to the head staggers Athena but Frost takes too long loading up the moonsault, allowing Athena to pull her back down. Frost kicks her in the head again but the moonsault only sends Athena over to the ropes. A hard forearm gives Athena the pin at 5:13.

Rating: C. Frost got some offense in here and she has a unique enough look that she could be something if she is given the chance. Athena continues to rack up wins but I’m not sure who could be going after the title at this point. The good thing is that she doesn’t appear on AEW and actually does feel like an ROH exclusive as opposed to a good chunk of the other stars.

Post match Athena sends her into the title, as she has a history of doing.

The Kingdom doesn’t like Top Flight and Action Andretti so vengeance is sworn. They built the original Ring Of Honor and they’re going to take respect from anyone who doesn’t give it to them.

La Faccion Ingobernable vs. The Infantry

Vance knocks Bravo into the corner to start and hits some running clotheslines. A spinebuster and full nelson draw in Dean for a save but Vance beats both of them up at once. Rush comes in for the Bull’s Horns and the pin on Bravo at 2:59. Total and complete destruction with Vance looking good.

Best Friends vs. Joe Ocasio/Mookie Summers

I support anyone named Mookie. Ocasio knocks Trent into the corner to start but a running shot to the face puts Ocasio down. Some forearms to the face have Ocasio in trouble and Chuck sends him into the barricade. Back in and it’s off to Summers, who gets caught with a pop up powerbomb. Everything breaks down and Chuck hits some piledrivers. A Doomsday knee to the face finishes Summers at 2:45.

Brian Cage vs. Leon Ruffin

Prince Nana is here with Cage, who drives Ruffin into the corner for some shoulders to the ribs. Ruffin’s tornado DDT is cut off but he knees his way out of a suplex. The high crossbody is pulled out of the air though and a World’s Strongest Slam, with curls, plants Ruffin. The F5 is countered into a DDT though and a springboard cutter drops Cage. Not that it matters as Cage hits a powerbomb backbreaker and something like a Texas Cloverleaf makes Ruffin tap at 3:16.

Rating: C. Not quite total dominance but you put someone Ruffin’s size in there to make Cage look good. That’s what the power moves did for Cage and the match was a fun destruction (eventually) as a result. Ruffin has a certain charisma to him that makes him easy to cheer and it was on display here, making this better than I would have expected.

Dark Order vs. Trustbusters

It’s Evil Uno/Stu Grayson for the Dark Order and Sonny Kiss/Jeeves Kay (with Slim J) for the Trustbusters. Hold on though as here is the Righteous for a distraction, meaning Grayson gets jumped from behind. Kidd comes in for the flipping slap in the corner but Uno suplexes his way to freedom. The tag brings in Grayson to clean house, including a springboard flipping Swanton to Kay. A toss sitout powerbomb drops Kiss and a running kick into a piledriver finishes Kay at 3:20.

Rating: C. Now that’s how I like my Trustbusters: a short match with them getting beaten up and not talking. The Dark Order is always going to pop the crowd so it makes sense to throw them out there like this. The Righteous stuff is still kind of weird, but dropping from whatever Grayson was doing on Dynamite/Rampage to this is quite the fall.

A serious Christopher Daniels is upset by not being able to win a title, but wants one more shot at Samoa Joe and the TV Title. He’s ready to fight.

Diamante vs. Skye Blue

They trade shoulders to no avail to start and an exchange of rollups gets a bunch of near falls. Blue misses a running boot in the ropes though and gets neckbreakered over the middle rope. Diamante starts in on the back but charges into a boot in the corner. A high crossbody gives Blue two and a running knee rocks Diamante for two. They head to the apron for a forearm off until Diamante hits a German suplex. Diamante slips out of Skyfall but Blue reverses into a cradle for the pin at 4:56.

Rating: C+. This got a little more time and it was nice to see Blue getting in a surprise pin. Blue is someone else who could become a bigger deal down the road and having her win matches like this is going to help her. Good short match here, as I try to figure out how Diamante never became a bigger star.

Post match Athena comes out and stomps Blue’s hat.

Rocky Romero vs. Lee Moriarty

Big Bill is here with Moriarty. Romero chops away to start and hits a knee to the back for two. Moriarty sends him outside though and stops to dance, allowing Bill to get in a few shots. It’s time to start in on Romero’s hand but they fight over wrist control. A springboard tornado DDT gets Romero out of trouble and he hits some forever lariats.

Moriarty is back with a tiger driver 18 into the Border City Stretch, meaning a rope break is needed. A Bill distraction doesn’t work, as Romero grabs the running Sliced Bread #2 for two. Bill breaks up a springboard though and chokeslams Romero on the apron to give Moriarty the pin at 8:00.

Rating: C+. Romero continues to be someone who I just don’t get. He’s talented and he’s successful, but I’ve never really gotten the appeal. It was an entertaining match and they had a good back and forth fight, but “Bill interferes and Moriarty wins” isn’t exactly the most inspiring way to finish the match.

In the back, Romero wants Moriarty in a Pure Rules match next week.

Gringo Loco vs. Blake Christian

They trade rolls/flips/misses to start until Christian is sent outside and taken down. Back up and Christian hits a spear on the apron, followed by the big flip dive over the top. Back in and a handspring kick to the head hits Loco but he’s fine enough to counter a hurricanrana into a sitout powerbomb for two. Loco takes him up top for a flipping slam and a near fall but gets caught with a super poisonrana. That and a springboard 450 finishes Loco at 6:15.

Rating: B-. Take two guys and let them go nuts for a bit. It’s something that has worked well for years and it is what they did here to some nice success. Christian and Loco are guys who can do a lot in the ring while also making the other look good. I could see Christian going somewhere in the near future, though being on Ring Of Honor is only going to get him so far.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Sweet goodness this show is easier to watch at just over an hour. The show kept moving and they got in a lot of people without feeling like they were filling in time. If Ring Of Honor has to be its own show, this is what it should be: get the people in the ring, let them look good, have a featured match or two with bigger names. It was a completely acceptable show with a lot of the filler trimmed off and that is what I’ve been wanting to see for a long time. Nice job here and keep it like this.

Athena b. Lady Frost – Forearm
La Faccion Ingobernable b. The Infantry – Bull’s Horns to Bravo
Best Friends b. Joe Ocasio/Mookie Summers – Doomsday knee to Summers
Brian Cage b. Leon Ruffin – Texas Cloverleaf
Dark Order b. Trustbusters – Piledriver to Kay
Skye Blue b. Diamante – Rollup
Lee Moriarty b. Rocky Romero – Chokeslam onto the apron from Big Bill



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Dynamite – April 26, 2023: What About The Pickles?

Date: April 26, 2023
Location: FLA Live Arena, Sunrise, Florida
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Taz

We are about a month away from Double Or Nothing and this week we should find out who will be challenging MJF for the World Title. That alone should be enough to carry the show, but we are also likely getting a showdown between Chris Jericho and Adam Cole after last week’s beatdown of Britt Baker. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

International Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Bandido

Cassidy is defending and gets tripped down while trying the hands in the pockets. Bandido gives him the finger guns so Cassidy gives him a weak cartwheel. The hands to the pockets are blocked again….so Cassidy puts the finger guns into his own pockets like holsters (ok that was cute). Bandido is sent outside, only to have Cassidy grab a no hands hurricanrana back inside. Cassidy’s dive is cut off with a drop onto the barricade and Bandido gets to brag a bit in the corner.

The Brock Lock goes on to keep Cassidy in trouble, at least until he makes the rope. Bandido sends him outside and we take a break. Back with Cassidy reversing a suplex into the Stundog Millionaire for a double breather. They chop it out (one is more energetic than the other) until Cassidy is sent him to the apron.

That means Cassidy can ram Bandido’s face into the corner a few times, followed by a Michinoku Driver for two. Back up and a cutter gives Bandido two but the super fall away slam is broken up. Instead Bandido hits the one armed gorilla press into a frog splash for two. A quick Mousetrap gives Cassidy two but it’s the Orange Punch into the Beach Break to retain the title at 15:17.

Rating: B-. It’s getting a little hard to get into these Cassidy matches as save for a recent handful, there is no reason to believe that he is going to lose the title. The match was entertaining and the two guys did their thing, but despite being rather talented, there was no reason to believe that he was going to win the title. Cassidy has to lose at some point or this is just taking away value from his appearances.

Post match Cassidy gives Bandido some sunglasses so they can pose together.

Adam Cole is ready to call out Chris Jericho tonight. With Cole gone, Bandido and Orange Cassidy come in to ask if Renee Paquette wants to interview them after their match. Renee explains the deal with Cole and Jericho from last week instead. Cassidy: “Oh.” Bandido: “Oh.” And they leave.

Darby Allin and Jungle Boy agree to bury the hatchet after last week. They don’t like each other, but they do respect each other, and agree to have the other’s back against Sammy Guevara and MJF.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Dax Harwood

Jarrett’s goons are cut off by security so Cash Wheeler stays in the back so this can be one on one. Harwood takes him into the corner to start and they fight over wrist control. Jarrett gets him to the mat but Harwood breaks up the strut (thank goodness this isn’t in Memphis). Another knockdown lets Jarrett get in the strut but Harwood snaps off a suplex into the legdrop for two. Jarrett throws him off the top though and we take a break.

Back with the slugout in the middle of the ring going to Jarrett but neither can get in their leglock. Harwood’s diving headbutt gets two and the Stroke is countered into a rollup for the same. A piledriver gives Harwood two more and Jarrett rolls out to the floor. Back in and a catapult into the corner gives Jarrett two of his own. The Figure Four is countered into a small package for two but cue Sonjay Dutt for a distraction. The chase lets Jarrett hit the Stroke for the pin at 11:12.

Rating: B-. You knew these two were going to have a good match, at least until we got to the screwy finish involving Jarrett’s goons. I’m not wild on having Jarrett and company get what feels like another title feud so soon, but odds are they aren’t going to take down FTR. For now though, I’ll settle for a much more technical style match for a breath of air around here.

Post match Dutt hands Jeff Jarrett a Tag Team Title.

The Owen Hart Cups are returning, but this year it will all be in Canada, with the finals in Calgary. Maybe it can be interesting this year.

Wardlow vs. Ariel Levy

Non-title and Arn Anderson is with Wardlow. The four movement Powerbomb Symphony finishes Levy fast.

Post match Arn tells Levy to get an ice bath and drink a six pack. Anderson talks about how the NFL Draft starts this week and Wardlow is a #1 pick with the talent no one else back there has. Sometimes you have to get violent, but here are Christian Cage and Luchasaurus for the staredown. I’m still not sure why Anderson needs to be involved in this.

Sammy Guevara is cut off by MJF, who doesn’t like people calling him a gutless coward. They don’t care what people think though and they’re friends now. Sammy gives him a matching vest and MJF gives him a matching scarf. Friends hug!

The Blackpool Combat Club jumps interviewer RJ City and promises violence.

Four Pillars Tournament Finals: Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara

For the World Title shot at Double Or Nothing so MJF (with his own brand of….pickles) is on commentary. They fight over wrist control to start as MJF talks about the pickles. Allin flips him into a chinlock as MJF talks about how the check to Guevara won’t clear without him laying down. Tony: “This is an important match and we’re talking about FREAKING PICKLES!”

Allin pulls him into a Texas Cloverleaf but Guevara makes the rope and spits at him. A dropkick to the back sends Allin outside and a posting makes it even worse. They get back up on the apron, where Allin teases a German suplex to the floor, earning himself a low blow. There’s the top rope Asai moonsault (that was good) and Allin is busted open.

We take a break and come back with both of them down for a breather. Allin loads up a suicide dive but Guevara cutters him out of the air for the big crash. It’s table time (of course) but Allin is back up….only to get distracted by Tay Melo. A super Spanish Fly brings Allin back down and there’s the 630 through Allin through the table. Less than a minute later, Allin is loading up the Coffin Drop but Melo distracts the referee, allowing MJF to throw Allin the skateboard. Guevara drops down and that is indeed a DQ to send Guevara to Double Or Nothing at 12:49.

Rating: B-. I would almost be stunned if there wasn’t some shenanigan to get us to the four way at this point, which is still what makes the most sense. Other than that, this was the back and forth match you would expect from these two, complete with a crazy spot that wasn’t sold whatsoever. Allin’s charisma continues to be more than enough to carry him, but sell the big spot for, I don’t know, awhile? That shouldn’t be an insane suggestion.

Post match the beating is on but Jungle Boy makes the save. Tony Schiavone has a Tony Khan announcement though: next week it’s a tag match, and if Allin and Jungle Boy win, the title match is a four way.

Post break, MJF goes to get in his car and says it’s full (it’s not) when Guevara tries to get in with him. MJF pulls off, leaving Guevara staring.

Here is Adam Cole to call out Chris Jericho. Cole says that Jericho crossed a line and it’s time for him to pay, so get out here. There is no Jericho so Cole goes to get him, only to be cut off by Jericho on the big screen. Jericho isn’t doing this, so here is the Jericho Appreciation Society to go after Cole. Bandido and Orange Cassidy make the failed save attempt but Roderick Strong of all people debuts and makes the real save. Hugging ensues. Ok that’s a surprise, especially since there was no word on his contract expiring. Granted it’s Roderick Strong so the impact will be limited, but nice job on the surprise.

Powerhouse Hobbs interrupts QTV and chokes QT Marshall, who promises to fix this. Plan B is loaded up.

TBS Title: Taya Valkyrie vs. Jade Cargill

Cargill, with Mark Sterling and Leila Grey, is defending and Taya gets disqualified if she uses Road To Valhalla. They trade slaps to the face to start until Taya knocks her down and hammers away. Back up and Jade charges into a boot to the face before being sent outside. Jade pulls her into the splits on the apron and drops her to the floor as we take a break.

We come back with Jade missing an elbow and Taya hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Jade catches her on top with a superplex though and busts out a Canadian Destroyer for two more. Jaded is countered though and Taya double stomps her for another near fall. Road To Valhalla has to be canceled though and Jade rolls her up (with tights) to retain at 8:15.

Rating: C. And thus we come to the next several weeks (if not months) section of Jade’s title reign, as she beats another name who could have taken the title from her and continues to be the same boring star she has been for a long time now. I’m not sure what they are waiting for with her, but this was the most interesting thing she has done in a good while and it still wasn’t interesting. Taya was protected a bit and there might be a rematch, but I’m so bored with Jade going on and on like this.

Post match Taya snaps and goes after the villains but has to stop herself from giving the referee Road To Valhalla.

Britt Baker (black eye) and Jamie Hayter (arm in a sling) want to beat up the Outcasts.

Video on Ricky Starks/Shawn Spears vs. Bullet Club Gold.

Kenny Omega/Konosuke Takeshita vs. Butcher and the Blade

Bryan Danielson is on commentary and Don Callis/Kip Sabian are the respective thirds. Blade chops away at Takeshita to start but gets shrugged off, allowing Omega to come in. Danielson calls the Elite a cancer as Omega hits a moonsault into Takeshita’s middle rope backsplash. Everything breaks down and a Sabian distraction lets Omega get taken down as we take a break.

Back with Omega hitting the running Fameasser, allowing a double tag to Takeshita and the Butcher. As Danielson compares the success of the Club and the Elite’s trainees, Butcher hits a half nelson suplex to take over. The powerbomb/neckbreaker combination is broken up though and Takeshita hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two on Butcher. Omega comes in to clean house and nails the big flip dive to the floor. Takeshita’s running knee finishes Butcher at 8:44.

Rating: B. Danielson kept praising the Butcher and the Blade as a good team and he’s not wrong. I could absolutely see them getting set up as a challenger of the month for the Tag Team Titles and it wouldn’t take long to get them there. That being said, there was no way Omega and Takeshita were losing in their big debut together, so this was good action leading to the logical finish.

Post match Danielson talks about how Takeshita has potential and Omega is living off his name in Japan. Cue the rest of the Blackpool Combat Club to go after Omega and Takeshita, complete with screwdriver, but the Young Bucks make the save. Omega loads up the screwdriver but Takeshita breaks it up, allowing Moxley to get in a Paradigm Shift. The Club beats Takeshita down and the screwdriver to the head busts him open to end the show. Yeah Moxley blood, violence and middle fingers. We know the drill.

Overall Rating: B. This was a bit of a strange show as it had a lot going on but nothing on it really felt big. Maybe it was taking the finals of a tournament and turning it into the setup for a tag match (which granted, the tournament always felt a bit off in the first place) but this show felt like a good event which didn’t really do much. What matters though is I’m interested in seeing where a lot of this stuff goes and with Double Or Nothing about a month away, that means they’re doing something right.

Orange Cassidy b. Bandido – Beach Break
Jeff Jarrett b. Dax Harwood – Stroke
Wardlow b. Ariel Levy – Powerbomb Symphony
Sammy Guevara b. Darby Allin via DQ when the referee saw Allin holding a skateboard
Jade Cargill b. Taya Valkyrie – Rollup with tights
Kenny Omega/Konosuke Takeshita b. Butcher and the Blade – Running knee to Butcher



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