Impact Wrestling – November 3, 2022: Get Overdrive Over

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 3, 2022
Location: Sam’s Town Live, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are about two weeks away from Overdrive and the card is starting to take shape. While the World Title match is already set, we still need to get the X-Division Title match ready, which is where this week comes in. Odds are there are going to be more tournament matches this week and that should be a good thing. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Eddie Edwards blames PCO for the destruction of Honor No More and invites him to come fight him in the desert.

Opening sequence.

X-Division Title Tournament First Round: Kenny King vs. Mike Bailey

Feeling out process to start with King being weary of the big kick. An exchange of rollups get two each until they both try kicks to the ribs. Bailey dropkicks him for two and King is sent outside, but it’s too early for the dive. Back in and Bailey cranks on the leg, with a leglock sending King over to the rope. King’s leg is fine enough to hold Bailey up for a spinebuster and they head outside again. This time it’s a t-bone overhead suplex to drop Bailey on the ramp, setting up a half crab on the floor.

Back in and Bailey realizes his knee is fine enough to fire off the kicks, plus a standing shooting star press for two. Bailey’s spinning kicks send King outside and the big top rope moonsault drops him again. King shrugs that off and puts on another half crab, with Bailey going to the ropes. Another grab of the rope drags Bailey back to the middle, where he rolls King up to advance at 8:43.

Rating: C+. This was a very Mike Bailey match, as he did all of his usual stuff: kicks, flips, and really annoying no selling of an injured body part. The athleticism is great but it would be nice to have him act more like a wrestler for once. I’m not sure I would have had King lose so early, but there isn’t much room to shake things up in an eight person tournament.

The Motor City Machine Guns tell Josh Alexander to not trust Bully Ray. Josh seems to think about it.

Gisele Shaw is passing out photos of herself with the Knockouts Title but VXT isn’t impressed. Shaw dumps them, with Deonna Purrazzo having to calm Chelsea Green down.

Savannah Evans vs. Jessicka

Tasha Steelz and the Death Dollz are here too. They talk trash and then slug it out with Jessicka knocking her into the corner for the running clothesline. A ram into all four corners has Evans in more trouble but a missed charge lets her grab a DDT for a much needed breather.

We take a break and come back with Evans hitting a suplex for two but missing a charge of her own. Evans headbutts away until a tackle drops her again. A running basement crossbody crushes Evans so the women get in a fight on the floor. That’s enough of a distraction to let Evans hit a full nelson slam for the upset pin at 11:11.

Rating: C. I still don’t know how much interest there is in Evans and now calling her the “Cannibal” (yes the Cannibal) isn’t going to help that much. That being said, it is a good idea to give her a singles win every now and then, just to keep her built up at least a bit. This is probably setting up Steelz/Evans for a Tag Team Title shot, because singles matches make a difference in tag wrestling for whatever reason.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Bully Ray wins the World Title at Lockdown 2013 and reveals himself as the leader of Aces and 8’s.

Killer Kelly wants something fresh to play with around here.

Steve Maclin is sick and tired of so many people jumping the line in front of him. He wants the World Title and is coming to get it.

The Major Players are ready to win the Tag Team Titles but make the mistake of saying his name. Joe Hendry pops up (out of a refrigerator) and says he wants the Digital Media Title. Cardona: “Why was he in the fridge?”

And now, to the desert, where Eddie Edwards is waiting for PCO. The fight is on with PCO getting the better of things until Eddie starts slugging back. A rock to the head gets Eddie out of a Mandible Claw and he blames PCO for everything. Then PCO chokeslams him onto a bigger rock but Eddie comes back with a shovel. PCO gets shoved into a grave and Eddie buries him with rocks and dirt. Well that was violent.

Taylor Wilde comes up to Mickie James and they’re ready to face each other in a friendly match. This would be another situation with two women talking like non-humans.

Eric Young vs. Sami Callihan

Deaner is here with Young. Callihan starts fast and hits a powerbomb on Young before knocking Deaner down to the floor. The fight heads outside with Young posting him but getting his back raked for his efforts. A suplex drops Young on the floor and Callihan bites his ear to make it worse.

Deaner gets in a cheap shot though and they head back inside, where Callihan invites Young to headbutt him. Young clotheslines him down but misses a moonsault so Callihan can load up the Cactus Special. Before the pile can be driven though, cue all of the people in yellow hoodies to beat Callihan down for the DQ at 6:10.

Rating: C. Yeah here we go with the Violent By Design stuff, as Callihan needs an army to fight against. The match was the usual brawl without much to be seen, but above all else it was about the big ending, which is likely going to be the start of something big with the team. Well, depending on who are under the hoodies that is.

Post match two of the hoodies are pulled off and it’s Big Kon (Konnor from the Ascension) and Alan Angels. Young comes back in and drives a spike into Callihan’s head to draw blood.

Jordynne Grace goes into her locker room and finds a bunch of pictures of Gisele Shaw holding up the Knockouts Title. Jai Vidal, Shaw’s assistant, apparently put up the photos, so Grace chokes him and lets him run off.

Moose vs. Ace Austin

Chris Bey is here with Austin. Moose gets sent to the floor to start but pulls Austin into a powerbomb swung into the steps. We take a break and come back with Austin being whipped hard into the corner. The big chop misses though and Austin unloads in the corner as well.

That is shrugged off with all of no effort from Moose but Austin kicks him down. A running double stomp gets two but Moose is back up to reverse slam him off the top (that was cool). Cue Bully Ray for a distraction though, meaning Moose misses his spear. Austin grabs a rollup for the pin at 11:14.

Rating: C+. This was a nice enough match as you can always get somewhere with power vs. speed. That is what they were playing at here until the ending with Ray offering a distraction. Austin winning is nice to see, but this is all about Ray vs. Moose, because something always has to be about Ray.

Gisele Shaw interrupts commentary with more of her photos before her title shot next week.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Aussie Open vs. Josh Alexander/Frankie Kazarian

Kazarian and Fletcher start things off with Kazarian running him over to grab a headlock. Back up and Kazarian flips him into a rollup for two and it’s off to Alexander vs. Davis. Alexander starts fast with a middle rope dropkick so it’s back to Kazarian. Some double teaming puts Kazarian down for all of three seconds before he’s back with a running….Russian legsweep? That’s a new one, but it lets Alexander come back in to punch Fletcher.

Everything breaks down and Alexander gets clotheslined over the top for a crash. Kazarian is rammed into Alexander and we take a break. Back with Alexander fighting out of a chinlock but getting slammed by Fletcher. A belly to back drop puts Alexander on the apron and a brainbuster gets two. The trouble doesn’t last long as Alexander rolls over and brings in Kazarian to clean house.

Something like a Big Ending/middle rope cutter drops Kazarian, who is also fine enough to get over to Alexander for a tag. Everything breaks down and Alexander powerbombs Fletcher but Davis hits a running forearm. Some double superkicks drop Alexander for two with Kazarian making the save.

Kazarian gets a hot tag of his own and starts to clean house again. Alexander ankle locks Fletcher as Kazarian puts Davis in some kind of armbar, only to have Fletcher roll out, sending Alexander into the other two for the save. Fletcher and Alexander suplex each other to the floor, leaving Kazarian to hit a slingshot cutter for the pin on Davis at 19:18.

Rating: B. This was a rather entertaining back and forth match, though the lack of tagging got old near the end. Upcoming opponents vs. a regular team is an idea that has worked for a long time and that was the case again here. Aussie Open continues to be a good team, but it would be nice to have them win a big match every now and then.

Post match Kazarian picks up the title but hands it off to Alexander to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This is a weird time for Impact as they are doing almost everything right, but they are doing it on the way to a show that isn’t all that interesting. Kazarian feels a lot like Alex Shelley as a challenger and having the “will he/won’t he” stuff from Bully Ray isn’t the most thrilling. Hopefully they can find something better to do after Overdrive on the way to Hard To Kill, but we have a long way to go to get there.

Mike Bailey b. Kenny King – Rollup
Savannah Evans b. Jessicka – Full nelson slam
Sami Callihan b. Eric Young via DQ when Violent By Design interfered
Ace Austin b. Moose – Rollup
Frankie Kazarian/Josh Alexander b. Aussie Open – Slingshot cutter to Davis



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Impact Wrestling – October 27, 2022: Oh Yeah, This Show

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 27, 2022
Location: Sam’s Town Live, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are on the way to Overdrive in a few weeks and that means we need an X-Division Title match. The tournament begins here with the finals at Overdrive and we should be in for something good. Other than that, Frankie Kazarian is coming for the World Title and Josh Alexander will need to deal with him. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Mike Bennett and Matt Taven come in to yell at Scott D’Amore about everything that has gone badly for them. They don’t want to be in that kind of situation again, so he fires them.

Opening sequence.

X-Division Title Tournament First Round: Alan Angels vs. Trey Miguel

They fight over arm control to start with neither being able to get very far. Angels breaks up a rope walk wristdrag and Miguel gets kicked outside. Back in and a reverse Sling Blade gives Angels two but Miguel is back up with a handspring enziguri. The running knees give Miguel two and Angels’ DDT out of the corner gets the same.

Miguel slips out of a superplex attempt and it’s the Cheeky Nandos kick to knock him silly. Angels is fine enough to knock him him and grab an Octopus hold on the mat, followed by a frog splash for two. Back up and Miguel kicks him in the face, setting up the Lightning Spiral for the fast pin at 8:20.

Rating: C+. Impact has long since figured out that the idea of having an X-Division match open the show is going to work every time. The fans get behind Miguel, who can fly around like few others and make you care about him with ease. Other than that, you have Angels, who is still known enough from AEW and fits in well as a first round victim for a bigger star.

Bullet Club comes in to see Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer because they think Ray took out Ace Austin last week. Ray denies it again and Chris Bey vs. Dreamer seems to be set up. The Club leaves and Dreamer tells Ray to stay away because he’s why this is happening.

VXT and Gisele Shaw want to get rid of Mickie James and then get the Knockouts Tag Team Titles back.

Tasha Steelz vs. Rachelle Steele

Savannah Evans is here with Steelz. Steele gets kicked in the face to start but Steelz grabs the mic, saying she shouldn’t be in the ring with someone so lame. Evans is told to come in and take care of this, so Evans hits a clothesline for the DQ at 1:56. Steelz doesn’t seem to mind.

Post match Evans powerbombs Steele.

The Motor City Machine Guns come up to Heath and Rhino to ask for the Tag Team Title shot they were promised. Heath and Rhino tell them to go to management, which works for the Guns.

Post break, the Guns come up to Scott D’Amore but the Major Players are already there. D’Amore doesn’t want to listen to the arguing so he makes Shelley vs. Cardona for later tonight.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Chris Bey

Ace Austin is here with Bey. They both miss clotheslines to start and Bey can’t hit his spinning kick to the face. Cue Bully Ray to get on the apron to yell at Austin as we take an early break. Back with Bey hitting a double stomp to the back and a standing moonsault gets two.

Dreamer’s arm goes into the post and Bey gives it a Codebreaker, setting up a DDT for two more. Bey gets caught on top though and here is Moose to yell at Ray. The referee gets distracted and Moose trips Bey, who thinks it was Ray. The Death Valley Driver is broken up and the Art of Finesse finishes for Bey at 10:24.

Rating: C. The ending was a huge relief as I was worried they would have the ECW guys beat the Bullet Club again. I’m not big on Dreamer in the first place and it would have been way too far to have he and Ray get wins over these guys in some combination -over back to back wins. Not a great match, but it’s all about the storytelling anyway.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Bully Ray b. Sting to retain the World Title at Slammiversary 2013.

Aussie Open wants the Tag Team Titles so anyone can come get them next week.

Tommy Dreamer tells Bully Ray to calm down but Ray isn’t going to do that. He’s tired of no one believing him, including Dreamer. They’re good though.

Matt Cardona vs. Alex Shelley

Their respective partners are here too. Cardona jumps him before the bell and they head outside with an exchange of rams into the apron. Back in and Shelley works on the arm but Cardona grabs a neckbreaker for two. The chinlock goes on for a bit before an elbow to the jaw takes Shelley down again. The Reboot misses though and they forearm it out. A tornado DDT gives Shelley two with Myers putting the foot on the rope.

Myers comes in so Sabin kicks him out, leaving Cardona to rake Shelley’s eye. Radio Silence connects for two and a rollup with tights gets the same. With nothing else working, Cardona grabs the Digital Media Title but the referee gets distracted, allowing Shelley to grab a DDT onto the title for two in a rather hot near fall. Back up and Myers hits Shelley in the head with the belt for the pin at 8:43.

Rating: C+. There was a lot packed in here but they made it work well enough anyway, with both guys keeping up with all of the quick near falls. The Major Brothers getting the title shot isn’t a bad idea, though it wouldn’t surprise me to see this winding up as a triple threat. Entertaining stuff here as the Major Players are a good team when they get the chance.

Post match the beatdown stays on but Heath and Rhino make the save.

Rich Swann and Josh Alexander are in the back when Gail Kim interrupts. She tells Alexander to watch his back and Steve Maclin jumps him from behind. Frankie Kazarian makes the save.

Post break, Kazarian says he’s looking out for Alexander to make sure Overdrive stays on. Neither of them are looking for a partner, but they’ll team together against Aussie Open next week.

Raj Singh vs. Joe Hendry

Before the match, Hendry talks about how this is Las Vegas, where people lose everything they have every day. Tomorrow, someone is going to have to tell their wife that they lost the house, the car and the kid’s college fund….but he saw Joe Hendry. It’s ok because the wife believes in him too and we start fast with Hendry taking him down for a pat on the head. A fireman’s carry faceplant (the Trust Fall) drops Singh, who makes the mistake of saying Hendry’s name, making him rise back up. The Standing Ovation (high spinebuster) gives Hendry the pin at 1:47.

Eric Young tells Deaner that he’s supposed to learn things. Now it’s time to beat up beat up Sami Callihan.

We get a sitdown interview with Eddie Edwards, who says Honor No More is no more. Eddie still believes that there is no honor in this company but there are still problems. Like PCO.

Here’s what’s coming on upcoming shows.

VXT/Gisele Shaw vs. Mickie James/Jordynne Grace/Taylor Wilde

Green rolls away from James to start so it’s off to Shaw instead. James runs her over with a shoulder and it’s off to Purrazzo to power Wilde down. Wilde kicks Purrazzo’s leg out and tilt-a-whirl slams Green for two. Everything breaks down and the heroes clear the ring as we take a break.

Back with Green taking Wilde down and hammering away before Shaw fires off some knees to the face. Wilde gets away without much trouble and the hot tag brings in James to clean house. That lasts for all of ten seconds before Shaw gets in a cheap shot to take James down in the corner. Shaw grabs a chinlock before Shaw grabs a chinlock, only to have James fight up with a clothesline.

The real hot tag brings in Grace to clean house, including a spinebuster for two on Purrazzo. Everything breaks down but James gets driven back into the corner. A powerbomb/something like a Blockbuster combination gets two on James and Grace runs Shaw over for touching the Knockouts Title. Back inside and James DDTs Green for the pin at 15:17.

Rating: C+. They kept things moving here with a longer match than I would have guessed. James is probably on her way to a huge showdown with Jordynne Grace, maybe at Hard To Kill, and she might have to go through the rest of VXT to get there. Good main event here, as Grace and James are turning into some of the bigger stars in the whole company.

Overall Rating: C+. Overdrive isn’t exactly looking great so far but they are doing some good stuff on the way there. That is the kind of thing that you do not get to see very often but they are managing to pull it off. There were some good enough matches on this one, though the Bully Ray/Tommy Dreamer stuff is still dragging a lot of the rest down.


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Crown Jewel 2022 Preview

It’s time to go overseas again with the latest WWE in Saudi Arabia endeavor. As usual, the show doesn’t have the best reputation but this one does feel a bit different. Instead of some weird special show with some one off gimmick or competition, it feels like a regular pay per view which happens to take place in Saudi Arabia. Now if only they can make it work well. Let’s get to it.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Asuka/Alexa Bliss(c) vs. Damage Ctrl

This was a last minute addition as Damage Ctrl dropped the titles to the returning Asuka and Bliss this week on Raw. I’m not sure how much of a chance there is to have the titles change back here, but it is the kind of thing that could be set up for a short title reign to give the show a moment. The Saudi Arabia shows do need to feel more important and a title change, even of a minor title, would help with that.

However, I think I’ll go with the titles being successfully defended here as Asuka and Bliss coming back on Monday to win the titles and then lose them again just five days later doesn’t exactly make for a feel good moment. It might be the logical way to go, but I don’t think it is exactly the best choice. Go with the champions retaining here, as Damage Ctrl can get them back later.

Tag Team Titles: Usos(c) vs. Brawling Brutes

If there was any drama to this one in the first place, WWE got rid of it this week by announcing that the New Day, as in the team the Usos are chasing for the longest Tag Team Title reign (if you ignore the Glamour Girls and Princess Victoria/Velvet McIntyre) will be getting a shot at the winners next week on Smackdown. In the words of Mr. Turner from Boy Meets World, “gee, I wonder what’s gonna happen”.

So yeah of course the Brutes lose here to keep the Usos on the road to the record. There is no reason to believe that the titles are going to change here outside of a shock for the sake of a shock. The Usos’ reign has felt far too long for a good while now, but they aren’t dropping the titles in Saudi Arabia to a team like the Brutes, especially with the New Day showdown looming.

Raw Women’s Title: Bianca Belair(c) vs. Bayley

So after THE LAST SHOWDOWN (or whatever it was) last month on Raw, we’re treated to a rematch here in a Last Woman Standing match. This isn’t a match I’m overly interested in seeing as the two have fought so many times already, but that has never stopped WWE before. This really does need to be the last match to wrap up the feud though and that opens up some interesting questions.

As much as I want to say Bayley wins the title here, it just doesn’t feel right. It’s weird in that I think she’ll probably win, but I’ll go with the instinct and say Belair retains. That would more or less end Damage Ctrl meaning anything but I think WWE would rather have someone else go after the title for the time being. Belair retains here, as WWE continues her Superwoman style push.

Braun Strowman vs. Omos

Are we sure Vince McMahon is really gone? This is the kind of freak show match that he would love to run and I can see the appeal. The difference here though is you have two people who are prominently featured and in this case it means someone has to lose. In theory at least as this would be a good place for some kind of a screwy finish, but I don’t think that is what WWE is going to do.

I’ll take Strowman to win here, as not only will MVP not be there for Omos but Strowman is freshly back in the company and doesn’t need to be taking a loss anytime soon. Omos is someone who can be reheated rather quickly and has already absorbed a loss on the big stage just fine. Let Strowman look like a monster again and go from there, as it is the (second most) right way to go.

Drew McIntyre vs. Karrion Kross

This is inside a cage as the feud continues. Kross has already beaten McIntyre in a strap match and that again means we have some options here. While Scarlett got involved to help Kross the first time, the idea of the cage is to even things out. That being said, no one actually buys that as being the case, meaning McIntyre is basically in a handicap match here, at least to some degree.

Even with that, I’ll go with McIntyre winning as some good guy has to win one of the bigger matches on the show. McIntyre can escape the cage to keep Kross from winning, though it wouldn’t surprise me to see him just hit the Claymore anyway. This should be perfectly watchable and feels like a house show main event, which isn’t a bad way to go for this situation.

OC vs. Judgment Day

This match comes down to one question: is the Rhea Ripley problem solved here or is this the final straw that leads to it being solved next time? You could go with Ripley costing the OC the match or you could have the OC bring out their solution here and get them on to what is likely an eight person tag coming up down the line. That could go either way, so we’re basically at a coin flip here.

I’ll take the OC to win here, as they’ll debut their solution, likely in the form of Raquel Rodriguez, to deal with Ripley. Just cutting her off alone should be enough to take out one of the team, likely in the form of Dominik Mysterio, and give the OC a win. Judgment Day shouldn’t be losing again, but it would probably be the right way to go given the circumstances they have set up.

Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley

And now we have the hoss fight and it should work well. These two had a good enough power fight at the Royal Rumble in a huge stadium and now they should get to do it again on another big stage. Lesnar has turned heel….I think….to set this up, as you can never quite tell with him and it should be a heck of a fight because, well, what else are these two going to do against each other?

Since Lesnar is probably leaving again, there is no need to have Lashley lose here. Lashley is someone who could beat Lesnar and make it pretty easy to believe and Lesnar can absorb a loss like no other. Go with Lashley here, as he is the one who needs the win at some point. I don’t see any need for Lesnar to win and while that is always an option, Lashley wins here, as he needs to.

Undisputed WWE Universal Title: Roman Reigns(c) vs. Logan Paul

That leaves us with this, for reasons of celebrity status. The entire feud has been built around the idea of Paul not getting knocked out in a boxing match last year and the chance that he will catch Reigns with a lucky punch. When that is the entirety of your build, it is pretty clear that there is something lacking with what you are doing. I don’t think this has the most doubt but that is where we are for a major event.

Of course I’m taking Reigns here as there is a grand total of no reason to believe that he is losing. Reigns has been World Champion for over two years now and celebrity status or no celebrity status, Paul isn’t going to be the one to take the title from him. I’m sure Paul will get in a quick shot here or there for a near fall but he isn’t going to win, which I don’t think is in any serious doubt.

Overall Thoughts

What are you expecting? It’s a Saudi Arabian show and that means there is only going to be so much to get out of the thing. What matters here is having some big matches and getting them to go well, which should not be that big of a problem. It also helps that they have gotten rid of a lot of the bad ideas that you see on this show, meaning this might actually have some potential. Now just live up to those possibilities.


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Rampage – November 4, 2022: Wrestlemania Weekend In November

Date: November 4, 2022
Location: Jim Whalen Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Mike Tyson, Tony Schiavone

You might notice an interesting guest star here as Iron Mike Tyson is making another appearance for the company. I’m not sure how well that is going to go, but Tyson is likely going to bring some energy. The big match this week is a special appearance by Katsuyori Shibata as he challenges Orange Cassidy for the All-Atlantic Title. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mike Tyson gets a special entrance.

Video on Katsuyori Shibata, who hits people very hard and is back after what appeared to be a career ending injury.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Cassidy is defending. They stare each other down so Shibata grabs a headlock takeover. A headscissors gets Cassidy out of trouble before cranking on the ankle. Shibata misses the big kick to the head and gets forearmed off the apron, setting up the suicide dive. Back up and Shibata sends him into the barricade a few times, allowing the sitdown pose back inside. Cassidy shrugs it off and sends him into the barricade as well but they both have to dive back inside to beat the count.

We take a break and come back with Cassidy hitting a running corner dropkick and the lazy kicks for the mind games. The lazy superkick is blocked though and now Cassidy is willing to pick up the pace. Shibata cuts him off with an STO (as called by Tyson) and hits his own lazy kicks. That makes Cassidy sit down as well, with Shibata sitting right in front of him. Cassidy gently slaps him so Shibata BLASTS HIM with a forearm before unloading in the corner.

Back up and they knock each other down, allowing us to look at Tyson watching the match. It’s Cassidy up first with a running penalty kick so Shibata tells him to do it again. That’s what Cassidy does before more kicks have no effect. A big running kick manages to knock Cassidy do but Shibata is back up with something like an Orange Punch to knock Cassidy silly. The octopus goes on and they fall to the mat, where Cassidy gets his foot on the rope.

The Stundog Millionaire gets Cassidy out of trouble and he fires off some lazy Kawada kicks. Shibata is right back with a Death Valley Driver but Cassidy counters another one into a Stunner. The Beach Break gives Cassidy two and the Orange Punch….doesn’t actually knock Shibata down. Instead Shibata is up with the choke before suplexing Cassidy back down. The Penalty kick is loaded up but Cassidy pops to his feet for the Orange Punch to retain at 11:10.

Rating: B-. This is going to be an example of “your mileage may vary” and I’m not overly surprised. The match felt like something you see at a Wrestlemania weekend independent show with the question of “wouldn’t it be cool if these two faced each other?”. It was a completely fine way to go and I’m sure Shibata’s fans are happy to see him. Cassidy is one of the most oddball people around but he did well here and it was a bit of a treat, even if not what you would expect Shibata to do.

Respect is shown post match and Cassidy gives Shibata his sunglasses, while also cracking a smile.

That’s it for Tyson, making it a rather forgettable cameo, though he did sound happy to be there.

Toni Storm thinks Britt Baker is manipulating Jamie Hayter but she’ll be ready at Full Gear.

The Blackpool Combat Club isn’t happy with Chris Jericho going too far against Ring Of Honor. Why is he going after non-wrestlers like Ian Riccaboni? If Jericho wants to go after the Ring Of Honor World Champions, come after Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson. William Regal tells Jericho to make his choice.

Jamie Hayter/Britt Baker vs. Skye Blue/Madison Rayne

Rebel is here with the villains. Rayne takes Hayter into the corner to start and Blue cuts Hayter off with a raised boot. A high crossbody gives Blue two but Hayter cuts her off with a hot shot as we take a break. Back with Hayter and Blue knocking each other down, allowing Blue to kick Baker in the head as well for the tag off to Rayne.

House is cleaned and a neckbreaker gets two on Baker, followed by a cutter for a bonus. Hayter is back in with what looked like a chokebreaker to Rayne but Blue gives her a Backstabber. Baker kicks Blue down and hits the fisherman’s neckbreaker for two on Rayne. The villains hit stereo superkicks and Hayter adds the ripcord lariat for the pin at 7:18.

Rating: C. They kept this moving and the match wound up being a nice showcase for Hayter on the way to her title match. Hayter has impressed a lot in recent weeks and that very well could continue through Full Gear. Blue and Madison are good target practice who can still do fairly well in the ring, making this a completely acceptable match.

Post match Baker mocks Toni Storm and promises Hayter is winning the title at Full Gear. Cue Storm, who drops Rebel with one hand, beats up Baker and Thesz presses Hayter to start the brawl. As you would in any fight, Storm grabs a Texas Cloverleaf but Baker comes in with a belt shot to knock her silly. Hayter gets to hold up the title.

We look at Chris Jericho calling out Lamar Jackson on Dynamite, plus the Baltimore Ravens (Jackson’s team) tweeting a response to Jericho. That’s the kind of publicity AEW can/should brag about.

Tony Schiavone talks to Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho about the Blackpool Combat Club’s challenge. Jericho is thinking about saying both, because the Club doesn’t like each other. So how about the three of them and Sammy in a four way for the title. Jericho suggest that Sammy would “do the right thing”, which doesn’t seem to sit well with him.

Here is Ricky Starks for a chat. Starks asks if you can hear the crowd reaction because he knows people are asking to see him get on TV. He has never had to ask the fans to have his back because they know he can deliver. The people like to see him do the pose and he likes them too.

There is a question that people want to know and that is about the eliminator tournament. Starks is one of those six answers, because he is officially entering. Things are crumbling around here (probably shouldn’t say that) but he is going to hold it up on his bare back. He’s ready to face Jon Moxley or MJF because he is Ricky Freaking Starks. Good stuff here, as I can always go for more of Starks, especially when he is fired up.

Sammy Guevara is ready to keep the Ring Of Honor World Title in the Jericho Appreciation Society, but for now he wants to talk about Bryan Danielson. He wants a rematch and he wants it next week on Dynamite, 2/3 falls.

Samoa Joe/Wardlow and the Gates of Agony are ready for each other. Oh and Wardlow wants Powerhouse Hobbs to come get him.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

We get the brackets for the Full Gear tournament:

Eddie Kingston
Ethan Page


Lance Archer
Ricky Starks

Brian Cage
Dante Martin

Samoa Joe/Wardlow vs. Gates of Agony

Prince Nana is here with the Gates. Wardlow misses a clothesline to Kaun to start but is fine enough to drive him into the corner. A clothesline drops Kaun again before Wardlow opts to just hammer away at the head. Joe comes in and slugs at Loa before hitting the corner enziguri. Kaun gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and Loa runs Joe over for two.

We take a break and come back with Joe fighting out of a dropkick and Rock Bottoming him out of the corner. Wardlow comes back in for a bunch of German suplexes as everything breaks down. The wind up punch drops Kaun and Wardlow shrugs off a knee to the face. The four movement Powerbomb Symphony finishes Kaun at 9:11.

Rating: C. What am I supposed to say about this? The Gates of Agony have been around for seven months, they haven’t won a two on two tag match since July (when the other team split up mid match) and there was no reason to believe they were going to win here. This was a good example of a match where it felt like Ring Of Honor was shoehorned in and it did not help things in the slightest.

Post match Powerhouse Hobbs comes out to stare down Wardlow to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This is more or less the standard Rampage: fun opener, nothing middle match, and something Ring of Honor related in the main event. While it might be a pretty good show, other than an announcement about an upcoming Ring of Honor Title match, absolutely none of this stuff felt important. Shibata vs. Cassidy was little more than a fun curiosity match, Hayter is set for the title match and the Gates of Agony have never felt important around here. Rampage has very little excitement most of the time and I can’t imagine wanting to go to one of these shows, special commentator (for one match) or not.

Orange Cassidy b. Katsuyori Shibata – Orange Punch
Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter b. Skye Blue/Madison Rayne – Ripcord lariat to Rayne
Samoa Joe/Wardlow b. Gates of Agony – Powerbomb Symphony to Kaun


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Smackdown – November 4, 2022: Taped Very Goodness

Date: November 4, 2022
Location: Enterprise Center, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Michael Cole

It’s time for a taped show as everyone else is already in Saudi Arabia. The main event this week is Gunther defending the Intercontinental Title against Rey Mysterio in a match that has some potential. Other than that, we probably get the final push towards Logan Paul challenging Roman Reigns for the Universal Title, because celebrity. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Liv Morgan vs. Sonya Deville

No DQ. It’s a brawl to start with Deville grabbing some kendo sticks and driving Morgan into the apron. Back in and Deville unloads with the stick but Morgan is smiling. Morgan fights up and sticks her down, meaning it’s table time. That’s broken up and Deville puts the table back under the ring. Back up and Morgan hits a suicide dive to drop Deville and then she does it again. Now we can get the table set up with Liv driving her through it as we take a break.

We come back with a bunch of chairs in the ring and Deville hitting a running knee, followed by a middle rope knee for two. Liv fights back and hits a springboard Codebreaker for two but Deville powerbombs her onto the chairs for her own near fall. Another Codebreaker staggers Deville and Oblivion onto the chairs finishes for Morgan at 13:48.

Rating: C+. Good brawl, though I still can’t get into Hardcore Liv. It’s better than what they were doing with her as champion but it still doesn’t feel like the right way to go. Granted she is still getting reactions and the matches are good enough, so there might be something here if they keep developing the idea. The match was a pretty good brawl, but nothing that hasn’t been done a dozen times this year alone.

We look back at Emma’s return last week as she lost to Ronda Rousey.

Emma is excited to be back but Xia Li interrupts. Li calls her weak and is promptly shoved down.

Logan Paul’s brother Jake Paul will be in his corner at Crown Jewel.

Video on Roman Reigns vs. Logan Paul, including a clip of Jake Paul showing up at the press conference.

The Viking Raiders are still coming back.

Ricochet vs. LA Knight

Before the match, Knight mocks the ring announcer’s intro, allowing Ricochet to take him down. Ricochet throws him in and we get the opening bell, with a kick to the back rocking Knight. A few shots take Ricochet down though and Knight loads up a top rope Lionsault, only to crash hard. Ricochet knocks him to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Knight stomping away in the corner and hitting the jumping neckbreaker for two. Knight goes up but spends too much time talking, allowing Ricochet to jump up for a super hurricanrana. The running shooting star press gets two but Knight rolls him up with tights/the rope for the pin at 9:56.

Rating: C-. Hey look Ricochet loses again. That’s just one of those things you have to get used to these days, though I can appreciate Knight getting a boost. Having him cheat in two ways is a good way to go and I like the ending, but the match wasn’t exactly thrilling on the way there.

Sami Zayn hypes the Usos being ready to set the all time Tag Team Title reign but Jey Uso doesn’t like his advice. Jey says they were champions before Sami and they’ll be champions after him. Jimmy: “He’s got a point Sami.” The Usos leave and Sami asks “my dogs” to come back.

Bray Wyatt says he isn’t used to sharing his feelings. It’s new to him and he doesn’t like people playing with him like that. We pause for an interruption from someone with a box and, after the camera gets hacked, Bray talks about getting annoyed at a driver who cut him off. The camera keeps cutting to the Wyatt logo as he rants about how he wants to break things because he can’t handle himself.

Bray wants the guy to reach down into his soul and apologize to him for interrupting. The camera interruption gets a bit longer and the man apologizes, with Bray seemingly accepting and asking him to leave. We see a graphic saying Wyatt will be at Crown Jewel, which was announced on Raw. So are the camera cuts and weird graphics Bray’s inner evil trying to escape as he tries to hold it back?

Here are the Usos for a chat. They are ready to become the longest reigning Tag Team Champions and, after an UCEY chant, we hear about how the next step is getting by the Brawling Brutes. Cue the New Day to say they’re cheering for the Brutes tomorrow but if the Usos retain, the New Day has next. Cue the Brawling Brutes for the beatdown so Solo Sikoa and Sami Zayn come in for the save. Butch comes back up with some shillelagh shots but Sikoa takes him down and the Bloodline stands tall.

Rey Mysterio loves wrestling and is ready to fight back to win the Intercontinental Title.

Shayna Baszler vs. Natalya

Ronda Rousey is here with Baszler. Natalya gets taken down to start but manages to reverse the arm stomp into a rollup for two. Baszler goes right after the arm again though and takes Natalya down, where Natalya is made to scratch her own head. That’s broken up and Natalya hits the discus clothesline, only to get pulled into the Kirifuda Clutch for the tap at 4:09.

Rating: C. This was just a step above a squash for Baszler as she is heated up again. It would not surprise me to see her as the eventual challenger for Rousey, especially with Rousey as her inspiration. It’s a different direction for Rousey and that is something she has desperately been needing. Now just give Baszler some women to crush and we should be fine.

Post match Natalya gets up and is blasted right back down.

Video on Drew McIntyre vs. Karrion Kross.

Here is MVP to introduce five unnamed opponents for Braun Strowman. Cue Strowman to run all five over and then chase MVP off. MVP’s cane shot is shrugged off and Strowman breaks it in half. The running powerslam plants MVP as a way to keep him from being at Crown Jewel. No match.

Gunther is ready to beat Rey Mysterio and nothing will change because he will retain his title.

Legado del Fantasma isn’t impressed by Shinsuke Nakamura helping Hit Row last week so it’s time for some revenge.

Intercontinental Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Gunther

Gunther, with Imperium, is defending. The champ starts fast by going with the power and knocking Mysterio outside for an early break. Back with Rey being sent stomach first to the floor but coming back in for a crucifix bomb. Mysterio grabs a sleeper and Gunther is in trouble, so he climbs to the middle rope and crashes backwards to free himself and send us to another break.

We come back again with Rey managing a knockdown and hitting the top rope seated senton. A Lionsault gives Rey two and he counters a powerbomb into a hurricanrana for two. Another powerbomb attempt is countered into a Code Red for two more and Gunther has had enough.

The running dropkick in the corner finally lets Gunther hit the powerbomb….for two, and Gunther is livid. Another powerbomb attempt is countered into a 619 attempt but Gunther kicks him away with a heck of a big boot. The big clothesline knocks Rey silly and retains the title at 18:17.

Rating: B+. These two know how to do the big man vs. little man stuff very well and they made it work here. Mysterio started off as an annoyance to Gunther and then became a threat near the end until Gunther went into beast mode to take him apart. That’s a well told story with talented people doing their thing. What more could you ask for in a TV main event?

Overall Rating: C+. The main event helped this show a lot but there was only so much that could be done with a taped show before a pay per view that is all but set and not that great in the first place. Crown Jewel needs to come and go so we can move on to something else, which should be the case after Saturday. This show wasn’t all that great, though Gunther vs. Rey was a rather strong main event.

Liv Morgan b. Sonya Deville – Oblivion onto chairs
LA Knight b. Ricochet – Rollup while holding tights and the rope
Shayna Baszler b. Natalya – Kirifuda Clutch
Gunther b. Rey Mysterio – Clothesline


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Daily News Update – November 4, 2022

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Survivor Series 1998 (2012 Redo)

Dynamite – November 2, 2022

Survivor Series 1999 (2021 Redo)

Cyber Sunday 2008

Classic All Star Wrestling – October 30, 2022


Adam Cole Explains Strange Moments Resulting From Medical Condition.

12 Time World Champion Makes Surprise AEW Debut On Dynamite.

Missing AEW Star Appears In Dynamite Vignette, Appears Set For Return.

New Title Match With Personal Touch Added To AEW Full Gear.

Major Update On WWE Investigation Into Vince McMahon, Staggering Cost Revealed.

WWE Changes Recruiting Philosophy, Scouting Talent Again.

Joey Janela Rips AEW Dark, Calls It “Stale A**”.

Reigning WWE Champion Wants To Change Title Into Something Completely Different.

Two WWE Stars set For Hulu Reality Series.

WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE’s Plans For RKBro’s Reunion Have Changed.

Here’s How Much Bray Wyatt Has Done For WWE Since Returning.

Former WWE Developmental Star Charged With Assault That Led To Woman’s Death.

WATCH: Alexa Bliss Comes Up Swinging In Serious Moment.

Former WWE Star Reportedly Retired From In-Ring Competition.

WWE Set To Likely Break All Time Royal Rumble Record.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Classic All Star Wrestling – October 30, 2022: I Need To Do Research

Classic All Star Wrestling
Date: October 30, 2022
Host: Adam Parsons

I’ve been having more and more fun with this show every week for more than one reasons. One of the fun things about this show is trying to figure out what I’m actually watching, as some of the labeling isn’t exactly correct. That very well may be the situation again here and that makes for some fun times. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Parsons runs down the card.

From Memphis from some time in the 80s, possibly February 5, 1983.

Fabulous Ones/Bill Dundee/Dutch Mantell vs. Destroyers/Marauder/Invader

2/3 falls. Dundee slams Destroyer #1 down to start and then grabs a headlock takeover to put him down. Stan Lane comes in and snapmares #1 over as the pace picks up. Well as much as it is going to pick up in an eight man tag in Memphis. Steve Keirn slams #1 into the corner so Marauder can come in and get forearmed in the face. Er, mask. It’s back to Dundee for another slam and Invader comes in to punch him in the face. Er, fa…never mind. The eternally hairy Mantell comes in for all of three seconds before the Fabs hit a double clothesline to give Dundee the pin and the first fall at 2:48.

The second fall begins with Dundee stomping on the Marauder’s ribs as the dominance continues in full. Dundee even messes with Marauder’s mask so we pause for an adjustment before Lane comes in for a backbreaker. There’s a side suplex and Mantell comes in, only to have Dundee cut off an invading, uh, Invader.

Commentary says we have about a minute left as Dundee takes Marauder down with ease. Invader comes in and gets punched in the face over and over, allowing Keirn to come in for a jumping right hand. It’s back to Marauder so the Fabs can hit a hot shot for the fast pin and the two fall sweep at 6:16 total.

Rating: C-. This was a match where the idea was to get some stars in the ring and in front of a camera rather than anything competitive. As such, it was little more than target practice for the big names, which is what you would get in a lot of these matches. It was perfectly fine for what it was and it’s always cool to see some of these legends back when they were just the stars of the day for a change.

From Portland, likely in 1983-84.

Chris Colt vs. Brian Adidas

Colt is a name that you might not have heard of but he WAY ahead of his time with the weird, oddball style. They trade waistlocks to start as we hear about Buddy Rose sending a hitman (apparently at ringside) to go after Curt Hennig. Colt grabs a full nelson but Adidas sends him into the corner as we keep talking about Hennig and the hitman. With that going nowhere, Colt grabs a headlock as commentary talks about beverages. A backdrop sends Colt bailing to the floor for a breather as it’s kind of amazing to see how banged up the ring posts and ropes really are.

Back in and some dropkicks rock Colt, whose arms get tied up in the ropes. Colt needs a breather as we hear about an upcoming live event. A missed charge in the corner lets Colt start in on the arm until a headlock takeover….doesn’t really work that well for Adidas. Back up and Colt grabs the referee so he breaks it up, even holding Colt’s arms so Adidas can punch him to the floor. The referee raises Adidas’ arm for the win, presumably by DQ at 6:21.

Rating: C. And this is why I love this show. Where else are you going to see a Chris Colt match on TV these days? This was a total out of nowhere match with a pretty simple story of cheating vs. skill and it worked out well enough. I could have gone for some better commentary but for what we got here, I was invested in a short TV match from about 40 years ago so I’d call it a success.

Here’s the preview for next week.

From Memphis again. No date given but a little research seems to suggest around 1987.

Jimmy Jack Funk vs. Manny Fernandez

It’s a fight to start with Fernandez missing a dropkick and getting dropped throat first across the top for his efforts. Funk drops a fist to the head for two but Fernandez runs him over for a double knockdown. There’s a knee drop for two on Funk and the Flying Burrito gets two as Teijo Khan comes in to jump Fernandez for the DQ at 2:58. I’ve always liked Fernandez and it’s cool to see him here.

Post match Jack and Khan destroy Fernandez with a loaded glove. Jeff Jarrett makes the save with a broom, which would put this in late 1987/early 1988.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a nice mixture of stuff and a good example of why I look forward to this show every week. Sometimes you just need some random wrestling to have some fun and that is what you got here. It’s a really easy show to watch and the research of finding out what I’m seeing is a lot of fun. Check this out, if you can ever find it, or just throw something old on Youtube.



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Cyber Sunday 2008: Get Your Votes In

Cyber Sunday 2008
Date: October 26, 2008
Location: US Airways Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance: 7,981
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jim Ross, Tazz, Jerry Lawler, Matt Striker, Todd Grisham

The major match is another step in the rise of Jeff Hardy, who has been chasing the World Title since back in January. This time he’s chasing HHH for the Smackdown World Title and has two out of three chances to get another shot as the options are Hardy, Vladimir Kozlov (a Russian monster) or both at the same time. Let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: US Title: Shelton Benjamin vs. ???

R-Truth – 59%
Festus – 25%
MVP – 15%

This is a special match that aired before the show on Shelton is defending and is now known as the Gold Standard, meaning he has gold hair and is really arrogant. Shelton goes after the arm to start but Truth flips over him in the corner and gets two off a leg lariat. The champ comes right back with a hot shot and running kick to the face before we hit the chinlock.

Truth fights up with right hands and clotheslines but takes too long going up, allowing Shelton to jump to the top because he’s an athletic freak. Benjamin gets shoved down so Truth can hit a missile dropkick for two. A quick Paydirt (jumping Downward Spiral) retains Shelton’s title at 3:23.

Rating: D+. This match existed so Truth could do his entrance and fire up the crowd so everything worked fine on that front. To be fair this was just a quick bonus match to get things going and WWE happened to air it on their website. Shelton was pretty much done as anything interesting as soon as he took on this Gold Standard deal because it was so one note and allowed him to keep being lazy and do nothing for the next year and a half before he left the company. Truth on the other hand is still in about the same spot eight years later. Not that there’s anything wrong with that as he’s still popular and employed.

The opening video is a bunch of wrestlers saying our votes don’t matter and no one cares. Then the wrestlers realize that these votes decide their future so tonight it’s all about the fans. Apparently it’s our pay per view. Then why did we have to pay for it?

Rey Mysterio vs. Kane

No Holds Barred – 39%
Falls Count Anywhere – 35%
Two Out Of Three Falls – 26%

Kane was back to being an evil monster and wanted to take Rey’s mask for reasons that weren’t exactly clear. Rey tries some fast offense early on but quickly resorts to weapons. This goes just as badly because someone nearly two feet shorter than Kane can’t do much with a stop sign, allowing Kane to kick him in the face. Well mask but you get the idea.

Kane lifts him up with one arm and rams him back first into the post for two back inside. We hit the trash talk as Kane berates Rey for hiding behind the mask. A legdrop gets two for Kane and he bends Rey’s back across his knee. It’s off to a nerve hold for a bit before we hit the backbreaker again. Rey rakes the eyes and scores with the sitout bulldog, followed by a quick enziguri.

That just earns him another boot to the face and now it’s time for a chair. Mysterio is fast enough to dropkick it back into Kane’s face, which Cole describes as “swashbuckling style.” The monster comes right back to knock Rey down, allowing him to go grab the steps. As expected, that just means Kane goes face first into the steps, setting up the springboard seated senton for two. A few chair shots set up the 619 and the springboard splash to give Rey the pin at 10:20.

Rating: D+. It was decent enough but the stipulation was barely used for the most part. This really just made Kane look more inept than monstrous, basically defeating the point of the feud. It’s also kind of an odd choice for an opener but the match wasn’t horrible and had some decent stuff from Rey. Overall though it feels flat and that’s not how you start a show.

There’s another Divas Halloween costume this year and we’ll be seeing the choices throughout the night, including Michelle McCool as a soldier, Katie Lea as a vampire (basically just her normal look with fangs), Lena Yada as a ninja and Candice Michelle as Marilyn Monroe.

Chris Jericho comes up to Legacy (Ted DiBiase Jr., Cody Rhodes and Manu (son of Afa), a group of second generation wrestlers) and says he loved the way they took out CM Punk. Jericho thinks they’re on the verge of greatness and suggests they take out Batista tonight. Cody tells him to do his dirty work himself.

ECW Title: Matt Hardy vs. ???

Evan Bourne – 69%
Finlay – 25%
Mark Henry – 6%

Bourne is a high flier with a great looking shooting star press. Matt, in a rare position as the bigger man, runs Evan over a few times until Evan gets a good looking dropkick. Evan spins out of a test of strength to get two off a victory roll before reversing the Side Effect for the same result. Matt gets tired of this fast paced offense so he forearms Evan out to the floor to take over.

Back in and Bourne starts in on the arm for a change of pace. A standing shooting star press gets two on the champ and it’s right back to the arm. Hardy rolls outside for a breather and pretty easily breaks up an Asai Moonsault. Back in and Matt drops a middle rope elbow to the back for two, followed by a quickly broken abdominal stretch. Splash Mountain (Razor’s Edge into a powerbomb) is countered with a hurricanrana as the fans seem to be more behind Evan than Matt.

A pair of Side Effects gets two for Hardy but somehow Matt’s middle rope legdrop is countered by a spinwheel kick. Shouldn’t Matt have known that Evan was already up? Bourne gets two off a really fast moonsault press out of the corner as Todd says this has been going a hundred miles an hour since the opening bell. Someone needs to teach him the concept of speed. Matt grabs a rollup (and maybe some tights) for two but has to avoid the shooting star. The Twist of Fate retains Matt’s title at 11:04.

Rating: C. This picked up a lot after the halfway point but the first half with the arm work from Evan and Matt using power wasn’t the most exciting stuff. Matt never has been the best power guy/brawler so the match got better once he went back to his normal style. Bourne looked good here and would seem ready for a strong push but two days later he would dislocate his ankle and miss over four months.

Beth Phoenix is a gladiator, Jillian Hall is Batgirl, Maria is a bunny and Kelly Kelly is a sailor.

Here are the choices for the next tag match:

John Morrison/The Miz vs. Cryme Tyme – 38%
Legacy vs. Kofi Kingston/CM Punk – 35%
William Regal/Layla vs. Jamie Noble/Mickie James – 27%

John Morrison/The Miz vs. Cryme Tyme

This is a feud over who has the better internet show. The choice is a bit odd as Legacy vs. Punk/Kingston would have been for the Raw Tag Team Titles. Morrison and JTG get things going and take turns driving each other into the corner. Not exactly a thrilling start. JTG gets in a back elbow to the jaw for the first real offense before it’s off to Miz vs. Shad with the big man giving JTG something like a reverse Alabama Slam onto Miz for two.

It’s back to Morrison as the announcers talk about underwear. Miz and Morrison are both sent out to the floor before Shad throws JTG onto both of them for a cool power display. Back in and John drives Shad into the corner to take over on the knee. We hit a leg lock from Miz followed by a half crab from Morrison. Shad pretty easily kicks Miz away and makes the tag off to JTG.

Everything breaks down and JTG gets beaten down for a change as Miz questions the fans thinking he can’t wrestle. Miz hits a running corner clothesline for two and we hit the chinlock. JTG gets up and drops Miz long enough for the hot tag to Shad. Everything breaks down and Shad gets two off a spinebuster to Morrison. Miz kicks Shad in the knee though, setting up Morrison’s Midnight Drive (flip neckbreaker) for the pin at 10:22.

Rating: D+. This felt more like the opener with the match never really going anywhere after the first few minutes. Just like Mysterio vs. Kane, this started fast but never got off the ground. Maybe there wasn’t enough heat from two internet shows that most people didn’t watch to warrant a pay per view match. If only there was an option for some titles.

Tiffany is something like a nun, Brie Bella is Cleopatra, Natalya is a cop and Eve Torres is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Jericho can’t get Great Khali’s help in the main event either.

Intercontinental Title: Santino Marella vs. ???

Marella is a goofy Italian who somehow landed Beth Phoenix, a good looking blonde in great shape. He’s also been talking about how he’s going to surpass Honky Tonk Man’s record for the longest Intercontinental Title reign, which included the Honk-A-Meter. Before the opponent is revealed, Santino insults various athletes who come to Phoenix and fade away. The list includes Shaquille O’Neal, who happens to be here. Here are the choices for his opponent:

Honky Tonk Man – 35%
Roddy Piper – 34%
Goldust – 31%

The word duh comes to mind though that’s WAY closer than I was expecting. Before the match, Honky Tonk Man says Santino could hold the title for ten years and it wouldn’t mean as much as his reign. Eh to be fair that’s probably not too far from the truth. A dance off ensues until Honky Tonk hits a few right hands and grabs a headlock, only to have Beth trip Honky Tonk for the DQ at 1:05.

Santino yells at Beth for a bit, followed by the other options coming out for the big beatdown and a lot of cheering.

Maryse is a French maid (of course), Layla is Princess Layla, Victoria is a banana (she has appeal) and Mickie James is Lara Croft.

We recap Undertaker vs. Big Show. Big Show knocked Undertaker out to prove that Undertaker was mortal and unable to take the big right hand. Undertaker came back and said he wasn’t done fighting yet so they’ll have another fight here.

Undertaker vs. Big Show

Last Man Standing – 49%
I Quit – 42%
Knockout Match – 9%

Smackdown General Manager Vickie Guerrero says I Quit won in a fairly inoffensive gaffe. They slug it out to start with Big Show knocking him over the top and out to the floor. Undertaker is thrown into the timekeeper’s area so he comes back with a chair to the head. Back in and Show easily runs Undertaker over before kicking him out to the floor. Show misses a chair shot though, allowing Undertaker to drive it into his throat for an eight count. Undertaker starts hammering away but gets clotheslined for his efforts.

Show just starts pounding on Undertaker’s ribs before trying a chokeslam, which is reversed into a DDT for nine. This of course begs the question of why he didn’t just immediately throw the KO Punch since he was easily pounding on the ribs. Show takes a turnbuckle pad off but gets sent into it himself (because duh) so they can head outside. Undertaker is whipped into the steps over and over before they stop fighting to load up the announcers’ tables.

A superkick (well moderately super) puts Undertaker over the barricade and a chokeslam sends him through the table for nine. Show yells at Undertaker for not quitting but Undertaker comes back with right hands. Another DDT plants Show inside but Old School is countered into a weak chokeslam for nine more. The KO Punch gets the same so Show caves Undertaker’s head in with a chair. Show leans down to talk some trash but gets pulled into the Hell’s Gate choke, knocking him out for the ten count at 19:23.

Rating: B-. This could have been a lot worse and the good ending drags it up a bit higher. You had to expect these two to have a low and plodding match but the idea of two big guys hitting each other a lot worked well enough. This was more of an old school Undertaker match and while he’s not exactly what he used to be, this was still good enough and better than I was expecting to have to sit through.

Raw General Manager Mike Adamle (a hopeless buffoon) won’t give Jericho leniency either. Jericho gets a message on his phone that seems to give him some hope.

It’s time for the Halloween costume results with all of the Divas being brought out. Mickie James wins and they don’t even bother with percentages. A big brawl breaks out with the good ones being left to pose.

We recap the Smackdown World Title match which is really more of a question of how badly will Hardy alone dominate the other options. Hardy and HHH have been feuding for a few months though they’re both still faces. Kozlov is just there despite most people not being interested.

Smackdown World Title: HHH vs. ???

Jeff Hardy – 57%
Jeff Hardy/Vladimir Kozlov – 38%
Vladimir Kozlov – 5%

Yeah that’s not a surprise with the Hardy options totaling 95% and even the triple threat was blown out by Jeff alone. They go with some basic wrestling to start as Jeff works on a hammerlock on the mat. An armdrag sets up an armbar but Jeff can’t hit the Twist of Fate. JR thinks Hardy’s green belt means money tonight. Now you’re just stretching dude. Jeff tries to get to the top but gets sent crashing back down to the floor.

HHH sends him shoulder first into the post and it’s time for an armbar. Jeff sweeps the legs and drops a legdrop between the champ’s legs for two but the slingshot dropkick is nicely countered into a spinebuster. We hit a crossface of all things to stay on Jeff’s shoulder until Hardy rolls backwards into a rollup for the break. They head outside with HHH being sent into the steps and Jeff nailing Poetry in Motion against the barricade.

Back in and a pair of Whispers in the Wind get two on the champ as the fans are getting more into this. The Twist of Fate is countered but Jeff reverses the Pedigree into a rollup for two in a hot sequence. Now the Twist connects for two and there’s a Swanton for no cover. A second one hits knees but Jeff knocks him outside, only to completely miss a plancha. HHH goes down anyway but HHH crotches him back inside, setting up the Pedigree to retain at 15:36.

Rating: B. These two had some strong chemistry together and it was clear that Hardy was getting closer and closer every single time. HHH getting the title again wasn’t the most popular idea but he was having great matches and giving Hardy a great rub in matches like this one. There’s also the idea that Hardy never covered after hitting the Swanton, meaning there was no way of knowing if he had the pin there or not. Good stuff here and another nail in Kozlov’s main event coffin.

We recap Batista vs. Chris Jericho. Batista became #1 contender last month at No Mercy by beating John Bradshaw Layfield and gets his chance to reclaim his title here. Jericho is on a roll with his holier/more intelligent than thou heel character but Batista is just a monster. There isn’t even a gimmick here with the fans getting to vote on a guest referee.

Raw World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Batista

Steve Austin – 74%
Shawn Michaels – 22%
Randy Orton – 4%

Jericho is defending and the fans chant for Austin, much to the champ’s annoyance. For some reason Jericho decides to slap Batista in the face to start, earning himself some shoulders to the ribs in the corner. That means it’s time for a breather on the floor and a walk up the aisle but Austin says if he leaves he loses the title. I would picture Austin going up the aisle and throwing him back in but I guess Steve has mellowed a bit.

Back in and an elbow to the jaw followed by a suplex gives Batista a two count. Jericho tosses him outside for a breather and a baseball slide. Batista’s knee gets caught in the ropes so Jericho can have a target. A leglock sets up a chop block and it’s time to crank on the ankle. That’s switched over to a chinlock before Batista has to kick away a Walls of Jericho attempt.

Jericho charges into a boot to the face and Batista’s leg is fine enough for a powerslam. It bangs up his knee though and Jericho grabs the Walls which is quickly swapped for a half crab, guaranteeing that Batista doesn’t tap. Austin has to pull Jericho off when he Batista grabs the ropes, doing his first noteworthy thing in the last ten minutes. A Boss Man Slam (not a tilt-a-whirl side slam Cole) gets two on the champ but Jericho goes back to the knee to escape the Batista Bomb.

Batista misses a charge and goes shoulder first into the post but he’s still able to break up a superplex attempt. A good looking top rope shoulder gets two on Jericho but it’s time for the ref bump with Batista running Austin over by mistake. The Codebreaker drops Batista so here’s Shawn Michaels (Jericho’s big rival) for a comically slow count (as in nearly fifteen seconds to get to two).

Batista spears Jericho but JBL comes out to beat up Shawn. Here’s Randy Orton to knock Austin down so Jericho can hit Batista in the head with the belt for two. Austin gets back up with a Stunner for Orton, leaving Batista to give Jericho a spinebuster and the Batista Bomb to win the title at 17:06.

Rating: B-. This was fine and even good at times but absolutely nothing worth getting excited over. Batista winning the title sent the fans home happy but it’s really early for Jericho to lose the title less than two months after he won it. To be fair though this was just a quick reign as Batista would drop the belt back to Jericho eight days later at the 800th episode of Monday Night Raw. The referee stuff was nice for a change after last year where Austin was absolutely nothing. It also helps that this stuff made sense instead of just being there as random violence.

Overall Rating: C+. The show was perfectly fine but it was clear that the voting gimmick had outlived its usefulness, hence why this was the final year. The wrestling was a slightly downgraded version of the previous year’s as the final three matches all worked but the stuff earlier in the show wasn’t as strong. I’ll take a decent show over a mess though and that’s about all there is here.


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Dynamite – November 2, 2022: They Had A Moment

Date: November 2, 2022
Location: Chesapeake Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We are less than three weeks away from Full Gear and just over a month away from Ring Of Honor Final Battle so we are going to be in for some pretty important moments over the next few weeks. The big story coming into this week continues to be MJF, who seems to be teasing one heck of a face turn. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal

They start fast on the floor with Allin mounting him and hammering away despite his taped up ribs. The bell rings and they get inside, with Allin hitting a running crossbody out to the floor. Cue Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh with the latter deterring Allin from a dive, allowing Lethal to monkey flip Allin ribs first into the steps. Lethal puts him under the barricade and puts on the Figure Four before kicking at the leg on the apron. A German suplex on the apron rocks Allin and we take a break.

Back with Lethal grabbing a reverse fisherman’s suplex and flipping him face first onto the mat (that’s a new one). Hail To The King is countered into a crucifix to give Allin two before he pulls the Lethal Injection into a choke. That’s broken up and Lethal rolls outside, where Allin hits a dive onto Singh, which bounces off. The goons are ejected but here is a guy in a Sting coat to baseball bat Allin. The Lethal Injection gives Lethal the pin at 9:05.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t wild on the fake Sting ending but you are almost guaranteed to get at least one Nitro reference a month on here. Other than that, this was a fast paced back and forth match between two people who know how to work that style. Allin is going to need some backup so Sting should be around soon, but maybe someone younger will be available.

Post match Sting reveals himself as…..Cole Carter. Sting’s music plays so the villains go to the floor to wait for him. Cue….hokey smoke Jeff Jarrett to guitar Allin down. Jarrett talks about how Allin worships Sting and now Sting has become Allin’s greatest weakness. The Jarretts have been in wrestling for over 75 years and wherever he goes, greatness follows. His family’s fingerprints are all over AEW but when he is done, there will be full body bags.

Quick look at the Firm turning on MJF and beating him down.

Jon Moxley is ready to have a normal night but for Lee Moriarty, it is the biggest night of his career. The Blackpool Combat Club likes Moriarty but tonight he is backing Moriarty into a corner to see what kind of a man he is. If you have any unrequited anger, it would be a good time to bring it out because he’s going to need the help.

We see a clip of the Elite winning the inaugural Trios Titles but being erased and replaced with Death Triangle.

Lee Moriarty vs. Jon Moxley

Non-title with Stokely Hathaway and William Regal at ringside and Ethan Page on commentary. Feeling out process to start with Moriarty managing to send him into the corner for some running uppercuts. Moriarty takes him down by the arm and we take a break. Back with Moriarty grabbing a bridging single underhook DDT for two before stomping away.

Moxley fights up and strikes away, setting up the King Kong Lariat, setting up a suplex for two on Moriarty. They slug it out until Moxley grabs an armbar, only to get reversed into a Border City Stretch. That’s broken up as well so Moxley elbows away, setting up a cross armbreaker to make Moriarty tap at 10:09.

Rating: B-. Moriarty is a technical star so it is a little weird to see Moxley out technical him and make him tap. The good thing is that Moxley’s submission/grappling stuff looked passable enough that it wasn’t ridiculous. I could still go for a more serious Moriarty, but the weird colored hair isn’t going to get him very far.

Post match Ethan Page runs down and drops Moxley because he wants the World Title.

We are supposed to have a sitdown interview with Saraya and Britt Baker but there is no Baker. Saraya says Baker doesn’t have the guts to do what she does but there is something special about AEW. She wants to give more to it but won’t say where she is medically, as she’ll save that for next week and one more doctor consultation.

William Regal says MJF has all the potential in the world but it isn’t going to be enough to have him beat a real demon like Jon Moxley.

Here are the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn, with the rap mainly being about it being Billy’s birthday. They’re annoyed that Swerve Strickland hurt Billy’s hands because HE CAN’T SCISSOR and scissoring is taking over the world. Billy has it covered though with the big foam scissoring fingers. Excalibur: “”

Caster asks who has some gifts for Billy before going outside to get some big paper scissors from a kid (who gets scissored) as the official gift in a nice moment. We’re not done yet though as we hear about some of Billy’s accomplishments and Bowens gives him…..a World’s Greatest Dad trophy! Bowens suggests that there were going to be some guests from DX here but they were made that he didn’t go to their reunion so it fell through.

We get a nice moment of the Acclaimed talking about Billy being such a great mentor to them. Therefore, we have one more gift: an official adoption certificate! Billy is ready to sign and complete the deal but the Gunn Club interrupts. They think their invitation must have gotten lost in the mail but they have a gift anyway. Cue W. Morrissey to beat Billy and the Acclaimed down with the Gunns helping. FTR makes the save and has a bit of a staredown with the Acclaimed.

Britt Baker isn’t going to jump because Saraya and Renee Paquette told her to. She and Jamie Hayter just want to wrestle so get them some opponents for Rampage.

Here is Chris Jericho to recap the open challenge for the Ring Of Honor World Title.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Chris Jericho vs. ???

Jericho, with the Jericho Appreciation Society, is defending and the opponent is…..Colt Cabana. In a related story, Chicago was last seen being launched somewhere over Lake Michigan. They go face to face to start until Cabana shoulders him down and hammers away. Cabana rolls him up out of the corner for two but can’t clothesline Jericho outside. Instead he takes Jericho up top for the Chicago Skyline but they both fall out to the floor in a big crash.

We take a break and come back with Cabana striking away, setting up the middle rope falling splash for two. The Flip Flop and Fly is broken up but Cabana reverses the Judas Effect into the Billy Goat’s Curse. The Superman Pin gets two as Jake Hager makes the save, earning the Society an Asai moonsault. Back in and Jericho Codebreakers him to retain at 8:14.

Rating: C+. I’m not even going to try to figure out what kind of a message this was supposed to be to CM Punk but what matters here is that Jericho beats another Ring Of Honor name. The rampage through the company, or at least its former stars, continues and I don’t know how long this is going to last. I also don’t know who cuts him off, but it could be interesting.

Post match Jericho and company go up the ramp to go after Ian Riccaboni. The belt shot is loaded up and it’s the Blackpool Combat Club making the save for the pull apart brawl.

Rey Fenix is ready to win the All-Atlantic Title so Pac tells him to be smart and use the ring bell hammer.

All-Atlantic Title: Rey Fenix vs. Luchasaurus vs. Orange Cassidy

Cassidy is defending and Christian Cage and Alex Abrahantes are here too. Fenix and Cassidy go after Luchasaurus to start and a double dropkick puts them on the floor. That leaves Fenix to miss a kick to the face, earning himself a VERY spinning DDT for two. Luchasaurus is back in to wreck the other two, including a release suplex to Cassidy. A double clothesline leaves Luchasaurus as the only person standing so we take a break.

Back with Cassidy hitting the Stundog Millionaire on Luchasaurus and knocking him outside. Luchasaurus shrugs off a double dive though and chokeslams Fenix through the ringside table. Cassidy gets knocked up the ramp but here is Jungle Boy to chair Luchasaurus down. A big running crossbody drives Luchasaurus off the stage and through a table, leaving the other two to head back to ringside. Pac shows up with an offer of the hammer but Fenix doesn’t was it. Instead they trade rollups until Cassidy Orange Punches Fenix to retain at 9:57.

Rating: B-. This was a big brawl for the most part with Luchasaurus being the monster to slay until we got to the ending. Cassidy getting another pin is a good way to make him feel like a better deal and they are doing it well enough. Fenix can still hang in there with anyone and now we are heading towards more Luchasaurus vs. Jungle Boy.

Post match Pac comes inf or the beatdown, but here is Katsuyori Shibata (well ok) with Rocky Romero and the Best Friends for the save. Shibata points at the title and Cassidy whips out the contract for Rampage (where he gets to pick his challenger, as announced in advance). The match is made and yeah that was a pretty awesome moment.

Swerve Strickland is here with Rick Ross with the latter putting Strickland over. Keith Lee comes in and wants to know what was up with the whole breaking Billy Gunn’s fingers. And who was holding the camera??? Swerve makes a peace offering of an eight man tag next week, which Lee reluctantly accepts. I do like Lee asking the camera question as that’s a detail that is rarely brought up.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Marina Shafir

Shafir is challenging. They stare each other down but here are Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose to do live commentary on the match from the stage. Jade knocks Shafir outside as Nyla starts eating chips. The distraction almost gets Jade kicked out but she comes back in, kicks Shafir in the face, and hits Jaded to retain at 2:17. Total squash.

Post match Kiera Hogan tries to steal the TBS Title back from Nyla Rose but gets dropped.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Brian Cage, setting up tonight’s ROH TV Title match.

The House of Black, complete with Malakai Black, vignette, with the theme of a funeral and suggesting that something new is coming. Well that takes care of Black’s status.

Video on Jamie Hayter vs. Toni Storm for the Women’s Title at Full Gear. They are old friends and even lived together in England during the pandemic. Now though? Things have changed a bit.

Ring Of Honor TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Brian Cage

Joe is defending and Prince Nana is here with Cage. Joe’s shoulder doesn’t work to start but the second attempt works a bit better. Some more shots put Cage down until a Nana distraction lets Cage take over in the corner. Cage hits a heck of a suplex and we take a quick break.

Back with Cage posing enough that Joe can strike away, setting up a running boot to the face. The backsplash gets two and Joe needs a bit of a breather. Joe’s scoop powerslam gets two but cage is right back with a 619 and top rope elbow for two. Cage faceplants him, only to get pulled into the Koquina Clutch to retain the title at 11:15.

Rating: C+. They didn’t do anything out of the box here and Joe wasn’t going to lose the title to Cage here no matter what. Joe is going to need a big challenger to take the title from him and Cage hasn’t meant anything in a long time. With Final Battle coming up, we should know some more about his next challenger soon enough, but I’m not sure who it should be.

Post match the Gates of Agony run in for the beatdown on Joe abut Wardlow makes the save. Cue Powerhouse Hobbs to spinebuster Wardlow before he picks up the TNT Title (after having to make sure he got the right one, which tells you a lot about how many titles AEW has) to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Not a classic show and there was no great match, but it flew by and there were enough moments that made me wonder where stories were going. We had some good action here and nothing was bad, which is enough to make a good use of two hours. The lack of MJF is a smart way to go too, as that is the kind of angle worth waiting on. Good show here, as AEW continues to get back in its groove.

Jay Lethal b. Darby Allin – Lethal Injection
Jon Moxley b. Lee Moriarty – Cross armbreaker
Chris Jericho b. Colt Cabana – Codebreaker
Orange Cassidy b. Rey Fenix and Luchasaurus – Orange Punch to Fenix
Jade Cargill b. Marina Shafir – Jaded
Samoa Joe b. Brian Cage – Koquina Clutch



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Daily News Update – November 2, 2022

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Survivor Series 1995 (2020 Redo)

New Texas Pro: Texas Till I Die

NXT LVL Up – October 28, 2022

ECW On Sci Fi – February 12, 2008

Survivor Series 1996 (2016 Redo)

Monday Night Raw – October 31, 2022

Survivor Series 1997 (2012 Redo)

NXT – November 1, 2022

Emma Opens Up About WWE Return After Five Year Absence.

WRESTLING RUMORS: How Sami Zayn’s Story Has Slowed Kevin Owens’ Push.

Former WWE Star: “I’m Responsible For AEW”.

Backstage News On AEW’s Trick To Save Money.

Title Change Takes Place In Monday Night Raw Main Event.

Two Missing Monday Night Raw Stars Make Surprise Returns This Week.

LOOK: Seth Rollins Switches Back To Classic Appearance On Monday Night Raw.

Positive Sign For Sasha Banks/WWE Relationship.

WRESTLING RUMORS: Top WWE Star Teases Babyface Turn On Monday Night Raw.

WATCH: Rhea Ripley Messes With A Fan At WWE Live Event.

BREAKING: NXT Releases Five Superstars.

WWE Announces New Title Match For This Week’s Crown Jewel.

WWE Match Stopped Due To Knee Injury, Star Helped To The Back.

WATCH: More On NXT Releases, Star Speaks On Leaving WWE.

WWE Interested In Bringing Back 27 Year Old Star After Year Long Hiatus.

WRESTLING RUMORS: Possible Answer To The OC’s Rhea Ripley Problem.

Mick Foley Says He Is Unlikely To Appear On WWE TV Ever Again.

11 Year WWE Veteran Reveals Locker Room’s Biggest Bully.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.