Daily News Update – October 28, 2022

Make sure you check out some recent reviews.

Survivor Series 1991 (2012 Redo)

Survivor Series 1992 (2012 Redo)


WRESTLING RUMORS: Possible Unique Plans For Austin Theory’s Money In The Bank Cash-In.


WATCH: Kayla Braxton NAILS IT In Latest WWE Halloween Costume.


Backstage News On Why WWE Wrote Former World Champion Off TV.


WWE Reportedly Interested In Bringing Back Another Former Superstar.


Jim Ross Offers Update On His Health Status.


AEW Signs Former NXT And Ring Of Honor Star To Full Time Deal.


Former WWE Star Posts Old Photo, Leading To Speculation About Bray Wyatt Connection.


Surprise Name Tops Annual PWI Women’s 150 List.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Survivor Series Count-Up – 1992 (2012 Redo): Round One

Survivor Series 1992
Date: November 25, 1992
Location: Richfield Coliseum, Richfield, Ohio
Attendance: 17,500
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan

Vince and Bobby run down the card. There are multiple gimmick matches tonight.

Headshrinkers vs. High Energy

Big Boss Man vs. Nailz

Nailz chokes Mooney and says that was misjustice.

Tatanka is chanting to get ready for his match with Martel, which is over some stolen feathers apparently. Welcome to the 1992 midcard people.

Razor, still in his original persona of Al Pacino from Scarface (funny story about that: Vince is known for not seeing almost any big time movies. When Ramon was interviewing with Vince for his job, Vince asked him to come up with a character on the spot. Ramon went into a Tony Montana imitation from the movie Scarface without knowing Vince had never seen the move. Vince immediately thought Ramon was a genius and signed him), makes generic threats. Flair was AWESOME here.

Tatanka vs. Rick Martel

Razor Ramon/Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage/Mr. Perfect

Post match Flair puts Hennig in the Figure Four and Razor gets a chair, but Savage makes a save and chases both guys off.

Flair and Ramon rant in the back.

Yokozuna vs. Virgil

Savage and Perfect brag a lot.

Nasty Boys/Natural Disasters vs. Beverly Brothers/Money Inc

Rating: C. Not bad here but the ending kind of sucked. What was the point in having the Nasties beat Money Inc that fast when the majority of the match was about the Disasters vs. Money Inc? The Nasties were basically there to fill in a spot instead of being the focus of the match for their team. Odd indeed but it was entertaining enough.

We recap Kamala vs. Undertaker. Taker beat him at Summerslam so Kamala crushed him with a bunch of splashes, which Taker sat up from. This set up the Coffin Match tonight, which is a regular match but the winner gets to put the loser in a coffin.

Taker is building a special coffin.

Undertaker vs. Kamala

Kamala immediately runs from Taker and they head to the floor for more not fighting. Back in and Kamala pounds away with almost no effect. Taker hits the yet to be named Old School and Kamala is in trouble again. A clothesline sets up some choking by the dead man but Kamala chops him to the floor. This is really dull so far. Kamala rams Taker head first into the steps and hits him in the back before we head inside. A kick to the chest puts Taker down for all of a second. Kamala slams him a bunch of times and three splashes. The urn is knocked into the ring and Taker sits up. An urn shot to the head pins Kamala.

Taker nails the coffin shut.

Bret is ready for Shawn. Gene lists off all of the micarders Bret has defended the title against with the idea being that Bret will fight anyone.

WWF World Title: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels

Bret blocks the tear drop (finisher) suplex but the second attempt connects for two. Bret uppercuts Shawn into the ropes but Hart misses a charge and crotches himself on the top. Shawn goes up to the middle rope but he jumps right into the Sharpshooter (in the EXACT same sequence that ended regulation of the Iron Man Match) for the submission to keep the title on Bret.

Post ending of the show, Bret asks Santa for better competition. Ok then.

Ratings Comparison

Headshrinkers vs. High Energy

Original: C+

Redo: C+

Big Boss Man vs. Nailz

Original: D+

Redo: D

Tatanka vs. Rick Martel

Original: C-

Redo: D

Randy Savage/Mr. Perfect vs. Razor Ramon/Ric Flair

Original: B

Redo: B-

Yokozuna vs. Virgil

Original: C
Redo: C-

Nasty Boys/Natural Disasters vs. Money Inc./Beverly Brothers

Original: D

Redo: C

Undertaker vs. Kamala

Original: C+

Redo: F

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels:

Original: A-

Redo: A

Overall Rating:

Original: C+

Redo: B-

Survivor Series Count-Up – 1992 (Original): Minus Survivor Series

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.

Daily News Update – October 27, 2022

Make sure you check out some recent reviews.

Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6 Night Two

NXT LVL Up – October 21, 2022

Survivor Series 1990 (2012 Redo)

Monday Night Raw – October 24, 2022

Dark: Elevation – October 24, 2022

NXT – October 25, 2022

Survivor Series 1989 (2018 Redo)

Dynamite – October 26, 2022


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International Wrestling Star Undergoes Emergency Surgery After Title Match.


Surprise Return With Big Character Change In Monday Night Raw Main Event.


WWE Explains The Absence Of Two Monday Night Raw Stars.


Goldberg Takes Huge Shot At Roman Reigns: “I Don’t Look Like…A Girl”.


38 Year Old Former WWE Star Willing To Return To Work With Roman Reigns.


Sami Zayn Possibly In Line For Huge WWE Push.


Update On Possible CM Punk Return To WWE, Not Looking Likely.


WWE Likely Changing Plans For Next Year’s Saudi Arabia Show.


Seth Rollins Takes Shot At Fellow WWE Star, Gets Very Harsh Response.


WRESTLING RUMORS: AEW And Warner Brothers Discovery Working On Long Term TV Deal.


Former WWE Star Blown Away By Rhea Ripley’s Dominant Return To The Ring.


Two Surprise Returns Take Place On NXT.


WATCH: The Rock’s Daughter Ava Raine Makes Surprise NXT Debut.


Top WWE Star Unsure If Randy Orton Is Returning To WWE.


Alexa Bliss Goes Off Fans Who Abuse Wrestlers Online.


WATCH: Jade Cargill Shows Off Her Workout Routine On The Sherri Show.


WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Dropping Annual Event After 14 Straight Years.


WWE Star Reveals Recent Surgery Keeping Him Out Of The Ring.


Here’s What Happened After AEW Dynamite Ended (It’s A Bit Weird).


Big Update On Bray Wyatt’s WWE Status, Already Quite The Success.


Pair Of Update On The Elite Returning To AEW In Some Fashion.


AEW Signs Three New Stars To Full Time Deals.


AEW Stable Turns On Its Employer In Surprise Twist.




As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Dynamite – October 26, 2022: They Want Me To Believe

Date: October 26, 2022
Location: Chartway Arena, Norfolk, Virginia
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’re well on our way to Full Gear and now it seems that we have a World Title main event. Last week saw MJF announce that he will be cashing in his chip at Full Gear, though the question is who he will be challenging. This week, AEW World Champion Jon Moxley will be defending against Penta El Cero Miedo. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Chris Jericho/Daniel Garcia vs. Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli

The rest of the Jericho Appreciation Society is here too. Castagnoli takes Jericho down to start before handing it off to Yuta to armbar Garcia. Everything breaks down for a bit and it’s Garcia being sent into the post on the floor. A Hager distraction lets Jericho get in a cheap shot to Castagnoli though and we take a break.

Back with Castagnoli fighting out of a chinlock but Jericho knocks Yuta off the apron. Castagnoli knocks Jericho away and brings in Yuta as everything breaks down. Jericho Codebreakers Castagnoli out of the air for two but Yuta sends Garcia outside for a big flip dive onto the villains. Back in and Jericho grabs the bat but gets powerbombed. Garcia tries to break up the Swing but Castagnoli puts him in an airplane spin as he swings Jericho at the same time. The Neutralizer finishes Jericho at 11:40.

Rating: B. This was more about getting Castagnoli back in the swing of things as he gets one of the bigger wins he could have. It was also nice to see Garcia vs. Yuta again as having another big match between them would make sense. For now though, Castagnoli gets the pin and we could be in for another Jericho showdown down the line.

Bryan Danielson talks about being frustrated by everything that has been going on as of late, including Wheeler Yuta talking back to him last week. Yuta and Castagnoli come in, with the former saying it’s about time that Danielson got fired up. Yuta isn’t Danielson’s kid and doesn’t like being talked down to, earning himself a shove. Castagnoli and William Regal have to break it up.

We get a video on the Elite, showing them being erased from some of their moments in history. I can only assume this means the team is coming back, meaning I have some head shaking to do.

Chris Jericho isn’t happy with what happened and issues an open challenge for any former Ring Of Honor champion (seemingly any title is eligible) to come face him. I believe at least, as the audio was messed up.

Swerve In Our Glory vs. FTR

For a future Tag Team Title shot so the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out to watch while the Gunn Club is at ringside. Harwood and Swerve start things off with Swerve being wrestled down. Wheeler comes in for a headlock before handing it back to Harwood. A shot to the ribs slows him down so Lee can come in and block the Big Rig. Lee runs both of them over and we take a break.

Back with Wheeler kicking Lee in the face and handing it back to Harwood. Swerve seems to slip off the ropes and Harwood counters a middle rope high crossbody. A dragon suplex gives Wheeler two on Swerve but it’s back to Lee to crush Wheeler for two more. Harwood slingshot powerbombs swerve and Lee headbutts Wheeler for another near fall.

Back up and Harwood somehow manages to superplex Lee, with Wheeler turning it into a PowerPlex for two of his own. A rollup out of the corner gives Harwood two but Swerve hits Harwood low. The Gunn Club cuts off Wheeler and it’s the Big Bang Catastrophe to finish Harwood at 15:00.

Rating: B-. Another solid one here but it’s hard to get my head around the idea of FTR getting to fight the Gunn Club rather than for the titles. Acclaimed vs. Swerve/Lee is a feud that is set up but I don’t know if Swerve/Lee need to go over FTR (albeit with some interference) to get there. FTR is starting to not feel as special after mostly spinning their wheels for months, and if that continues, that is quite the shame.

Saraya is in the back when Britt Baker interrupts. Renee Paquette isn’t letting them fight because if they want to talk, they can do it as they are supposed to.

Here is MJF for a chat with Jon Moxley’s wife Renee Paquette. She asks what happens if MJF faces Moxley at Full Gear, sending MJF into a rather funny Moxley impression, complete with aggressive walk and discussion of breaking bones. MJF talks about how Moxley is mid, with all due respect. Renee: “Max you can’t just say “with all due respect” and then say something mean.” Max: “Renee with all due respect, shut your mouth.”

MJF is going to wrestle the main event of Full Gear….mostly clean. MJF: “I am MJF after all.” He will however promise not to use the Dynamite Diamond ring at Full Gear. At Full Gear, he isn’t fighting Regal but rather everyone who says he couldn’t do it. Cue Stokely Hathaway, but MJF slaps the microphone away from him. MJF doesn’t want the Firm’s help at Full Gear, so stay away or get fired. He’s MJF (and he has a lot of catchphrases). The slow push towards MJF’s face turn continues but I’m not sure I can imagine them pulling the trigger so easily.

The Kingdom is ready for Samoa Joe and Wardlow, with Matt Taven wanting the TNT Title. Works for Wardlow.

Sammy Guevara vs. Bryan Danielson

Tay Melo is here with Guevara. Danielson goes right after him to start but gets dropped with a shot to the face. The springboard cutter lets Guevara set up an early failed GTH attempt. Danielson ties up the legs for the surfboard before firing off the kicks to the chest in the corner. Some ripping at the hand set up a butterfly suplex into a cross armbreaker.

Guevara slips outside to avoid the stomps and manages to knee a diving Danielson out of the air. We take a break and come back with Danielson kicking the heck out of Guevara. Danielson sends him to the floor, then takes it back inside for a missile dropkick. Guevara is able to flip out of a belly to back superplex but a standing moonsault is pulled into the LeBell Lock.

Guevara makes the rope so Danielson goes up top, only to get pulled down with a super Spanish Fly. Danielson is back with a shot of his own and the running knee, but Danielson would rather stomp away than cover. The hammer and elbows and a triangle choke finish Guevara at 14:47.

Rating: B-. This was all about getting Danielson back on track after having some bad results. That is the right idea, as Danielson can instantly be reheated by having one of his good matches while making it look easy. If nothing else, this should cool down some of the heat in the Blackpool Combat Club, even though it is starting to get interesting.

Rey Fenix is ready for Penta El Cero Miedo to become the new World Champion. If that’s the case, Fenix should become the next All-Atlantic Champion. Christian Cage and Luchasaurus come in with the latter deserving the next title shot. Orange Cassidy comes in and says let’s do this next week.

Jamie Hayter vs. Riho

Britt Baker and Rebel are here with Hayter. Riho gets powered down to start but manages to send her outside for a heck of a dive. Back in and Hayter grabs a quick suplex and we take a break. We come back with Riho getting to the top for a high crossbody but Hayter rolls through into a suplex for two more.

Riho snaps off a middle rope hurricanrana for another near fall and a Code Red gets the same. A snapdragon suplex gives Riho two more but Hayter is back up with a boot to the face to take over again. Back up and the ripcord lariat knocks Riho silly for the pin at 10:52.

Rating: C+. The more I see of Hayter, the more I’m hoping that AEW does something with her. The women’s division could use someone moving up the ladder and Hayter would be a nice choice to move up. I could see that working well and it would be nice to see them do something with the Baker/Hayter tension already.

Post match Toni Storm comes out for a staredown with the villains.

Eddie Kingston, very sincerely, says he’s great and having a blast with controlling his temper. He has Pentagon in tonight’s main event.

Here’s what’s coming on various upcoming shows.

Darby Allin says Sting hasn’t been here for a bit because Allin said he hasn’t been happy in a bit. He wants to prove himself by himself.

Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt tell Darby Allin to be careful what he wishes for because he might just get it.

AEW World Title: Penta El Cero Miedo vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley is defending and Alex Abrahantes is here with Pentagon. They stare each other down to start and then slug it out. Penta busts out CERO MIEDO and gets a double middle finger in exchange. Moxley is sent outside and taken down again as we take an early break. Back with Penta hitting a Sling Blade but getting caught with a jumping cutter.

Moxley’s piledriver gets two but a Crossface sends Moxley over to the rope. Moxley stomps on the head but gets reversed into the arm snap. They head outside where Moxley’s arm is fine enough to plant Pentagon with a DDT onto the steps. Back in and Moxley hits a pair of Death Riders to retain the title at 12:15.

Rating: B. Penta is one of the most unique stars in all of AEW as he feels like he could be a top star but for some reason it never seems to come close to happening. He has the charisma and star power to him and the idea of him getting a title shot against Moxley had me curious. Instead, he was just another victim for Moxley after getting in his usual stuff. Good match, but not exactly a classic.

Post match the Firm comes in to beat Moxley down with an angry Stokely Hathaway coming out as well. Security runs in and is easily dispatched as we see the Blackpool Combat Club locker room chained shut (nice job of closing a logic hole). MJF finally comes to the stage and looks conflicted over making the save or not. He comes to the ring and shoves the Firm away (doesn’t hit them though) and fires the team.

That earns him a shot to the face from Ethan Page and MJF gets beaten down. The beating heads to the floor, where W. Morrissey chokeslams MJF through a table to end the show. They’re doing everything right to make MJF look like a good guy but I don’t know if I can imagine the trigger actually being pulled on a full fledged face turn.

Overall Rating: B+. I had more fun with this show as it felt like things moved forward a bit more. Full Gear is starting to come together and the show should be a pretty solid event if they keep moving things forward. Throw in two hours of good to rather good matches and this was a strong show. AEW seems to have settled back into their old style and that is a great thing to see. Now please just don’t have the Elite come back in and mess things up.

Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta b. Chris Jericho/Daniel Garcia – Neutralizer to Jericho
Swerve In Our Glory b. FTR – Big Bang Catastrophe to Harwood
Bryan Danielson b. Sammy Guevara – Triangle choke
Jamie Hayter b. Riho – Ripcord lariat
Jon Moxley b. Penta El Cero Miedo – Death Rider



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – October 25, 2022: Wait Til Next Time!

Date: October 25, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re fresh off of Halloween Havoc and that means not much has really changed. The only new champion crowned was Wes Lee, who won the vacant North American Title. In other words, pretty much everyone should be on to something new as we are coming up on Deadline in about six weeks. We do have a pair of Tag Team Title matches though, which feel like matches that they just couldn’t fit on Halloween Havoc. Let’s get to it.

Here is Halloween Havoc if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Halloween Havoc, which was good enough but not quite a classic.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Kayden Carter/Katana Chance vs. Zoey Stark/Nikkita Lyons

Stark and Lyons are challenging. Carter and Lyons start, with the latter busting out some splits. Stark comes in for a chinlock which doesn’t work very well, allowing Carter to kick her away. Chance slingshots in with a flipping splash for two but a headscissors gets Stark out of trouble. Lyons comes in and works on Chance’s back until a roll to the corner allows the tag to Carter. Everything breaks down and the challengers are sent to the floor, where they’re fine enough to hit stereo slams as we take a break.

Back with Chance slingshotting in with a dropkick to Lyons, who swings her around into a Rock Bottom for two. Carter comes in with a forearms to the back of the head and a running dropkick in the corner. Chance gets backdropped into a moonsault on Lyons with Stark having to make the save. It’s back to Stark to clean house but Chance pulls her into a rollup for two. Everything breaks down and Stark reverses a big boot into a rollup on Chance for the pin and the titles at 12:27.

And hang on as Chance wasn’t legal so not so fast. The bell rings again and they slugout is on with Carter diving onto Lyons. A super Spanish Fly plants Stark for two but she’s back up with a release German suplex to drop Carter. The hot tag brings in Lyons to clean house, including the spinning kick into the splits splash for two on Carter with Chance making the save. Chance and Stark go to the floor and Carter kicks Lyons in the head a few times. Chance is back up with the 450/neckbreaker combination for the retaining pin at 2:20 after the restart.

Rating: C+. This was one of those matches where the tagging didn’t mean much for a good portion but Carter and Chance retaining the titles is a good thing. They haven’t been the champions for very long and they need some wins to establish themselves as champion. The titles need to be developed more than a bit and this should help them a lot.

Video on Bron Breakker retaining the NXT Title at Halloween Havoc.

Someone who appears to be T-Bar burns a mask and says the second coming isn’t about retribution. Well that’s a good sign.

Here is new North American Champion Wes Lee for a chat. Lee thanks the fans for believing in him because he never thought he would be able to win anything, especially on his own. He is proud to be here….and here is Grayson Waller to interrupt. Waller wants a title shot but lee reminds Waller that he lost at Halloween Havoc.

Then R-Truth of all people comes out, wearing a mask, to welcome us to Halloween Havoc. Waller points out that Halloween Havoc was three days ago, but Truth thinks Waller is British. Lee says it was three days ago and gets congratulated on his title win. Oh and how did Waller do at Halloween Havoc? This turns into a discussion of drug use and Waller agrees to face Truth next week. Then Waller gets beaten up and sent outside.

Malik Blade and Edris Enofe are fired up for their Tag Team Title shot, with an Eminem pep talk.

Apollo Crews is done with Grayson Waller and now he wants the NXT Title.

Shotzi vs. Lash Legend

Quincy Elliott is here with Shotzi. Legend knocks her to the floor to start, where Elliott offers a distraction. Back in and Legend drives her into the corner but Shotzi grabs Never Wake Up for the pin at 3:37.

Rating: C-. Well that happened. There wasn’t much to be said about this one as it was more about Shotzi shutting Legend up (thank goodness) than anything else. NXT seems to have cooled it a lot with Legend and that is a nice thing to see, though Shotzi still has a long way to go on Smackdown.

Brutus Creed vs. Damon Kemp

This is a five minute match and the result of Julius Creed beating Kemp on Saturday. Hold on though as Kemp pops up on screen to say he isn’t medically cleared so we’ll do this later. Sanga and Veer pop up and jump the Creeds. Ivy Nile comes down to glare at them and then checks on the Creeds. No match.

Pretty Deadly is ready to keep their titles.

Toxic Attraction calls each other and brag about how awesome they are. Next week it’s Mandy Rose’s one year anniversary of her title reign.

Tag Team Titles: Pretty Deadly vs. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe

Pretty Deadly is defending and get in trouble early, with a top rope elbow getting two on Wilson. A running boot to the face/clothesline combination sends Wilson outside, followed by a knee drop back inside. Wilson manages to get over to Prince, who gets punched out of the air by Enofe. Everything breaks down and the champs are sent outside as we take a break.

Back with Blade getting the hot tag and cleaning house, including a huge flip dive over the post to the floor. A high crossbody gets two on Prince as everything breaks down. Enofe knees Wilson down but Prince pulls Enofe to the floor. Spilled Milk is broken up and a rollup gets a VERY close two on Prince. Now Spilled Milk can retain the titles at 12:30.

Rating: C+. They had me buying that near fall near the end but after the kickout, it was clear that the titles weren’t going anywhere. Pretty Deadly is a heck of a team as they seem beatable but still manage to stay looking strong enough to hold the titles for a long time. I still like Blade and Enofe quite a bit, as they are a perfectly good plucky face team.

JD McDonagh says he’s a necessary evil and will hurt people.

Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons argue over blame for the loss, but they do have a rematch.

Here is Schism to unveil their newest member. After speeches from the unmasked members, the person in the red hoodie unmasks as….Ava Raine, who says this family has made her whole. She would be better known as the Rock’s daughter. That’s uh, a choice for sure, as the worst thing in wrestling today gets a new member from a famous family.

Sol Ruca thinks she is ready for Indi Hartwell. Indi Hartwell does not think Sol Ruca is ready for Indi Hartwell.

Earlier this week, the Performance Center got a phone call and we hear a rhyming message about getting rid of sins and tearing NXT apart…..from Scrypts?

Sol Ruca vs. Indi Hartwell

Ruca flips away to start but gets dropped with a clothesline. A forearm to the back of the head finishes for Hartwell at 1:20.

Post match Elektra Lopez returns to wreck both women.

We go to Chase U where Bodie Hayward is nowhere to be seen. Duke Hudson gives Chase an apple and takes Hayward’s seat, but doesn’t take notes. Chase yells at him, so Hudson steals someone’s pen to take a few notes on Survivor Series.

Roxanne Perez isn’t sorry for what she did to Cora Jade.

Malik Blade and Edris Enofe are upset by their loss but then get in a truck, driven by the returning Odyssey Jones, with a bunch of women.

JD McDonagh vs. Ilja Dragunov

Dragunov starts fast by slamming him off the top but gets chopped in the corner. Back up and McDonagh knocks Dragunov off the apron and into the announcers’ table. That’s enough for medics to come out and check on Dragunov as we take a break. We come back with Dragunov still in trouble but managing to win a slugout. Booker: “Could this be that Shucky Ducky Quack Quack Moment?”

McDonagh gets knees up to block a top rope backsplash but Dragunov catches him on top. A top rope superplex drops McDonagh again and a fist drop on the mat knocks him half silly. Dragunov collapses though and McDonagh grabs him in a body vice with a crossface, with Dragunov passing out at 13:30.

Rating: B-. As I try to get my head around “could this be that Shucky Ducky Quack Quack Moment”, I’m trying to figure out what is so special about McDonagh. This probably sets him up for another title shot against Bron Breakker and he probably gets the title. I have no idea why McDonagh is getting this kind of a push, but someone in NXT certainly sees a lot in him.

Overall Rating: C+. This was kind of a weird show as it only somewhat capitalized on the aftermath of Halloween Havoc. Instead, it felt a lot like “the big stuff happens next week”, which will make for a good show then but only an ok one this week. Decent enough show this week, though the Schism thing has the potential to fall flat in a hurry.

Kayden Carter/Katana Chance b. Zoey Stark/Nikkita Lyons – 450/neckbreaker combination to Lyons
Shotzi b. Lash Legend – Never Wake Up
Pretty Deadly b. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade – Spilled Milk to Blade
Indi Hartwell b. Sol Ruca – Forearm to the back of the head
JD McDonagh b. Ilja Dragunov – Crossface with a bodyscissors



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Dark: Elevation – October 24, 2022: I Don’t Get It

Dark: Elevation
Date: October 24, 2022
Location: Heritage Bank Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Jose the Assistant, Matt Menard

This is the show that was taped before last week’s Dynamite and since I was in attendance, it might be worth a look. I mean, as much of a look as a series of squash matches is going to be that is. I’m still not clear on why we need this and regular Dark but AEW works in odd ways. Let’s get to it.

We open with a quick Full Gear/Rampage ad.

10 vs. Baron Black

Black goes right after him to start but 10 is back with a spinebuster. The discus lariat finishes Black at 44 seconds. Well that was to the point.

Russ Myers/T-Money vs. Ortiz/Eddie Kingston

Kingston seems to be rather popular, even as Myers and T-Money jump them at the bell. Ortiz gets caught in the double team with T-Money jumping over Myers’ back to land on Ortiz for a crash. That doesn’t last long and it’s off to Kingston to clean house for the rapid fire chops. It’s right back to Ortiz for a fisherman’s suplex and the pin at 1:56.

Post match Kingston snaps a bit and beats on the losers but has to be kept from using a chair.

Serena Deeb vs. Haley J

Deeb allows her to grab a headlock to start but reverses into one of her own. The fisherman’s neckbreaker into the Serenity Lock makes J tap at 2:01. Deeb continues to be awesome.

Workhorsemen vs. Blonds

If “the Blonds” is as good as you can get, just split the team. Drake knocks Pillman off the apron to start and heads outside, where Garrison takes him down with a dive. Back in and Garrison gets chopped in the corner, setting up a clothesline to give Drake two. Garrison manages a powerslam to get out of trouble and the hot tag brings in the hometown Pillman. Everything breaks down and Henry hits a top rope double stomp but Drake misses a moonsault. The dropkick/spinebuster combination finishes Drake at 5:49.

Rating: C. Perfectly nice tag match here and they were smart enough to let Pillman have the pin in his hometown. It was cool to see a somewhat competitive match on this show, even if it was only about five minutes long. What matters is giving the crowd something to cheer about though and a hometown star can go a long way in doing that.

Emi Sakura/Mei Suruga vs. Nikki Victory/Jaylee

Suruga gets in a cheap shot on Jaylee to start and it’s off so Suruga legally for a springboard dropkick to the ribs. Victory comes in for a dropkick but her suplex attempt is shrugged off. A butterfly backbreaker gets two on Victory and an assisted splash into a moonsault finishes Jaylee at 3:30.

Rating: C. This was more or less dominance from some rather talented stars with over the top gimmicks. They beat up the other two without much trouble and it was fine enough while it lasted, with the moonsault looking rather nice. I’m not sure why Sakura isn’t appearing on the main shows, but she would be more than good enough to hang there.

Matt Hardy vs. Lord Crewe

Before the match, the Firm says no Twist of Fate from Matt this week. The distracted Hardy gets choked in the corner but he fights out without much trouble. The Twist of Fate finishes Crewe at 1:44.

Post match the Firm fines Matt $50,000 for using the Twist of Fate so he grabs Stokely Hathaway. That’s another $50,000! And he’s suspended next week!

Claudio Castagnoli vs. QT Marshall

Marshall backs into the corner to start and then bails to the floor. Back in and they lock up about a minute in with Castagnoli flipping him over by the wrist. Marshall’s headlock doesn’t work as he gets muscled over into a backbreaker but manages to send Castagnoli into the corner.

Marshall hits a dropkick but gets suplexed over with straight muscle. The rapid fire uppercuts rock Marshall and he needs a breather. That’s fine with Castagnoli who throws him back inside but gets caught with a handspring enziguri. Back up and Castagnoli spins him around for two but Marshall’s tornado DDT gets two more. Castagnoli blocks the Diamond Cutter, elbows Marshall down, and finishes with the Riccola Bomb at 9:45.

Rating: C+. Marshall continues to be good at what he does most of the time, though Castagnoli running him over in the end was the right way to go. Castagnoli is someone who can be pushed towards the main event rather quickly and being in the main event of Elevation is at least something. Now just get him back on Dynamite already.

Overall Rating: C+. The interesting thing about this show is how fast it moves, as very little has a chance to sink in. I’m not sure why they need to run seven matches whent hree of them get any kind of time, but it is a good way to warm the crowd up before the real show. Granted it is also a way to burn them out before the show, but at least Castagnoli gave them a feel good ending.

10 b. Baron Black – Discus lariat
Ortiz/Eddie Kingston b. Russ Myers/T-Money – Fisherman’s suplex to Myers
Serena Deeb b. Haley J – Serenity Lock
Blonds b. Workhorsemen – Spinebuster/dropkick combination to Henry
Emi Sakura/Mei Suruga b. Nikki Victory/Jaylee – Moonsault to Jaylee
Matt Hardy b. Lord Crewe – Twist of Fate
Claudio Castagnoli b. QT Marshall – Riccola Bomb



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Monday Night Raw – October 24, 2022: Long And Efficient

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 24, 2022
Location: Spectrum Center, Charlotte, North Carolina
Commentators: Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

We are less than two weeks away from Crown Jewel and that means the card is going to need a little more build up. Two more matches were added last week and now we are probably going to get either some build towards those matches and/or even more matches added. That is what the show needs so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Judgment Day to get things going. Rhea Ripley says that last week, AJ Styles found out that Judgment Day runs Monday Night Raw and that Dominik Mysterio is all man. Damian Priest wants the people to rise for the greatest luchador of all time. Dominik says these are the only people who ever believed in him and says last week was proof that Eddie Guerrero was his generation’s Dominik Mysterio. Cue the OC to say Dominik is stupid because he’s more like the James Ellsworth of this generation. Karl Anderson is ready to face Finn Balor right now so let’s do this.

Karl Anderson vs. Finn Balor

Everyone else is at ringside and Anderson knocks him outside as we take an early break. Back with Anderson fighting out of the corner and dropkicking Balor in the knee. A kick to the leg sends Balor to the apron and Anderson twists the leg around the middle rope. Balor knocks him down and hits some forearms to the back of the neck to set up the chinlock.

Back up and Anderson hits an uppercut to the face and adds the spinebuster for two. We take another break and come back with Anderson powerbombing him out of the corner but Balor reverses a fireman’s carry into a Nightmare on Helm Street. Balor’s kick in the corner is countered and Anderson’s middle rope neckbreaker gets two.

Balor is back up with a Sling Blade into the dropkick in the corner but Anderson catches him on top. A superplex drops Balor so Judgment Day offers a distraction, meaning the fight is on outside. Ripley posts Gallows and slams him on the floor (dang) as Dominik distracts the referee. Anderson fireman’s carries Balor but gets low blowed by Ripley to give Balor the pin at 17:09.

Rating: B. This was a long, back and forth match with the ending being what it should have been. Anderson is better on his own than he is as part of a team and he got to showcase himself well here. The good thing is that Anderson was protected in a loss and both teams are ready to go on the way to Crown Jewel. Heck of a match here and it didn’t feel nearly as long as it was.

We recap Miz attacking Dexter Lumis last week and Johnny Gargano saying he knows what’s going on.

Johnny Gargano mocks Miz, saying he knows what’s going on between Miz and Dexter Lumis. Miz says there’s nothing going on and he’s going to go tell the truth.

Here is Miz for a chat/explanation. Miz admits that Johnny Gargano is right and he has been keeping a secret, but first let’s recap. We hear about some of the things that Dexter Lumis has been doing to him before Miz says that this is all because of Tommaso Ciampa. Miz chose to mentor Ciampa instead of Lumis and now Lumis is out for revenge. Also, if anyone has seen Ciampa, send him back!

Cue Johnny Gargano to say Ciampa isn’t missing but rather injured, so Miz is just a huge liar. If Miz wants Lumis and Gargano out of his life, all he has to do is tell the truth. Gargano loads up the whistle….and it’s R-Truth interrupting (Gargano is very confused). Truth wants to talk about the truth but Miz isn’t going to talk down about Truth’s hometown comfort food. Truth: “You aren’t talking down about my North Carolina mac and cheese!” The challenge is on and Truth/Gargano say Miz can’t handle the truth.

R-Truth vs. The Miz

Miz jumps him to start but Truth takes him down ala John Cena. You Can’t See Me takes too long though and Miz is back up with a running knee. Then Dexter Lumis, or someone who looks like him, pops up near ringside to distract Miz so Truth grabs a rollup pin at 2:54. Nice to see a hometown win.

It’s Johnny Gargano instead of Lumis.

We get a sitdown interview with Candice LeRae who is thrilled to be back in WWE. She can’t believe she made it to Raw but here is Damage Ctrl to interrupt. Bayley talks about the people they’ve put on the shelf but Candice thinks all Bayley is missing is the Raw Women’s Title. The beatdown is quickly on.

Elias runs into Matt Riddle and his bongos, who still wants the two of them to jam together. Elias is willing to let last week slide but Riddle says he has been hitting the bongs all week. Cue the Alpha Academy to tell them to SHUSH so the argument sets up the challenge for later.

Austin Theory vs. Mustafa Ali

Hold on though as Seth Rollins comes out to join commentary. Theory knocks him into the corner to start but Ali is back up with a spinning headscissors into another corner. An elbow to the face sets up an elbow on the apron though and Ali is in trouble as we take a break. Back with Ali being sent outside, leaving Theory to pick up his phone.

Some picture taking allows Ali to hit a dropkick to the floor, setting up the top rope flip dive. Ali strikes away back inside and hits the rolling neckbreaker for two. A tornado DDT gets two but Theory pulls him into a brainbuster onto the knee for two more. Ali takes him down and goes up but Rollins’ distraction sets up A Town Down to give Theory the pin at 12:00.

Rating: C+. It’s nice to see Theory get a win for a change, even if it’s over Ali, who probably needs the win even more. Again though it wasn’t a clean fall so it could have been worse, and you can probably pencil in Ali for the title shot at Crown Jewel, or at least on a big Raw. Now just let Ali beat someone on the way to the title shot.

Post match Rollins beats up Ali a bit before walking away….where Ali manages to jump him near the stage. The brawl is on with Rollins being sent into the video screen.

Miz comes up to Johnny Gargano in the back and wants to know what’s up with that. Miz leaves and it’s JBL and Baron Corbin taking his place. JBL wants Gargano to stop messing with Miz and show him some respect. Gargano shakes JBL’s hand and calls him MC Hammer Pants. He isn’t sure what Corbin is calling himself now either and that seems to set up a match later.

Video on Bianca Belair vs. Bayley before their match later tonight.

Omos vs. ???/???/???/???

MVP is here with Omos and talks about Omos’ recent showdown with Braun Strowman. The four victims are called over, with MVP telling them to look at Omos’ hands. Threats are made but let’s ring the bell. The beating is on and all four going after Omos at once completely fails. Big boots and elbows have the four down and a chokebomb gives Omos the double pin at 1:42. That’s how you make a monster look dominant.

Elias vs. Chad Gable

Otis is here with Gable, who wrestles Elias down without much trouble to start. Elias can’t get a backslide but can hit a suplex for two. Back up and Otis low bridges Elias to the floor as we take a break. We come back with Gable hitting a Swan Dive but Elias fights up with elbows to the face. A splash in the corner but Gable pulls him into an ankle lock. With that broken up, Gable pulls him into a Razor’s Edge, which is flipped forward into a DDT for two. Gable goes up top but gets kneed out of the air for a rather near fall. Elias’ swinging suplex finishes at 8:32.

Rating: C+. That knee probably should have finished it but Elias getting the win is the right choice. Elias is freshly back after being gone for a long time so he needs the win, even if it is over someone who loses a lot more often than he wins. I’m not sure how far Elias is going to go in his latest run, but at least it is off to a decent starts.

Post match the beatdown is on but Riddle runs in to save Elias.

We look back at the OC/Judgment Day sequence.

The OC is in the trainer’s room and AJ Styles says they have a Rhea problem. Worry not though as Luke Gallows says he has a way with women and can solve this. Styles: “He’s terrible with women!”

Post break, Gallows is back, apparently having suffered a low blow from….I’m guessing Rhea Ripley. More planning is needed.

Johnny Gargano vs. Baron Corbin

Before the match, JBL mocks millennials who want safe spaces and makes fun of Charlotte’s professional sports teams. JBL sits in on commentary as Gargano is sent into the corner but comes out with a rollup for two. A running hurricanrana sets up a dropkick to send Corbin outside for the suicide dive. One Final beat is blocked with a right hand to the floor though and Corbin takes over while slowing things down.

Gargano manages a discus forearm and a dropkick sends Corbin back to the floor. The apron superkick sets up a dive, which is pulled out of the air and Gargano is planted on the announcers’ table. We take a break and come back with Corbin hitting his torture rack neckbreaker for two. Corbin misses a charge in the corner and Gargano hits a bulldog for a breather.

The slingshot spear gives Gargano two but Corbin is right back with Deep Six for two of his own. The slid under the ropes clothesline is countered with a superkick to give Gargano two more. They head outside with Gargano sending him into the steps, then stealing JBL’s hat for some dancing. A tornado DDT off the announcers’ table drops Corbin again but JBL breaks up One Final Beat. End of Days finishes Gargano at 14:09.

Rating: C+. For those of you keeping track, we have now had six matches tonight and four of them have ended in some kind of distraction/interference finish to set up the pin. Corbin seems to be the bigger priority right now and the question was more about would it be JBL or Miz costing Gargano. I don’t like Gargano losing, but at least he’s on Raw.

Post break, Miz comes up to Johnny Gargano with a get well card for Candice LeRae. Miz is willing to tell the truth next week, but Gargano will do it if Miz doesn’t. And Miz didn’t even sign the card!

We get a long video on Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley, looking at how similar they are and how dominant both of them have been, setting up their match at Crown Jewel.

Bayley vs. Bianca Belair

Non-title and Bayley has Damage Ctrl with her. Feeling out process to start until Belair powers her to the mat. A slam drops Bayley and we slow down a bit until Belair runs her over again. Belair can’t roll some suplexes though as Bayley pulls her into a crossface. That’s countered into a backbreaker for a breather and Bayley gets dropped on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Belair fighting out of a chinlock but getting taken down by a clothesline to the back of the head. A suplex from the apron to the floor puts Belair down again and Bayley starts in on the arm. Belair’s arm is wrapped around the rope and then twisted a bit, followed by more around the rope cranking. A suplex drops Bayley to give Belair a breather and the right hands in the corner put her in more trouble.

Bayley gets smart by pulling the braid but the Bayley to Belly is blocked. Belair’s handspring moonsault only hits knees but so does Bayley’s middle rope elbow. Now the handspring moonsault can connect for two and they head back outside, where Bayley cranks her down by the arm again.

We take another break and come back again with Bayley snapping the arm over the top but not being able to hit her own KOD. Instead Belair hits her own Bayley to Belly for two. A spinebuster gives Belair two more but a Sky distraction lets Bayley hit a super Bayley to Belly for a rather close two. Damage Ctrl loads up the announcers’ table but Belair powerbombs Bayley onto (not through) the table.

Another powerbomb against the post sets up a face first drop onto the apron. Sky gets in a distraction though and Kai kicks Belair in the face. Back in and…the referee ejects both of them as Nikki Ash dives off the top onto Damage Ctrl and the referee. Back in and the Rose Plant is countered into the KOD for no count as the referee is still down. Nikki (Cross, not Ash, and with no mask) comes back in and DDTs Belair so Bayley can steal the pin at 23:10.

Rating: B. This had the time and the ending, while the fifth instance of interference/some kind of a distraction tonight, has me interested in where things are going. Bayley had to win here as she had come back as a big deal but it doesn’t matter much if she keeps losing to Belair. At the same time, Belair was being booked a bit too strong when she survived against all three members of Damage Ctrl at Extreme Rules. This is the right way to go and there is a good chance that you can see the women’s WarGames match from here.

Post match Nikki comes back in and beats on Bayley as well with those nutty eyes being back for a change.

Overall Rating: B-. While the finish choices could certainly use some work, this was a rather good show with a pair of solid matches. They also gave us something important with the main event return and advanced a few stories along the way. It might not have been a classic show, but it was an efficient use of three hours and that is not a bad way to spend a Monday night.

Finn Balor b. Karl Anderson – Low blow from Rhea Ripley
R-Truth b. Miz – Rollup
Austin Theory b. Mustafa Ali – A Town Down
Omos b. ???/???/???/??? – Double pin
Elias b. Chad Gable – Swinging suplex
Baron Corbin b. Johnny Gargano – End of Days
Bayley b. Bianca Belair – DDT from Nikki Cross


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NXT LVL Up – October 21, 2022: He Definitely Adds Something

Date: October 21, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Byron Saxton

It’s the second week of the Saxton Era and that means…well very little really, as Saxton isn’t as well versed as Nigel McGuinness and not quite as good of a commentator as him either. That more or less leaves the wrestling to carry things and that is a hit or miss bet around here at best. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Ikemen Jiro vs. Myles Borne

Borne grabs a headlock to start but gets reversed into a cravate. Another headlock slows Jiro down but Borne hurts his knee on a leapfrog. Jiro is right on that knee with a leglock sending Borne over to the rope. The half crab has Borne in more trouble until he crawls over to the rope. The jacket punch rocks Borne but the reverses the Ikemen Slash into a small package for the pin at 5:20.

Rating: C. This was a different way to go from most Borne matches and it was quite the win for his career. Borne has gotten better than I would have expected him to be able to do and it’s nice to see his success. At the same time, Jiro was acting more heelish, which is quite the weird way to go for someone with his kind of charisma.

Javier Bernal is ready for Andre Chase because he learned at the school of hard knocks.

Bryson Montana vs. Duke Hudson

Montana grabs him in a front facelock to start and Hudson has to bail to the rope. Hudson elbows away without much trouble but Montana runs him over with a clothesline. A Michinoku Driver gives Montana two but Hudson is back with a snap German suplex. The big boot finishes Montana at 3:53.

Rating: C-. This didn’t have time to go anywhere and Hudson continues to be quite the charisma vacuum once the bell rings. Montana seems to be one of NXT’s next projects and that isn’t a bad thing. He has the size and look to go somewhere so let him see what he can do when he gets his feet a bit wetter in the ring.

Andre Chase vs. Javier Bernal

Thea Hail is here too. Chase takes him down by the arm to start and Bernal is sent outside, where Thea Hail yells at him. Back in and Chase shoulders him down before hammering away in the corner. Bernal manages to get in a knee lift and hammers away, only to get caught with a middle rope sunset flip for two. Some kicks keep Chase in trouble but he comes right back with a suplex. Chase slugs him down and the spelling stomps have Bernal in trouble. The high crossbody finishes Bernal at 6:41.

Rating: C. Chase has become one of the biggest stars around this show and that is one of the things that can make him into a special treat. The fans go nuts when he comes out and while it would be nice to see him doing something bigger in NXT, it might be easier to take the moments on the smaller stage like this one. If it means less of Bernal being boring on the main show too, so be it.

Overall Rating: C. There was a bit more energy to this show, though that might just be the reactions to Chase being in the ring. The show is still completely skippable and I don’t see that changing anytime soon, but at least it was a fun use of half an hour. I’m still not sure why they stopped sending one slightly bigger name down here a week but maybe they found it beneath those stars. For now though, ok show, especially for the short run time.



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Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6 Night Two: The Greatest Clusterf……Hey It’s My 8000th Review!

Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6 Night Two
Date: April 1, 2022
Location: Fair Park, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Dave Prazak, Kevin Gill

It’s the second half of the show and in this case, it needs to get a pretty big upgrade over the first half. Night one was a decent enough show, but it wasn’t memorable, which is the point of a show like this. Now that being being said, this show is built around the Clusterf*** Battle Royal, which could be quite the mess. Let’s get to it.

Here is Night One if you need a recap.

We open with Joey Janela talking about beating Sean Waltman last night and wanting his flowers. He wonders why the fans hate him now but Spring Break needs a lethal dose of poison to turn it back into what it is supposed to be. This year, he is entering the Clusterf*** so he can end it once and for all. Maybe just don’t run it then?

Matt Cardona vs. Chris Dickinson

Chelsea Green is here with Cardona, who is currently the king, meaning yes he does have a Macho King crown. Green gets in an ALL HAIL THE DEATHMATCH KING and the fans are all over Cardona again. Cardona insults GCW and says they are the power couple of wrestling. Six years ago, he won the Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania, but now he’s in this piece of garbage ring. If he was in WWE, like he should be, he would be celebrating his friend Mark Calaway, who he will see in the Hall of Fame one day.

Dickinson comes out with….MISSY HYATT to even things out, which is one of those names that makes this show feel fun. Both pairs share good luck kisses before the match, with Hyatt’s leaving Dickinson woozy. Dickinson wrestles him to the mat to start but Cardona is up to yell at Hyatt. That doesn’t work well for Dickinson, who grabs a cross armbreaker to send Cardona bailing to the floor.

Back in and Green grabs Dickinson’s foot for a distraction so Cardona can stomp away. After throwing his shirt at Hyatt, Cardona chokes with the wrist tape and then his hand for a bonus. The running forearm drops Dickinson again and a neckbreaker gives Cardona two. It’s already door time but Cardona spends too much time mocking the crowd, allowing Dickinson to backdrop him through the door in the corner.

The slugout is on with Cardona going to the eyes, only to get blasted with a running clothesline. The brainbuster gives Dickinson two but Green offers a distraction, allowing Cardona to nail a spear for two. Missy finally grabs Cardona’s boot and slaps Green, allowing Dickinson to hit a Death Valley Driver for two of his own.

Green offers another distraction so Cardona can hit a low blow into the Rough Ryder for two. Now it’s Green coming in and hitting Cardona with Missy’s loaded purse by mistake, allowing Dickinson to clothesline her down. The toss Razor’s Edge is enough for Dickinson to pin both of them at once at 12:43.

Rating: C+. You really can see why the GCW fans can’t stand Cardona in this run as he is one of the most annoying and obnoxious heels you could want to see. He is playing up the idea of being a big shot and that is one of the best ways to get heat from anyone. Dickinson is a decent power guy and looked good here, though Missy kind of disappeared for large chunks of the match.

Biff Busick vs. Tony Deppen

Feeling out process to start with Deppen trying to go to the mat to little success. Back up and Busick goes to the armbar, which has Deppen bailing to the ropes. Busick chops the heck out of Deppen, whose chops back have no effect. They head outside with Busick uppercutting away but a chop only hits the post. With Busick trying to shake it off, Deppen hits a flip dive off the apron and they head back inside.

Busick is fine enough to knee him down and the figure four necklock sends Deppen to the ropes again. Back up and Busick gets a little more violent by holding Deppen in place for some slaps to the face. Deppen is smart enough to go after Busick’s bad hand but Busick hits a running uppercut to take him down again.

Busick misses a charge though and Deppen hits a suicide flip dive for two back inside. Back up and the slugout goes to Busick until Deppen goes for the hand and grabs a Kimura of all things. With that broken up, Busick wins another strike off but Deppen avoids a charge in the corner. A running knee finishes Busick at 11:40.

Rating: B-. Sometimes you need two people to hit each other really hard and you got at least half of that here with Busick’s beating. Busick might not be a star in the making, but he’s an established hard hitter in the middle of the card and that should be enough to get him quite a few jobs. At the same time, you have Deppen as one of the better heels I’ve seen in a bit, as he is just straight up unlikable. Keep going with that and he’ll be fine.

Post match Deppen thanks Busick for the match but tells anyone who doesn’t believe in him what they can kiss.

Mike Bailey vs. Jordan Oliver

Bailey does his bow and they shake hands to start. Oliver does his pose so Bailey kicks him in the face and strikes away but Oliver is back up with chops of his own. Bailey’s leapfrog is countered into a faceplant and Oliver sends him outside for a big dive. Some kicks send Oliver through some chairs though and Bailey knees him in the chest.

Back in and Bailey kicks him in the chest for two, followed by the YES Kicks to make it worse. Bailey hits a running kick to the face in the corner and they strike it out again. Oliver snaps off a release German suplex and a sitout powerbomb for two but Bailey sends him outside. There’s the springboard moonsault to the floor and they strike it out on the apron.

Bailey gets the better of things and hits the moonsault knees, setting up the bouncing kicks back inside. The big kick to the head looks to set up the Ultimate Weapon but Oliver counters it with a cutter. A handspring cutter gets two so Oliver goes up, only to get pulled down with something like a One Winged Angel for the pin at 10:01.

Rating: C+. As is usually the case with Bailey, the action was good but he continues to have such a punchable face that it is hard to get into his matches. The good thing here was he didn’t have the stupid no selling that drags down every good thing he does, making this slightly easier to watch than most of his matches. Oliver has come a long way but still has a good bit to go before he moves up to the next level.

Effy says he shouldn’t be here but tonight he’ll beat Minoru Suzuki, have his own show tomorrow, and then maybe he’ll come for some gold.

Effy vs. Minoru Suzuki

Allie Katch is here with Effy. They both stick their jaws out with offers of a free shot but Effy’s attempt at a kiss gets him slapped. Suzuki slaps him down and then a kick to the face puts Effy on the floor. They head outside with Effy telling him to chop as hard as he can. That’s fine with Suzuki, who mocks Effy’s return chops.

A big boot sends Effy through the chairs and Suzuki cranks on the arm back inside. Effy tries some forearms but gets dropped with a single one from Suzuki. Then Effy bites Suzuki’s nipple and northern lights suplexes him for two. The big kiss staggers Suzuki but it’s a slap to the face and the Gotch style piledriver to give Suzuki the pin at 9:04.

Rating: C. Effy’s stuff may or may not be your cup of tea but Suzuki more or less squashed him here in a match with little to no doubt about the outcome. Effy was doing little more than comedy here so it isn’t like there was much to get annoyed about. They were going for the “wouldn’t it be funny if these two wrestled” idea here and I’ve seen worse versions.

Greatest Clusterf***

So this is basically a Royal Rumble, but only in the very loosest of terms. There are no set time intervals and I don’t believe there is a set number of entrants. I’m not going to be able to keep track of all of the eliminations, as I’ve never seen a version of this where they are all announced. This is going to be about total chaos and some surprise entrants and nothing more. You can be eliminated by pinfall, submission, over the top, leaving the building and…death?

Joey Janela is in at #1 and Buff Bagwell is in at #2 for your first surprise. Granted Buff is on a crutch but he has the American Males theme so this could be a lot worse. Janela wants to strut with him but it’s a superkick to get rid of Buff very quickly. George Gatton, with an unidentified title, is in at #3 and it’s a superkick into a piledriver to get rid of him too. Judas Judd Cassidy (I think?) is in at #4 and gets thrown over the top just as fast.

Yoya is in at #5 and suplexes Janela but gets caught in a heck of a package piledriver for the pin. Billie Starkz is in at #6 and a Gory Bomb takes Janela down but he raises knees to block her Swanton. That’s it for Starkz and it’s Juicy Finau (a big guy) in at #7. Janela can’t suplex him so Finau does it to Janela instead and it’s the even larger Sam Stackhouse, in Bam Bam Bigelow inspired gear, in at #8.

That leaves Janela to get crushed in the corner by back to back splashes but Stackhouse misses an ugly moonsault. Janela tosses both of them and it’s Rhett Titus in at #9 as Janela keeps up his Brock Lesnar-esque run. Titus wrestles him down and hits the running boot in the corner until it’s the Invisible Man in at #10.

So we have the Invisible Man, Janela and Titus with Titus and the Man slugging it out. The Man gets the better of both of them but an elbow to the face lets Janela and Titus beat him down. A double suplex lets the two of them pose but Man is back with a double low blow. The Man throws out Titus but gets stomped down until Dante Leon is in at #11. They waste no time in the next entrant with Ninja Mack in at #12.

Leon and Mack are long time rivals so they pose at each other before superkicking Janela down. A shooting star piledriver drops Mack and it’s a sick looking Jimmy Lloyd in at #13. Janela and Lloyd put on masks and they rehash their Social Distancing match, meaning they punch from a safe distance. Mack isn’t having that and kicks Lloyd down, setting up the running flip dive to drop Janela on the floor. Back in and Lloyd runs Mack over for the pin and Early Morning Guy Steele is in at #14.

Steele doesn’t seem to know what he is doing and falls off the top as Janela and Lloyd watch from the middle of the ring. Then Steele gives them a running double Blockbuster and a Canadian Destroyer each. Then he goes up top for a 450 to Lloyd, only to get rolled up for the pin from Janela. That was a weird one and it’s Blake Christian in at #15. House is cleaned but the Invisible Man hits Christian low. That earns him a dropkick and it’s Kevin Blackwood in at #16.

Blackwood’s suplex gets two on Leon and stomps on Janela in the corner until Hoodfoot is in at #17. Hoodfoot and Blackwood slug it out until Slade is in at #18. Young Dumb And Broke (Charlie Tiger and Ellis Taylor) are in at #19 and #20, giving us Janela, Invisible Man, Leon, Lloyd, Christian, Blackwood, Hoodfoot, Slade, Tiger and Taylor as this is far more organized than I was expecting. Everyone hits everyone until Deranged is in at #21 to clean house. With that going nowhere, Grim Reefer is in at #22 and has a smoke.

We now pause for everyone to partake, including Janela, who says he isn’t with AEW anymore and can do what he wants. Janela runs to the back (I don’t think he’s been eliminated but who can tell around here?) and Sandra Moone is in at #23. Reefer clotheslines her down and it’s Parrow in at #24. House is cleaned with Deranged and Reefer being eliminated almost immediately.

Big F’N Vin is in at #25 as Janela is having some Cheetos. Vin kicks Parrow out without much trouble as Janela wants to know his next spot. Nate Webb is in at #26 and comes through the crowd, who sings his theme music. Lloyd gets dropped by the Invisible Man, who hammers on Webb in the corner. Janela superkicks the Invisible Man though and tosses him out, much to the fans’ annoyance. Webb misses a charge and gets low bridged to the floor and Hoodfoot is tossed as well.

Shazza McKenzie is in at #27 and goes after Janela to start the beating. Janela gets in a shot to the face though and grabs a door, only to have McKenzie spear him through it. Janai Kai is in at #28 and Jazzy Yang (Jimmy Wang’s daughter) follows her at #29. The four women in the match stare each other down and it’s Edith Surreal in at #30. That gives us Janela, Leon, Lloyd, Christian, Blackwood, Tiger, Ellis, Moone, Vin, McKenzie, Kai, Yang and Surreal, assuming I didn’t miss any random eliminations.

Dark Sheik, another woman, is in at #31 and we have a six woman showdown. Uh make that seven as LuFisto is in at #32. Some of the guys come in to go after the women, with Leon and Taylor being tossed out. The women all beat up Tiger and toss him out with Vin joining him. Then the women get into it, with Kai kicking out LuFisto. Moone is out as well and McKenzie hits a Stunner on Kai for the elimination. Janela comes back in to superkick McKenzie for the pin and it’s Maven of all people in at #33.

Everyone stops to look at him so Maven hits a bunch of dropkicks….and then walks out for an elimination. Fans: “THANK YOU MAVEN!” With everyone else pairing off, Sean Ross Sapp, yes the dirt sheet writer, is in at #34, drawing a WE WANT MELTZER chant. Sapp gets a mic and begs people to subscribe to Fightful Select so they can read about GCW wrestlers getting fired by AEW. Josh Barnett, former UFC Heavyweight Champion, is in at #35 but fellow writer Denise Salcedo (not in the match) comes in to low blow Sapp and toss him out.

Nasty Leroy is in at #36 and Barnett blasts him with a clothesline as Jimmy Wang Yang is in at #37. Yang manages to take him down (not the prettiest but it worked) so Jazzy (remember, Yang’s daughter) comes in to grab the leg, which apparently counts as a submission to get rid of Barnett. Jazzy rolls up Lloyd for an elimination and it’s Alec Price in at #38. Price tosses Yang and dances a bit before getting kicked in the face by Jazzy. That’s enough for Price to toss her as well and it’s Cole Radrick in at #39.

Radrick and Price wind up on the apron and it’s a double elimination. Brandon Kirk is in at #40, giving us Janela, Christian, Blackwood, Slade, Surreal, Sheik, Leroy and Kirk (I think at least). Sheik hits Kirk low as we’re told Slade has left the building. Janela runs the ropes a lot until Lord Adrean (a Wal-Mart Guy) is in at #41. Adrean cleans house and Tombstones Kirk for the elimination, only to get Death Valley Drivered by Janela for another elimination. Kevin Matthews (you might remember him as KM in Impact) is in at #42 and stares it down with Leroy.

A not great looking Rock Bottom plants Matthews and a worse Rock Bottom sets up a leglock for the tap as Janela busts a gut laughing. Then Janela hits Leroy low and pins him and it’s Nick Wayne in at #43 for a brawl on the apron with Janela. Wayne superkicks Janela out for one heck of a pop and here is B-Boy to introduce Team LA Fights, which are six unnamed people. The team (Jai Vidal and Jack Cartwheel are two of them) clean house and something like a Styles Clash into a sitout powerbomb gets rid of Blackwood.

With those six in at #44-49, the Second City Crew (AJ Gray/Mance Warner/Matthew Justice/1 Called Manders and Levi Everett) are in #50-#54. The Crew cleans house with Matt Vandagriff (of LA Fights) being tossed. Damian Drake and Ju Dizz (I think) are both out with Hunter Freeman joining them. Cartwheel gets knocked out but walks on his hands until Manders chairs him down for the elimination. Vidal is tossed out and the Crew is left alone until the others still in the match come in.

Christian and Wayne get together to toss Everett and Manders. Somehow Christian and Wayne are the last two with Christian hitting a quick Downward Spiral for the pin…and never mind as yeah there are some people still left. Sheik comes in off the top with a spinwheel kick and the rest of the Crew pile onto her for the pin. Christian goes after the Crew but gets taken down and superplexed into a top rope legdrop for the pin….and that’s it at 1:23:57 (I guess Surreal was tossed somewhere in there).

Rating: C+. To be clear, this match is not about something coherent or anything more than having one name after another. That being said, this was WAY more coherent than the previous edition and that helped a lot. This felt more like a very indy Royal Rumble and, save for Surreal, no one was getting lost in the whole thing. I had a good time with this and it did fly by with some fun moments. It’s the kind of match that I was expecting from a Spring Break and it went well, especially with all of the insanity that came with it.

Overall Rating: B-. This was more like the Spring Breaks of the past and it worked out pretty well all things considered. It was a collection of some fun matches before we got to the big main event and that wound up working well. Good stuff here and it didn’t feel like a regular GCW show. While those can be fun, it’s not what I came into this wanting. The main event is all that mattered here and the other four matches were a nice bonus so we’ll call this a success.




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