Halloween Havoc 2022: Something To Be Scared About

Halloween Havoc 2022
Date: October 22, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

We’re back to the themed shows and this one has some potential, if nothing else for the set alone. How WWE waited twenty years to bring this back is beyond me, but we could be in for a very fun show this week. Or it’s going to be a big crossover between NXT and Chucky because he has to be around every year. Let’s get to it.

Chucky (oh here we go) welcomes us to the show and runs down the card.

Hosts Shotzi and Quincy Elliott welcome us to the show.

North American Title: Oro Mensah vs. Wes Lee vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Nathan Frazer vs. Von Wagner

Ladder match for the vacant title. It’s the normal brawl to start with Frazer sending the villains outside for the big dive onto Wagner. The first ladder is brought in but Mensah and Frazer get together to take Hayes and Lee down. With that broken up, Lee gets the ladder and starts cleaning house, including driving it into Wagner’s ribs in the corner. Wagner cuts off a climb but Mensah is there to go up. Frazer takes the ladder down but Lee rides a ladder down onto Frazer for the big crash.

Back up and Hayes hits Melo Don’t Miss into the ropes on Lee but Frazer hits a springboard reverse Spanish Fly (that was cool) onto the ladder. Wagner is back up with a chokeslam but Lee kicks him to the floor. Trick Williams comes in to turn the ladder over on Mensah, who lands on the top and dives onto everyone else. Williams and Mr. Stone use the chance to go up, with Williams hitting him with a shoe.

That’s enough to knock Williams down but he shoves the ladder over and Stone crashes to the floor. Wagner is back in to throw a ladder at Frazer and Mensah but Frazer is back up to put Wagner on a ladder. That means a frog splash to drive Wagner through the ladder for the big crash at ringside. Lee takes Hayes down and grabs the big ladder but Wagner picks him up and LAUNCHES HIM over the top and onto (not through) the announcers’ table.

Wagner goes up but Frazer springboards in to cut him off. With Wagner sent over the barricade, he does the big horror movie rise but gets laddered down again. Frazer and Mensah go up the ladder and slug it out until Frazer comes crashing down. Hayes is back in to pull Mensah into another ladder but Lee takes him down. This time it’s Lee going up but Hayes cuts him off on a ladder bridged between the rope and the standing one. Lee drops Hayes and manages to get up top for the win and the title at 16:03.

Rating: B-. It was a good brawl, but as usual, they’re running out of things to do in a ladder match. It doesn’t help that this was just a collection of people thrown into the match rather than having any reason to be mad at each other. What matters here is having a bunch of people fly around and do their big spots to get the crowd going and that worked.

Last night, Alba Fyre challenged Mandy Rose to meet her in a graveyard, so Toxic Attraction jumps in the car and rides off.

We arrive at the graveyard, where Toxic Attraction is more than a little scared. They start walking around and head into a spooky old house and are all scared, with Jacy Jayne being left alone and finding what looks to be an old theater. Someone moves behind her and she screams.

We move over to Gigi Dolin, who winds up in the dining room where she finds….Chucky. Then someone in a mask with red hair jumps her and the fight is on, with Dolin using whatever she can to fight back. A door to the head rocks the woman, who is (shockingly) revealed as Alba Fyre. Dolin opens a refrigerator, finds someone inside, and is knocked inside by Alba. We cut to Mandy Rose, who kicks a monster low but gets jumped by Fyre as well. A baseball bat shot misses and Rose takes the bat away, only to get dropped again. Fyre says she isn’t like everyone else drives off. More on this later….I guess?

We recap Grayson Waller vs. Apollo Crews. Waller cheated to beat him but Crews used his psychic powers to see Waller getting hurt, which wound up happening. They have since Spun the Wheel, with the Deal being a casket match.

Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller

Casket match. Waller elbows him down to start but Crews does an Undertaker situp and stare. Crews takes it outside and moonsaults off the apron onto Waller, with the brawl heading up the ramp. A suplex drops Crews so hard that Booker says we’re watching “Nathan” Waller.

They fight over to the announcers’ table, where Waller gets in a shot with a pen to take over. They go to the top where Waller shoves him off and through the lid of the casket. Waller thinks he’s won….but then the lights go out. They come back up to reveal Crews coming down the aisle with the druids and another casket. Back in and Crews unloads on Waller, including a gutbuster to put him in the casket.

Waller fights out again and slams the casket lid on Crews’ head but they both wind up inside. They both fight out until Waller sends him back inside for the rolling Stunner. Waller does the Undertaker throat slit and tries a Tombstone, only to be reversed into a gutbuster. That’s not enough to put Waller in, so Crews slams him from the apron into the casket and wins at 12:35.

Rating: C. I looked at the clock about eight minutes into this and couldn’t believe they hadn’t been going fifteen already. This felt far longer than it should have because the casket deal was a weird stipulation to choose. Crews winning is more than a little weird, but you can imagine Waller has bigger things in store for him anyway.

We go to Chase U, where Andre Chase isn’t happy with his students’ lack of knowledge about Halloween Havoc 1995. They also have a new student in Duke Hudson, who shows up Bodie Hayward. Chase expects more from Bodie.

Alba Fyre is on her way back, with Mandy Rose in the backseat.

Pretty Deadly and Kayden Carter/Katana Chance are backstage and ready to retain their Tag Team Titles.

Cora Jade vs. Roxanne Perez

Weapons Wild, more or less meaning street fight. Perez busts out a skateboard, which is what started the whole thing. The fight is on with Jade being taken down and put on the skateboard for a trip to the floor. Jade is back with some kind of spray to the face and a swing into the barricade.

Back in and Cora blocks her from grabbing a chair and puts a trashcan over her head. They head back to the floor where Jade puts on a reverse chinlock. That’s let go but Jade misses a chain shot, allowing Perez to dive on her and hammer away. Pop Rox is blocked back inside and they brawl to the floor again. The fight heads through the crowd and up into the balcony, where a Russian legsweep takes them down and through a table below. Back in and Perez hits Pop Rox onto a pile of chairs for the pin at 12:23.

Rating: C+. The right person won so they definitely went in the right direction and the personal nature of the feud was well set up. It was good enough, though neither looked overly comfortable using the weapons. Perez feels like she could be the next big thing and Jade is a heck of a prospect in her own right so this was a pair of strong options, but Perez is ahead of her and might even be in line for a title shot. Nice stuff here, with the right person going over.

NXT Deadline is on December 10.

Here is Shotzi, in Beetlejuice gear, to talk about how great tonight has been. She brings out Quincy Elliott, as a banana, for some puns. Lash Legend interrupts and says she should be hosting before Elliott says she’s not fabulous enough to host. Shotzi lays her out with a DDT and spanks a dancing Elliott.

Schism talks about trying to welcome more people to the hold and ask the person in the red hoodie if he/she is ready to reveal themselves. We’ll do that Tuesday. Then they all put on yellow masks.

We recap Damon Kemp ripping apart the Diamond Mine and Julius Creed agreeing to fight Damon Kemp for Brutus Creed’s future. Therefore, it’s an ambulance match with Roderick Strong still in a wheelchair lurking around.

Julius Creed vs. Damon Kemp

Ambulance match for Brutus Creed’s career. Creed chucks pumpkins at him to start and hits a dropkick at the bell. A German suplex makes Kemp drop his chair and they crash out to the floor. They’re already at the ambulance and Creed throws him in but Kemp uses a crutch to block the door. Some crutch shots put Creed down and a suplex on the floor makes it worse.

A steps shot rocks Creed again but he gets away from Kemp without much trouble. Kemp slams the ambulance door on him but Julius kicks it into his face. They head back inside where Kemp plants him on the steps, meaning it’s time to pose. The fight heads outside where Julius ties him into a wheelchair with a crutch and rolls him around as the fans want a pumpkin used.

Instead Kemp puts him in a rolling cart to head towards the ambulance. Creed is sent inside, has the door slammed on his hands, but fights out again. They head back to ringside (again) with Julius unloading on him with chair shots. A powerbomb onto a stretcher lets Julius take him to the ambulance for the win at 12:05.

Rating: C+. It was a good brawl and the pumpkins (which acted more like dodge balls) were a fun addition at first, but it begs one question: why did this need to be an ambulance match? You have two former college wrestling stars and your solution is to put them in the second “win by putting someone into something and closing it” match of the night? What they did was good and Creed looked dominant in his win, but I could have gone for something a bit more suited to their skills.

The ambulance leaves and we see Alba Fyre, with Mandy Rose, arriving. Here we go.

Women’s Title: Mandy Rose vs. Alba Fyre

Fyre is challenging and starts fast but gets shoved off the top to the floor. Back in and Rose slams her down for two before forearming away. With that broken up Fyre kicks her in the chest to take over. A spinebuster out of the corner gives Rose two but Fyre plants her down hard again.

Back up and a swanton plants Mandy but here is Toxic Attraction to pull the referee. Fyre kicks Jacy Jayne into the referee, meaning no one is there to count after Fyre hits the Gory Bomb. Toxic Attraction goes high/low on Fyre and the running knee is enough to retain the title at 7:05.

Rating: C. And yes, Rose wins again. I like her a good bit and she has come MILES over this run, but it’s time to wrap it up. You can only have Toxic Attraction save you so many times to set up the running knee and we are long past the point of it being a fresh ending. Rose has mowed down so many people already and it is getting old fast. I don’t know if Toxic Attraction is going to the main roster, but Rose can stand to lose the title by now.

Nikkita Lyons/Zoey Stark and Edris Enofe/Malik Blade are ready to win the Tag Team Titles.

We recap the NXT Title match. Bron Breakker is champion, JD McDonagh (who Breakker has already beaten) won a #1 contenders match and Ilja Dragunov is here because he never lost the NXT UK Title. Now it’s a three way for the title, with Austin Theory teasing a Money in the Bank cash-in.

NXT Title: Bron Breakker vs. JD McDonagh vs. Ilja Dragunov

Breakker is defending and goes after McDonagh to start. Dragunov wants to beat on McDonagh as well but the delay lets McDonagh fight back up. With Dragunov on the floor, McDonagh slugs away on Breakker in the corner before Dragunov takes Breakker’s face. The slugout is on with McDonagh getting frustrated and whipping him into the corner. Breakker is back in with the belly to belly and sends McDonagh outside but charges into Dragunov’s boot to the face.

Everyone gets back inside and Dragunov knocks the other two into the corner, setting up a big Coast to Coast. Breakker is back up to slug it out with Dragunov and McDonagh applauds as they both go down. That’s too far for the other two as they knock McDonagh back and forth before tossing him outside. Breakker and Dragunov clothesline each other and McDonagh is back in to slowly go up top.

The delay is enough for Breakker to Frankensteiner him into a powerbomb from Dragunov and they’re all down again. It’s McDonagh up first to send them outside for the big moonsault to the floor. Back in and Dragunov powerbombs Breakker for two but McDonagh is in with a 450 for two on Dragunov. Breakker manages to German suplex both of them at the same time and then hits the gorilla press powerslam on Dragunov.

McDonagh steals the cover and gets two but Breakker isn’t happy with the thievery. With McDonagh on the floor, Breakker’s spear is cut off with Dragunov’s jumping knee. A top rope backsplash sets up the Torpedo but McDonagh grabs the referee at two. Dragunov chases McDonagh to the floor and walks into a Spanish Fly. McDonagh tries to crush Dragunov’s ankle on the steps but misses, allowing Dragunov to hit a Torpedo off the steps. Back in and Breakker spears Dragunov to retain at 23:50.

Rating: B+. This had everything you could want in this sort of triple threat, save for maybe an interesting champion. Breakker has the tools, but other than being strong, athletic and a Steiner, what is there to know about him? I get why he is in a prominent spot, but it would be nice to develop the other side of him a bit more. McDonagh was there for some aerial stuff and Dragunov took the pin for reasons I don’t quite get, but Breakker needs someone else to come after him and I’m not sure who that is. Carmelo Hayes maybe?

Overall Rating: B. The show was mostly good, but aside from maybe the main event, there is nothing worth going out of your way to see. That describes NXT in a nutshell for the last several months: good, but don’t expect anything that is going to feel must see. NXT needs some kind of hot story or angle to spice things up a bit, because the show is only going to be so good with what they’re doing at the moment.

This show was a good example, as they more or less turned Halloween Havoc into something closer to Extreme Rules. It has good enough work and results, but nothing that blew me away. Fix that and NXT is that much better. If nothing else, stop overthinking these things and let the wrestlers showcase themselves instead of playing to some stipulation. For a special it was good, but it didn’t give me much to get behind with NXT going forward.

Wes Lee b. Oro Mensah, Carmelo Hayes, Nathan Frazer and Von Wagner – Lee pulled down the title
Apollo Crews b. Grayson Waller – Crews shut Waller in the casket
Roxanne Perez b. Cora Jade – Pop Rox onto a pile of chairs
Julius Creed b. Damon Kemp – Creed shut Kemp in the ambulance
Mandy Rose b. Alba Fyre – Kiss From A Rose
Bron Breakker b. Ilja Dragunov and JD McDonagh – Spear to Dragunov



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Rampage – October 21, 2022: They’ve Found His Spot

Date: October 21, 2022
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

We’re live this week and not taped after Dynamite for a change. We’re also back in the old stomping grounds of Jacksonville and the card happens to be stacked with three title matches in an hour. That should be enough to carry the show, though Rampage has a bad tendency to underwhelm. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Titles: Acclaimed vs. Varsity Athletes

The Acclaimed is defending and it’s titles vs. the SCISSOR ME trademark. As you might expect, the rap mocks AEW’s heavily hyped World Title match beating NXT. The Athletes tease an early scissoring and get jumped from behind, only to send the champs outside. Back in and the Acclaimed break up some more scissoring and a powerslam plants Woods. Caster gets knocked outside, where Billy Gunn chases Tony Nese around. That’s enough for a Gunn ejection, much to Sterling’s delight.

We take a break and come back with Bowens getting the tag to come in and clean house. Everything breaks down and Woods hits something like a spinning GTS to drop Caster. Woods drops Bowens and the Angle Slam/neckbreaker gets two with Caster having to make the save. Nese kicks Caster in the face and dives onto Bowens on the floor. Back in and Bowens slugs away, setting up the Arrival into the Mic Drop to retain the titles at 8:03.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t a great match but they kept things moving quickly enough that it didn’t get boring. The good thing is that the fans love the Acclaimed so much that it is going to work no matter they do so they’re playing with the house’s money. Thankfully the Sterling scissoring deal didn’t last long, as it was a pretty dead end idea in the first place.

Post match Sterling says that trademarks don’t end like that so the Acclaimed beat him up, stomp him low, hit Scissor Me Timbers and scissor with Billy Gunn. A feel good family moment!

Jade Cargill isn’t happy that Penelope Ford is injured but she is willing to let Leila Grey take her place. Then she gets the TBS Title back from Nyla Rose.

Ortiz/Eddie Kingston and the Lucha Bros are in the back in an attempt to make peace. The Bros want Eddie to keep his temper and avoid losing another job. Pac comes in and seems to mock Kingston, who has to be held back.

FTW Title: Hook vs. Ari Daivari

Hook is defending and turns down Daivari’s offer of cash for the title. That’s not cool with Hook, who suplexes Daivari at the bell and they start fast, with Daivari being sent outside for a ram into the table. Daivari’s butler Jeeves K is here and slaps Hook in the face with some money (must have asked about it). Hook fights out of the corner with rights and lefts to the ribs and an STO. A release fisherman’s suplex drops Daivari, who uses a Jeeves distraction to set up his own suplex for two. The hammerlock lariat is countered though and Redrum retains the title at 2:50. More proper Hook usage.

Matt Hardy is annoyed at the Firm, who have sent Private Party off for a match. For now though, Matt can have a match on Dark: Elevation. I still can’t get my head around Isaiah Kassidy vs. Ethan Page being for Matt’s contract. Why not, I don’t know, Page vs. Matt?

Leila Grey vs. Willow Nightingale

Kiera Hogan is here with Grey. Nightingale wrestles her down without much effort to start before running Grey over with a shoulder. Back up and Nightingale easily slams her but Hogan gets in a cheap shot superkick to take over. We take a break and come back with Nightingale spinebustering Grey for two but getting caught in a Russian legsweep. Grey hits a running knee in the corner but gets belly to back suplexed. A kick to the head rocks Grey and a doctor bomb gives Nightingale the pin at 7:50.

Rating: C. There are some wrestlers who can best be described as fun, which would be the case with Nightingale. She has such a bubbly personality and there is something about her that makes you want to see her do well. Beating Grey on TV is nice, but it would be better to see her win a bigger match down the line.

Post match Nightingale is announced as officially All Elite but here is Jade Cargill to interrupt. Nightingale leaves so Cargill has a seat in a chair and gives Nyla Rose ten seconds to come get the title. Rose and the rest of the Vicious Vixens pop up on screen in a car. Rose drives off with the title….and apparently that’s Cargill’s car. Cargill sits down, saying she isn’t leaving without her belt. Security comes in and gets dropped, which is enough for Cargill to leave. Well that was easy.

Last night, Rush threatened 10 with a beating. Orange Cassidy popped up from behind a bar to offer them beers. Oh and he’ll join their match to make it an All-Atlantic Title triple threat.

Orange Cassidy tries to steal Mark Henry’s job but Henry asks why Cassidy is getting into Rush and 10’s business. Cassidy: “Um, I don’t know.” 10 and Rush want to win the title while dealing with their personal issues too.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. 10 vs. Rush

Cassidy is defending and Rush has Jose the Assistant with him, while Cassidy has Danhausen. 10 and Rush slug it out but Cassidy gets involved with the lazy kicks. Rush sends 10 outside, leaving Cassidy to dropkick Rush. That’s fine with Rush, who sends him into the corner for the running slap into the Tranquilo pose. Rush goes outside to send 10 into the barricade but 10 is back with his own shots. Cassidy dives at both of them but gets caught and chokeslammed onto a table (which doesn’t break).

We take a break and come back with Cassidy having to block 10’s full nelson before hitting a Stundog Millionaire. The spinning DDT plants Rush and there’s the Beach Break for two on 10, as Jose breaks it up (JR: “It’s a mockery of the rules!”). Danhausen comes in and hits Jose low but Rush knocks him down as well.

A suplex sends Cassidy into the corner but 10 is back up with his spinebuster. 10 discus lariats Cassidy for two, with Rush having to dive in for the save. Rush messes with 10’s mask but walks into the Orange Punch. Another Beach Break is countered but Cassidy sits down on 10 to retain at 11:48.

Rating: B-. This is another perfect use of Cassidy, who has to work to retain his title so it doesn’t feel like a joke, even if there is virtually no value to it whatsoever. At the same time, this felt like AEW realizing that Rush vs. 10 isn’t an interesting story and needing to do something to change it. Cassidy can often make that work, so this was as good as it could have been.

Post match 10 and Rush have a staredown but -1 comes out and gets carried to the back by 10.

We get an In Memoriam graphic to Brian Muster, a video engineer who died unexpectedly this week. That’s a very classy thing to do.

Overall Rating: C+. That was about as Rampagey of a Rampage as you could get, as there was little that felt important but it was still in front of a hot crowd. The stuff they did involved either titles or stories with a bit of value, so it didn’t feel like a waste of time. At the same time though, Rampage feels completely like a secondary show, which does make it seem a lot less important. With three hours of TV a week, AEW might want to change that.

Acclaimed b. Varsity Athletes – Mic Drop to Nese
Hook b. Ari Daivari – Redrum
Willow Nightingale b. Leila Grey – Doctor bomb
Orange Cassidy b. 10 and Rush – Rollup to 10




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Halloween Havoc 2022 Preview

It’s that time again as we get another WCW event being used better by NXT than by WWE. Halloween Havoc is a simple concept that can be done rather well with a cool set and some rather gimmicky matches. As luck would have it, the second one of those is already guaranteed and the first is all but guaranteed so we should be in for a pretty fun, and maybe even eventful, night. Let’s get to it.

Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller

We’ll start with a match that we don’t know yet, as this is going to be Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal. Crews has suddenly developed the power of foresight and keeps seeing Waller in varying states of pain so now they’re having a match as a result. Waller is one of the hotter prospects in NXT and Crews is able to work well with just about anyone so, gimmick depending, this should be good.

I’ll take Waller to win here, as there isn’t much of a need for him to lose. Crews is someone whose legacy is already established and he can take a loss here and there without having many consequences. On the other hand you have Waller, who seems like he could be ready to break through to the next level, if not the main roster. Waller goes over here, probably with a goofy enough stipulation.

Julius Creed vs. Damon Kemp

This is an ambulance match and somewhere along the line, NXT managed to turn this into a decent feud. The Diamond Mine is all but split and now we get to see what happens when Julius gets a big singles match, which happens to be for his brother Brutus’ career. At the same time, Roderick Strong is in a wheelchair and seems to have had a change of heart, which sounds like a red flag if I’ve ever seen one.

While Julius winning would be the logical way to go, this seems too primed for a surprise swerve from Strong, who will likely wipe out Brutus’ career by helping Kemp. Julius seems more ready to be the breakout singles star from the team, though it might be a bit early to pull that trigger. I’ll still go with Kemp winning via Strong shenanigans, as it seems like a prime way to end an ambulance match.

Cora Jade vs. Roxanne Perez

Here we have a Weapons Wild match, which is the 38th different way to say “street fight”. These two have turned what was little more than another tag team split into a decently heated rivalry, with Jade doing better than I would have expected. That being said, Perez seems like she has star written all over her and could quickly become the next next big thing in NXT.

I’ll go with Perez here, as she has lost a few matches to bigger names and could use the win in the match that matters the most for her. It is clear that WWE sees something in her and it would be ridiculous to have her lose again. I know Jade is on her way up as well, but there is something in Perez that you do not see very often and she needs the win here more than Jade right now.

North American Title: Wes Lee vs. Oro Mensah vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Nathan Frazer vs. Von Wagner

For the vacant title and oh goody it’s a ladder match. At least there are only five people involved this time so things might be a little less insane than usual. There is no way to guess what is coming in a match like this as the whole thing is designed to be little more than chaos with one person doing a dive and then another doing a bigger one. That doesn’t give me much to work with, but it could still be fun.

Since putting the title back on Hayes would be a waste of time and I can’t imagine Wagner or Mensah getting it, I’ll take Lee to win here in a bit of a surprise. Frazer would make more sense, but ladder matches can be a way for title wins that don’t make a lot of sense otherwise. It’s certainly not my favorite kind of match but at least the dives should be good and Hayes is always worth a look.

Women’s Title: Mandy Rose(c) vs. Alba Fyre

I know I’ve been saying Rose has to lose the title at some point….but Rose has to lose the title at some point right? She has been champion for about a year now and is rapidly approaching Shayna Baszler for second all time. I’ve liked a lot of what Rose has done as champion and she is better than she is often given credit for, but dang she has held that thing for a long time.

In a pick I expect to be wrong, I’ll take Fyre to win the title here, on the grounds of “well, someone has to beat her”. I can’t imagine waiting around for Nikkita Lyons to be ready for the belt and Rose is running out of steam as champion. She has improved by leaps and bounds, but after so long with the title, losing isn’t going to hut her. Fyre wins here and takes the title in a different direction, even if I’m almost sure I’m wrong.

NXT Title: Bron Breakker(c) vs. JD McDonagh vs. Ilja Dragunov

Is it just me or is this kind of a flat title match? While it has picked up some in the last week or two, with the big segment this week being an upgrade, the tease of a Money in the Bank cash-in doesn’t exactly instill me with confidence. It will be nice to have Dragunov around, but Breakker has already beaten McDonagh so there is only so much interest in him in the first place.

This really could go any way but it seems that they are teasing a McDonagh win enough that I’ll say he wins through some kind of shenanigans. Breakker really doesn’t need to be champion at the moment as he has held the thing for about six and a half months. Dragunov already had his title reign (which granted he never got to finish) and that leaves McDonagh with nothing major on his resume. I’ll take McDonagh, even if that leaves us with NXT Champion JD McDonagh and….egads. And no, no cash-in.

Overall Thoughts

This show isn’t exactly inspiring but there is enough good on there to make it work. One of the problems right now is that there isn’t a big story that makes NXT feel must see. There is interesting material, but nothing on there is something I’m overly interested in watching. That needs to change soon too, as the interest really needs to go up. We should be in for a hard worked show though and that is usually enough to carry NXT as far as it needs to go.


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Smackdown – October 21, 2022: He Still Has It

Date: October 21, 2022
Location: Huntington Center, Toledo, Ohio
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We are just over two weeks away from Crown Jewel and that means Logan Paul is back tonight. That means we might be in for another kind of weird segment, but hopefully Paul Heyman will be there to walk him through it. The feud feels rather cold going into the match and I don’t know how to fix that. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Sheamus vs. Solo Sikoa

The rest of the Brawling Brutes, Sami Zayn and the Usos are here too. During the Brutes’ entrance, Bray Wyatt hacks the feed but commentary doesn’t acknowledge it this time. They hit each other hard to start and Sikoa is already needing a breather on the floor. Back in and Sheamus knocks him down again, setting up an armbar. Sikoa fights up and hits a spinwheel kick before sending Sheamus outside and we take a break.

Back with Sikoa hitting a running Umaga attack in the corner but another attempt is cut off by a clotheslines. Sheamus, favoring his arm, grabs an Irish Curse for a breather and uses his good arm for a powerslam. The ten forearms connect and it’s time for everyone to brawl on the floor. The Usos turn the announcers’ table on the Brutes so Sheamus dives off the top onto the two of them. A Sami distraction lets Sikoa kick him in the bad arm and it’s the Swinging Solo for the pin at 13:05.

Rating: C+. WWE is already doing a good job with Sikoa by just having him win. It’s really not that hard and this is the biggest win of his main roster career. While he might not be a game changer, he already feels like he belongs on the main roster and could be a safe bet on his own whenever the Bloodline wraps up. Sheamus will be back for revenge and a WarGames showdown with the Bloodline isn’t the worst idea.

Post match the beatdown stays on Sheamus and Jey uses a chair to crush it on the steps over and over, with Sami having to break it up because it’s over.

We recap Rey Mysterio becoming the new #1 contender to the Intercontinental Title last week.

Earlier today, Imperium didn’t think much of Mysterio so he challenged Ludwig Kaiser to a match later.

We go backstage to find Bray Wyatt, who talks about how confessing some things to the fans might help them. He has always had problems with anger and sometimes it can take him to places he doesn’t want to go. For some reason, he gets chances that most people won’t get but this time, he was happy and content. All he wanted to be was to be left alone but he confesses that he is glad he came back. He needed everyone to pull him up and he is thankful for that.

Now he can see and he knows who you are and what you are trying to do. He confesses that on this journey, he is going to do horrible things that he will never feel sorry over. Bray knows where the circle takes him. No word on who the “you” he was talking about is. This still feels like something we’ll get a piece at a time and still not have the whole picture, which is pretty standard for Wyatt.

The Bloodline celebrates Solo Sikoa’s win and Jey Uso is ready to take Logan Paul apart. Sami Zayn says hang on though, as Roman Reigns has told the Bloodline to keep their hands off Paul. It wouldn’t be very Ucey to let Paul in their heads, which Jey agrees with, but he doesn’t like being called a hothead.

Liv Morgan vs. Sonya Deville

This is fallout from Deville ranting about Morgan getting one opportunity handed to her after another last week. Morgan takes her into the corner to start and grabs a backslide for less than one. Back up and Deville hits a knee to the face for two and Morgan gets kicked off the apron as we take a break.

We come back with Deville charging into an elbow to the face and an enziguri puts her down. Deville gets in a shot to the face of her own for two and yells at Morgan, who completely snaps and sends her outside. A face plant onto the announcers’ table and some rams into the steps have Deville rocked but it’s a double countout at 8:45.

Rating: C-. So apparently we’re still doing the Morgan being all aggressive and insane stuff which didn’t quite work going into Extreme Rules and I don’t know how well it will work after. If WWE wants Morgan to be a big deal, let her win big matches without shenanigans and see what happens. Until then, I don’t know how well this is going to work but it seems to be what we are getting.

Post match Morgan snaps and throws in a bunch of chairs, setting up a superplex to send Deville into said chairs. So yeah, Morgan is still all insane and violence hungry.

Video on LA Knight.

The Viking Raiders are still coming back.

Here is Braun Strowman for a chat and he wastes no time in calling out Omos and MVP. Cue only MVP, who says Strowman needs to stay away from a real giant like Omos before he gets exposed. Strowman is tired of the talk and issues the challenge for Crown Jewel, with MVP accepting. Cue Omos for the big staredown and a shove sends Strowman outside. That match was pretty clearly coming and it was just a matter of announcing it.

Sheamus has been taken to the hospital.

We look at Drew McIntyre attacking Karrion Kross last week.

Drew has been told to stay away from Kross and he will…..until they meet in a cage match at Crown Jewel.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Shotzi/Raquel Rodriguez vs. Damage Ctrl

Damage Ctrl, with Bayley, is defending and it’s Rodriguez starting with Sky (with commentary thankfully bringing up their NXT history). Rodriguez goes straight to the power to start and sends her outside for the Shotzi dive. Back in and Shotzi hits a running elbow in the corner but Sky comes in for a shot of her own as we take a break.

We come back with Shotzi kneeing her way to freedom and handing it back to Rodriguez to clean house. A superplex is broken up though and Sky hits a great looking top rope tornado DDT for two. Everything breaks down and Shotzi has to deck Bayley, allowing Sky to hit an Air Raid Crash. The moonsault retains the titles at 10:12.

Rating: C+. This got better as it went on and it’s still amazing how much better of a partner Shotzi is than Aliyah. Shotzi and Rodriguez don’t have the best chemistry but they are capable of having a better match together by a wide margin. Damage Ctrl is a good choice for champions, though Bayley needs to win a title of her own sooner than later.

Ronda Rousey is asked about an open challenge tonight but she doesn’t want to do it. We’ll do it next week instead. And she’s rather mad.

The Bray Wyatt mask hacks the screen and we see some scrambled images, including another QR code. Then we see what looks to be an old cowboy who says “howdy”, though we don’t see his face.

Santos Escobar is given a drink and talks about how businesses grow into an empire. Legado del Fantasma latest acquisition is Zelina Vega, who talks about how they’re going to take over everything, starting with Hit Row.

Hit Row is watching and wants to know how Legado is standing head and shoulders over them when the tallest member of the team only comes up to Top Dolla’s shoulder. That was a great line.

Ludwig Kaiser vs. Rey Mysterio

The rest Imperium is here too as Rey starts with an enziguri and some right hands. Giovanni Vinci breaks up the 619 attempt though and Rey has to stop to shout at Gunther. There’s a baseball slide to Kaiser but he’s right back up with an uppercut as we take a break. Back with Rey blocking a top rope superplex and hitting the top rope seated senton. A Lionsault gives Rey two and he rains down some right hands in the corner.

There’s a hurricanrana to send Kaiser outside, where Kaiser ducks a dive to send Rey crashing into the barricade. Imperium goes after Rey, who feigns being attacked (cue Eddie Guerrero reference) so the other two are ejected. Rey goes up for a top rope splash but only hits raised knees. Not that it matters as Rey is right back with the 619 into the springboard splash for the pin at 11:20.

Rating: B-. This is where Mysterio continues to shine. He has been one of the best for the last few decades and somehow can still do stuff like this in his late 40s. At the same time you have Kaiser, who is quite the fit as the henchman who could be dangerous enough to beat someone on the right night. Good stuff here and Mysterio looked more like his old self (ten years older, not twenty five of course).

Here is Logan Paul for his big moment. Paul knows he is supposed to address the hard cams but first he needs to say it is nice to be back in Ohio. As for the Bloodline, Paul doesn’t have anyone in his corner, like two guys who look alike, a guy named Solo who is never alone or someone like Sami Zayn…..whatever he is. Of course he’s the underdog in this whole fight, but what happens if he wins? What happens then?

Cue Jey Uso to jump Paul from behind and the beatdown is on. Sami Zayn comes in to try to cool Jey down but Paul is back up to knock Jey silly with a single right hand (Sami is stunned). Paul escapes as Sami knows they’re in trouble (remember Reigns told him not to go after Paul to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Kind of an up and down show and while the Paul stuff was better, it wasn’t quite good enough to make me care about the title match. The lack of Reigns didn’t help things but the Jey Uso stuff is good enough to drag things forward next week. Other than that, the Mysterio vs. Kaiser match was good and the Wyatt segment still has me wondering where it’s going. Just get through Crown Jewel so we can move away from the Paul title shot and get on to WarGames.

Solo Sikoa b. Sheamus – Swinging Solo
Liv Morgan vs. Sonya Deville went to a double countout
Damage Ctrl b. Raquel Rodriguez/Shotzi – Moonsault to Shotzi
Rey Mysterio b. Ludwig Kaiser – Springboard splash


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Impact Wrestling – October 20, 2022: Honor No More

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 20, 2022
Location: Albany Armory, Albany, New York
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re still coming out of Bound For Glory and that means it is time to start getting ready for whatever the next monthly special is going to be. In this case, that means Frankie Kazarian is going to cash in his X-Division Title for a World Title shot against Josh Alexander. That is likely going to mean some competition for the vacant title and it might start tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

The Bullet Club goes to see Ace Austin but find him down in the parking lot. Tommy Dreamer is here but denies everything.

Opening sequence.

Tommy Dreamer/Bully Ray vs. Bullet Club

It’s Chris Bey/Juice Robinson here, with Robinson putting on his wrist tape on the way to the ring (as he is replacing Austin). Dreamer sends Bey to the apron to start but it’s quickly off to Robinson to stomp Ray down in the corner. Some rapid fire chops in the corner have Robinson in trouble of his own but he comes back with the snap jabs to Dreamer. Bey comes back in and tries the Art of Finesse but gets reversed into a cutter. The hot tag brings in Ray as there are a lot of empty seats directly across from the camera. Robinson plants Ray with a spinebuster but it’s the Bully Bomb to give Ray the pin at 6:21.

Rating: C-. Yeah of course the ECW guys went over. I have no idea why this is any sort of a surprise, Bully push or no Bully push. If you need to do something like this, put Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice out there instead of, you know, THE FREAKING BULLET CLUB. I’m sure Ray will continue to get a big focus because Impact, but egads do they have to put the ECW guys over people with major potential?

Post match, Ray says some nice things to Bey. He’s a sweet guy.

Heath and Rhino are ready to win the Tag Team Titles.

In the back, Tommy Dreamer wants to know that Bully Ray did not lay out Ace Austin. Of course not, as he was a minute ahead of Dreamer, so how would he have had a chance? Moose comes in to say Ray is once a scumbag and always a scumbag. Dreamer wants Moose thrown out but Moose says if he attacked Austin, you would have known.

Mia Yim vs. Taylor Wilde

They trade armdrags to start and try stereo dropkicks, leaning us with a standoff. Wilde pulls her into an armbar but Yim is back up with a basement dropkick to put Wilde in a good bit more trouble. We take a break and come back with Yim getting two off a clothesline and getting frustrated at the kickout.

A bow and arrow has Wilde in more trouble but she manages to block Eat Defeat. Some rollups give Wilde two each and Yim is frustrated but she still can’t hit Eat Defeat. Back up and the Wilde Ride, a bridging German suplex is enough to give Wilde the rather upsetting pin at 12:51.

Rating: C. Wilde is one of those people who has been around for a long time, or at least was around a long time ago, and that’s about it. She’s perfectly passable in the ring and seems to be the next person in line for Mickie James. On the other hand you have Yim, who is on her way out of the promotion and is putting people over as she leaves. That doesn’t make for much of a match but it could have been worse.

Post match Mickie James comes out to praise Wilde. The challenge is….not on as VXT and Gisele Shaw come in for the beatdown. Jordynne Grace makes the real save.

Post break the six Knockout tag challenge is sent out.

Jason Hotch vs. Joe Hendry

This seems to be the result of Hendry taking Hotch’s Call Your Shot spot and almost his girlfriend. Before the match, Hendry thinks these people believe in him and then shoulders Hotch down. A suplex drops Hotch again and the spinebuster gives Hendry the pin at 1:58. Better than the fall away slam.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Chris Sabin b. Bully Ray to win the World Title via Option C.

Here is Scott D’Amore to accept the X-Division Title from Frankie Kazarian in exchange for a World Title shot. Kazarian comes out and hands over the title, with D’Amore saying there is no turning back. There will be an eight man title tournament starting, with the finals taking place at Overdrive. Kazarian talks about winning his first X-Division Title back in 2004 and how important it was to him.

Since then, he has gotten married and had a son, but he still feels unfulfilled. He has looked at the names of former champions and while there are legends, there are people he is better than and that isn’t ok. The title cash-in is official so here is Steve Maclin to jump him from behind. Cue Josh Alexander for the save though and the good guys stand tall. Kazarian vs. Alexander is cool, but it makes me wonder why they couldn’t have cut Ray out and done the same story with Kazarian, minus the X-Division Title.

Eddie Edwards arrives and Honor No More wants to know his decision. He tells them, and his wife Alisha, that they’ll find out what he’s doing.

Frankie Kazarian isn’t happy with Josh Alexander for saving him. If he needed a partner, they would be here. For now though, don’t trust Bully Ray.

Eric Young vs. Rich Swann

Deaner is here with Young. Swann jumps him to start but gets dropped with the wheelbarrow neckbreaker. Young takes it to the mat and grabs a chinlock but Swann is back up with a kick to the head. The piledriver is blocked and Swann grabs a handspring cutter. A Deaner distraction looks to set up the piledriver but Swann reverses into a rollup for the pin at 3:12.

Rating: C. This was too short to mean much but it’s a good sign that Young and company could be heading down the ladder. Honor No More continues to be little more than annoying but at least they’re losing more often these days. Swann is someone who feels like he could move up the ladder again, but we could be waiting a bit before that actually takes place.

Post match one of the yellow hoodied guys runs in to help with the Swann beatdown but Sami Callihan pops in for the save.

The Major Brothers are back and they want the Tag Team Titles.

Here are the brackets for the X-Division Title tournament:

Black Taurus
Laredo Kid

Yuyu Uemura
PJ Black

Alan Angels
Trey Miguel

Kenny King
Mike Bailey

Tag Team Titles: Honor No More vs. Heath/Rhino

Heath and Rhino are challenging. Rhino runs Bennett over to start and hits a clothesline to the floor. Heath comes in and pounds on Bennett in the corner and a double elbow drops him again. It’s off to Taven to knock Rhino into the corner to take over and the alternating stomping begins. The champs do the fake tag thing to stomp on Rhino’s knee, with a big shot getting two as we take a break.

Back with Rhino still in trouble and Taven grabbing a Russian legsweep. Rhino fights out of trouble and brings Heath back in to start the comeback. Bennett’s discus elbow gets two on Heath and everyone is down for a bit. Cue the rest of Honor No More (minus Eddie Edwards), allowing Maria to throw powder….into Bennett’s face by mistake. The Wake Up Call drops Bennett and Rhino Gores Maria by mistake, setting up another Wake Up Call to finish Taven for the pin and the titles at 13:32.

Rating: C+. With most of Honor No More already showing up in AEW, there was about as little drama here as you could have had. It was more a matter of waiting to find out who the next challengers would be to find the next champions and this worked well for a feel good moment. Heath and Rhino have gone from a joke team in WWE to a pretty legitimate team and it’s nice to see them getting another moment after a story that took time to set up.

Post match here is Eddie Edwards, with the fans telling him that he got beat. Alisha has given him an ultimatum to either get rid of Honor No More or save her marriage. The question is whether Honor No More is worth saving, because he sees failure after failure. Eddie asks if the team is loyal to the cause, focusing on PCO. Edwards: “PCO IS NOTHING BUT A B****!” That’s too far for PCO, who wrecks everyone, including Vincent and Edwards, to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. So that’s it for Honor No More and I’m not sure what to think of them. The team was only so good in the first place and then they fell pretty far down the ladder. They only won the Tag Team Titles and then lost their big match at Bound For Glory, so what else were they supposed to do? Other than that, this show continues to lean into the ECW guys getting another run. It’s probably because they’re in the northeast again and apparently nothing else has happened in the history of wrestling in the last twenty one years so ECW stars again it is. Lucky us.

Bully Ray/Tommy Dreamer b. Bullet Club – Bully Bomb to Robinson
Taylor Wilde b. Mia Yim – Wilde Ride
Joe Hendry b. Jason Hotch – Spinebuster
Rich Swann b. Eric Young – Rollup
Heath/Rhino b. Honor No More – Wake Up Call to Taven


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Monday Night Raw – February 11, 2008: On The Roll Again

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 11, 2008
Location: Frank Irwin Center, Austin, Texas
Attendance: 13,552
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s the go home show for No Way Out and the second show in a double taping as the roster is are on an Asian tour. The pay per view card is all but set and I’m not sure what else we are going to see on this show that is going to make it that much better. HHH still won’t be here again this week though and that should drag things down a bit, though it could be interesting to see who picks up the slack. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Of note: a graphic says that the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show will be airing on CNBC. As someone who was devastated when that took Raw’s place near my birthday every year, I can’t help but smile.

Vince McMahon vs. Hornswoggle

No DQ and Finlay is banned from ringside. Vince, who does look a bit intimidating in his fighting gear, shoves him down without much trouble to start. Even Vince is willing to have a heart though and he lets Hornswoggle get in a free slap. After a delay, Hornswoggle manages to do it, which is enough for Vince to pull out his belt. Cue Finlay to get in Vince’s way so Vince threatens to fire him. That’s a major threat to Finlay, who has a wife and kids of his own. Finlay goes to leave but then knocks Vince cold with the shillelagh. Hornswoggle goes to leave but drops a Tadpole Splash for the pin in a nice moment.

Rating: C. This was more or less an angle instead of a match as the only moves were a slap and a splash. The story has long since lost its luster and could use an endgame of some kind, but I’m not sure what that could be. I can’t picture Vince vs. Finlay being interesting so unless they want to pull a surprise trigger, this could be in search of a finish for a good while.

Post break Vince gets his head looked at until William Regal comes in to check on him. Tonight, Vince is going to fire Finlay.

Chris Jericho vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Royal Rumble rematch. They fight over a lockup to start until JBL misses a big boot, allowing Jericho to slug away with forearms. Jericho kicks him in the ribs and rips at the face but it’s too early for the Walls. There’s a baseball slide to send JBL outside but he goes evil with a thumb to the eye. For some reason that doesn’t work on Jericho, who is back with a spinwheel kick for a breather.

We take a break and come back with JBL hitting a rather hard clothesline, setting up the sleeper. Jericho fights up and knocks him down, including a top rope clothesline for two. The middle dropkick gets the same and Jericho counters the fall away slam into a DDT for another near fall. Back up and Jericho charges into a boot in the corner, only to duck a clothesline and grab the Codebreaker for the pin.

Rating: C+. They kept this short enough that it didn’t overexpose JBL as being fairly boring in the ring. Jericho got the pin to probably wrap up the feud that was only so good in the first place. Other than that, it gives Jericho a boost going into the Elimination Chamber, where he is probably the third favorite for the match.

Post match, Umaga comes in and Samoan Spikes both of them.

Mike Adamle throws us to a video on John Cena vs. Randy Orton.

William Regal has a group of men ready to beat Finlay up and drag him to Vince for his firing. Vince has a better idea: a cage match with Hornswoggle next week!

Paul Burchill vs. Brian Kendrick

This is Burchill’s return after about two years away and his sister Katie Lea is with him. Before the match, the Burchill’s seem rather….fond of one another. Paul works on the arm to start as JR again plugs the dog show. Kendrick armdrags him into an armbar but a Katie distraction lets Paul take over. One heck of a stomp sets up a rolling cutter to finish Kendrick. Just a step above a squash, but Katie was more impressive than Paul.

John Cena vs. Mark Henry

Randy Orton is on commentary. Cena charges into the World’s Strongest Slam fifteen seconds in and Henry knocks him into the corner. Some rights and lefts don’t do much for Cena as Henry is right back with a full nelson. That’s broken up and Henry misses a charge into the corner, setting up a middle rope shoulder into the STFU to give Cena the fast tap.

Post match Cena tells Orton that he is 100% heading into No Way Out so Orton better be ready. Cena would never lie about an injury status.

Wrestlemania is coming, complete with Red Hot Chili Peppers theme.

Here is Mr. Kennedy to see if Ric Flair wants to forfeit their No Way Out match. Cue Flair, to tell Kennedy a story. Flair: “Before you were born….” Kennedy: “Oh here we go.” Flair talks about how he and his generation paved the road for people like Kennedy so he isn’t forfeiting. Sure Kennedy has a great future, but he wants to do once what Flair has done sixteen times. Flair is coming to No Way Out and goes to leave, but Kennedy kicks him in the bad leg and mocks the strut. This match is getting a far better build than I would have expected.

Melina vs. Maria

Jillian Hall and Santino Marella are here too, with the latte joining commentary. Maria starts fast with a scorpion kick but Melina knocks her right back down. Back up and Maria screams a lot before hitting a clothesline. Melina gets dropped throat first on the top and a bulldog makes it worse, but Jillian kisses Santino. That’s enough for Melina to grab a rollup for the cheap pin.

Post match, Santino begs forgiveness and talks about what happens to WWE women who do Playboy. Therefore, she has one week to decide between Playboy and him. Santino kisses her and leaves.

No Way Out rundown.

Video on HHH.

Candice Michelle is coming back.

Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels

Non-title and this should be good. Hardy starts fast with a backslide for two before sending him outside. The dive misses so Shawn slaps him in the face before they go back inside. A headlock takeover puts Shawn down and a belly to back suplex gives Hardy two as the fast start continues. Shawn fights up and elbows him into the corner for the chops, only to get headlock takeovered again.

Back up and Hardy gets sent over the top for some cat skinning, so Shawn hits a slightly harder than expected clothesline. Hardy is fine enough to mule kick Shawn to the floor for the baseball slide but Shawn powerslams him out of the air. We take a break and come back with Hardy favoring his back, as you might have expected. There’s a hard whip into the corner and Michaels drives some knees into the back to make it worse. The bow and arrow goes on Hardy until he elbows his way to freedom.

Back up and they slug it out until Shawn grabs a swinging neckbreaker for two. The half crab goes on to stay on Hardy’s back, sending Hardy to the rope. Hardy avoids a charge to send Shawn shoulder first into the post but Shawn is fine enough to knock him off the top. The elbow misses though and the Whisper in the Wind gives Hardy two as JR is getting WAY into this.

Shawn is back up with the forearm into the nipup and now the top rope elbow can connect. The superkick misses so Shawn goes for his weird reverse figure four, sending Hardy to the rope again. Another superkick misses and it’s the Twist of Fate into the Swanton to give Hardy the big win.

Rating: B+. That was a pay per view quality match that got the time and gave Hardy one of the biggest wins of his career. On top of that it was a completely clean finish, which you don’t see very often in a spot like this. Hardy is on a roll going into the Chamber, though he was on a roll going into the Royal Rumble match with Orton and that didn’t turn out so well for him. For now though, great match.

Overall Rating: B. This was another weird show, but the double taping thing probably explains a lot of the setup. We had a heck of a main event and another pretty good one in JBL vs. Jericho, plus the Vince stuff was short. No Way Out needs to get out of the way already so we can move on to Wrestlemania, but the go home show was an improvement over recent weeks.



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Daily News Update – October 20, 2022

Make sure you check out some recent reviews.

HIDDEN GEM – Lou Thesz vs. Bill Longson – June 17, 1952

Monday Night Raw – October 17, 2022

Dynamite – October 18, 2022

NXT – October 18, 2022

Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6 Night One

NXT LVL Up – October 14, 2022

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As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

NXT LVL Up – October 14, 2022: That’s Not Good TV

Date: October 14, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Byron Saxton

We’re back to this show again and as usual, it’s anyone guess what to expect. I’ve given up having any hope for a high quality show around here and that is about as good as it is going to get. The show always needs some bigger stars but if we can get a decent midcard name, it’s going to be as solid as can be expected. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Ikemen Jiro/Tank Ledger vs. Duke Hudson/Bryson Montana

Hudson powers Jiro into the corner and starts in on the arm but gets tripped into a headlock. Jiro gets shoved off for the tag to Ledger, who trades some shoulders with Hudson. Some arm cranking slows Ledger down and it’s off to Montana, who charges into a hiptoss. Ledger starts in on the arm as well and the good (I think?) guys start taking turns on Montana’s arm.

Hudson draws Ledger over with a distraction though and a neckbreaker gives Montana two. Montana’s chinlock doesn’t last long and the diving tag brings in Jiro to clean house. The Jacket Punches rock set up the springboard moonsault as Hudson walks off. The Ikemen Slash finishes Montana at 6:20.

Rating: C. Hudson and Montana as a team was a little weird but throwing people together can make for some interesting moments. I’m not sure how much of a future they have together, but for a one off match, it wasn’t that bad. Jiro continues to be a fun guy and it’s smart to have him around to open up a show like this.

Myles Borne is ready to keep his wins going.

Myles Borne vs. Dante Chen

Borne wrestles him down to start but the fans seem more behind Chen. An armdrag into an armbar has Borne down but he’s back up with a standing moonsault over a charging Chen. Back up and the armbar has Borne in more trouble, with the fickle fans now behind him for a change. Chen gets up and charges into an elbow in the corner but kicks Borne right back down. The armbar goes on again, only to have Borne come back with a belly to belly. Something like an inverted Downward Spiral (which I thought was a botched inverted DDT at first) finishes Chen at 5:13.

Rating: C-. The match wasn’t much to see, and I do wonder how much of that is due to Borne’s hearing issues. I’m not sure how you would exactly call a match like that but Borne has already improved a pretty good bit. It’s certainly a good story though and it should be interesting to see how far he can go.

Ivy Nile vs. Lash Legend

Legend kicks her down to start and then grabs an awkward cravate to keep Nile in place. Nile is back up with some hard kicks and starts cranking on the arm. Back up and a butterfly suplex gives Legend two, allowing her to bend Nile’s arm over the middle rope. Some taunting gives Nile a chance to pull her down by the leg for two but Legend blasts her with a clothesline for the same. The armbar and then chinlock goes on Nile before Legend tries her own dragon sleeper. You don’t do that to Nile though, as she flips over and into her own dragon sleeper to make Legend tap at 6:06.

Rating: C-. Believe it or not, this was decent for a Legend match, though it was still a pretty boring one. Maybe Legend can get somewhere with a good bit more practice, but anytime she talks my interest in her goes right back down. Nile did her thing and the ending looked good with her flipping over to take Legend out. That being said, she seemed ready to break out as a big star and it just never happened for some reason. Maybe it happens later, but I don’t quite see it from here.

Overall Rating: C-. This was a weaker show as the star power was almost non-existent. It was more about getting people in the ring than anything else. That works fine as a training deal, but it doesn’t make for a good television show. LVL Up can be a nicely done show, but that wasn’t the case with this one. Now awful, but boring, which is often worse.



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Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6 Night 1: Wake Me When It’s Summer

Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6 Night One
Date: March 31, 2022
Location: Fair Park, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Kevin Gill, Lenny Leonard

This is probably the crown jewel of the indy shows over Wrestlemania Weekend, just because of how insane it can get. Janela’s shows have a tendency to be completely nuts with some incredibly fun stuff and surprises. I’m actually looking forward to this one just for the atmosphere so let’s get to it.

Tag Team Titles: Second Gear Crew vs. Briscoes vs. Nick Gage

Gage is defending on his own as his partner, Matt Tremont, couldn’t make the show. Like him or not, Gage continues to be over like free beer in a frat house. It’s a big brawl to start and the doors are already brought in. The Briscoes bring in some chairs as well but Warner chokeslams Jay through a door for two. Mark is back up and Swantons Warner, sitting in a chair, down for a big crash.

Gage grabs the broken door and drops a twisting Vader Bomb onto Warner before stopping for the MDK chants. A piece of the table is used to carve up Warner’s head….and here is Slade to throw Gage a pizza cutter. Apparently Slade is Gage’s partner and he’ll carve up Warner’s head as well. Then Slade cuts himself because these people are not normal. Jay is back up to clean house, including Redneck Boogie to Slade.

Justice comes in with some chair shots and let’s bridge a door over some open chairs. Gage is up with some chair shots and now it’s time for a staple gun. Warner’s tongue is stapled to the door (good grief) but a piledriver through the door rips it free. Back in and Jay hits a Jay Driller into a Froggy Bow to give Mark two, with Slade making the save. Slade tries to fight off the Briscoes but it’s a Doomsday Device to give Jay the pin and the titles at 11:15.

Rating: C+. The nutty violence aside (hopefully far aside), this was an energetic match with the Briscoes adding some credibility to the whole thing. As much as I can’t stand Gage, he is the biggest star in the world to this audience and starting the show with him is a smart thing to do. Let him go out there and pop the crowd like no one else in GCW and get the show off to a hot start, especially if he is going to lose the titles with an out.

Post match the Briscoes celebrate before leaving Gage to get a hero’s applause.

Allie Katch is sitting in a room with candles around. Tonight she is facing Mickie James, who isn’t her dream match, but rather her fantasy. We get the infamous Mickie finger lick from the Trish Stratus match as this took a sharp turn.

Jeff Jarrett gets in his car, thinks he sees someone behind him, gets out to check, finds nothing, and gets back in.

AR Fox vs. Blake Christian

This should be fun and Fox’s wife Ayla is here with him. The fans are behind Christian as he flips out of a headscissors to start. Fox kicks him away and we get a staredown into a handshake. A dropkick sends Christian into the corner for a running clothesline but Christian picks the pace right back up. Christian’s dropkick into a nipup but Fox sends him outside for a heck of a running dive.

Fox gets a running charge for a boot to the face in the chairs but Christian drops him with a hard shot of his own. Back in and Christian hits a low superkick but can’t get a Border City Stretch. Instead Fox bails to the floor, allowing Christian to take him down with a dive of his own. Fox is fine enough to hit a twisting suplex for two and it’s time to slug it out.

Both of them try a cutter at the same time and we get a double breather. It’s Fox up with a rolling cutter into a rolling cutter for two but Christian hits Three Amigos, because Eddie Guerrero. A frog splash, also because Eddie Guerrero, gives Christian two but Fox is back up with Lo Mein Pain (middle rope Spanish Fly, which I’m guessing is somehow connected to Eddie Guerrero is well). Fox hits a 450 for two but Christian grabs a Spanish Fly into a wind up double arm DDT (that’s different, and called the Golden Trident) for the pin at 12:37.

Rating: B-. Yeah this was a fun one as Fox is about as much of a guaranteed good match as you’ll find on the indies. He’s just smooth in the ring and works well with anyone so this couldn’t have gone much better. Christian has been popping up more and more lately and you can see the talent in him. He’ll need something to make him stand out more but so far so pretty good.

Mickie James vs. Allie Katch

Effy is here with Katch. They fight over a lockup to start as we talk about what James has done so far this year. Katch takes her down but James flips up and we have a standoff. Mickie grabs a snapmare to set up a running kick to the chest but Katch is right back for the chop exchange.

The hurricanrana out of the corner is countered with a (rather enthusiastic) Katch powerbomb for two so Mickie kicks her low. Katch is fine enough to kick her down in the corner for a Cannonball and let’s bring in a door. Instead of, you know, using it, Katch knees her in the face to knock Mickie silly.

That means it’s time to load up two chairs and a door over them but Mickie flapjacks her through it instead. The top rope Thesz press gives Mickie two but the MickieDT is broken up. With neither going anywhere, they trade crotch grabs until a headbutt drops Mickie for two more. Back up and Mickie kisses Katch, kicks her in the face, and grabs the MickieDT for the pin at 11:18.

Rating: C+. Katch is someone who shows her potential every time she’s in there and it’s good for her to work with a legend like James, who can make her that much better. The match was pretty good as well, with the two of them hitting each other rather hard, though the violence was out of place. They also went a bit too far with the callbacks to Mickie vs. Trish Stratus, but the good parts were good enough to carry this far enough.

Post match Katch gets on the fans for booing James, because there is no Katch without James. Oh and that was the first ever women’s match at Spring Break. How is that possible?

Ninja Mack vs. Alec Price vs. Gringo Loco vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Jordan Oliver vs. Nick Wayne

One fall to a finish because we need a scramble match. They stare each other down to start and lock knuckles before going into the big series of kicks to the head. Everyone misses some kind of running splash and it’s another seven way staredown a minute in. The dives to the floor take some people down, setting up Loco’s big dive onto everyone else. Back in and Price hits an Alberto double stomp on Loco, followed by Cartwheel sweeping Lloyd’s legs.

Wayne tries to flip back in but gets sent ribs first into the corner by Lloyd. We settle down to Wayne vs. Oliver in a slugout until Oliver blocks a moonsault with raised knees. Cartwheel comes in to clear the ring but gets taken down by Mack for a twisting moonsault. Loco dives onto a bunch of people, leaving Cartwheel to knock Price outside as well. Cartwheel hits his own dive and Wayne is back in with a springboard Ace Cutter for the pin on Lloyd at 8:11.

Rating: C+. This was every scramble match you’ve seen in a long time, as there is little that anyone can do to make themselves stand out in a match like this one. There are seven people in a match that got just over eight minutes. Wayne is someone I’ve heard a good deal about for the last few months and I haven’t seen much of him. After this, I still haven’t as he barely got any time to shine with everyone else in there at the same time.

Joey Janela vs. X-Pac

This should be….something. X-Pac looks great and Janela is in Razor Ramon style gear, as a rather horrible way to get into X-Pac’s head. Janela knocks him into the corner to start and chops away but has to duck a spinning kick to the head. The Bronco Buster misses as well so Janela heads outside, where X-Pac hits a running seated senton off the apron.

Janela is fine enough to post X-Pac seems rather pleased with the fans hating him (makes you wonder why they bought tickets to JOEY JANELA’S Spring Break but oh well). The boos turn into dueling chants as Janela grabs a chair and pulls X-Pac back inside. X-Pac fights out of the chinlock and grabs a tornado DDT for a much needed breather. Now the spinning kick to the head connects and they head to the apron, where Janela is fine enough to grab a Death Valley Driver.

It’s time to set up a door over a pair of chairs but Janela takes too long, allowing X-Pac to come back with a slingshot flip dive to put him through the door instead. The X-Factor gets two back inside but Janela pulls him into a Crossface. With that broken up, Janela pulls in a bunch of other plunder, meaning it’s another door bridged over two chairs, because that worked so well earlier.

Janela takes WAY too long setting that up and going to the top, meaning it’s a super X-Factor through the door….for two as Janela gets a foot on the rope. Back up and Janela hits a super brainbuster for two and a double stomp through the door gets two more. Janela goes up again and gets shoved off the top and through another door at ringside. Back in and X-Pac chairs Janela down but a low blow and superkick lets Janela get the pin at 19:23.

Rating: C. This match just got on my nerves as X-Pac was doing his thing and trying to have a match while Janela was doing every stupid stunt that he could, none of which he bothered to sell. I know Janela is a big deal around here but you could see the difference in quality here and it was annoying seeing this be all about Janela. X-Pac might not be some all time legend (though he was very good), but he deserved better than this.

Post match X-Pac thanks the fans and puts over GCW, which he says is his family today. If you’re not down with X-Pac and GCW, he has two words for you.

GCW World Title: Jon Moxley vs. AJ Gray

Moxley is defending and Gray’s Extreme Title isn’t on the line. They start a bit slowly with Moxley taking him into the corner but getting shoved away. Gray takes the leg out and nails a spinwheel kick to the face to drop the champ (at least the one defending). A slugout goes to Gray and they head outside where Moxley suckers him in and takes the fight into the crowd.

You can’t actually see what they’re doing for a bit until Moxley gets into an open space and poses a bit before being knocked back to ringside by a bloody Gray. Moxley is fine enough to suplex Gray at ringside and it’s time for a barbed wire door. A release suplex drops Gray onto said barbed wire onto said door before Moxley stabs him with some barbed wire sheers. The barbed wire is used for a low blow and then wrapped around Gray’s face to make it worse.

A neckbreaker, with barbed wire, gives Moxley two and it’s off to an STF, complete with more barbed wire. Since that isn’t violent enough, Moxley puts the barbed wire door up in the corner and is speared (or kind of shoved) through it, due to wrestling rule #37. Gray hits a moonsault, mainly on Moxley’s face, for two and it’s ladder time, because of course it is. That’s not enough so here’s a door to go with it, with the ladder set at ringside and the door on some chairs close enough to it.

An STO on the apron rocks Moxley again and Gray elbows him off the ladder through the door. Back in and they get up to slug it out, because that kind of a spot is just there in a match like this. Gray blasts him with a lariat for two and it’s time for some….light tubes wrapped in barbed wire. That’s so stupid it even has Moxley backing up, only to come back with a jumping cutter onto the tubes for two. That and a piledriver get two, followed by a Death Rider onto more light tubes to retain the title at 22:18.

Rating: C. The match felt big, but every time they started to get something going, the violence got to be too much. The bigger thing here though was Moxley’s star power, which was more than enough to carry the match. Gray is someone who has impressed me just about every time I’ve seen him and he was good here, but as usual, the light tubes and doors were too much for it to be that great.

Post match they shake hands and respect is show.

Ultraviolent Title: John Wayne Murdoch vs. Alex Colon

Murdoch is challenging and Colon has beaten him a few times before. Colon has a bunch of belts around his waist and shoulders, most of which aren’t identified. Murdoch isn’t about to wait and hits him in the head with some light tubes during the Big Match Intros so we’re starting fast. Some whips send Colon into a variety of things in the corner and against the ropes before tossing him off the top, through a table covered with more light tubes.

Colon is already busted so Murdoch drives more glass into the head. Back in and Colon whips him through a door in the corner, followed by a running knee to drive light tubes into Murdoch’s chest. Then Colon stabs himself with broken tubes, which he then drives into Murdoch’s head. They headbutt it out on the floor before coming back inside, where Colon hits him with another light tube.

More light tubes do the same thing as the previous light tubes but Murdoch pops up and hits a piledriver. Colon pops back up and sends Murdoch outside, setting up a suicide dive with a light tube. Murdoch avoids a charge into the post and we pause as Colon might be seriously injured. Colon’s bloody arm is covered in a towel so Murdoch suplexes him onto more light tubes for two. A board to the arm sets up a cross armbreaker to give Murdoch the title at 13:48.

Rating: D. I can’t stand this kind of match as it’s the same stuff over and over. How many times are you supposed to hit someone with a light tube before it stops meaning anything? In this case it would be about two out of the thirty or so tubes they probably used before a dumb ending. What is there to say here? You had two guys hit each other with light tubes over and over until someone won. Rather downer of a main event and that’s never a good thing.

Post match Murdoch talks a lot of trash and tells Colon to get out to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The show was actually pretty ok for the most part, save for a terrible main event. Swap in Moxley, who felt like a much bigger star, into that spot and the show is better, but still not great. Spring Break has always been one of the more fun shows over Wrestlemania weekend and that really wasn’t the case here. It’s not an awful show, but there is nothing memorable or overly fun here and that hurt things a lot. Mickie James and X-Pac are cool, but they aren’t enough to make the show feel all that important. Hopefully night two is better though, because this was the least memorable Spring Break show to date.



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NXT – October 18, 2022: Fast Forward

Date: October 18, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T, Vic Joseph

It’s the go home show for Halloween Havoc and that means it is time for the final push towards the show. In this case that means we have some main roster stars in some Pick Your Poison matches for Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez. Other than that, we need one more night to set up the triple threat NXT Title match, which certainly needs the help. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Rhea Ripley vs. Roxanne Perez

The rest of Judgment Day is here with Ripley, who is Cora Jade’s pick to face Perez. The fans are glad to see Rhea and think she is going to kill Perez, rather enthusiastically really. Perez goes for the wristlock to little avail and the spinning headscissors doesn’t work. A chop just makes Ripley mad so she headbutts Perez in the ribs. Ripley forearms her into the back and is starting to look rather comfortable.

A quick hurricanrana sends Ripley outside but she moves before Perez can dive. Instead Perez tries another hurricanrana off the apron, earning herself a HARD face first drop onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Ripley holding her in a waistlock and driving in forearms to the back of Perez’s head. Perez fights up and fires off some kicks to the leg but an armdrag is blocked.

One heck of a missed charge sends Ripley shoulder first into the post, setting up Perez’s suicide dive. Perez slips out of a superplex attempt back inside and grabs a super hurricanrana for two. Another charge is countered into a faceplant for two and Ripley is stunned off the kickout. Riptide and Pop Rox are both broken up so Dominik Mysterio distracts Perez, allowing Riptide to give Ripley the pin at 12:47.

Rating: B-. Perez is looking more and more like a star every day as she is hanging in there with big names, from Bayley on Smackdown last week and Ripley here. Ripley winning, especially via cheating, is a fine way to go and she got to look dominant again in doing so. What mattered here was making Perez look good and they pulled that off rather well.

The OC aren’t sure about teaming with Cameron Grimes. Then Grimes pulls out a bunch of money and now they’re ready to go to the moon.

Here are Tony D’Angelo and Stacks, with the former having a mystery opponent. We’ll see who that is….after a break.

Grayson Waller is ready to get rid of Apollo Crews. Then Chucky from Child’s Play pops up on screen to taunt him about Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal. Waller is freaked out.

Stacks vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Now there’s a surprise and the fans are rather glad to see him. Stacks grabs a headlock to start and hammers away to little effect. Nakamura remembers that he’s fighting Stacks and kicks away without much trouble. Some right hands actually put Nakamura down though and the chinlock goes on. That’s broken up and Nakamura wins the strike off without much effort. The sliding German suplex gives Nakamura two but he can’t keep a cross armbreaker. Stacks is back up with another shot but Nakamura kicks him in the head. Kinshasa sends Stacks outside, followed by another to finish him off at 5:22.

Rating: C. Nakamura being back is a nice surprise, but it’s more than a little weird to see Stacks getting in that much offense on him. This actually wasn’t a squash, but rather Stacks being overwhelmed by someone on a much higher level. I’m not sure I get the story here, though hopefully it doesn’t involve Stacks being split off on his own.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom reminisce on their best of three series when Von Wagner, with Mr. Stone, comes in. Wagner mocks them and gets a match with Frazer as a result.

Sonya Deville vs. Alba Fyre

Deville has Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin with her. Neither can hit a kick to start so Fyre headbutts her into the corner. Deville pulls Fyre off the middle rope though and the crash is good for two. A faceplant drops Deville though and Fyre goes up top. That doesn’t work as she has to beat up Toxic Attraction, with Deville accidentally helping by kicking Dolin in the face. A rollup gives Fyre the pin at 2:09.

Post match Toxic Attraction gets back in to go after Fyre, with Mandy Rose making her return to say she she’s ready for Fyre. That’s enough for Fyre to come back with the bat on the other two, before shoving an invading Rose out to the floor.

Oro Mensah and Wes Lee are in the back when Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams come in to start a brawl. They fight into the arena and you know what that means.

Oro Mensah/Wes Lee vs. Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams

We’re joined in progress with Lee headlocking Williams, who fights up with some forearms. Hayes comes in and gets missile dropkicked down by Mensah. Williams trips Mensah down though and Williams gets to stomp away. That doesn’t last long and it’s Lee coming back in to strike away on Hayes. Everything breaks down and Hayes hits a top rope ax kick to finish Lee at 2:52. Short and to the point here, which was “these people are in a ladder match on Saturday so here they are”.

Post match the brawl stays on, with Nathan Frazer running in. Some dives leave everyone laying.

Schism doesn’t like Cameron Grimes running from them over to the OC. No one is stopping them of course.

Bron Breakker is ready to go through JD McDonagh and Ilja Dragunov. As for tonight, he is looking forward to being on the KO Show, because he knows something is going to happen.

Schism vs. OC/Cameron Grimes

Grimes throws Reid around to start and kicks him in the face so it’s off to Fowler, who has about the same luck. Fowler gets taken into the corner and Anderson comes in to work on the arm. Some elbows from Gallows make it worse but a blind tag brings in Reid, who knees Anderson from the apron. Anderson gets beaten down on the floor, meaning it’s time for some Schism hugs. Back in and Anderson wins a slugout with Reid, which is enough for the hot tag to Grimes. Everything breaks down and Schism is knocked outside and we take a break.

We come back with Grimes crossbodying Gacy for two but getting elbowed back down. Grimes can’t quite suplex his way to freedom but he can crawl through Fowler’s legs and bring Gallows in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Reid has to save Fowler from the Magic Killer. Gacy hits Grimes with a backbreaker but Anderson drops him with a neckbreaker. Grimes hits a Cage In and the Magic Killer finishes Reid at 11:56.

Rating: C+. Now LET IT BE OVER. There is no reason for Grimes to be dragged down any more than he already has been by this stupid feud and it needs to end. Gacy is fine enough as a midcard heel but Grimes is someone who could be a big deal in more than one place. That isn’t going to happen with Schism so move on already.

Veer Mahaan isn’t going to say what he said to Sanga last week. Sanga comes in and is ready to talk.

Video on Katana Chance/Kayden Carter vs. Zoey Stark/Nikkita Lyons.

We get the contract signing for the Women’s Tag Team Title match, with Lyons and Stark signing while saying they’re ready to take the titles. Carter and Chance sign as well, saying they’re a real team.

We get a split screen interview between Julius Creed and Damon Kemp, with Julius being ready to fight for his brother’s career. He isn’t intimidated by Kemp and is ready to take him out in an ambulance for what he did to Diamond Mine. Kemp says Creed may be great, but he’s also jealous. That has Julius chuckling, because Kemp isn’t willing to put in the work to be great. Kemp says this is about violence and not skill, but Julius promises to put Kemp in an ambulance on Saturday before storming off.

Shotzi is back to host Halloween Havoc again this year. The fans are rather glad to see her again and she is ready to be all weird and evil. She needs a co-host though so here is Xyon Quinn to say it should be him. Quincy Elliott is here to say the same, so let’s just have a match for the gig.

Quincy Elliott vs. Xyon Quinn

Joined in progress with Quinn hitting a clothesline as Shotzi sits in on commentary. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Elliott is back up with a running elbow. Quinn tries a Samoan drop but Elliott falls on him. Elliott’s splash misses though and Quinn tries for a chair, only to have Hank Walker cut him off. Back in and Elliott hits a splash, setting up a Banzai drop for the pin at 2:53.

Thea Hail is upset over her loss to Kiana James and freaks out in need of a rematch. Andre Chase says they’ll talk about it later and goes over the history of Halloween Havoc, with moments like Hulk Hogan beating Ric Flair, Goldberg vs. Diamond Dallas Page, Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero and Mandy Rose winning the NXT Women’s Title. Their homework is to watch Halloween Havoc, but Chucky pops up on screen to threaten them via swearing, because that is a teachable moment. Hail: “What the F***???” Chase and Bodie Hayward are stunned. As usual, funny stuff.

Pretty Deadly sign their contract for the Tag Team Title match next week. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade aren’t so sure that Pretty Deadly is leaving with the titles.

Cora Jade vs. Raquel Rodriguez

This is the other Pick Your Poison match. Rodriguez backs her into the corner to start so Jade chills on the top. Jade gets dropped face first onto the top turnbuckle and the chops against the announcers’ table make it worse. Back in and Jade manages to get in a few shots before grabbing the baseball bat. Rodriguez takes it away so Jade slaps her in the face. That’s enough for a bat shot to Jade and the DQ at 2:43.

Post match Roxanne Perez comes in and beats Jade up to send her running. Rodriguez puts Perez on her shoulder to celebrate.

Halloween Havoc rundown.

Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs are hosting a party in the back to watch the KO Show and put down some bets on what various people are going to say about Saturday. Sol Ruca walks by on her hands and it’s time to drink. This was a weird collection of cameos.

It’s time for the KO Show for the big finale. Without any introductions, here are Bron Breakker, JD McDonagh and Ilja Dragunov for a chat. Owens talks about how Shawn Michaels wanted him here, oddly enough to keep the peace. McDonagh is asked why he stirs the pot so much but McDonagh says Breakker and Dragunov are the ones who attacked each other last week. Dragunov doesn’t think much of Breakker and promises to take the title from him on Saturday. Breakker: “Over my dead body.”

Owens tries to calm things down, but he doesn’t want McDonagh as the NXT Champion. Owens: “I talked to his mom earlier and SHE doesn’t want him to be NXT Champion!” Dragunov says McDonagh can be great but NEVER a champion. Breakker wants Dragunov in the same category, but Dragunov brings up Breakker actually losing his title.

The challenge is on for right now so Owens takes his leave. Dragunov clears house….and Austin Theory comes out, points at the title, and holds up the briefcase to end the show. Now there’s a twist, and it might be a good thing for Theory. Better this than losing over and over on Raw/Smackdown and eventually becoming a lame champion who is seen as a failure when he doesn’t get over with the title. Good segment overall, as this match needs all the help it can get.

Overall Rating: C+. They were flying through this show and the guest stars didn’t exactly do much, which made the show a bit strange. I get that they were trying to hype up Halloween Havoc and fight back against AEW at the same time, but maybe advertise these names a bit better? The other thing here was that they were moving from one match to another as fast as they could here and little had a chance to set in. I’m not overly excited about Halloween Havoc, but the last segment did make me more interested in the main event. Pretty good show, but I’m not sure how much impact it had.

Rhea Ripley b. Roxanne Perez – Riptide
Shinsuke Nakamura b. Stacks – Kinshasa
Alba Fyre b. Sonya Deville – Rollup
Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams b. Wes Lee/Oro Mensah – Top rope ax kick to Lee
OC/Cameron Grimes b. Schism – Magic Killer to Reid
Quincy Elliott b. Xyon Quinn – Banzai drop
Cora Jade b. Raquel Rodriguez via DQ when Rodriguez hit her with a baseball bat



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